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[[Image:Mutsumi_SaroAndRosa.jpg|thumb|250px|Psaro and Rose together]]
'''Rose''' (originally '''Rosalee''' or '''Rosa''', later '''Rosaly''') is a minor but important character in ''[[Dragon Quest IV]]''. As an [[Elves and Faeries|elf]], she shed ruby tears and thus faced constant harassment from [[human]]s who wanted to add to their wealth. Ironically, as soon as the gems touched their hands they shattered, so all their work and misdeeds in kidnapping and beating Rose were for nothing after all.
|Game={{Dragon Quest IV}}<br>{{DQM3}}
|Image=[[File:DQM3 Rose Art.png|100px]]
|Sprite=[[File:Rose NES sprite.png]][[File:Rose PSX sprite.png]]
|Japanese name=ロザリー
|Old=Rosalee, Rosaly, [[Rosa]]
|Voice Actor=[ Emma Ballantine]
'''Rose''' is a minor but important character in {{DQ4}}. She is an {{Elf}} with the supernatural trait of shedding ruby tears instead of normal ones. She has thus faced constant harassment from [[human]]s who want to exploit her for wealth. Ironically, these gems shatter the second they make contact with human hands.

[[Psaro]], a prominent [[demon]] in [[Nadiria]], met and fell in love with Rose, and sought to protect her. To this end, he built a small fortress for her far away from human grasp, around which the town of [[Rosehill]] grew as others seeking refuge relocated. Psaro paid frequent visits to Rosehill in order to see Rose; he told her of his plans to destroy humanity to free the world for demons, and continued on with righteousness in spite of her pleas for coexistence. His plans went against her kind and compassionate nature, but she could see only the good in Psaro and still hoped he might ultimately be dissuaded.
[[Psaro the Manslayer]], a prominent [[demon]] in [[Nadiria]], rescued Rose from evil humans and fell in love with the elf, and sought to protect her. To this end, he built a small fortress for her far away from humanity's reach, around which the town of [[Rosehill]] grew as others seeking refuge relocated, and installed a powerful watchman dubbed Sir [[Roseguardin]] to keep her safe in his absence. {{Psaro B}} paid frequent visits to Rosehill in order to see Rose; he told her of his plans to destroy humanity to free the world for demons, and continued on with his mad ambitions in spite of her pleas for coexistence. His plans went against her kind and compassionate nature, but she could see only the good in Psaro and still hoped he might ultimately be dissuaded.

Before this ever had a chance of happening, [[Aamon]] secretly had Rose murdered, so that Psaro would be driven insane by her death and use the [[Secret of Evolution]] to become King of Hell, allowing Aamon, his closest retainer, to sneak in and eventually stage a coup and steal the title for himself.
Before this ever had a chance of happening, [[Aamon]] secretly had Rose murdered, so that {{Psaro B}} would be driven insane by her death and use the [[Secret of Evolution]] to become King of [[Nadiria]], allowing [[Aamon]], his closest retainer, to sneak in and eventually stage a coup and steal the title for himself.

====Remake changes====
In the remake of ''Dragon Quest IV'', there is an additional chapter, in which the [[Hero (Dragon Quest IV)|Hero]] uses an [[Yggdrasil flower]] to revive Rose from death. Her tears upon seeing the transformed [[Psaro]] reverse the effects of the Secret of Evolution, causing Psaro to repent his actions and allowing the two to start their lives together in new found peace.
In the remake of {{Dragon Quest IV}}, there is a new chapter, in which the {{Hero 4}} uses an [[Yggdrasil flower]] to revive Rose from death. Rose is immensely grateful to the {{Party 4}} for bringing her back to life, but urges that she travel with them to the heart of [[Nadiria]] so that she may save Psaro from himself. Her tears upon seeing the transformed {{Psaro C}} reverse the effects of the [[Secret of Evolution]], causing {{Psaro C}} to repent his actions and allowing the two to start their lives together in new found peace.
Rose and Psaro appear in one of the three possible versions of [[Reaper's Peak]] in the {{DS}} and [[Cell phone]] versions of the game. She is sitting in the {{Hero 6}}'s house across from Psaro, and is overjoyed to be with Psaro at last, and bursts into tears. Naturally, these gems vaporize the moment the player catches one.
Rose appears in her tower as part of the second {{IV}} location players can visit through the [[Echo Chamber]]. Here, she is being chased by a cursed [[Sir Roseguardin]], whom the player stops through battle. The [[Flute of Revelation]] was broken in the tussle, however, and a [[revelatree branch]] is needed to repair it. Once this task is completed, the {{Elf}} is brought to tears by the {{Luminary}}'s charity.
Rose appears as a major character in the game, serving as one of Psaro's travelling companions alongside [[Toilen Trubble]]. She is first shown after the player conquers Category G in the [[Endor Colosseum]], where she is dragged into the center of the area by salvers to be bid on. Crying in despair, Rose's tears end up saving her life as the gathered humans accuse her handles of being shysters once the rubies shatter in their hands, allowing her to slip away from the Colosseum. Rose is pursued into a forest by one of the slavers and is almost recaptured, but the rotter's scalp is set ablaze with a blue flame by Psaro, who was also trailing her. Rose is appalled by Psaro's actions, stating that humans are children of the Goddess just as she and he are, and when asked her name she tells the young man that non creature of the forest such as herself has need of one.
Here Psaro names the elf maiden Rose as in the original game, this time naming her after the village he's called home for so long. A [[minidemon]] enters the scene at this point, being Rose's friend [[Devlin]] who was unable to stop the humans from abducting her earlier. Deciding she's safe from harm, Psaro departs for home via [[Zoom]], giving Rose his name before vanishing. Later, Rose and Devlin interrupt a conversation between Psaro and [[Gloopert]] at his cottage in Rosehill and presents him with some nuts from the forest as thanks for his aid earlier. Then, taking a very formal speaking tone, she beseeches Psaro to allow her to stay with him in the village, going so far as to address him as her saviour. The half-monster prince flat out refuses and tells her to go away, but some nudging from Gloopert and pleading from Rose makes him relent, due in no small part to Rose learning of Psaro's curse from the villagers and swearing she can help him break it. Construction of [[Rosehill Tower]] takes place over the next few days, where the elf is to remain when Psaro is out on business. That same day, after winning a piece of red [[travelite]] from Category F of the Endor Colosseum, Rose proves her worth to Psaro's cause by using a ceremonial passed down from her ancestors dance to tap into the travelite and send the entire tower into the lower echelon of the [[Circle of Conquest]].
Beside herself with joy to hear she's been an immense help, Rose explains the nature of travelite and the variety of colours it comes in, meaning she can continue aiding Psaro by opening up new areas when he gets a new shard. She then asks to join Psaro on the road in Nadiria as there's scant few humans lurking about the underworld compared to up above. The player can tease Rose by refusing, but it becomes abundantly clear that the little lady is completely smitten with her rescuer at this point and wants to be close to him at all times.
Later, when traveling through the lower echelon of the [[Circle of Temper]], Rose witnesses Toilen Trubble fend off a group of monsters on his own and asks if he's alright once they scatter, but is shocked to see that he's a human freely wandering Nadiria. She finds the free wheelin' young man bewildering, but doesn't object when he forces his way into the group, having earned her trust when it's later revealed that he knew all about her ruby tears from the beginning but making no moves to extract them as all other humans in her life have. In fact, Rose prevents Psaro and Toilen from butting heads when she can, acting as the voice of reason between the two teens.
Rose acts as Psaro's better half throughout the adventure, such as insisting that he stop to help [[Eileen]] and [[Duffer]], but even when he begins to stray down a dark road she refuses to leave his side. This is best exemplified when the temptation of harnessing the power of [[Estark]] and subjugating [[Zangiel]] ignites Psaro's ambitions beyond just getting revenge on his [[Randolfo|tyrannical father]] to waging war on all of humanity. This genocidal ambition drives Toilen out of the group which deeply hurts Rose and she doesn't pretend to be ignorant of the wickedness of Psaro's plans, but she also cannot turn her back on her beloved either. Pleading with Psaro to abandon his crusade, she reveals that the Chosen One and his companions visited her while Psaro was away on business at [[Diabolic Hall]]. She was touched by the friendliness of the prophetized Hero, who along with Toilen before affirmed to Rose that there are indeed good humans along with the bad. Psaro will hear none of it however and ignores Rose, pushing her to her limit. Standing before the window of her tower, Rose quietly swears that she will do all she can to stop her maddened love, even if it means losing him.
This comes to a head when Psaro is informed of the discovery of [[Estark's Crypt]] and sets out to harness the power of the ultimate monster, and Rose attempts to hold him back by his arm. Shaking her off, Psaro leaves Rose behind as she quietly weeps on her knees, being the first time the two have been apart since their journey began. This separation would prove disastrous for the entire world as it allowed the wicked [[Aamon]] to send his agents to abduct Rose, leaving a [[succubat]] trained to cast [[Morph]] in her place. The impostor lingers in her room in Rosehill Tower, claiming to have escaped when the kidnappers weren't looking. Toilen suddenly enters the scene and calls out the deceit, yelling that he witnessed the entire charade when he returned to the tower to make amends and that the real Rose is in serious danger. The player is then given the choice to believe Toilen or the succubat, but the latter's mimicry of the ruby tears proves too convincing. This forces a bad ending reminiscent of the original game where the lie is revealed to Psaro by the succubat in mockery later on, and after rushing off to find the real elf she dies in his arms. Driven insane with grief beyond words, Psaro utilizes the Secret of Transmutation to mutate into an affront to all Creation, devastating Nadiria before being killed by the Chosen and left to languish in an eternity of darkness.
Thankfully Rose's murder by Aamon's agents is undone thanks to Toilen, who stole a few samples of the [[Sands of Time]] earlier in their adventure and rewound reality to the moment of Psaro choosing to believe him or the impostor Rose. The succubat is dealt with quickly and the duo make it to Rose in time, who is brought up to speed and doesn't waste a moment in confronting Psaro over his goal to annihilate humanity. Having learned the error of his ways, Psaro relents and the lovers are never again parted even as they journey into the very heart of Nadiria to confront Psaro's despotic father.
Much later, during the post-game, it is revealed that Rose is a direct descendant of [[El Zetta]], a kingdom of elves known for their ability to control time and space through the travelite and [[chronocite]] crystals. This is how Rose was able to naturally recall the ceremonial dance necessary to make use of the travelite crystals and imbue the teleportation power into the whole of Rosehill Tower.
A likeness of Rose appears as [[List of treasures in Dragon Quest Treasures|Treasure No. 359]], with a base value of 750,000. The statue uses her design seen in ''Walk''.
Rose appears as a quest giving {{NPC}} in the game and also has an equipment set based on her clothing. This marks the first game in which she has been illustrated by [[Akira Toriyama]].
Rose appears dressed in a swimsuit as Seaside Sprite Rose, who is an S-rank member of the [[??? family]] as part of the limited ''Hijinks on the High Seas! Swimwear, Waves, and Pirates!?'' event on her own banner alongside [[Crankiid]]. She can participate in [[Shellie's mother]]'s Battle Road as a party member.
|name=Seaside Sprite Rose
|romanji={{tt|Nagisa no yōsei Rozarii|Beach Fairy Rose}}
|family=[[Image:Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png|48px]]<br>{{Q family}}
|rank=[[Image:DQTact Rank Icon S.png|48px]]
|role=[[Image:DQTact SupportType.png|48px]]<br>Support
|bskill1=[[Solar Bind]]
|bskill2=[[Venus Heal]]{{tt|*|Level 31}}
|bskill3=[[Summer Banga]]{{tt|*|Level 52}}
|askill1='''Tropical Cocktail''' / Stats Up
|askill2=[[Frizz]] Res +25 / Stats Up
|askill3=Summer Banga Potency +5% /<br> '''Light of the Sun''': When afflicted with a status ailment: Removes some status ailments, 1 time only per battle. / Stats Up
|askill4=[[Sizz]] Res +25 / Stats Up
|askill5=Summer Banga Potency +5% / Max {{HP}} +100 / Stats Up
|lperk1=Raises martial potency/recovery of all allies, including herself, by 10% in a 5x5 square around her.
|bperk1=DEF +20<br>Max {{HP}} +30
|bperk2='''Summer Time''': Battle start: Raises AGL, Move, and martial potency/recovery for 3 turns.
|bperk3=Summer Banga Potency +2%
|aperk1='''Tropical Cocktail''': When user or ally is attacked by enemy: Heals with [[Tropical Cocktail]] if user or ally is within 1 to 3-space range, up to 3 times per battle.
|frizz-resist=Half Res
|sizz-resist=Half Res
|woosh-resist=Very Weak
|zap-resist=Very Weak
|martial-seal-resist=Half Res
|blind-resist=Super Weak
|confusion-resist=Super Weak
|charm-resist=Half Res
*Rose has a serious sweet-tooth, being overjoyed to learn that the [[Circle of Indulgence]] is a region made entirely of candy and pastries.
*Rose was ignorant of her [[El Zettai]] heritage until Ludo pointed it out to her, with the first hint being the [[penteractic guardian]] singling her out.
File:Rose confronting Psaro PSX.jpg|Rose purifying Psaro, PSX version
Rose dq walk screenshot.jpg|{{Walk}} screenshot
Rose dq walk screenshot 2.jpg|Another screenshot
Rose gear dq walk.jpg|Rose's equipment set on the player's avatar
File:Rose gear Walk alternate view.png
File:Mutsumi SaroAndRosa.jpg|Rose and Psaro as depicted in the CD drama adaptation of ''IV''<br>This would be the elf's only official artwork until her inclusion in ''Walk''
File:Rose DQM3 B.png|Alternate art of Rose in ''DQM:TDP''
File:DQM3 key art 1.png
DQM3 Rose.jpg|
DQM3_03.jpg|Being abused by humans
Rose statue treasures icon.jpg|The statue of Rose seen in ''Treasures''

[[Category:Dragon Quest IV characters]]
[[Category:Dragon Quest IV characters]]
[[Category:Dragon Quest VI characters]]
[[Category:Dragon Quest XI characters]]
[[Category:Dragon Quest Walk characters]]
[[Category:Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince characters]]

Latest revision as of 23:38, 14 September 2024

Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
DQM3 Rose Art.png
Sprite(s) Rose NES sprite.pngRose PSX sprite.png
Japanese name ロザリー
Romaji Rozarii
Old localization Rosalee, Rosaly, Rosa
Race Elf
Age Unknown
Voice actor Emma Ballantine

Rose is a minor but important character in Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. She is an Elf with the supernatural trait of shedding ruby tears instead of normal ones. She has thus faced constant harassment from humans who want to exploit her for wealth. Ironically, these gems shatter the second they make contact with human hands.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]

Psaro the Manslayer, a prominent demon in Nadiria, rescued Rose from evil humans and fell in love with the elf, and sought to protect her. To this end, he built a small fortress for her far away from humanity's reach, around which the town of Rosehill grew as others seeking refuge relocated, and installed a powerful watchman dubbed Sir Roseguardin to keep her safe in his absence. Psaro paid frequent visits to Rosehill in order to see Rose; he told her of his plans to destroy humanity to free the world for demons, and continued on with his mad ambitions in spite of her pleas for coexistence. His plans went against her kind and compassionate nature, but she could see only the good in Psaro and still hoped he might ultimately be dissuaded.

Before this ever had a chance of happening, Aamon secretly had Rose murdered, so that Psaro would be driven insane by her death and use the Secret of Evolution to become King of Nadiria, allowing Aamon, his closest retainer, to sneak in and eventually stage a coup and steal the title for himself.

Remake changes[edit]

Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

In the remake of Dragon Quest IV, there is a new chapter, in which the Hero uses an Yggdrasil flower to revive Rose from death. Rose is immensely grateful to the party for bringing her back to life, but urges that she travel with them to the heart of Nadiria so that she may save Psaro from himself. Her tears upon seeing the transformed Psaro reverse the effects of the Secret of Evolution, causing Psaro to repent his actions and allowing the two to start their lives together in new found peace.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Rose and Psaro appear in one of the three possible versions of Reaper's Peak in the DS and Cell phone versions of the game. She is sitting in the Hero's house across from Psaro, and is overjoyed to be with Psaro at last, and bursts into tears. Naturally, these gems vaporize the moment the player catches one.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Rose appears in her tower as part of the second IV location players can visit through the Echo Chamber. Here, she is being chased by a cursed Sir Roseguardin, whom the player stops through battle. The Flute of Revelation was broken in the tussle, however, and a revelatree branch is needed to repair it. Once this task is completed, the Elf is brought to tears by the Luminary's charity.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Rose appears as a major character in the game, serving as one of Psaro's travelling companions alongside Toilen Trubble. She is first shown after the player conquers Category G in the Endor Colosseum, where she is dragged into the center of the area by salvers to be bid on. Crying in despair, Rose's tears end up saving her life as the gathered humans accuse her handles of being shysters once the rubies shatter in their hands, allowing her to slip away from the Colosseum. Rose is pursued into a forest by one of the slavers and is almost recaptured, but the rotter's scalp is set ablaze with a blue flame by Psaro, who was also trailing her. Rose is appalled by Psaro's actions, stating that humans are children of the Goddess just as she and he are, and when asked her name she tells the young man that non creature of the forest such as herself has need of one.

Here Psaro names the elf maiden Rose as in the original game, this time naming her after the village he's called home for so long. A minidemon enters the scene at this point, being Rose's friend Devlin who was unable to stop the humans from abducting her earlier. Deciding she's safe from harm, Psaro departs for home via Zoom, giving Rose his name before vanishing. Later, Rose and Devlin interrupt a conversation between Psaro and Gloopert at his cottage in Rosehill and presents him with some nuts from the forest as thanks for his aid earlier. Then, taking a very formal speaking tone, she beseeches Psaro to allow her to stay with him in the village, going so far as to address him as her saviour. The half-monster prince flat out refuses and tells her to go away, but some nudging from Gloopert and pleading from Rose makes him relent, due in no small part to Rose learning of Psaro's curse from the villagers and swearing she can help him break it. Construction of Rosehill Tower takes place over the next few days, where the elf is to remain when Psaro is out on business. That same day, after winning a piece of red travelite from Category F of the Endor Colosseum, Rose proves her worth to Psaro's cause by using a ceremonial passed down from her ancestors dance to tap into the travelite and send the entire tower into the lower echelon of the Circle of Conquest.

Beside herself with joy to hear she's been an immense help, Rose explains the nature of travelite and the variety of colours it comes in, meaning she can continue aiding Psaro by opening up new areas when he gets a new shard. She then asks to join Psaro on the road in Nadiria as there's scant few humans lurking about the underworld compared to up above. The player can tease Rose by refusing, but it becomes abundantly clear that the little lady is completely smitten with her rescuer at this point and wants to be close to him at all times.

Later, when traveling through the lower echelon of the Circle of Temper, Rose witnesses Toilen Trubble fend off a group of monsters on his own and asks if he's alright once they scatter, but is shocked to see that he's a human freely wandering Nadiria. She finds the free wheelin' young man bewildering, but doesn't object when he forces his way into the group, having earned her trust when it's later revealed that he knew all about her ruby tears from the beginning but making no moves to extract them as all other humans in her life have. In fact, Rose prevents Psaro and Toilen from butting heads when she can, acting as the voice of reason between the two teens.

Rose acts as Psaro's better half throughout the adventure, such as insisting that he stop to help Eileen and Duffer, but even when he begins to stray down a dark road she refuses to leave his side. This is best exemplified when the temptation of harnessing the power of Estark and subjugating Zangiel ignites Psaro's ambitions beyond just getting revenge on his tyrannical father to waging war on all of humanity. This genocidal ambition drives Toilen out of the group which deeply hurts Rose and she doesn't pretend to be ignorant of the wickedness of Psaro's plans, but she also cannot turn her back on her beloved either. Pleading with Psaro to abandon his crusade, she reveals that the Chosen One and his companions visited her while Psaro was away on business at Diabolic Hall. She was touched by the friendliness of the prophetized Hero, who along with Toilen before affirmed to Rose that there are indeed good humans along with the bad. Psaro will hear none of it however and ignores Rose, pushing her to her limit. Standing before the window of her tower, Rose quietly swears that she will do all she can to stop her maddened love, even if it means losing him.

This comes to a head when Psaro is informed of the discovery of Estark's Crypt and sets out to harness the power of the ultimate monster, and Rose attempts to hold him back by his arm. Shaking her off, Psaro leaves Rose behind as she quietly weeps on her knees, being the first time the two have been apart since their journey began. This separation would prove disastrous for the entire world as it allowed the wicked Aamon to send his agents to abduct Rose, leaving a succubat trained to cast Morph in her place. The impostor lingers in her room in Rosehill Tower, claiming to have escaped when the kidnappers weren't looking. Toilen suddenly enters the scene and calls out the deceit, yelling that he witnessed the entire charade when he returned to the tower to make amends and that the real Rose is in serious danger. The player is then given the choice to believe Toilen or the succubat, but the latter's mimicry of the ruby tears proves too convincing. This forces a bad ending reminiscent of the original game where the lie is revealed to Psaro by the succubat in mockery later on, and after rushing off to find the real elf she dies in his arms. Driven insane with grief beyond words, Psaro utilizes the Secret of Transmutation to mutate into an affront to all Creation, devastating Nadiria before being killed by the Chosen and left to languish in an eternity of darkness.

Thankfully Rose's murder by Aamon's agents is undone thanks to Toilen, who stole a few samples of the Sands of Time earlier in their adventure and rewound reality to the moment of Psaro choosing to believe him or the impostor Rose. The succubat is dealt with quickly and the duo make it to Rose in time, who is brought up to speed and doesn't waste a moment in confronting Psaro over his goal to annihilate humanity. Having learned the error of his ways, Psaro relents and the lovers are never again parted even as they journey into the very heart of Nadiria to confront Psaro's despotic father.

Much later, during the post-game, it is revealed that Rose is a direct descendant of El Zetta, a kingdom of elves known for their ability to control time and space through the travelite and chronocite crystals. This is how Rose was able to naturally recall the ceremonial dance necessary to make use of the travelite crystals and imbue the teleportation power into the whole of Rosehill Tower.

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

A likeness of Rose appears as Treasure No. 359, with a base value of 750,000. The statue uses her design seen in Walk.

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Rose appears as a quest giving NPC in the game and also has an equipment set based on her clothing. This marks the first game in which she has been illustrated by Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Rose appears dressed in a swimsuit as Seaside Sprite Rose, who is an S-rank member of the ??? family as part of the limited Hijinks on the High Seas! Swimwear, Waves, and Pirates!? event on her own banner alongside Crankiid. She can participate in Shellie's mother's Battle Road as a party member.

Seaside Sprite Rose (渚の妖精ロザリー Nagisa no yōsei Rozarii)Tactlogo.png

Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact SupportType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1261 591 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
236 441 503 257 50
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Solar Bind Venus Heal* Summer Banga*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Tropical Cocktail / Stats Up Frizz Res +25 / Stats Up Summer Banga Potency +5% /
Light of the Sun: When afflicted with a status ailment: Removes some status ailments, 1 time only per battle. / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Sizz Res +25 / Stats Up Summer Banga Potency +5% / Max HP +100 / Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises martial potency/recovery of all allies, including herself, by 10% in a 5x5 square around her.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
DEF +20
Max HP +30
Summer Time: Battle start: Raises AGL, Move, and martial potency/recovery for 3 turns. Summer Banga Potency +2%
Perk Details
Tropical Cocktail: When user or ally is attacked by enemy: Heals with Tropical Cocktail if user or ally is within 1 to 3-space range, up to 3 times per battle.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Half Res Normal Very Weak
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Very Weak Normal Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Normal Half Res
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Immune Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Half Res


  • Rose has a serious sweet-tooth, being overjoyed to learn that the Circle of Indulgence is a region made entirely of candy and pastries.
  • Rose was ignorant of her El Zettai heritage until Ludo pointed it out to her, with the first hint being the penteractic guardian singling her out.
