Hero (Dragon Quest XI): Difference between revisions

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Add developer easteregg trivia)
Line 434: Line 434:
| Yes
| Yes
|Randomly slashes four enemies for 75% damage per hit
|Randomly slashes four enemies for 75% damage per hit
| First hit
| All hits

Revision as of 21:59, 8 April 2019

Dragon Quest XI
DQXI Hero art.png
Sprite(s) DQXI Hero sprite.png
Japanese name 主人公
Romaji Shujinkō
Title Luminary
Class Hero
Race Human
Age 16
Family Amber (adoptive mother)
Chalky (adoptive grandfather)
Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content
Rab (grandfather)
Erdwin (ancestor)
Voice actor Rasmus Hardiker (English)

The Hero of Dragon Quest XI, also known as the Luminary, is a young man from the sleepy village of Cobblestone. After participating in a coming-of-age ceremony, he finds out he is the reincarnation of an ancient hero who once saved the world. On his 16th birthday, he sets out on his journey in order to fulfill his destiny.


He is a young man with blue eyes and brown chin-length hair in a bob cut. On his left hand, he bears a mysterious mark that has appeared since the day he was born. The mark glows when the hero is in danger. He wears a long, sleeveless brown and purple leather tunic over a black long-sleeved shirt, brown trousers, and tan leather boots. Around his waist, he wears a leather belt with a small bag attached and he carries a scabbard across his back.


The hero was born into a great destiny, said to be the reincarnation of a great hero who saved the world in the past. He was born on the same day as Gemma, a girl from the village who becomes his childhood friend. On their 16th birthday, the two celebrate together before the young man sets out on his journey to fulfill his destiny. He comes into conflict with the Kingdom of Heliodor, whose king is skeptical of his claims and declares him to be the harbinger of darkness, the infamous Darkspawn.

Base Stats

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 22 750
MP 2 460
Strength 8 380
Agility 6 350
Resilience 6 220
Magical Might 5 350
Magical Mending 3 330
Deftness 5 200
Charm 4 250
Initial gear Cobblestone sword, Plain clothes
Cobblestone greatsword (in inventory)

Pep bonus

Strength +20% (40%), resilience +20% (40%), critical rate up (critical rate further increased). Parenthesis accounts for pep-up power-up bonuses.


Name MP Level Target Description
Frizz 2 2 One enemy NA
Heal 3 5 One ally NA
Sizz 3 8 Enemy group NA
Evac 0 9 All allies NA
Bang 6 15 All enemies NA
Snooze 3 16 Enemy group NA
Midheal 6 19 One ally NA
Sizzle 7 23 Enemy group NA
Frizzle 8 25 One enemy NA
Zing 12 28 One ally NA
Moreheal 12 30 One ally NA
Boom 12 31 All enemies NA
Kasnooze 8 35 Enemy group NA
Kasizz 16 40 Enemy group NA
Kafrizz 21 56 One enemy NA
Kazing 24 61 One ally NA
Zoom 0 Event All allies NA

Event abilities

Name MP Target Description
Quadraslash 24 All Enemies Up to 330~390 non-elemental damage
Flamesplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 fire damage
Seasplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 ice damage
Skysplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 wind damage
Earthsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 earth damage
Blightsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 darkness damage
Brightsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 light damage
  • NOTE: the power of the splitter skills will be enhanced if the Luminary is equipped with the Sword of Light or one of it's reforged forms. This raises the base damage to 200~240 and the maximum to 400~440.

Character builder


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Flame Slash 2 3 One Yes 120% fire damage to a single enemy Yes
Attack Power When Wielding +3 -- 4 -- -- NA --
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +2% -- 6 -- -- NA --
Sword Stance 2 7 -- -- Increases parrying chance by 33% for four turns --
Attack Power When Wielding +6 -- 10 -- -- NA --
Dragon Slash 2 10 One Yes 200% (plus 10) damage to dragon-family monsters Yes
Attack Power When Wielding +10 -- 12 -- -- NA --
Dual-Wielding -- 12 -- -- NA --
Metal Slash -- 12 One Yes 1~2 damage to metal slimes, cannot miss Yes
Miracle Slash 4 16 One Yes Restores at least 20 HP Yes


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Greatsword Guard 2 3 -- -- Increases parrying chance by 33% for four turns --
Attack Power When Wielding +5 -- 4 -- -- NA --
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +2% -- 6 -- -- NA --
Helichopter 4 7 Group Yes Full damage to a group of enemies First hit
Attack Power When Wielding +15 -- 12 -- -- NA --
Frost Fangs 10 12 Group Yes Up to 130~140 ice damage to a group of enemies, 25% chance to stun each Yes
Cutting Edge 8 10 One Yes 157%~225% damage to a single enemy, cannot critical hit Yes
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +3% -- 12 -- -- NA --
Unbridled Blade 16 16 One Yes 290%~310% damage to a single enemy, cannot critical hit Yes
Attack Power When Wielding +10 -- 10 -- -- NA --


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Counter When Blocking/Parrying -- 12 -- -- NA --
Strength +25 -- 12 -- -- NA --
Critical Hit Chance +3% -- 16 -- -- NA --
Falcon Slash 4 16 One Yes Full damage per hit, doubles critical hit chance First hit
Sword Dance 8 16 -- Yes Randomly slashes four enemies for 75% damage per hit All hits
Gigaslash 16 25 -- Yes Up to 210~250 lightning damage to all enemies --
Gigasmash -- 25 -- Yes Up to 250~270 lightning damage to a group of enemies --
Blade of Ultimate Power 48 36 -- -- Up to 680~720 non-elemental damage to one enemy --
Gigacrash 32 36 -- Yes Up to 440~460 lightning damage to a group of enemies --
Gigagash 32 36 -- Yes Up to 390~430 lightning damage to all enemies --


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Agility +10 -- 8 -- -- NA --
Deftness +10 -- 8 -- -- NA --
Holy Protection 2 8 -- -- Keeps monsters at bay for 30 seconds --
Pep Chance +5% -- 8 -- -- NA --
Poof 2 8 -- -- Attempts to expel all enemies No
Resilience +10 -- 8 -- -- NA --
Strength +10 -- 8 -- -- NA No
Zap 8 8 -- Yes Up to 131~141 lightning damage to a group of enemies No
Charm +40 -- 12 -- -- -- --
Fullheal 24 12 Ally -- Fully heal a single party member. No
Kaclang 8 12 Ally -- Turns one party member to metal. They are immune to damage, but cannot act for 2 turns. --
Magical Might +5 -- 12 -- -- NA --
Maximum MP +20 -- 12 -- -- NA --
Strength +15 -- 12 -- -- NA No
Zapple 22 12 -- Yes Up to 314~344 lightning damage to a group of enemies --
Magical Mending +50 -- 14 -- -- NA --
Magical Might +50 -- 14 -- -- NA No
Magical Might +50, second boost -- 14 -- -- NA No
Maximum HP +20 -- 14 -- -- NA --
Kazap 48 16 -- Yes Up to 695~745 lightning damage to a group of enemies --
Omniheal 64 16 Party -- A party wide full heal. --
Pep Chance +10% -- 20 -- -- NA --
Pep-Up Power-Up -- 20 -- -- Increases the boost given during Pep-Up --
Pep Up 25 25 -- -- Automatically enter a pepped up state that lasts only 4~6 turns instead of the standard 6~8 --


  • The hero has some similarities with some of the heroes from previous games:
    • He comes from a lineage of previous heroes, much like the original Hero and the Prince of Midenhall.
    • He sets out on his journey on his 16th birthday, similar to Erdrick. He is also seen wielding Erdrick's sword in the opening video.
    • He was born with a mysterious mark on his left hand, much like the Hero of Dragon Quest VII. It is said to bestow him with mysterious powers and glows in times of danger.
  • In the international version of the game, there is a special costume that allows him to dress up like the Hero from Dragon Quest VIII.
  • Funfact: He has the same hairstyle as Android 17 from the Dragon Ball series. Most likely an Akira Toriyama trademark for both Dragon Quest character designs and Dragon Ball series is his works.
  • He is the first hero in the main series to have a voice actor in the English version of the games. English actor Rasmus Hardiker provides his vocal grunts in various scenes and in battle.
