Wild Spellstorm

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Wild Spellstorm is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact.

It is one of Geyzer's signature abilities, sending out sizzling strikes at a group of enemies that can Curse them.


Wild Spellstorm can be learned by Geyzer at level 42 and costs 32 MP to use. It inflicts 55% potency Sizz-type physical damage to random enemies four times in a small T-shaped area of effect in front of him and has a chance to land a curse, as well.

Wild Spellstorm (呪熱乱撃 Junetsu rangeki)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Wild Spellstorm
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Physical DQTact Sizz.png 32
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeSmallFan.png
Fan (S)
DQTact Curse.png
Deals 55% potency Sizz-type physical damage to random enemies in area of effect 4 times, very rarely curses
Naturally learnt by