Laguna di Gondolia

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 03:34, 16 June 2022 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{LocationInfobox | type=Region | title=Laguna di Gondolia | image=300px | caption= | jap=ダーハラ湿原 | romaji={{tt|Dāhara shitsugen|Dāhara wetlands}} | game=''Dragon Quest XI'' | old= }} The '''Laguna di Gondolia''' is a marshy region located in southern Erdrea in ''Dragon Quest XI''. The city of Gondolia is in the north. It can be reached by traveling west from the Gallopolis Region, while the Grotta...")
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The Laguna di Gondolia is a marshy region located in southern Erdrea in Dragon Quest XI. The city of Gondolia is in the north. It can be reached by traveling west from the Gallopolis Region, while the Grotta della Fonte is in the northwest.


Roving Emporium (First Act)
Item Price Attributes
Rapier 750 +24 Attack
Cast-iron claymore 780 +28 Attack
+1% Parry Chance
Poison moth knife 950 +24 Attack
Crucerang 750 +19 Attack
Iron lance 750 +24 Attack
+1% Parry Chance
Battle whip 960 +17 Attack
Scale shield 180 +7 Defence
+5% Block Chance
Bronze shield 370 +10 Defence
+6% Block Chance
Feathered cap 280 +8 Defence
+5 Magical Might
+5 Magical Mending
Turban 410 +12 Defence
+4 Magical Might
+4 Magical Mending
Bunny ears 550 +14 Defence
+5 Magical Might
+7 Magical Mending
+17 Charm
Leather dress 380 +15 Defence
Leather cape 1,100 +22 Defence
Bronze armour 840 +24 Defence
Strong medicine 36 Restores at least 50 HP to a single ally.
Antidotal herb 10 Cures one party member of poison.
Moonwort bulb 30 Cures one party member of paralysis.
Holy water 20 Repels weaker monsters.
Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
Narspicious 360 Fun-Size Forge material.
Flaxen thread 40 Fun-Size Forge material.
Celestial skein 230 Fun-Size Forge material.
Magic beast hide 500 Fun-Size Forge material.

Roving Emporium (Second and Third Acts)
Item Price Attributes
Rapier 750 +24 Attack
Cast-iron claymore 780 +28 Attack
+1% Parry Chance
Poison moth knife 950 +24 Attack
Crucerang 750 +19 Attack
Iron lance 750 +24 Attack
+1% Parry Chance
Battle whip 960 +17 Attack
Scale shield 180 +7 Defence
+5% Block Chance
Bronze shield 370 +10 Defence
+6% Block Chance
Feathered cap 280 +8 Defence
+5 Magical Might
+5 Magical Mending
Turban 410 +12 Defence
+4 Magical Might
+4 Magical Mending
Bunny ears 550 +14 Defence
+5 Magical Might
+7 Magical Mending
+17 Charm
Leather dress 380 +15 Defence
Leather cape 1,100 +22 Defence
Bronze armour 840 +24 Defence
Special medicine 70 Restores at least 90 HP to a single ally.
Special antidote 87 Cures one party member of poison and restores at least 60 HP to a single ally.
Lunaria 180 Cures one party member of paralysis and restores at least 90 HP to a single ally.
Perfect panacea 490 Cures one ally of most ailments and restores at least 90 HP to a single ally.
Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
Narspicious 360 Fun-Size Forge material.
Flaxen thread 40 Fun-Size Forge material.
Celestial skein 230 Fun-Size Forge material.
Magic beast hide 500 Fun-Size Forge material.

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.

   DQXI Camp icon.png    This is a location where the party can set up camp for the night.

   DQXI Horse Call icon.png    This is a location where a horse can be called.


Item Location
Seed of skill Treasure chest in northeastern island in first wetland section. Requires flying to reach.
Perfectionist's pearl x5 Treasure chest on westernmost island in central wetlands section. Requires flying to reach.
Mini medal Treasure chest on middle wooden platform in central wetlands section.
Recipe Book: I ♥ Iron Armour Northern wooden platform in central wetlands section.
Recipe Book: A Slender Sword of Solid Silver Treasure chest on island in center of western wetlands section.

Sparkly Spots

CollapseSparkly Spots
Item Location
Glass frit Behind a rock at the west end of the north beach.
Royal soil Urn at the base of a tree in northeastern island. Requires flying to reach.
Chimaera wing
Flurry feather
Pink pine
Fruit tree on central island in eastern wetlands section.
Celestial skein Northern island in east wetlands. Requires flying to reach.
Copper ore
Iron ore
Gold ore
Blue crystal in tunnel connecting east wetlands to central wetlands.
Fresh water On center wooden platform in central wetlands section.
Faerie fluff Southern island in central wetlands section. Requires flying to reach.
Glass frit At the end of peninsula after crossing into western wetlands section.
Moonwort bulb At the base of tree on northern most island in western wetlands section.
Royal soil On top of rock in water in western wetlands section.
Waveweed Narrow rock ledge in north in western wetlands section.
Strong medicine
Plant on southwestern island in western wetlands section.
Gold ore Rock wall to the west of southwest island in western section.


First Act

Second Act

Third Act


  • A Bolt in the Bog: Awarded for hitting every bullseye in the Laguna di Gondolia.
  • Mount Olympian: Awarded for successfully riding all mountable monsters.

Weathercow Locations

  • The cow is located in the central wetlands near the bridge from the east wetlands.
