Final Flame

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Final Flame is a skill belonging to the dark being Calasmos and the End of Time, wherein the extraterrestrials incinerate their foes with the blistering heat of a supernova.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

It takes three turns for Calasmos to perform the attack, dealing between 450~500 Fire damage to the entire party. If the player can cripple one or both of Calasmos' arms during the first two turns then he will lose control of the sun and damage himself for the same range--players can time it so that this deals the final blow and finishes the boss fight dramatically. If Calasmos is cloaked in his shroud of darkness then Final Flame will deal 700~900 Fire damage to the party.

The End of Time's version has the same attributes as Calasmos'.

Related skills[edit]