Dastardly Trap

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Dastardly Trap is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of the signature abilities of King Godwyn's True Form, sending out a blast of evil energy at a single enemy and creating an electrified barrier at their feet that harms anyone standing in it for a short time.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Dastardly Trap is known naturally by King Godwyn's True Form at level 1 and costs 44 MP to use. It has a range of up to three squares away from him, inflicts moderate martial damage to a single enemy, and generates an orange barrier on the tile they are standing on for two turns. The barrier inflicts 300 damage to any ally or enemy that ends their turn on it. King Godwyn's True Form will also learn the perk Macabre Monarch's Trap with 10 awakening points, which will allow him to counter with Dastardly Trap if he is attacked by an enemy within a 1 to 3-space range.

Dastardly Trap (邪悪な罠 Jaaku na wana)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Dastardly Trap
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png 44
Range Additional effects
DQTact Range1.png
Deals moderate martial damage to 1 enemy, generates a 300-damage orange barrier space that targets enemies and allies for 2 turns
Naturally learnt by
King Godwyn's True Form

Related skills[edit]