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(Redirected from Fallen Angel Corvus)
Dragon Quest IX
DQIX Celestrian Corvus.png
Japanese name エルギオス
Romaji Ergiosu
Race Celestrian
Age Over 300

"But what of Corvus? He is still not returned to us... Is he doomed never to return...?"

Columba before the attack on the Observatory

"Gods, mortal, Celestrians...All are ranged against me... And all shall be destroyed !"

Corvus in Oubliette

Corvus is a character and the chief antagonist in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. He is a Celestrian and was formerly Aquila's mentor and the lover of Serena.

Appearance and personality[edit]

Before his fall from grace, Corvus was a tall blond Celestrian with blue eyes, and wore the standard Celestrian armor. Corvus was a kind and tenacious guardian, refusing to let anything happen to Wormwood Creek or Serena. Corvus was also very powerful, being able to drive away soldiers from the Gittish Empire with devastating lightning bolts.

When Corvus was captured and imprisoned by the Gittish Empire, his appearance changed drastically. His skin turned green and his eyes were now orange. His wings also turned green, and became more bat-like. He grew claws and horns and wore tattered rags. Corvus also grew wicked and became bitter towards mortals, Gods, and Celestrians, and vowed to kill them all.

When Corvus transformed into a demon, his body became much more lanky and skin turned to a darker shade of green. His horns grew larger and now had demon wings. His eyes became orange and yellow, grew a long thin tail, and grew thicker claws and toenails. Lastly, he wore golden armor pieces. Corvus, now fully corrupted, was at his strongest and hellbent on destroying everything in his path.


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

Warning: Spoilers!
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Corvus was originally the Celestrian guardian of Wormwood Creek. While protecting it, he is injured by the Gittish Empire and able to be visibly seen by the humans living there. He develops a relationship with Serena while he is healing.

When the Gittish Empire returns to attack the town, Corvus attempts to go and meet them in battle. However, Serena, fearing for Corvus' health, convinces him to go and hide in a cave while her father attempts to thwart the empire. Once in the cave, Corvus decides that he must go and attempt to protect the village, even if it kills him. Serena offers him a potion which she claims will help heal him, but is instead of a sleeping potion. Corvus drinks it only to become incapacitated as the imperial troops enter the cave. Her father betrays him and Serena by allowing the Gittish Empire to take Corvus to maintain Wormwood's safety. When Corvus wakes up for a little bit he hears Gittish soldiers thanking the old man for complying and believes Serena gave him the sleeping drought to capture him. Serena and her father are murdered with Corvus powerless to stop the empire's men. He is then taken captive by the empire.

Corvus is taken to Oubliette which is the prison deep beneath Gittingham Palace. There, he is completely forgotten by his peers. He develops a deep resentment against humans, including Serena whom he believes betrayed him. While being imprisoned, Corvus' evil power grows until he becomes powerful enough to strike the Realm of the Almighty and greatly injuring its king, Zenus, and forcing him into seclusion. He also revives Barbarus, the evil dragon killed by Greygnarl some 300 years earlier. Although he has become ultra-powerful, he remains in prison in the Gittish Empire, allowing the empire to pursue his goal of destroying humans and Celestrians alike.

When finally confronted by the Hero. Corvus attacks the Hero's party realizing that the Hero is unable to attack him due to his superior rank as a Celestrian. He then ascends with Barbarus to the Realm of the Almighty, corrupting it into the Realm of the Mighty.

Aided by the ghost of Serena, the Hero ascends to the Realm of the Mighty, defeating Corvus by becoming mortal and battling him. Corvus is surprised by the Hero's newly found mortality, and seals himself in a chrysalis of dark energy. The Hero confronts Corvus, but Corvus sends Barbarus to attack the Hero in his stead. After Barbarus' defeat, Corvus, having reached a fully demonic form (similar to Psaro's Secret of Evolution transformation) again battles the Hero and loses. After being defeated, he prepares an attack powerful enough to destroy everything. However, he is stopped at the last moment by Serena, who appears in front of him and explains to him what really happened, including how she had always been searching for him, even after her death. Moved by Serena's words, Corvus realizes that he has been wrong the entire time and reverts to his Celestrian form. He then apologizes to Serena for thinking that she had betrayed him and thanks the Hero/Heroine for stopping him, acknowledging the Hero as Aquila's student. Afterwards, he and Serena ascend into the sky and turn into stars along with the other Celestrians.

#276 - Corvus
Corvus DQIX DS.png
HP MP Experience Gold
2790 255 28500 0
Attack Defense Speed
214 272 167
Skills Laughs confidently (wastes a turn)
Psyche Up
Drop from the sky like a bolt from the blue
Terrible Lightning
Disruptive Wave
Spells Kaswoosh
Family ???
Bestiary # 276
Description One-time Guardian of Wormwood Creek. His tragic fate drove him to renounce his faith in gods, mortals and Celestrians alike. Met Serena in Wormwood Creek three centuries ago. Tried to protect the mortals, but was entrapped by the Empire.
Additional Attributes
Fire Ice Wind Earth Light Dark
125 75 75 100 150 50
Blast Dazzle Sleep Death Drain MP Confusion
125 0 0 0 100 0
Fizzle Inaction Paralyze Poison Charm Magic Res
0 0 0 0 0 50
Blunt Sap Decelerate
0 0 0

#277 - Corvus
Corvus2 DQIX DS.png
HP MP Experience Gold
4800 255 40000 0
Attack Defense Speed
248 278 157
Skills Combo attack
Chilly Breath
Disruptive Wave
Burning Breath
Magic Burst
Evil Prayer
Lightning Storm
Spells Kafrizz
Family ???
Bestiary # 277
Description Brought the broken Gittish Empire back from beyond to help him wreak vengeance on the mortals and gods he so despised. Aquila's former teacher, his sad fate led to him to lose himself in his hatred of mortalkind and try to destroy the world.
Additional Attributes
Fire Ice Wind Earth Light Dark
125 75 100 100 150 50
Blast Dazzle Sleep Death Drain MP Confusion
100 0 0 0 100 0
Fizzle Inaction Paralyze Poison Charm Magic Res
0 0 0 0 0 50
Blunt Sap Decelerate
0 0 0

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Corvus appears as a boss in the game's Genseiko Panigalum, having most of his abilities from his first appearance such as Breakneck Blitz and Burning Breath, as well as new abilities like Corvus Spark. However, players are on a time limit to defeat him.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Corvus (エルギオス Ergiosu) DQM3 Logo.png
Icon Family Max HP* Max MP*
Corvus DQM3 portrait.png DQM3 ??? family icon.png 1,330 340
Max Attack* Max Defence * Max Agility * Max Wisdom *
680 470 390 630
Bestiary No. #507
Rank S
In-game description Though he was once a Celestrian in the service of the Almighty, he harboured a secret hatred for humanity which grew to the point that he attempted to destroy the world
Talents Fallen Angel Corvus (lv. 1)
Guaranteed traits Rando-Panic (lv. 1)
Ultra Crafty Debilitator (lv. 20)
Wizardly Waft (lv. 40)
Large-size exclusive traits Tactical Genius (lv. 1)
Late Bloomer (lv. 1)
Collective Punishment (lv. 60)
Habitat This monster has no natural habitat
Items N/A
Synthesis chart Barbarous DQM3 portrait.png X Lieutenant goresby purrvis DQM3 portrait.png X Lieutenant hootingham Gore DQM3 portrait.png X Lieutenant goreham hogg DQM3 portrait.png
(Two generation synthesis)
Notable synthesis Corvus DQM3 portrait.png X Rhapthorne DQM3 portrait.png = Nelgel the netherfiend DQM3 portrait.png
Fire Resistance * Water Resistance * Wind Resistance * Earth Resistance *
0% 0% 25% 0%
Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance * Electricity Resistance * Light Resistance *
25% 50% 0% -25%
Dark Resistance * Antimagic Resistance * Bedazzlement Resistance * Confusion Resistance *
75% 0% 0% 50%
Debilitation Resistance* MP Absorption Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
0% 50% 0% 0%
Sleep Resistance * Stun Resistance *
0% 0%
Instant Death Resistance *

Dragon Quest: Monster Parade[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[edit]

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory[edit]

Dragon Quest of the Stars[edit]

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Both of Corvus' monstrous forms appear as S-rank members of the ??? family as part of the Dragon Quest IX event. His first form can be faced as a boss in Chapter 5, Episode 1 of the event quests entitled Captured Angel and he can be challenged in All out Battle! The Gittish Empire, as well. This form appears on his own banner alongside Blood mummy, and he can participate in Lleviathan's Battle Road as a party member. Both forms can be faced in the Furious Fallen Angel battles.

Corvus (エルギオス Erugiosu)Tactlogo.png

DQT Corvus.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact MagicType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 860 429 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
197 281 364 381 65
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Angelic Ward Psychoburst* Dual Kaswoosh*
Talent Blossoming: Wind and Lightning's Judgement
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Advanced Angel Might / Stats Up Bang Res +25 / Stats Up Unending Hate: Raises spell potency/recovery for 3 turns at action start on even turns until turn 10.
Dual Kaswoosh Potency +5% / Stats Up
Wind and Lightning's Judgement Potency +5% / Spell Potency/Recovery +5%
Fourth Fifth
Zap Res +25 / Stats Up Max HP +100 / Dual Kaswoosh Potency +5% / Stats Up
Wind and Lightning's Judgement Potency +5% / Spell Potency/Recovery +5%
Leader Perks
Raises spell potency of all allies, including himself, by 15% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max MP +15
WIS +15
Angelic Reason: Battle start: Nullifies damage up to 30% of your own HP for 10 turns. Dual Kaswoosh Potency +2%
Perk Details
Advanced Angel Might: Raises DEF/Move/Spell Res for 3 turns at action start on odd turns until turn 10.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Very Weak Normal Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Half Res Normal Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Super Weak Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Immune

Corvus's Fallen Angel form appears on his own banner alongside Cumulus hex. He can be faced as a boss in Chapter 5, Episode 4 of the event quests entitled Fallen Angel Corvus.

Fallen Angel Corvus (堕天使エルギオス Datenshi Erugiosu)Tactlogo.png

DQT Fallen Angel Corvus.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 855 333 4
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
458 256 398 177 65
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Very Evil Eye Fallen Angel Blow* Catastrophe*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Fallen Angel Wings / Stats Up Frizz Res +25 / Stats Up Catastrophe Potency +5% /
Destruction Personified: When attacking: Raises ATK for 1 turn / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Zam Res +25 / Stats Up Catastrophe Potency +5% / Physical Critical Hit Rate +5% / Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises Sizz-type physical potency of all allies, including himself, by 20% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
ATK +15
AGL +20
Hate & Despair: Reduces damage by 20% for 3 turns at battle start. Catastrophe Potency +2%
Perk Details
Fallen Angel Wings: Raises evasion rate by 100% for 3 turns at battle start.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Normal Normal Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Very Weak Very Weak Half Res Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Super Weak
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Immune Super Weak Normal

Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi[edit]


