Mostroferrato: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:04, 25 March 2023

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall be resurrected from death in the church?"

—The Priest, asking the Hero if he will marry his Bride

Mostroferrato is a town in Dragon Quest V. It is home to the Briscoletti family and the location where the Hero gets married during the second generation of the game as well as an important battle in the third generation.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Mostroferrato is a walled-city located on the southern end of the Zephyrus continent. The wealthy Briscoletti family resides here, being Rodrigo Briscoletti, his wife Romana, and their daughters Nera and Debora. The town is also home to the Burns family, of whom Crispin has taken a fancy to Nera.

The player is first directed to Mostroferrato by King Wilbur of Coburg, who has sent his agents to look into any leads for the fabled Zenithian Equipment as his way of repaying the Hero for all he's done for his family and kingdom. Specifically, Wilbur will inform the Hero that one of his men has tracked for the Zenithian shield shortly before the events of Zoomingale have been wrapped up, and discovered that it is owned by the world famous Rodrigo Briscoletti.

Arriving in town, the Hero runs into a dog that has escaped its leash with its master chasing after. The young lady is none other than Nera Briscoletti, who is taken by the Hero's good looks and bashfully thanks him before walking her dog home. As the Hero speaks to the townsfolk, he is informed that Rodrigo has announced that the time is right for his daughter to marry, and that his is accepting suitors. After speaking to the man himself, however, the Hero learns that the catch is that whomever will take Nera's hand in marriage must first prove himself in determination and wits by retrieving the Circle of Fire and Circle of Water; two rings of incredible beauty hidden away in the depths of a an active volcano and a watery labyrinth respectively. The tall order causes most of the would-be grooms to drop out immediately, leaving only Crispin and the Hero to tackle the task.

When the two rings have been retrieved, Rodrigo will declare that the Hero is fit to marry Nera. However, Bianca will interject and leave the question of the Hero's marriage up to the player's decision. In the Nintendo DS and Cell phone versions, Debora will also state her interest in the Hero. Regardless of the player's decision, Rodrigo will state that he has been impressed by the Hero's determination and cover the wedding expenses whether he marries one of his daughters or not, and bequeath the Zenithian shield as a wedding present and put the newlyweds up in his villa for the honeymoon.

Later on in the third generation, Rodrigo asks the Hero to inspect a large jar in a small shrine north of the town called The Pothold. It is glowing blood red, meaning that the monster sealed away by Rodrigo's ancestor, Rodolfo, several centuries ago is about to escape. Rodrigo warns the Hero of the danger the monster poses to the world and tells him to stall it at the tower he built just outside of the town, La Guardia, while he assembles a group of soldiers. The monster, Bjørn the Behemoose, is hellbent on revenge and intends to battle the Hero's party as a warm up before killing the Briscoletti family. Upon his death, Bjørn drops the Ultimate Key and is sucked back into the jar. Regrouping with Rodrigo at his mansion, the man is overjoyed that the threat was eliminated and astonished at how powerful the Hero has become.

Shops & services

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20gReduces random encounters
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30gRemoves paralysis
ICON-Leather shield.png Leather shield70g+4 defence
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Chain whip.png Chain whip1200g+23 attack
ICON-Steel broadsword.png Steel broadsword2000g+33 attack
ICON-Morning star.png Morning star3000g+45 attack
ICON-Cautery sword.png Cautery sword4400g+45 attack
ICON-Steel fangs.png Steel fangs2000g+35 attack
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Dancer's costume.png Dancer's costume1300g+20 defence
ICON-Full plate armour.png Full plate armour2300g+30 defence
ICON-Tortoise shell.png Tortoise shell2500g+33 defence
ICON-Cloak of evasion.png Cloak of evasion3000g+28 defence
ICON-Silver tiara.png Silver tiara450g+14 defence
ICON-Top hat.png Top hat2000g+20 defence


The Honey buns are the present given to the newlyweds the morning after the honeymoon, and is the only Knick-knack of the town. This item is available in remakes as of the PS2 version.


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Nearby monsters

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

The Briscoletti mansion is one of the places the Luminary can visit through the Echo Chamber. Here, the Template:Party 1 discovers that all three brides have been turned into copies of Rodrigo while the Hero is out retrieving the wedding veil. Panicking, Rodrigo will plead for the Luminary to slay the monster responsible for the trickery before the groom arrives. The monster is lurking at Alltrades Abbey, and once killed the curse is ended. Afterwards, the Luminary can play out his own version of the marriage decision with the present cast.



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