Gigasword: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:22, 27 September 2021

Gigasword is a skill that infrequently appears throughout the Dragon Quest series. Similar to Gigaslash and Gigagash, it is an electrically charged sword strike, though it targets only one foe instead of a group.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

Gigasword first appears in Dragon Quest IV. In the remakes, the hero/heroine will learn the skill at level 50, dealing 250~300 zap type damage for 15 MP.

Note: though Gigasword is listed under the Hero/Heroine's spell list, it is not affected by Bounce.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

In the remakes of Dragon Quest V, the Conkuistador will attempt to slay a character with the skill, but it will always fail and fry the faerie.

Dragon Quest of the Stars

It's a main skill of the Zenithian Sword in it's regular and alchemized versions.

Gigasword (ギガソード Gigasoodo)Dragon Quest of the Stars English logo.png
Ability information
Type & Rank Target CT Restriction
DQotS Purple A.png Single Enemy 40s DQotS Sword.png
How to obtain
Zenithian Sword, Zenithian Sword ★

Battle visuals