Eye of Rubiss

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Eye of Rubiss
Japanese ルビスのまもり
Romaji Rubisu no mamori
Old localizations Rubiss Charm
Found in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line
Effect To reveal the true interior of Hargon's Castle.

The Eye of Rubiss (originally localized as Rubiss Charm) is a key item in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line[edit]

The sacred artifact is acquired from the goddess Rubiss at the Rubiss Shrine. In order to receive the heroes must have gathered all 5 Sigils from around the world.

The Eye of Rubiss is used to reveal the true interior of Hargon's Castle. Without it, the heroes only see an illusion of Midenhall Castle. The heroes must use it each time they enter the castle.

Additionally a fire spirit NPC will block access to the Cave of Rendarak unless it and the False Idol is obtained in the Mobile, Android and iOS version of the game (The Soul Sigil additionally is found in Tantegel in the phone versions).

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

The Eye of Rubiss appears in the Nintendo 3DS version as an accessory. It offers a +25 style bonus and it makes the wearer invulnerable to instant death spells. It can be equipped by all characters. The Eye of Rubiss can be obtained after defeating Cumulus rex, the boss of the Cloud Control DLC tablet.


An amulet blessed by holy Rubiss herself.[1]


  1. Mobile, Android and iOS version
  2. Nintendo 3DS version