The Hinterquarters

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Hinterquarters is one of the several island that makes up Draconia. True to it's name, it is comprised of the petrified pelvis of a supersized serpent.


Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

The Hinterquarters stands in contrast of the other islands, being a frozen tundra where the others are either temperate or oppressivly hot. It is lozenge shaped with a titanic tree shading the north end, a like filled with chunks of ice in the center, and a snowy plateau at the south. Small elements of civilization pepper the island in the form of metal structures and water towers akin to a real life Antarctic expedition.

Available monsters[edit]

Cutie slime DQTR portrait.jpg Emerald king slime DQTR portrait.jpg Glacial golem DQTR portrait.jpg Gold golem DQTR portrait.jpg Hardy hand DQTR portrait.jpg Hoodlum DQTR portrait.jpg Icy dragling dqtr portrait.jpg Loss leader DQTR portrait.jpg Killing machine DQTR portrait.jpg King slime DQTR portrait.jpg Metal king slime DQTR portrait.jpg
Launch DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png Stealth DQTR icon.png Scan DQTR icon.png Glide DQTR icon.png Scan DQTR icon.png Glide DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png
Metal slime Pearly wight DQTR portrait.jpg Queen slime DQTR portrait.jpg Silhouette DQTR portrait.jpg Silver sabrecat DQTR portrait.jpg Soggy hand DQTR portrait.jpg Tundracky DQTR portrait.jpg Ultra marine DQTR portrait.jpg Valhalla vulture DQTR portrait.jpg Wight prince DQTR portrait.jpg
Launch DQTR icon.png Stealth DQTR icon.png Launch DQTR icon.png Stealth DQTR icon.png Sprint DQTR icon.png Stealth DQTR icon.png Glide DQTR icon.png Scan DQTR icon.png Glide DQTR icon.png Stealth DQTR icon.png


Bitterbutte Bottom area

Glacier Junction area

Swishmelt Lakeside area