Martial Artist

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A fighter well versed in hand-to-hand techniques that turn hands and feet into lethal weapons. --Description from Dragon Quest VII

The Martial Artist (武闘家, Butouka) is a class in the Dragon Quest series. Practitioners of the way of the fist possess high Agility, Resilience, and Strength, but zilch for magical capability.


Martial artists have a great amount of Agility and Strength, as befitting a life dedicated to physical fitness. They can deal devastating amounts of damage from a single strike, but their equipment pool is much more limited than that of a Warrior's. For example, if equipped with any weapon other than a claw in III a Martial Artist's abilities will actually decrease as his or her Attack power will lower considerably. Compared to other vocations, Martial Artists have a very limited armor selection, particularly when it comes to shields and headwear. This can be a boon to the party's finances as unlike Warriors, it is not necessary to continuously upgrade the Martial Artist's equipment. Most of their armour consists of lightweight vests and other clothing designed for ease of movement, as heavier armour would interfere with their mobility and hamper their fighting style.

A pugilist has a higher chance of scoring a critical hit on an enemy than other vocations, with their ratio being dependent on their level instead of staying at the standard fixed 164 chance that is common throughout the series. In all versions of III the formula is LvL/256, capping once the martial artist reaches level 64 (25%). For VI and VII the formula is dependent on the character's rank in the vocation, capping at 18 when the vocation is mastered. Critical hits utilize a character's Deftness in IX and subsequent titles, with Martial Artists receiving no special treatment other than a high aptitude for the stat.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]


NES version

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 12 432
MP 0 0
Strength 15 255
Agility 10 255
Resilience 5 216
Wisdom 4 73
Luck 1 218


  • ♥ denotes female only equipment.

Starting equipment[edit]

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]


Calculated using the everyman personality.

Female Male
Stats Level 1 Level 99 Level 1 Level 99
Strength 12 350 13 351
Resilience 9 253 10 254
Agility 11 371 9 369
Stamina 9 286 10 287
Wisdom 6 212 6 212
Luck 4 299 3 298


Level Learned Original Japanese English MP Description
3 足ばらい
Leg Sweep 1 2/3rds chance to stun one foe
7 とびひざげり
Flying Knee 3 Deals 130% Strike-element to air-born foes
13 必中拳 Hawkeye Claw 4 Strike attack that cannot miss
17 かまいたち
Wind Sickles 5 Deals 40~60 Wind damage to one foe
24 せいけん突き
Knuckle Sandwich 7 160% Strike damage to one foe
1/3rd chance to miss
28 すてみ
Double Up 9 200% Strike damage to one foe
Doubles damage taken for one turn
34 まわしげり
Roundhouse Kick 7 Deals 100, 80, 70, 50, 30, 20% Strike damage from left to right
38 ばくれつけん
Multifists 12 Four random Strike attacks at 47~53% strength per blow
43 いてつく波紋
Itetsuku Hamon
Ripple of Disruption 10 Strips one foe of all buffs
47 会心必中
kaishin hicchiyou
Critical Claim 64 Guaranteed critical hit


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake  
Weapon Modifier(s)
Battle axe Attack -33
Sledgehammer Attack -27
Sizeable scissors Attack -24
Iron axe Attack -18
Steel broadsword Attack -16
Iron lance Attack -12
Chain sickle Attack -8
Divine dagger Attack -7
Copper sword Attack -6
Oaken club Attack -3
Cypress stick Attack -1
Iron claws Attack +27
Knuckledusters Attack +43
Golden claws Attack +62
Fire claws Attack +80
Dragonsbane claws Attack +87
Dragon claws Attack +95
Beast claws Attack +107
Destructiball Attack +155
Rubiss's sword Attack +206

  • ♥ denotes female-only equipment.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Th Martial Artist is one of the basic classes available. It is one of the prerequisites for the Gladiator Vocation (along with Warrior), and for the Paladin vocation along with Priest.

Vocation trait[edit]

As mentioned above, Martial Artists get higher critical hit rates as their vocation rank rises.

Rank Critical Hit Rate
1 1/256
2 1/256
3 1/64
4 1/48
5 1/32
6 1/24
7 1/16
8 1/8

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 200
Strength Null
Agility +15%
Resilience -10%
Wisdom Null
Style Null
Max HP Null
Max MP -50%
Trait Increased Critical Hit rate


Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 White Belt Leg Sweep 1 One Enemy A martial arts technique that knocks foes to the ground. 0
2 Yellow Belt Roundhouse Kick 16 One group A circular kick that pummels a single group of enemies. 0
3 Green Belt Wind Sickles 32 One Enemy Sends a whirlwind of sickles pirouetting into the enemy. 0
4 Brown Belt Dodgy Dance 60 Self Fancy footwork that prepares the performer to take evasive maneuvers. 0
5 Black Belt Knuckle Sandwich 90 One Enemy A powerfully focused and damaging bare-fisted strike. 0
6 Instructor Pressure Pointer 125 One enemy Targets a vital spot to take down an enemy instantly. 0
7 Dojo Master Heave-Ho 158 One enemy Ejects enemy from battle. 0
8 Fist of Fate Multifists 200 Variable A vicious four-hit strike on a random enemy. 0

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

DQVII Martial Artist male.png
DQVII Martial Artist female.png

Martial artist is one of the basic classes available at Alltrades Abbey. It is a prerequisite for the Gladiator and Paladin vocations, which in turn are necessary for the Champion advanced vocation.

Vocation trait[edit]

The Critical Hit rate has been changed slightly from VI, but the cap is still 1/8th.

Rank Critical Hit Rate
1 1/64
2 1/64
3 1/64
4 1/32
5 1/16
6 1/16
7 25/256
8 1/8

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 160
Strength Null
Agility +15%
Resilience -10%
Wisdom -20%
Style Null
Max HP Null
Max MP -50%

PS1 Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Beginner Nothing 0
2 Novice LegSweep 16 One Enemy Trips an enemy, preventing it from attacking the next turn. 0
3 Grappler JumpKick 32 One Enemy Deals 50% more damage to floating monsters 0
4 Black Belt Roundhous 50 One Group Attacks one group of enemies with decreasing damage from left to right. 0
5 Assassin Suplex 70 One Enemy Chucks a single enemy out of battle. (Works like Poof) 0
6 Ninja WarCry 105 All enemies If successful, will prevent all enemies from attacking the next turn. 0
7 Sensei Punch 130 One Enemy Does 50% more damage than a regular attack. 0
8 Master WindBeast 160 One Enemy A wind based attack that becomes stronger the higher the user's level. 0

3DS Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 White Belt Nothing 0
2 Yellow Belt Leg Sweep 8 One Enemy Trips an enemy, preventing it from attacking the next turn. 0
3 Green Belt Flying Knee 16 One Enemy Deals 50% more damage to floating monsters 0
4 Brown Belt Roundhouse Kick 24 One Group Attacks one group of enemies with decreasing damage from left to right. 0
5 Black Belt Heave-Ho 33 One Enemy Chucks a single enemy out of battle. (Works like Poof) 0
6 Instructor Pressure Pointer 43 One enemy Has the chance of killing a single enemy; if it fails, it inflicts 50% melee damage instead. 0
7 Dojo Master Knuckle Sandwich 53 One Enemy Does 50% more damage than a regular attack. 2
8 Fist of Fate Wind Sickles 65 One Enemy A wind based attack that becomes stronger the higher the user's level. 0

Hybrid Abilities[edit]

Hybrid Learns Target Info MP
Dancer Jock Dance One Group Attacks one group of enemies with decreasing damage. 0
Jester Retaliate Self Returns any attack against the user back to the enemy. 0
Mage Fire Air All Enemies Does ~10HP in fire damage. 0
Mariner Big Trip One Enemy Damages the enemy and prevents them from acting the next turn. 0
Shepherd Ram Attack Self/One Enemy Reduces self and one enemy to 20% HP. 0
Thief K.O. Punch One Enemy Has the chance of killing a single enemy. 0


The M.A.'s skill Wind Sickles is worth learning as it grows in strength the higher the level. In terms of development, the M.A. is required in order to become a Gladiator and Paladin. The great thing about Martial Artists is that these two classes combine to make a Godhand. The Godhand is worth investing some time and battles in getting if the player is looking to go to the bonus dungeons.

The M.A.'s hybrid skills are not very exciting except for Jock Dance. However, Roundhouse does the same thing and it doesn't require changing into a Dancer to do so.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX Martial Artist Male.png
DQIX Martial Artist Female.png

The Martial Artist vocation is available at the start of the game and has the unique skill set "Focus". Martial Artists can also use skill points to learn Fans, Staves, Claws, and Fisticuff skills, having expanded their selection of weapons considerably from the days of III. Their Coup-de-Grace is Roaring Tirade, which terrorizes all enemies and raises tension by one level. As mentioned above, a Martial Artist is no more likely to land a Critical Hit than a character with the same Deftness stat.


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 24 540
MP 2 38
Strength 18 399
Agility 23 500
Resilience 11 245
Magical Might 0 0
Magical Mending 0 0
Deftness 11 255
Charm 5 120


Accolades Required points Name Effects
Energiser 4 Warcry Intimidates a group of enemies.
Surpriser 10 Natural Agility +10 Increases Agility by 10.
Chastiser 16 Psyche Up Increases tension by one level.
Galvaniser 22 Natural Strength +10 Increases Strength by 10.
Pressuriser 32 Mens Sana Removes negative status effects.
Equaliser 42 Natural Max HP +30 Increases maximum HP by 30.
Agoniser 55 Mind Over Matter Protects against breath attack
Terroriser 68 Natural Agility +30 Increases Agility by 30.
Pulveriser 90 Meditation Restores at least 80 HP..
Atomiser 100 Natural Agility +60 Increases Agility by 60.

Revocation Award[edit]

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

The Martial Artists have been represented as statues with base values of 120,000.

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Status screen for a character changing from a warrior to a Martial Artist in Walk.

The Martial Artist is available to players from the beginning of the game, and allows them to equip Claws, Spears, and Whips.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

The Martial Artist from Dragon Quest III appears as a special costume for the Mii Brawler.

Notable Martial Artists[edit]

  • Alena's stats, equipment, and sky-high critical hit chance are derived from the vocation's depiction in III.
  • Carver's childhood dream was to become a Martial Artist of great renown, and he naturally learns several bare-handed abilities.
  • Morrie combines Martial Artist abilities with those of a Minstrel in the 3DS version of VIII.
  • Mjoll, a kind young Ogre woman who has been training as a Martial Artist from a young age.
  • Jade takes several abilities from the vocation's depiction in IX and X, and adds a sultry twist to more than a few.
  • Rab has the qualities of a Martial Artist, along with those of a Sage.
  • Maam, one of Dai's companions and a Disciple of Avan. She trains as a Martial Artist under the tutelage of Brokeena, the Holy Fist.


  • The male Martial Artist from Dragon Quest III has made cameo appearances as an NPC in other games in the series, including VII and VIII.

See also[edit]
