Dragonlord's Castle

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 00:04, 29 December 2023 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

The Dragonlord's Castle (竜王の城 Ryūō no Shiro), Charlock Castle in older localizations, is the name of the final dungeon in Dragon Quest and the lair of the eponymous lord. It is located in the central area of Alefgard, across the sea to the southeast of Tantegel.

It also appears as a dungeon in Dragon Quest II, but is not vital to the plot of the game. In Dragon Quest III, Zoma's Citadel is located in its place.


Dragon Quest

Ruled by the Dragonlord. Erdrick's Sword is found here in the subterranean section.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line

No great evil dwells here now, merely the grandson of the Dragonlord. Once again, Erdrick's Sword is located here in the same chest as it was 100 years ago.

Monsters (interior)

Nearby monsters (exterior)


Dragon Quest Builders

Main Article: The Dragonlord’s Island

The Dragonlord's Island is the final location in Dragon Quest Builders, only accessible after obtaining the Rainbow Drop.

The island is mostly covered in ash, rock and sand, and is full of strong enemies. The main point of interest is the Dragonlord's Castle, a small dungeon where the final battle takes place.

Dragon Quest Tact

The party first visits the castle in Chapter 4, Episode 4 of the game's limited Dragon Quest I event, accompanying a clueless Cosmic chimaera. A Dark skeleton becomes alarmed when it notices a human setting foot in the castle and attacks the party. After the battle, Mindini and Majellan come up with a plan to disguise the Master as a monster by making them wear a suit of armour.

In the next episode, the party are granted an audience with the Dragonlord, who introduces himself and is surprised to see foreigners in his castle. Majellan explains the situation to him, but the Dragonlord states that he knows of no way to send them back home. As a reference to his question to the Hero in the original game, the Dragonlord makes an offer for the party to join him. Regardless of whatever choice the player makes, a fierce battle will ensue. After being defeated, he transforms into his True Form and challenges the party again to another battle. Defeating him suddenly opens a teleportal that allows the Orchesterrans to go back home.

Captain N: The Game Master

The castle appeared in the episode "Three Men & A Dragon" and was referred to as Castle Charlock. Princess Lana & Mega Man entered it, as they were unaware of it being the home of the Dragonlord. They ended up captured, and while in the dungeon, they encountered The Three Keepers of Power.

Places of interest

Hidden staircase

The castle has a hidden staircase on the first floor which is the correct path to reach the innermost areas of the castle in both Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III. This staircase is referred to by various NPCs in both DQ and III. In order to find the stairs, the Hero must search behind the thrones in the middle of the first floor. All other paths from the first floor lead to a neverending maze.


In the remake of both Dragon Quest II, the music used for the castle is the same as Dragon Quest, whereas in the NES version, the game's regular dungeon music was used. The remake of III (Sans the Cell phone and Switch versions) used the new BGM from The Baramos' Lair.

Another addition to the remake of Dragon Quest II is the throne room being present as it was with the first game, albeit in ruins.

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