Firestorm (breath)

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Revision as of 01:31, 13 January 2024 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)
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Firestorm is a breath attack that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact.

It is one of Bjørn the Behemoose's signature abilities, incinerating all enemies with an intense conflagration.


Firestorm is an enemy-only skill that can be used by Bjørn during his Mega Boss Battle and costs 30 MP to use. It inflicts major Frizz-type breath damage to all units on the stage four times.

Firestorm (しゃくねつのあらし Shakunetsu no arashi)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Breath DQTact Frizz.png 30
Range Additional effects
DQT RangeMegaAll.png
Around self
Deals major Frizz-type breath damage to all enemies in area of effect 4 times
Naturally learnt by

Related skills[edit]