List of personality types in Dragon Quest III

From Dragon Quest Wiki

This is a list of personality types in Dragon Quest III.

Personalities are a game mechanic added to the remakes of Dragon Quest III which affect character stat growth. The Hero is assigned one of 30 personalities through a test at the beginning of the game. Recruited members are assigned a personality based on their starting stats. Personalities can be changed throughout the game with the use of book items and by equipping certain pieces of equipment. There are a total of 45 possible personalities. Note that in most Dragon Quest games, stats are determined randomly at level up, or according to a specific distribution of growth.

In the sections below, the names of personalities from the Phone version of Dragon Quest III are used. These are the only 'official' names for personalities as the Super NES version of the game was never officially translated, and the ones featured in the Game Boy Color are obsolete. However, most fan translation names are similar to the ones used in the Game Boy Color version.

Personalities and stat effects

Android / iOS Name GBC Name Gender Strength (STR) Agility (AGL) Resilience (VIT) Wisdom (INT) Luck (LUCK) Total
Acrobat Agile ♂ ♀ 90% 120% 90% 100% 80% −20%
Amazon Amazon — ♀ 130% 90% 100% 80% 80% −20%
Bat out of hell Quick ♂ ♀ 100% 140% 100% 100% 100% +40%
Clown Silly ♂ ♀ 100% 120% 95% 115% 110% +40%
Contrarian Twisted ♂ ♀ 70% 120% 70% 110% 130% +0%
Crybaby Weepy ♂ ♀ 90% 90% 100% 110% 115% +5%
Daredevil Fearless ♂ ♀ 95% 120% 115% 100% 100% +30%
Daydreamer Romantic ♂ ♀ 95% 110% 95% 115% 100% +15%
Drudge Eager ♂ ♀ 105% 90% 110% 100% 80% −15%
Egghead Logical ♂ ♀ 80% 105% 90% 125% 80% −20%
Everyman Ordinary ♂ ♀ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% +0%
Free spirit Carefree ♂ ♀ 100% 75% 110% 105% 105% −5%
Genius Sharp ♂ ♀ 100% 120% 80% 140% 90% +30%
Good egg Kindly ♂ ♀ 105% 95% 105% 110% 95% +10%
Gourmand Unique ♂ ♀ 110% 60% 110% 50% 80% −90%
Happy camper Happy ♂ ♀ 90% 100% 90% 100% 130% +10%
Idealist Macho ♂ ♀ 115% 100% 110% 90% 60% −25%
Ironclad Ironman ♂ ♀ 105% 80% 130% 90% 80% −15%
Klutz Careless ♂ ♀ 80% 115% 100% 70% 70% −65%
Lazybones Lazy ♂ ♀ 115% 60% 120% 65% 110% −30%
Lone wolf Solitary ♂ ♀ 100% 110% 120% 110% 70% +10%
Lothario Lewd ♂ — 105% 95% 120% 105% 90% +15%
Lout Naive ♂ ♀ 100% 90% 90% 70% 110% −40%
Lucky devil Lucky ♂ — 100% 110% 100% 100% 150% +60%
Meathead Jock ♂ ♀ 130% 80% 100% 70% 80% −40%
Meddler Meddler ♂ ♀ 105% 85% 110% 80% 70% −50%
Mule Stubborn ♂ ♀ 100% 60% 120% 60% 70% −90%
Narcissist Selfish ♂ ♀ 95% 105% 90% 90% 90% −30%
Paragon Valiant ♂ ♀ 140% 70% 100% 80% 70% −40%
Plugger Diligent ♂ ♀ 110% 85% 120% 90% 70% −25%
Princess Ladylike — ♀ 100% 80% 95% 110% 140% +25%
Scatterbrain Foolish ♂ ♀ 85% 115% 80% 80% 90% −50%
Show-off Vain ♂ ♀ 105% 110% 95% 105% 95% +10%
Shrinking violet Timid ♂ ♀ 110% 60% 120% 110% 90% −10%
Slippery devil Alert ♂ ♀ 90% 110% 90% 120% 100% +10%
Socialite Lonesome ♂ ♀ 100% 90% 80% 110% 110% −10%
Sore loser Defiant ♂ ♀ 95% 105% 105% 95% 95% −5%
Spoilt brat Helpless ♂ ♀ 95% 100% 90% 105% 100% −10%
Straight arrow Honest ♂ ♀ 100% 90% 100% 110% 90% −10%
Thug Bully ♂ ♀ 120% 90% 90% 60% 70% −70%
Tomboy Tomboy — ♀ 110% 110% 80% 90% 90% −20%
Tough cookie Tough ♂ ♀ 115% 90% 140% 80% 70% −5%
Vamp Sexy — ♀ 110% 120% 105% 115% 120% +70%
Wimp Cowardly ♂ ♀ 90% 70% 90% 120% 120% −10%
Wit Smart ♂ ♀ 95% 100% 100% 130% 90% +15%


Opinion #1: The vamp personality is often regarded as the best due to its +70% composite stat bonus. For this reason, choosing female characters is often preferred since males cannot have said personality. Personality does not effect anything significant in the game other than stats, so it does not benefit the player to have any character with a personality that results in a negative overall composite total. Certain personalities are better for specific vocations; for example, a male martial artist that has a lucky devil personality will keep his traditionally high agility and add a high amount of luck. This allows him to evade debilitating spells more easily.

Opinion #2: Since this is primarily a team-based game, personalities that give a large, focused increase in a particular stat are preferable to even spread options. Personalities such as paragon, bat out of hell, wit, tough cookie and maybe even lucky devil.

Paragon obviously works well with physically inclined classes such as the warrior and martial artist, as it will make their attack rating skyrocket. Although their agility will suffer, they will be able to kill many monsters in scant few hits, if not one.

Bat out of hell is best chosen through books later in the game. The vocations that would most benefit from the increased agility, spellcasters, cannot start with this personality. The other alternative is giving this to the martial artist to optimize his agility early and switch to another class or personality later on.

Tough cookie is an optimal choice for players who prefer durability. It either makes physical vocations even harder to kill, or gives precious HP to frailer ones like the mage and priest. The mage will especially enjoy the increase as it will allow him to better survive enemy attack spells, so long as you don't mind the drop in MP.

Wit increases your potential MP and is a promising choice for the hero, as Zoom, Kazap, and Omniheal are very expensive to cast. For other characters, wit is a possible alternative as it trades potential resilience for more agility.

Lucky devil and happy camper, while proving merely average stat gains, provide large increases in luck which make you much less likely to be affected by status effects. This is helpful for character with multiple abilities as they are vulnerable to various effects and are more likely to be physically weak.

Possible exceptions to the above are daredevil, vamp, and lone wolf. Daredevil provides above-average agility and resilience which provides a balanced defense along with better priority. Vamp is popular for its multiple above average stats with a possible weakness in its average resilience. Lone wolf has good increases in agility, resilience and wisdom. However, those increases are balanced by below average luck, which makes the character more vulnerable to status effects.

Hero personality quiz

Starting personality graph

At the start of a new game, the hero is asked a series of questions by an unknown source. These questions determine the hero's starting personality. The player is asked to enter their real name and birth date, however these inputs have no effect on the resulting personality test. The first question is randomly chosen from the 5 possible starting questions. Any of the 29 possible personalities can be obtained from any of the 5 starting questions. In total, there are 43 different questions that can be asked, including 1 question which can be asked twice.

At the end of each possible question chain is an imaginary scenario in which the hero must decide what to do. These scenarios determine the final personality. There are 8 different scenarios that can be played depending on the player's answers to the questions. Some scenarios have up to 5 possible personality results depending on the actions of the hero during the scenario.

The 31 possible starting personalities for a hero are:

  • Slippery devil
  • Thug
  • Free spirit
  • Klutz
  • Wimp
  • Sore loser
  • Plugger
  • Daredevil
  • Scatterbrain
  • Happy camper
  • Spoilt brat
  • Straight arrow
  • Good egg
  • Lazybones
  • Lothario/Vamp[1]
  • Egghead
  • Socialite
  • Idealist
  • Lout
  • Daydreamer
  • Narcissist
  • Silly
  • Lone Wolf
  • Mule
  • Shrinking violet
  • Tough cookie
  • Show-off
  • Paragon
  • Crybaby

The 15 personalities which the hero cannot start with are:

  • Acrobat
  • Amazon
  • Drudge
  • Ironclad
  • Meathead
  • Princess
  • Lucky devil
  • Meddler
  • Everyman
  • Bat out of hell
  • Genius
  • Wit
  • Tomboy
  • Contrarian
  • Gourmand
  1. If your character is male, you get the Lothario personality. If your character is female, you get the Vamp personality.

Recruitable member personality

Characters which are created and recruited at Patty's place have different mechanism to determine their personality. Each character class has its own set of base statistics.

Class / gender Strength (STR) Agility (AGL) Resilience (VIT) Wisdom (INT) Luck (LUCK)
Warrior ♂ 9 2 9 2 3
Warrior ♀ 8 3 8 3 3
Martial artist ♂ 14 9 7 3 2
Martial artist ♀ 12 11 7 4 3
Mage ♂ 3 6 4 7 3
Mage ♀ 2 7 4 7 3
Priest 4 5 4 6 3
Merchant ♂ 5 1 6 6 4
Merchant ♀ 5 2 5 7 4
Gadabout ♂ 4 3 6 2 10
Gadabout ♀ 4 3 5 3 10
Thief ♂ 6 10 5 5 8
Thief ♀ 5 12 5 6 8

When the game creates a character, it assigns the base stats for the character's class and gender, then adds a variable number of bonus stats, from 2 to 10, weighted toward central values. These bonus stats are distributed one at a time among the five stats, randomly.

Bonus stats 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chance 264 464 1264 1264 1564 1564 264 164 164

The resulting resilience and wisdom then determine maximum HP and MP. Warrior and martial artist maximum MP is always 0. Otherwise, maximum HP/MP is calculated as resilience/wisdom multiplied by from 195 to 205, divided by 100, rounded down. In practice, 611 of the time, this results in an amount equal to resilience/wisdom doubled, and 511 of the time, this results in an amount one lower.

After the 2–10 bonus stats are distributed and HP/MP calculated, the player is given the opportunity to accept or reject the results. If the player accepts, the player can use five seeds to further raise the character's stats. Each seed will increase the single stat by 1–3 points. The seeds can be distributed manually or randomly by the computer if the player chooses that option. After the final starting stats have been determined, a calculation is performed to determine the personality.

The base values from the above table are subtracted from the final starting stats to get the bonus values, i.e. the amount by which each stat exceeds the base value for the character's gender and class. The five stats are ranked from highest to lowest bonus. If stats have an equal bonus, the base stat value is used to break the tie. If stats have an equal bonus and value, ties are broken randomly. Finally, a personality is chosen based on class, highest ranked stat and the value of its bonus, and sometimes the second highest ranked stat, gender, and random chance.

Highest bonus is Strength (STR)
Warrior/Martial Artist STR >= 11 Paragon/Meathead/Amazon
STR >= 7 Meathead/Idealist/Tomboy/Thug
RES is 2nd Thug/Gourmand/Lothario/Amazon
AGI is 2nd Daredevil/Tomboy/Klutz/Sore Loser
Otherwise Lothario/Lout/Free Spirit/Straight Arrow/Everyman
Mage/Priest STR >= 11 Meathead/Amazon/Daredevil
STR >= 7 Mule/Meddler/Meathead/Idealist
RES is 2nd Drudge/Plugger/Gourmand/Narcissist
WIS is 2nd Sore Loser/Show Off/Wimp/Socialite
Otherwise Lout/Lazybones/Straight Arrow/Tomboy/Good Egg/Everyman
Merchant/Gadabout/Thief STR >= 11 Meathead/Sore Loser/Tomboy/Idealist
WIS is 2nd Genius/Lone Wolf/Slippery devil
RES is 2nd Daredevil/Amazon/Thug
AGI is 2nd Scatterbrain/Acrobat/Clown
Otherwise Socialite/Daydreamer/Crybaby/Spoilt Brat/Narcissist/Everyman
Highest bonus is Agility (AGI)
Warrior/Merchant/Gadabout AGI >= 12 Bat Outta Hell/Daredevil/Acrobat
AGI >= 7 Acrobat/Scatterbrain/Narcissist/Sore Loser
WIS is 2nd Slippery devil/Lout/Contrarian
STR is 2nd Thug/Tomboy/Idealist/Lone Wolf
Otherwise Klutz/Show Off/Socialite/Crybaby/Everyman
Fighter/Thief AGI >= 11 Bat Outta Hell/Daredevil/Acrobat
AGI >= 7 Daredevil/Acrobat/Scatterbrain/Lone Wolf
STR is 2nd Sore Loser/Idealist/Tomboy/Show Off
RES is 2nd Idealist/Drudge/Lothario/Contrarian
Otherwise Lone Wolf/Daydreamer/Daredevil/Crybaby/Everyman
Mage/Priest AGI >= 8 Acrobat/Slippery devil/Scatterbrain
STR is 2nd Sore Loser/Show Off/Free Spirit
WIS is 2nd Egghead/Crybaby/Clown/Vamp
Otherwise Wimp/Lout/Spoilt Brat/Daydreamer/Everyman
Highest bonus is Resilience (RES)
Warrior/Martial Artist/Merchant RES >= 10 Tough Cookie/Ironclad
RES >= 6 Plugger/Drudge/Mule/Lothario
STR is 2nd Meathead/Gourmand/Free Spirit
Otherwise Straight Arrow/Meddler/Lazybones/Shrinking Violet/Everyman
Mage/Priest RES >= 11 Tough/Ironman/Drudge
RES >= 6 Drudge/Mule/Diligent/Lothario
WIS is 2nd Kindly/Meddler/Defiant/Vamp
Otherwise Lonesome/Wimp/Lout/Free Spirit/Everyman
Gadabout/Thief RES >= 11 Tough/Ironman/Gourmand
RES >= 6 Drudge/Mule/Gourmand/Lothario
STR is 2nd Thug/Daredevil
Otherwise Lazybones/Solitary/Vamp/Silly/Daydreamer/Everyman
Highest bonus is Wisdom (WIS)
Warrior/Martial Artist WIS >= 10 Twisted/Wit/Logical/Daydreamer
WIS >= 6 Show Off/Daydreamer/Wimp/Princess
Otherwise Lout/Spoilt Brat/Silly/Kindly/Everyman
Mage/Priest WIS >= 10 Genius/Wit
WIS >= 6 Wit/Slippery Devil/Logical/Daydreamer/Wimp
Otherwise Crybaby/Kindly/Spoilt Brat/Lonesome/Straight ArrowEveryman
Merchant/Thief WIS >= 10 Genius/Wit
WIS >= 6 Slippery Devil/Wit/Show Off/Logical
Otherwise Solitary/Daydreamer/Diligent/Klutz/Everyman/Meddler
Gadabout WIS >= 10 Genius/Wit
WIS >= 6 Slippery Devil/Vamp/Lothario/Silly/Logical
Otherwise Lazybones/Free Spirit/Spoilt Brat/Solitary/Everyman
Highest bonus is Luck (LUC)
Warrior/Martial Artist LUC >= 12 Lucky/Princess/Happy Camper
LUC >= 7 Happy Camper/Daydreamer/Lazybones
Otherwise Lout/Spoilt Brat/Show Off/Silly/Klutz/Everyman
Mage/Priest LUC >= 12 Lucky/Princess/Happy Camper
LUC >= 6 Happy Camper/Lout/Spoilt Brat/Lazybones
Otherwise Show Off/Klutz/Crybaby/Wimp/Shrinking Violet/Everyman
Merchant/Thief LUC >= 12 Lucky Devil/Happy Camper
LUC >= 6 Happy Camper/Meddler/Spoilt Brat/Narcissist/Free Spirit
Otherwise Show Off/Lout/Crybaby/Kindly/Straight Arrow/Everyman
Gadabout LUC >= 9 Lucky Devil/Princess
LUC >= 6 Happy Camper/Lout/Spoilt Brat/Vamp/Lothario
Otherwise Lothario/Vamp/Crybaby/Lonesome/Silly/Free Spirit/Lazybones/Narcissist

Altering personality

Personality can be altered during the game in two ways: a character can equip a piece of equipment which forces a specific personality, or a book item can be used which changes the character's base personality. Book items can be found throughout the game, with many hidden in bookcases and pots in towns. The most highly valued book is the Vamp book which is obtainable through one of the wishes the first bonus boss grants.
