Vrenor (Frenor in the NES version) is a location in Dragon Quest IV. Located in the northeast of Zamoksva, it is a highly gossipy small town.
Alena, Borya and Kiryl travel to Vrenor in Chapter 2 and encounter the Fake Princess of Santohaim and her retinue. After her capture, the kidnappers place the Armlet of Transmutation as her ransom; the party, having acquired the item earlier in their travels at the Vault of Vrenor, gives it up to ensure the girl's safety. After this, they move on.
Later on, a girl flees from Palais de Léon with an injured Oojam (former ally of Maya & Meena). The two stayed at Vrenor's Inn to rest and recover.
Other treasure
Shops and Services
Weapon Shop
Nearby monsters
(Chapter 2)
Left of town (Chapter 5-6)
Right of town (Chapter 5-6)