
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Portoga is a kingdom and a castle town found in Dragon Quest III. It is a seafaring kingdom of many sailing vessels and a high trade industry, and it's location in the world corresponds to Portugal in the real world.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Portoga is ruled by a King who has a particular fondness for the fiery flavor of black pepper. Black pepper is a rarity in the West, however, and it is said to grow in the East; the kingdom has attempted eastern expeditions for more pepper, and many have died in the attempts due to the ferocious monsters.

When the Hero arrived in Portoga looking for a ship, the King promised to award them his flagship in exchange for black pepper. He gives the Hero the Royal Missive, to present to Nordy the Dwarf and gain passage through the mountain chain's tunnel. When the Hero returns with the black pepper, he honors his promise and gives them his ship.

Afterwards, it is mentioned that Portoga has established trade routes with the eastern countries.

Remake changes

The King of Portoga now has an adviser in the throne room to save Hero's progress.

Shops & service

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10?
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20?
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30?

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon and armor shop (remakes) 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Steel broadsword.png Steel broadsword1,300Attack +33
ICON-Iron axe.png Iron axe2,500Attack +38
ICON-Spiked steel whip.png Spiked steel whip3,100Attack +40
ICON-Iron armour.png Iron armour1,100Defense +25
ICON-Iron shield.png Iron shield1,200Defense +20
ICON-nopic.png Black pyjamas2,400Defense +29


The King of Portoga

Nearby monsters


  • The value that the King places on common pepper is based on the history of the plant in the middle ages, when it had become very difficult to acquire after the fall of the Roman empire and the collapse of the empire's trade routes to India. Pepper had become a luxury item due to it's strong flavor and rarity, and demand increased to the point that in 1498 the Portuguese had sailed around the African continent to establish a new trade route with India and avoid the Arab bandits that had made land travel impossible.
