Saint's Equipment

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Redirected from Pyros Helm)

The Saint's Equipment (聖者の装置) is a fan term referring to the set of legendary equipment found in Dragon Quest VII. Named after the demi-gods that feature prominently in the lore of the game, each item corresponds to one of said deities and the element they embody. These powerful items are teased to the player in the Shrine of Mysteries with carvings of their likeness serving as puzzle pieces.

In a break from tradition, the legendary equipment is not exclusive to the Hero--both Aishe and Sir Mervyn can each don specific armaments, but only the hero can wear the full set at once.

All of the Saint's Equipment is found in the final dungeon,, the Cathedral of Blight, and require multiple trips through the dungeon to get all four.

Okeanos Sword[edit]

This blade pulsates with power. Victims won't know what hit them!
(Description of the Okeanos Sword in the Nintendo 3DS Version of Dragon Quest VII.)

Named after the Greek Titan of the sea, the Okeanos Sword (オチェアーノの剣) increases its bearer's attack by +140, their style by +60, and casts Oomph when used in battle. The sword also has trailing damage, similar to the Sword of Ramias, hitting a foe with Zap damage equal to 50% of the original strike's power before resistances (if any) apply.

It can be equipped by The Hero, Sir Mervyn and Aishe.

Gaia Armour[edit]

Reduces damage from magic- and fire-based attacks.
(Description of the Gaia Armour in the Nintendo 3DS Version of Dragon Quest VII.)

Named for the Greek Primordial Goddess, the Gaia armor (ガイアーラのよろい) bolsters defence by +125, style by +55, and restores 1 HP every step. It also cuts Frizz, Sizz, Bang, and fire breath damage by 35.

It can be equipped by The Hero and Sir Mervyn.

Pyros Helm[edit]

Resistant to an array of odious spells and abilities.
(Description of the Pyros Helm in the Nintendo 3DS Version of Dragon Quest VII.)

Equipping the Pyros helmet (フエーゴのかぶと) increases defence by +53, style by +33, and cuts the accuracy of Whack, Fuddle, Fizzle, and Snooze to 1/8th.

Found in the Hellfire Hollow (use the Fire Amulet to call upon the Spirit of Fire to proceed at the dead end).

Unfortunately the Pyros Helm provides less defense than the Metal King Helm, but is still better than all helmets purchasable with currency and a serviceable alternative for those not willing to grind the 50,000 Casino Ticket price (at Buccanham Palace: Present Casino) for the MKH.

It can be equipped by The Hero and Aishe.

Aeras Shield[edit]

Reduces damage from magic- and ice-based attacks.
(Description of the Aeras Shield in the Nintendo 3DS Version of Dragon Quest VII.)

Increasing defence by +60, style by +30, the Aeras shield (トルナードのたて) will cut the power of Woosh, Crack, frigid breath, and Maelstrom by 30. it will also cast Bound when used in battle.

It can be equipped by The Hero, Sir Mervyn and Aishe.

See also[edit]
