Heat Breath

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Heat Breath is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series, commonly associated with the Beast King Crocodine. When used, he emits a blast of intense heat from his mouth that can paralyze his opponents.


Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai[edit]

Crocodine first uses the attack against Dai in their first battle and is able to paralyze him temporarily. Maam is able to counteract its effects by firing a bullet from her gun charged with a Tingle spell.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Heat Breath is known naturally by Crocodine at level 1 and costs 15 MP to use. It inflicts minor typeless breath damage to all enemies in a T-shaped area of effect in front of him and has a chance to paralyze them, as well.

Heat Breath (ヒートブレス Hītoburesu)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Heat Breath
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Breath DQTact Non-elemental.png 15
Range Additional effects
DQTact SkillRangeT.png
DQTact Paralysis.png
Deals minor breath damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally paralyses
Naturally learnt by

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds[edit]

Heat Breath appears as a Special Move for Crocodine and the Luminary Leader. It deals major piercing Fire-type damage to enemies in a wide area of effect. It can paralyse the enemies.

The main way to unlock this skill is by obtaining Apollo's Axe from the gacha banners.

Related skills[edit]
