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Dragon Quest VI
DQVI DS Carver.png
Sprite(s) Dq6 hassan-sprite.gif
Carver mugshot.png Carver mimic transparent.png
Japanese name ハッサン
Romaji Hassan
Title Roaming Warrior
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Punk-Haired Pugilist (IX)
Class Martial Artist
Race Human
Age 21
Voice actor Kiyoyuki Yanada (CD Theater)
Hiroki Yasumoto (Japanese, Heroes II)
Alex Gaumond (English, Heroes II)

"My cockles are pretty toasty, too. Wait, what are cockles again?"

—Carver, in Port Haven (DS, Cell phone)

Carver is a character in the Dragon Quest series that appears as a playable party member in Dragon Quest VI.

He is a travelling Martial Artist and the first to join the Hero on his quest. The two of them work together as a part of the Somnian military in the war against Murdaw before discovering the mystery of the Lower and Upper Worlds.

Appearance and personality[edit]

Carver is a mountain of a man, towering over most characters. He wears a grey open vest along with a turquoise-colored pair of shorts, and an orange sash lengthened by a piece of rope. Over his shorts, he wears a light-green mawashi, a type of loincloth similar to those worn by sumo wrestlers in real life. He also wears black shoes with a pair of light-green socks. He is noticeably more tan than the rest of the characters. Coupled with his purple mohawk, Carver's appearance is among the most distinct in the game.

Despite his intimidating build, Carver is a kind and friendly man, and starts a friendship with the Hero soon after they meet. Almost always jovial, Carver does his best to stay positive in darker moments, and tries to keep the mood light with a quick joke or a pun. A bit of a braggart, Carver thinks highly of himself and isn't afraid to accept any praises from villagers for the group's good deeds.


Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

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Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 3 99
HP 42 900
MP 0 400
Strength 20 400
Agility 5 180
Resilience 12 220
Wisdom 4 180
Style 4 80
Initial gear Bamboo spear, Leather shield, Leather kilt


Aside from class abilities, Carver learns a few skills on his own:

Name MP Level Target Description
Flying Knee 0 5 One enemy A jumping attack that delivers a bone-crunching knee.
Double Up 0 14 One enemy Ditches Defence to increase Attack an impressive amount.
Forbearance 0 18 Party Stand steadfast in order to protect allies from attack.
Knuckle Sandwich 0 * One enemy A powerfully focused and damaging bare-fisted strike.

Lucky Dip antics[edit]

Carver has some of the goofier Lucky Dip actions, reflecting his fun-loving attitude.

Rank Antic
1 Merrily dances and sings!
2 Inexplicably, Carver starts shouting tongue twisters! Seven slick slithering slimes slowly sliding southward! But nobody seems interested enough to join in!
3 Carver whips out some string and starts playing cat's cradle with himself! Carver realizes cat's cradle isn't very fun when playing alone...Carver dejectedly puts the string back in his pocket.
4 Carver remembers a funny joke he heard once!

"Ha ha ha!"

Carver is laughing too hard to think about fighting right now!

5 Carver begins whittling a doll with a knife he brought along! Wow! It's like the doll's really alive! The doll attacks! Does 50 points of damage to the enemy.
6 Carver takes a swig of some booze he smuggled along!

"(glug glug glug)...Hic!"

Carver gets a little tipsy! Carver falls asleep!

7 Carver begins singing loudly! His voice is terribly off-key! The enemies flee!
8 Carver takes a swig of powerful booze and brings a flame to his mouth! (Fwoooosssh!) Flaming breath shoots from his mouth!


Dragon Quest VI (All) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Cypress stick Attack +2
Oaken club Attack +9
Giant mallet Attack +10
Copper sword Attack +12
Stone axe Attack +19
Iron claw Attack +21
Chain sickle Attack +27
Sledgehammer Attack +30
Steel broadsword Attack +33
Battleaxe Attack+49
Fire Claw Attack+53
Saw Blade Attack+54
Gracos' trident Attack+58
Platinum sword Attack+60
Icicle dirk Attack+62
Magma staff Attack+63
War hammer Attack +64
Fire blade Attack +87
Massacre sword Attack +95
Dragonsbane Attack +95
Miracle sword Attack +100
Blizzard blade Attack +105
Great bow Attack +110
Hela's hammer Attack +115
Flail of destruction Attack +125
Metal king sword Attack +130

Selected quotes[edit]

Main article: Dragon Quest VI Party Chat

"A mirror that shows only the truth, aye...?

Bet that thing would shatter if it tried to reflect my muscles. It can't handle the truth!"

Carver, in Somnia (DS, Cell phone)


"Hey, I know about bad dreams. Once, I dreamt that my head turned into an apple pie...

Everyone was tryin' to eat me, and all that came out of my mouth when I screamed was apple sauce. So, yeah..."

Carver, in Amor (DS, Cell phone)


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hero! You're on board for this funny business?

I mean, which of us is even gonna enter the contest? Not me! Real men don't do catwalks. Uh-uh. No way."

Carver, in Château de Sass (DS, Cell phone)


"Well, my carpentry will serve the good of all behinds...with comfy chairs 'n everything like that."

Carver, in Cloudsgate Citadel (DS, Cell phone)

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

On April 29, 2011, Carver began appearing as a special guest at the Quester's Rest in Stornway. This could be downloaded through the DQVC using Nintendo's Wi-Fi channel when it was still available. When spoken to, he will give the Hero different pieces of his outfit is certain conditions are fulfilled.

The player will receive the special Accolade Punk-Haired Pugilist if the Hero wears all parts of Carver's costume. However, it is only possible for a male Hero to earn this Accolade because Carver's Vest and Shorts are marked as male only and not even the Wear-with-all award.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

Carver appears as one of the playable characters in the game. He uses Gauntlets as his weapon of choice and speaks with an Irish accent.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Carver appears as a S-rank member of the Hero family as part of the Dragon Quest VI event. He joins the party in Chapter 1, Episode 4 of the event quests entitled Murdaw Arrives and he can be fully awakened by collecting Carver Crystals. During the event's original run, Carver Crystals could be obtained by completing various challenges, but became purchasable from the DQVI Medal Swap Shop when it was added to Reminiscence. Carver stars in his own Battle Road and he can be faced as a boss in the Wayfarers of Dreams Special Battle alongside Terry and Ashlynn.

Carver (ハッサン Hassan)Tactlogo.png

DQT Hassan.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Hero.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact DefenceType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,272 300 2 (+1)
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
546 495 351 178 60
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Macho Focus Explosive Flying Knee*
Mega Knuckle Sandwich*
Coup de Grâce: Über Knuckle Sandwich*
Talent Blossoming: Macho Multifists
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Move +1
Stats Up
Sizz Res+25
Stats Up
Mega Knuckle Sandwich Potency +5% / Über Knuckle Sandwich Potency +5% / Stats Up
Macho Multifists Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Crack Res+25 / Stats Up Mega Knuckle Sandwich Potency +5% / Über Knuckle Sandwich Potency +5% / Stats Up
Macho Multifists Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Increases DEF of hero allies, including himself, by 30% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
ATK +15
Max MP +15
Stay Alert: Rarely triggers Meditation when attacking, restoring a major amount of HP for the user.
Mega Knuckle Sandwich Potency+2%
Über Knuckle Sandwich Potency+2%
Mega Knuckle Sandwich Potency+2%
Über Knuckle Sandwich Potency+2%
Perk Details
Move +1: Raises Move by 1.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Normal Half Res Half Res Very Weak
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Normal Very Weak Immune
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Normal

Other Languages[edit]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ハッサン From Arabic Hassan (حسّان) which means "beautifier, improver".
English Carver Carver is an occupational English name that was originally used as a surname until roughly the 1890's, in which it began to see use in America as a men's given name.
Spanish Ebanisto Masculine form of "ebanista", lit. a person who makes furniture.
French Olivier French and Dutch form of the name Oliver. It is also the French word for "olive tree".
S. Chinese 哈桑 Transliteration of the Japanese name Hassan.


  • Carver's syntax is significantly different between IX, where he speaks with a Cockney accent similar to Yangus, and VI were he speaks with no discernible accent but peppers his sentences with nautical phrases and terms used in carpentry. This discrepancy can be attributed to the two games being localized by Plus-Alpha and 8-4 ltd, respectively.
  • Carver bears a strong resemblance to the Southern Daikaioshin from Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball manga. Appropriately, said character is the physically strongest of his group.
  • Carver was briefly considered for the role of protagonist for Dragon Quest Monsters 2, before it was decided to use original characters and separate the spinoff series from the world of Dragon Quest VI[1].


See also[edit]


  1. 堀井: まずは世界観の設定をどうしようかと考えましたね。テリーの続投も考えたんですけど、うーんという感じで。 犬塚: じゃあ、「ハッサンならいいのか?」みたいな話にもなったり。 堀井: けっきょく続編は、新しいキャラクターを作ろうっていうことにしたんです。で、「男の子と女の子で主人公が違うのもいいんじゃない?」ってことになって。2バージョン出すことはかなり早い段階で決まりました。ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ 20thアニバーサリー モンスターマスターメモリーズ ISBN-13 ‏:978-4757559356