Warrior's Roar

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Warrior's Roar is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It is one of Mjoll's signature abilities, performing a thunderous war cry that strikes fear into a group of enemies.


Dragon Quest X Offline[edit]

Warrior's Roar is a Coup de Grâce already known by Mjoll since she joins the party at level 30. It costs 75 Tension to use and has a high chance of stunning all enemies for a single turn.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Warrior's Roar can be learned by Mjoll at level 24 and costs 67 MP to use. It inflicts moderate typeless martial damage to all enemies in a rhombus-shaped area of effect around her and has a chance to stun them, as well.

Warrior's Roar (闘魂一喝 Tōkon ikkatsu)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Warrior's Roar
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png 67
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeRhombus2.png
DQTact Stun.png
Deals moderate martial damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally stuns
Naturally learnt by

Related skills[edit]