Battle-Hardened Slash

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 16:12, 23 December 2022 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Battle-Hardened Slash |image = 300px |japanese = 百戦錬磨斬り |romaji = {{tt|Hyakusenrenmagiri|Battle-hardened/veteran slash}} |old = |type = Skill<br>Coup de Grâce }} '''Battle-Hardened Slash''' is a recurring skill in the {{DQSeries}}. It is one of Hussar's signature abilities, imbuing his greatsword with his fighting spirit and performing an incredible slash. ==Appearances== ==={{DQ1...")
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Battle-Hardened Slash is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It is one of Hussar's signature abilities, imbuing his greatsword with his fighting spirit and performing an incredible slash.


Dragon Quest X

Battle-Hardened Slash is a skill used by Hussar as an NPC party member. It costs 6 MP to use and deals roughly 420%~440% damage to a single enemy.

  • In the Offline version of the game, Battle-Hardened Slash is learned at level 40 and is one of Hussar's Coups de Grâce. It costs 50% of his Tension to use and deals roughly 400% physical damage to a single enemy.

Dragon Quest Tact

Battle-Hardened Slash can be learned by Hussar at level 76 and costs 78 MP to use. It inflicts 400% potency physical damage to all enemies in a range of four squares in front of him. Since it is a Coup de Grâce, it takes three turns to charge and can only be used once per battle. Upgrading the skill increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Battle-Hardened Slash (百戦錬磨斬り Hyakusenrenmagiri)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Battle-Hardened Slash
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical DQTact Non-elemental.png 76
Times usable: 1
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeStraight4.png
Straight line
Deals physical damage (400% potency) to all enemies in area of effect
Turns needed: 3
Naturally learnt by

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