Stack Breath

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Stack Breath is a breath attack that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact.

It emits a powerful exhalation from the user's maw that can immobilize a group of enemies.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Stack Breath is known naturally by Greygnarl at level 1 and costs 80 MP to use. It can also be used by Maldragora the Worldmaker during the limited Dragon Quest X event and War gryphons in the Mortal Dream Fight vs Jamirus during the limited Mindini's Invincible in the World of Dreams!? event. It inflicts moderate typeless breath damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area of effect in front of the user and has a chance to bind them.

Stack Breath (スタックブレス Sutakkuburesu)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Stack Breath
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Breath DQTact Non-elemental.png 80
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeFan.png
DQTact Hobble.png
Deals moderate breath to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally binds
Naturally learnt by
Greygnarl, Maldragora the Worldmaker, War gryphon