Jump Strike

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Jump Strike is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. Its effect differ between games, but it typically involves the monster performing a leaping attack to strike an enemy.


Dragon Quest VII[edit]

Jumping attack is an enemy-only skill that can be used by Choppy hoppers, Slime knights, Whopper hoppers, Metal slime knights, Sculpture vultures, and Sculptrices. It deals 125% damage to a single character.

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Jump Strike is an enemy-only skill that can be used by She-slimes, Mottle slimes, and Beakons. It deals the same amount of damage as a regular attack, but it can be performed from a long distance and returns the user to their original position after attacking.

Dragon Quest of the Stars[edit]

Known as Jump Attack in this game.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Jump Strike can be learned by Mottle slime at level 16 and costs 7 MP to use. It inflicts 120% potency physical damage to an enemy two squares in front of it and moves it forward one space as long as there are no obstacles along the way.

Jump Strike (ジャンプこうげき Janpu kōgeki)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Jump Strike
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical DQTact Non-elemental.png 7
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeFront.png
Deals 120% potency physical damage to an enemy, moves up to 1 space, only works if there are no enemies or obstacles between the user and target
Naturally learnt by
Mottle slime

Related skills[edit]