Charlock Castle

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Charlock Castle (DracoLord's Castle, Zoma's Castle) is the name of the final dungeon in Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III. It also appears as a dungeon in Dragon Quest II but is not vital to the plot of the game. It is located in the central area of Alefgard, across the water to the southeast of Tantegel.


Charlock Castle generally serves as a main hideout for evil enemies. This is slightly less true in Dragon Quest II, where it has been primarily abandoned.

Dragon Quest

Ruled by the Dragonlord.

Dragon Quest II

No great evil dwells here now, merely the grandson of the Dragonlord.

Dragon Quest III

Ruled by Zoma.

Places of interest

Hidden staircase

The castle has a hidden staircase on the first floor which is the correct path to reach the innermost areas of the castle in both Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III. This staircase is referred to by various NPCs in both Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III. In order to find the stairs, the hero must search behind the thrones in the middle of the first floor. All other paths from the first floor lead to a neverending maze.

Version Differences

The castle in Dragon Quest III is notably larger than the castle in Dragon Quest. This seems backwards as the events of Dragon Quest actually take place several hundred years after the events of Dragon Quest III. Overall, a majority of the floor layouts are nearly identical between the two games.


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