List of enemies in Dragon Quest VIII
From Dragon Quest Wiki
- abominape
- abyss diver
- anchorman
- archdemon
- argon lizard
- bag o' laughs
- battle beetle
- beelzebuzz
- beetleboy
- belial
- ber
- berserker
- bloody hand
- bloody mummy
- blue fang
- bobonga
- bodkin archer
- bodkin bowyer
- bodkin fletcher
- body politic
- boe
- boh
- bomboulder
- bone baron
- boss troll
- brownie
- bubble slime
- buffalo wing
- buffalogre
- bulldozer
- bullfinch
- bunicorn
- candy cat
- cannibox
- caped caperer
- capsichum
- Captain Crow
- chainine
- chimaera
- claws
- cockateer
- crayzee
- crimson dragon
- crocodog
- cureslime
- cyclops
- dancing devil
- dancing flame
- dark condor
- dark devildog
- dark dullahan
- dark gryphon
- dark macarbour
- dark minister
- dark moth
- dark sabrecat
- dark sea-diva
- dark skeleton
- dark slime
- dark star
- dark turkey
- darkodile
- darksteel dragon
- dead ringer
- death scorpion
- democrobot
- demon thunderer
- demonrider
- devilmoth
- dhoulmagus
- dieablo
- diemon
- dingaling
- Divine Dragon
- don mole
- drackmage
- dracky
- drackyma
- dragonthorn
- dragurn
- dullahan
- elysium bird
- Emerald Dragon
- empyrea
- eveel
- Evil Jessica
- Evil Sir Leopold
- fallen priest
- fat bat
- fencing fox
- firespirit
- flyguy
- foul anchor
- fowlfighter
- freeze fly
- frogface
- frogman
- frost wyvine
- frostburn
- frou-frou
- funghoul
- gargoyle
- garuda
- gemon
- geyzer
- ghoul
- giant moth
- gigantes
- gold golem
- Golden Dragon
- golem
- goodybag
- gorerilla
- great argon lizard
- great sabrecat
- great troll
- grim rider
- gryphon
- hacksaurus
- hades condor
- hammerhood
- hawk man
- head of state
- headhunter
- healslime
- heavy hood
- heligator
- hell gladiator
- hell hopper
- hell hornet
- hell's gatekeeper
- hellhound
- hellspawn
- hellstalker
- high roller
- hipster
- hocus chimaera
- hood
- hoodlum
- hunter mech
- ice queen
- icikiller
- imp
- infernal armour
- invisible swordsman
- iron rhino
- iron scorpion
- jab
- jabberwockee
- jackal ripper
- jailcat
- jargon
- jum
- jumping jackal
- kee
- khalamari
- khalamari kid
- killer croaker
- killer moth
- killing machine
- king cureslime
- king kelp
- king slime
- king squid
- kisser
- left wing
- lesser demon
- lethal armour
- lips
- liquid metal slime
- living statue
- Lord of the Dragovians
- lost soul
- lump mage
- lump shaman
- lump wizard
- mad mole
- magic dumbbell
- magic marionette
- man o' war
- marcello
- mars rover
- mecha-mynah
- megalodon
- merking
- merman
- metal king slime
- metal slime
- metal slime knight
- mimic
- mimic king
- minidemon
- mischievous mole
- mohawker
- morphean mushroom
- mucho macho
- mud mannequin
- muddy hand
- mum
- mumboh-jumboe
- mummy
- mummy boy
- mushroom mage
- night emperor
- night fox
- night sneaker
- notso macho
- octavian pirate
- octavian sentry
- orc
- orc king
- pan piper
- pandora's box
- paprikan
- peeper
- phantom fencer
- phantom swordsman
- pigmalion
- pink pongo
- poison eveel
- puppet master
- puppet player
- puppeteer
- Red Horn
- redtail hipster
- restless armour
- rhapthorne
- right wing
- riptide
- robo-robin
- rockbomb
- ruin
- satyr
- scorpion
- sea dragon
- seasaur
- see angel
- see urchin
- Servant of Darkness
- shade
- shadow
- she-slime
- silenus
- silhouette
- Silver Dragon
- siren
- skeleton
- skeleton soldier
- skipper
- skullrider
- slime
- slime knight
- smacker
- snapdragon
- solaris
- Soul Mole
- soulspawn
- spiked hare
- spitnik
- squid kid
- Statue of Angelo
- Statue of Hero
- Statue of Jessica
- Statue of Yangus
- stone golem
- stone guardian
- swingin' hipster
- tap devil
- tentacular
- terror tabby
- tortured soul
- toxic zombie
- trap box
- treeface
- treevil
- troll
- tyrantosaurus
- unholy bishop
- venom wasp
- volpone
- wailin' weed
- walking corpse
- war gryphon
- wight king
- wight priest
- wild boarfish
- winky
- witch
- woc
- yabby
- zombie gladiator