The Costa Valor

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The Costa Valor is a seaside region in the southern central coast of Erdrea in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, located southwest of the Kingdom of Heliodor. It can be reached from the Inland Sea. The town of Puerto Valor can be found in the south. In the northernmost section, Mount Pang Lai can be reached to the north and there is a path northeast that leads to the Manglegrove.

Shops & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Roving Emporium 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Steel broadsword XI.png
Steel broadsword
2,000+35 Attack
ICON-Black blade XI.png
Black blade
2,900+49 Attack
+2% Parry Chance
ICON-Poison moth knife XI.png
Poison moth knife
950+24 Attack
ICON-Edged boomerang XI.png
Edged boomerang
1,500+25 Attack
ICON-Lolly stick XI.png
Lolly stick
980+16 Attack
+4 Magical Might
+13 Magical Mending
+2% MP Absorption
ICON-Rod of rapidity XI.png
Rod of rapidity
2,400+22 Attack
+20 Magical Might
+15 Magical Mending
+9% MP Absorption
ICON-Battle fork XI.png
Battle fork
2,700+47 Attack
+2% Parry Chance
+1% Critical Hit Chance
ICON-Hypnowhip XI.png
1,600+30 Attack
ICON-Gold platter XI.png
Gold platter
540+12 Defence
+6 Charm
+5% Block Chance
ICON-Iron shield XI.png
Iron shield
720+15 Defence
+7% Block Chance
ICON-Stone hardhat XI.png
Stone hardhat
880+15 Defence
ICON-Feather headband XI.png
Feather headband
1,450+17 Defence
+10 Magical Might
+10 Magical Mending
+28 Charm
ICON-Iron helmet XI.png
Iron helmet
1,100+16 Defence
ICON-Cloak of evasion XI.png
Cloak of evasion
3,000+29 Defence
+3% Evasion
ICON-Iron armor XI.png
Iron armour
1,800+32 Defence
ICON-Strong medicine XI.png
Strong medicine
36Restores at least 60 HP to a single ally.
ICON-Strong antidote XI.png
Strong antidote
45Cures one party member of poison and restores at least 30 HP.
ICON-Moonwort bulb XI.png
Moonwort bulb
30Cures one party member of paralysis.
ICON-Chimaera wing XI.png
Chimaera wing
25Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
ICON-Holy water XI.png
Holy water
20Repels weaker monsters.
ICON-Glass firit XI.png
Glass frit
250Gentle grit that's perfect for polishing. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Cottontop XI.png
45A peculiar plant with a soft, fluffy substance on top. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Flaxen thread XI.png
Flaxen thread
40Fibres of flax spun into strong string. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Big bone XI.png
Big bone
400A sizeable section of...something's skeleton. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Crimson coral XI.png
Crimson coral
360A fragment of florid fauna found on the ocean floor. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Tiny tortoise shell XI.png
Tiny tortoise shell
250The carapace of a cute little reptile. Fun-Size Forge material.

   DQXI Camp icon.png    This is a location where the party can set up camp for the night.

   DQXI Horse Call icon.png    This is a location where a horse can be called.

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.


Item Location
Tortoise shell Treasure chest on southern tip of beach south of the dock.
Coral hairpin Treasure chest at the base of palm tree on northeastern island on north section of the beach.
Pitch pearl Treasure chest located at the bottom of the well near the campsite.

Sparkly Spots[edit]

Sparkly Spots
Item Location
Maiden's favour Near the water's edge on the beach south of the dock.
Maiden's favour Shoal to the northeast after crossing tunnel north of the dock.
Pink pine x2
Sparkly sap
Fruit tree on western side of path south of the intersection.
Glimmergrass Promontory to the west of the entrance to Puerto Valor.
Copper ore
Silver ore x2
Crystal east of the tunnel entrance to the north of the intersection.
Crimson coral At the end of eastern tunnel found to the north of the dock.
Waveweed x2
Plant located by the bridge to the north.
Silver ore At the bottom of the well located near the campsite.
Narspicious Northeastern section located near the path to the Manglegrove.


A group of gnawchids hiding amongst the flowers.

First Act[edit]

Second Act[edit]

Third Act[edit]


  • Costa del Crossbow: Awarded for hitting every bullseye on the Costa Valor.
  • Mount Olympian: Awarded for successfully riding all mountable monsters.

Other languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolCosta ValorSame as English name
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisCosta ValorSame as English name
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschCosta ValorSame as English name
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoCosta ValorSame as English name

Map & Gallery[edit]