Gaia's Navel

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 02:17, 8 September 2018 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

Gaia's Navel (Navel of the Earth in the original English translation) is a dungeon in Dragon Quest III. Its entrance is directly connected to the nearby village of Lanson. It is the location of the Blue Orb.


Entrance to the cave from Lancel is restricted to only one party member. Whichever party member is at the front of the party will be selected to enter the cave.

Blue Orb

The blue orb is hidden in a treasure chest within the dungeon.

Other treasures

All version

NES version


Nearby monsters



NES Version

Ho, ho, ho!
I must acknowledge
your strength of
However, rashness by
itself cannot be said
to be courage.
It is also necessary
to have the ability
to listen to others.

GBC Version

Your willpower
is to be commended...
But defiance alone
is not courage.
You need courage
to list to what
others have to say
at times.

Mobile, Android and iOS version

Heh heh heh! Crikey, you're a stubborn one!
Talk about determined!
But bein' a hero's not just about bargin'
blindly on like a bunicorn with an itchy horn,
ya know.
Sometimes ya gotta be brave enough to trust
in what other people tell ya.


DQ III NES Navel of the Earth.png

Locked doors

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