Critical Art
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Critical Art is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It is one of Hussar's signature abilities, appearing as one of his Coups de Grâce in X Offline to give a Tension boost to his allies, and as a personal boost in Tact.
Dragon Quest X Offline[edit]
Critical Arts is learned by Hussar at level 50. When used, he sacrifices all of his Tension to increase the Tension of the rest of the party by 50%.
Dragon Quest Tact[edit]
Critical Art is known naturally by Hussar at level 1 and costs 14 MP to use. When used, it increases his Tension by one level for one turn and his AGL for three turns.
Related skills[edit]
Master list
HP recovery skills
MP recovery skills
Ailment alleviating skills
Monster-mauling skills
Bonus damage skills
Multi-strike skills
Turn order skills
Critical Hit skills
Summon skills
Defensive skills
Physical support skills
Magical support skills
Reflective skills
Tension skills
Befuddling skills
Breathtaking skills
Dazzling skills
Death skills
Fizzling skills
Hypnagogic skills
Paralyzing skills
Stunning skills
Venomous skills
Debuff skills
Disruptive skills
Songs and hymnal skills
Dances and shimmy skills
Blast skills
Dark skills
Fire skills
Ice skills
Lightning skills
Soil skills
Water skills
Wind skills
Breath skills
Field skills
Miscellaneous skills
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