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m (→‎Trivia: the 25th anniversary book is available in Spanish, it says he is her descendant)
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The nature of ''Builders'' is a what-if story in which the Hero fell for the Dragonlord's ruse and took his offer for half the world. Warping the hero's mind into that of a bumbling barbarian, none stood in the Dragonlord's way as he cast the entire archipelago of Alefguard into darkness. Furthermore, the scaled sovereign placed a curse upon the population that blocked all memory of building from their minds--while a person may recognize the individual materials used to construct something, the moment they move to craft the curse activates and seals the person's memory of ''how'' the materials are used, effectively sending the population to the stone age and forcing them into an arduous existence living off the bare expanse of the despoiled land.
The nature of ''Builders'' is a what-if story in which the Hero fell for the Dragonlord's ruse and took his offer for half the world. Warping the hero's mind into that of a bumbling barbarian, none stood in the Dragonlord's way as he cast the entire archipelago of Alefgard into darkness. Furthermore, the scaled sovereign placed a curse upon the population that blocked all memory of building from their minds--while a person may recognize the individual materials used to construct something, the moment they move to craft the curse activates and seals the person's memory of ''how'' the materials are used, effectively sending the population to the stone age and forcing them into an arduous existence living off the bare expanse of the despoiled land.

From his perverse perspective, the Dragonlord considered this to be an act of mercy--he states that through building humans rebel against their fates and in turn only bring upon more miserable ones to their lives. He explains that he had no choice but to muddle minds, for if he did not the world would be thrown out of balance and fall into ruin. As the Builder is the last remaining vestige of the spark of creativity, they must be snuffed out under his heel.
From his perverse perspective, the Dragonlord considered this to be an act of mercy--he states that through building humans rebel against their fates and in turn only bring upon more miserable ones to their lives. He explains that he had no choice but to muddle minds, for if he did not the world would be thrown out of balance and fall into ruin. As the Builder is the last remaining vestige of the spark of creativity, they must be snuffed out under his heel.

Revision as of 23:56, 4 January 2022

"I am the Dragonlord, master of masters, king of kings! Long have I awaited this moment. Come! Take thy rightful place at my side! Do so, and I will grant unto thee dominion over half the world!"


Dragon Quest
The Dragonlord in his first form.
Sprite(s) Dq1dragonlord-sprite-NES.gif
Japanese name 竜王
Romaji Ryūō
Old localization Dracolord (GBC era)
Title Incarnation of Evil (Rivals)
Class Demon Swordsman (Rivals)
Race Unknown
Family Dragonlord's great-great-grandson (Descendant)
The Dragon Queen (Ancestor)
Voice actor Seizō Katō (CD Theater)
Hōchū Ōtsuka (Dragon Quest Rivals and DQX)

The Dragonlord is the main antagonist and final boss of the original Dragon Quest. Before the game starts, he steals the Sphere of Light from Tantegel Castle to unleash his forces of darkness upon Alefgard; he then kidnaps Princess Gwaelin to hold her hostage and prevent her father from challenging his new tyranny.

At the end of Dragon Quest, the Hero defeated the Dragonlord and restored peace to Alefgard.


The Dragonlord resides in a Castle (Formerly referred to in past localizations as Charlock Castle), which is located to the southeast across the water from Tantegel Castle. Within the castle, the Dragonlord resides on the bottom-most level. Throughout the game, the Dragonlord never leaves the castle, similar to Hargon in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line.


Being the first villain of the series, the Dragonlord displays several traits that would define the archetypal arch-fiend; he is a vain, power-hungry despot who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, whether it be imprisoning a maiden deep beneath the earth or wiping an opposing town off the map just to make a point.

Though brutal and mindlessly savage at first glace, these actions are actually well planned tactics meant to secure the scaley lord's political power in Alefgard. As mentioned above the kidnapping of the princess is meant to keep the king and citizens from so much as daring to think about standing up to him, and the obliteration of the kingdom's highest commerce center meant that trade with outer lands would be crippled. Indeed, the very fact that the Dragonlord's first move in his plan was to steal the Sphere of Light shows that the would-be despot plans his actions very carefully.

When confronted by the Hero, the Dragonlord offers him the chance to split the world and rule half of it as his ally. This was an unprecedented move for a video game villain in 1986, when most antagonists had either no personality to speak of or theirs was confined to the pages of a manual. By offering to make a deal when cornered by the Hero, the Dragonlord proves that his aspirations are truly political in nature, and not blindly dedicated to chaos for chaos' sake. Indeed, Builders expands on this, indicating that he's more of a radical activist for monsters and treats them very well, being seen as a king of kings by them. Additionally he has no desire to exterminate humanity, but rather wishes for monsters to rule over them the way (in his view) humans have ruled over monsters.

In battle, the Dragonlord appears as a humanoid sorcerer who possesses the skill of magic but is fairly weak, physically speaking. After receiving enough damage, the Dragonlord transforms into a more powerful, dragon form (his "true" form). The music also changes to the final battle theme.

Select quotes

  • "So, thou art come before me at last, Hero! And bearing tribute unto my glory in the form of a fair princess no less! Hm hm hm! I am honoured in deed!"
  • "I am the Dragonlord, master of masters, king of kings! Long have I awaited this moment. Come! Take thy rightful place at my side! Do so, and I will grant unto thee dominion over half the world!"
  • "What say'st thou? Wilt thou rule beside me?"
  • "Thou art a fool!"
  • " Very well. Then half of the world shall be thine. And if ever thou should fall in battle, I shall revive thee at no cost! Now, fall into a deep, dark sleep! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"


In Dragon Quest II, a more friendly descendant of the Dragonlord resides in the ruins of his Castle. The child is very proud of his grandfather's attempt at world domination, and is very annoyed at Hargon's own attempts, seeing the effort as an upstaging of his family's legacy. He aid's the party by giving vital information regarding the 5 Sigils.


Dragon Quest

The Dragonlord is the villain of the original game. He is the last obstacle the player must overcome before peace in Alefgard is ensured. The original NES sprite is on the left, while the remake SFC sprite is on the right.

When spoken to, the Dragonlord will present the Hero with an opportunity to rule half of Alefgard with him. Answering 'no' results in the start of the battle with the Dragonlord. Answering 'yes' varies between the different versions. In the originals, the Dragonlord will give control of the World of Darkness to the Hero, the screen fades to black, and the menus become red, as if the Hero had been fainted/killed in battle. He will also state he will revive the hero if he falls in battle, even giving him a password in the Japanese Version. Gameplay will stop at this point. In the remakes, accepting the offer simply causes the hero to faint, and reappear outside Tantegel Castle.

Original (NES)
Sprite HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
Dragonlord DQ NES.png 100 40 0 0 90 75 55
Spell(s) Fizzle, Sizzle
Location(s) Dragonlord's Castle
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 1516 1516 1516
Remakes (SFC, GBC, Mobile)
Sprites HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
Dragonlord DQ SNES.gifDQ-GBC-DRAGONLORD.png 240 40 0 0 107 110 55
Spell(s) Sizzle, Midheal, Snooze
Location(s) Charlock Castle
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 77 77 47

Dragonlord (Second Form)
Original (NES)
Sprite HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
Dragonlord2 DQ NES.png 130 0 0 0 140 200 90
Spell(s) Breathes fire (16~23)
Breathes intense fire (65~72)
Location(s) Charlock Castle
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 1516 1516 1516
Remakes (SFC, GBC, Mobile)
Sprites HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
Dragonlord2 DQ SNES.gifDQ-GBC-DRAGONLORD-SECOND-FORM.png 361 0 0 0 130 150 90
Spell(s) Breathes fire (16~23)
Spits fiery torrent of flame (12~17)
Belch blistering flames (65~72)
Location(s) Charlock Castle
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 77 77 27

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line

The grandson of the Dragonlord resides in the same location in Dragon Quest II. He is a character of core importance as he informs the heroes of their need to collect the Crests and contact Rubiss.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Although not specifically mentioned, the Dragonlord inherits Zoma's Citadel sometime after Zoma was defeated by the hero at the end of Dragon Quest III. Also, according to the Emblem of Roto manga, the Dragon Queen's egg is most likely Dragonlord.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

#295 - Dragonlord
File:DQIX Dragonlord.png
HP MP Experience Gold
15066 (99)
255 63600 2490
Attack Defense Speed
1286 (99)
675 (99)
304 (99)
Dropped Item Mini medal (common, 100%)
Red Orb (rare, 5%~10%)
Locations Grotto
Family ???
Bestiary # 295
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Description "Lizard lord who ravages all with great gusts of flame, and whose fire-retardant scales stop any such scorching in return.

"This proud and mighty beast rules over all the dragon clans of the world with a high and haughty hand."

Additional Attributes
Fire Ice Wind Earth Light Dark
75 100 100 100 100 100
Blast Dazzle Sleep Death Drain MP Confusion
150 25 0 0 100 0
Fizzle Inaction Paralyze Poison Charm Magic Res
0 0 0 0 5 50
Blunt Sap Decelerate
10 25 75

The Dragonlord appears as a Legacy Boss in Dragon Quest IX. His map can only be obtained as a rare drop from Greygnarl in grottoes. Unlike most other legacy bosses, he does not use magic, relying on breath attacks and physical strikes, and is Enraged by anyone that inflicts a critical hit or haywire spell on him. Note that the Dragonlord is classified under the ??? family, which means Dragon Slash and related effects do not apply to him.


You should have one or two healers and two main damage dealers. A character with 100 skill points in fource and another with the minstrel's manual is important. Double up is also viable. At the start of the battle apply gale fource and your damage buff. Have your main healer cast multiheal after every breath attack and a Sage with Kazing is to revive any party member who gets hit with a critical attack. Your main damage dealer should use a multi hit attack such as Multifists or Falcon Slash with a falcon blade. If the boss casts Disruptive Wave, apply your buffs again and keep hitting him until he goes down.


Level range Secondary drop Orb
1-3 Alefgard boots 15% Red Orb 5%
4-8 Alefgard helm 15% Red Orb 5%
9-15 Alefgard armour 15% Red Orb 6%
16-25 Psaro's Map 10% Red Orb 6%
26-40 Psaro's Map 15% Red Orb 7%
41-56 Psaro's Map 20% Red Orb 7%
57-68 Psaro's Map 25% Red Orb 8%
69-80 Psaro's Map 30% Red Orb 8%
81-90 Psaro's Map 35% Red Orb 9%
91-99 Psaro's Map 40% Red Orb 10%


Level New abilities
Initial Scorch, critical attack, sometimes attacks twice per round
16 Always attacks twice per round
24 Party Pooper
33 Hellfire
41 Begins attacking 3 times per turn, stops using Scorch
48 Dark Breath
57 Disruptive Wave

Dragon Quest Monsters

DracoLord DWM Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Dragonlord DQM GBC.png 50 2/5 5/5
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
2/5 2/5 5/5 5/5
Family ??? family
In-game description Tried to unite the monsters to rule the world
Abilities Firebal, Meditate, BeDragon
Habitat Gate of Ambition
Breeding chart Servant x Andreal, GreatDrak
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Weak Weak None None
Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance Drain Magic Resistance *
None None None Strong
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance * Paralysis Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Strong
Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune

DracoLord (Dragon) DWM Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Dragonlord2 DQM GBC.png 70 2/5 4/5
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
3/5 2/5 4/5 5/5
Family  ???
In-game description This is the true identity of DracoLord
Abilities FireAir, Massacre, Surge
Habitat Only available through breeding
Breeding chart DracoLord x Divinegon
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Strong Strong Strong Weak
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Strong Strong Weak Weak
Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance Drain Magic Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak Immune
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance * Paralysis Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune

The Dragonlord (DracoLord at the time) acts as the boss of the Gate of Ambition and will attempt to draw Terry over to his side in the same way he attempts to bargain with the Hero in the original Dragon Quest. but even if you replied yes, he would laugh and still challenge you.

Dragon Quest Monsters 2

DracoLord DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Dragonlord DQM2 GBC.png 50 5/10 9/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
6/10 5/10 7/10 7/10
In-game description DracoLord's first,unassuming form
Abilities Firebal, Meditate, BeDragon
Breeding chart Servant x Andreal, GreatDrak
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Weak Weak None None
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
None None None None
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Strong Immune Immune Immune
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Strong Immune Immune Immune
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune Immune

DracoLord (Dragon) DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Dragonlord2 DQM2 GBC.png 70 6/10 9/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
7/10 6/10 7/10 7/10
Family  ???
In-game description DracoLord's true powerful identity
Abilities FireAir, Massacre, Surge
Breeding chart DracoLord x Divinegon
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Strong Strong Strong Weak
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Strong Strong Weak Weak
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
Weak Weak Weak Weak
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune Immune

Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker

Family Dragon
Rank X
Description This monarch spoken of in ancient lore was once bested by the legendary dragon warrior.
Weapons Spears, Axes, Claws, Staves
Traits Psycho
Resistances Fire Breathproof, Cold Breathproof, Whackproof
Skill Dragonlord
Location -
Breeding chart Alabast dragon x Gem slime x Alabast dragon x Captain Crow

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Both forms, known as Dracolord for his humanoid form and Dragonlord for his dragon form, appear in the game as usable monsters.

Family Dragon
Rank S
Size S
Weapons Swords, Axes, Spears, Staves
Traits Scare Stare, Crafty Fizzler
Resistances Immune to Whack, Dim, and Magic Frailty
Skill Niflheim
Location -
Breeding chart Great dragon x Demon-at-arms

Family Dragon
Rank X
Size M
Weapons Axes, Spears, Claws, Staves
Traits Psycho, Big Hitter, Steady Recovery
Resistances Immune to Fire Breath, Cold Breath, Whack, Poison, Confusion, Inaction, Paralysis, and Sleep
Skill Dragonlord
Location -
Breeding chart Dracolord x Alabast dragon x Gem slime x Captain Crow

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional

The Dragonlord in his second form. This Dragonlord is from the Sofubi Monster merchandise series.

Both forms, humanoid and dragon, appear in the game as usable monsters.

Dragon Quest Builders

The nature of Builders is a what-if story in which the Hero fell for the Dragonlord's ruse and took his offer for half the world. Warping the hero's mind into that of a bumbling barbarian, none stood in the Dragonlord's way as he cast the entire archipelago of Alefgard into darkness. Furthermore, the scaled sovereign placed a curse upon the population that blocked all memory of building from their minds--while a person may recognize the individual materials used to construct something, the moment they move to craft the curse activates and seals the person's memory of how the materials are used, effectively sending the population to the stone age and forcing them into an arduous existence living off the bare expanse of the despoiled land.

From his perverse perspective, the Dragonlord considered this to be an act of mercy--he states that through building humans rebel against their fates and in turn only bring upon more miserable ones to their lives. He explains that he had no choice but to muddle minds, for if he did not the world would be thrown out of balance and fall into ruin. As the Builder is the last remaining vestige of the spark of creativity, they must be snuffed out under his heel.

The Dragonlord is unimpressed with the Builder, stating they are nothing more than but a mere puppet of Rubiss. Privy to the Goddess' forsaking of the Builder near the end of Chapter four, he attempts to use this schism and uncertainty to cloud the child's mind when he is bested in his humanoid form. Offering half the world, the Dragonlord states that the Builder's role in Rubiss's scheme has ended and they should now allow themselves to be a slave to one that has already abandoned them. Whispering with a forked-tongue, he sweetens the deal by promising the land the Builder will inherit will not be one of ashen darkness that Alefguard has become, but one of light where they may build their own kingdom as they see fit. If the Builder refuses the offer, the Dragonlord points out that if they fail to defeat him then all the towns, villages, and friends they have made will be rent asunder.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The Dragonlord is mentioned in passing by a crew member of Captain Whitebones' ship but otherwise he does not make any appearance. However, the player can unlock his throne if they have a save of Dragon Quest Builders on the same system, allowing them to temporary take his appearance whenever they sit on the throne.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End

Dragonlord DQHII Logo.png
Model Experience Gold Marked Version?
150000 5000g N
List No.
Field Notes The terrifying true form of the doyen of dragons, whose blistering breathe obliterates all who oppose him.
He often offers heroes half the world in return for their allegiance—but anyone who accepts is never seen again...
Location(s) Dragonlord's Den, Dread Dragonlord's Den, Devastating Dragonlord's Den
Item(s) Dropped n/a

Dragon Quest Rivals

The Dragonlord made his debut in the first card pack as a legendary rare card. Upon his death, he reveals his true form. Although he was restricted in normal use, he eventually appeared in the seventh card pack, "Strange Tale of Light and Darkness" under the title "Dragonlord, Incarnation of Evil". As a reference to his original appearance, the Dragonlord will offer the opponent half of the world. If the opponent agrees, the screen goes dark and they are defeated on the spot. If they refuse, he will inflict 4 damage to a random unit or the enemy leader.

  • When the game's name was changed to Rivals Ace, the Dragonlord appeared as the boss of the Dragonlord's Castle in the Solo Battle Adventure Mode and eventually became an alternate leader character for the Demon Swordsman vocation.

Dragon Quest Tact

The Dragonlord and his True Form appear as S-rank members of the ??? family during the Dragon Quest I event, both appearing on their own banners. Cosmic chimaera appears on the Dragonlord's banner, while Dark skeleton appears on his True Form's banner. Both can be faced as bosses in the story quests, with the Dragonlord being faced in Chapter 4, Episode 5, while his True Form is faced in Chapter 4, Episode 6. His humanoid form can also participate in the event Battle Road as a party member. The Dragonlord's True Form, along with the other Demon Lords, can be challenged as part of the Fiendish Onslaught, as well.

Dragonlord (りゅうおう Ryūō)Tactlogo.png

DQT Dragonlord.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact MagicType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
120 906 512 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
326 357 370 450 65
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Frizzle Kafrizz Hellfire Blast
Talent Blossoming: Dark Pillar
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Frizzmeister / Stats Up Woosh Res +25 / Stats Up Hellfire Blast Potency +5% / Stats Up
Dark Pillar Potency +5%
Spell Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Zap Res +25 / Stats Up Hellfire Blast Potency +5% / Stats Up
Dark Pillar Potency +5%
Spell Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Raises Frizz-type spell potency of allies, including himself, by 20% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
WIS +15 AGL +20 Hellfire Blast Potency +2%
Perk Details
Frizzmeister: Lowers Frizz-type ability MP cost, raises potency.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Normal Very Weak Very Weak Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Super Weak Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Immune Normal Normal

Dragonlord's True Form (竜王 Ryūō)Tactlogo.png

DQT Dragonlords True Form.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
120 1027 470 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
485 395 332 255 65
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Jet-Black Claws Fire Dragon Swing
Talent Blossoming: Draconic Flame
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Instant Partyboost / Stats Up Zap Res +25 / Stats Up Dragon Swing Potency +5% / Stats Up
Draconic Flame Potency +5%
Breath Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Woosh Res +25 / Stats Up Dragon Swing Potency +5% / Stats Up
Draconic Flame Potency +5%
Breath Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Lowers enemy DEF by 20% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max HP +30
ATK +15
Dragonlord's March: Raises Move by 1 for 2 turns at battle start. Dragon Swing Potency +2%
Perk Details
Instant Partyboost: Raises ATK for 3 turns at battle start.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Normal Very Weak Very Weak Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Immune
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Half Res Normal Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Half Res

Itadaki Street Special

The Dragonlord, in his human form, is a playable character in Itadaki Street Special.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

While the Dragonlord himself doesn't appear in the game, he is referenced in the Hero's Classic Mode path on the seventh and final stage. He is initially represented by Robin (from Fire Emblem: Awakening) in his blue outfit fought on Dracula's Castle (from Castlevania) in its Ω form. After Robin is defeated, a giant purple Charizard takes his place for the remainder of the fight. This two phase battle references the Dragonlord's two forms as a sorcerer and a dragon in the original Dragon Quest.

In animation

The Dragonlord appeared as an antagonist to The N Team in Captain N: The Game Master, and worked with Mother Brain in his first appearance. In the show, he is a giant red dragon and lacks a human form.

Dragonlord appears in three episodes:

  • Episode 7: "Three Men & A Dragon"
  • Episode 23: "Trojan Dragon"
  • Episode 24: "I Wish I Was a Wombatman" (Robotic replica)

The Dragonlord is the only character from a Dragon Quest game to appear in both episodes, with a Blue dragon appearing in Episode 7, and Slimes, as well Axe knight appearing in Episode 23.


  • The Dragonlord bears a striking resemblance to Maleficent of Disney's Sleeping Beauty, with both wielding staves, donning flowing, high-collared robes, and possessing the ability to transform into large, purple dragons. Additionally, while it is unclear whether the Dragonlord has horns, a headpiece of some kind, or simply unusually-shaped hair, it is nevertheless similar in appearance to Maleficent's own horned headpiece.
  • The Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Adventure History Book states Dragonlord is a descendant of the Dragon Queen, though it is unknown if he is her son or a descendant further down the line.

Related monsters
