Dragon Quest IV Transcript: Difference between revisions

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(*): Welcome to the poker table! Care to try your luck at a hand or two?
(*): Welcome to the poker table! Care to try your luck at a hand or two?

Revision as of 13:00, 19 September 2023

This is a transcript of the cell phone remake of Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen.


Warning: Spoilers!
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(*): What's the matter, Hero?

Have you had enough?

(*): Very well, let us call it a day.

(*): 'Tis my job to make a warrior of you as swiftly as possible, but soon enough, if well enough, as they say.

(*): I shall be on my way, then. You should run along home and rest yourself, Hero.

(*): Oho! You're a spirited one!

(*): But perhaps we should call it a day.

(*): Hey, hop on over here a second, (o mighty hero/o mighty heroine)!

(*): Over here, o great one! Step on it! Oh, but not on me!

(*): You must help me, kind (sir/lady)!

(*): Do not look so alarmed, I am not really a frog.

(*): Be honest, you thought I was a frog, did you not?

(*): You are a very honest person, I see. Well, I would ask a favour of your honest heart.

(*): As you have probably already guessed, I am in truth the princess of a mighty kingdom.

(*): But a wicked witch's horrible spell turned me into the form you see before you now.

(*): I can do nothing to change the shape I have been forced to take, and, in fact, being a frog is not so terrible as one might imagine.

(*): I live a very carefree life, but...

(*): ...but there is just one problem... It's just that...

(*): ...It's...

(*): ...

(*): Oh no! Someone's coming!

(*): You are a very kind person, I see. Well, I would ask a favour of your kind heart.

(*): Good day to you, Hero. 'Twill be gettin' dark before long, it seems.

(*): I should be returnin' home for supper myself.

(*): Well, Hero, you look a mite weary, and no mistake. What's that? Sword practice, you say?

(*): 'Tis hard work indeed, young one, but you must not give up. You've the hopes of the whole village on your narrow shoulders.

(*): But I don't suppose you know much about that yet, eh? Pay no mind to my ramblings.

(*): Aah, how very refreshing. Well met, Hero. You've come to quench your thirst too, eh?

(*): Well, 'tis no surprise after today's practice. 'Twas a lively session to say the least.

(*): Eliza and yourself are as close as ever, I see.

(*): The brazen young thing even came to my house to tell me I should be less hard on you.

(*): I'll own that I've been working you harder than ever these last few weeks, but you're all the hardier for it. You'll thank me one day.

(*): This is the village entrance. I am standing guard here to ensure unwelcome visitors do not breach our borders.

(*): Do you wish to leave the village, Hero?

(*): I am afraid the time is not yet right. You are still too weak.

(*): A wise answer. You shall leave the village only when you are strong enough.

(*): Ah, there you are, Hero! Today I was planning to teach you how to perform the Sizzle spell!

(*): But dusk draws inexorably closer. We will commence the lesson tomorrow.

(*): Zzz...what's goin' on, eh? No one ever comes to this Goddessforsaken village! Zzz...

(*): Oh, 'tis you, Hero. I was just giving the place a quick spruce.

(*): But heaven knows why I bother. Nobody visits all the way out here. And even if they did, we could not allow them to stay...

(*): Oh! Um, I mean, er...I'm just cleaning out the rooms like I always do. Old habits die hard, you know.

(*): Oh, there you are, Hero. You must be famished. Sit down and I'll bring you your supper.

(*): Oh, you're back, Hero. Did you come across Eliza on your travels?

(*): She went out to look for you some time back. I suppose you must just have missed each other somewhere.

(*): The poor girl must still be out there looking for you. Go on and find her, won't you?

Eliza: Hello, Hero. You've finished your sword practice now, have you?

Eliza: What's that? A giant frog? What? What on earth are you talking about?

Eliza: I've been here the whole time, and I certainly haven't seen any such thi-

Eliza: Any such thi-

Eliza: Tee hee hee! Oh, I can't keep this up! Tee hee hee!

Eliza: I think this may be the frog you saw, Hero.

Eliza casts Morph!

Eliza: I live a very carefree life, but...but there is just one problem...

Eliza: It's just that...

Eliza: It's just that I couldn't think of anything good to say after that!

Eliza: If I had spent a little more time preparing my story, I could have come up with something wonderful.

But I'm too, too impatient - I just couldn't wait to show you!

Eliza: You were surprised though, weren't you? Now that I've learned Morph, I can change into all kinds of things.

Eliza casts Morph!

Eliza: I'll just be hopping along then.

Eliza: Oh, I almost forgot. Your mother was looking for you. She said to tell you it's supper time. I think I smelt carrots!

Eliza: Well, I'll be seeing you tomorrow then. Hare's looking at you, Hero!

(*): Oh, you're back, Hero. Did you come across Eliza on your travels?

(*): Oh good. I was worried she would be out looking for you all night.

(*): I see. Perhaps she gave up looking for you and went home. I'm sure she's fine, in any case.

(*): Oh, you're back, Hero. The end of another tiring day, eh?

(*): Well, let us settle down to our supper. I'm famished. Mother!

(*): Alright, alright! I'm coming, I'm coming.

(*): Sit yourself down now, Hero.

(*): Mmm, this is delicious! (munch munch)

(*): By the way, Hero, you are young yet, and only know this, our humble little village.

(*): But the world outside is a vast place, populated by all manner of folk.

(*): Before long, you will be an adult, and a time may come when you must leave the comfort of the village.

(*): I can only imagine what manner of strange and wondrous companions you might encounter on such a journey...

(*): Father, please! Must we have such melancholy conversation at the supper table?

(*): Hero is going to live here with us for ever and ever, aren't you, dear? No matter what happens, we'll always be together.

(*): Of course. What am I saying? Listen to me wittering on. Silly old fool. You just ignore me now. Ha ha ha.

And so, our tale begins...

Chapter I


Warning: Spoilers!
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This is a tale of palace guards in a small kingdom called Burland.

Among their number is a brave soldier by the name of Ragnar McRyan.

One morning, King Burnard summons all of the guards to the main hall of the castle.

(*): His Majesty is aboot tae make an announcement tae youse all. Simmer doon an' listen noo.

King Burnard: At ease, men.

King Burnard: No doubt youse all ken whit it is I want tae talk tae youse aboot.

King Burnard: I'm sure youse all will hae heard rumours aboot the wee kiddies gaein' missin' of late.

King Burnard: Och, just this morn, I've had mothers from Strathbaile here cryin' aboot their bairns.

King Burnard: Hoo can kiddies be disappearin' like this? Is some rogue snatchin' oor poor mites away?

King Burnard: As king o' this bonnie land, I cannae verra well stand by an' let this continue.

King Burnard: Find oot whit's gaein' on an' report back tae me, men. Away wi' youse!

(*): Good sir! I'm beggin' ye! Please bring ma bairn back safe an' soond!

(*): I'm sure ma wee one's still alive, but if ye dinnae hurry, it may be too late.

King Burnard: Oh, it's Ragnar McRyan, is it no? I must say, I'm findin' this whole situation more than a wee bit puzzlin'.

King Burnard: But I'm full o' hope that we'll get tae the bottom of it all if we talk tae the good folk of oor land an' see whit they hae tae say.

King Burnard: I'm dependin' on ye, Ragnar McRyan. Good luck an' Goddesspeed.

(*): Jings! Whit are ye still daein' here? Ye should be away by now, else the other guards'll be well ahead o' ye.

(*): Well, ye're certainly takin' yer time, McRyan! Och, but ye're a good soldier, an' that's a fact. I'm sure ye hae yer reasons.

(*): Please find oor bairns for us!

(*): I just ken they're still alive. But ye have tae find them fast, afore it's too late!

(*): Dinnae push yerself too hard oot there, Ragnar. If ye get hurt in battle, away wi' ye tae toon an' stay at an inn tae recover.

(*): If yer journey's lookin' tae be a long one, ye'd do well tae buy some medicinal herbs. Ye cannae hae too many, that's whit I say!

(*): This is bonnie Burland Castle.

(*): I willnae allow any suspicious-lookin' folk tae set one foot inside.

(*): If ye walk aboot too long ootside o' toon, it'll be dark afore ye ken it.

(*): The monsters are a lot more fidgety of a night, so ye'll need tae be a wee bit cannie oot there.

(*): Hello there, Ragnar. Och, it's a terrible thing aboot those kiddies gaein' missin'. I've been lookin' intae it a bit maself.

(*): Hae ye ever heard talk aboot the Lord o' the Underworld?

(*): I saw the name in an auld book o' mine, but I cannae seem tae find oot more aboot it.

(*): We came here from Strathbaile just noo.

(*): But we were attacked by monsters so many times on the way, I was thinkin' we'd never make it here alive!

(*): Dinnae be laggin' behind all the other soldiers now, Ragnar.

(*): I've been seein' monsters oot there in the day that used tae only come oot of a night. Ay, it's a scary auld world.

(*): Whit are ye still daein' here, Ragnar? Ye certainly dinnae like tae rush things, eh?

(*): Are all the others no away tae Strathbaile already?

(*): It's only just recently that so many wee kiddies hae started tae disappear. I wonder who could be responsible.

King Burnard: Good tae see ye again, McRyan. But by the look on yer face, I'd say ye cannae hae made much progress yet.

King Burnard: Time's of the essence, ma man. Ye must find oot where those kiddies hae been disappearin' tae.

King Burnard: I'm dependin' on ye, Ragnar McRyan. Good luck an' Goddesspeed.

King Burnard: Good tae see ye again, McRyan.

King Burnard: Mon! I'd say by the look on yer face that ye may well hae got somewhere!

King Burnard: Talaria, ye say? Well, well...

King Burnard: Anyhoo, it's time tae get those wee bairns back tae their mothers.

King Burnard: I'm dependin' on ye, Ragnar McRyan. Good luck an' Goddesspeed.

(*): If ye confess at a church, ye can save a record o' yer travels.

(*): So ye should mind tae drop in whenever ye see one.

(*): Ye can pray tae the Goddess at the same time as keepin' a log o' yer adventures.

(*): This is King Burnard's throne room.

(*): King Burnard is a real gent, no doubt aboot it.

(*): He minds the names of every one of us. Ye cannae ask for more than that, eh, Ragnar?

(*): I cannae help feelin' a mite uneasy whenever I'm lookin' at the sky just lately.

(*): I only hope there's nothin' funny afoot.

(*): I cannae sleep at night thinkin' o' those poor wee bairns. Ye've got tae help us!

(*): King Burnard's already retired for the evening.

(*): Why dinnae ye spend the night in the inn, an' come back the morra?

(*): Time for a wee bit o' shut-eye at last. I'd say folk are at their happiest when they're sleepin'.

(*): Em... The more I look intae it, the more it seems tae be the same.

(*): This funny weather we've been haein' is just like back when the monsters were on the rampage.

(*): Losh! It's a tirin' auld business standin' guard of a castle.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Gads! It's a monster! Help! I dinnae want tae die!

(*): Oh... Looks like I must hae been dreamin'.

(*): I wanted tae be a palace guard back in ma day, ye ken.

(*): If ye're helpin' Burland, then I want tae help ye. What dae ye say? Can I tag along wi' ye?

(*): Hoots! I can!? Then let's away!

(*): Och, but I amn't much of a fighter, so dinnae count on me too much there.

(*): Haah... Haah... I cannae get ma breath. Maybe I'm too old for this. Ye should gae on without me.

(*): What a galoot I am thinkin' I can keep up wi' a soldier. Sorry tae take up yer time like that.

(*): King Burnard tries tae keep taxes low so as not tae put too much of a burden on his people.

(*): That's all well an' good, but it means there's no enough money for decent weapons an' armour.

(*): If ye want stronger equipment, ye hae tae save yer cash an' buy it for yerself.

(*): An' if ye dae buy somethin' new, be sure tae equip it rather than just carryin' it aboot wi' ye!

(*): This is bonnie Burland toon.

(*): Ma name's Aigneas. Ma hubbie, Angus, has no come back from his travels, an' it's been more than a wee while now.

Aigneas: If ye see him when ye're flittin' aboot the place, will ye mind tae let me know?

(*): Aigneas's hubbie, Angus, is a right one for adventure.

(*): He went off searchin' for a clue of hoo tae get at the tur in the middle of all that water.

(*): If ye're headed for Strathbaile, ye need tae gae west tae Strathbaile Burrow, an' then north-east when ye get tae the other side.

(*): Ay, those poor kiddies. Surely the folk in Strathbaile will hae some kind o' clue of whit it's all aboot.

(*): That's where it all seems tae be happenin', after all. Ye should away there an' see if ye cannae get some clues.

(*): Ragnar! Hae ye heard o' this thing called battle records?

(*): Apparently, ye can use it tae check on hoo yer fightin' is gaein'.

(*): Ach! Here for a wee bit o' shoppin', are ye? Then maybe ye could away ootside an' 'round tae the counter if it's no too much trouble.

(*): Monsters dinnae ever come intae toon, so it cannae be them responsible for snatchin' the bairns away.

(*): But if it's no monsters, then I cannae understand whit it could be. All I know is that I dinnae hae a good feelin' aboot it.

(*): Is it true that there are kids gaein' missin'?

(*): At least I dinnae hae tae worry aboot it now I amn't a kid any more.

(*): The lady o' the hoose has been waitin' an awful long time for her hubbie tae come home. Poor woman.

(*): Whit? Dae I hae any clues aboot who's takin' the kiddies away?

(*): So ye're another stupid nyaff, are ye? It's obviously the monsters snatchin' 'em away. Stands tae reason.

(*): Och, whit I'd gie tae be able tae sleep in a hoose o' ma own, wi' a roof an' walls tae keep oot the rain.

(*): Meow!

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): I cannae help feelin' that the monsters hae been gettin' a wee bit stronger of late.

(*): So the monsters are gettin' stronger, are they? That's always sure proof that bad things are gaein' on.

(*): I'm afraid I've already shut up shop for today. If ye're after somethin', ye'll hae tae come back the morn.

(*): Zzzzz...

(*): Och! I need a wee wee wee. But I'm too scared tae gae oot on ma own.

(*): Ach, hoo much longer is she gaein' tae wait? I cannae understand why she won't just give up on the auld bampot.

(*): Ma name's Aigneas. Ma hubbie, Angus, has no come back from his travels, an' it's been more than a wee while now.

Aigneas: I've no doubt that he'll be back in his own good time, though. That man cannae live without me, an' that's a fact.

Aigneas: Still, if ye see him when ye're passin' through Strathbaile or the like, will ye mind tae let me know?

(*): Ye just leave the castle tae us, Ragnar. We'll take care o' things here while ye away tae find oot where those kiddies hae got tae.

(*): Och, it's you, Ragnar. Gae on by.

(*): Ye can gae inside the castle by all means, but ye cannae see King Burnard. No one sees His Majesty of a night, I'm afraid.

(*): Ye need tae report tae King Burnard? Well, if there's no hurry, it'd be better if ye come back the morra.

(*): After the stramash of a day he's had, the least we can dae is let him get a good night's sleep.

(*): Ach, it's you Ragnar! Are ye on yer way tae Strathbaile, too?

(*): Whit a gowk I am! I cannae seem tae find ma way.

(*): Sorry? Ye'll show me where the exit is?

(*): Och, there's no need for that, Ragnar. It's better that I get there by maself anyhoo.

(*): Well, hello there, soldier! Welcome tae Strathbaile.

(*): Ye've got tae help us! Oor wee laddie's gone missin'!

(*): Who can be doin' this? I cannae understand hoo anyone would want tae take oor kiddies away.

(*): It's good tae see ye here, soldier. This probably willnae help ye at all, but...

(*): Well, it was like the bairn just disappeared right afore ma eyes.

(*): This is Strathbaile school. The innkeeper's son, wee Willy Wally, was a pupil here afore he disappeared.

(*): The fella doon in the jail says he used tae live in Burland.

(*): Well, if it isn't Ragnar McRyan! So ye finally made it tae Strathbaile, eh?

(*): I'm afraid I've no more information on the whereaboots o' those wee kiddies.

(*): I'm wonderin' if that tur tae the west has somethin' tae dae wi' it all, but I dinnae hae the first clue hoo tae get inside.

(*): There's a cheeky wee beggar who's always footerin' aroond ootside at night.

(*): Next time I see him, I'm gonnae ask just what he thinks he's up tae.

(*): The fella doon in the jail was caught stealin' bread, but his memory's gone and he cannae mind a thing aboot it.

(*): He must hae had somethin' terrifyin' happen tae him tae be reduced back tae bein' a kid like that.

(*): Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me!

(*): Wait! Just wait, will ye!? Jings! Can someone no stop that lass from footerin' aboot!?

(*): Wheesht! Hoo am I supposed tae study wi' all these distractions?

(*): Ye're from the castle in Burland! I think ye're amazin'.

(*): When I grow up, I'm goin' tae be a palace guard just like ye.

(*): Disappearin' children? D'ye mean Willy Wally from the inn? Ah, I know him, all right.

(*): He became an angel an' flew away in the sky. It's true!

(*): It's good that ye came, soldier. But we're in the middle of a lesson right noo.

(*): Come back tonight an' we can gab away as much as ye like then.

(Character) examines the wall.

There are pictures drawn by the children hanging on it.

(*): It sounds like wee Willy Wally was playin' wi' some strange shoes at the time he disappeared. It's all verra strange, if ye ask me.

(*): I'm a travelling nun. I journey around the world to spread word of the Goddess.

(*): I'm sure the children who went missing will hear her voice in the end, and be guided back to safety.

(*): D'ye ken that I'm the one who caught that laddie stealin' the bread?

(*): He's behind bars doon in the jail noo, but he's no showin' a scrap o' remorse.

(*): He's even got the cheek tae be pretendin' he's a kid an' askin' tae be let oot!

(*): Meow.

(*): Who are ye?

(*): Can ye let me oot of here? I only took the bread because I was hungry. LET ME OOT! WAAAAH!!!

(*): Huuh, huuh. Sorry? Ma name? I'm Angus.

(*): That fella who stole the bread was havin' a good time of it chattin' away tae the kiddies afore he was caught.

(*): Hic! Ye cannae beat a wee dram while ye're lookin' up at the stars.

(*): Ay, it's a real puzzler this one. Hoo can kiddies just disappear intae thin air?

(*): The man doon in the jail is called Angus. He's oor friend.

(*): Willy Wally an' ma brother are bein' punished for disobeyin' ma pa.

(*): Pa told them not tae go playin' ootside the village, but they dinnae ever listen.

(*): Ma laddie's one o' the ones that went missin'!

(*): Who's doin' this tae us? I cannae understand whit anyone would want wi' oor bairns.

(*): Let's play again the morn, Angus. Ah-phew...

(*): Not tae worry now.

(*): Kiddies always hae their secrets. It's only natural, wouldnae ye say, soldier?

(*): Hello, soldier. We were just discussin' the whole sorry situation.

(*): I cannae help but think that the bairns are hidin' somethin' between themselves.

(*): Whit!? Ye know I've been peekin' in at the bath!?

(*): Em... I tell ye whit. Keep it tae yerself an' I'll let ye in on a secret.

(*): The thing is, I've seen that man who's in jail afore. Over in Burland toon, if I mind rightly.

(*): Once ye've had a wee chat wi' him, ye should head back over tae Burland an' see if ye cannae learn a thing or two there.

(*): I'm a travelling nun. I'm about to have a bath, so I'd be grateful if you could make yourself scarce.

(*): Aye, this is a bonny wee bath, an' no mistake. I should know, I cleaned it wi' ma own hands.

Angus: Ay, that's right. I'm Angus. So hoo do ye know ma name?

Angus: Ha ha ha! Ooooh!

Angus: Monsters! Monsters are comin'! Help!

(*): I wanted tae be a palace guard back in ma day, ye ken.

(*): If ye're helpin' Burland, then I want tae help ye. What dae ye say? Can I tag along wi' ye?

(*): Hoots! I can!? Then let's away!

(*): Och, but I amn't much of a fighter, so dinnae count on me too much there.

(*): Haah... Haah... I cannae get ma breath. Maybe I'm too old for this. Ye should gae on without me.

(*): What a galoot I am thinkin' I can keep up wi' a soldier. Sorry tae take up yer time like that.

(*): King Burnard tries tae keep taxes low so as not tae put too much of a burden on his people.

(*): That's all well an' good, but it means there's no enough money for decent weapons an' armour.

(*): If ye want stronger equipment, ye hae tae save yer cash an' buy it for yerself.

(*): An' if ye dae buy somethin' new, be sure tae equip it rather than just carryin' it aboot wi' ye!

(*): This is bonnie Burland toon.

Aigneas: Oh no! Angus has been locked up in Strathbaile jail for stealin', ye say?

Aigneas: That's just terrible. I cannae believe he'd do a thing like that.

Aigneas: Can ye take me tae him? I really need yer help here.

Aigneas joins Ragnar!

(*): Aigneas's husband, Angus, is a right one for adventure.

(*): He went off searchin' for a clue of hoo tae get at that tall building in the middle of all that water.

(*): If ye're headed for Strathbaile, ye need tae gae west tae Strathbaile Burrow, an' then north-east when ye get tae the other side.

(*): Ay, those poor kiddies. Surely the folk in Strathbaile will hae some kind o' clue of whit it's all aboot.

(*): That's where it all seems tae be happenin', after all. Ye should away there an' see if ye cannae get some clues.

(*): Ragnar! Hae ye heard o' this thing called battle records?

(*): Apparently, ye can use it tae check on hoo yer fightin' is gaein'.

(*): Ach! Here for a wee bit o' shoppin', are ye? Then maybe ye could away ootside an' 'round tae the counter if it's no too much trouble.

(*): Monsters dinnae ever come intae toon, so it cannae be them responsible for snatchin' the bairns away.

(*): But if it's no monsters, then I cannae understand whit it could be. All I know is that I dinnae hae a good feelin' aboot it.

(*): Is it true that there are kids gaein' missin'?

(*): At least I dinnae hae tae worry aboot it now I amn't a kid any more.

(*): The lady o' the hoose has been waitin' an awful long time for her hubbie tae come home. Poor woman.

(*): Whit? Dae I hae any clues aboot who's takin' the kiddies away?

(*): So ye're another stupid nyaff, are ye? It's obviously the monsters snatchin' 'em away. Stands tae reason.

(*): Och, whit I'd gie tae be able tae sleep in a hoose o' ma own, wi' a roof an' walls tae keep oot the rain.

(*): Meow!

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): I cannae help feelin' that the monsters hae been gettin' a wee bit stronger of late.

(*): So the monsters are gettin' stronger, are they? That's always sure proof that bad things are gaein' on.

(*): I'm afraid I've already shut up shop for today. If ye're after somethin', ye'll hae tae come back the morn.

(*): Zzzzz...

(*): Och! I need a wee wee wee. But I'm too scared tae gae oot on ma own.

(*): Ach, hoo much longer is she gaein' tae wait? I cannae understand why she won't just give up on the auld bampot.

(*): Ye just leave the castle tae us, Ragnar. We'll take care o' things here while ye away tae find oot where those kiddies hae got tae.

(*): Och, it's you, Ragnar. Gae on by.

(*): Ye can gae inside the castle by all means, but ye cannae see King Burnard. No one sees His Majesty of a night, I'm afraid.

(*): Ye need tae report tae King Burnard? Well, if there's no hurry, it'd be better if ye come back the morra.

(*): After the stramash of a day he's had, the least we can dae is let him get a good night's sleep.

Aigneas: Angus! So ye are here!

Angus: ...Who are ye?

Aigneas: Whit d'ye mean!? D'ye no ken who I am, Angie? I'm yer wife, Aigneas!

Angus: ...

Aigneas: Maybe yer own weddin' ring'll jog yer memory, eh? Remember how much this little beauty cost ye?

Angus: ...Ach!

Angus: It's ye, Aigneas!

Aigneas: That's right, it's me!

Angus: I dinnae ken whit came over me. I was attacked by monsters an' I was so scared that I went back tae bein' a bairn.

Angus: Thanks for all yer help, soldier!

Angus: Come tae think of it, I heard somethin' curious from those wee lads an' lassies.

Angus: There was talk aboot a kiddies' playground in the forest tae the south-east o' toon.

Angus: Ye may well find a clue if ye gae an' hae a look aroond there. I'd be away if I were ye.

Aigneas: Be cannie oot there, soldier!

(*): Well, hello there, soldier! Welcome tae Strathbaile.

(*): Ye've got tae help us! Oor wee laddie's gone missin'!

(*): Who can be doin' this? I cannae understand hoo anyone would want tae take oor kiddies away.

(*): It's good tae see ye here, soldier. This probably willnae help ye at all, but...

(*): Well, it was like the bairn just disappeared right afore ma eyes.

(*): This is Strathbaile school. The innkeeper's son, wee Willy Wally, was a pupil here afore he disappeared.

(*): The fella doon in the jail says he used tae live in Burland.

(*): Well, if it isn't Ragnar McRyan! So ye finally made it tae Strathbaile, eh?

(*): I'm afraid I've no more information on the whereaboots o' those wee kiddies.

(*): I'm wonderin' if that tur tae the west has somethin' tae dae wi' it all, but I dinnae hae the first clue hoo tae get inside.

(*): There's a cheeky wee beggar who's always footerin' aroond ootside at night.

(*): Next time I see him, I'm gonnae ask just what he thinks he's up tae.

(*): The fella doon in the jail was caught stealin' bread, but his memory's gone and he cannae mind a thing aboot it.

(*): He must hae had somethin' terrifyin' happen tae him tae be reduced back tae bein' a kid like that.

(*): Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me!

(*): Wait! Just wait, will ye!? Jings! Can someone no stop that lass from footerin' aboot!?

(*): Wheesht! Hoo am I supposed tae study wi' all these distractions?

(*): Ye're from the castle in Burland! I think ye're amazin'.

(*): When I grow up, I'm goin' tae be a palace guard just like ye.

(*): Disappearin' children? D'ye mean Willy Wally from the inn? Ah, I know him, all right.

(*): He became an angel an' flew away in the sky. It's true!

(*): It's good that ye came, soldier. But we're in the middle of a lesson the noo.

(*): Come back tonight an' we can gab away as much as ye like then.

(Character) examines the wall.

There are pictures drawn by the children hanging on it.

(*): It sounds like wee Willy Wally was playin' wi' some strange shoes in front o' Loch Tur at the time he disappeared.

(*): I'm a travelling nun. I journey around the world to spread word of the Goddess.

(*): I'm sure the children who went missing will hear her voice in the end, and be guided back to safety.

(*): D'ye ken that I'm the one who caught that laddie stealin' the bread?

(*): He's behind bars doon in the jail noo, but he's no showin' a scrap o' remorse.

(*): He's even got the cheek to be pretendin' he's a kid an' askin' tae be let oot!

(*): Meow.

Angus: I heard talk aboot a kiddies' playground in the forest tae the south-east o' toon.

Angus: Ye may well find a clue if ye gae an' hae a look aroond there. I'd be away if I were ye.

Aigneas: Be cannie oot there, soldier!

Angus: I heard the kiddies talk aboot a secret playground they found in the forest to the south-east o' here.

Angus: Ye may well find a clue as to where the kiddies went or hoo tae get intae Loch Tur if ye look aroond there.

(*): That fella who stole the bread was havin' a good time of it chattin' away tae the kiddies afore he was caught.

(*): Hic! Ye cannae beat a wee dram while ye're lookin' up at the stars.

(*): Ay, it's a real puzzler this one. Hoo can kiddies just disappear intae thin air?

(*): The man doon in the jail is called Angus. He's oor friend.

(*): Willy Wally an' ma brother are bein' punished for disobeyin' ma pa.

(*): Pa told them not tae go playin' ootside the village, but they dinnae ever listen.

(*): Ma laddie's one o' the ones that went missin'!

(*): Who's doin' this tae us? I cannae understand whit anyone would want wi' oor bairns.

(*): Got tae remember tae show Angus where we found those shoes in the morn. Ah-phew...

(*): Not tae worry now.

(*): Kiddies always hae their secrets. It's only natural, wouldnae ye say, soldier?

(*): Hello, soldier. We were just discussin' the whole sorry situation.

(*): I cannae help but think that the bairns are hidin' somethin' between themselves.

(*): Whit!? Ye know I've been peekin' in at the bath!?

(*): Em... I tell ye whit. Keep it tae yerself an' I'll let ye in on a secret.

(*): The thing is, I've seen that man who's in jail afore. Over in Burland toon, if I mind rightly.

(*): Hoo no try goin' back tae Burland tae see whit ye can see?

(*): I'm a travelling nun. I'm about to have a bath, so I'd be grateful if you could make yourself scarce.

(*): Aye, this is a bonny wee bath, an' no mistake. I should know, I cleaned it wi' ma own hands.

(*): Over here...

(*): That's the way out...

(*): Over here...

(*): Over here...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): Over here...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): Over here...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): Over here...

Loch Tur

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(*): You're going the wrong way...

(*): My name's Healie. (slurp) I'm still just a healslime at the moment, but I'm going to become a human one day.

Healie: Hey! Maybe I'll become human if I start hanging out with humans! Can I tag along with you?

Healie: (slurp) Yippee! Thanks, soldier!

Healie joins Ragnar!

Healie: Ohhh! I was really hoping you'd say yes. Well, if you ever change your mind, then come back here. I'll be waiting...and slurping.

Healie: Don't forget, okay?

Ragnar hears a tiny voice coming from somewhere deep in the cave, and pricks up his ears to listen...

(*): Hello? Is there somebody there? Please come and find me. You have to take me with you! Don't goo without me! (slurp)

Healie: Hey! Those shoes are the same as the ones those children found when they were down here that slime.

Healie: They said that if you goo outside and use them, you goo flying off into the sky. It sounded really fun!

Healie: Oh, you've found some shoes, have you? They're the same as the ones those children found when they were down here that slime.

Healie: They said that if you goo outside and use them, you goo flying off into the sky. It sounded really fun!

Healie: You know, I've got a feeling there's something important still to be found in this cave. You just have to slurp hard enough.

Healie: Maybe I could goo with you and help you look. That would be good, wouldn't it? Wouldn't that be gooreat?

(*): Come on, you little brat!

(*): Waah! Ye're scary! Let me go!

(*): Ach, hello there, Ragnar. I ended up here after I came across that auld well.

(*): The monsters in this tur are as strong as ye like!

(*): Now I'm wishin' I'd let that Healie character I met in the well tag along wi' me.

(*): Och! That's him there wi' ye now, is it no? Ye're a lucky man, Ragnar McRyan.

(*): R-Ragnar... I dinnae hae much time left. There's somethin' I need tae tell ye.

(*): Somewhere in the world, the Lord o' the Underworld is reawakenin'.

(*): But if whit the monsters say is true, there's also a hero somewhere oot there who'll be able tae take him on.

(*): If they find him while he's still a bairn, he willnae be strong enough tae defend himself.

(*): That's whit they're plottin'! So ye must protect our kiddies, Ragnar. Dinnae let them come tae any harm!

A statue of a warrior stands guard at the healing spring.

Willy Wally: Waah! Help! Help! I'm scared!

Willy Wally: Help me, Mister!

Willy Wally: Help, Mister! These horrible monsters are bullyin' me an' askin' if I'm some kind o' hero.

(*): Hah! I can hardly believe my eye! A foolish human has managed to fight his way here.

(*): But you had a wasted journey. I've got an eye like a hawk. You'll never sneak the kid out of here with me around.

(*): Aargh! Willy Wally's gaein' tae be gobbled up by the monsters!

(*): Ye must save him, Mister!

Psaro's Pawn: We are only interested in children. It is a child who will become the meddlesome hero. Fully grown humans are of no consequence.

Psaro's Pawn: But, of course, we cannot possibly let you out of here alive. Not now you've discovered our secret location. Prepare to die, soldier!

Psaro's Pawn: How can I have allowed a mere human to defeat me...!?

Psaro's Pawn: But I am not afraid. The other monsters will find the hero and suck his breath from him before he can stand in our way.

Psaro's Pawn: Then you humans will finally be sacrificed to our Lord. I will be awaiting your arrival...in the underworld! Urgh...

Willy Wally: Yay! Thanks for savin' us, Mister. Now we can finally be away home.

(*): I reckon we can get oot o' here if we jump off near the top o' the tur.

There's no response. The soldier has already taken his last breath.

Ragnar recalls the words of his comrade in arms.

(*): Somewhere in the world, the Lord o' the Underworld is reawakenin'.

(*): But if whit the monsters say is true, there's also a hero somewhere oot there who'll be able tae take him on.

(*): If they find him while he's still a bairn, he willnae be strong enough tae defend himself.

(*): That's whit they're plottin'! So ye must protect our kiddies, Ragnar. Dinnae let them come tae any harm!

(*): Hm, so that's whit they're up to. We'll see aboot that!

(*): I'll gae on ahead an' report back tae King Burnard aboot this hero an' the Lord o' the Underworld.

(*): Ye just concentrate on gettin' those bairns back wi' their folks.

(*): Ma! I'm back! I'm back!

(*): I was sure they were still alive. Thank the Goddess I was right.

(*): D'ye remember me? We spoke back at Burland Castle, an' I asked ye tae find oor bairns for us.

(*): Jings! So the poor wee bairns were aboot tae become a monster's supper!

(*): Och, we cannae thank ye enough for savin' them like that.

(*): I dinnae hae a clue hoo tae thank ye enough. Ye should be proud o' yerself.

(*): Ye're a true soldier if ever there was one, Ragnar McRyan. Keep up the good work!

(*): Thanks for savin' ma big brother, Mister.

(*): Oh, McRyan! I didnae realise ye were such a fighter. King Burnard'll be thrilled.

(*): Woohoo!

(*): This is the fella, ma! This is the one who saved me. That's right, eh, Mister?

(*): That fella who was in jail here got taken off to Burland by his missus.

(*): He said tae pass on his regards tae ye, soldier.

(*): Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me!

(*): Wait! Just wait, will ye!? Jings! Can someone no stop that lass from footerin' aboot!?

(*): Hey! Is it true aboot some kind of underworld thing comin' back tae life? I dinnae like the sound o' that.

(*): Ye're really strong!

(*): I'm gonna be a soldier just like ye when I grow up.

(*): Now I can finally stop worryin' an' get back tae teachin' the wee kiddies again. Thanks for yer help, soldier.

(Character) examines the wall.

There are pictures drawn by the children hanging on it.

(*): Sorry? Oor bairn's back, ye say!? Och, that's wonderful news!

(*): I'm a travelling nun. I journey around the world to spread word of the Goddess.

(*): Praise be! The missing children have been delivered back into safety. She is truly a merciful mistress.

(*): That fella I caught stealin' got taken off by his wife back tae Burland. Ay, she was a bonnie one, that lass.

(*): Meow.

(*): My name's Healie. (slurp) I'm still just a healslime at the moment, but I'm going to become a human one day.

Healie: Hey! Maybe I'll become human if I start hanging out with humans! Can I tag along with you?

Healie: (slurp) Yippee! Thanks, soldier!

Healie joins Ragnar!

Healie: Ohhh! I was really hoping you'd say yes. Well, if you ever change your mind, then come back here. I'll be waiting...and slurping.

Healie: Don't forget, okay?

(*): Ye rescued the bairns already!? Och, well I never!

(*): If only I was a few years younger, I could hae tagged along wi' ye. More's the pity.

(*): Nice work, Ragnar! I heard aboot ye rescuin' those kiddies. I dinnae suppose I can ask a favour?

(*): Can ye tell people that I was the one who saved them? Talk me up a bit, ye ken?

(*): Ha ha ha! I'm only jestin' wi' ye! Ye're a good man, Ragnar McRyan.

(*): Och, it's ye! Ye're the soldier who sorted things oot up in Strathbaile.

(*): Angus is home at last, an' the wee bairns are safe an' soond too. Where would we be without ye?

(*): We're ever so grateful tae ye for puttin' those monsters tae rights. Now we can finally relax again.

Aigneas: It's thanks tae ye that I've got ma hubbie back at home again. I really owe ye.

Angus: Y'all right there, soldier? It's me, Angus. Thanks again for helpin' me oot afore.

(*): I've heard rumours aboot ye. That ye saved some kiddies from bein' eaten by monsters.

(*): Or is that no quite hoo it went?

(*): Ragnar! Hae ye heard o' this thing called battle records?

(*): Apparently, ye can use it tae check on hoo yer fightin' is gaein'.

(*): Ach! Here for a wee bit o' shoppin', are ye? Then maybe ye could away ootside an' 'round tae the counter if it's no too much trouble.

(*): All's well that ends well. We parents are breathin' a big sigh o' relief, I can tell ye.

(*): Yippee! We're allood tae gae ootside an' play again the morra!

(*): Ye did well oot there, Ragnar!

(*): King Burnard's been dyin' tae see ye an' hear everythin' that happened from the horse's mooth.

(*): On ye gae.

(*): King Burnard's waitin' for ye.

King Burnard: Ah, McRyan! It's good tae see ye back.

King Burnard: But ye should get those wee bairns back tae their mothers in Strathbaile.

King Burnard: Then we can hae a good auld gab aboot everythin' ye've been up tae. Away wi' ye!

King Burnard: Ah, McRyan! It's good tae see ye back. I've been lookin' forward tae it.

King Burnard: Ye really excelled yerself oot there. The parents of Strathbaile are thrilled.

King Burnard: I'm proud tae hae a soldier like ye among ma guards.

King Burnard: Now, ye deserve a reward! Whit would ye like? I'll gie ye anythin' ye ask for.

King Burnard: Sorry? Ye want tae gae off travellin', ye say?

Ragnar: ...

King Burnard: So that ye can find the child hero an' keep him safe from harm...?

King Burnard: Och, if that's whit ye want, then who am I tae stop ye!?

King Burnard: Here's a wee gaein' away pressie for ye, then!

The King bequeaths experience points to Ragnar.

King Burnard: Mind hoo ye gae, McRyan.

And so Ragnar McRyan set off on his journey to find the child hero...

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Chapter II

Zamoksva, first visit

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Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a tomboy princess called Tsarevna Alena.

Her rough and tumble ways were a constant concern to her father, Tsar Stepan. One morning, he summoned her to his throne room...

(*): Your Highness! Tsarevna Alena! Your father awaits you.

Tsar Stepan: There you are, Alena. I hear from old Borya that you desire to journey for the purpose of testing your strengths, no?

Tsar Stepan: Yoy! This cannot occur. You are a lady. In addition, you are tsarevna of this beautiful land.

Tsar Stepan: I cannot permit that you venture into a world of monsters and danger merely for to challenge abilities.

Tsar Stepan: Remember: the Goddess takes care of the one who takes care of himself. I prohibit that you set feet outside of castle.

Tsar Stepan: What is the burden, Alena? You still desire to voyage the outside world?

Tsar Stepan: It cannot be. It cannot be, I say you! Why you must be so very tomboy?

Tsar Stepan: You listen to reasoning! This is all of what I wish. Now, repose yourself to your chamber.

Tsar Stepan: I see that you are returned, Alena.

Tsar Stepan: There is no use for me to try to stop you. I know well that you journey again regardless.

Tsar Stepan: The sole that I ask is for you do not stray from the motherland, from continent of Maestral.

Tsar Stepan: Oh, my pitiful Alena! This is for why I so much cautioned.

(*): The Tsar simply concerns over your safekeeping. You must try to abide him.

(*): The Tsarevna! You must return her to living without postponement!

Borya: Alena! You must to be more womanlike.

Borya: Your poor extinct mother always was such genteel soul.

Borya: How can I, your tutor, display my face to the Tsar if you will behave with this manner?

(*): This is Zamoksva Castle.

(*): Sleeping chambers of Tsar Stepan and Tsarevna Alena are upstairs.

(*): Your Highness. Now I recuperate your wall, so please delay a while.

Alena investigates the wall.

The hole has been boarded up with planks.

(*): I requested for wall from your chamber to be corrected.

(*): You must to be cautious not to again kick or break it down.

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.

Alena investigates the wall.

The hole is boarded up with planks, which could easily be kicked down.

Do you want to break the wall down?

(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): (Oplya!/Your Highness!) I aspire that you are well.

(*): Tsar dictates me not to permit that you are passing.

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): I have instructions from Tsar Stepan. You are liberated to pass.

(*): (Tsarevna must to evacuate to her chamber/I appeal that you evacuate to your chamber, Tsarevna Alena).

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): I am hoping you will safely voyage.

(*): If it will be aware by the world that you are expeditioning, Your Highness, fiends may try to attacking you.

Kiryl: I hear words from Borya that you have aspiration for to voyage alone, Alena.

Kiryl: But this is too much harmful! I implore that your mind is changed.

Kiryl: If tragedy will hit, I do not imagine what I- I mean, the Tsar, is doing without you.

(*): In the recent eastern skies, there is distrustful aura.

(*): O cherished Goddess! We pray for that you furnish Zamoksva Castle with protection. Amen.

(*): Ah, Tsarevna Alena. It is glad to see you of good spirit.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

(*): Yoy, I am so empty! I hope the time is not lingering until next nourishment.

(*): Now I must to prepare the edibles. I am hard-working as to buzzing bee.

(*): Ah, don't be listenin' to him. He means well, but he hardly has a good way with words.

(*): I'm a travellin' salesman, so I am. I'm just after hearin' about the princess here. She's a pure tomboy altogether, they say.

(*): It'd be grand if I could meet her and see for meself. Just grand!

(*): Greetings, Tsarevna.

(*): I am named old Starek. I enjoy the blissful retirement life here. Ho ho!

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

(*): Myau.

(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): But His Majesty is beforehand sleeping.

(*): How surprise! Merely moments before, we are speaking of (you/you, Tsarevna).

(*): Commotion in my heart prevents me from reposing. Assist me, o elevated Goddess!

(*): Zzzz... No, Tsarevna. It is not permitting. Zzzz...

(*): Aah. I am so much empty. Duty of guarding is not walk in recreational area.

(*): For why is Tsarevna so very full with foolish heroics- Ahem, admirable bravery?

(*): Zzzz...

(*): I am hearing that Tsarevna depart for voyage. Naturally, I am confidential.

(*): In facts, I am the famed one for never uttering the secrets. Ha hah.

(*): Ah, I am wonderful to see you safely home.

Tsar Stepan: Zzzz... Alena... You must to take good caution with yourself. Zzzz...

(*): The Tsar is gone already to refurbish sleep. Return tomorrow if you are desiring his ears.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Alena is too much boyish in character. I am worrying.

(*): Oplya! Your Highness! I must to beg your pardon.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

Borya: Alena! You must not to travel alonesome! If you argue to go, I insist to come in your company.

Kiryl: I am also alongside! So let us be gone!

Borya and Kiryl join Alena!

Zalenagrad fist visit

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(Character) reads the sign.

"Halt! You are not good enough equipped. Danger! ZWAF (Zamoksva Weapons and Armour Federation)"

(*): Welcome in Zalenagrad.

(*): Gav-gav.

(*): I will be with courage like Tsarevna Alena! Yaah! Take that!

(*): There is news that Tsarevna Alena of Zamoksva is set off on the expedition. But this news is very secretive.

(*): I am the famed bard, Josef Starling.

Starling: Survey clouds running in glee, Along hefty sky as blue as sea. ♪

(*): You wish to travel for to better your ability? I am surprising to hear it(/from the young girl).

(*): But first you must to become beefy by battling nearby to town. I mind that this is intelligent.

(*): Go north from here and then east to mountains, and you locate undersized hamlet.

(*): Merely to hear the words of this excellent nun has rendered me serene.

(*): I enjoy very much to make sermon. To preach makes one to feel...powerful! Tee hee hee.

Starling: The fresh young moon shines bright, And stars, they twinkle in a night. ♪

(*): Josef's songs and poems are continually so much wonderful for to hear. Aaah...

(*): Aah, it is relaxed to listen the nice singing voice float inside. Now I will sleep as the baby.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Pah! Starling, he always makes so very clever his songs.

(*): I wish that I am singing as good like him.

(*): Zzzz...

Taborov, fist visit

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(*): This is cursed willage Taborov.

(*): I wish I am not born in here. If I am not, my daughter is still living.

(*): You have come to fight away evil monsters, nyet? It is happy, so much happy!

(*): Anastasia, daughter from willage chief, is to be sacrifice.

(*): There was plan that my son is soon to marry she. Now I am with no mood for to buy and sell.

(*): R-r-r...

(Character) examines the tombstone.

"We send prayers for that daughters who dead for village are peacefully sleeping."

This is the inscription carved on the tombstone.

(*): Mmm, I am thinking it is terrible that two people in the love must to separate.

Anastasia: It is not for me to leave my willage, to leave Pappa and Mama.

Anastasia: Please do not be sad for me. Sacrificed girls... They never return, it is truth.

Anastasia: But we do not know for the fact that they die.

(*): Nyet! This is catastrophe! You cannot become dinner of monster. We must to run away.

(*): It is a long time now that we have monster living in forest to the north from our willage.

(*): This monster, he asks for the young girls as sacrifice. If we do not give, he attack.

(*): Anastasia is last young girl we have.

(*): For the sake of my willage, I must to offer my daughter Anastasia as sacrifice.

(*): Yoy! Is there not somewhere mighty warrior who can defeat this monster?

(*): You think you are able!?

(*): But you are not appearing so strong... Nyet! I must no look the gift horse's mouth.

(*): If you are sure, you go to see priest. He tells you what you must to do.

(*): This is like I expect.

(*): You are much kind people for to accept task of defeating monster.

(*): Priest at church is knowing everythings. Please to ask this man how you must do.

(*): Yoy! Poor Anastasia...

(*): You are thinking to defeat monster!? But we have problem. He appears only at time of sacrifice.

(*): Aga! You say me that you take place of Anastasia as sacrifice?

(*): I am not believing! This is very thankful news.

(*): Then I call for sacrificial sedan with no delay. You are ready?

(*): Dobro! Excellent. Wait some moments.

(*): I am understanding. It is wise to not wade into the river without knowing a ford.

( *): Now, please enter box.

(*): Now, please enter box.

(*): Please be most careful that you can.

(*): All my life, I no forget that you do this wonderful thing.

(*): I pray that Goddess does safely carry you.

(*): Now is not time for play with words, father!

(*): Of course. Forgive me.

News soon travelled around the village of the monster's defeat.

Then morning came...

Taborov, second visit

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(*): Welcoming in willage of Taborov.

(*): Now my daughter can rest finally in peace.

(*): The monster gone! I am so much happy!

(*): I hardly believe you can defeat such monster! It is big surprise for me.

(*): You are saving my daughter- Nyet! My entire willage.

(*): Even item shop is again now reopened. Taborov returns to living.

(*): Our willage may be poor, but I know some things of usefulness to you in item shop. You should look.

(*): I must say you again a wery big thank you. Bolshoe spasibo!

(*): Gav-gav! R-r-r...!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

"We send prayers for that daughters who dead for willage are peacefully sleeping."

This is the inscription carved on the tombstone.

(*): You are really something quite incredible! This journey is for to improve strength, you say me?

(*): Then you must to enter tournament of Endor, the kingdom at east from here.

(*): There is teleportal to south-east from where you can reach to Endor.

Anastasia: We are to be wedded!

(*): All my life, I no forget that you do this wonderful thing.

(*): Before you come, we have no hope. We cannot enough times thank you.

(*): I know the Goddess is seeing your good works. She will protect you.

(*): Town of Vrenor is found by those who are travelling north to extremity of land, and subsequently east.

(*): How beautiful is moon tonight! Many years are passed before I feel so much relaxed like now.

(*): At last I can think again for my business. Thank you!

(*): You know the friend when trouble comes. You are true (friend/friends).

(*): Zzzz...

Anastasia: I am very much thankful to you. I hope you safely journey from here.

(*): Before, I am talking with my daughter on your subject.

(*): I am with feeling that I am seeing you before in another place.

(*): Perhaps the time I visited castle. Mmm, nyet, I cannot remember.

(*): Zzz...

(*): I cannot stop thinking you are no ordinary (person/persons).

(*): Perhaps you are of intelligentsia?

(*): Oplya! You are (with/)Tsarevna Alena!? I am already before hearing speak of your expedition, and now you are here!

(*): I understand. I keep closed my mouth. Safe journey for you, (traveller/travellers).

(*): Take care in your going.

Vrenor fist visit

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(*): This is town of Vrenor. Tsarevna of Zamoksva is currently present here!

(*): I must quickly go for to see her!

(*): I am puzzling what can be reason for that Tsarevna is here.

(*): Innkeeper gives beds for Tsarevna and companions.

(*): Perhaps I also will give small gift on Her Highness.

(*): You also wish to meet Tsarevna? She upstairs inside this inn.

(*): Fu! I was thinking princesses are all beautiful, but she is no special thing.

(*): Ay-yay! If only I am more closer to Tsarevna.

(*): Mur-murrrrr.

(*): You know where is my dog?

(*): Tyav-tyav!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It stands quietly in the ground, covered in moss.

(*): This town once numbered almighty armlet of transmutation among its treasures.

(*): But it cause so many fights that it eventually was hidden at southern cave, the Vault of Vrenor.

(*): Dobro pozhalovat and welcoming in traveller's inn!

(*): Well, this is how I normally say, but today Tsarevna is here so... Sorry. No wacancy.

(*): Only princess can have two people there always for beck and call.

(*): This is town of Vrenor. Tsarevna of Zamoksva is currently present here!

Anya: Aaah! Release me! Somebody help!

(*): I do not know who are you, but Tsarevna needs your help!

(*): Yoy! The Tsarevna is kidnapped!

(*): I do not know who are you, but you must to save Tsarevna!

(*): Huh. They have better of us.

(*): They appear from nowhere and snatch away Tsarevna.

(*): Stop! Come more closer and we have dead princess in our hands.

(*): Still I do not believe princesses stay in such places.

(*): Time to go!

(*): Yoy! The Tsarevna is kidnapped!

(*): I do not know who are you, but you must to save Tsarevna!

(*): Huh. They have better of us.

(*): They appear from nowhere and snatch away Tsarevna.

(*): Please, you must to help Princess. There is reward if you bring back she to me.

(*): Hah? Why you look so much questioning? What is this rudeness? You do not know I am priest of castle!?

(*): Terrible, this is terrible! Anya- A-Alena...is taken.

(*): Oy-yoy-yoy...

(*): Tsarevna is kidnapped!? How terrible this news!

(*): Wah! I am not believing! Tsarevna is kidnapped!

(*): This is wery big surprise. Tsarevna is took away from inn by bad people.

(*): I do not understand to what is this world coming. I mind this is for the ransom money.

(*): Life of Princess is wery danger. Bad people try to harm she. My heart booms just to think of it.

(*): I am thinking what does the Princess do this moment. Aah, poor girl...

(*): Myau-myau.

(*): My dog Zasha is brought me letter. Listen how it writes:

(*): "If you are wanting back Tsarevna, bring Vrenor treasure, armlet of transmutation, to cemetery during night."

(*): How does it mean? Mmm, I am thinking it better I do not tell more peoples.

(*): Av-av!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It stands quietly in the ground, covered in moss.

(*): Innkeeper gives beds for Tsarevna and companions.

(*): Perhaps I also will give small gift on Her Highness.

(*): This town once numbered almighty armlet of transmutation among its treasures.

(*): But it cause so many fights that it eventually was hidden at southern cave, the Vault of Vrenor.

Bones stained with mire lie scattered here.

(*): Wah! I am not believing! Tsarevna is kidnapped!

(*): This is wery big surprise. Tsarevna is took away from inn by bad people.

(*): I do not understand to what is this world coming. I mind this is for the ransom money.

(*): Life of Princess is wery danger. Bad people try to harm she. My heart booms just to think of it.

(*): I am thinking what does the Princess do this moment. Aah, poor girl...

(*): Myau-myau.

(*): My dog Zasha is brought me letter. Listen how it writes:

(*): "If you are wanting back Tsarevna, bring Vrenor treasure, armlet of transmutation, to cemetery during night."

(*): How does it mean? Mmm, I am thinking it better I do not tell more peoples.

(*): Av-av!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It stands quietly in the ground, covered in moss.

(*): Innkeeper gives beds for Tsarevna and companions.

(*): Perhaps I also will give small gift on Her Highness.

(*): This town once numbered almighty armlet of transmutation among its treasures.

(*): But it cause so many fights that it eventually was hidden at southern cave, the Vault of Vrenor.

(*): Oy-yoy-yoy...

(*): Tsarevna is kidnapped!? How terrible this news!

(*): Please, you must to help Princess. There is reward if you bring back she to me.

(*): Hah? Why you look so much questioning? What is this rudeness? You do not know I am priest of castle!?

(*): Terrible, this is terrible! Anya- A-Alena...is taken.

Vrenor, second visit

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(*): It seems you bring what we ask. Hurry! Give it to me!

(*): You do not care if Princess will die!? Give to me armlet now, no more delay!

(*): This is it. Now I release Tsarevna. Go!

Anya: Thank you for my rescue. Aah, now I have my fill of life of princess.

Anya: Forgive me. Truthfully, I am not at all princess.

Anya: My real name is Anya. I am just travelling entertainer.

Anya: I once pretend I am princess and everybody is more nicer on me. After that, it is difficult for to stop pretend.

Anya: Now my friends are here, so the time is come for me to leave.

Anya: I will give to you this thief's key for small token of thanks.

(Character) obtains the thief's key!

Anya: Farewell, true princess.

Anya: I wish you safe travels.

With that, the princess impostor, Anya, left the town of Vrenor.

Then came morning...

(*): Dobroe utro. You sleep well? I hear you save Princess- Oplya! I mind, fake princess!

(*): Talk from this is across all town!

(*): I hear you save Princess... Oplya! I mind, fake princess! Talk from this is across all town!

(*): Anyway, back to the business...

(*): Business of kidnap is wery ugly. How I will cope if somebody take me!?

(*): This is town of Vrenor.

(*): Tsarevna here is not true Tsarevna. There is no reason true Tsarevna come here in our town.

(*): I once try to give money at fake princess.

(*): But she refuse. So she is not bad person. Just she like to pretend.

(*): Mur-murrrr.

(*): Market is open in desert at south.

You will go? It is wery jealous for me.

(*): Market is open in desert at south.

You will go? It is wery jealous for me.

(*): Tyav-tyav!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It stands quietly in the ground, covered in moss.

(*): People say bazaar opens at southern desert oasis.

(*): If you will go nearby, it is good if you visit. You are perhaps to find good buy.

(*): Armlet of transmutation is gave to kidnapper? Mmm...

(*): This armlet, you know, it has strange kind of powers.

(*): I am hoping nothing bad is happening.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Now my eyes are opened, I cannot sleep. These nights bring to me thoughts of my past.

(*): During my more younger years, I am living to the east, at Endor. So many times did I wisit fight tournament there.

(*): This is teleportal for Endor.

(*): But Tsar is strictly ordered that you have no allowance for to pass.

Desert Bazaar, first visit

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(Character) reads the sign.

"Desert Bazaar Now in Full Swing!"

(*): Och! I've bought so many things that I dinnae ken hoo I'm goin' tae get them all home. What a nyaff I am!

(*): Neeeeigh!

(*): It's been a long old time since we last held the bazaar here, I tell ya. We been travellin' the world, see.

(*): Howdy there! Can I interest you in some mighty fine pots? Least you could do is take a look.

(*): Meeeow.

(*): Meooow!

(*): Tsarevna! You are eventually located!

(*): Everybodies!

(*): You must to return at castle instantaneously. It is Tsar... He is catastrophic situation!

(*): Folk say there's some teleportal or suchlike to Endor way out east.

(*): Purrrrr.

The cat seems to be asleep.

(*): How's about tryin' some nice tasty cookin'? It's fit for royalty, I tell ya!

(*): I hear there's some sort of competition goin' on in Endor now, so I do.

(*): If you folks are moseyin' over to Endor, you should take a look at the tournament they got goin' on.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): The stars look just grand tonight. Why, nights like this remind me of my ol' hometown.

(*): Meow meow.

(*): Sorry, but I'm all dragged out for one day. Come back an' see me in the mornin', y'hear?

(*): I joined up with these bonnie folk tae travel the world openin' up bazaars just like this one.

(*): We're all havin' a good ol' chinwag now about where to set up shop next.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Gaaah-phew.

(*): There goes one sheep... There goes another! ...How many's that now?

(*): Oh, look what ye've gone an' made me do! Would ye just leave me be an' let me concentrate here?

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Aah, I don't think I've been this tired in all my born days. It's high time I shut up shop.

(*): Myau.

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): Tsar dictates me not to permit that you are passing.

(*): I have instructions from Tsar Stepan. You are liberated to pass.

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): (Tsarevna must to evacuate to her chamber./I appeal that you evacuate to your chamber, Tsarevna Alena.)

(*): I am hoping you will safely voyage.

(*): If it will be aware by the world that you are expeditioning, Your Highness, fiends may try to attacking you.

Zamoksva second visit

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(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): (Oplya!/Your Highness!) I aspire that you are well.

(*): In the recent eastern skies, there is distrustful aura.

(*): O cherished Goddess! We pray for that you furnish Zamoksva Castle with protection. Amen.

(*): Ah, Tsarevna Alena. It is glad to see you of good spirit.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

(*): Yoy, I am so empty! I hope the time is not lingering until next nourishment.

(*): Now I must to prepare the edibles. I am hard-working as to buzzing bee.

(*): Ah, don't be listenin' to him. He means well, but he hardly has a good way with words.

(*): I'm a travellin' salesman, so I am. I'm just after hearin' about the princess here. She's a pure tomboy altogether, they say.

(*): It'd be grand if I could meet her and see for meself. Just grand!

(*): Greetings, Tsarevna.

(*): I am named old Starek. I enjoy the blissful retirement life here. Ho ho!

(*): The voice from Tsar Stepan is ceased to work? This is terrible!

(*): Oh! Now it is all finished for our country!

(*): ...

(*): Forgive me. I am too much carrying myself away.

(*): Come to consider it, I recall Josef Starling, the poet, have the non-functioning voice one time in past.

(*): Now his voice is most beautifullest in all motherland. Perhaps he awares something.

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

Tsar Stepan: ...

The Tsar looks like he wants to say something.

(*): How can this occur? To where is Tsar's voice disappeared?

(*): I am burdened to not allow news of this in the public, but it is more harder every day.

(*): I have idea! Old Starek might have helpful knowledge on this problem. He live in room close by back garden from castle.

(*): It is catastrophe! Tsar Stepan's vocal chords have ceased in their function!

(*): Our country pivots around Tsar Stepan. It will fall in pieces if people will know this news. You must keep private.

(*): Lately Tsar Stepan gives to us no words. I am wondering that there might be some perplexity.

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.

(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): But His Majesty is beforehand sleeping.

(*): How surprise! Merely moments before, we are speaking of (you/you, Tsarevna).

(*): Commotion in my heart prevents me from reposing. Assist me, o elevated Goddess!

(*): Zzzz... No, Tsarevna. It is not permitting. Zzzz...

(*): Aah. I am so much empty. Duty of guarding is not walk in recreational area.

(*): For why is Tsarevna so very full with foolish heroics- Ahem, admirable bravery?

(*): Zzzz...

(*): I am hearing that Tsarevna depart for voyage. Naturally, I am confidential.

(*): In facts, I am the famed one for never uttering the secrets. Ha hah.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Alena is too much boyish in character. I am worrying.

(*): Oplya! Your Highness! I must to beg your pardon.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

Tsar Stepan: ...

(*): Tsar Stepan is appearing greatly fatigued, and is taking early retirement.

(*): Urgent or not urgent, your business must wait until morning occurs.

Zalenagrad & Desert Bazaar second visit

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(Character) reads the sign.

"Halt! You are not good enough equipped. Danger! ZWAF (Zamoksva Weapons and Armour Federation)"

(*): Welcome in Zalenagrad.

(*): Gav-gav.

(*): I will be with courage like Tsarevna Alena! Yaah! Take that!

(*): There is news that Tsarevna Alena of Zamoksva is set off on the expedition. But this news is very secretive.

Starling: Yes, I am Josef Starling. You say correctly.

Starling: You wish to understand how am I having so much beautiful voice?

Starling: It is simple. The cause is that I drink elf medicine dubbed birdsong nectar.

Starling: This I located many years yore, when I am visiting item shop at desert bazaar.

(*): You wish to travel for to better your ability? I am surprising to hear it(/from the young girl).

(*): But first you must to become beefy by battling nearby to town. I mind that this is intelligent.

(*): Go north from here and then east to mountains, and you locate undersized hamlet.

(*): Merely to hear the words of this excellent nun has rendered me serene.

(*): I enjoy very much to make sermon. To preach makes one to feel...powerful! Tee hee hee.

(*): Josef's songs and poems are continually so much wonderful for to hear. Aaah...

(*): Aah, it is relaxed to listen the nice singing voice float inside. Now I will sleep as the baby.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Pah! Starling, he always makes so very clever his songs.

(*): I wish that I am singing as good like him.

(*): Zzzz...

(Character) reads the sign.

"Desert Bazaar Now in Full Swing!"

(*): Och! I've bought so many things that I dinnae ken hoo I'm goin' tae get them all home. What a nyaff I am!

(*): Neeeeigh!

(*): It's been a long old time since we last held the bazaar here, I tell ya. We been travellin' the world, see.

(*): Howdy there! Can I interest you in some mighty fine pots? Least you could do is take a look.

(*): Meeeow.

(*): Meooow!

(*): Tsarevna! You are eventually located!

(*): Everybodies!

(*): You must to return at castle instantaneously. It is Tsar... He is catastrophic situation!

(*): Tsarevna! How you are finding Tsar Stepan? I am all the time so very worrying.

(*): You are returned! How you are finding Tsar Stepan? I am all the time so very worrying.

(*): Folk say there's some teleportal or suchlike to Endor way out east.

(*): Purrrrr.

The cat seems to be asleep.

(*): How's about tryin' some nice tasty cookin'? It's fit for royalty, I tell ya!

(*): I hear there's some sort of competition goin' on in Endor now, so I do.

(*): If you folks are moseyin' over to Endor, you should take a look at the tournament they got goin' on.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): The stars look just grand tonight. Why, nights like this remind me of my ol' hometown.

(*): Meow meow.

(*): Sorry, but I'm all dragged out for one day. Come back an' see me in the mornin', y'hear?

(*): Birdsong nectar? Sure, I heard of it. Had just one batch of it here in my shop once, too.

(*): I'd say you could prob'ly get some at that tower out west where them elf folk are s'posed to hang out.

(*): You wouldn't catch me over that way now, though. Too many monsters for my tastes.

(*): I joined up with these bonnie folk tae travel the world openin' up bazaars just like this one.

(*): We're all havin' a good ol' chinwag now about where to set up shop next.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Gaaah-phew.

(*): There goes one sheep... There goes another! ...How many's that now!?

(*): Oh, look what ye've gone an' made me do! Would ye just leave me be an' let me concentrate here?

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Aah, I don't think I've been this tired in all my born days. It's high time I shut up shop.

Birdsong Tower

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(*): What a bleedin' pain! The door's locked, which means I ain't got no chance of climbing to the top.

(*): I come all this way to see them elves people go on about, but it looks like it was for nuffin'.

(*): Eh? Wot am I plannin' on doin' if I do see an elf?

(*): Well, that's for me to know, ain't it? Ha ha!

(*): Waaah! Humans!

(*): Hurry, Daisy! Let's go home!

Daisy: Okay, Oopsy. Coming!

Daisy: Oh no! I dropped the nectar!

Oopsy: Never mind that now. Hurry!

Zamoksva third visit

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Tsar Stepan: ...

Tsar Stepan: Hm? Aaa. Aaaaa.

Tsar Stepan: Oplya! I have voice! I am recovered!

Tsar Stepan: You assisted me. I have weighty gratitude for you.

Tsar Stepan: Before my problem, I have extremely petrifying dream.

Tsar Stepan: Bulky monster climb up from underworld and demolish everything.

Tsar Stepan: First I decide to maintain as secret this dream.

Tsar Stepan: But then I have it repeatedly and repeatedly, and become very worried.

Tsar Stepan: I tell this to my chancellor, and then instantaneously my voice stops its workings.

Tsar Stepan: ...I cannot stop considering that perhaps something bad will occur.

Tsar Stepan: I will no more try to obstruct you. Now I ask that you do as my daughter desires.

(if Alena is deceased)

Tsar Stepan: Borya, Kiryl, I am reliant on you for safekeeping of my daughter. Tell to her I permit that she voyages the world. I want that she sees it with her own eyes.

Tsar Stepan: Take very great care with your onward journey.

Tsar Stepan: I plan to consider more the meaning from my dream.

Tsar Stepan: I am thinking I also saw another dream at the same time as frightening one. But I cannot recall.

(*): I am very relief about Tsar Stepan. But I have concern about dream he speaks of.

(*): Tsar Stepan orders that you can traverse Endor teleportal.

(*): Please be cautious on your journey.

(*): Sleeping chambers of Tsar Stepan and Tsarevna Alena are upstairs.

(*): Finally we hear again words from Tsar Stepan. How beautiful is his voice!

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.

(*): I have instructions from Tsar Stepan. You are liberated to pass.

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): I am hoping you will safely voyage.

(*): It is happy to see you returned(./, Your Highness.)

(*): In the recent eastern skies, there is distrustful aura.

(*): O cherished Goddess! We pray for that you furnish Zamoksva Castle with protection. Amen.

(*): Now I must to prepare the edibles. I am hard-working as to buzzing bee.

(*): I'm a travellin' salesman, so I am. I'm just after hearin' about the princess here. She's a pure tomboy altogether, they say.

(*): It'd be grand if I could meet her and see for meself. Just grand!

(*): Ah, don't be listenin' to him. He means well, but he hardly has a good way with words.

(*): Yoy, I am so empty! I hope the time is not lingering until next nourishment.

(*): Ah, Tsarevna Alena. It is glad to see you of good spirit.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

(*): If it will be aware by the world that you are expeditioning, Your Highness, fiends may try to attacking you.

(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): (Oplya!/Your Highness!) I aspire that you are well.

(*): Tsar sometimes make noise during night. Perhaps he experiences bad dream.

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

(*): Myau.

(*): Commotion in my heart prevents me from reposing. Assist me, o elevated Goddess!

(*): For why is Tsarevna so very full with foolish heroics- Ahem, admirable bravery?

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Aah. I am so much empty. Duty of guarding is not walk in recreational area.

(*): Zzzz... No, Tsarevna. It is not permitting. Zzzz...

(*): How surprise! Merely moments before, we are speaking of (you/you, Tsarevna).

(*): I am hearing that Tsarevna depart for voyage. Naturally, I am confidential.

(*): In facts, I am the famed one for never uttering the secrets. Ha hah.

(*): Above this staircase is the throne quarters of Tsar.

(*): But His Majesty is beforehand sleeping.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Alena is too much boyish in character. I am worrying.

(*): Oplya! Your Highness! I must to beg your pardon.

(*): The tragic Tsarevna! It is sorry, so very sorry...

(*): The Tsar is gone already to refurbish sleep. Return tomorrow if you are desiring his ears.

Tsar Stepan: Aaargh! Urrrgh! ...Aaaah-phew.

(*): Teleportal can be discovered to extreme south from Vrenor.

(*): His Highness send messenger to debrief situation. You have allowance to pass through.

Cracks run all over the stone statue of the sage.

Endor first visit

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(*): This is the kingdom of Endor. The castle is just a little way east of here.

(*): Folk say there's a teleportal around here somewhere that leads to Maestral.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): I'm Ragnar McRyan, a soldier from bonnie Burland. I'm travellin' aboot lookin' for the chosen hero.

Ragnar: Och, but there's no use blitherin' on tae youse aboot it. Dinnae mind me, will ye?

(*): Welcome to the town of Endor.

(*): Ooh, maybe you don't know, but the Endor Tourney's going on at the castle at the moment.

(*): Being on guard duty isn't as easy as it looks, you know. I'll certainly be enjoying a drink or two when evening rolls around.

(*): I wonder where that useless layabout's got to this time. Honestly!

(*): Have you come for an audience with King Norman?

(*): Just go on through the gate and you'll find yourself at Endor Castle.

(*): Ah, you must've come for the Endor Tourney. Just go on through and take one of the little doors to the left or right.

(*): People are flocking here from far and wide to watch the Endor Tourney.

(*): Just look at those clouds! I wonder what's making them blow west at such a pace.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Endor Tourney Now On!"

(*): My family's ever so well-to-do, I'll have you know. Yes, we've been in the money for generations now.

(*): The young lady of the house spends all her time starin' at the sky. I just don't know what it is she finds so interestin' about it.

Some expensive-looking armour is on display.

(*): Are you here for the Endor Tourney as well? I've been puzzling over it for a while now.

(*): There must be some reason why King Norman has gone to such lengths to assemble so many strong fighters.

(*): Sorry? Is the shop downstairs closed, you say?

(*): Yes, well, I'm not getting any younger. In an ideal world, I'd sell up and use the money to retire somewhere nice.

(*): But I doubt I'll find anyone who wants to take over the business around these parts.

(*): Sorry? You want to buy my shop, you say? But you're not traders. You wouldn't have the first idea! Ha ha ha.

(*): Huh! I only went an' lost again. What am I gonna tell me old ma?

(*): Hello there. Make yourself comfortable and have a nice drink or three.

(*): Have you been to the casino downstairs yet?

(*): I made a pretty packet down there again today, so I did. Woo hoo!

(*): I travelled a great distance to watch the mighty warriors pit their strengths against one another.

(*): How would you like to hear my song for victory?

(*): With an iron claw in your right hand, You will win the fight hands down! ♪

(*): Welcome to the casino!

(*): The casino only accepts tokens as payment. You can buy them from the girl at the counter over there.

(*): When you've won lots of tokens, you can cash them in for prizes at the exchange counter over there.

(*): Hah! I took a chance on Double or Nothing and now I have sixteen tokens instead of eight! I'm on fire!

(*): Oh! That's everything I've won today gone right down the drain!

(*): Today just doesn't seem to be my lucky day.

(*): How's it goin'? You won anythin' yet?

(*): Nice. Now you've just gotta 'ave the courage to keep yer winnin' streak goin'. Take the bull by the 'orns!

(*): Never mind, eh? Yer luck'll turn soon enough. Just keep at it.

(*): No matter how much you win, you can't exchange your tokens for money.

(*): So my advice would be to only spend what you can afford, and just enjoy gambling with cash you don't really need.

(*): This is the town of Endor.

(*): It's awright. Hic! I'm fine. Sssnot like I'm wurring me slurds or nuffin'.

(*): Ah, a shooting star!

(*): Dear Goddess, please protect our fair land.

(*): Dear Goddess, thank you for bringing us safely through another day. Amen.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): My daughter does nothing but look up at the sky of late. I wonder what's bothering her.

(*): Ah-phew, ah-phew...

(*): You can't beat a nice cold drink after work.

(*): Urgh. Why am I seeing double? Maybe I drank too much.

(*): Hey, 'ave you tried goin' up north lately?

(*): I bet the bridge was bust, eh? I dunno. There's some nasty sorts about.

(*): Yeah, well. I don't blame ya. Prob'ly couldn't get there even if you wanted to.

(*): Zzzz... Go for it, Psaro the Manslayer! Zzzz...

(*): A chap called Psaro the Manslayer is winning fight after fight at the tourney. Bit of an unfortunate name he has, though.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): I wish I could go and watch the Endor Tourney.

(*): Through this door is Endor Castle.

(*): You'll find King Norman upstairs.

(*): If you're headed for the Colosseum, just follow this corridor and take the stairs down.

(*): Whoever wins the Endor Tourney will have Princess Veronica's hand in marriage.

(*): It's not my place to say so, but I feel ever so sorry for her.

(*): There've been monsters appearing of late, even here in Endor.

(*): That's why King Norman decided to hold this tournament, so that he could bring lots of strong warriors together.

(*): If you're planning on taking part in the Endor Tourney, watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer.

(*): He's a bit of a nasty piece of work. Strong beyond belief, and he really likes to fight to the death.

(*): King Norman doesn't always think before he speaks. It's got him into quite a spot of bother this time as well.

(*): This is King Norman's throne room.

(*): King Norman has got us into a terrible pickle by making the most ridiculous promise. Just ask the princess.

King Norman: Ah, you're here! I had word about you from the Tsar of Zamoksva.

King Norman: It seems you're concerned about the world so you're trying to build up your strength. I must commend you!

King Norman: Now, where is Tsarevna Alena?

King Norman: Ah, you're here! I had word about you from the Tsar of Zamoksva.

King Norman: It seems you're concerned about the world so you're trying to build up your strength. I must commend you!

King Norman: I must also request a favour. You see, I'm relying on you to win the Endor Tourney.

King Norman: I've come to see now that the promise I made was rather foolish. I'd be most obliged if you could rectify it, Alena.

Princess Veronica: I'm afraid that Father made a public promise, so now I have to marry whoever wins the tournament.

Princess Veronica: Oh, what a worry this is! I dread to think who I might end up with.

Princess Veronica: Father made a public promise, so now I have to marry whoever wins the tournament.

Princess Veronica: But if the winner were a woman, then the whole thing would surely have to be called off.

Princess Veronica: Please, Alena. I implore you to enter the Endor Tourney for me.

Princess Veronica: I can't tell you how envious I am of your being able to live a life of such freedom.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere before, but I just can't think where.

(*): This table has to be clean enough that King Norman could eat his supper off it.

(*): I'll let you in on a little secret. If you want to go inside the castle at night, make sure the guards don't see you.

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): The poor princess. The way things are going, she'll soon be wed to that Psaro the Manslayer. Hardly a nice sounding fellow.

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer, won't ya?

(*): This is the Colosseum, where the Endor Tourney takes place.

(*): You can't take part in the tournament unless your name's been put down. You'll have to get permission from King Norman first.

(*): If you're taking part, go to the left. If you're just spectating, then go up the stairs to the right.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer's bound to win.

(*): Woo woo woo! Now this is entertainment!

(*): It's so exciting, I can hardly keep still!

(*): Yeah! Go for it!

(*): I wouldn't be fightin' like that. Nah! That ain't no good. You gotta fight like this...!

(*): Hic! You can't beat the odd drink or two when you're watching a fight.

(*): Go on! Get stuck in! ...Er. Oh dear. What am I saying? Forgive me, Goddess.

(*): If only I was a year or two younger, I would've taken part myself. Ho ho!

(*): Through this door is Endor Castle.

(*): But I'm afraid you can't go in during the night. You'll have to come back in the morning.

(*): What do you think you're doing, prowling about the castle at this time of night?

(*): I can't let you just wander about as you please. Go on now, get out!

(*): I can't count how many soldiers Psaro the Manslayer has polished off now.

(*): It's starting to feel like some sort of massacre of the world's strongest warriors.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica have already retired to their chambers.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... The name alone gives me the willies.

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica had supper and retired to their chambers already. I'd better get on with the clearing up.

(*): It's looking more and more like Psaro the Manslayer will win. He's so magnificent...

(*): There's something about that Psaro the Manslayer that I just can't get on with. I'm glad I wasn't born a princess!

(*): The women ramble on about this and that all day long. I can't keep up.

(*): The tournament only takes place during the day. Why don't you come back tomorrow?

(*): I wish I could go and watch the Endor Tourney.

(*): Through this door is Endor Castle.

(*): You'll find King Norman upstairs.

(*): If you're headed for the Colosseum, just follow this corridor and take the stairs down.

(*): Whoever wins the Endor Tourney will have the princess's hand in marriage.

(*): It's not my place to say so, but I feel ever so sorry for her.

(*): There've been monsters appearing of late, even here in Endor.

(*): That's why King Norman decided to hold this tournament, so that he could bring lots of strong warriors together.

(*): If you're planning on taking part in the Endor Tourney, watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer.

(*): He's a bit of a nasty piece of work. Strong beyond belief, and he really likes to fight to the death.

(*): King Norman doesn't always think before he speaks. It's got him into quite a spot of bother this time as well.

(*): This is King Norman's throne room.

(*): King Norman has got us into a terrible pickle by making the most ridiculous promise. Just ask the princess.

King Norman: Ah, you're here! I had word about you from the Tsar of Zamoksva.

King Norman: It seems you're concerned about the world so you're trying to build up your strength. I must commend you!

King Norman: Now, where is Tsarevna Alena?

King Norman: Ah, you're here! I had word about you from the Tsar of Zamoksva.

King Norman: It seems you're concerned about the world so you're trying to build up your strength. I must commend you!

King Norman: I must also request a favour. You see, I'm relying on you to win the Endor Tourney.

King Norman: I've come to see now that the promise I made was rather foolish. I'd be most obliged if you could rectify it, Alena.

Princess Veronica: I'm afraid that Father made a public promise, so now I have to marry whoever wins the tournament.

Princess Veronica: Oh, what a worry this is! I dread to think who I might end up with.

Princess Veronica: Father made a public promise, so now I have to marry whoever wins the tournament.

Princess Veronica: But if the winner were a woman, then the whole thing would surely have to be called off.

Princess Veronica: Please, Alena. I implore you to enter the Endor Tourney for me.

Princess Veronica: I can't tell you how envious I am of your being able to live a life of such freedom.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere before, but I just can't think where.

(*): This table has to be clean enough that King Norman could eat his supper off it.

(*): I'll let you in on a little secret. If you want to go inside the castle at night, make sure the guards don't see you.

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): The poor princess. The way things are going, she'll soon be wed to that Psaro the Manslayer. Hardly a nice sounding fellow.

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer, won't ya?

(*): This is the Colosseum, where the Endor Tourney takes place.

(*): Only Tsarevna Alena has the King's permission to enter. But I suppose, under the circumstances...

(*): You're Tsarevna Alena, aren't you? Good luck in the tournament.

(*): If you're taking part, go to the left. If you're just spectating, then go up the stairs to the right.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer's bound to win.

(*): Woo woo woo! Now this is entertainment!

(*): It's so exciting, I can hardly keep still!

(*): Yeah! Go for it!

(*): I wouldn't be fightin' like that. Nah! That ain't no good. You gotta fight like this...!

(*): Hic! You can't beat the odd drink or two when you're watching a fight.

(*): Go on! Get stuck in! ...Er. Oh dear. What am I saying? Forgive me, Goddess.

(*): If only I was a year or two younger, I would've taken part myself. Ho ho!

(*): Shush! Go and talk to someone else!

(*): ...Sorry. I'm just getting a bit het up before the big fight.

(*): The fighting arena is just upstairs. Once you go up there, there's no turning back. Good luck!

(*): This is a shortcut to outside the castle. It can be quite handy if you're in a hurry.

(*): Hm, I'm starting to find this Psaro the Manslayer fellow a bit frightening. His strength is almost inhuman.

(*): Hm? Why am I still alive? Because I'm too weak to make it to the final hurdle, that's why.

(*): Through this door is Endor Castle.

(*): But I'm afraid you can't go in during the night. You'll have to come back in the morning.

(*): What do you think you're doing, prowling about the castle at this time of night?

(*): I can't let you just wander about as you please. Go on now, get out!

(*): I can't count how many soldiers Psaro the Manslayer has polished off now.

(*): It's starting to feel like some sort of massacre of the world's strongest warriors.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica have already retired to their chambers.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... The name alone gives me the willies.

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica had supper and retired to their chambers already. I'd better get on with the clearing up.

(*): It's looking more and more like Psaro the Manslayer will win. He's so magnificent...

(*): There's something about that Psaro the Manslayer that I just can't get on with. I'm glad I wasn't born a princess!

(*): The women ramble on about this and that all day long. I can't keep up.

(*): The tournament only takes place during the day. Why don't you come back tomorrow?

The Colosseum

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Kiryl: I am cheering you from here, Tsarevna.

Borya: My fingers are crossing for your triumph, Tsarevna.

King Norman: Welcome to the Colosseum, Alena!

King Norman: To enter the tournament final, first you must defeat five opponents.

King Norman: The only warrior who has succeeded in this so far is Psaro the Manslayer.

King Norman: I wish you luck.

King Norman: Now, let battle commence!

Alena receives # point(s) of damage! Alena is defeated.

Alena is defeated.

Alena awakes to find herself in a bed.

Kiryl: Alena! You are not damaged, are you?

Borya: It was very lamentable fight.

Kiryl: I am hearing talk that medicinal herbs in tournament are permissible.

Borya: You must to replenish before you battle again. Come, Tsarevna. Let us go.

(*): Tsarevna Alena has now defeated # opponent(s)!

(*): Princess Alena. Do you wish to use some of your medicinal herbs to heal yourself before the next bout?

(*): But you appear to be in perfectly good health already, Your Highness.

(*): Oh! I'm afraid you do not currently appear to be in possession of any medicinal herbs, Your Highness.

(*): Would you like to use some more medicinal herbs, Your Highness?

(*): Princess Alena's next opponent is (Character)!

King Norman: What a wonderful performance, Alena!

King Norman: Now for the final we've all been waiting for. Enter Psaro the Manslayer!

King Norman: I say! Why the delay? Summon Psaro the Manslayer at once!

King Norman: I beg your pardon!? He's nowhere to be found!? Hmm...

King Norman: ...

King Norman: Then there's nothing for it. If he's not here to fight, then he can't possibly win.

King Norman: I hereby declare Tsarevna Alena the winner of the Endor Tourney!

Kiryl: Heartiest congratulations for your victory, Alena.

Borya: You were paramount, Miss Alena.

Alena wins the Endor Tourney with a resounding victory.

And then...

Endor second visit

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King Norman: Congratulations, Alena. I can't thank you enough for your efforts.

Princess Veronica: Hear, hear. You're my saviour. Thank you so much!

King Norman: Yes, I'm sure your father will be most pleased to hear the news of your achievements.

King Norman: You must return to Zamoksva at once and inform him of the happy news.

King Norman: (I cannot thank Tsarevna Alena enough for her efforts on our behalf./Congratulations, Alena. I can't thank you enough for your efforts.)

King Norman: (I'm sure her father will be most pleased to hear the news of her achievements./I'm sure your father will be most pleased to hear the news of your achievements.)

King Norman: You must return to Zamoksva at once and inform him of the happy news.

Princess Veronica: (Thanks to Tsarevna Alena, I will no longer have to go through with a marriage not of my choosing./Thank you, Alena. Now I don't have to go through with a marriage not of my choosing.)

Princess Veronica: (Still, if she were a boy-/Still, if you were a boy-)

Princess Veronica: Oops! Listen to me saying silly things! Please just forget I said anything.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... That really is a frightening name.

(*): This is King Norman's throne room.

(*): (Miss Alena really is formidable. We are forever indebted to her./You really are formidably strong, Miss Alena. We're indebted to you.)

(*): (What a marvellous victory for Princess Alena! She really was incredible!/Oh, if it isn't Princess Alena! Congratulations on your victory! You truly were incredible!)

(*): (Tsarevna Alena's amazing! I'd love to shake her hand!/You're Tsarevna Alena, aren't you? I just have to shake your hand!)

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): It's such a relief that the princess won't have to marry that awful brute.

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer, won't ya?

(*): (Oh, Princess Alena did so very well! What a win!/Congratulations on your win, Princess Alena!)

(*): The Colosseum has been closed up now that the tournament is over.

(*): Woooo! (Hooray for Princess Alena! Hooray!!! ...Sorry. I'm a bit over-excited and that./It's Princess Alena in the flesh! ...Sorry. I'm a bit over-excited and that. Congratulations, though.)

(*): (I was supporting Miss Alena all the way through. She was really wonderful!/Ooh, Miss Alena! I was supporting you all along! You were really wonderful.)

(*): There's strange talk going around that the monsters stopped appearing at about the time Psaro the Manslayer disappeared.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer... I wonder what his story is. He really was a shady character.

(*): King Norman doesn't always think before he speaks. It's got him into quite a spot of bother this time as well.

(*): Are you going back home to Zamoksva now? Have a safe journey!

(*): Endor Castle is just through the door here.

(*): (Oh, it's you. Go right in./Oh! It's you, Tsarevna Alena. Congratulations on an astounding victory.)

(*): Tsarevna Alena! You must return to Zamoksva without delay.

(*): Guuuurgh!

(*): Welcome to the town of Endor. The tournament has finished now.

(*): (Did you see that princess win the tournament? I was cheering her all the way, you know!/Ooh, you're the princess who won the tournament. I was cheering you on, you know!)

(*): But I won't hold you up any longer. I'm sure you've got better things to do than speak to an old woman like myself.

(*): Hey! Did you hear the news? The winner of the Endor Tourney was a young girl, just like me!

(*): (Talk about girl power!/No way! You're her!? That's amazing!)

(*): Being on guard duty isn't as easy as it looks, you know. I'll certainly be enjoying a drink or two when evening rolls around.

(*): The Endor Tourney's been and gone now.

(*): Hmph. I hope there'll be something else interesting on before long.

(*): (Goodness! Did you see that young missy win the tournament? Amazing!/Ah, you're the young missie who won the tournament. Maybe you'd be interested in buying something from my shop?)

(*): Anyway, back to business...

(*): (Ah, Miss Alena really did well. What a marvellous victory./Hello there, Miss Alena. Well done on such a great victory.)

(*): Just look at how fast the clouds are blowing west.

(*): That means they're blowing towards- No. I'm probably just worrying too much.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Endor Tourney Now Over. Tsarevna Alena Declared Victorious!"

(*): (Tsarevna Alena won the tournament, did she?/You won the tournament, did you?) Was there a substantial prize?

(*): Gracious! There was no prize? Then why ever put so much effort into the whole beastly affair?

(*): Hooray for the super strong Princess Alena! That was some serious fighting!

Some expensive-looking armour is on display.

(*): Now that Psaro the Manslayer is gone, the monsters have stopped appearing.

(*): I can't help thinking that those two things might be connected somehow.

(*): I just can't seem to find anyone who wants to buy my shop and take over the business for me.

(*): Er... I don't s'pose (you could get me young Alena's autograph, could ya?/you could gimme yer autograph, could ya?)

(*): (Hey! We're celebrating Princess Alena's victory! Drink as much as you like, it's on me!/Hey! You're Princess Alena! Congratulations! Drink as much as you like, it's on me!)

(*): Ah, you're (with) Tsarevna Alena, the one who's travelling the world to test her strength.

(*): News travels fast among us peddlers, you know. I've heard all about you.

(*): Congratulations on a marvellous victory.

(*): I hope your onward journey will be full of triumph and good fortune.

(*): Welcome to the casino!

(*): The casino only accepts tokens as payment. You can buy them from the girl at the counter over there.

(*): When you've won lots of tokens, you can cash them in for prizes at the exchange counter over there.

(*): Hah! I took a chance on Double or Nothing and now I have sixteen tokens instead of eight! I'm on fire!

(*): Oh! That's everything I've won today gone right down the drain!

(*): Today just doesn't seem to be my lucky day.

(*): How's it goin'? You won anythin' yet?

(*): Nice. Now you've just gotta 'ave the courage to keep yer winnin' streak goin'. Take the bull by the 'orns!

(*): Never mind, eh? Yer luck'll turn soon enough. Just keep at it.

(*): No matter how much you win, you can't exchange your tokens for money.

(*): So my advice would be to only spend what you can afford, and just enjoy gambling with cash you don't really need.

Zamoksva, final visit

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(*): Mur-mur-mur.

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

Borya: This is too much abnormal. What is occurred here!?

Kiryl: To where is everybody vanished? Hello! Is anybody here? Respond me!

But there's no answer.

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.

What is the meaning behind Tsar Stepan's dream? Who is Psaro the Manslayer?

And where have all the people of Zamoksva disappeared to?

To solve these mysteries, Alena and her companions set off on their journey once more...

Would you like to save the story so far in your adventure log?

Are you sure you want to move on to the next chapter without saving your progress?

Chapter III

Lakanaba, first visit

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Far to the north of Endor, tucked away in the emerald hills, lies the small town of Lakanaba.

A small town that is nevertheless home to a rather large man by the name of Torneko Taloon.

And although he's but a menial employee for now, he has a grand dream of becoming the greatest arms merchant in all the land.

Tessie: Are ye sleepin' 'til sunset now, are ye? The boss'll be givin' out to y'again if ye're late, ye know.

Tessie: Ye're a big lump o' bother, so y'are, Torneko Taloon!

Tessie: While you've been away with the faeries, I've been toilin' over yer packed lunch again. Here y'are...

Torneko receives his packed lunch for the day.

Tessie: Now be off to work with ye! An' don't lose yer way this time! Honestly! 'Tis only straight ahead once ye're out the door, so it is.

Tessie: Be off to work with ye, Torneko! Do I need to tell y'again, do I? Out the door an' straight ahead.

Tipper: (yawn) Y'alright there, Da?

Tessie: Ye forgot sometin'? Aye, an' ye'd forget yer own head if it wasn't screwed on, so ye would!

(*): How's she cuttin', Torneko? An' how's that gorgeous wife o' yours?

(*): I'll never understand why a fine article like Tessie married a good-fer-nuttin' bog-trotter like you.

(*): An' here's meself, all on me own still at my age. I'm as green as grass an' you must be hidin' a four-leaf clover somewhere.

Old Man Finn: Ah, Torneko, me lad! Grand timin'. I've a favour to ask ya, so I have.

Old Man Finn: It must be me agein' bones, but I can barely walk altogether now. I can't even make it to church.

Old Man Finn: So I was wonderin', would ye be kind enough to give me a shove over there? I'll give ye sometin' fer yer trouble.

Old Man Finn: Ye'll have to put yer back into it, lad.

Old Man Finn: Hm? Now what exactly's the problem? Will ye not push a bit harder, lad?

Old Man Finn: So, then. Here we are. Much obliged to ye, me lad. Here's yer reward.

Torneko receives # gold coin(s).

Old Man Finn: I'll be seein' ye, then.

Old Man Finn: Ye won't? Aye, well, I mighta known, I s'pose.

(*): Woof, woof, woof!

(*): Welcome to Lakanaba!

(*): Oh, 'tis you, Taloon. They'll be sayin' I'm gone in the head welcomin' ye like some kind o' stranger, so they will.

(Character) reads the sign.

"No trampling over the flowerbeds!"

(*): Ah, Torneko. Ye know, ye call yerself a merchant, but ye don't even have yer own shop.

(*): But the town's black as it is. Ye couldn't cram a market stall in here, let alone a shop.

(*): Are ye lookin' fer me fella, are ye? He's out to work at the mo, so ye'll have to come back in the evenin'.

(*): Poor old Finn comes to church every day to pray for his son to come back to him.

Old Man Finn: Me son's a desperate blackguard, so he is... He took off from the village, an' I've seen hide nor hair of him since.

Old Man Finn: I daren't even think what shenanigans he's up to now. I just hope he's not botherin' anyone...

(*): Have I told y'about the steel strongbox already, Mr. Taloon?

(*): If ye're thinkin' o' headin' south, ye'll want to bring one with ye.

(*): Well there was a fella stayin' here that told me about it. 'Tis in a cave somewhere north o' here.

(*): If he's tellin' the truth, it stops monsters stealin' half yer gold when ye're wiped out in battle, so it does.

(*): Aye, if ye had yerself one o' those, ye could go blatherin' yer sales blarney far an' wide without a care in the world, like.

(*): Where've ye been, Taloon? Ye'd be late fer yer own funeral, so ye would! Get in here, now!

(*): Just stand there, an' we'll have customers comin' through the door before long.

(*): Don't forget that I'm payin' y'on commission, now. So no guffin' an' idlin'!

(*): Right. So, then... I'll leave ye to it. I'll be down below, if ye need me.

(*): Oh, aye. Ye'll make a grand salesman standin' there! Get 'round this side o' the counter, y'eejit!

(*): Or are ye here to buy sometin' fer yerself, are ye?

(*): Well, ye'll pardon me manners, then. Let's get down to business!

(*): Then stop actin' the maggot an' come 'round this side o' the counter, will ye?

(*): I've been waitin' so long, I thought I'd pass y'on me way home! Ye're here to work, I presume?

(*): Just stand there, an' we'll have customers comin' through the door before long.

(*): Don't forget that I'm payin' y'on commission, now. So no guffin' an' idlin'!

(*): Right. So, then... I'll leave ye to it. I'll be down below, if ye need me.

(*): Ye're not? Fair play. I s'pose ye've things of yer own to be doin'.

(*): Ye can't spend yer life workin' fer the likes o' me now, can ye?

(*): Well all the best to ye, then. An' if ye're needin' to earn a few bob, ye can always have yer job back here.

(*): 'Tis a weapon shop ye're runnin' here, is it not?

(*): Will ye give me a look at yer wares, then?

(*): I'll take (Item), please. I can offer ye %a00620 gold coin(s) for it.

(*): Ye're a proper comedian, aren't ye?

(*): It's been a pleasure doin' business with ye. I'll be showin' me face in here again, so I will.

(*): Ye'll knock some money off? That's grand! How much for (Item), then? Would # gold coin(s) cover it?

(*): It's been a pleasure doin' business with ye. I'll be showin' me face in here again, so I will.

(*): What? Ye've put up the price of (Item)? You charge # gold coin(s) a piece now, ye say?

(*): Well, I s'pose I'll stump up for it still an' all. Thanks very much.

(*): Well I can live without it at that kind o' price! I'll be seein' y'around, then...

(*): Looks like I'm a wee bit short of odds for it.

(*): Sorry fer disturbin' ye. I'll be on me way now.

(*): Hang on. Hold yer hour... Looks like me bag's full, so it is.

(*): I'll have to sell sometin' or throw sometin' away. Then I'll be back to make me purchase.

(*): Unbelievable! 'Tis only impossible for me to use! But would ye sell it to me still an' all?

(*): Thanks very much. I'm sure I've a friend or two that'd like one o' these. Bye, now.

(*): I thought as much. I'll be off out of yer hair now, then...

(*): Sure an' that's mighty funny, an' all, but would ye show me what ye're sellin' now, would ye?

(*): 'Tis not? Well I'm sorry fer botherin' ye, then...

(*): 'Tis a weapon shop ye're runnin' here, is it not?

(*): I've a weapon I'm lookin' to sell. Would ye be interested in it at all?

(*): 'Tis (Item), so it is. A rare piece. An' I only want %a00620 gold coin(s) for it. Will ye buy it?

(*): Aye, ye've a keen eye, so ye have. Ye'll be a grand salesman one day, I'm sure o' that. See ye 'round, then.

(*): You wouldn't? I'll have to try somewhere else, then.

(*): You wouldn't? Well that's a shame, so it is. I'll try another shop.

(*): It isn't? Well I'm sorry fer botherin' ye then.

(*): D'ye want to do any business at all at all? How long are ye goin' to keep me waitin' here?

(*): What is it, Taloon? Are ye knockin' off for the day already?

(*): Right. I s'pose ye'll be wantin' yer pay, then. I'll just tot it up now...

(*): Here y'are. This is what ye've earned today.

Torneko earns X gold coin(s).

(*): I'll see ye back here in the mornin', then. Don't be late!

(*): I'll see ye back here in the mornin', then. Don't be late!

(*): ...Janey Mac! Ye've done not an ounce o' work today, ye worthless lump!

(*): An' still ye come lookin' to be paid, so ye do! Sure an' ye've a hard neck on ye, so ye have!

(*): Aye, well, I'm sorry, Taloon. No pay today. Ye'll just have to work harder tomorrow, won't ye now?

(*): I'll be expectin' some decent hard work from ye tomorrow, Taloon.

(*): Then back upstairs with ye, and don't be leavin' the shop unattended.

(*): Ye can come back when ye want to go home, and I'll pay ye what ye're owed.

(*): 'Tis late already. I'll be closin' up soon, so ye can go home now.

(*): Here y'are. This is what ye've earned today.

Torneko earns X gold coin(s).

(*): I'll see ye back here in the mornin', then. Don't be late!

Tessie: Hello, Torneko. Ye must be shattered after work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tessie: Oh, Torneko... When are we goin' to have a shop of our own?

Tessie: A man's nuttin' without a shop, Torneko. Ye're not goin' to be used by others all yer life.

Tessie: I married ye believin' that, so I did. ...And 'cause I loved ye, o' course. He he.

Tessie: Ye forgot sometin'? Aye, an' ye'd forget yer own head if it wasn't screwed on, so ye would!

Tipper: Da! I've sometin' to tell ya. The innkeeper said he'd sometin' to tell ya. An'...that's what I had to tell ya...

(*): How's she cuttin', Torneko? An' how's that gorgeous wife o' yours?

(*): I'll never understand why a fine article like Tessie married a good-fer-nuttin' bog-trotter like you.

(*): An' here's meself, all on me own still at my age. I'm as green as grass an' you must be hidin' a four-leaf clover somewhere.

Old Man Finn: Ah, Torneko, me lad! Grand timin'. I've a favour to ask ya, so I have.

Old Man Finn: It must be me agein' bones, but I can barely walk altogether now. I can't even make it to church.

Old Man Finn: So I was wonderin', would ye be kind enough to give' me a shove over there? I'll give ye sometin' fer yer trouble.

Old Man Finn: Ye'll have to put yer back into it, lad.

Old Man Finn: Hm? Now what exactly's the problem? Will ye not push a bit harder, lad?

Old Man Finn: So, then. Here we are. Much obliged to ye, me lad. Here's yer reward.

Torneko receives X gold coin(s).

Old Man Finn: I'll be seein' ye, then.

Old Man Finn: Ye won't? Aye, well, I might o' known, I s'pose.

(*): Woof, woof, woof!

(*): Welcome to Lakanaba!

(*): Oh, 'tis you, Taloon. They'll be sayin' I'm gone in the head welcomin' ye like some kind o' stranger, so they will.

(Character) reads the sign.

"No trampling over the flowerbeds!"

(*): Ah, Torneko. Ye know, ye call yerself a merchant, but ye don't even have yer own shop.

(*): But the town's black as it is. Ye couldn't cram a market stall in here, let alone a shop.

(*): Are ye lookin' fer me fella, are ye? He's out to work at the mo, so ye'll have to come back in the evenin'.

(*): Poor old Finn comes to church every day to pray for his son to come back to him.

Old Man Finn: Me son's a desperate blackguard, so he is... He took off from the village, an' I've seen hide nor hair of him since.

Old Man Finn: I daren't even think what shenanigans he's up to now. I just hope he's not botherin' anyone...

(*): Have I told y'about the steel strongbox already, Mr. Taloon?

(*): If ye're thinkin' o' headin' south, ye'll want to bring one with ye.

(*): Well there was a fella stayin' here that told me about it. 'Tis in a cave somewhere north o' here.

(*): If he's tellin' the truth, it stops monsters stealin' half yer gold when ye're wiped out in battle, so it does.

(*): Aye, if ye had yerself one o' those, ye could go blatherin' yer sales blarney far an' wide without a care in the world, like.

(*): Come together with me in prayer, Torneko, as we ask the Goddess for peace throughout the land.

(*): Without peace, merchants like you will have a grand time of it tryin' to conduct yer business.

(*): Are y'on yer way home now, Torneko?

(*): An' yer corker of a wife'll be there waitin' for ye, I s'pose? Aye, I'm pure jealous, so I am.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): What? Ye want a shop of yer own? Ye'll be needin' to leave this place, then.

(*): A tiny village at the borin' end of a bogway is no place for a successful business.

(*): Go to a place like Endor, buy yerself a nice, tidy shop, an' then bring yer family along... Yerra, 'tis a fine thing to have a dream, so it is!

(*): Ah, Mr. Taloon! I expect ye'll be headin' south with a steel strongbox in yer possession, will ye?

(*): They say there's a grand ole castle that way by the name of Endor. There's a leprechaun's fortune in gold to be had down there!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): The world's finest arms merchant, ye say? Aye, 'tis a grand dream, so it is.

(*): But first ye'll have to learn how to use the weapons. Gain experience on the battlefield, like.

(*): Ye can't be the finest arms merchant in the world without bein' a fine man-at-arms, too.

Old Man Finn: Have ye seen the dog 'round the back o' the house? 'Tis me son's, so it is. He only listens to him.

Old Man Finn: 'Tis a shame for the poor mutt, but I've had to shut him up to be sure to be sure.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

Tessie: Hello, love. Ye're late today. Ye must've had a desperate time of it at work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tipper: Ye're home, Da! I've been good. I promise!

Tipper: When I grow up, I'm gonna earn a rake o' gold, an' you an' Ma can live like kings! Em...an' queens...

Tessie: I've made yer packed lunch like always to help ye through the day.

Torneko receives his packed lunch for the day.

Tessie: Oh? Ye still haven't eaten yer lunch I packed for ye? Let me change it fer this fresh one, then.

Cave of Safekeeping

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There's a button here. Press it?

(*): Has yerself come lookin' for the steel strongbox, too?

(*): Aye, well, there's sometin' not quite right about that rollin' boulder if y'ask me. But I'll get meself me treasure still an' all!

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

A message has been carved in the floor. (Character) reads what it says...

"Greedy is the traveller who seeketh treasure! Put back that which thou hast unlawfully taken!"

"Put it back, and the path of retreat shall become open to thee."

Do you want to put the steel strongbox back?

(Character) puts the steel strongbox back in its place.

Shinnock, first visit

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(*): Hello there, traveller. Ye're lookin' broit-eyed an' bushy-tailed, so y'are! Care to join me in a foxtrot?

(*): That's strange... There was no village here when I passed by before. I'd stake me life on it.

(*): There are foxes 'round about that are out to bewitch folk, so they say. They'll trick ye by turnin' themselves into human form.

(*): Ye'd be wise to watch yer back.

(*): Pleased to meet ye, sir! Archie O'Tect's the name. A travellin' architect o' fame! But I'm head over heels in love with this foxy wan, now.

Archie O'Tect: I'm gonna marry her, so I am! An' come an' live with her in this wee village o' Shinnock. Ha ha ha!

(*): There's plenty o' space in the den fer more cubs. You can come an' live here too, if ye loik.

(*): Me own fella was a traveller before. But now he's come to live here with me. Grrr-ruff. Ruff, ruff, ruff! ...Ahem!

(*): Oh, dear... I moit have a bad dose o' the splutters comin' on... I'm feelin' a bit grrruff in the throat!

(*): Welcome, traveller. Can't sniff yer way out of here, is it? Ye're lost, are ye?

(*): Well that must be a desperate worry for ye now. And ye look as ruff as a dog to go with it. Would ye care to spend the noit here?

(*): Aye, I thought that ye moit! Let the faeries whisk y'away, then! Mind the fleas- I mean, bed bugs don't bite!

(*): Really? Fair play to ye then. I wish y'all the best on yer onward journey. He he heruff!

Ballymoral, first visit

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(*): I came to Ballymoral lookin' fer work, but the place is in a bit of a slump at the moment.

(*): Aaah, I shoulda known. If it's work ye're after, ye can't beat Endor.

(*): Welcome to Ballymoral Castle!

(*): Ye're another culchie from Lakanaba, aren't ye? Aye, there's one of yer fellas from back home in the castle lock-up.

(*): If ye're here to have a chinwag with him, ye'll want to make sure ye're not spotted by the guard.

(*): Y'know, Endor's only a good spit from here. I'd been there once meself before the bridge was banjaxed.

(*): Aye, there was a quare old fella there tryin' to sell me his shop, so there was.

(*): Have you heard they've started payin' top gold fer armour here at the castle?

(*): 'Tis unsettlin' altogether, so it is. I just hope we're not buildin' up to a war or suchlike.

(*): There's talk these days about a band o' foxes out to bewitch people. They trick folk by disguising themselves as humans!

(*): But foxes are nothing to worry about. You just need a dog with you, and you'll be fine.

(*): I do be runnin' an armour shop here, so I do. But with all the monsters about recently, I'm sellin' out faster than I can buy.

(*): It just goes to show ye, yer ordinary fella puts more of a price on protectin' himself than on fightin' others.

(*): So, what I'm tryin' to tell y'is, I'm clean out o' stock at the minute. Sorry about that.

(*): If ye'll excuse me, (Sir/Ma'am). I'd ask ye not to go banjaxin' other people's property if ye don't mind.

(*): D'ye realise that no one can go to Endor at the moment because the poxy bridge is banjaxed?

(*): If Archie O'Tect was about, the repairs'd be boxed off in no time. What's holdin' the ole feen up?

(*): There's a desperate shortage of armour here in the castle.

(*): I don't s'pose ye'd consider sellin' some o' yours, would ye?

(*): But ye've nuttin' to sell, have ye? Come back when ye're ready to do business, like.

(*): So, what is it that ye'd be wantin' to sell, then?

(*): (Item), is it? Sure, I'll take (them/it) off ye for # gold coin(s). How does that sound?

(*): 'Tis a done deal, then. A pleasure doin' business with ye.

(*): Now d'ye fancy sellin' anytin' else at all?

(*): No? Well that's a shame...

(*): Sorry, fella, but I've weapons an' the like comin' out o' me ears. 'Tis only armour I'm interested in.

(*): Ye'd be in a right pickle if I took that off ye now, wouldn't ye? Stop playin' the maggot. I'm not buyin' it.

(*): Then I'll be seein' ye when ye do. Come back whenever ye want.

(*): Ye wouldn't? Well that's a shame.

(*): But I'll give ye some advice, seein' as yerself is an aspirin' merchant an' that.

(*): Don't just trade in weapons. There's quare money in armour, so there is.

(*): Endor's a rich land.

(*): 'Tas been the King's wish fer many a long year to take it fer his own.

King Shamus: What!? Still no Archie O'Tect? What in the devil is the fella playin' at!? Is he lost in the bog, or what?

King Shamus: How am I s'posed to invade Endor with the bridge bein' banjaxed?

Prince Regan: Who dares talk to the Prince of Ballymoral?

Prince Regan: Ah, a travelling salesman, is it? In that case, I've a favour to ask you...

Prince Regan: Meet me behind the weapon shop after nightfall.

(*): Yer Highness, Yer Highness! You don't want to be talkin' to the likes o' this spalpeen. He's just a merchant.

(*): Go on! Get away with ye!

Prince Regan: Don't forget about the letter. I'm counting on you.

Prince Regan: ...

(*): This here is the Prince's personal chamber. 'Tis no place for a common arms merchant.

(*): This is the dungeon! Talkin' with the convicts is strictly forbidden, so it is. Get away outta here!

(*): Who are you?

(*): This is the dungeon! Talkin' with the convicts is strictly forbidden, so it is. Get away outta here!

(*): Me? I'm only the finest thief on the Goddess-given earth! Not like himself over there, the common crook!

(*): He's a worthless gurrier from Lakanaba, so he is.

(*): Ye might not be able to see the fella in the cell over there, but he's inside, to be sure. Sleepin' at the back, I expect.

(*): Torneko? Torneko Taloon? I'm right, aren't I? 'Tis meself, look! Old Man Finn's son...Finnegan.

Finnegan: I made a bags of everytin' an' ended up in here, but I've done a lot o' thinkin' an' I'll not be criminalisin' again.

Finnegan: Ye're a trader, aren't ye, Mr. Taloon? Ye could fetch me a chimaera wing then, could ye not?

Finnegan: Ye have one on ye already, ye say? Then I'm beggin' ye. Give it me now, an' I'll make it up to ye back home, like.

Finnegan: Thank ye, Mr. Taloon. Ye're a grand fella, so y'are. An' I promise on me life that I won't be doin' nuttin' wrong again.

Finnegan: I'll be seein' ye back in Lakanaba, then. Bye, now.

Finnegan tosses the chimaera wing into the air.

Finnegan: Ye can't turn me down like that! Please!

(*): 'Tis forbidden to enter into the castle at night.

(*): Come back in the mornin' when it's light an' we can keep an eye on ye.

(*): Prince Reeeeegan! Prince Reeeegan! The Prince has vanished, so he has. I can't find him anywhere...

Prince Regan: Ah, it is yourself. You remember me, of course? Prince Regan.

Prince Regan: So, I've a favour to ask, like I said. I want you to go to Endor for me as soon as the bridge is fixed.

Prince Regan: I want you to give this letter to the princess there.

Torneko receives the Prince's letter.

Prince Regan: Don't let me down, now.

Prince Regan: As soon as the bridge is fixed, deliver that letter to Princess Veronica of Endor.

Prince Regan: The fate of our two kingdoms depends on it! I'm relying on you.

Torneko reads the letter.

"My beloved Ronnie, I still daren't mention anything about our affair to Da.

"And I'm just after finding out that he plans to invade your dear land of Endor.

"I had to do something before that happened. Please, inform your father before it's too late."

...but the Princess of Endor isn't around to listen!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... Gold...gold...gold... More monsterzzz... More armour... Ah-phew...

(*): Entrance to the castle is only granted to civilians durin' the day. Away with ye an' come back in the mornin'!

Lakanaba, second visit

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Tipper: Da! I've sometin' to tell ya. The innkeeper said he'd sometin' to tell ya. An'...that's what I had to tell ya...

(*): How's she cuttin', Torneko? An' how's that gorgeous wife o' yours?

(*): I'll never understand why a fine article like Tessie married a good-fer-nuttin' bog-trotter like you.

(*): An' here's meself, all on me own still at my age. I'm as green as grass an' you must be hidin' a four-leaf clover somewhere.

Old Man Finn: Ah, Torneko, me lad. I've grand tidin's, so I have. Me son's come home!

Old Man Finn: It looks like the Goddess was listenin' after all. Me prayers have been answered.

Old Man Finn: So I can't be standin' around here foosterin'. Would ye be kind enough to give me a push over to the church?

Old Man Finn: Ye'll have to put yer back into it, lad.

Old Man Finn: Hm? Now what exactly's the problem? Will ye not push a bit harder, lad?

Old Man Finn: So, then. Here we are. Much obliged to ye, me lad. Here's yer reward.

Torneko receives X gold coin(s).

Old Man Finn: I'll be seein' ye, then.

Old Man Finn: Ye won't? Aye, well, I might o' known, I s'pose.

(*): Welcome to Lakanaba!

(*): Oh, 'tis you, Taloon. They'll be sayin' I'm gone in the head welcomin' ye like some kind o' stranger, so they will.

Finnegan: Torneko! 'Tis me again...Finn's son, Finnegan. Yerra, I owe ye fer gettin' me out o' that prison.

Finnegan: Aye, I said I'd make it up to ye, didn't I? Only...I've nuttin' on me at the minute...

Finnegan: What's that? Ye don't want nuttin'? Only the loan o' me dog, Fido? Sure an' that's an easy ask, so it is.

Finnegan: He's a grand huntin' dog. Catches foxes an' all o' that. Ye'll find him dead handy.

Fido: Woof!

Finnegan: Listen up now, Fido. Ye're on loan, so y'are. Be a quare dog an' do what Torneko tells ye.

Fido starts following Torneko's every move!

Finnegan: Listen up now, Fido. Ye're on loan, so y'are. Be a quare dog an' do what Torneko tells ye.

(Character) reads the sign.

"No trampling over the flowerbeds!"

(*): Ah, Torneko. Ye know, ye call yerself a merchant, but ye don't even have yer own shop.

(*): But the town's black as it is. Ye couldn't cram a market stall in here, let alone a shop.

(*): Are ye lookin' fer me fella, are ye? He's out to work at the mo, so ye'll have to come back in the evenin'.

(*): The great Goddess has guided Finnegan back to his father at last. 'Tis wonderful altogether.

Old Man Finn: I'm forever in yer debt, lad. 'Tis thanks to you that me son's come home.

Old Man Finn: 'Twas the guidance o' the Goddess that led ye to meet him. As sure as slimes are slimes.

(*): Mr. Taloon. Has yerself been over to Endor already?

(*): Ye have, have ye? Ah, that's grand. I bet it's a fair lively craic over there, isn't it?

(*): So the bridge is still banjaxed then, is it?

(*): But I heard Archie O'Tect had the repairs all boxed off already. I wonder what the problem is...

Tessie: Hello, Torneko. Ye must be shattered after work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tessie: Oh, Torneko... When are we goin' to have a shop of our own?

Tessie: A man's nuttin' without a shop, Torneko. Ye're not goin' to be used by others all yer life.

Tessie: I married ye believin' that, so I did. ...And 'cause I loved ye, o' course. He he.

Tessie: Ye forgot sometin'? Aye, an' ye'd forget yer own head if it wasn't screwed on, so ye would!

(*): Come together with me in prayer, Torneko, as we ask the Goddess for peace throughout the land.

(*): Without peace, merchants like you will have a grand time of it tryin' to conduct yer business.

(*): Are y'on yer way home now, Torneko?

(*): An' yer corker of a wife'll be there waitin' for ye, I s'pose? Aye, I'm pure jealous, so I am.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): What? Ye want a shop of yer own? Ye'll be needin' to leave this place, then.

(*): A tiny village at the borin' end of a bogway is no place for a successful business.

(*): Go to a place like Endor, buy yerself a nice, tidy shop, an' then bring yer family along... Yerra, 'tis a fine thing to have a dream, so it is!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Ahchoo! 'Tis a desperate tale, but if the truth be known, I was bewitched by some foxes an' they stole me armour. What a holy show!

(*): But I wasn't the only fella taken in by them. There was another feen there by the name of Archie or sometin' that was taken still.

Old Man Finn: Me son tells me he'll only be doin' honest, hard work now he's back. 'Tis all I've been hopin' for, so it is.

Old Man Finn: Hm? Where is he now? 'Round the back with the dog, so he is.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

Tessie: Hello, love. Ye're late today. Ye must've had a desperate time of it at work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tipper: Ye're home, Da! I've been good. I promise!

Tipper: When I grow up, I'm gonna earn a rake o' gold, an' you an' Ma can live like kings! Em...an' queens...

Shinnock, second visit

Fido: Woof! Grrr... Woof, woof, woof! Woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Hello there, traveller. Ye're lookin' broit-eyed an' bushy-tailed, so y'are! Care to join me in a foxtrot?

(*): That's strange... There was no village here when I passed by before. I'd stake me life on it.

(*): There are foxes 'round about that are out to bewitch folk, so they say. They'll trick ye by turnin' themselves into human form.

(*): Ye'd be wise to watch yer back.

(*): Pleased to meet ye, sir! Archie O'Tect's the name. A travellin' architect o' fame! But I'm head over heels in love with this foxy wan, now.

Archie O'Tect: I'm gonna marry her, so I am! An' come an' live with her in this wee village o' Shinnock. Ha ha ha!

(*): There's plenty o' space in the den fer more cubs. You can come an' live here too, if ye loik.

(*): Me own fella was a traveller before. But now he's come to live here with me. Grrr-ruff. Ruff, ruff, ruff! ...Ahem!

(*): Oh, dear... I moit have a bad dose o' the splutters comin' on... I'm feelin' a bit grrruff in the throat!

Fido: Woof!

(*): Heeelp! A dog! Grrr... HELP!

(*): No! I'm losin' me powers! They're fadin' away...

(*): Grrr-ruff, what a desperate mess. Would ye turn a blind eye just this once? I'll not be up to me foxery again, I promise.

(*): Grand! Aye, ye're a decent fella, so y'are. Let me give ye this suit of armour as a reward.

Torneko receives a suit of full plate armour.

(*): Roit. I'll be makin' tracks, then, with me tail between me legs. Slan agat. Grrr-ruff!

(*): Allow me t'introduce meself. Archie O'Tect's the name. Now would ye tell me what the devil's goin' on here?

Archie O'Tect: I haven't been feelin' meself, ye know. Tell me, is it just me, or was there not a small village here before?

Archie O'Tect: Janey Mac! I clean forgot. I can't be dodderin' about here.

Archie O'Tect: I must be headin' to Ballymoral Castle. Excuse me, now.

(*): Don't be so harsh, now. A cunnin' man would let an ole fox off...

Lakanaba, third visit

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Finnegan: How's she cuttin', Torneko? Have ye come to give Fido back already, have ye?

Finnegan: Have ye been a good dog fer our man here, have ye, Fido? Right, back in yer cage, boy!

Finnegan: I wish y'all the best with whatever it is that ye're up to, Torneko. I hope it works out for ye.

Finnegan: Oh, well, that's grand. Just come back once ye're done with him. I won't be goin' anywhere at all at all.

Finnegan: I wish y'all the best with whatever it is that ye're up to, Torneko. I hope it works out for ye.

(Character) reads the sign.

"No trampling over the flowerbeds!"

(*): Ah, Torneko. Ye know, ye call yerself a merchant, but ye don't even have yer own shop.

(*): But the town's black as it is. Ye couldn't cram a market stall in here, let alone a shop.

(*): Are ye lookin' fer me fella, are ye? He's out to work at the mo, so ye'll have to come back in the evenin'.

(*): The great Goddess has guided Finnegan back to his father at last. 'Tis wonderful altogether.

Old Man Finn: I'm forever in yer debt, lad. 'Tis thanks to you that me son's come home.

Old Man Finn: Twas the guidance o' the Goddess that led ye to meet him. As sure as slimes are slimes.

(*): Mr. Taloon. Has yerself been over to Endor already?

(*): Ye have, have ye? Ah, that's grand. I bet it's a fair lively craic over there, isn't it?

(*): So the bridge is still banjaxed then, is it?

(*): But I heard Archie O'Tect had the repairs all boxed off already. I wonder what the problem is...

Tessie: Hello, Torneko. Ye must be shattered after work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tessie: Oh, Torneko... When are we goin' to have a shop of our own?

Tessie: A man's nuttin' without a shop, Torneko. Ye're not goin' to be used by others all yer life.

Tessie: I married ye believin' that, so I did. ...And 'cause I loved ye, o' course. He he.

Tessie: Ye forgot sometin'? Aye, an' ye'd forget yer own head if it wasn't screwed on, so ye would!

(*): Come together with me in prayer, Torneko, as we ask the Goddess for peace throughout the land.

(*): Without peace, merchants like you will have a grand time of it tryin' to conduct yer business.

(*): Are y'on yer way home now, Torneko?

(*): An' yer corker of a wife'll be there waitin' for ye, I s'pose? Aye, I'm pure jealous, so I am.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): What? Ye want a shop of yer own? Ye'll be needin' to leave this place, then.

(*): A tiny village at the borin' end of a bogway is no place for a successful business.

(*): Go to a place like Endor, buy yerself a nice, tidy shop, an' then bring yer family along... Yerra, 'tis a fine thing to have a dream, so it is!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Ahchoo! 'Tis a desperate tale, but if the truth be known, I was bewitched by some foxes an' they stole me armour. What a holy show!

(*): But I wasn't the only fella taken in by them. There was another feen there by the name of Archie or sometin' that was taken still.

Old Man Finn: Me son tells me he'll only be doin' honest, hard work now he's back. 'Tis all I've been hopin' for, so it is.

Old Man Finn: Hm? Where is he now? 'Round the back with the dog, so he is.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

Tessie: Hello, love. Ye're late today. Ye must've had a desperate time of it at work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love. 'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tipper: Ye're home, Da! I've been good. I promise!

Tipper: When I grow up, I'm gonna earn a rake o' gold, an' you an' Ma can live like kings! Em...an' queens...

Ballymoral, second visit

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(*): I came to Ballymoral lookin' fer work, but the place is in a bit of a slump at the moment.

(*): Aaah, I shoulda known. If it's work ye're after, ye can't beat Endor.

(*): Welcome to Ballymoral Castle!

(*): Have ye heard? The fella locked up from Lakanaba only went an' broke out o' jail, so he did!

(*): Mind you, he's nuttin' but a petty crook, so I doubt they'll bother with him much.

(*): Y'know, Endor's only a good spit from here. I'd been there once meself before the bridge was banjaxed.

(*): Aye, there was a quare old fella there tryin' to sell me his shop, so there was.

(*): Have you heard they've started payin' top gold fer armour here at the castle?

(*): 'Tis unsettlin' altogether, so it is. I just hope we're not buildin' up to a war or suchlike.

(*): There's talk these days about a band o' foxes out to bewitch people. They trick folk by disguising themselves as humans!

(*): But foxes are nothing to worry about. You just need a dog with you, and you'll be fine.

(*): I do be runnin' an armour shop here, so I do. But with all the monsters about recently, I'm sellin' out faster than I can buy.

(*): It just goes to show ye, yer ordinary fella puts more of a price on protectin' himself than on fightin' others.

(*): So, what I'm tryin' to tell y'is, I'm clean out o' stock at the minute. Sorry about that.

(*): If ye'll excuse me, (Sir/Ma'am). I'd ask ye not to go banjaxin' other people's property if ye don't mind.

(*): The architect...what's his name now...? Aye, that's it, Archie O'Tect. Well, he's finally turned up.

(*): The bridge'll be fixed in no time now. 'Tis about time, too!

(*): There's a desperate shortage of armour here in the castle.

(*): I don't s'pose ye'd consider sellin' some o' yours, would ye?

(*): But ye've nuttin' to sell, have ye? Come back when ye're ready to do business, like.

(*): So, what is it that ye'd be wantin' to sell, then?

(*): (Item), is it? Sure, I'll take (them/it) off ye for X gold coin(s). How does that sound?

(*): 'Tis a done deal, then. A pleasure doin' business with ye.

(*): Now d'ye fancy sellin' anytin' else at all?

(*): That's no good to ye? Well that's a shame...

(*): Sorry, fella, but I've weapons an' the like comin' out o' me ears. 'Tis only armour I'm interested in.

(*): Ye'd be in a right pickle if I took that off ye now, wouldn't ye? Stop playin' the maggot. I'm not buyin' it.

(*): Then I'll be seein' ye when ye do. Come back whenever ye want.

(*): Ye wouldn't? Well that's a shame.

(*): But I'll give ye some advice, seein' as yerself is an aspirin' merchant an' that.

(*): Don't just trade in weapons. There's quare money in armour, so there is.

(*): Endor's a rich land.

(*): 'Tas been the King's wish fer many a long year to take it fer his own.

King Shamus: Sure an' Archie O'Tect's a quare fella, so he is! The bridge to Endor is all fixed up now.

King Shamus: I can invade the place at last! Ah ha ha!

Prince Regan: Who dares talk to the Prince of Ballymoral?

Prince Regan: Ah, a travelling salesman, is it? In that case, I've a favour to ask you...

Prince Regan: Meet me behind the weapon shop after nightfall.

(*): Yer Highness, Yer Highness! You don't want to be talkin' to the likes o' this spalpeen. He's just a merchant.

(*): Go on! Get away with ye!

Prince Regan: Don't forget about the letter. I'm counting on you.

Prince Regan: ...

(*): This here is the Prince's personal chamber. 'Tis no place for a common arms merchant.

(*): This is the dungeon! Talkin' with the convicts is strictly forbidden, so it is. Get away outta here!

(*): Who are you?

(*): This is the dungeon! Talkin' with the convicts is strictly forbidden, so it is. Get away outta here!

(*): Ye might not be able to see the fella in the cell over there, but he's inside, to be sure. Sleepin' at the back, I expect.

(*): 'Tis forbidden to enter into the castle at night.

(*): Come back in the mornin' when it's light an' we can keep an eye on ye.

(*): Prince Reeeeegan! Prince Reeeegan! The Prince has vanished, so he has. I can't find him anywhere...

Prince Regan: Ah, it is yourself. You remember me, of course? Prince Regan.

Prince Regan: So, I've a favour to ask, like I said. I want you to go to Endor for me as soon as the bridge is fixed.

Prince Regan: I want you to give this letter to the princess there.

Torneko receives the Prince's letter.

Prince Regan: Don't let me down, now.

Prince Regan: As soon as the bridge is fixed, deliver that letter to Princess Veronica of Endor.

Prince Regan: The fate of our two kingdoms depends on it! I'm relying on you.

Torneko reads the letter.

"My beloved Ronnie, I still daren't mention anything about our affair to Da.

"And I'm just after finding out that he plans to invade your dear land of Endor.

"I had to do something before that happened. Please, inform your father before it's too late."

...but the Princess of Endor isn't around to listen!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... Gold...gold...gold... More monsterzzz... More armour... Ah-phew...

(*): Entrance to the castle is only granted to civilians durin' the day. Away with ye an' come back in the mornin'!

Endor, first visit

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(*): Welcome to the town of Endor.

(*): Did you hear about the Endor Tourney? It took place here in the castle.

(*): Aaah... Being on patrol's no soft option, you know. I can't wait to get off duty and down the pub.

(*): We had a brief respite after the Endor Tourney, you know. But now the monsters are back with a vengeance.

(*): I don't know! The world's gone mad!

(*): Endor Castle is just through this gate.

(*): The Colosseum's inside there, too. But now the Endor Tourney has finished, it's locked.

Hardie: There are amazing treasures in all sorts of strange places. Deep inside caves, for example. Just where the most vicious monsters live!

Hardie: You could hire me as your personal bodyguard if you're interested. I'd do five days for 400 gold coins. What d'you say?

Hardie: Really? You'll employ me? That's great. Right, well, I'll be your faithful servant wherever you go!

Hardie joins Hero.

Hardie: Oh, but I don't like dogs.

Hardie: I'll only do it if the dog goes. Can't you take it back where it came from?

Hardie: But you haven't got enough money. Come back once you've saved up some cash.

Hardie: No? Oh, well. If you change your mind, just come and find me.

(*): Look how fast the clouds scud across the sky.

(*): It could be a sign, you know. That something bad is happening somewhere.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Endor Tourney Now Over. Tsarevna Alena Declared Victorious!"

(*): We've always had money in the family. It only encourages my husband to buy ever more peculiar things for his collection.

(*): But we've got more than even he can spend. Ha ha ha ha ha!

(*): The young lady of the house spends all her time starin' at the sky. I just don't know what it is she finds so interestin' about it.

Some expensive-looking armour is on display.

(*): I'm a collector, you know. Of antiques and curios from days gone by.

(*): I've come to hear of a silver Goddess statue that's still "out in the wild", as it were. Up for grabs, if you like!

(*): I'd pay anything for it. Anything at all. So if you come across it, don't hesitate to bring it to me.

(*): That's- Can it really be...the silver Goddess statue?

(*): I'll... I'll pay 20- No, 25000 gold coins for it! Well, then? Will you sell it to me?

(*): Wonderful! Here you are. Now it's mine!

(Character) receives 25000 gold coins!

(*): What? You won't sell it? But... Oh, well. If you change your mind, don't hesitate to come back to me.

(*): Just look at it! I can't tear my eyes away from it. What a treasure this statue of the Goddess is!

(*): But enough of that. I've heard mention of another great treasure recently, called the Zenithian Sword.

(*): I'd pay anything for it. Anything at all. So if you come across it, don't hesitate to bring it to me.

(*): Sorry? Is the shop downstairs closed, you say?

(*): Yes, well, I'm not getting any younger. In an ideal world, I'd sell up and use the money to retire somewhere nice.

(*): But I doubt I'll find anyone who wants to buy it. And they'd need permission from King Norman as well. No, it'll never happen.

(*): You what? You came here to Endor to - Hic! - earn some cash?

(*): Yeah, you got that right. There's loads o'...er - Hic! - ways to earn cash here.

(*): Have a drink an' think it over first, though. Take it slow. One - Hic! - at a time...

(*): Hello there. Make yourself comfortable and have a nice drink or three.

(*): Ah, a fellow trader! You're here for the silver Goddess statue too, I suppose?

(*): Can't say I blame you. We all know it'd sell for a tidy profit, that gem. May the best man win! Ha ha ha!

(*): Oh. I see... Well, er...just- Ha ha ha! It's nothing! Forget I said anything...

Laurel: I'm an itinerant poet, but... Well, wouldn't you know it...there's not much money in it. So I've been studying magic as well.

Laurel: My services are for hire, if you so desire. 600 gold coins for five days.

Laurel: You'll hire me? Splendid! ...As long as you don't fire me!

Laurel joins Hero.

Laurel: There can't be much money in what you do, either. You're a little short of cash, er... Come back when you're feeling a bit flusher!

Laurel: No? Oh, well. If you change your mind, I'll be here to find...practising my poetry!

(*): Hello. I'm Ragnar McRyan, a soldier from bonnie Burland.

Ragnar: I'm travellin' aboot lookin' for someone, an' I came here thinkin' they might be in the Endor Tourney.

Ragnar: Och, but that's all done an' dusted now an' I didnae hae any joy. An' it seems the casino's set tae be closed for a wee while as well.

(*): This is the town of Endor.

(*): Oh, good. Good, - Hic! - good, good. You're doing well?

(*): That's - Hic! - good... Hic!

(*): You know, if you do honest, sober - Hic! - work, you'll get... Er, where will you get? Oh, yes! There! Hic! You'll get there in the end.

(*): Ah, a shooting star!

(*): Dear Goddess, protect our beautiful land!

(*): They say all these monsters appearing is a sign, you know. That the Lord of the Underworld is coming back to life.

(*): It's only a rumour, of course. People do love to gossip! At least, I hope it's just gossip...

(*): Zzz... Zzz...

(*): You need a special permit to set up shop here, you know. From King Norman.

(*): And the town's pretty much got all the shops it needs already. I don't imagine it'd be easy to get permission.

(*): Princess Alena was just amazing in the tourney. The way she fought... It was spectacular!

(*): Maybe I should start learning some weapon skills...

(*): I don't know. If he knows the Goddess statue is in that cave, why can't he just go and get it!?

(*): Oh, he's such a coward! Honestly!

(*): Have you heard of Zamoksva, the country over in the west? They say people are going missing there. I don't know what it's all about...

(*): You're one of His Majesty's regular merchants, are you?

(*): Then you may enter through here.

(*): But you've come to sell your wares, I suppose?

(*): I'm sorry, but King Norman doesn't accept new tradesmen other than in exceptional circumstances. You'll have to try elsewhere.

(*): Welcome to Endor Castle. The gates of Endor are open to all people so that all people may prosper.

(*): King Norman's throne room is at the top of the stairs.

(*): Every now and then I hear murmurings about a secret passageway connecting the castle and the town.

(*): But I've been working here for years. I've never come across anything like that.

(*): I don't like to gossip, but they say Princess Veronica's got a secret lover, you know!

(*): I can't begin to imagine who it could be. Of course, I wouldn't want to pry. Well, it's not my place, is it?

(*): His Majesty the King has a lot to think about. His troops' weapons probably aren't at the forefront of his mind.

(*): Ah, so you're a weapons merchant, are you? Yes, there are a lot of powerful weapons on the market these days.

(*): Meanwhile, my soldiers here in the castle are still being equipped with nothing but copper swords. It's a sorry state of affairs.

(*): The Endor Tourney was very nearly won by a man calling himself Psaro the Manslayer. He practically had it in the bag.

(*): But he disappeared half way through the proceedings. I wonder who he was...

(*): This is King Norman's throne room.

(*): Our king would grant an audience with anyone, without the slightest regard for his own safety. I just hope he doesn't come unstuck.

King Norman: I am honoured to welcome a guest from such a far off place.

King Norman: It appears that you are some kind of merchant. You've come to ask permission to establish a shop in Endor, I presume?

King Norman: Very well, I will consider your request. You may leave now.

King Norman: What a relief! There are so many people asking me for permits these days. I can't grant them to everyone.

King Norman: You must deliver my letter to Ballymoral. It is of the utmost importance.

King Norman: This is no time for in-fighting.

King Norman: If your involvement in all of this helps prevent a war, I shall grant you permission to open your shop here.

Princess Veronica: You're from Lakanaba? Then...the bridge must have been repaired, I presume?

"My beloved Ronnie, I still daren't mention anything about our affair to Da.

"And I'm just after finding out that he plans to invade your dear land of Endor.

"I had to do something before that happened. Please, inform your father before it's too late."

Princess Veronica: Oh, my Regan! So selfless! I must inform Father at once... Daddy!

King Norman: Ah, my dear Veronica. I know. I overheard what the gentleman said.

King Norman: But there's no cause for alarm.

King Norman: Now, it's Mr. Taloon, I believe? I would like you to deliver this letter to His Majesty, King Shamus of Ballymoral.

Torneko receives the royal scroll.

King Norman: I trust I can rely on you. It is most important.

Princess Veronica: I'm sure my father's thought of some clever plan to avoid a conflict. I know he'll protect us all.

Torneko reads out the royal scroll...

"Your Majesty, King Shamus of Ballymoral,

"I apologise for the rather abrupt nature of this missive, but there is an urgent matter I must bring to your attention.

"It seems my daughter, Princess Veronica, and your son, Prince Regan, are in love.

"Though I would not recommend excessive haste in the matter, I wish to propose that they marry... Sincerely, King Norman of Endor"

...but the King of Ballymoral isn't around to listen!

(*): According to my research, there was once in existence a blade known as the Zenithian Sword.

(*): They say the person who possessed it could climb up to the heavens. Of course, I don't know what the truth is behind the tales.

(*): I've got to wipe this table down. It's all work, work, work around here.

(*): There's a fellow with a funny name - Arch Defect or something like that - who's been fixing bridges all over the place.

(*): Now both the way north and the way east are open again.

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): Oh, are you the greengrocer? What? You sell weapons? I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong place, then. This here's the kitchen.

(*): Be careful of that Psaro guy!

(*): The tourney's over now, so there'll be no more public access to this place for a while.

(*): I'm afraid you can't come in here. You'll have to turn back.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... No-thing...to-report... Ah-phew...

(*): What do you think you're doing prowling about the castle at this time of night?

(*): I can't let you just wander about as you please. Go on now, get out!

(*): There's talk in the air of a great (hero/heroine) who's going to save the world.

(*): But I can't really see it. I mean, what could be so special about one (man/woman) that they could save the whole world?

(*): People are saying the monsters are so ferocious recently because someone called the Lord of the Underworld has been resurrected.

(*): Things are getting crazy. I just don't know which rumours I can believe these days.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica have already retired to their chambers.

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica had supper and retired to their chambers already. I'd better get on with the clearing up.

(*): I was sure that Psaro gentleman was going to win the Endor Tourney.

(*): But he vanished before the end of the competition. I wonder where he got to...

(*): Psaro pulled out of the tourney because he had some urgent business to attend to. Why else would he have disappeared like that?

(*): The women ramble on about this and that all day long. I can't keep up.

Ballymoral, third visit

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Hardie: Ah-ha! The promised five days is up! Sorry, Torneko, but I'm off.

Hardie: Take care of yourself!

Laurel: I wish it wasn't true, but you and I are through! My five days is up, I regret. Farewell, my...pet?

Torneko reads out the royal scroll...

"Your Majesty, King Shamus of Ballymoral,

"I apologise for the rather abrupt nature of this missive, but there is an urgent matter I must bring to your attention.

"It seems my daughter, Princess Veronica, and your son, Prince Regan, are in love.

"Though I would not recommend excessive haste in the matter, I wish to propose that they marry... Sincerely, King Norman of Endor"

King Shamus: So that's the craic, is it!?

King Shamus: Well if Regan marries Veronica, he'll be the next King of Endor in any case!

King Shamus: I'll lay claim to Endor without havin' to lift a finger, so I will!

King Shamus: Ahem! So...em...yer service to the country is duly noted. I'll send an envoy to Endor right away. You can leave now.

King Shamus: Me son's goin' to be the next King of Endor, so he is! Ah, 'tis grand altogether!

Prince Regan: I heard the news from my father. If you go to Endor, please give this message to Princess Veronica from me...

Prince Regan: Tell her...I can't wait until we're married!

Endor, second visit

King Norman: Ah, Mr. Taloon. Welcome back.

King Norman: I have already received a reply from Ballymoral.

King Norman: It's good news. And largely thanks to you. As promised, I hereby grant you permission to open a shop in Endor.

King Norman: Well, Mr. Taloon! May your business prove as useful to Endor as your services as a go-between have already.

King Norman: Be sure to inform me when you succeed in opening your shop.

Princess Veronica: I can hardly believe it! For our love to be recognised at last! I can marry my dear Regan!

Princess Veronica: Your name's Torneko, isn't it? Thank you, Torneko. From the bottom of my heart.

The Cistern Chapel

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There's a button here. Press it?

(*): Now just what the devil is up with this cave? 'Tis makin' a right amadan out o' me. I can't make away with the treasure.

(*): A ton o' water was after pourin' in on me head just now. I nearly drowned, so I did!

(*): But there's a silver linin', like. Now at least I can get at me treasure. He he! I'll be makin' tracks, then.

(*): Only...how am I s'posed to be gettin' out o' here now?

(*): Hello. Are you hoping to find work here? I'm afraid I really don't need anyone else.

(*): A long way away, somewhere in the very furthest corners of the world, a sword known as the Zenithian Sword lies in quiet repose.

(*): If it were to find itself in the wrong hands — in the hands of a force of evil — the world as we know it would be destroyed.

(*): You must find this sword, and guide the hand of the righteous to its hilt! I will pray to the Goddess that you succeed.

Zamoksva teleportal and Trans-Montane Tunnel

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(*): This is Kingdom of Zamoksva. Outside people is not permitted. You must to return!

Cracks run all over the stone statue of the sage.

(*): I started excavatin' this tunnel so as I could get to a port town I'd heard of in the east.

(*): 'Tis me dream to travel the world, ye see. To have a ship to me name an' go off in search o' treasure.

(*): But I ran out o' gold, so I did. 'Tis a pricey business diggin' a tunnel, lad. An' in jig time I found these grey hairs on me head.

(*): If I could only raise another 60000 gold coins, I could restart the work. Well, lad? Will ye help an old man live out his dream?

(*): Ye will!? Well ye'll be needin' a shop first, so as ye can earn the gold we'll need for this little venture.

(*): Aye, well...'twas a long shot, I s'pose. If ye were to change yer mind o' course, I'll only be here gettin' older, like.

(*): Ah, Torneko! Thanks to you, I've been able to reopen the excavation works.

(*): I'll be sure to let yer wan at home know when 'tis all done here. I just need a little while longer.

(*): With all this diggin', me back's murder, so it is.

(*): An' to think the casino's after openin' again back in Endor. Argh, I can't wait to take a look.

(*): One...two... One...two...

(*): Once this tunnel's boxed off, ye'll be able to travel east whenever ye like. The whole world'll be right at yer fingertips, so it will.

Buying the store

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(*): Sorry? Is the shop downstairs closed, you say?

(*): Yes, well, I'm not getting any younger. In an ideal world, I'd sell up and use the money to retire somewhere nice.

(*): How about it, then? I'll sell it to you for 35000 gold coins. What do you say?

(*): Did I hear you correctly? You'll buy it, you say? Very well, then. The shop is yours!

(*): Don't let the place down. Make a success of it, lad!

And so at last, Torneko fulfils his dream of owning his own shop, and sends for his family to move down to Endor.

(*): You haven't got enough money, young man. I may be old, but I'm not daft...yet!

(*): Sorry? Was that a no? Aaah, my dreams of retirement dashed once again...

Tessie: Ah, ye're a fine article, so y'are, Torneko Taloon! Our very own shop! Oh, 'tis a dream come true, so it is!

Tessie: I'll work me socks off, so I will. Clean off, I tell ye!

Tessie: Together we'll turn this place into the grandest weapon shop in all the land.

Tessie: I, I love you, Torneko. He he.

Tessie: Hello, Torneko. Ye must be shattered after work.

Tessie: I expect ye'll be needin' a good rest. Time for bed, love. Good night...

Tessie: Mornin', love.

'Tis a new dawn already, so it is.

Tessie: I'll look after things here in the shop. Be off with ye, an' find us some more things to sell.

Tessie: If ye bring what ye find to the other side o' the counter, I'll put it on sale with all the other stock.

Tipper: Ye're amazin', Da! Y'always told me we'd have our own shop one day, an' now we do!

Tessie: Ah, I'm that proud I could go and tell it to the King! Speakin' o' which, maybe ye'd better head over an' let the ole feller know ye've got yerself a shop.

Torneko's shop

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Tessie: There y'are, Torneko. Have ye brought any new items we can sell?

Tessie: Ye have? Right, well before I take them from ye, let me give ye the recent takings.

Torneko receives %a00540 gold coin%H540%X/s).

Tessie: So, then. Let's see what ye've brought us...

Tessie: Then come 'round here an' give yer poor wife a bit of attention, would ye? I've been awful lonely, so I have.

Tessie: (Item)? Aye, I'll be able to charge at least # gold coin(s) for (them/it). Are y'all right with that?

Tessie: I'll put it up fer sale, then.

Tessie: Have y'anytin' else we can sell at all?

Tessie: So ye don't want to part with (them/it)? Ye'd better hang on to (them/it) yerself, then.

Tessie: We can't be sellin' (those/that) (Item). You hold on to (them/it) yerself.

Tessie: I'm sorry, love...

Tessie: Ye've gone to all that trouble findin' things to sell, an' I haven't freed up any space in the stores for it at all.

Tessie: Nuttin'? If ye don't bring me anytin' to sell, I can't very well make a profit now, can I?

Tessie: Right, well that's the restockin' boxed off, then. D'ye want to see all that we're sellin' at the moment?

Tessie: Leave the shop to me, then, love. I'm workin' as hard as I can at it. Good luck findin' more stock.

Tessie: Be the hokey, we're out o' stock altogether! Hurry up an' find us more things to sell, Torneko.

Tessie: Leave the shop to me, then, love. I'm workin' as hard as I can at it. Good luck findin' more stock.

Completed Trans-Montane Tunnel

(*): Ah, Torneko! 'Tis thanks to you that me tunnel, me pride an' joy, is finally complete.

(*): Now I want ye to live out the rest o' me dream. Travel the world in search o' treasure like I always wanted to.

(*): Many different people pass through this tunnel with as many different dreams between them.

(*): Be careful on your way, Mr. Taloon!

(*): Hello there. Me? I'm travellin' in search of a legendary weapon.

(*): Now that the tunnel's open, I can finally head east. I've a quare feelin' that I'll find sometin' useful out over that way.

(*): We're travelling to the city of Endor.

(*): People say that Endor has a pub and a casino, so I hope we'll be able to find work there.

And so Torneko sets off on an adventure to the east, in search of the legendary weapon...

...and in search of fulfilment of his dream: to become the greatest arms merchant in the whole world.

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Chapter IV

Laissez Fayre, first visit

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This is the tale of two beautiful sisters on a mission to avenge their father's death.

The eldest is a dancer named Maya, and her younger sister, Meena, is a fortune-teller.

Their adventure begins in the entertainment capital of Libeccio, Laissez Fayre.

(*): (wolf-whistle) Maya! Yeah!

(*): Look at those moves!

(*): Encore, Maya! Encore!

Meena: Hiya, Maya. Well? How did it go? Did you get a result?

Maya: Arey, it was awful-awful. Not one of the customers looked even a little bit rich.

Meena: No! You're not understanding me! I'm talking about Balzack, innit? Was that despicable criminal there tonight?

Maya: Oh! Sorry, sis. No, Balzack wasn't there.

Meena: Oh...

Manager Artois: Do not be dis'eartened, my petite amie. You will find 'im. All in good time.

Manager Artois: 'Ere is your money for ze work of today...

Meena and Maya receive 100 gold coins.

Manager Artois: I was 'oping you would stay. Ze crowd go wild for you. But I cannot stand in ze way of your mission of vengeance.

Manager Artois: Rest 'ere tonight, and leave in ze morning. Take care, mes filles. Adieu!

Meena: Wakey-wakey, sis. It's time we were going.

(*): I've really enjoyed working with you, even though it was only for a short time. Good luck.

(*): What? You're going after the man who killed your father?

(*): Well, that's quite a mission for (you two young girls/you and your sister). But don't give up. I hope you catch the fiend!

(*): I am waiting 'ere for ze dancing girls to pass by on zeir way to work.

(*): Oh, mon Dieu! Ze look of concentration on zeir faces before ze show... It is more zan a man can bear!

(*): The dancing girls are all very well, but I'd sooner see a comedian myself. Yes, a side-splitting comedian would be nice.

(*): Did you hear about the alchemist Mahabala from Aubout du Monde being killed by his own student, Balzack?

(*): No way! You're Mahabala's (daughters/daughter)? I-I'm sorry... I had no idea...

(*): This is the city of song and dance, Laissez Fayre! The town north of here's been renamed Aubout du Monde.

(*): Pardon, (monsieur/mademoiselle). Ze pub will not be opening until zis evening.

(*): Zere was a girl working at ze pub called Blondelle, but now she 'as gone. She was a big 'it wiz ze punters.

(*): Bienvenue to ze théâtre de Laissez Fayre! If you are looking for Manager Artois, 'e is down below.

Manager Artois: Bien. You are really leaving us now, I see.

Manager Artois: I do not know where you will be going, but you must visit your 'ometown of Aubout du Monde from time to time.

Manager Artois: It would make your father very 'appy if you visit 'is grave. Adieu, et bonne chance!

(*): I don't know who you're looking for, but I'm quite alone in here. Kindly leave me in peace.

(*): What? Why's there no one in the shop downstairs? Oh, not again! Where's my husband lazing about now?

(*): Blast! That Blondelle girl got away! She'll pay for this when I catch up with her!

(*): Aaaah, I'm exhausted... Come back in the evening if you want to have a chat. Aaaah...

(*): Blast! Where did Blondelle go?

(*): This is perfect timing, this is! Just when she's been summoned to the Palais de Léon.

(*): I am waiting 'ere for ze dancing girls to pass by on zeir way to work.

(*): Oh, mon Dieu! Ze look on ze faces of ze dancing girls when zey 'ave finished work! So fatigué... It is more zan a man can bear.

(*): Alchemy? Yes, I've heard of it. It's a way of turning iron into gold, isn't it?

(*): I'm sure plenty of people are researching it, but I bet none of them have had any luck!

(*): The stage is just at the bottom of those stairs.

(*): Oh! It's you, Maya. I heard you'd left town. But you're back, are you? That's good news.

(*): Et voilà! Another night of chansons and dance for ze pleasure of our most welcome guests!

Manager Artois: Ze castle is summoning many young women zese days. Apparently zere are many parties zere.

Manager Artois: Pardon? Where is ze castle? Oh là là, it is far away from 'ere. North even from Aubout du Monde.

(*): I am ze new dancing girl in town!

(*): I will be a star even more famous zan Maya. More glamorous. And more seductive!

(*): Yeah!

(*): More o' those moves, luv!

(*): That's the way to do it!

(*): Nothing is more cleansing for ze soul zan watching ze dancing girls.

(*): Would someone get this pillar out of the way? I can't see a thing!

(*): I was an imbécile to buy such a cheap ticket. I cannot get a view from back 'ere.

(*): Look at all the faces in here! Hasn't anyone got more important things to be doing?

(*): Yeah! Woo-hoo! More! More!

(*): I came all the way from ma bonnie homeland of Burland tae see the lovely wee dancin' lassie, Maya.

(*): But now I find oot she dinnae work here any more. Folk say she's flit off somewhere else.

(*): Zut! Where 'as she gone? Maya, ma chérie, to where 'ave you disappeared?

(*): I told myself I wasn't going to come again, but...well, what can you do? You can't miss a show like this!

(*): Ze man be'ind me is wriggling about like a restless worm. 'Ow can I concentrate on ze show?

(*): If 'e 'as dropped something, I wish 'e would 'urry up and find it.

(*): Hello. Haven't we met before? ...Oh! Of course! It's Maya, isn't it?

(*): Wow! I can't believe I'm actually talking to Maya. I mean, you're famous!

(*): Hm? ...Maya! I was just thinking I hadn't seen you for ages. You look stunning!

(*): Crikey, it ain't 'alf 'ot in 'ere! I'm burnin' up, I am.

(*): Ssh! Don't talk to me now! I don't want to miss any of this dance. I'm trying to memorise the steps!

(*): Eyeing up a beautiful dancing girl over a good, long drink... Nope, it doesn't get any better than this, let me tell you!

(*): Oh, yeah! Lookin' fine again today, sugar!

(*): I paid a small fortune for this spot. I'm gonna get my money's worth!

(*): Ooh, she's a lovely little thing, ain't she?

(*): Oh yeah, this is just the ticket! You can see everything from up this close!

(*): I may be an old man, but zere is no doubt zat I will stay alive long enough to see a leetle more of zis!

(*): Wow! Oh...wow!

(*): Hey, it's Maya, isn't it? I heard you'd given up here, but you're back, are you? Woo-hoo! That's great!

(*): I wish I could get up on stage, too...

(*): Zzz... Zzz... Dear Goddeszzz... Give me strength...to guide my wretched flock... Zzz... Zzz...

Blondelle: Non! Do not make me go to ze castle! Please! Pretend you never saw me 'ere.

Blondelle: I've 'eard what's 'appening zere. At ze Palais de Léon. Zere 'as been a coup d'état. Ze old king of zis land 'as been murdered!

Blondelle: And ze new Marquis Régent is doing some 'ideous experiments. I 'eard zem talking about it. Alchemy, or something, zey said.

(*): I went out looking for him, and he was here asleep when I got back! Where did he disappear to, eh?

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... The secret izzz...in the cave... Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): I thought as much. They wouldn't give me a job.

(*): Hey, did you know there's a banquet in the Palais de Léon every single day? That's why they summon all the young women.

(*): But the funny thing is, no one ever sees the women coming back out again. What's that all about?

(*): A nice, cold drink after work is just the ticket. You can't top it!

(*): Ah, you're Mr. Maba... Mr. Mala...? Hic! Mr. Mahabala's (daughters/daughter), aren't you?

(*): How did his whole turning iron into gold thing work out then, eh? ...Hm? You don't know?

(*): Yeah... Hic! If you could do that... Hic! You'd be a king, wouldn't you? Hic!

(*): Zey say Mahabala was killed by 'is own student, Balzack. But why would anyone kill an alchemist?

(*): Come in. Everyone is welcome 'ere. Drink, dance and forget ze ennui of ze day.

(*): Non! Zis is my place. I do not want ze likes of you in 'ere.

(*): Oh, I am so fatigué! I cannot work like zis. All day on ze feet is so 'ard. Leave me, I must 'ave my beauty sleep!

(*): This was that young girl, Blondelle's room, you know. I wonder where she's got to?

(*): What? Where's the poet chap? I think he went to the theatre looking for work.

Aubout du Monde, first visit

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(*): Welcome to...Aubout du Monde! I don't know what the name means, but doesn't it sound great!?

(*): Oh, silly me. You're Mr. Mahabala's (daughters/daughter), aren't you? Welcome back, then.

(*): Mooooo!

(*): How long's it been now since (the girls'/your) pa passed away?

(*): That little puppy (you/Meena) found all that time ago's been livin' with me ever since.

(*): He's grown into a right clever lad, he has. I'm sure he'll remember you.

(*): Well I never! If it isn't (Mr. Oojam!/Mr. Mahabala's lovely daughter(s), look.) Back for long, are you, love(s)? No place like home, eh?

(*): Oh, Meena, dear child, what on earth have you gone and done? Look at you, all shut up in that box!

(*): I told you no good would come of this revenge business.

(*): Neeeeigh!

(*): Neeeeigh!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

(*): That dirty, rotten Balzack! He was plannin' to steal your father's ideas right from the start.

(*): Now... I'm goin' to let you in on a little secret...

(*): It's your father's other student, Oojam. I know where he is, you see. He's hidin' out in a cave west of here.

(*): Oojam might just be able to help you track down Balzack.

(Character) reads the sign.
"Guru Mahabala. Practitioner of Rasatantra Alchemy."

(Character) examines the gravestone.
"Here lies Mahabala-jee, master of the ancient-ancient art of rasatantra alchemy."

(*): Ah-ha! There's (a couple of faces/a face) I won't forget in a hurry!

(*): Aubout du Monde, as we're now rather grandly called, wouldn't dream of charging its own for accommodation.

(*): It's free to you. Would you like to stay?

(*): Lovely. Have a good rest then, (girls/my love).

(*): Sleep well, did you? Well, mind how you go, now.

(*): No? As you wish, then. Take care, now.

(*): Oh, you've had a dreadful time of it, haven't you, (dears/dear)? Your poor father, killed by his own student!

(*): I suppose you know he had another student, do you? Yes, Oojam, or some other yummy name like that, it was.

(*): I heard the poor man almost lost his life, too. I wonder where he is now...

(*): You wouldn't believe the taxes we have to pay now, under the new marquis regent. That's why I'm havin' to work so late.

(*): The old king wasn't half so strict. It's a right flamin' liberty, if you ask me.

Puppadom: (whine whine)

(*): I've heard some disturbing stories on my travels.

(*): Things like the new marquis regent is selling his people's souls to the devil!

(*): If there's any truth in it, this whole continent is as good as done for...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): It's just a rumour of course, but I heard Mister Mahabala never did manage to transform anythin' into gold.

(*): They say he made another amazin' discovery instead. The secret of evolution or some such nonsense.

(*): Don't be mean to me. I'm not a bad slime, you know. I promise! (slurp)

(*): See, I'll even tell you something. Oojam can open doors even if they're locked!

Gupta Gupha

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(*): Oh, hello. Are you here looking for the sphere of silence, too?

(*): I should give up if I were you. I came all this way from Laissez Fayre, too.

(*): But there's just no way to get further down in this cave. I've looked everywhere.

Oojam: Oh! (Miss Meena and Miss Maya!/My dear young Miss!) It is me here. Oojam.

Oojam: What is this crazy-crazy talk you are making? You are on a mission of revenge for your father?

Oojam: Then I must be coming with you, please. This revenging is for me also.

Oojam: I have been recuperating myself here while I am thinking only of revenging Mahabala-jee.

Oojam: And I am hearing talk of Balzack that he is selling souls to the devil and making himself really tough-tough.

Oojam: That's why I am looking for the sphere of silence. It's the only way to seal away his magical powers.

Oojam: Waah! That's just it! You are having it already, I see.

Oojam: Well. I must be joining you. Let's go!

Oojam joins the party!

The door is locked.

But Oojam picks it open!

Aubout du Monde, second visit

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(*): Welcome to...Aubout du Monde! I don't know what the name means, but doesn't it sound great!?

(*): Oh, silly me. You're Mr. Mahabala's (daughters/daughter), aren't you? Welcome back, then.

(*): Mooooo!

(*): How long's it been now since (the girls'/your) pa passed away?

(*): That little puppy (you/Meena) found all that time ago's been livin' with me ever since.

(*): He's grown into a right clever lad, he has. I'm sure he'll remember you.

(*): Well I never! If it isn't (Mr. Oojam!/Mr. Mahabala's lovely daughter(s), look.) Back for long, are you, love(s)? No place like home, eh?

If either sister is deceased

(*): Oh, MeenaMaya, dear child, what on earth have you gone and done? Look at you, all shut up in that box!

(*): I told you no good would come of this revenge business.

(*): Neeeeigh!

(*): Neeeeigh!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

(*): That dirty, rotten Balzack! He was plannin' to steal your father's ideas right from the start.

(Character) reads the sign.
"Guru Mahabala. Practitioner of Rasatantra Alchemy."

(Character) examines the gravestone.
"Here lies Mahabala-jee, master of the ancient-ancient art of rasatantra alchemy."

(*): Ah-ha! There's (a couple of faces/a face) I won't forget in a hurry!

(*): Aubout du Monde, as we're now rather grandly called, wouldn't dream of charging its own for accommodation.

(*): It's free to you. Would you like to stay?

(*): Lovely. Have a good rest then, (girls/my love).

(*): Sleep well, did you? Well, mind how you go, now.

(*): No? As you wish, then. Take care, now.

(*): Oh, you've had a dreadful time of it, haven't you, (dears/dear)? Your poor father, killed by his own student!

(*): I suppose you know he had another student, do you? Yes, Oojam, or some other yummy name like that, it was.

(*): I heard the poor man almost lost his life, too. I wonder where he is now...

(*): Oh, look who it is! Oojam, isn't it? So you're all right, then? What a blessed relief that is.

(*): You wouldn't believe the taxes we have to pay now, under the new marquis regent. That's why I'm havin' to work so late.

(*): The old king wasn't half so strict. It's a right flamin' liberty, if you ask me.

Puppadom: (whine whine)

(*): I've heard some disturbing stories on my travels.

(*): Things like the new marquis regent is selling his people's souls to the devil!

(*): If there's any truth in it, this whole continent is as good as done for...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): It's just a rumour of course, but I heard Mister Mahabala never did manage to transform anythin' into gold.

(*): They say he made another amazin' discovery instead. The secret of evolution or some such nonsense.

(*): Don't be mean to me. I'm not a bad slime, you know. I promise! (slurp)

(*): See, I'll even tell you something. Oojam can open doors even if they're locked!

Palais de Leon, first visit

(*): Zis is ze great Palais de Léon!

(*): Mon Dieu, 'ow can ze Chancellor love 'imself so much when 'e is such a useless coward? 'E is full of ze amour propre.

(*): Just make ze loud noise outside of 'is chamber and see 'ow 'e reacts.

(*): 'E'll be so startled, 'e'll go running to ze Marquis Régent. You'll see.

(*): There's only one man who knows the whereabouts of the new marquis regent's chamber, and that's the Chancellor.

(*): You could probably find out where it was if you followed him. I wouldn't like to be the one to do it, mind you.

(*): Zis is a matter most strange... I feel like I can 'ear voices coming from under my feet.

(*): Ze Chancellor of ze Marquis Régent is a most nervous man.

(*): Zere was a man 'ere before who gave 'im a fright wiz a loud bang, and 'e was thrown into jail at ze port.

(*): Ze port? I 'ave never been, but I think it is to ze north of ze castle.

(*): Moi? I am ze chancellor of zis castle.

(*): You are in my personal chamber. If you do not leave tout de suite, I will 'ave you locked up in jail!

(*): Heh heh heh! Come back, ma petite coquette! Let me get my 'ands on you!

(*): Non! Move! 'E'll catch me!

(*): He he he... I am ze researcher of magic for ze castle.

(*): Pardon? What kind of magic? He he he... Zat is something I cannot reveal to you, my friend. Not ever!

(*): Haute cuisine and fine wine... Ah, ze joie de vivre. It is paradise on earth 'ere!

(*): Where is ze throne room of ze Marquis Régent? I do not even know myself, (monsieur/mademoiselle).

(*): Our new leader, ze Marquis Régent, is a most careful man. I 'eard zat 'e even 'as a secret chamber.

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

(*): Heh heh! Zere is no escape! Heh heh heh!

(*): Non! Non, monsieur! 'E's going to catch me!

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... Ah-ah-choo! Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo...

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... More-maidens... More-maidens...

(*): For ze Secret of Evolution... More souls...of ze young maidens... Ah-phoo...

(*): The fellow next to me says all kinds of funny stuff in his sleep. It keeps me awake, it does.

(*): Nothing is too decadent for zis place. No frivolité too much. Oh là là, I am in 'eaven!

Harve Léon, first visit

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(*): Zis is ze port of Havre Léon. Ships from 'ere sail to Endor in ze north.

(*): Ever since this new marquis regent came along, all ze- I mean, the...soldiers have to speak with zat- I mean, that...stupid accent.

(*): And he's tightened control of the port as well. It's hard to come by boarding passes these days.

(*): Where's Grandad got to? It'll be dinner time soon...

(*): Aaah...Endor... There's an enormous colosseum there, you know.

(*): I was a contestant once myself. Yes, I was quite a fighter in my younger years. Aaah...

(*): I'm in love! I'm in love with the most beautiful girl in the world! I'm goin' to make her my wife, I am!

(*): Hm? Who is she? Oh, no, I'm all embarrassed now! It's... Well, her name's Suzy. From the pub.

(*): Hi! I'm Suzy. It's very flattering that you're so eager to come "chez moi". Tee hee hee!

Suzy: But the pub doesn't open 'til the evening, I'm afraid. Pardon!

(*): Bar's not open yet. I'm still setting up.

(*): Zis is ze jail. Anyone who betrays ze Marquis Régent ends up in 'ere sooner or later.

(*): Now listen 'ere. I ain't done nuffin' wrong! I was just 'avin' a larf, right.

(*): I weren't tryin' to 'urt no one. I just set off a keg o' gunpowder outside that Chancellor geezer's room, that's all...

(*): Where d'ya get gunpowder from? Heh heh. Found it down that Mamon Mine west of 'ere, didn't I.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh!

(*): Have you got a boarding pass? You can't board the ship without one. Sorry. No exceptions!

(*): So this is where Grandad's been all this time.

(*): I wonder why he misses Endor so much. You can't even see the place from here, either.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): You (empty-headed animal food trough wiper/stupid (women/woman))! Zere are no ships departing at such a late hour as zis!

(*): The only people with boarding passes now are the ones who got them before the reign of the new marquis regent.

(*): In fact, he's so strict, I wouldn't be surprised if the next ship to set sail is the last one...ever.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Hello. I'm Jill. My dad... (sniff) My dad used to work down the mine.

Jill: But now he's dead! Me and my little brother came to visit him, but... (sob)
How am I going to break it to Jack?

Jack: Zzz... Daddy! Zzz... It'zzz me, Daddy... Jack... Zzz...

(*): Hey! What's taking so long? Where's my drink!?

Suzy: Hiya! I'm Suzy! Come on, dance with me!

(*): Wahey! This is the life!

(*): You know the Endor Tourney? I heard it was a princess of all people who won it, you know!

(*): And there's more... When the princess went home after the competition, she found the castle she lived in totally empty!

(*): It's a funny old world, isn't it?

(*): Zis was a peaceful land before. Ze old king was a good man. But 'e passed away most suddenly.

(*): 'Is son did not take ze throne 'imself. Au contraire, 'e gave ze carte blanche to another man. Not even a blood relation.

(*): Now ze country is en route to ruin. Hm? Ze name of ze new Marquis Régent? Bal-something, I think.

(*): Oh, I am rushed off ze feet! Look 'ow much zey are all drinking! It's one order after another.

(*): Come in, come in! Drink, dance, drink, sing, drink and be merry! That's the spirit!

(*): Extraordinaire! Ze sphére de silence can seal away ze magic of ze enemy...

House of Prophecy

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Nun the Wiser: Zis is ze prophétisserie. A shrine of ze Goddess, where we can listen to 'Er prophecies.

Nun the Wiser: Meena. You are ze fortune-teller. Per'aps you already know...

Nun the Wiser: Ze man you wish to take vengeance upon is guarded by a dark force most powerful.

Nun the Wiser: But do not despair, my (child/children). Zere is 'ope.

Nun the Wiser: Zere is a force guarding you also. A force of light...

Nun the Wiser: It is no more zan a soupçon now. But wiz ze guidance and nurture of ze Goddess, it will one day be as ze force majeure.

Nun the Wiser: You must not 'urry. Only when you find (yourself/yourselves) lost on ze path of despair...

Nun the Wiser: Only zen will your true journey commence!

Mamon Mine

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(*): Welcome to Mamon Mine. Or should I say, good luck to you in Mamon Mine? This is no place for people now.

(*): There's a funny-smellin' gas comin' out o' the mine. People are droppin' like flies. We've all 'ad it!

(*): Uuurgh...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

But a letter remains tightly clasped in one of its hands...

"Dear Dad,
Please come home soon.
Jack and I are so lonely.
"We'll both come to visit you soon.
Love, Jill"

(Character) reads the sign.

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "HERE LIES HELEN, MY BELOVED WIFE."

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

(*): Zis was a place most lively once. But now... Oh! Quelle horreur!

(*): My dearest wife was taken from me. She is no more... I, I wish to be buried 'ere alongside ma chérie.

(*): How's an old man supposed to make a living, eh? I used to make gunpowder, but it's been banned now. Order of the Chancellor, you know.

(*): Anyway, if that's what you're here for, there might be- AHEM! (splutter) Sorry. There might be some left down the mine. ...I never told you, though.

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): What are you doing here!? You'd better leave, or you'll end up like the person next door!

(*): Me? Oh, no. I've always looked after the sick and injured, me. I couldn't leave. Not now.

(*): Ahem! (cough) Ahem! If ya value yer life, ya won't go down that mine.

(*): Ever since that weird gas started - Uuurgh! - seepin' out, there's been monsters by the cartload down there. Ahem...

(*): Zis is ze grave of my late wife, 'Elen...

(*): Oh, 'Elen, my love... I will be joining you soon, ma chérie...

(*): Fiery misfortune on any who would destroy these ruins! (sizzle sizzle)

(*): Frizzle and Kasizzle if you dig any more! (sizzle sizzle)

(*): Poor Grandpa lived for his work. But gunpowder was banned as soon as the Marquis Regent replaced the old king.

(*): Grandpa's been miserable ever since.

(*): I'm sorry, my (child/children), but I'm weary. I've been dealing with the sick all day long.

(*): Aaah... If you come back in the morning, - Ahymn! - the Goddess will surely bless you... (splutter) Ahymn, ahymn!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Ahem... Ahem, ahem... There's still gold down this mine. Mine gold! Ah ha ha! Get it? ...Ahem!

(*): I'm not leaving 'til I- Ahem! Uuurgh... AHEM!

(*): Careful! There's monsters down here. Loads of them!

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): I had a lot of friends here once. But they're all dead now.

(*): It's about time I left this town, I think. Ahem, (cough) ahem!

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

(*): You're here for gunpowder, is it? Should be a keg in that chest, I reckon. It's all yours if you want it.

(*): Won't do you much good, though. It's too damp to do anything other than make a loud bang, I should think.

(*): I can unearth monsters, I can hit gas, but until I find gold, I'm not shifting!

Palais de Léon, second visit

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(*): What are you doing 'ere!? Leave!

(Character) examines the wall.

There's a button concealed in the stonework. Press it?
A hidden door opens up in the wall!

(*): Who are you people? And what are you doing in 'ere?

(*): If you do not depart immédiatement, you will find (yourself/yourselves) in trouble most serieux, my (friend/friends).

(*): Sacré bleu! Who are you!? And what are you doing in ze chamber of ze Marquis Régent Balzack?

(*): Get out now, and forget zat you ever saw zis room! Or zere will be trouble!

Marquis Régent: Ah... Ze beautiful (daughters/daughter) of my poor teacher, Mahabala.

Marquis Régent: What? You seek vengeance for your father!? Against moi? Ze great Balzack?

Balzack: Your father was an imbécile! 'E did not even know what 'e 'ad discovered. Ze Secret of Evolution!

Balzack: Oh, quel dommage! If 'e 'ad only realised its power, 'e could 'ave been ruler of ze 'ole world!

Balzack: Now you will see for (yourself/yourselves)! My tour de force! Evolution wizout limitation!

(*): Fool, Balzack! You should not 'ave let your guard down! Survival is only of ze fittest.

(*): Zat is why I cannot trust you wiz zis place. Lord Psaro would never permit it.

Balzack: Marquis de Léon! I was merely... Please, do not mention zis to Lord Psaro.

Marquis de Léon: Bof! I 'ave no intention of seeing you dead...for now.

Marquis de Léon: Alors, I must introduce myself to ze (daughters/daughter) of Mahabala. I am ze Marquis de Léon, true heir of zis land.

Marquis de Léon: It is me who you want. Me who you must engage now in combat! Bien! En guarde!

The sisters and Oojam lose in an unwinnable battle.

(*): Ahem... Ahem, ahem...

(*): Ah, you've regained consciousness. You're Mr. Mahabala's daughters, I believe. Meena and Maya, isn't it?

(*): Ahem... I am the former king of this land. My people - Ahem! - all believe that I'm dead.

(*): The man you just fought is my son, but, well... He's bargained away his soul to a terrible force of evil.

(*): He even speaks strangely now.

(*): You cannot hope to defeat him yet. You're not powerful enough. Leave this land while you still can, and build up your strength.

(*): Set sail away from here. There's an unused boarding pass - Ahem! - through the hole in the wall there. Take it, and go!

(*): And promise me you'll return one day to help restore my kingdom to its former noble status.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.
Amazing! (he/she) discovers some steps...

(*): Hm!? 'Ow did you get out 'ere?

Oojam: Oof! The guard-wallah's spotted us! We're in big trouble now!

(*): P-Prisoner escape! Guards! Get zem!

Oojam: I will take care of these guards. You two must be escaping.

Oojam: I, I don't think...I can be travelling with you...any more...

Oojam: I know it will pain you, but...you must depart this country for now...

Oojam: One day...you will return...and avenge Mahabala-jee's murder. Be careful... Uuurgh!

No reply. It's just a corpse.

Havre Léon, second visit

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(*): Have you got a boarding pass? You can't board the ship without one. Sorry. No exceptions!

(*): You've got a boarding pass, have you? Right, all aboard, then! We'll be setting sail shortly.

(*): The cabins are down below deck.

(*): Ah, sailing to Endor at last! I wonder what kind of place it is. Oh, I can't wait!

(*): Welcome aboard. I'm the captain. We'll be setting sail shortly, so if you'll kindly go down to the cabins, please...

(*): Once we leave Havre Léon this time, there'll be no way of coming back.

(*): So make sure you've no regrets, hm? Well? Are you ready to get underway?


(*): Then I'll hold the ship for you, just this once. Go and finish off whatever it is you still have to do.

(*): I heard someone tried to bump off the Marquis de Léon.

(*): I dunno who it was, but that's heavy, man. Heavy.

(*): I've a friend by the name of Mr. Taloon who's finally opened up a shop in Endor. I'm on my way to congratulate him.

(*): Why ain't we left yet, ya say? Ya can't rush these things. There's a lot to do on a ship.

(*): Go an' 'ave a chat wiv some o' the other passengers. Then go see the captain if ye're still itchin' to get goin'.

Jack: I'm Jack.

Jack: We came all this way to see Dad, but Jill says we have to go home already. It's not fair!

Jill: I'm not going to tell Jack yet. I can't.

Jill: He couldn't cope with the pain. He needs to be older before he can understand.

(*): Suzy, Suzy, Suzy... Why wouldn't you- Oh, WHY!?

(*): No! Pull yourself together, Yorick! There are plenty more fish in the sea. Better ones, too, where you're goin'!

(*): But...WHYYYY!?

(*): (Mademoiselles/Mademoiselle). I do not know what events you 'ave experienced in zis land...

(*): But do not despair. Zere are zose on board more fortunate zan you, and zose who are less.

(*): But we all 'ave ze life! Ze joie de vivre must be in us all!


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(*): Land ahoy! Pull in to Endor harbour and cast anchor!

And so Meena and Maya were forced to leave the place they'd come to call home with their mission of revenge still incomplete.

What was the force of light they had been told would come to their aid?

Their adventures now began anew as they set off to discover the mystery of the light in this strange new land.

Chapter V

Hidden Valley

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Far to the east of Endor, nestled deep in the mountains, lies a little hamlet with no name.

Its inhabitants once lived in solitude, never venturing outside, never welcoming outsiders.

In fact, but for the villagers themselves, the world was oblivious to the very existence of this tiny settlement. Until one day...

(*): There. All done.

(*): Be a good child, Hero, and deliver this packed lunch to your father. He is fishing at the lake again.

Hero receives the packed lunch for (his/her) father.

(*): And don't forget your manners on the way. If you meet anyone, remember to greet them politely, just as I told you to.

(*): We shall have something to eat ourselves just as soon as you've delivered your father's lunch.

Eliza: Good morning, Hero. Do you know how wonderful it feels just lying here in all the flowers?

Eliza: Oh, Hero! I hope we stay like this forever! Even when we get older, I hope we never change.

Eliza: Recently I've been having these dreams... That we grow old together, right here in this beautiful village of ours...

Eliza: I love it here. And I love being with you!

Eliza: Oh, say we'll be together always, Hero! That's all I want.

(*): Hiii-ya!

(*): Ha ha ha! Your concentration lapsed, Hero. Training for the sword is not easy, you see!

(*): Hello, Hero. Have you brought me my lunch?

(*): Good gracious! You've eaten it yourself? Tut tut, (my boy/young lady)!

(*): Come, Hero. I want to talk to you. Now you are in your eighteenth year. You shan't be a (boy/girl) much longer. Soon you shall be a (man/woman).

(*): So, my (son/girl). Remember what your mother and I have taught you. Be honest and true.

(*): Hello, Hero. You're enjoying a stroll, I see. Yes, indeed it is fine weather for it.

(*): This is the village entrance. I am standing guard here to ensure unwelcome visitors do not breach our borders.

(*): Do you wish to leave the village, Hero?

(*): I am afraid the time is not yet right. You are still too weak.

(*): A wise answer. You shall leave the village only when you are strong enough.

(*): It seems one of the brothers offered lodgings to a lost poet.

(*): I suppose he felt duty-bound to help a person in need, but...

(*): Ah, there you are, Hero! Today I was planning to teach you how to perform the Zap spell!

(*): But you look hungry. You cannot learn magic on an empty stomach. We will commence the class after you've eaten.

(*): He was lost, you see. The travelling poet, that is. And he happened to stumble upon the village last night.

(*): I, I was foolish. I broke village law and offered him a place to stay.

(*): Oh dear... I hope this does not lead to any misfortune...

Psaro: Well, well... I would never have expected to find a (boy/girl) like you in a tiny village like this.

Psaro: I'm a poet. I was travelling in the mountains when I got lost and ended up here.

Psaro: I had no idea this place even existed. Interesting... Most interesting...

(*): Hello, Hero. What are you doing in the village storehouse?

(*): Thank you for that, Hero. Now, would you like something to eat yourself?

(*): Then sit down there and I'll bring something over for you.

(*): Quick! Quick! They're here!

(*): The, the monsters have found us! They're just outside the village!

(*): What!? Hero! Run away and hide at once! Don't worry about me. Just go!

(*): Follow me, Hero!

(*): Very well. Why don't you play a while longer, then.

(*): We'll keep the monsters at bay for as long as we can. Take Hero to the safe haven!

Eliza: Oh, Hero! If anything were to happen to you, I, I...

Eliza: Just hide! Quickly! I'll join you in a moment.

(*): Curse these monsters! They've finally found where we've been hiding you, Hero.

(*): Why now, of all times!? Just a little while longer, and we could have made a great (hero/heroine) out of you!

(*): Come. Follow me, Hero.

(*): The time has come, Hero. Your destiny is upon you now.

(*): We have protected you from the truth until today. But now it has come to this, you must know. We... We are not your true parents.

(*): I wish I could explain everything to you, but there is no time. You must hide yourself! At once!

(*): The monsters are attacking!? Then we must take up arms!

(*): Listen well, Hero... The monsters are here to take your life, for you are their nemesis.

(*): You have a secret power. You will one day be strong enough to defeat anyone or anything. No evil will overpower you.

(*): But for now, you are still weak. You must run, and you must stay alive until you are strong enough to fulfil your destiny.

(*): So, I am giving you this. It will prove invaluable in the quest you are about to embark upon.

Hero receives 'The Big Book of Beasts'!

(*): Remember, Hero: just run away. Run away and make yourself strong. That is what you must do!

Eliza: My dear Hero... The time we've spent together has been so much fun.

Eliza: I love you so much. I, I feel like I'm your real sister.

Eliza: But now... I won't let them murder you!

Eliza casts Morph...
...and turns herself into the spitting image of Hero!

Eliza: Remember me always, Hero...

Hero hears monsters talking outside...

(*): Lord Psaro! The (hero/heroine), Hero, has been eliminated!

Psaro: Excellent!

Psaro: You've done well. Rest assured that you'll be rewarded handsomely for this. We've nothing more to do here. We leave now!

Woodcutter's cabin

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(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Who be you? (A trav'ller/Trav'llers), are ya? Well there's nothin' to see here. Just an old woodcutter's cabin.

(*): What ya lookin' so glum for, anyways? I hate kids, an' grumpy ones are the worst!

(*): Why don't ya just get on down the mountain an' annoy someone in town instead, eh? There's a castle just south-east of here.

(*): Hold up! Where d'ya think yer goin' in your state? How d'ya think yer gonna survive?

(*): Tell ya what, there's some stuff in them pots through there. Take what ya want an' scram!

(*): You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, you little brat?

(*): You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, wench?

(*): You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, fella?

(*): You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Pretty young faces don't wash with me!

(*): You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, you senile old fool?

(*): Get up! Don't ya know what time it is? Go on, now. Scram!

(*): WHAT!? I've got a sharp tongue but I'm a kind old man!?

(*): Get out of it! You'll get a clip round the earhole for clever talk like that!

(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!


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(*): This is Casabranca Castle.

(*): We're travelling the world to find the monster of all monsters and wipe him out.

(*): Do you want to join us?

(*): Oops! Sorry. It looks like our party is full.

(*): You'll have to find your own group of people to travel with.

(*): Okay. Suit yourself! Maybe see you again some time.

(*): People are saying the chosen (hero/heroine) who was supposed to save the world has been killed by monsters.

(*): But there's no need to fret too much. We're going to save the world in (his/her) place.

(*): Nothing scares us. Nothing at all!

(*): I get to travel about all over the place by tagging along with these folk here. It's great fun!

(*): The end of the world is nigh!

(*): The chosen (hero/heroine) who was supposed to defeat the Lord of the Underworld has been killed by monsters.

(*): You can travel all the way to Endor in the west now, thanks to the tunnel that Torneko chap built.

(*): It's such a shame for that poor fellow Torneko.

(*): Monsters are hunting him down just because he built a tunnel to connect one kingdom with another.

(*): His Majesty is upstairs. King Humphrey will meet with anyone, regardless of rank or class.

(*): Apparently, there's a fortune-teller visiting Endor at the moment who's really good.

(*): I wish I could go and have my fortune told.

(*): One spin, two spin, jump and spin... ♪

(*): Don't you think we dance well? We're copying the style of that famous dancing girl in Endor, you see.

(*): She's got a sister, you know. Yes, and apparently they're travelling the world to find some (hero/heroine) or other.

(*): There's an old, old legend of an angel swooping down from the sky to the northern mountains.

(*): She fell in love with a young woodcutter, and a beautiful baby was born to them. Aaah...

(*): Hm? What happened to the baby? I have absolutely no idea. I'm sure it's just a faerie story, anyway.

(*): We have an old saying here in Casabranca...

(*): When the Evil One reawakens, so too will the Chosen Ones.

(*): This is the royal throne room. I trust that you'll show proper respect to His Majesty.

(*): Hm? Are you with those other four chaps who were here earlier?

(*): There have been an awful lot of people coming to see His Majesty lately with proposals of how to get rid of the monsters.

King Humphrey: Welcome to my castle, aspiring (hero/heroine)! No doubt you're another one out to save the world.

King Humphrey: You're Hero? That's a nice strong name.

King Humphrey: Now, let me tell you what's required of you.

King Humphrey: It's imperative that the Lord of the Underworld is prevented from reawakening.

King Humphrey: So I'd like you to travel the world to collect as much information as you can about him.

King Humphrey: You're going to play an important part in stopping this tyrant, Hero. I'm counting on you!

King Humphrey: I know it'll be difficult for a young girl like you, but I trust you'll be sure to stay safe, Hero.

(*): Have you ever visited the western kingdom of Endor? It sounds like a really big place.

(*): The Princess of Endor and the Prince of Ballymoral are going to be married soon. Oh, I'm so envious!

(*): It feels good to go for a walk at night.

(*): Watching the moon reflected in the lake like that reminds me of my younger years.

(*): A long time ago now, there used to be a father and son living in the northern forest. Both of them woodcutters, they were.

(*): The son met a beautiful girl in the forest one day, and the two of them fell in love and were married.

(*): But then, one day, he was killed outright by a bolt of lightning.

(*): The father still lives there, though. All alone, he is. And still chopping wood, so I hear.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): King Humphrey has already retired to his chamber. Please come back again in the morning.

(*): Zz- Er...I'm not asleep, honest!

(*): That old man stands over there on the other side of the lake every single night.

(*): I wonder why. It's starting to make me feel a bit uneasy.

(*): Ah-phew...

Trans-Montane Tunnel

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(*): This is the Trans-Montane Tunnel, connecting Endor in the west with Casabranca in the east.

(*): Congratulations! You're the one thousandth person to pass through this tunnel!

(*): That means you're the lucky winner of a very valuable prize courtesy of King Norman of Endor.

(*): And the prize is... Two thousand gold coins' worth of casino tokens!

(*): I bet you can't wait to get down there and have a flutter! Congratulations again!

(*): Your prize will be reserved at the Endor casino until you want to use it. I hope you enjoy our token gesture!

(*): That Torneko chap must have been ever so determined to dig out a tunnel like this.

(*): If ye happen across a fella by the name o' Torneko Taloon, would ya tell him I was askin' after him?

(*): Torneko, y'ole feen! Ye're alive an' well, so y'are! Ah, that's grand, it is. Just grand.

(*): Welcome to Endor.

(*): Princess Veronica and Prince Regan's wedding ceremony is happening over at the castle as we speak!

(*): Being on guard duty isn't as easy as it looks, you know. I'll certainly be enjoying a drink or two when evening rolls around.

(*): We had a brief respite after the Endor Tourney, you know. But now the monsters are back with a vengeance.

(*): I wonder what's behind it all. It's a funny old world we live in, isn't it?

(*): You'll find Endor Castle just through this gate.

(*): If you're here to attend the royal wedding, please make your way to the Colosseum.

(*): It's amazing! This girl's fortune-telling is absolutely spot on!

(*): You should have yours told.

(*): Now that Meena's told my fortune, I know exactly what I should do with my life.

(*): It's funny when you think of all the reasons people were brought into this world, of all the destinies we each have.

Meena: Would you like me to be reading your palm or something? For just ten gold coins, please, I will tell you all about your dear self.

Meena: Arey, very good, (sir/madam).

Meena: I am seeing seven- No... Yes, seven! Seven lights surrounding you.

Meena: Now they are only teeny-weeny specks, but I hope they will be very, very much bigger. Because actually, they represent the Chos-

Meena: Accha! No, it can't be! You must be the legendary (hero/heroine)!

Meena: Me and my sister have been looking for you since so long ago. You have the power to defeat the Evil One.

Meena: We all must join forces together. It is our destiny that we stand up against this dark, dark power.

Meena: And there are others, you know. Other people in the world with the same destiny as us.

Meena: Actually, we must all be meeting up and fighting the resurrection of the Lord of the Underworld together. Because we are the Chosen Ones.

Meena joins Hero!

Meena: Okay, let's go. My sister Maya will be gambling at the casino again. And chasing away all the old uncles, I hope!

Meena: Fortune-telling is like seeing the dark side of the moon. It is actually most illuminating. Come back when you are changing your mind.

(*): Some time ago now, a black cloud went billowing across the sky to the east at an incredible speed.

(*): And then there were rumours that the chosen (hero/heroine), who was destined to save the world, had died.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Congratulations to the royal couple, Princess Veronica and Prince Regan!"

(*): It's such a worry having to think up menus every day. Thank goodness I have the maid to actually cook it all for me.

(*): The young lady of the house always seems to be staring up at the sky.

(*): I wonder whatever could be so interesting about it.

Some expensive-looking armour is on display.

(*): Have you heard talk of Psaro the Manslayer? He was in the Endor Tourney a while back, and apparently, he isn't human.

(*): Well, that's just a rumour. But he certainly seemed suspiciously strong.

Tessie: Me fella's away at the moment. He went off trav'llin' in search of a legend'ry sword, would ye believe?

Tessie: But there's talk about that monsters are huntin' him down.

Tessie: I just hope he's found some good, strong feens to be lookin' after him...

Tipper: After Da went away, me mam didn't have any stock for the shop, so she opened a bank instead.

Upon Torneko joining the party.

Tessie: There y'are, y'ole feen! Welcome back!

Tessie: Oh, aye. I've been grand altogether. I'm only waitin' here watchin' me hairs turn grey while ye go off huntin' yer dreams!

(*): There was this lovely bird who went down to the casino just now. A right looker, she was. Hic!

(*): Hello there. Make yourself comfortable and have a nice drink or three.

(*): Have you been to the casino downstairs yet?

(*): I made a pretty packet down there again today, so I did. Woo hoo!

(*): It's happy news that the Princess of Endor and the Prince of Ballymoral have been wed.

(*): In a world like ours, the least we can do is try to stop fighting among us humans.

(*): Welcome to the casino!

(*): The casino only accepts tokens as payment. You can buy them from the girl at the counter over there.

(*): When you've won lots of tokens, you can cash them in for prizes at the exchange counter over there.

(*): Hah! I took a chance on Double or Nothing and now I have sixteen tokens instead of eight! I'm on fire!

(*): Oh! That's everything I've won today gone right down the drain!

(*): Today just doesn't seem to be my lucky day.

(*): How's it goin'? You won anythin' yet?

(*): Nice. Now you've just gotta 'ave the courage to keep yer winnin' streak goin'. Take the bull by the 'orns!

(*): Never mind, eh? Yer luck'll turn soon enough. Just keep at it.

(*): No matter how much you win, you can't exchange your tokens for money.

(*): So my advice would be to only spend what you can afford, and just enjoy gambling with cash you don't really need.

Maya: Don't come talking to me now! You'll put me off.

Maya: I've got to win back everything I've lost. Otherwise my sister will be so so mad!

Maya: Oof! Leave me alone now, please!

Meena: ...I was knowing you would be here, sis.

Maya: Oh, dear Goddess...

Meena: You're really unbelievable, you know that!? I am working so hard to make us gold, but you are wasting everything here at the casino.

Now we are broke!

Maya: I'm so very sorry...

Maya: Hey, who's this (handsome guy/pretty girl) with you, sis?

Maya: Hey, who's the (guy/girl) in the coffin, sis?

Meena: This is Hero. The (hero/heroine) we've been looking for.

Maya: Never! That's killing, sis! I won't be messing about any more. I'll do only what Hero tells me.

Maya joins the party!

Maya: Okay! Let's get going!

Meena: I foresee that if we travel East, we will be finding something of significance...

(*): It's awright. Hic! I'm fine. Sssnot like I'm wurring me slurds or nuffin'.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): They say all these monsters appearing is a sign, you know. That the Lord of the Underworld is coming back to life.

(*): It's only a rumour, of course. People do love to gossip! At least, I hope it's just gossip...

(*): You can't beat a nice cold drink after work.

(*): Urgh. Why am I seeing double? Maybe I drank too much.

(*): The royal wedding was absolutely splendid.

(*): I always dreamt that my big day would be like that.

(*): Even if the world comes to an end, their love will last forever... It's enough to bring tears to the eyes.

(*): Oi! Wot d'ya think you're doin'? Get out an' leave us alone, will ya!?

(*): I heard that they have lots of strange things on sale here.

(*): Hic! You can't beat a glass or two wiv the company of a pretty young girl, eh?

(*): Have you been to the casino downstairs yet?

(*): Welcome to Endor Castle. Our doors are always open to all, commoners and royalty alike.

(*): King Norman's throne room is just upstairs.

(*): If you're headed for the Colosseum, just follow this corridor and take the stairs down.

(*): I never realised the Princess had a secret love.

(*): She's so lucky, being able to marry him like this.

(*): Folk say there's an enormous desert far to the east of Casabranca.

(*): They also say that if you cross the desert and visit the port town to the south, they have ships for sale and everything!

(*): Somewhere out there, the Lord of the Underworld is in the process of reawakening.

(*): Unfortunately, King Norman doesn't always think before he speaks and it can get him into a spot of bother every now and then.

(*): But this wedding ceremony has been perfect from start to finish.

(*): This is the royal throne room. I must ask that you don't run or make any unnecessary noise.

(*): Have you come for an audience with King Norman? I'm afraid he's attending the royal wedding at present.

(*): According to some ancient documents I've been reading, the Lord of the Underworld achieved the ultimate state of evolution.

(*): His powers were too formidable for this world, so the gods decided he must be sealed away.

(*): It sounds like he was a creature to whom the laws of evolution mysteriously didn't apply.

(*): This table has to be clean enough that King Norman could eat his supper off it.

(*): I say! I must ask you to take your leave. This is the royal dressing room.

(*): I hear that a man called Torneko managed to cross the desert in the far east.

(*): He may just be doing it to make money, but I admire him for being brave enough to attempt a journey like that.

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): This is the castle kitchen.

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): This is the Colosseum. The royal wedding is taking place here.

(*): This is the bride and groom's preparation room. Only family members are allowed inside.

(*): Ah, you've come to see the royal wedding, have you? Just take the steps to the right up to the spectators' seats.

(*): You can't beat a good wedding!

(*): Bully for Prince Regan! The Princess was the idol of us sailors first, you know.

(*): Oh, I wish I was the one getting married!

(*): This must be the longest wedding I've ever been to in my life.

(*): Look at 'em! Kissin' they are! I dunno. An' now they've got their arms 'round each other an' everyfin'!

(*): Hic! Marriage is the death of a man, I tell you. My old lady's as cold as ice these days.

(*): You know, if the right person came along and proposed to me, I might just...

(*): Well, if it happened thus, it could only be the will of the Goddess. I might just have to give up the life of the cloth, I suppose.

(*): My wife was a beautiful young thing when I married her. Ah, those were the days...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... No-thing...to-report... Ah-phew...

(*): What do you think you're doing prowling about the castle at this time of night?

(*): I can't let you just wander about as you please. Go on now, get out!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Here we go. The old man's talking rubbish again.

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica have already retired to their chambers.

(*): I'd better get things tidied up. It's a busy old life.

Princess Veronica: Zzz... Forgive me, Father... Zzz...

Prince Regan: Oh, Ronnie... I love you... Zzz...

King Norman: Ha ha. I never imagined for one minute that the Princess would be wed so soon.

King Norman: Now I seem to be without a sleeping chamber all of a sudden. Ha ha!

(*): It looks like Psaro the Manslayer was a monster! He did disappear halfway through the tournament. Maybe the rumours are true...

(*): Psaro the Manslayer must have disappeared because he had more important things to do than fight in the Endor Tourney.

(*): The women ramble on about this and that all day long. I can't keep up.

(*): The wedding celebrations only take place during the day.

(*): It's custom in Endor for a wedding to go on for several days.

(*): So you'll be able to come back tomorrow and see it then.

The Cistern Chapel and Endor teleportal

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There's a button here. Press it?

(*): I just can't figure this place out for the life of me! How's a bloke supposed to get his 'ands on the treasure!?

(*): A load of water come tumblin' down just now and really took me by surprise, I can tell ya. I nearly drowned!

(*): Still, at least it means I can get to the treasure chest now. Ha ha!

(*): ...Oh, but 'ang on a minute. How am I gonna get 'ome!?

(*): I, I am soldier of Zamoksva, protecting other side of teleportal in Maestral continent.

(*): Tsarevna Alena, she spoke that Psaro the Manslayer is dangerous being.

(*): Ugh. I cannot to move any more. I pray that Tsar and Tsarevna is safe from grievance.

(*): I, I am soldier of Zamoksva, protecting other side of teleportal in Maestral continent.

(*): Tsarevna! It is you! You are looking somehow different. I am thankful you are safe.

(*): Now it is finish of life for me. It is my hope you will find and destroy evil Psaro Manslayer.

(*): And that Tsar is also unscathed. Uurgh... I pray for your good fortunes.

(*): There's talk that all of the folk at the castle west of here in Zamoksva have vanished.


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(*): I wish I could get married. There must be a rich handsome man out there for me somewhere...

(*): Welcome to Ballymoral Castle.

(*): You seen the weddin' over in Endor? I'll bet it's a right grand ol' affair.

(*): Prince Regan's wedding ceremony is taking place over in Endor at the moment.

(*): The Prince and King Shamus are both absent because of it, so the castle's feeling a bit quiet at the moment.

(*): Apparently, it's thanks to a weapon trader that Prince Regan has been able to get married.

(*): I've no idea what a weapon trader and a royal wedding have to do with each other, but that's what people are saying.

(*): The monsters are becoming stronger now, so lots of castle towns are starting to buy up weapons and armour.

(*): What worries me is that our human weapons and armour won't be able to stand up to some of these fiends.

(*): I sold out of armour when those monsters started appearing. I even had to shut up shop for a while.

(*): I'm finally starting to get in supplies now from Endor, so I can start trading again.

(*): If ye'll excuse me, (Sir/Ma'am). I'd ask ye not to go banjaxin' other people's property if ye don't mind.

(*): Princess Veronica of Endor is as beautiful as an angel.

(*): Talking of angels, they have a legend about one over at Casabranca, a long way east from here.

(*): Apparently, this angel came down from the sky and fell in love with a woodcutter. She became pregnant with his baby.

(*): Imagine what the child would be like if that were a true story!

(*): I was desperately trying to get hold of armour for a while, but I'm all set now.

(*): I can get whatever I need from Endor. It's quite a relief, I can tell you!

(*): His Majesty is attending Prince Regan's wedding. Perhaps you could come back another time.

(*): I practically raised Prince Regan, you know.

(*): I do hope he'll become a wise and true king.

(*): This is Ballymoral jail. If you don't want to be put behind bars, I suggest you go elsewhere.

(*): Oh! Bein' in jail is just so boooring!

(*): Eh, I wonder 'ow old Kirk Buzzer's doin'. He was a mate o' mine back in me thievin' days.

(*): You're not permitted to enter the castle at this hour!

(*): You should come back again in the daytime.

(*): Prince Regan often used to walk alone here at night, apparently.

(*): What a fool I am! I missed my chance to get close to him.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... Gold...gold...gold... More monsterzzz... More armour... Ah-phew...

(*): I can't allow you inside the castle at night. Come back in the morning.


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(*): Welcome to Lakanaba!

(*): Oh, 'tis you, Taloon. They'll be sayin' I'm gone in the head welcomin' ye like some kind o' stranger, so they will.

(*): Well, if it isn't yerself, Torneko! Ye're lookin' grand. I could hardly recognise ye.

Old Man Finn: Me son's started makin' an honest livin' fer himself, thanks to you-know-who.

Old Man Finn: Ah, Torneko! I still can't thank y'enough, I can't. I've no words for it.

Old Man Finn: Me son's married an' ev'rytin' now. I can't wait fer a grandchild, so I can't. Finneganegan, we'll have to call the little one!

Old Man Finn: Now just what d'ye think ye're doin'? Where are ye takin' me?

(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Our man here from Lakanaba is famous now, ye know. The most successful merchant in all the world, that's what they're sayin'.

(*): I just can't recall his name. Tall Buffoon, was it...? Or Gecko Tycoon, perhaps...?

(*): Well! 'Tis not every day we see (A trav'ller/Trav'llers) in these parts.

(*): Ye must have a woeful curious nature with ye to be comin' all the way up the boreen to a tiny place like Lakanaba.

(*): Is that yerself, Torneko? It's been yonks, so it has. How's she cuttin'?

(*): An' how's Tessie gettin' along? Is she well, is she?

(*): I still can't understand why a fine article like Tessie married a good-fer-nuttin' bog-trotter like you.

(*): I'm tied up with work at the minute. Come back later, would ye?

(*): By the hokey, if it isn't yerself, Torneko! Look at the fine gent ye've become!

(*): Talk o' that ship ye bought yerself even made it up the bogway to Lakanaba here, ye know. I can hardly believe it.

(*): Are ye lookin' fer me fella, are ye? He's out to work at the mo, so ye'll have to come back in the evenin'.

(*): Mr. Taloon! Ye know, I followed in yer footsteps an' headed to Endor meself.

(*): Only, I used all me money up at the casino. But I learnt me lesson, so I did. Honest hard work's the only way to go.

(*): Come together with me in prayer as we ask the Goddess for peace throughout the land.

(*): Ah! Torneko Taloon! 'Twas a grand thing ye did fer old Mr. Finn. He's ever so grateful to ye.

(*): An' so am I, of course. Hee hee hee.

Finnegan: Torneko? Torneko Taloon? I'm right, aren't I? 'Tis meself, look! Old Man Finn's son...Finnegan.

Finnegan: I decided it's time I made an honest livin' fer meself, so I asked the boss would he take me on.

(*): Is there sometin' I can be doin' fer ye? Ye don't look like much of a trader to me...

(*): If ye're after a weapon, ye'll have to talk to me man upstairs.

(*): By the holies, if it isn't Torneko Taloon! So how's yer shop in Endor comin' along? Is she makin' ye a few bob, is she?

(*): Aye, that's grand. I'm glad ye're makin' a go of it. I bet yer wife's mighty pleased, too.

(*): What's that ye say? Ye're lookin' fer a legendary sword now, are ye?

(*): Will ye be actin' the maggot all yer life now, or were ye plannin' to settle down by the time ye're a hundred?

(*): I can't believe it! Even old Finn's lad's stolen a march on me...

(*): If I don't get married soon, I'll pass me coffin on the way down the aisle.

(*): I've an old friend by the name of Torneko who's only bought himself a ship, so they say!

(*): Aye, 'twas not long ago that he was just workin' for some feen here, with about as much in the way of prospects as a used gold mine.

(*): I'm happy fer him, of course. But I wish he'd come back once in a while. We all miss the ole stock.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): A fella told me there was a shop in Endor sellin' top-notch armour.

(*): I went all the way there, so I did, an' no one knew what I was on about. I reckon I was diddled. Taken fer a ride, like.

Old Man Finn: Zzz... Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): I know me duty is to the Goddess, but... I can't help meself! I'm in love with the man, an' there's nuttin' I can do about it!

Finnegan: Torneko!

Finnegan: 'Tis meself, look! Old Man Finn's son...Finnegan. Yer wife was kind enough to let me take over yer house here.

Finnegan: 'Tis me dream to become a fine merchant, just like yerself. I know I can do it. I know I can.

Cave of Safekeeping

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There's a button here. Press it?

(*): Has yerself come lookin' for the steel strongbox, too?

(*): Aye, well, there's sometin' not quite right about that rollin' boulder if y'ask me. But I'll get meself me treasure still an' all!

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

A message has been carved in the floor. (Character) reads what it says...

"Greedy is the traveller who seeketh treasure! Put back that which thou hast unlawfully taken!

"Put it back, and the path of retreat shall become open to thee."

Do you want to put the steel strongbox back?

(Character) puts the steel strongbox back in its place.

Last Chance Saloon & Con Cave

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(*): Neigh.

A desert stretches off into the distance as far as the eye can see.

It would be impossible to cross such a large expanse without a wagon.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You want me to give you my wagon so ya can carry on your journey to save the world?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sounds mighty fishy to me. You can't expect me to believe a tall old tale like that.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Never mind. I ain't in the mood for people right now. Get outta here, will ya?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Leave me alone, y'hear?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You're pretty slow, ain't ya? Well, maybe I'll share a little story with you if you ain't budgin'.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: A long while back now, I was travellin' around just like you are.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I heard talk of the world's most important treasure bein' hidden in some cave.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: A friend and I moseyed on down there to see what we could find.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: He was my best buddy...or so I thought. But then he went an' stabbed me in the back.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Huh! It makes me mad just talkin' about it. I ain't never trustin' no one again. Now get outta here!

Hank Hoffman Sr.: Did you meet the guy with the wagon? That kid's my only son, y'know. Hank Hoffman Junior.

Hank Hoffman Sr. He went off with a friend to the eastern cave a while back now.

Hank Hoffman Sr.: It was his horse Mary Lou who brought him back, though. Sakes alive, he was covered in blood!

Hank Hoffman Sr. He ain't been able to trust a soul ever since.

Hank Hoffman Sr. I still don't know what happened to him at that cave. He won't even tell his own daddy.

(*): Now I'm in a pickle. I was hoping to borrow a wagon to cross the desert, but that guy's a real hard nut.

It's a fragile-looking wall with cracks all over it. But it would still take at least three people to break it down.

It's a strong iron door. It would be impossible for one person to open it alone.

It's a statue of the Goddess with a merciless smile.

Maya: Oh, thank goodness! You've come to rescue us.

Meena: We've been waiting here for so long time. But we knew you would be coming to find us sooner or laters.

Maya: Arey, yes! We've been waiting a long, long time...

Meena: ...for you to fall into our trap!

(*): Ka ka ka! When I've gobbled these up, you'll be next! Just wait your turn quietly.

(*): Ka ka ka! Your human blood feeds us monsters with delicious power.

Maya: What has been taking you so long? We're really needing your rescuing here.

Maya: What? You were fighting some monsters who looked like us upstairs? Are you crazy, please?

Maya: Come on! If you don't get moving, we will all be eaten alive.

Meena: Maya is right. The monsters won't stop until they've sucked every last drop of blood...

Maya: ...out of you!

Maya: How could you be doing this to us!? We've been down here forever!

Maya: What? Is it really us!? You were attacked by monsters looking like us, and now you think we are monsters, too?

Maya: You are really off your nut, no? Stop talking all this silly-billy nonsense and help us! Otherwise we will all be eaten alive.

Maya: Waah, Hero! You've come to save us! Well! We're not so stupid any more!

Maya: We know you're just (a monster who is looking like Hero/looking like Hero and the others. But really you are monsters). You're dead meat this time!

Meena: No! Wait, sis. I think this is really Hero. I can feel it.

Maya: Hm. Maybe... Okay, then. I'll ask a question that only Hero would know the answer to.

Meena was the one wasting all the money at the Endor casino, right?

Maya: No! It was me! You're (a monster/monsters), just like I was thinking!

Meena: No, sis. I don't think so. It is you, isn't it, Hero? You're just joking with us, no?

Maya: Hmph. It was an easy-peasy question. But...I suppose you must be the real Hero.

Meena: I'm sorry we doubted you, please. It's just that we were attacked by so many monsters pretending to be you.

Maya: We can't go on doubting you forever. I suppose we have to trust you.

Meena: Okay, then. Let's go!

Last Chance Saloon, second visit

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Hank Hoffman Jr.: Whaddya want, huh? Wait a minute... Sakes alive! What is that jewel you got there?

(Character) gives Hank Hoffman Junior the symbol of faith.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, it's kinda funny, but just lookin' at this here jewel makes me feel cleansed somehow.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So where did y'all find this thing?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You kiddin' me? Well, ain't that somethin'! You find a symbol of faith in the place my pardner betrayed me!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Hey, wait a honey-fuggled minute!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Maybe things would've been different if I'd believed in my pardner that time.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: That cave must be some kind of faith testin' place. The treasure I was after all that time was the faith to trust in folks!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I sure was clueless. But now it's time to put it right... I'll start by trustin' you!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I wanna join you folks on your journey. An' my horse'll be comin' along too.

Hank Hoffman Junior joins the party!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Let's giddap on outta here!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: The horse's name is Mary Lou. She ain't no crowbait, so I'm sure you'll see her right.

Mary Lou: Neigh!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Giddap, girl!

Hank Hoffman Sr. My boy's really done gone an' turned himself around. I got you to thank for that.

Hank Hoffman Sr. He didn't used to be such a croaker, y'know. That boy had dreams. He wanted to be an apprentice to that Conrad Ilton guy, for one.

Hank Hoffman Sr. He give up on the idea for a while, but I sure do hope he'll be game enough to see it through this time.

(*): If you cross the desert and head south, you come to the port town of Porthtrunnel.


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(*): Welcome to Bath, town o' baths! The perfect place for (a trav'ller to rest ('is/'er)/trav'llers to rest their) achy bones after a long time on the road.

(*): Have you seen the armour in the church already? It's amazin'!

(*): Oh Bladud, brave knight of olde ♪

Clad in armour what gleamed like gold ♪
In battle, you was knocked out cold ♪

(*): ...No, 'e's no good, neither. I been tryin' to make up a song about Bladud, but 'e's not goin' all that well.

(*): Hmm... I took the guided tour to see the famous Bladud's armour, but it didn't look like anything special to me.

(*): In fact, it just looked like some cheap substitute.

(*): I wouldn't be surprised if someone had stolen the real armour and put that rubbish in its place!

(*): Ah, I feel ten years younger! It was my son that brought me here.

(*): I'm a lucky fellow to have such a caring lad to look after me.

(*): Travel far enough south from 'ere, an' you come to a shippin' town called Porthtrunnel.

(*): That's where the ships leave from to go to them foreign places you trav'llers are always gallivantin' off to.

(Character) examines the gravestone.

"Here lies Sir Bladud. Brave warrior and saviour of Bath."

(*): Must 'ave quite a thirst comin' into the pub at this time in the aft'noon, eh?

(*): I came here with my dad. Thought I'd better show him I don't ignore him all the time!

(*): They say the bath waters here make your skin clean and beautiful.

(*): But...I really don't think I could get any cleaner, or more beautiful! Oh dear, what's a poor girl to do?

(*): You can't come inside 'ere, (bay/maid). If it's shoppin' you want, come 'round t'other way.

(*): Aaaah... There's not many folk 'ere who be wantin' to buy weapons. Not in a spa town like this. I've got more free time than a-

(*): 'Old your 'orses! You en't a customer, is you!? You should speak up if you wanna buy somethin'!

(*): I don't know. Maybe I should just shut up shop an' go for a soak. No customers are gonna come now, are they?

(*): Some people say there's a ghost in that there graveyard. But I don't know if I believe it.

(*): You'd like Sister 'Ilda to tell you about the town 'ero, Bladud, would you? Yes, 'e was a very great warrior.

Sister 'Ilda: Many years ago, when the town was attacked by monsters, it was Bladud that saw 'em off.

Sister 'Ilda: 'E stood tall 'til the end, 'e did. It was only the very last monster what finished 'im off, but Bladud made sure 'e took the monster with 'im!

Sister 'Ilda: So it's Bladud we've got to thank for the wonderful town we live in 'ere today.

(*): Ah! Don't look! I'm just about to get in the bath, you dirty old man!

(*): Do you want to come in too? All girls together!

(*): Oh, my! I've never seen such tiny- I'm sorry. How rude of me. I suppose you took after your father, did you?

(*): I be Bladud, I be. The armour I used to wear was called the Zenithian Armour.

Bladud: Only some rascal's stolen 'e, an' taken 'e away somewhere.

Bladud: You must find 'e, (trav'ller/trav'llers), an' return 'e to 'is proper restin' place.

Bladud: Me armour! That's me armour!

Bladud: You're (a decent (feller/wench)/decent folk), you are. You can keep me armour. Now be off an' save the world!

(*): Alas, this star-filled night is too beautiful! It makes me want to write poetry and songs...

(*): La la la la lah... ♪ Torneko with his mighty stride ♪ Heads off to cross the desert wide ♪

(*): There was a fella 'ere afore by the name o' Taloon. 'E was... 'E was doin' all right for 'imself, 'e was.

(*): Oh, aye! Aye...I...aye...? Hic! I'm gonna take a leaf outta 'is book. Hic!

(*): This is just atween you an' me, but that innkeeper next door is givin' me an 'eadache the way 'e carries on.

(*): Mind you, if 'e didn't try it on like that, I wouldn't mind bettin' 'e wouldn't get anyone stayin' in that ramshackle old 'ole!

(*): The bath was a great success, see. Look at the old man. Snorin' like a baby!

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Clearin' up's bad enough without you gettin' in the way! Go on! Away with ya!

(*): Now when was it that that Mr. Taloon was 'round these parts?

(*): 'E was dreadful rich, 'e was. Said 'e was thinkin' o' buyin' a ship, would ya believe?

(*): No! Zzz... The ghost'zzz gonna get me! Zzz... Zzz...

A bright and shiny suit of armour is on display.

(*): Wotcha. New to the place, are ya? Well 'ow's about I give (ya/ya all) the grand tour then, eh?

(*): Nice! Right then, step this way!

(*): That's the weapon an' armour shops an' all that business. Don't do much trade, but they ain't bad.

(*): An' 'ere we 'ave the item shop. Ain't got much in the way o' souvenirs though, if that's the kind o' stuff ya like.

(*): As ya can see, up 'ere's the graveyard.

(*): It's the burial ground o' the great warrior Bladud wot saved the town once.

(*): An' this 'ere is the church, see... This is where the town's greatest treasure's kept.

(*): 'Scuse me, 'Ilda- Er...I mean, Sister 'Ilda... Mind if I show (this punter/these punters) the old you-know-wot?

Sister 'Ilda: Of course. The Goddess welcomes all folk.

(*): So this is it. The famous armour wot old Bladud used to wear.

(*): 'Parrently it's got some amazin' powers or somefin' like that.

(*): An' this 'ere is the bath. "Barf's barf" I like to call it. He he he! Get (yerself/yerselves) in there an' yer aches 'n' pains'll soon be gone.

(*): So, er... Where was (you/you lot)plannin' on stayin' tonight?

(*): Only, I can honestly recommend this place 'ere. It's clean an' comfortable, an' the innkeeper's a top geezer an' all!

(*): Awright, then. Suit (yerself/yerselves). By the way, this other inn's a right rip-off. I wouldn't touch it wiv a bargepole if I was you.

Porthtrunnel, first visit

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(*): 'Ello there, my (lover/lovers)! Trav'llin', are we? Well, welcome to Porthtrunnel, then.

(*): Come to see the ships, 'ave you? They'm doin' some buildin' work in the yard. 'Ead for that big buildin' at the 'arbour.

(*): I was a cargo lugger afore.

(*): But we en't got nothin' to lug now no ships is sailing. I'm 'elluva bored.

(*): They say there was an 'oly flame burnin' at the top o' yonder Pharos Beacon.

(*): But now 'tis an evil flame that makes all ships as comes sailin' by sink to the bottom o' the ocean.

(*): Now that's what I call bad timin'! There was a helluva lot o' ships sailing out o' port not too long back.

(*): But the lighthouse out east, the Pharos Beacon... Well, 'e's bin overrun by monsters, en't 'e? Ships can't navigate now.

(*): What can I do you for, then? Oh, who am I trying to kid!? I'm in no mood for sellin'.

(*): There en't no ships sailin' at the moment, you see. What a sorry excuse for a port!

(*): My ship sank almost as soon as it left the harbour.

(*): It's all because of those blasted monsters infesting the Pharos Beacon east of here.

(*): As soon as any boat hits open water it sinks like a stone because of that evil light at the top of the Beacon.

(*): They say there's some feller down south over the sea who's a wizard o' commerce. In a place called Mintos or some such snazzy name.

(*): Must be a helluva rich, I s'pose, if he's a wizard o' commerce. I wun't mind a slice of 'e's cake, let me tell you.

(*): 'Ullo, my (lover/lovers). Off on a sea voyage? 'Ow about a map of the world to help you on your way, then?

(*): Oh, bother! I was sure I 'ad some left, but they'm not 'ere. That's a bit blimmin' odd...

(*): Oh, well. Suit (yourself/yourselves), me (dear/dears).

Come again now, won't you?

(*): Sorry. Bar's not open 'til this evenin'. Come back later.

(*): There's a sad ole tale about a feller who done 'e's self in 'cos 'e's boat got sunk by them monsters...

(*): That's a forbidden room, that one.

It's always locked.

(*): Anyone who spends the night in there never wakes up in the mornin'. It's proper scary, it is.

(*): They found a village over them mountains north of Casabranca that got done over by monsters. Ransacked, 'e was.

(*): And folk've bin disappearing over the sea in Zamoksva, an' all.

(*): If you ask me, 'tis all tied up with that Lord o' the Underworld comin' back to life. That's what I've 'eard, anyway...

(*): 'Tis only just a few days since that Pharos Beacon got took over by monsters, you know.

(*): But that 'orrible light's bin shinin' out over the ocean ever since. 'Tis a beggar of a business.

(*): This 'ere's the dockyard. You're in luck. We'm buildin' a brand new ship at the minute.

(*): 'E'll be finished soon. An' 'e's gonna be a ship an' a half. Like nuffin' you've ever seen.

(*): They don't know how to do business!

(*): They can make as many boats as they like, but no one's gonna buy them with that lighthouse as it is.

(*): Oh, for goodness sake! Why can't kids just settle? Is it too much to ask? I can't get a moment's peace, I can't.

(*): Wow! A ship! A real ship!

(*): I've never been on a real ship before! Wahey! ♪ What shall we do with the drun- Oops, Mum said I'm not to sing that...

(*): 'Ow long we gonna have to wait afore it's safe out at sea again?

(*): All that cargo I loaded up's just sittin' there rottin' away.

(*): 'Ere! Where d'you think you'm off to!? There's cargo goin' through here all the time. You'm blockin' the path.

(*): I wonder whose ship this is. 'E must be costin' an arm an' a leg.

(*): No way! That's a heckuva big ship! When's it gonna be ready?

(*): Hm? Who's the ship belong to? Can't you see I'm blimmin' busy? That's a question for the guv'nor, not a matey like me.

(*): I always wanted to be a seafarer.

(*): Weigh anchor! Hard starboard, steersman! I love all that sailor speak!

(*): I told Mr. Taloon we was clewing up e's ship. 'Twill be ready soon. What's 'e up to?

(*): I 'ope 'e en't bin gobbled up by no monsters up at the Beacon.

(*): What? You're gonna take on the beacon instead of Mr. Taloon? Well don't take too many risks. 'Tis 'eckuva dang'rous up there.

(*): I'm a ship's cap'n, I am. A cap'n en't got no business on dry land. I should be out on the drink!

(*): But soon as you're out the 'arbour now, some funny light from Pharos Beacon whips up a storm like nort you've ever seen.

(*): 'Tisn't long past that it all started, but it's already a proper pain in the keel!

(*): They say there was a princess from Zamoksva on the last ship that sailed out of here to Mintos.

(*): I bet she was a proper 'andsome young maid. I wish I'd seen her.

(*): There's an old seafarer's tale about a ship carryin' stolen goods got sunk by monsters far over the ocean to the north-east.

(*): The story goes that among the cargo there was some priceless armour with a strange sheen to it.

(*): Must still be at the bottom o' the ocean even now. Or else them monsters 'ave 'ad it.

(*): I'm in a right tizz, I am.

(*): This vessel was commissioned by a feller called Mr. Taloon. But the old fool's completely zamzodden.

(*): "If 'tis monsters that are stoppin' me ship sailin', I'll go an' sort 'em out meself!" or some such gibberish 'e was coming out with!

(*): I'm in a right tizz, I am.

(*): This vessel was commissioned by a feller called Mr. Taloon. But the old fool's completely zamzodden.

(*): "If 'tis monsters that are stoppin' me ship sailin', I'll go an' sort 'em out meself!" or some such gibberish 'e was coming out with!

(*): 'E din't 'ave no luck, o' course.

'E's back in town again, now.

(*): 'Ang on... Dun't that mean I don't need to worry no more? Why, I'm a daft ole bat sometimes!

(*): That Torneko feller said 'e come from some place called Endor far off to the west.

(*): Must be an 'ard life for 'is wife an' kids back 'ome all on their own.

(*): But I s'pose you can't do no good as a trader if you dun't make a few sacrifices, eh?

(*): Mr. Taloon was talkin' about 'eadin' south once 'is ship's clewed up.

(*): Said there's a feller in a town called Mintos down that way with a map of all the world's oceans. Must be a helluva big map.

(*): D'you reckon 'e's right? Could someone like me really go an' serve the Goddess? I en't so sure I could.

(*): What do you want? I, I was instructing this young lady in the teachings of the Goddess.

(*): The dockyard's closed of a night. If you wanna see what's goin' on inside, you'll 'ave to come back in the mornin'.

(*): A ship o' me own... Zzz...

(*): !!!

(*): I-I'm sorry! It just took me fancy, is all...

(*): But I only thought about it. I never stole nothin'! Can't you pretend you never seen me?

(*): Thank 'e! I, I en't got nothin' to give you in return. 'Cept...I could tell you somethin'...

(*): You know them mini medals you find every now an' then? If you collect 'em all up, you can get some good treasure for 'em.

(*): Please! Gimme another chance!

(*): You know them mini medals you find every now an' then? If you collect 'em all up, you can get some good treasure for 'em.

(*): That Mr. Taloon's an example to us all. Well, all us traders, any'ow.

(*): I mean, first it was 'is own shop. Then 'is own ship. And now 'e's plannin' to sail 'round the world looking for some legend'ry weapon.

(*): What a feller!

(*): Let me tell you summat... I'll get meself a stack o' gold an' - Hic! - 'ave me own ship one day, too...

(*): Only problem is, - Hic! - soon as I get meself any coins, I fritter 'em away on- Hic! Well, you know what...

(*): HIC! ...Scuse me! 'E was a big'un! I come all this way for one o' them maps, an' they'm all blimmin' sold out!

(*): She said she got 'em from Mintos.

(*): But I don't care about that. Hic! All I wanna know's when she's gettin' some more in stock. Hic!

(*): Who's it you're lookin' for again? Ar, well. There was this group o' three folk here not so long back.

(*): Some princess an' a couple o' lads. Said they was lookin' for some feller by the name o' Psaro the Manslayer. You wun't credit it, would you?

(*): You en't from 'round 'ere, are you? Fancy an arm wrestle? I'm the local champ, you know.

(*): Get away, you cheeky beggar! I weren't serious! You've gone an' made me feel all funny now.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Ah-ah-ah-...phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Fearless (wanderer/wanderers). Go if you wish to go...

(*): But you cannot escape destiny. Your ship will find a watery grave...

(*): My 'usband's always frettin'.

(*): I've tried to tell 'im. That's why 'e's goin' bald, you know. See if you can get through to 'im. Tell him to stop fidgetin' and go to sleep.

If the party has not restored the Pharos Beacon.

Torneko: Oh, 'tis yerself, is it? How's she cuttin'? I was just gazin' out o'er the ocean here. Dreamin', like...

Torneko: Aye, me ship won't be long in the yard now. So I'm countin' on ye to do yer stuff now, all right?

Pharos Beacon

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Torneko: Hello there! I don't know who y'are, but 'tis a fine time ye've come at.

Torneko: I came here meself to get rid o' that menacin' evil flame that's burnin' at the top o' the beacon.

Torneko: Only, the monsters here are as tough as old boots, an' I'm havin' trouble makin' me way up to the top.

Torneko: I know it's a bit of a tall order like, but would ye be willin' to take over and get the job boxed off fer me?

Torneko: Ye will? Well that's grand!

Torneko: 'Twas a holy light burnin' at the top o' the beacon here 'til just recently, ye see.

Torneko: An' I'm sure there must still be a few embers of it left hereabouts somewhere.

Torneko: That's all ye'd need to put out the evil flame that the monsters are burnin' up there now. Ye just need to find the embers.

Torneko: D'ye want me to repeat all that? I'll run through it again for ye if ye didn't quite get it the first time.

Torneko: Grand! I'll leave ye to it, then. We'll meet up back at the port.

Torneko: Aye, I can't blame ye. But, please! I'll be in all kinds o' trouble otherwise.

(*): Eep! Where'th Torneko!?

(*): I heard he wath coming here, tho I've been lying in wait for him. I wath going to leap out and thmath hith brainth in!

(*): I thee... He got thcared and ran away, did he?

(*): Right, then. Well I don't care about you. It'th Torneko I'm after. Tho long, thuckerth!

The minidemon casts Zoom...

...and - Ouch! - bumps his head on

the ceiling!

(*): Eep! My head hurtth...

No answer. It looks like the minidemon knocked himself out!

(*): Ka ka ka ka kah! Burn! Burn, dark flame!

(*): Burn and make all the stupid human boats founder! Ka ka ka ka kah!

(*): Hm? Who are you!?

(*): Ka ka ka ka kah! Idiot humans, coming up here!

(*): More fuel for the flames of darkness! We'll toss you in and watch you burn! Ka ka kah!

(Character) throws the holy embers into the flames of darkness!

The evil flame goes out, and the holy light springs back to life!

Porthunnel, second visit

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(*): 'Ello there, my (lover/lovers)! Trav'llin', are we? Well, welcome to Porthtrunnel, then.

(*): They say you'm not s'posed to judge a book by 'is cover, but... You'm more than your average ((bay/maid)/folks), en't you?

(*): I thought as much. I dun't miss much, me.

(*): Don't be so modest! There en't nuffin' gets past these eyes.

(*): You'm the kind o' ((bay/maid)/folks) as performs miracles.

(*): 'Tis thanks to you that I can get back to me job at last. No rest for the wicked...or us cargo luggers!

(*): We best be more careful from now on. Can't let that there 'oly flame at the Beacon go out again now, can we?

(*): What's that, (bay/maid)? 'Twas (you an' your pals/you lot) who seen the monsters off out the Beacon, was it?

(*): Well we're much obliged to you all, then. 'E's proper lively again now, the port is. Like what a port should be!

(*): The Pharos Beacon out east is back to normal at last. What a blessed relief for us all!

(*): The ships are sailin' again an' everythin'. Oh, yes, we've got a lot to thank you for, my (love/lovers).

(*): I hear the monsters causing all the trouble at the Pharos Beacon have been evicted at last.

(*): But it's too late for my ship. She's already at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, dear, dear...

(*): They say there's some feller down south over the sea who's a wizard o' commerce. In a place called Mintos or some such snazzy name.

(*): Must be a helluva rich, I s'pose, if he's a wizard o' commerce. I wun't mind a slice of 'e's cake, let me tell you.

(*): 'Ullo, my (lover/lovers). Off on a sea voyage? 'Ow about a map of the world to help you on your way, then?

(*): Oh, bother! I was sure I 'ad some left, but they'm not 'ere. That's a bit blimmin' odd...

(*): Oh, well. Suit (yourself/yourselves), me (dear/dears). Come again now, won't you?

(*): Ah, 'ere (comes the 'ero/come the 'eroes) of the day! You seen off them monsters good 'n' proper, eh?

(*): I could tell as soon as them waves died down. That's 'ow I knew you'd done it, see.

(*): There's a sad ole tale about a feller who done 'e's self in 'cos 'e's boat got sunk by them monsters...

(*): That's a forbidden room, that one.

It's always locked.

(*): Anyone who spends the night in there never wakes up in the mornin'. It's proper scary, it is.

(*): They found a village over them mountains north of Casabranca that got done over by monsters. Ransacked, 'e was.

(*): And folk've bin disappearing over the sea in Zamoksva, an' all.

(*): If you ask me, 'tis all tied up with that Lord o' the Underworld comin' back to life. That's what I've 'eard, anyway...

(*): That evil light at the Pharos Beacon's bin extinguished at last.

(*): But I dun't think them's the last o' the troubles you'm gonna be runnin' into on your travels, my (child/children).

(*): But dun't give up. Remember the Goddess above an' keep your spirits up.

(*): This 'ere's the dockyard. But there en't no ships bein' built at the minute. 'Tis a sad time for the yard.

(*): I dun't s'pose many folk'll be thinkin' about shipbuildin' with all these monsters about these days.

(*): I'm gonna be a skipper when I grow up.

(*): I'm gonna sail all 'round the world in my ship, I am.

(*): When I look back now to buildin' that ship for Mr. Taloon... Ah, them were the days!

(*): There en't bin no other beggars 'ere since then with enough cash to 'ave a ship built for 'em.

(*): D'you reckon 'e's right? Could someone like me really go an' serve the Goddess? I en't so sure I could.

(*): What do you want? I, I was instructing this young lady in the teachings of the Goddess.

(*): The dockyard's closed of a night. If you wanna see what's goin' on inside, you'll 'ave to come back in the mornin'.

(*): A ship o' me own... Zzz...

(*): !!!

(*): I-I'm sorry! It just took me fancy, is all...

(*): But I only thought about it. I never stole nothin'! Can't you pretend you never seen me?

(*): Thank 'e! I, I en't got nothin' to give you in return. 'Cept...I could tell you somethin'...

(*): You know them mini medals you find every now an' then? If you collect 'em all up, you can get some good treasure for 'em.

(*): Please! Gimme another chance!

(*): That Mr. Taloon's an example to us all. Well, all us traders, any'ow.

(*): I mean, first it was 'is own shop. Then 'is own ship. And now 'e's plannin' to sail 'round the world looking for some legend'ry weapon.

(*): What a feller!

(*): Let me tell you summat... I'll get meself a stack o' gold an' - Hic! - 'ave me own ship one day, too...

(*): Only problem is, - Hic! - soon as I get meself any coins, I fritter 'em away on- Hic! Well, you know what...

(*): HIC! ...Scuse me! 'E was a big'un! I come all this way for one o' them maps, an' they'm all blimmin' sold out!

(*): She said she got 'em from Mintos.

(*): But I don't care about that. Hic! All I wanna know's when she's gettin' some more in stock. Hic!

(*): Who's it you're lookin' for again? Ar, well. There was this group o' three folk here not so long back.

(*): Some princess an' a couple o' lads. Said they was lookin' for some feller by the name o' Psaro the Manslayer. You wun't credit it, would you?

(*): You en't from 'round 'ere, are you? Fancy an arm wrestle? I'm the local champ, you know.

(*): Get away, you cheeky beggar! I weren't serious! You've gone an' made me feel all funny now.

(*): Ah-phew...

Torneko (at night): Argh-phew... Argh-phew... Tessie, me ole flower... Tipper-phew... I'll be home-phew...

(*): Ah-ah-ah-...phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Fearless (wanderer/wanderers). Go if you wish to go...

(*): But you cannot escape destiny. Your ship will find a watery grave...

(*): My 'usband's always frettin'.

(*): I've tried to tell him. That's why 'e's goin' bald, you know. See if you can get through to 'im. Tell him to stop fidgetin' and go to sleep.

Upon the restoration of the Pharos Beacon:

Torneko: Yerra, 'tis a grand job ye've done, so it is! Look how nicely all the ships are sailin' now that nasty flame's been put out by (yerself/yerselves).

Torneko: Me own ship's all boxed off now as well, ye know. I'm as happy as Larry, so I am.

Torneko: Actually, though, I've a bit of a favour to be askin' ye. It seems I've made a few enemies among the monsters an' they're after me, like.

Torneko: So I was thinkin', if I could maybe travel along with (a strong (feen/wan) like yerself/a few tough articles like yerselves), I'd feel a lot more secure altogether.

Torneko: Can we maybe join forces an' travel the world together? Will ye have me?

Torneko: Ye will? Oh, that's grand. Right, then. Are we all fit?

Torneko: What's that? Yer wagon? Aye, o' course it can. There's plenty o' room on me ship fer a wagon.

Torneko: So, then. Let's be makin' tracks!

Torneko joins the party!

Torneko: Time to set sail fer all the unexplored lands an' forgotten little islands in the world!

Torneko: We should be headin' south first.

Torneko: There's a town down there by the name o' Mintos. An' they say there's an ole fella there with an amazin' map o' the world.

Torneko: Aye, I can't blame ye. But, please! I'll be in all kinds o' trouble otherwise.

Mintos, first visit

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Hank Hoffman Jr.: Hey! I think I know this place.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, I surely do know it!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: This here is Mintos! As in Mintos, home of the infamous Conrad Ilton. Folks call him the God of Trade, y'know.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Gee, um...this may come a bit sudden for y'all, but...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know I've had a hog-killin' time travellin' around with you fine people, an' for that I'll always be mighty thankful.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But it's my dream to follow in my daddy, Hank Hoffman Senior's footsteps and open up a fine inn of my own.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Mintos is home to the God of Trade, Conrad Ilton. He's ace-high, an' that's for sure.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It'd be fine as cream gravy if I could learn a thing or two from him...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I know it's a mite selfish of me an' all, but I gotta ask you anyway, Hero.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Would it be okay with you if we parted ways? It'd mean the world to me to stay on here.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, thank you!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I'll never forget you folks, y'hear? And I'll never forget how important it is to have faith in your fellow man, neither.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You take care now, Mary Lou. I'll be prayin' for y'all to have a safe trip.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sakes alive! Did you not hear what I been sayin'!? Come on, now... Please!

(*): Awright? Welcome to Mintos!

(*): No doubt you're 'ere to see the famous Conrad 'Ilton, eh?

(*): People come from all over the world to 'ear 'im lecture. He's the 'ero of traders ev'rywhere.

(*): That foreign priest stayin' at the inn is in a right old state.

(*): Wot 'e needs is some feverfew root. Blimey, if you could get some o' that an' sell 'it, you'd make a fortune!

(*): If you're lookin' for a room, you've come to the right place!

(*): The best room in town is vacant tonight, an' it's got your name on it!

(*): Meow.

(*): Conrad 'Ilton used to be an adventurer back in 'is day.

(*): He collected all sorts o' treasures, an' then made a fortune by sellin' 'em off. He's the best businessman in the world, I reckon.

(*): Ah-phew...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Howdy there, Hero!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I've already been learnin' heaps of stuff from ol' Conrad Ilton over there. He's dreadful clever.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: He says business ain't just about money, it's about puttin' a smile on folk's faces, too. Now ain't that nice?

Conrad 'Ilton: Y'wot? You wanna ask if I'm the geezer who knows a lot about the ocean?

Conrad 'Ilton: You muppet! I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: I ain't got time for lightweights. Do yer homework properly next time before you start askin' questions.

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice answer. Yep, I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: The name's Conrad 'Ilton. That's 'Ilton wiv an haitch. I'd say you've got promise, (son/girl).

Conrad 'Ilton: So... Reckon you're game? Wanna 'ave a bash at my little test?

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice! Here's the question... Wot's the single most important thing when it comes to business?

Hero: ...?

Conrad 'Ilton: I couldn't 'ave said it better meself. You're right! Silence is golden, as they say.

Hero: ???

Conrad 'Ilton: Tell you wot, I'll give you me old treasure map for doin' so well.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across it when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: It's yours!

(Character) obtains the treasure map!

Conrad 'Ilton: Maybe you'll be able to find the treasure, eh? You should give it a go.

Conrad 'Ilton: Fair enough. But I ain't interested in lightweights, so don't waste no more of my time.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across that treasure map when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: I reckon you've got a good chance of findin' it, though. Give it a go, Hero!

(*): Old Ilton is a real enterpreter- I mean, entropronerd... Er, he certainly knows a thing or two when it comes to business, anyway.

(*): He reckons you gotta sell ideas to people, not just stuff. It's a tricky old game.

(*): My father's a trader, don't you know. That's why I'm here, trying to learn a bit about business.

(*): It's hard to imagine what the man next to me is gaining from all this, mind you. No doubt Mr. Ilton would call him a lightweight! Tee hee hee!

(*): Meeeow.

(*): People call him the God of Trade, so I had to come and see what was so special. But he's just a wrinkly old man!

(*): Conrad Ilton's his name. He's giving a lecture on that platform over there.

(*): Mintos may be a big place now, but it was nothing before Conrad Ilton came along.

(*): He's the one who built that lovely inn of ours, and once he did, it wasn't long before travellers started flocking here.

(*): The place transformed into a prosperous town almost overnight. And it's all thanks to Mr. Ilton.

(*): Woof!

(*): When I was a bit younger, I was really ill just like that bloke at the inn.

(*): But then some woman from Parthenia come along an' give me some feverfew root. I was right as rain in no time.

(*): We're bloomin' good, eh? We're 'elpin' out wiv the 'ousework, see.

(*): I 'ad a bash at old 'Ilton's test, y'know.

(*): I still ain't figured out the answer, though. I really wanted that treasure map, an' all.

(*): Whew! I am well an' truly dragged out, yes sirree! That ol' man Ilton sure has a tough ol' way o' dealing with folk.

(*): Maybe I've done gone an' made a mistake comin' to be his apprentice an' all.

(*): On the south-eastern side of the Siroc continent lies the tiny Empire of Parthenia, renowned for its miraculous medicinal crops.

(*): When I mentioned it to the princess who was staying at the inn, she dashed off without another word!

Borya: As you are seeing, my travelling fellow is very sickened.

Borya: Our mistress, the royal Tsarevna Alena, is gone alone to locate medicines. I am concerning for her safety also.

Borya: I know it is eccentric to request favour from strange person, but I am seeing you have kind heart.

Borya: Will you locate Tsarevna for me, and give to her some assistance?

Borya: Yoy! Thank you so very much! I am dubbed Borya. I will also accompany with you.

Borya joins the party!

Borya: Very well. I am going a little advanced to request from innkeeper nursing of Kiryl.

Borya: I am waiting afterwards that you come out to wagon. See you momentarily!

Borya: Nyet? This I expected.

Kiryl: Uuurgh...

Kiryl: Uuurgh...

(*): Ah... Ah... Aaaaah...

(*): Ah-chew! It's a bit chilly of a night, eh? Still, welcome to Mintos an' all that.

(*): Huh? Looks like I must've been asleep. That old man's lecturin' is enough to start anyone off countin' sheep.

(*): Well, ain't no use in fightin' it, I s'pose. Kip time! Night, night.

(*): Truth is, ever since the first time I saw you...

(*): Please, my child, say no more. I am promised to the Goddess.

Conrad 'Ilton: I opened up me inn thinkin' I could pick travellers' brains about where that treasure on me map might be.

Conrad 'Ilton: But I reckon I'm prob'ly rich enough now, eh? I ain't got time to bother wiv treasure no more.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sounds like the start of old man Ilton's success was buildin' an inn right here.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: That sure gets me thinkin'...

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): My hometown lies far to the south of the Siroc continent, don't you know. We have a small but rather grand castle, even if I do say so myself.

(*): It's been some time since I was last there. I do hope they've managed to cultivate some feverfew by now.

(*): There was a tough bloke 'ere a while back called Ragnar or the like.

(*): Bit like you 'e was, travellin' 'ere from a long way away.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): I'm beat! It's mighty fine to be able to cool off my heels at long last. Drummin' up business ain't as easy as it looks.

(*): That new apprentice, Hank Hoffman Junior, sure works real hard.

(*): He goes pickin' Ilton's brains even after he's done a hard day's work.

(*): Hic! Hic! Hic!

(*): I've been done smilin' all day long an' now my body's really kickin' up a row.

(*): The most important rule o' business is keepin' a smile on your face by hook or by crook. But it sure ain't easy.

(*): I've been thinkin' to meself about becomin' one of 'Ilton's apprentices, like.

(*): I dunno, though. It looks like bleedin' 'ard work. Maybe I ain't cut out for it.

(*): Ah-phew...

Parthenia, first visit

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(*): If you travel a long way south-east of here, you come to the Empire of Parthenia.

(*): Oink oink...

(*): Welcome to the mighty Empire of Parthenia! Home of the miraculous feverfew plant, the finest panacea known to man!

(*): Of course, our material wealth is waning somewhat now... But we still have a rich tradition and strong pride to uphold!

(*): Who are you looking for, did you say? Well, there was a young princess here by the name of Alena.

(*): Was she alone? Oh, no. There were at least three men with her. I seem to recall a knight, a trader and a rather tough-looking fellow, too.

No answer...

It's just a scarecrow.

(*): Welcome to the Imperial Palace. You may enter at will.

(*): Moooo, moooo...

(*): Look, Marmaduke! You can see our faces in the pond!

(*): Moooo!

(*): I've been ploughing these fields for more than thirty years, I have.

(*): What? Feverfew? No. There's none left now. The whole crop was wiped out in the drought five years ago.

(*): I'm into carrots and marrows. That's the future now, (sir/madam).

(*): Welcome, (stranger/strangers)! I am Claudius, Emperor of Parthenia. Though times have been hard since we lost our feverfew crop.

Emperor Claudius: My predecessor, Emperor Crescentius, secreted away some of the precious feverfew seeds in the Imperial Pantry south of here.

Emperor Claudius: But monsters have taken up residence there now. The pantry is all but inaccessible.

Emperor Claudius: My empire is crippled! So I must apologise, (sir/madam). If I only had some feverfew seeds, I would gladly grant your wish.

Emperor Claudius: G-Good Goddess! Feverfew seeds! At last!

Emperor Claudius: Quickly, now! You must sow them in the soil here. They shan't take long to grow.

Hero sows the feverfew seeds in the furrows.

Feverfew shoots start popping up all over the place as everyone looks on in disbelief!

Emperor Claudius: Thank you, (good sir/my lady). You have saved the Empire!

Emperor Claudius: I should like you to take a feverfew root with you as a trophy of this most auspicious occasion.

(Character) receives a feverfew root.

(*): Meooow.

(*): Ah! You arrived here from Mintos, did you? My daughter moved there when she was married, you know.

(*): I've a couple of delightful grandchildren there now, too. I wonder how they are...

(*): You are in the Imperial Throneroom!

(*): Are you here for an audience with the Emperor? His Imperial Highness is presently occupied in the...erm...fields.

(*): I'm sorry to say that our empire is in such a dire situation that even the Emperor must work like a commoner.

(*): His Imperial Highness is a jolly decent gent.

(*): But even all his hard work isn't enough to reunite us with our former prosperity. Not since we lost the feverfew crop.

(*): It's a dreadful shame for everyone, including the Emperor.

(*): Zzz... Zzz... Wake up, Marmaduke... Wake...zzz...

(*): Oh, yes. Night fishing's the only way!

(*): I nearly hooked a devilfish the other day, you know. It was huge! No, really! I did!

(*): Welcome to the Imperial Palace. The Emperor is currently taking his repose.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-hm? I'm just happy to have a roof over my head these days.

(*): Ah-phew...

Emperor Claudius: Ah-few... Ah-few... Curse you, you monsterzzz... Get out of the pantry! Ah-few... Ah-fever-few...

(*): What? Feverfew seeds! Oh, you must tell His Imperial Highness at once! He'll be ecstatic!

(*): Except...he's exhausted himself today. He's sleeping like a log. Come back first thing in the morning, though!

Imperial Pantry of Parthenia

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Alena: So this is cave where is to be found these feverfew seed.

Alena: That door, it is locked. Very well...

Alena: Hi-yaaa!

Alena: Door is no longer locked. We can go.

(*): I thought Miss Alena had the thief's key.

(*): I suppose she just really wanted to kick it down, eh? Oh well. The result's the same, I suppose. On we go!

Alena: I mind you are also searching this feverfew seed?

Alena: But feverfew seed will be mine!

Alena: Aya! Borya? It is you!

Alena: I do not understand. Why you are here in location like this?

Alena: You decide to journey with those people to locate feverfew seed?

Alena: Pah! So weak-looking! Your friends are of no concern for me.

Alena: We are capable to locate feverfew seed without assistance. We will save Kiryl!

Alena: Aya! Borya? It is you!

Alena: Is Kiryl safe? Why you are coming to such a place?

Alena: There is no necessity for worry of me.

Alena: We are capable to locate feverfew seed without assistance. We will save Kiryl!

(*): Fancy seeing you here! You remember me, don't you? We met back at Casabranca Castle.

(*): Sorry we couldn't let you join us back then. There were too many people in the group as it was.

(*): We're on a journey to prevent the Lord of the Underworld from destroying the world.

(*): Up ahead there is Tsarevna Alena. She's travelling with us at the moment.

(*): We saved her... Well, she saved us, truth be told. And then we all came here together.

Parthenia, second visit

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(*): Oink oink...

(*): Welcome to the mighty Empire of Parthenia! Home of the miraculous feverfew plant, the finest panacea known to man!

(*): Goodness gracious! Are those feverfew seeds?

No answer...

It's just a scarecrow.

(*): Welcome to the Imperial Palace. You may enter at will.

(*): Moooo, moooo...

(*): Marmaduke and I are the best of friends, aren't we Marmaduke?

(*): Moo. Moooo!

(*): Moooo!

(*): I've been ploughing these fields for more than thirty years, I have.

(*): These days I'm working on the feverfew crop again. That's the future now, (sir/madam)!

Emperor Claudius: Ah, my feverfew! I'm redoubling my efforts in the fields now. By the Imperial Sweat of my Imperial Brow, the Empire shall flourish once more!

(*): Meooow.

(*): Ah! You arrived here from Mintos, did you? My daughter moved there when she was married, you know.

(*): I've a couple of delightful grandchildren there now, too. I wonder how they are...

(*): You are in the Imperial Throneroom!

(*): You are our (saviour/saviours)! The Empire is back on its feet at last.

(*): I should like to thank you personally for recovering the feverfew seeds from the Parthenian Pantry.

(*): At last our great empire will prosper again.

(*): Zzz... Zzz... Wake up, Marmaduke... Wake...zzz...

(*): Ooh! Ouch, ouch, ouch! I've been stung by a man o' war!

(*): Welcome to the Imperial Palace. The Emperor is currently taking his repose.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-hm? I'm just happy to have a roof over my head these days.

(*): Ah-phew...

Emperor Claudius: Ah-few... Ah-few... Ah-fever-few...

Mintos, second visit

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(*): Awright? Welcome to Mintos!

(*): No doubt you're 'ere to see the famous Conrad 'Ilton, eh?

(*): People come from all over the world to 'ear 'im lecture. He's the 'ero of traders ev'rywhere.

(*): That foreign priest stayin' at the inn is in a right old state.

(*): Wot 'e needs is some feverfew root. Blimey, if you could get some o' that an' sell 'it, you'd make a fortune!

(*): If you're lookin' for a room, you've come to the right place!

(*): The best room in town is vacant tonight, an' it's got your name on it!

(*): Meow.

(*): Conrad 'Ilton used to be an adventurer back in 'is day.

(*): He collected all sorts o' treasures, an' then made a fortune by sellin' 'em off. He's the best businessman in the world, I reckon.

(*): Ah-phew...

Conrad 'Ilton: Y'wot? You wanna ask if I'm the geezer who knows a lot about the ocean?

Conrad 'Ilton: You muppet! I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: I ain't got time for lightweights. Do yer homework properly next time before you start askin' questions.

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice answer. Yep, I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: The name's Conrad 'Ilton. That's 'Ilton wiv an haitch. I'd say you've got promise, (son/girl).

Conrad 'Ilton: So... Reckon you're game? Wanna 'ave a bash at my little test?

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice! Here's the question... Wot's the single most important thing when it comes to business?

Hero: ...?

Conrad 'Ilton: I couldn't 'ave said it better meself. You're right! Silence is golden, as they say.

Hero: ???

Conrad 'Ilton: Tell you wot, I'll give you me old treasure map for doin' so well.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across it when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: It's yours!

(Character) obtains the treasure map!

Conrad 'Ilton: Maybe you'll be able to find the treasure, eh? You should give it a go.

Conrad 'Ilton: Fair enough. But I ain't interested in lightweights, so don't waste no more of my time.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across that treasure map when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: I reckon you've got a good chance of findin' it, though. Give it a go, Hero!

(*): Old Ilton is a real enterpreter- I mean, entropronerd... Er, he certainly knows a thing or two when it comes to business, anyway.

(*): He reckons you gotta sell ideas to people, not just stuff. It's a tricky old game.

(*): My father's a trader, don't you know. That's why I'm here, trying to learn a bit about business.

(*): It's hard to imagine what the man next to me is gaining from all this, mind you. No doubt Mr. Ilton would call him a lightweight! Tee hee hee!

(*): Meeeow.

(*): People call him the God of Trade, so I had to come and see what was so special. But he's just a wrinkly old man!

(*): Conrad Ilton's his name. He's giving a lecture on that platform over there.

(*): Mintos may be a big place now, but it was nothing before Conrad Ilton came along.

(*): He's the one who built that lovely inn of ours, and once he did, it wasn't long before travellers started flocking here.

(*): The place transformed into a prosperous town almost overnight. And it's all thanks to Mr. Ilton.

(*): Woof!

(*): When I was a bit younger, I was really ill just like that bloke at the inn.

(*): But then some woman from Parthenia come along an' give me some feverfew root. I was right as rain in no time.

(*): We're bloomin' good, eh? We're 'elpin' out wiv the 'ousework, see.

(*): I 'ad a bash at old 'Ilton's test, y'know.

(*): I still ain't figured out the answer, though. I really wanted that treasure map, an' all.

(*): That Hoffman is a real bang-up guy. He works harder than you'd believe.

(*): I been here cleanin' the floor for five years now, but he's already takin' care o' the business. How the other half live, huh!?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I've already been left in charge here, y'know. There ain't no stoppin' me now!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all have a safe trip now, y'hear?

(*): The Tsarevna returned not long ago. She didn't seem very happy, I have to say.

(*): I wonder if her companion's health has deteriorated. It must be a terrible worry for her.

(*): Ah... Ah... Aaaaah...

(*): Ah-chew! It's a bit chilly of a night, eh? Still, welcome to Mintos an' all that.

(*): Huh? Looks like I must've been asleep. That old man's lecturin' is enough to start anyone off countin' sheep.

(*): Well, ain't no use in fightin' it, I s'pose. Kip time! Night, night.

(*): Truth is, ever since the first time I saw you...

(*): Please, my child, say no more. I am promised to the Goddess.

Conrad 'Ilton: I opened up me inn thinkin' I could pick travellers' brains about where that treasure on me map might be.

Conrad 'Ilton: But I reckon I'm prob'ly rich enough now, eh? I ain't got time to bother wiv treasure no more.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): My hometown lies far to the south of the Siroc continent, don't you know. We have a small but rather grand castle, even if I do say so myself.

(*): It's been some time since I was last there. I do hope they've managed to cultivate some feverfew by now.

(*): There was a tough bloke 'ere a while back called Ragnar or the like.

(*): Bit like you 'e was, travellin' 'ere from a long way away.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Whew! I am absolutely dragged out, I tell ya. Huh? The new guy Hoffman is still at work? Well, he's a stronger man than I am!

(*): That new guy Hoffman sure ain't no coffee boiler. He works harder than the rest of us folk put together.

(*): You can tell as soon as ya meet him that he's a real stand-up guy. I'd trust him with my best horse, an' that's sayin' somethin'.

(*): I been here cleanin' the floor for five years now.

(*): But that new guy Hoffman's already takin' care o' the business. I can't hold a candle to that now, can I?

(*): I've been thinkin' to meself about becomin' one of 'Ilton's apprentices, like.

(*): It ain't 'alf 'ard work 'ere, y'know. Maybe I should jack it in after all an' go an' live somewhere else.

Alena: I don't believe! You people, you have feverfew root?

Alena: I went to place, but I could not find nothing. I abandoned my hopes, but now I am so much happy!

Alena: Hurry! You must to give feverfew root at Kiryl.

Kiryl: Uuurgh...

Borya: We never forget our indebt for you if you do this deed.

(Character) mashes up the feverfew root and feeds it to Kiryl.

The colour comes back into Kiryl's cheeks almost instantaneously, and he suddenly recovers!

Kiryl: Uh... Oh! Tsarevna Alena! You are here!

Alena: Thanks to the Goddess! You are waken again.

Kiryl: I am so very much ashamed. My duty, it was for protecting you but...

Alena: Never mind any more, Kiryl. We must to continue our voyage and locate the Psaro the Manslayer.

Hero: ...!

Alena: What you are saying?

Alena: Oh! You are also searching this Psaro the Manslayer?

Kiryl: It appears the village Hero is living in previously suffered attack by this Psaro. Perhaps it would be wise if-

Alena: I have idea! We must to travel together. The more people we are, the merrier we are.

Alena and her companions join the party!

They hurry outside to wait in the wagon.

Alena: Borya! You are returned safely.

Alena: I was unable to locate feverfew root. Now I worry of what we can do.

Alena: Borya! You are returned safely.

Alena: I do not believe! You have feverfew root!?

Alena: You are very resourceful man, Borya. I was unable to locate, and yet here you have for what I search!

Alena: Hurry! You must to give feverfew root at Kiryl.

Kiryl: Uuurgh...

Borya mashes up the feverfew root and feeds it to Kiryl.

The colour comes back into Kiryl's cheeks almost instantaneously, and he suddenly recovers!

Kiryl: Uh... Oh! Tsarevna Alena! You are here!

Alena: Thanks to the Goddess! You are waken again.

Kiryl: I am so very much ashamed. My duty, it was for protecting you but...

Alena: Never mind any more, Kiryl. We must to continue our voyage and locate the Psaro the Manslayer.

Borya: ...So you see, Tsarevna, this is situation.

Alena: I am much surprised! There are other people also searching this Psaro the Manslayer?

Alena: These people, I would like to meet them. You will take me?

Alena: These people, I would like to meet them. You will take me?

Kiryl: I also am interested to meet searching people.

Alena: Borya tells me you are also searching Psaro the Manslayer. It is correct, Hero?

Kiryl: It appears the village Hero is living in previously suffered attack by this Psaro. Perhaps it would be wise if-

Alena: I have idea! We must to travel together. The more people we are, the merrier we are.

Alena and Kiryl join the party!

They hurry outside to wait in the wagon.

(*): Wait a minute! I know I shouldn't have been listening in, but I'm afraid I couldn't help myself.

(*): It sounds like we have the (hero/heroine) who will save the world among us, the great Hero!

(*): That chap who was staying here before, Ragnar McRyan, said something about how he was looking for a (hero/heroine).

(*): If my memory serves me correctly, he was off to the Palais de Léon, way over in Libeccio to the west.

They won't do any good if you give them to him as they are.

(*): Awright? Welcome to Mintos!

(*): No doubt you're 'ere to see the famous Conrad 'Ilton, eh?

(*): People come from all over the world to 'ear 'im lecture. He's the 'ero of traders ev'rywhere.

(*): If you 'ead directly west from 'ere by boat, you end up at the Palais de Léon.

(*): If you're lookin' for a room, you've come to the right place!

(*): The best room in town is vacant tonight, an' it's got your name on it!

(*): Meow.

(*): Conrad 'Ilton used to be an adventurer back in 'is day.

(*): He collected all sorts o' treasures, an' then made a fortune by sellin' 'em off. He's the best businessman in the world, I reckon.

(*): Ah-phew...

Conrad 'Ilton: Y'wot? You wanna ask if I'm the geezer who knows a lot about the ocean?

Conrad 'Ilton: You muppet! I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: I ain't got time for lightweights. Do yer homework properly next time before you start askin' questions.

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice answer. Yep, I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: The name's Conrad 'Ilton. That's 'Ilton wiv an haitch. I'd say you've got promise, (son/girl).

Conrad 'Ilton: So... Reckon you're game? Wanna 'ave a bash at my little test?

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice! Here's the question... Wot's the single most important thing when it comes to business?

Hero: ...?

Conrad 'Ilton: I couldn't 'ave said it better meself. You're right! Silence is golden, as they say.

Hero: ???

Conrad 'Ilton: Tell you wot, I'll give you me old treasure map for doin' so well.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across it when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: It's yours!

(Character) obtains the treasure map!

Conrad 'Ilton: Maybe you'll be able to find the treasure, eh? You should give it a go.

Conrad 'Ilton: Fair enough. But I ain't interested in lightweights, so don't waste no more of my time.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across that treasure map when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: I reckon you've got a good chance of findin' it, though. Give it a go, Hero!

(*): Old Ilton is a real enterpreter- I mean, entropronerd... Er, he certainly knows a thing or two when it comes to business, anyway.

(*): He reckons you gotta sell ideas to people, not just stuff. It's a tricky old game.

(*): My father's a trader, don't you know. That's why I'm here, trying to learn a bit about business.

(*): It's hard to imagine what the man next to me is gaining from all this, mind you. No doubt Mr. Ilton would call him a lightweight! Tee hee hee!

(*): Meeeow.

(*): People say the Marquis de Léon over to the west is a scary character, and Parthenia to the east doesn't really appeal either.

(*): Hmm... I'm stumped as to where I should go and sell my wares next, you know.

(*): Mintos may be a big place now, but it was nothing before Conrad Ilton came along.

(*): He's the one who built that lovely inn of ours, and once he did, it wasn't long before travellers started flocking here.

(*): The place transformed into a prosperous town almost overnight. And it's all thanks to Mr. Ilton.

(*): Woof!

(*): Them feverfew roots can cure any illness under the sun, but they taste like- Er, they're not very nice.

(*): I'm gonna make sure I don't get ill again, I'll tell ya that for nuffin'!

(*): I 'ope Dad an' everyone gets 'ome before my bed time tonight.

(*): I 'ad a bash at old 'Ilton's test, y'know.

(*): I still ain't figured out the answer, though. I really wanted that treasure map, an' all.

(*): That Hoffman is a real bang-up guy. He works harder than you'd believe.

(*): I been here cleanin' the floor for five years now, but he's already takin' care o' the business. How the other half live, huh!?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I've already been left in charge here, y'know. There ain't no stoppin' me now!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all have a safe trip now, y'hear?

(*): That chap who was staying here before, Ragnar McRyan, said something about how he was looking for a (hero/heroine).

(*): If my memory serves me correctly, he was off to the Palais de Léon, way over in Libeccio to the west.

(*): Ah... Ah... Aaaaah...

(*): Ah-chew! It's a bit chilly of a night, eh? Still, welcome to Mintos an' all that.

(*): Huh? Looks like I must've been asleep. That old man's lecturin' is enough to start anyone off countin' sheep.

(*): Well, ain't no use in fightin' it, I s'pose. Kip time! Night, night.

(*): Y'know... Next time you're free, maybe we could go an' spend the day by the seaside, eh?

(*): Please, my child, say no more. I am promised to the Goddess.

Conrad 'Ilton: That 'Offman Junior bloke's a mate of yours, right? I reckon 'e ain't a bad sort, that one.

Conrad 'Ilton: In fact, 'e's just the kind of apprentice I've been lookin' for. I'll make 'im a great trader like me before long!

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): My hometown lies far to the south of the Siroc continent, don't you know. We have a small but rather grand castle, even if I do say so myself.

(*): It's been some time since I was last there. I do hope they've managed to cultivate some feverfew by now.

(*): There was a tough bloke 'ere a while back called Ragnar or the like.

(*): Bit like you 'e was, travellin' 'ere from a long way away.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Whew! I am absolutely dragged out, I tell ya. Huh? The new guy Hoffman is still at work? Well, he's a stronger man than I am!

(*): That new guy Hoffman sure ain't no coffee boiler. He works harder than the rest of us folk put together.

(*): You can tell as soon as ya meet him that he's a real stand-up guy. I'd trust him with my best horse, an' that's sayin' somethin'.

(*): I been here cleanin' the floor for five years now.

(*): But that new guy Hoffman's already takin' care o' the business. I can't hold a candle to that now, can I?

(*): If you work long enough an' 'ard enough, you're bound to be rewarded in the end.

(*): So that young bloke 'Offman's bound to go far.

Desert Bazaar

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(Character) reads the sign.

"The desert bazaar done finished and moved on. We traders would like to thank y'all for yer patronage."

(*): Howdy! Are (ya/y'all) here to shop? Well, I do declare that the desert bazaar done closed up and moved away.

(*): Why, I myself just closed up shop, and I'm about to hightail it outta here. I dunno what'll become of this here place once we're gone.

Havre Léon

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(*): Zis is ze port of Havre Léon. Ships from 'ere sail to Endor in ze north.

(*): But ze ship zat left a while ago was ze last one. Zere will be no more.

(*): I wonder if ze- I mean, the...last ship that left for Endor got zere- Zut! I mean, there...all right...

(*): Where's Grandad got to? It'll be dinner time soon...

(*): What? The magic key, you say? No, I've never come across anything like that...

(*): ...for sale in my shop! Ha ha! But it exists! Oh, yes. I'm sure of that!

(*): In fact, I heard alchemists had perfected the recipe for making magic keys. Now where did I hear that again?

(*): Oh, yes. That's right. There used to be an alchemist in a little village south of here. It's called Aubout du Monde now, I think.

(*): Aaah...Endor... There's an enormous colosseum there, you know.

(*): I was a contestant once myself. Yes, I was quite a fighter in my younger years. Aaah...

(*): Ever since ze dancing girl and 'er sister escaped on ze boat to Endor, ze Marquis 'as tightened sécurité even more.

(*): No ships will be departing from zis port any more.

(*): My brother Yorick's been so depressed since this girl he met over here dumped him, I've come to get her to change her mind.

(*): Her name's Suzy apparently. I'm sure she'll come 'round when I tell her what a great lad Yorick is.

(*): Hi! I'm Suzy. It's very flattering that you're so eager to come "chez moi". Tee hee hee!

Suzy: But the pub doesn't open 'til the evening, I'm afraid. Pardon!

(*): Bar's not open yet. I'm still setting up.

(*): Mon Dieu! More visiteurs? Ze prisons 'ave more visiteurs zan ze pubs zese days...

(*): Listen 'ere. I 'eard there's some Master o' Darkness geezer pullin' the strings be'ind that Marquis Regent, Balzack.

(*): An' that ain't all. They say 'e ain't even 'uman!

(*): I was tellin' all this to some soldier called McRyan the other day. Well, 'e didn't take it as calmly as you are, I can tell ya!

(*): I wonder if zat prophétisserie near ze coast is still zere...

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh!

(*): So this is where Grandad's been all this time.

(*): I wonder why he misses Endor so much. You can't even see the place from here, either.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Ever since ze dancing girl and 'er sister escaped on ze boat to Endor, ze Marquis Régent 'as tightened sécurité even more.

(*): No ships will be departing from zis port any more.

(*): Everyone's talking about the Lord of the Underworld and how he's about to be resurrected.

(*): I don't know how much longer I'll be able to enjoy the night air like this.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Hey! What's taking so long? Where's my drink!?

Suzy: Hiya! I'm Suzy! Come on, dance with me!

(*): Just look at Suzy! She'd be wasted on my brother. I've already told her she shouldn't waste her time on him!

(*): You know the Endor Tourney? I heard it was a princess of all people who won it, you know!

(*): And there's more... When the princess went home after the competition, she found the castle she lived in totally empty!

(*): It's a funny old world, isn't it?

(*): Ze Marquis Régent Balzack is even more of a recluse zan before now.

(*): Thank 'eaven! At least now my compatriots and me can 'ave a few drinks sometimes. Hic!

(*): Oh, I am rushed off ze feet! Look 'ow much zey are all drinking! It's one order after another.

(*): Come in, come in! Drink, dance, drink, sing, drink and be merry! That's the spirit!

House of Prophecy

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Nun the Wiser: Welcome to zis prophétisserie, my (child/children). An 'oly place where ze Goddess speaks to us from above.

Nun the Wiser: A soldier of great fame, Ragnar McRyan of Burland, came 'ere once in search of a great ('ero/'eroine).

Nun the Wiser: And ze Goddess described to Ragnar what zis great one looked like.

Nun the Wiser: Ze light is growing stronger. Ze time is near when ze ('ero/'eroine) will appear.

Mamon mine, first visit

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(*): Welcome to Mamon Mine. Or should I say, good luck to you in Mamon Mine? This is no place for people now.

(*): There was a man mourning by this grave before. But he's gone the same way as his wife now...

(*): There's a funny-smellin' gas comin' out o' the mine. People are droppin' like flies. We've all 'ad it!

(*): Grrr...

No reply. It's just a corpse.
But a letter remains tightly clasped in one of its hands...
"Dear Dad,
Please come home soon.
Jack and I are so lonely.
"We'll both come to visit you soon.
Love, Jill"

(Character) reads the sign.

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "HERE LIES HELEN, MY BELOVED WIFE."

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

(*): Ahem, (splutter) AHEM! I don't even know if I'll - Uuurgh! - be here tomorrow...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): What are you doing here!? You'd better leave, or you'll end up like the person next-door!

(*): Me? Oh, no. I've always looked after the sick and injured, me. I couldn't leave. Not now.

(*): Ahem! (cough cough) If ya value yer life, ya won't go down that mine.

(*): Ever since that weird gas started - Ahem! - seepin' out, there's been monsters by the cartload down there. Ahem...

(*): Fiery misfortune on any who would destroy these ruins! (sizzle sizzle)

(*): Frizzle and Kasizzle if you dig any more! (sizzle sizzle)

(*): Poor Grandpa lived for his work. But gunpowder was banned as soon as the Marquis Regent replaced the old king.

(*): Grandpa's been miserable ever since.

(*): I'm sorry, my (child/children), but I'm weary. I've been dealing with the sick all day long.

(*): Aaah... If you come back in the morning, - Ahymn! - the Goddess will surely bless you... Ahymn, ahymn!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Ahem... Ahem, ahem... There's still gold down this mine. Mine gold! Ah ha ha! Get it? ...Ahem!

(*): I'm not leaving 'til I- Ahem! Uuurgh... AHEM!

(*): Careful! There's monsters down here. Loads of them!

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): I had a lot of friends here once.

But they're all dead now.

(*): It's about time I left this town, I think. Ahem, (cough) ahem!

(Character) examines the gravestone.
There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

(*): Work my fingers to the bone, ♪ So my wife won't moan an' groan! ♪

(*): I can unearth monsters, I can hit gas, but until I find gold, I'm not shifting!

Palais de Léon, first visit

(*): Zis is ze great Palais de Léon!

(*): We 'ave just caught a wandering knight trying to sneak inside ze castle.

(*): Ze Marquis is going to interrogate 'im personally. Once ze Marquis 'as sealed 'is fate, zere is nothing anyone can do.

(*): 'E will not be long for zis life now...

(*): Helloo. My name's Healie. I'm a glob-trotter, too.

Healie: Can't you do something to help my friend, Ragnar? They've taken him away inside the castle.

Healie: If only I had that magic key, I could squeeeeze my way inside and save him.

Healie: Yes, an old goofriend of mine told me all about the magic key. She lives underground in Aubout du Monde.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

Amazing! (he/she) discovers some steps...

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

Aubout du Monde & Gupta Gupha

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(*): Welcome to...Aubout du Monde! I don't know what the name means, but doesn't it sound great!?

(*): Oh, silly me. You're Mr. Mahabala's (daughters/daughter), aren't you? Welcome back, then.

(*): Mooooo!

(*): I heard our famous alchemist, Mr. Mahabala, was killed for tryin' to destroy somethin' called the Secret of Evolution.

(*): Isn't evolution all that fancy stuff about monkeys turnin' into men an' the like?

(*): I can't begin to imagine what humans would look like if they evolutioned any more.

(*): I saw a slime, I did. Right here in the village!

(*): Poor Puppadom didn't know what to make of it. Once he sniffed it out he wouldn't stop yapping at it.

(*): Neeeigh!

(*): Neeeigh!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

Puppadom: Bhau wau!

(*): Hello? Puppadom likes you, doesn't he?

(*): Or maybe he's smellin' a slime on you.

(*): Been in contact with any slimes recently, have you? No, never mind. It's none of my business.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Guru Mahabala. Practitioner of Rasatantra Alchemy."

(Character) examines the gravestone.

"Here lies Mahabala-jee, master of the ancient-ancient art of rasatantra alchemy."

(*): Ah-ha! There's (a couple of faces/a face) I won't forget in a hurry!

(*): Aubout du Monde, as we're now rather grandly called, wouldn't dream of charging its own for accommodation.

(*): It's free to you. Would you like to stay?

(*): Lovely. Have a good rest then, (girls/my love).

(*): Sleep well, did you? Well, mind how you go, now.

(*): No? As you wish, then. Take care, now.

(*): I'm a travelling salesman.

(*): I was at the desert bazaar in Maestral until recently, but that's finished now.

(*): So I'm on my way south. To Laissez Fayre.

(*): Anyway, seeing as we're having this little chat, perhaps we can do some impromptu business?

(*): I'm a travelling salesman.

(*): I was at the desert bazaar in Maestral until recently. Did you hear they've set up a new town there?

(*): I'd love to see what it's like. But sightseeing can wait. There's business to be done!

(*): Maya!

(*): Meena!

(*): You're alive! Well, that's a weight off my mind, I can tell you.

(*): What? The magic key? Oh, yes. I'm sure that lovely Oojam fellow had something like that. You know, Mr. Mahabala's student.

(*): Don't be mean to me. I'm not a bad slime, you know. I promise! (slurp)

(*): See, I'll even tell you something. This wasn't Mr. Mahabala's only laboratory. He had another, super-squishy one!

(*): It was in the cave to the west. The magic key's there, goo. It'll be useful to you.

(*): You wouldn't believe the taxes we have to pay now under the new marquis regent. That's why I'm havin' to work so late.

(*): The old king wasn't half so strict. It's a right flamin' liberty, if you ask me.

Puppadom: (whine whine)

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Zzz...

(*): I came here looking for the secret alchemist's laboratory.

(*): But there's just no way to get further down in this cave. I've looked everywhere.

(*): All I know is that there's some switch at the bottom of a treasure chest somewhere that's supposed to uncover the way down.

There's a switch at the bottom of the chest! Press it?

(Character) examines the treasure chest.
There's a night light inside!
(Character) obtains the night light.

There's a switch at the bottom of the chest! Press it?

Mintos, third visit

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(*): Awright? Welcome to Mintos!

(*): No doubt you're 'ere to see the famous Conrad 'Ilton, eh?

(*): People come from all over the world to 'ear 'im lecture. He's the 'ero of traders ev'rywhere.

(*): If you're lookin' for a room, you've come to the right place!

(*): The best room in town is vacant tonight, an' it's got your name on it!

(*): Meow.

(*): Conrad 'Ilton used to be an adventurer back in 'is day.

(*): He collected all sorts o' treasures, an' then made a fortune by sellin' 'em off. He's the best businessman in the world, I reckon.

(*): Ah-phew...

Conrad 'Ilton: Y'wot? You wanna ask if I'm the geezer who knows a lot about the ocean?

Conrad 'Ilton: You muppet! I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: I ain't got time for lightweights. Do yer homework properly next time before you start askin' questions.

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice answer. Yep, I don't only know about the ocean. I know ev'ryfin there is to know about ev'ryfin!

Conrad 'Ilton: The name's Conrad 'Ilton. That's 'Ilton wiv an haitch. I'd say you've got promise, (son/girl).

Conrad 'Ilton: So... Reckon you're game? Wanna 'ave a bash at my little test?

Conrad 'Ilton: Nice! Here's the question... Wot's the single most important thing when it comes to business?

Hero: ...?

Conrad 'Ilton: I couldn't 'ave said it better meself. You're right! Silence is golden, as they say.

Hero: ???

Conrad 'Ilton: Tell you wot, I'll give you me old treasure map for doin' so well.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across it when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: It's yours!

(Character) obtains the treasure map!

Conrad 'Ilton: Maybe you'll be able to find the treasure, eh? You should give it a go.

Conrad 'Ilton: Fair enough. But I ain't interested in lightweights, so don't waste no more of my time.

Conrad 'Ilton: I come across that treasure map when I was a nipper, but I never did figure out where the treasure was.

Conrad 'Ilton: I reckon you've got a good chance of findin' it, though. Give it a go, Hero!

(*): Old Ilton is a real enterpreter- I mean, entropronerd... Er, he certainly knows a thing or two when it comes to business, anyway.

(*): He reckons you gotta sell ideas to people, not just stuff. It's a tricky old game.

(*): My father's a trader, don't you know. That's why I'm here, trying to learn a bit about business.

(*): It's hard to imagine what the man next to me is gaining from all this, mind you. No doubt Mr. Ilton would call him a lightweight! Tee hee hee!

(*): Meeeow.

(*): Woof!

(*): That bloke who was 'ere before went off to set up 'is own town or suchlike.

(*): Wot was 'is name again...? Oh yeah. 'Offman, it was.

(*): Plenty of people seem to be quite taken with the idea of upping sticks and starting afresh somewhere new.

(*): I bet they'd be thrilled if someone could come along and find them the kind of place they're looking for.

(*): Conrad 'Ilton built this place, y'know. There was nuffin' 'ere before 'e set up 'is inn.

(*): An' now that apprentice of 'is, 'Offman, 'as gone off to set up a town of 'is own, too.

(*): I'll be prayin' to the Goddess for 'im that 'e's as successful as old 'Ilton was 'ere.

(*): Them feverfew roots can cure any illness under the sun, but they taste like- Er, they're not very nice.

(*): I'm gonna make sure I don't get ill again, I'll tell ya that for nuffin'!

(*): I 'ope Dad an' everyone gets 'ome before my bed time tonight.

(*): I 'ad a bash at old 'Ilton's test, y'know.

(*): I still ain't figured out the answer, though. I really wanted that treasure map, an' all.

(*): You're lookin' for Hoffman? That guy's outta here.

(*): Conrad Ilton told him to go off an' make his own way because he'd taught him all there is to know.

(*): That chap who was staying here before, Ragnar McRyan, said something about how he was looking for a (hero/heroine).

(*): If my memory serves me correctly, he was off to the Palais de Léon, way over in Libeccio to the west.

(*): Ah... Ah... Aaaaah...

(*): Ah-chew! It's a bit chilly of a night, eh? Still, welcome to Mintos an' all that.

(*): Huh? Looks like I must've been asleep. That old man's lecturin' is enough to start anyone off countin' sheep.

(*): Well, ain't no use in fightin' it, I s'pose. Kip time! Night, night.

(*): If this flower does anythin' for ya, why don't you 'ave it? As a symbol of me feelings an' all that.

(*): Please, my child, say no more. I am promised to the Goddess.

Conrad 'Ilton: If you're lookin' for 'Offman, you've come to the wrong place.

Conrad 'Ilton: I ain't got nothin' more to teach the lad, so I told 'im to be off.

Conrad 'Ilton: If all's goin' well, 'e should've set up 'is own little town somewhere by now.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): My hometown lies far to the south of the Siroc continent, don't you know. We have a small but rather grand castle, even if I do say so myself.

(*): It's been some time since I was last there. I do hope they've managed to cultivate some feverfew by now.

(*): I ain't seen that 'Offman bloke for a while now. Maybe 'e left town, eh?

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): I wonder what that Hoffman guy's up to these days.

(*): He sure was a mighty fine fellow. I hope he's doin' well for himself.

(*): We gotta work harder than ever now that guy Hoffman set the standard so high!

(*): Maybe I should 'ave a bash at becomin' one of 'Ilton's apprentices after all.

(*): Do I know a guy called Hank Hoffman Junior? Why, sure I do. But he ain't here no more.

(*): The guy finished his apprenticeship an' headed off someplace to set up his own town, just like Ilton.

(*): Where did he go? Gee, I ain't sure.

(*): Mur-mur-mur!

Zamoksva castle, first visit

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(*): Sssss... This is Zamoksva Castle. Or it used to be. Now it belongs to us monsters!

(*): Leave now or prepare to die! Sssss...

(*): This castle belongs to us. If humans try to enter, they will be shot down in flames!

(*): Don't play with fire, human! You'll never get close to our treasure. Now leave! Sssss...

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.

Palais de Léon, second visit

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(*): Helloo. My name's Healie. I'm a glob-trotter, too.

Healie: Can't you do something to help my friend, Ragnar? They've taken him away inside the castle.

Healie: If only I had that magic key, I could squeeeeze my way inside and save him.

(*): Zis is ze great Palais de Léon!

(*): We 'ave just caught a wandering knight trying to sneak inside ze castle.

(*): Ze Marquis is going to interrogate 'im personally. Once ze Marquis 'as sealed 'is fate, zere is nothing anyone can do.

(*): 'E will not be long for zis life now...

(*): Zis is a matter most strange... I feel like I can 'ear voices coming from under my feet.

(*): Zey say zere is a new town set up in ze desert near Zamoksva to ze north.

(*): I thought maybe I could see it from 'ere, but, quel dommage, it is too far away.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.
Amazing! (he/she) discovers some steps...

(*): I 'ave 'ad a report vis-Ã -vis ze construction of a new town in ze desert in Maestral.

(*): What imbéciles would create a new town at a time like- Mon Dieu! Why am I talking wiz (a total stranger/ze total strangers)!?

(*): Zis is ze room of moi, ze chancellor du château! Leave, or I will 'ave you thrown in jail!

(*): Heh heh heh! Come back, you little coquette! Let me get my 'ands on you!

(*): Non! Move! 'E'll catch me!

(*): He he he... I am ze researcher of magic for ze castle.

(*): Pardon? What kind of magic? He he he... Zat is something I cannot reveal to you, my friend. Not ever!

(*): Haute cuisine and fine wine... Ah, ze joie de vivre. It is paradise on earth 'ere!

(*): Each time zere is a new ruler 'ere, everything changes. Ze language, ze accent. I cannot feel safe 'ere.

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): Heh heh! You can't get away from me! Heh heh heh!

(*): Non! Non, monsieur! 'E's going to catch me!

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... Ah-ah-choo! Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo...

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... More-maidens... More-maidens...

(*): For ze Secret of Evolution... More souls...of ze young maidens... Ah-phoo...

(*): The fellow over there says all kinds of funny stuff in his sleep. It keeps me awake, it does.

(*): Nothing is too decadent for zis place. No frivolité too much. Oh là là, I am in 'eaven!

Guard: C-Come quietly, or zere will be trouble!

Ragnar: Wheesht! A wee nyaff like you cannae stop the mighty Ragnar McRyan!

Ragnar: Mon! (You're/Youse are) travellin' aboot wi' the chosen (hero/heroine), are (you/youse)?

Ragnar: Then could (you/youse) bring (him/her) tae me as soon as possible?

Ragnar: I've been travellin' a long time noo in search o' the chosen (hero/heroine). I cannae wait tae meet (him/her).

Ragnar: Losh! Yer appearance, yer dress... It's just hoo I was expectin' it tae be. The legend was right!

Ragnar: So Ragnar McRyan finally manages tae find the chosen (hero/heroine).

Ragnar: I've travelled far an' wide tae find ye, Hero. All over the world, I've been!

Ragnar: Not that noo's the time for me tae be complainin' of achin' feet, mind ye.

Ragnar: Inside this room here is one o' the evil monsters oot tae destroy the whole world.

Ragnar: Let's break the door doon together an' show him whit we're made of, shall we?

Ragnar: In we gae!

(*): You! You 'ave no business being in 'ere!

Ragnar: I'll take care o' things here. Ye gae after the Marquis de Léon, Hero. Hurry!

Ragnar: Whit are ye waitin' for, Hero? Leave this tae me an' sort oot the Marquis!

(*): Who are you!? Zis is ze chamber of ze Marquis de Léon!

It's a statue of a valiant warrior.

(*): I am ze Marquis de Léon. Psaro ze Manslayer 'as appointed me ruler of zis land.

Marquis de Léon: Oh! I see we 'ave met before. You are ze (girls/girl) who came for my 'enchman, Balzack, non?

Marquis de Léon: I regret to inform you zat 'e is no longer 'ere. Quel dommage!

Marquis de Léon: But your timing is perfect. Ze ennui was becoming too much for me. Now I will show to you just 'ow feeble you 'umans really are.

Marquis de Léon: And you will feel ze anger and 'atred for your Goddess zat she created such a worthless race!

Ragnar: (Ye're the one/Youse are the ones) travellin' aboot wi' the chosen (hero/heroine), aren't (ye/youse)?

Ragnar: There's still a fight needs fightin' here. Can ye hurry an' bring the (hero/heroine) tae me?

Ragnar: Och, ye're here, Hero! I've been waitin' for ye.

Ragnar: Never mind aboot whit's happened afore. The real fight starts noo!

Ragnar: In we gae!

Marquis de Léon: Non! Zis is... Zis is... Zis is not possible! What is ze meaning of zis!?

Marquis de Léon: You must be... Oui! I 'ave been blasé. You are ze ('ero/'eroine) zey say will defeat ze Lord of ze Underworld.

Marquis de Léon: Hmph! A true...('ero/'eroine) would already 'ave...disposed of Psaro ze- Uuuurgh!

Prince Leon: What on- What's going on? And where am I? I have the strangest feeling that I was talking in some foreign language just now...

Prince Leon: I feel like I've just woken up from the strangest dream. I can't remember what I've been doing...

(*): What's going on? I can't remember anything I've been doing...

Ragnar: That was incredible, Hero. Ye really are a (hero/heroine), eh?

Ragnar: But that was just the first step tae stoppin' the evil that's threatenin' oor world.

Ragnar: The fight isnae over yet.

Ragnar: I'm gaein' tae join up wi' ye tae save the world from bein' destroyed. It's the least I can do, (laddie/lassie).

Ragnar joins the party!

Ragnar: I'll be waitin' for ye oot in the wagon.

Palais de Léon, third visit

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(*): Zis is ze great Palais de Léon!

(*): But, au contraire, it is not great anymore.

Healie: Helloo. I'm a glob-trotter called Healie.

Healie: I just saw my friend Ragnar goo by with a great big smile on his face.

Healie: Tell him I hope his glob-trotting gooes well, and make sure he doesn't get squished by anyone.

Healie: And tell him that I ooze him one.

(*): Ze voices I could 'ear coming from under my feet are no more. What could zey 'ave been?

(*): Zey say zere is a new town set up in ze desert near Zamoksva to ze north.

(*): I thought maybe I could see it from 'ere, but, quel dommage, it is too far away.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

Amazing! (he/she) discovers some steps...

(*): Zut alors! You 'ave defeated ze Marquis!? Oh là là! Don't 'urt- I mean, please don't hurt me!

(*): The Marquis forced me to be his chancellor. And he forced me to speak "like zat".

(*): Oh, if only I wasn't such a coward, I could have helped (you/you all)!

(*): Wait! Perhaps I still can...

(*): Did you know that Balzack has taken up residence in Zamoksva? Well? That helped, didn't it?

(Character) examines the wall.

There's a button concealed in the stonework. Press it?

A hidden door opens up in the wall!

(*): Non! Move! She'll catch me!

(*): Zat man 'as been chasing me around and around and around. I've 'ad it up to 'ere wiz 'im!

(*): He he he... You are too late. I 'ave already done it.

(*): Ze Secret of Evolution is already in Lord Psaro's 'ands. He he he...

(*): What? I was very nearly on ze operating table for ze Marquis's exprimentation into ze Secret of Evolution?

(*): Non! Non! I cannot bear it! Not ze Secret of Evolution! Erm...what is zis Secret of Evolution?

(*): What happened to me? What's been going on?

Prince Leon: I simply can't remember any of it! What on earth have I been doing all this time?

It's a statue of a valiant warrior.

(*): I want to thank you. It seems peace will finally return to our land.

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): Please, mademoiselle... Forgive me! Woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof!

(*): I will not forgive you 'til you 'ave run around one 'undred times. And don't forget to bark like ze dog zat you are!

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... Ah-... Ah-... Ah-...choo! Ah-phoo...

(*): Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo... More-maidens... More-maidens...

(*): Ze young maidens... Oui, ze young maidenzzz...

(*): The fellow over there says all kinds of funny stuff in his sleep. It keeps me awake, it does.

House of Prophecy, second visit

Nun the Wiser: Hero"¦ Ze time 'as come.

Nun the Wiser: Now zat you are united with ze Chosen, finalement you are ready to face ze dark evil.

Nun the Wiser: Ze dark evil zat 'as risen from ze depths of 'ell... Ze Lord of ze Underworld, Esta-

Nun the Wiser: ...Aaargh!

Zamoksva castle, second visit

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(*): Hee hee hee! Thith cathle belongth to uth now, the montherth! Zamokthva ith ourth!

(*): And Baalzack ith the new ruler!

(*): This castle belongs to us. If humans try to enter, they will be shot down in flames!

(*): Leave now, (human/humans), or prepare to die! Sssss...

(*): Don't play with fire, human! You'll never get close to our treasure. Now leave! Sssss...

(*): Hee hee! Perfect timing!

(*): I wath feeling a bit peckith!

(*): Baalzack workth uth to the bone, you know.

(*): It'th him you thould be picking a fight with, not me.

(*): Sssss... This is Zamoksva Castle. Or it used to be. Now it belongs to us monsters!

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

(*): That thtinky Baalzack hath a lot to anther for...

(*): I wouldn't lithen to any of hith thtupid orderth. But Ptharo the Manthlayer told uth we have to.

Marquis: 'Uman (imbécile/imbéciles)! Zis is my castle now. ...Oh?

Marquis: I 'ave a sense of déjà vu. Ze (daughters/daughter) of Mahabala, non? What a plaisir to see you again!

Marquis: You do not recognise me, per'aps? It is I, Balzack. But I am stronger zan before. Now zey call me Baalzack!

Baalzack: Regard ze result of my évolution extraordinaire! Zis is ze closest you will ever come to seeing ze form of a god!

Baalzack: Zere is only one- Non! In zis form I am stronger even zan Psaro ze Manslayer 'imself!

Baalzack: Listen well, (mes filles/ma fille). I know 'ow you must miss your father... But soon you will join 'im!

Marquis: 'Uman (imbécile/imbéciles)! What business do you 'ave in zis castle? ...Ah, it is you...

Marquis: Ze original (in'abitant/in'abitants), non? Ah ha ha! Welcome 'ome!

Marquis: But zis is my castle now. Ze castle of Baalzack!

Baalzack: If you desire to 'ave your castle back, you will 'ave to defeat me!

Baalzack: Regard ze result of my évolution extraordinaire! Zis is ze closest you will ever come to seeing ze form of a god!

Baalzack: Zere is only one- Non! In zis form I am stronger even zan Psaro ze Manslayer 'imself!

Baalzack: Bien! You will grovel in ze presence of such might!

Marquis: 'Uman (imbécile/imbéciles)! What business do you 'ave in zis castle?

Marquis: But zis is my castle now. Ze castle of Baalzack!

Baalzack: Regard ze result of my évolution extraordinaire! Zis is ze closest you will ever come to seeing ze form of a god!

Baalzack: I am more mighty zan 'umans. I am more mighty zan ze monsters! You will grovel in ze presence of such might!

Baalzack: Zere is only one- Non! In zis form I am stronger even zan Psaro ze Manslayer 'imself!

Baalzack: So attack me at your peril, pathétique (worm/worms)!

Baalzack: (Idiot/Idiots)! You come for ze encore!?

Baalzack: Regard ze result of my évolution extraordinaire! Zis is ze closest you will ever come to seeing ze form of a god!

Baalzack: Zere is only one outcome to zis bêtise, zis folie! I cannot be defeated!

Baalzack: Non! Zis is...is impossible... Nothing can surpass zis évolution I 'ave undergone...

Baalzack: Ze Secret of Evolution will save me from, from, frouuurgh!

(*): Thith experiment hath officially failed. I mutht inform Lord Ptharo immediately.

(*): Lookth like the Thecret of Evolution doeth require the armlet of tranthmutation after all.

(*): Only the armlet of tranthmutation can amplify the dark energy enough!

(*): Once we have the armlet of transmutation, the Secret of Evolution will be ours for the taking!

(*): Then, finally, it will be our time. The era of the dark ones' rule! Wha ha ha ha hah!

(*): Mur-mur-mur!

(*): I'm not a bad slime, you know. I promise! (slurp) I was oozing with worry about my cat friend, so I slurped here to visit her.

(*): You'll never guess what she blabbed to me! She said the Tsar of Zamoksva had some special powers!

(*): She said there's someone in Zalenagrad - that's the next town oover from here - who knows all about the Tsar.

It's a landscape scene of the mountains in springtime.

It's a vivid painting of the mountains around Zamoksva.

There's a portrait of the late tsarina of Zamoksva on display.


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(*): This is Zalenagrad. In a past, we are castle town of Zamoksva.

(*): But now all castle people is disappeared.

(*): Yoy! What is becoming of our land!?

(Character) reads the sign.

"Halt! You are not good enough equipped. Danger! ZWAF (Zamoksva Weapons and Armour Federation)"

(*): R-r-r...

(*): I will be with courage like Tsarevna Alena, and I will fight away all monsters in castle!

(*): Yaah! Take that!

(*): Monsters are all over Zamoksva Castle. It is wery frightening.

(*): I am the famed bard, Josef Starling.

Starling: Survey clouds running in glee, Along hefty sky as blue as sea. ♪

Starling: Tsarevna Alena is gone to find reason for why all castle people are disappeared.

Starling: She chases creature dubbed Psaro the Manslayer. Is very poetic name, nyet? ♪

(*): Murrr...

(Character) reads the sign.

"To my daughter of future!

"I see you must to be troubling, so I teach you useful something.

"Elevated high in the sky, is castle dubbed Zenithia where Dragon God resides.

"Dragon God has formidable strength and he long ago sealed into darkness the Lord of the Underworld.

"The people from Canalot, across ocean to north, are knowing many more things of this Zenithia.

"Yours with affection! The Tsar of Zamoksva"

(*): Tsarevna Alena! It is very much happy for to see you after so long time.

(*): I was long ago a soldier at Zamoksva Castle.

(*): The day every person disappeared, the Tsar was speaking of a dream he saw.

(*): I wish I am aware of content, but that morning I am not at castle.

(*): I recall Chancellor telling that it is related to Lord of the Underworld.

(*): I was once the soldier at Zamoksva Castle.

(*): On fateful day, Tsar was speaking of a dream he saw.

(*): I wish I am aware of content, but that morning I am not at castle.

(*): I recall Chancellor telling that it is related to Lord of the Underworld.

(*): I am a travelling sister from Casabranca.

(*): There's a legend in my land of a young woodcutter falling in love with an angel.

(*): She was from a world high up in the sky.

(*): I was reading the signpost in the rear garden here, and I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the same legend.

(*): I am wishing with whole heart that I can turn head of this nun at me.

(*): But I am not so good with speaking. I cannot make songs like Starling. I am with no chance that she love me.

(*): Oh! It is so terrible! The benevolent Tsar and his people, all of them vanished...

(*): I am student of history.

(*): Long ago, old tsar of Zamoksva is able to observe into future.

(*): So I am wondering if perhaps current tsar is also with same skill.

(*): My grandfather was educator years ago to Tsar of Zamoksva.

(*): It is very proud.

(*): Hm? I am seeing face that remembers to me very much of another I do not see for long time.

(*): Long ago, I am educator to Tsar of Zamoksva.

(*): It was before many years now. Tsar was only young boy.

(*): One night, he awakens me with request.

(*): It is very strange. He tells that his daughter is troubled, and that he must to make signpost behind from church.

(*): I do not know where is he building signpost and what is he writing.

(*): Tsar himself did not have no memory of this.

(*): Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

(*): Mur-mur...

Starling: I am the famed bard, Josef Starling.

Starling: I must to create requiem for poor departed dead people of Zamoksva.

(*): Stop, Starling! If we rely on Goddess, we cannot fail. We must to believe they are living.

(*): Oh! I wish I am knowing to where people of Zamoksva is taken.

(*): I pray to Goddess that Tsar and all people is safe.

(*): Fu! Fu!

(*): Fu! Please! I beg! This person cannot be allowed for to singing.

(*): Now I rehearse for that Starling is not always being the better of me.

(*): You would like to hear?

(*): It is talented, no? Ga ha ha!

(*): Zzz...

(*): Zzz... Prepare for the death, evil monster! Zzz...


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(*): This is mountain willage Taborov.

(*): Now we all live in peaces.

(*): This is willage of Taborov.

(*): Yoy! You are girl who attack monster here before!

(*): Yay! It is so happy to see you again!

Anastasia: Soon we will be born a baby.

Anastasia: I hope this will make village more lively place.

(*): Now I must to work hard for coming baby. Idleness is mother of all vices.

(*): I remember you! We are all so very much thankful for that you save our willage.

(*): Until recent, we have here monster in our willage.

(*): But then young girl come here and she fight monster away.

(*): I never see nothing like it before. She is so wery strong!

(*): I mind no man is marrying such strong woman. Ha ha!

(*): Av-av!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

"We send prayers for that daughters who dead for willage are peacefully sleeping."

This is the inscription carved on the tombstone.

(*): My daughter Anastasia is waiting for baby.

(*): We must do all that is possible for to keep village safe at least until baby is grown.

(*): Monsters around our willage are more stronger now than usually.

(*): And people say Zamoksva Castle is now full with monsters, too. I am very worrying.

(*): I am making song of prayer that the world is peaceful.

(*): Av!

(*): When I am looking into water, many memories return to me.

(*): Memories of people, of faces smiling. But memories cannot bring back to me these things.

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Hm. It is difficult for sleeping on this night.

(*): I wonder how much true is rumour of reawakening Lord of Underworld.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Girls died as sacrifice for village here in past.

(*): Now I make song for that their souls are peacefully resting.

(*): Dobry den, (traveller/travellers). Welcome in town Vrenor.

(*): I am wery worrying. I hoping he is better soon...

(*): There is man here before who is wery wery injured. The woman, she come for to take away him.

(*): They are speaking of running from Palais de Léon in south. I believe they still are at inn now.

(*): Armlet of transmutation was waluable treasure of our willage.

(*): I am sure it would bring much money if it is selled. It is pity we are no longer having it here.

(*): There was once catastrophic happening here in willage.

(*): Willains made a kidnap and took waluable armlet of transmutation for ransom.

(*): Myau.

(*): You want to know about armlet of transmutation? Ask the old man who digs graves. He well knows.

(*): Av-av!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It stands quietly in the ground, covered in moss.

(*): You want information for armlet of transmutation?

(*): Armlet of transmutation is used first only for magic and alchemy.

(*): People say it has ability for to amplify dark power and create strong waves of energy.

(*): I can only hope the willains took it thinking it is just normal treasure. Otherwise, we have much trouble in our hands.

(*): Yoy! I hope no trouble comes.

(*): Ah, but you must to hear it! Quiet yourself and listen.

(*): Welcome in my inn. I have only one empty room, but it is for you.

(*): I came across zat man Oojam as I was trying to escape from ze Palais de Léon.

(*): 'E was so badly injured, I thought 'e was dead at first.

(*): But just as ze guards caught up wiz me, Oojam sprang to 'is feet sans 'esitation and voilà ...

(*): Ze man saved my life. 'E's my 'ero!

(*): My name is Oojam, please. I am the most proud student of the very famous alchemist, Mahabala-jee.

Oojam: Now I am wondering how Mahabala-jee's girls are getting on these days...

Oojam: Oh, Mahabala-jee's beautiful (daughters/daughter)! I am so much happy to see you are safe.

Oojam: It's me, Oojam! I very nearly kicked the bucket back in that miserable-abysmable Palais de Léon.

Oojam: (Listen to me, girls/Listen to me).

Oojam: That Balzack mister you are hunting for revenge of Mahabala-jee is being protected by a mystery man called Psaro the Manslayer.

Oojam: This Psaro mister is wanting to use the Secret of Evolution to make all of the monsters super-duper tough.

Oojam: We must stop him. We must bury the Secret of Evolution once and for always, before it is too late.

Oojam: That is what Mahabala-jee would be wanting us to do.

Oojam: Oh, Mahabala-jee's beautiful (daughters/daughter)! I am so much happy to see you are safe.

Oojam: It's me, Oojam! I very nearly kicked the bucket back in that miserable-abysmable Palais de Léon.

Oojam: (Listen to me, girls/Listen to me).

Oojam: The Mister Balzack, who you are hunting for revenge of Mahabala-jee, is being protected by a mystery man called Psar-

Oojam: What!? You are already defeating Mister Balzack? Really?

Oojam: Waah, that's hot news! I can't believe you actually did it!

Oojam: You've really grown up, I see. Now Mahabala-jee can please be resting peacefully at last.

(*): Av-av!

(*): Mur-mur.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Zzzz...

Canalot, first visit

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(*): Welcome to Canalot, city of water.

(*): No doubt you have come to answer King Larfur's appeal.

(*): If you wish to reach the castle, you will need a raft. I wish you luck.

(*): "Whosoever makes Us laugh shall be bestowed with the greatest treasure!" ...That's King Larfur's appeal.

(*): I wonder if you have the necessary skill to elicit a laugh from him.

(*): I ask that you refrain from speaking with me now. I happen to be a night owl.

(Character) reads the sign.

"Canalot Weapon Shop Open for business after dusk. We work hard all year round."

(*): Here in Canalot, there has long been talk concerning the floating castle of Zenithia.

(*): If you wish to know more you should ask the scholar at the castle, for I forgot the details long ago now.

(*): How beautiful your face is, reflected in the crystal clear water...

(*): I say! Do you not know it's bad form to disturb a man when he's courting?

Blondelle: Zis is so boring. All zis man ever does is make poetry.

(*): King Larfur's appeal is turning our city into another Laissez Fayre, full of entertainers and comedians.

(*): I came here in search of the Zenithian Helm.

(*): I heard that it was part of the royal collection here, you see.

(*): Welcome, welcome! ...Though I'm afraid the pub is only open at night. My apologies.

(*): I have faith that divine forces are always watching over us from Zenithia and beyond.

(*): I must hurry and prepare a meal before my husband comes home.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): It sounds like Zenithia is a castle up in the clouds. Do you think that's really possible?

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Hmph. It's impossible to think of any decent material.

(*): How selfish of King Larfur to demand laughter when the world is in such a perilous state.

(*): Our clientele seem rather gloomy of late.

(*): And why not? No matter how much we pray, the Lord of the Underworld will soon destroy our world.

(*): How can we bear such a thought!? Hic!

(*): I refuse to believe that the world will come to an end. We are safe, are we not?

(*): It matters not what you really think. Just say yes!

(*): Thank you. Hic! You are a truly good person.

(*): No! Hic! So it really is going to happen...

(*): I wonder where the priest can be at this hour of night.

(*): With him nowhere to be seen, that strange creature came and took over the place. It's all very worrying indeed.

(*): He may be rather strange-looking, but he saves people's lives without demanding a fee.

(*): I'm sure he'll go far.

(*): I couldn't be more thankful! A monster attacked me and injured me terribly, but this little fellow has been my saviour.

Guru Curu: (slurrrp, slurrrp)

(*): It's hungry work riding a raft and trading away all day. Now where's my dinner? I say! Is dinner still not ready!?

(*): My husband eats so much that I'm at the end of my tether.

(*): Yonder lies Canalot Castle.

(*): Am I to assume that you are here to answer King Larfur's appeal?

(*): King Larfur has promised to bestow a substantial reward upon whosoever is able to entice him to mirth.

(*): I stand guard here to prevent monsters from entering the castle.

(*): They are becoming more and more devious of late, so it's important that we guards are alert at all times.

(*): How I would love to visit the castle in the sky, Zenithia.

(*): But first one must collect all of the Zenithian Equipment. I have no hope of being able to do such a thing.

(*): People say that the Zenithian Shield was once located in Burland. But I know not where the other items are located.

(*): If you wish to meet with King Larfur, please ascend the staircase before you.

(*): Here in Canalot, there has long been talk concerning Zenithia, the kingdom in the sky.

(*): It seems that he who collects the Zenithian Armour, Helm, Shield and Sword earns the right to ascend to Zenithia.

(*): But the lamentable fact is that only the Zenithian Helm remains part of the Canalot royal collection.

(*): My mother often told me tales when I was younger.

(*): She told me of a castle in the clouds where the Dragon God lives.

(*): If it is true that the Dragon God resides in Zenithia, then a brave warrior must go to him and request his assistance.

(*): Right must be defended against might. The Lord of the Underworld and his monstrous minions must be stopped.

(*): Did you hear what has come to pass at Zamoksva? It seems the castle was attacked by monsters.

(*): I can well understand why King Larfur wishes to forget everything and enjoy laughter again.

(*): Why must weapons and armour be quite so heavy!?

(*): I accept that there is no choice but to endure it, though. One never knows when monsters might attack.

(*): How can this be a steel broadsword when I did not steal it!? ...Was that at all amusing, do you think?

(*): Since the monsters began appearing among us, the mood of our people has become progressively darker.

(*): This is why King Larfur was prompted to issue his appeal. He wishes to provide amusement to his subjects.

(*): There was a hilarious entertainer in the wee town I was in afore. Tom Foolery was his name.

(*): I'd say he'd soon hae His Majesty fallin' aboot the place wi' laughter. I wonder where he's got tae now.

(*): It's important to keep one's material to oneself until performing it before His Majesty. It would be regrettable if someone were to steal it.

(*): What do you call a cow that cannot give milk?

(*): An udder failure... I was hopeful this would make His Majesty laugh, but it seems the failure is not the cow's alone.

(*): There are only three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

(*): Pah, not even a snigger. Back to the drawing board then...

(*): Would you mind making way? My time has come to try to make the King laugh.

(*): Would a famous monster be called...a monstar!?

(*): How disappointing! I was sure that would bring at least a smile.

(*): King Larfur will bestow a substantial reward on whosoever entices him to mirth. I wish you luck.

King Larfur: Well, really!

King Larfur: We must ask that the queue is respected.

King Larfur: Welcome! Your name is Hero, you say? Very well, Hero. We trust that you know of Our appeal?

King Larfur: Now...make Us laugh!

King Larfur: ...We would ask that you do not waste Our precious time.

Hero says the first joke that comes to mind.

But King Larfur doesn't seem to find it funny.

King Larfur: Hmph! We are not amused.

(*): I wonder what King Larfur can be thinking of, issuing such an extraordinary appeal.

(*): I can understand why the Princess is fretting so.

(*): I know that Father must have his reasons. And yet...

(*): I will render thanks to the Goddess when the day comes that the people of the world may laugh once more.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Laughter is the best medicine. Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): A slime goes into a pub and says to the barman "I'm feeling blue"... No, maybe it should be "goo"...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): His Majesty has retired for the evening.

Laissez Fayre

Warning: Spoilers!
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(*): This is the city of song and dance, Laissez Fayre! The town north of here's been renamed Aubout du Monde.

(*): Pardon, (monsieur/mademoiselle). Ze pub will not be opening until zis evening.

(*): You came 'ere over ze ocean? Zen you will 'ave seen ze rocky island where ze monsters live, non?

(*): No one 'as ever come back alive from zat place. It is best to observe it from afar.

(*): Zere is an island ànorme, surrounded by ze big rocks, in ze sea far away to ze east.

(*): And zey say ze monsters 'ave a castle zere.

(*): There's a great comedian here at the moment called Tom Foolery.

(*): Head over to the theatre in the evening if you want to catch a performance.

(*): That Tom Foolery's performances are the funniest thing I've seen in a long while! I haven't stopped laughing since he arrived.

(*): Thanks to zat ridiculous Monsieur Foolery, ze dancing girls do not perform so much zese days.

(*): I lived for zem! To think I will not see zem pass by 'ere every day... Non! It is more zan a man can bear!

(*): Bienvenue to ze théâtre de Laissez Fayre! If you are looking for Manager Artois, 'e is down below.

Manager Artois: Maya, ma chérie! Oh là là, I am over ze moon to see you again!

Manager Artois: Et bien. Tell me 'ow goes ze vengeance of your father's tragique death... I see. Well, do not give up 'ope, ma fille.

Manager Artois: Thanks to ze genius of Monsieur Tom Foolery, my théâtre is full every night! Oui, oui. Life is good!

Tom Foolery: Ye're (A trav'ller/Trav'llers), are ye? Well don't miss the show tonight. It'll be a great craic.

Tom Foolery: What's that now? You want me to come along with ye?

Tom Foolery: I see... So this Zenithian Helm yoke that belongs to the King o' Canalot is sometin' (yerself is/yerselves are) needin' fer yer quest, is it?

Tom Foolery: An' to persuade the feen to give it ye, ye need my expertise?

Tom Foolery: ...Don't tell me ye're tryin' to make yer way to Zenithia! No, I don't even want to know.

Tom Foolery: Aye, well... I could do with a laugh, an' this sounds like it'll be a good craic. Why not!?

Tom Foolery becomes the life and soul of the party!

Tom Foolery: Right, well... I'll be headin' off, then. I'll be waitin' out in yer wagon.

Tom Foolery: Then I must be hearin' things, I s'pose.

(*): D'you think the Marquis Regent will be angry? Because I didn't manage to take Blondelle to the palais like he ordered, I mean.

(*): Yes, he'll be hopping mad, won't he!? You can't tell anyone you found me hiding here. Please!

(*): What? Why's there no one in the shop downstairs? Oh, not again! Where's my husband lazing about now?

(*): Ah ha ha! I'm still chuckling even now. You've got to see that Tom Foolery. He's hilarious!

(*): Blondelle escaped with the priest, apparently.

(*): I hope they're both happy now, wherever they are...

(*): Surely there'll be a slot tonight... Surely Artois'll let me have a bash on stage...

(*): I've got to make a success of it. Otherwise Mum and Dad will think I'm just messing around here in the big city.

(*): Alchemy? Yes, I've heard of it. It's a way of turning iron into gold, isn't it?

(*): Our piéce de résistance on stage zis evening is ze great comédien, Tom Foolery! 'Ere for your pleasure and delight!

(*): The stage is just at the bottom of those stairs.

(*): Zut! Everything was going so well. But zey don't want me now. Us dancing girls, we are not àla mode any more.

(*): Ho he ho he hooon! Mon dieu!

(*): Would someone get this pillar out of the way? I can't see a thing!

(*): I'm always sat behind this annoying pillar. Hang on... What if I moved to another seat...?

(*): I was an imbécile to buy such a cheap ticket. I cannot get a view from back 'ere.

(*): Look at all the faces in here! Hasn't anyone got more important things to be doing?

(*): Ah ha ha! No more! My sides are gonna burst!

(*): I came all the way from ma bonnie homeland of Burland tae see the lovely wee dancin' lassie, Maya.

(*): But now I find oot she dinnae work here any more. Folk say she's flit off somewhere else.

(*): I 'eard zis man was very drôle, so I came to see for myself. It's true. 'E is 'ilarious!

(*): What with the ticket and a few drinks and snacks, it's a whole day's pay gone, just like that!

(*): Zat was a funny one. I'll 'ave to remember zat!

(*): Ha ha ha ha hah! No! No more! It hurts!

(*): It's the way the geezer tells 'em! Even if you've 'eard it before, that Tom Foolery can still make ya larf!

(*): No! I'd almost memorised the steps to that cobra dance when this comedian came along and ousted all the dancing girls off stage!

(*): Mind you, he is pretty funny. I must try and remember some of his jokes.

(*): Listening to a few jokes over a good, long drink... Nope, it doesn't get any better than this, let me tell you!

(*): Don't talk to me now. I'm trying to listen.

(*): I paid a small fortune for this spot. I'm gonna get my money's worth!

(*): Ha...ha... I almost got that one! They say laughter's the key to longevity... We'll see!

(*): Hah hah hah! By the Goddess, that Tom Foolery's the funniest man in the world!

(*): Non! I waf laughing fo 'ard, I fpat out my falfe teef...

(*): What? I didn't catch that. I can't hear over all the laughter.

(*): Hey, it's Maya, isn't it? I heard you'd given up here, but you're back, are you? Woo-hoo! That's great!

(*): I wish I could get up on stage, too...

Tom Foolery: Ah, would ye look at that! Come to see the show, have ye?

Tom Foolery: I've just finished tellin' me favourite joke, so I have. You didn't miss the punchline, did ye?

Tom Foolery: Kippers to Kingslimes! D'ye get it!?

Tom Foolery: Ha ha hah! I crack meself up, sometimes. I really do!

Tom Foolery: What's that? Ye want to have a word?

Tom Foolery: I'm a wee bit busy at the moment, in case ye hadn't noticed. We can talk tomorrow durin' the day if ye like. In the dressin' room.

(*): I went out looking for him, and he was here asleep when I got back! Where did he disappear to, eh?

(*): Zzz... The magic key... The magic key...openzzz all kindzzz of doorzzz...

(*): Nothing doing today, either. Artois wouldn't give me a job again.

(*): Surely I'll get my big break soon. You know, the grand debut!

(*): Come in. Everyone is welcome 'ere. Drink, dance and forget ze ennui of ze day.

(*): A nice, cold drink after work is just the ticket. You can't top it!

(*): That - Hic! - Lord of the Under...er... Hic! Lord of the Undesirables...? No...

(*): Lord of the Underworld! Yesh! He hashn't reshurrected himshelf at all!

(*): If he'sh gonna - Hic! - reshurrect himshelf, he should - Hic! - get on with it!

(*): Pardon, (monsieur/mademoiselle). I am busy wiz zis gentleman at ze moment. Come back later.

(*): The women in here can't get enough of me! It's great!

(*): Oh là là! Ze entourage? I'm not zat kind of girl, (monsieur/mademoiselle)! You must come alone.

(*): Are you looking for ze job 'ere? But zis work is trés difficile.

(*): It is more tiring zan it looks to stand all day like zis, you know.

(*): Bonjour, 'andsome. Zis is ze room of mysterious fortune. Would you like to 'ave a go?

(*): Bon. Brace yourself, zen.

(*): Okay, zen. 'Ere we go! Bayaaaaa, hayaaaa, ho ho HAH!

Hero: ...

(*): Zha zha doo! Zha zha da! Zha zha zha zho HAH!

Hero: !?

(*): Booloolooloolooloo! Balabolabalabolabooboobolaboo! BOO!

(*): Et voilà! 'Ow do you feel?

(*): Ze magical forces, zey inform me zat you 'ave what it takes to be an 'ero of legend!

(*): So don't be shy! 'Ave courage. If you've got it, flaunt it!

(*): But pourquoi!? Come back if you change your mind.

(*): There was a lovely young girl called Blondelle who used to rent this room, you know. I hear she's living happily somewhere else now.

(*): This is the city of song and dance, Laissez Fayre! The town north of here's been renamed Aubout du Monde.

(*): Pardon, (monsieur/mademoiselle). Ze pub will not be opening until zis evening.

(*): You came 'ere over ze ocean? Zen you will 'ave seen ze rocky island where ze monsters live, non?

(*): No one 'as ever come back alive from zat place. It is best to observe it from afar.

(*): Zere is an island ànorme, surrounded by ze big rocks, in ze sea far away to ze east.

(*): And zey say ze monsters 'ave a castle zere.

(*): The entertainment here is the best in the world. Anything goes in Laissez Fayre!

(*): Dancing girls and singers are all very well, but it's that Tom Foolery I'd like to see up on stage again.

(*): Now zat comédien, Tom Foolery, 'as finished performing 'ere, ze dancing girls are back. I 'ope one comes by soon.

(*): Oh, mon Dieu! Zat "let's give it to zem" look on zeir faces before ze show... It is more zan a man can bear!

(*): Bienvenue to ze théâtre de Laissez Fayre! If you are looking for Manager Artois, 'e is down below.

Manager Artois: Zut. Zere is no one good enough to follow Tom Foolery. 'E was an act par excellence.

Manager Artois: I 'ave no choice. I will 'ave to 'eadline ze dancing girls and ze singers like I did before.

(*): D'you think the Marquis Regent will be angry? Because I didn't manage to take Blondelle to the palais like he ordered, I mean.

(*): Yes, he'll be hopping mad, won't he!? You can't tell anyone you found me hiding here. Please!

(*): What? Why's there no one in the shop downstairs? Oh, not again! Where's my husband lazing about now?

(*): No more Tom Foolery now. I really miss his shows. It was a welcome break to have a laugh now and then.

(*): Blondelle escaped with the priest, apparently.

(*): I hope they're both happy now, wherever they are...

(*): Surely there'll be a slot tonight... Surely Artois'll let me have a bash on stage...

(*): I've got to make a success of it. Otherwise Mum and Dad will think I'm just messing around here in the big city.

(*): Alchemy? Yes, I've heard of it. It's a way of turning iron into gold, isn't it?

(*): Et voilà! Another night of chansons and dance for ze pleasure of our most welcome guests!

(*): The stage is just at the bottom of those stairs.

(*): Maya! I heard you'd left town. But you're back, are you? That's good news.

(*): I will be a star even more famous zan Tom Foolery. More glamorous. And more seductive...? Hee hee hee!

(*): Wahoo! Yeah, baby!

(*): (wolf-whistle)

(*): Come on! Get yer kit off!

(*): Hey, look! A new kid on the block!

(*): Get on with it!

(*): What ya waitin' for? Get yer kit off!

(*): Where've you been? We've been waiting for someone decent!

(*): Come on, give us a good laugh!

(*): Get some new material!

(*): Take a look at that gut!

(*): Go on, fatty, give us a belly dance!

(*): Put it away, tubby!

(*): Get off!

(*): Go on, 'op it, old man!

(*): Boo! Boo!

(*): What on earth is that!?

(*): Crikey! It just breathed fire!

(*): The whole theatre's gonna go up in smoke!

(*): Nothing is more cleansing for ze soul zan watching ze dancing girls.

(*): Would someone get this pillar out of the way? I can't see a thing!

(*): I'm always sat behind this annoying pillar. Hang on... What if I moved to another seat...?

(*): I was an imbécile to buy such a cheap ticket. I cannot get a view from back 'ere.

(*): Look at all the faces in here! Hasn't anyone got more important things to be doing?

(*): Yeah! Woo-hoo! You beauty!

(*): I came all the way from ma bonnie homeland of Burland tae see the lovely wee dancin' lassie, Maya.

(*): But now I find oot she dinnae work here any more. Folk say she's flit off somewhere else.

(*): Look at zem all! Zey are shameless!

(*): I told myself I wasn't going to come again, but...well, what can you do? You can't miss a show like this!

(*): I just caught a glimpse of zat dancer's- Oh là là!

(*): Sure, that Tom Foolery was good for a laugh, but you can't beat dancing girls, can you?

(*): Crikey, it ain't 'alf 'ot in 'ere! I'm burnin' up, I am.

(*): Ssh! Don't talk to me now! I don't want to miss any of this dance. I'm trying to memorise all the moves!

(*): Eyeing up a beautiful dancing girl over a good, long drink... Nope, it doesn't get any better than this, let me tell you!

(*): Oh, yeah! Lookin' fine again today, sugar!

(*): I paid a small fortune for this spot. I'm gonna get my money's worth!

(*): Ooh, she's a lovely little thing, ain't she?

(*): Oh, yeah! Nothing better than a front row seat!

(*): I may be an old man, but zere is no doubt zat I will stay alive long enough to see a leetle more of zis!

(*): Wow! Oh...wow!

(*): Hey, it's Maya, isn't it? I heard you'd given up here, but you're back, are you? Woo-hoo! That's great!

(*): I wish I could get up on stage, too...

(*): I went out looking for him, and he was here asleep when I got back! Where did he disappear to, eh?

(*): Zzz... The magic key... The magic key...openzzz all kindzzz of doorzzz...

(*): Nothing doing today, either. Artois wouldn't give me a job again.

(*): Surely I'll get my big break soon. You know, the grand debut!

(*): Come in. Everyone is welcome 'ere. Drink, dance and forget ze ennui of ze day.

(*): A nice, cold drink after work is just the ticket. You can't top it!

(*): That - Hic! - Lord of the Under...er... Hic! Lord of the Undesirables...? No...

(*): Lord of the Underworld! Yesh! He hashn't reshurrected himshelf at all!

(*): If he'sh gonna - Hic! - reshurrect himshelf, he should - Hic! - get on with it!

(*): There was a lovely young girl called Blondelle who used to rent this room, you know. I hear she's living happily somewhere else now.

(*): Pardon, (monsieur/mademoiselle). I am busy wiz zis gentleman at ze moment. Come back later.

(*): The women in here can't get enough of me! It's great!

(*): Oh là là! Ze entourage? I'm not zat kind of girl, (monsieur/mademoiselle)! You must come alone.

(*): Are you looking for ze job 'ere? But zis work is trés difficile.

(*): It is more tiring zan it looks to stand all day like zis, you know.

(*): Bonjour, 'andsome. Zis is ze room of mysterious fortune. Would you like to 'ave a go?

(*): Bon. Brace yourself, zen.

(*): Okay, zen. 'Ere we go! Bayaaaaa, hayaaaa, ho ho HAH!

Hero: ...

(*): Zha zha doo! Zha zha da! Zha zha zha zho HAH!

Hero: !?

(*): Booloolooloolooloo! Balabolabalabolabooboobolaboo! BOO!

(*): Et voilà! 'Ow do you feel?

(*): Ze magical forces, zey inform me zat you 'ave what it takes to be an 'ero of legend!

(*): So don't be shy! 'Ave courage. If you've got it, flaunt it!

(*): But pourquoi!? Come back if you change your mind.

Canalot, second visit

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King Larfur: Welcome! Your name is Tom Foolery, you say? Very well, Tom Foolery. We trust that you know of Our appeal?

King Larfur: Now...make Us laugh!

King Larfur: Pray, do not tarry. We must be made to laugh!

Tom Foolery: I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint ye, Yer Highness. I've nuttin' funny I can tell ye.

King Larfur: ...?

Tom Foolery: But I've not been trav'llin' alone. I'm sure me friends'll bring a smile to yer face, even if I can't meself.

Tom Foolery: So if ye could just see yer way to handin' over the Zenithian Helm, that'd be grand.

Tom Foolery: Me friends'll be off to save the world with it, and before ye know it, ev'ryone'll be happy as Larry again, laughin' an' guffawin' all day long.

King Larfur: Hmm...

King Larfur: You speak as one who is able to read Our own mind, good sir!

King Larfur: The very reason We issued Our appeal was to lift the hearts of Our people.

King Larfur: We believed We could bring them good cheer by summoning entertainers to Our kingdom.

King Larfur: But We have thus far been thwarted in Our attempts to bring happiness to those who have lost hope.

King Larfur: Now We see clearly the path to take. Our hopes for the happiness of Our people lie in your hands!

King Larfur: Here. The Zenithian Helm is now yours.

(Character) obtains the Zenithian Helm.

Tom Foolery: Well, that's grand. Looks like I'm all done here then, doesn't it?

Tom Foolery: I think I'll go back to me trav'llin' if it's all the same to you.

Tom Foolery: Best o' luck now, Hero. I hope it all works out fer you an' yer friends. Keep smilin', eh?

Tom Foolery leaves the party.

(*): Yonder lies Canalot Castle.

(*): Am I to assume that you are here to answer King Larfur's appeal?

(*): King Larfur has promised to bestow a substantial reward upon whosoever is able to entice him to mirth.

(*): I stand guard here to prevent monsters from entering the castle.

(*): They are becoming more and more devious of late, so it's important that we guards are alert at all times.

(*): How I would love to visit the castle in the sky, Zenithia.

(*): But first one must collect all of the Zenithian Equipment. I have no hope of being able to do such a thing.

(*): People say that the Zenithian Shield was once located in Burland. But I know not where the other items are located.

(*): If you wish to meet with King Larfur, please ascend the staircase before you.

(*): Here in Canalot, there has long been talk concerning Zenithia.

(*): It seems that he who collects the Zenithian Armour, Helm, Shield and Sword earns the right to ascend to Zenithia.

(*): But the lamentable fact is that only the Zenithian Helm remains part of the Canalot royal collection.

(*): My mother often told me tales when I was younger.

(*): She told me of a castle in the clouds where the Dragon God lives.

(*): If it is true that the Dragon God resides in Zenithia, then a brave warrior must go to him and request his assistance.

(*): Right must be defended against might. The Lord of the Underworld and his monstrous minions must be stopped.

(*): Did you hear what has come to pass at Zamoksva? It seems the castle was attacked by monsters.

(*): I can well understand why King Larfur wishes to forget everything and enjoy laughter again.

(*): Why must weapons and armour be quite so heavy!?

(*): I accept that there is no choice but to endure it, though. One never knows when monsters might attack.

(*): How can this be a steel broadsword when I did not steal it!? ...Was that at all amusing, do you think?

(*): Since the monsters began appearing among us, the mood of our people has become progressively darker.

(*): This is why King Larfur was prompted to issue his appeal. He wishes to provide amusement to his subjects.

(*): There was a hilarious entertainer in the wee town I was in afore. Tom Foolery was his name.

(*): I'd say he'd soon hae His Majesty fallin' aboot the place wi' laughter. I wonder where he's got tae now.

(*): It's important to keep one's material to oneself until performing it before His Majesty. It would be regrettable if someone were to steal it.

(*): What do you call a cow that cannot give milk?

(*): An udder failure... I was hopeful this would make His Majesty laugh, but it seems the failure is not the cow's alone.

(*): There are only three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

(*): Pah, not even a snigger. Back to the drawing board then...

(*): Would you mind making way? My time has come to try to make the King laugh.

(*): Would a famous monster be called...a monstar!?

(*): How disappointing! I was sure that would bring at least a smile.

(*): King Larfur will bestow a substantial reward on whosoever entices him to mirth. I wish you luck.

King Larfur: Well, really!

King Larfur: We must ask that the queue is respected.

King Larfur: We eagerly await the day that Our people are able to laugh once more.

King Larfur: Until that day comes, We will continue Our appeal in the hope that it will provide light relief.

(*): I wonder what King Larfur can be thinking of, issuing such an extraordinary appeal.

(*): I can understand why the Princess is fretting so.

(*): I know that Father must have his reasons. And yet...

(*): I will render thanks to the Goddess when the day comes that the people of the world may laugh once more.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Laughter is the best medicine. Zzz...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): A slime goes into a pub and says to the barman "I'm feeling blue"... No, maybe it should be "goo"...

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): His Majesty has retired for the evening.


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(*): This is bonnie Burland toon.

(*): Folk over in Strathbaile are haein' funny dreams just lately.

(*): I suppose ye could say all dreams are funny, though, eh?

(*): I wanted tae be a palace guard back in ma day, ye ken.

(*): If ye're helpin' Burland, then I want tae help ye. What dae ye say? Can I tag along wi' ye?

(*): Hoots! I can!? Then let's away!

(*): Och, but I amn't much of a fighter, so dinnae count on me too much there.

(*): Haah... Haah... I cannae get ma breath. Maybe I'm too old for this. Ye should gae on without me.

(*): I cannae say I'm surprised. Sorry tae take up yer time like that.

(*): It's a relief that Angus is back home safe an' sound.

(*): Aigneas was startin' tae look peelie-wally wi' all the worry that he might have come tae mischief.

(*): If ye're headed for Strathbaile, ye need tae gae west tae Strathbaile Burrow, an' then north-east when ye get tae the other side.

(*): Ah... Ah... Aaaah-choo! Och, it's a wee bit chilly for standin' oot on guard the day.

(*): Och, it's you, Ragnar. Gae on by.

(*): The gates o' Burland Castle are open tae all folk, be they from these parts or no.

(*): Gae on by noo.

Aigneas: I wake up every day an' send thanks tae Ragnar McRyan for hoo happy I am, ye know.

Aigneas: I wonder whereaboots he is noo, lovely man that he is.

Aigneas: Ragnar! It's you! I cannae tell ye hoo grateful I am tae ye still for what ye did.

Aigneas: It's so lovely tae hae my husband Angus back wi' me at home again.

(*): Och, it's all verra intriguin' indeed.

(*): This talk of folk tryin' tae collect Zenithian Armour an' weapons so they can climb up intae the sky...

(*): It certainly makes ye think, eh? But I amn't sure this sky castle even exists maself.

(*): D'ye know aboot the key? The key that can even open jail doors!?

(*): Folk say it's owned by a queen in a castle somewhere.

(*): Ach! Here for a wee bit o' shoppin', are ye? Then maybe ye could away ootside an' 'round tae the counter if it's no too much trouble.

(*): Ye never get monsters comin' tae places where there are lots o' people, so we're safe here.

(*): But maybe not for much longer. Folk are sayin' the Lord o' the Underworld is awake again noo.

(*): Brrrr. I'm makin' maself scared just talkin' aboot it.

(*): I'm takin' care o' things all by maself. I amn't just a wee laddie no more!

(*): The wee kiddies who went missin' a while back were snatched by some monster who was after a legendary hero.

(*): It soonds like a silly way tae look for someone if ye ask me. Monsters cannae be all that clever.

(*): Och, whit I'd gie tae be able tae sleep in a hoose o' ma own, wi' a roof an' walls tae keep oot the rain.

(*): Meow!

(*): Ye can gae inside the castle by all means, but ye cannae see King Burnard. No one sees His Majesty of a night, I'm afraid.

(*): Ye want tae see King Burnard? Well, if there's no hurry, it'd be better if ye come back the morra.

(*): After the stramash of a day he's had, the least we can dae is let him get a good night's sleep.

Aigneas: The stars are so bright... Och! Look, ma love. There's oor one!

Aigneas: Gads! I'm sorry. I thought ye were ma Angus. I feel all embarrassed noo.

Angus: Well, hello there, soldier! Remember me? I'm Angus.

Angus: Thanks again for helpin' me oot that time.

Angus: Ma name's Angus.

Angus: I had a wee funny spell a while back when I lost ma memory, but I'm right as rain noo.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): I cannae help feelin' that the monsters hae been gettin' a wee bit stronger of late.

(*): Maybe the Lord o' the Underworld is among us again!

(*): I'm afraid I've already shut up shop for today. If ye're after somethin', ye'll hae tae come back the morn.

(*): Zzz...

(*): Och! I need a wee wee wee. But I'm too scared tae gae oot on ma own.

(*): This is bonnie Burland Castle.

(*): I willnae allow any suspicious-lookin' folk tae set one foot inside.

(*): King Burnard is just upstairs.

(*): It's good tae see ye lookin' so well there, Ragnar.

(*): We've all been a wee bit concerned for ye, His Majesty included. Gae on through wi' ye.

(*): King Burnard is always willin' tae meet wi' folk. Just be sure ye dinnae show any disrespect, eh?

(*): A Dragon God in Zenithia... The ultimate state of evolution...

(*): Havers! I dinnae ken whit that auld galoot's bletherin' on aboot half the time.

(*): Jings! Noo I get it!

(*): The Lord o' the Underworld is a monster who somehoo achieved the ultimate state of evolution.

(*): But the Zenithian Dragon God didnae like hoo strong he was, an' he went an' sealed him away.

(*): Noo this Lord o' the Underworld is startin' tae reawaken an' he's causin' all sorts o' stramash.

(*): The Dragon God needs tae be told aboot this afore it's too late!

(*): Hae ye had a listen tae whit the auld man in the room next door's got tae say?

(*): Whit I dinnae understand is hoo anyone's supposed tae meet this Zenithian Dragon God.

(*): Besides, if he's a god then surely he already kens everythin' an' dinnae need anyone tae go an' tell him.

(*): Gae an' hear him oot first, an' then come back for a chat, will ye?

(*): Well, if it isn't Ragnar McRyan! I cannae tell ye hoo good it is tae see ye safe an' sound.

(*): I've been prayin' day an' night that ye're not comin' tae any harm oot there on yer travels. ...Och! I've said too much.

(*): I wonder hoo Ragnar's gettin' along oot there on his travels. I'm so worried aboot him.

(*): Och! Ye weren't supposed tae hear that. Noo I'm all of a flush.

(*): I hear that the armlet of transmutation they had on sale here was swiped by monsters.

(*): I can't understand why a monster would want to steal a thing like that.

(*): Whit are ye daein' here, Ragnar? Ye certainly like tae take things easy, eh?

(*): This is Burland Castle's treasure chamber.

(*): Even if the door was unlocked, most folk wouldnae be able tae reach the treasure chests.

(*): His Majesty was tellin' me hoo the Zenithian Shield used tae be here in Burland Castle.

(*): Noo I come tae think of it, there's a Zenithian Helm oot there that's supposed tae be part o' the King o' Canalot's collection.

(*): Canalot's west from here across the ocean. I wonder if the helm's still there...

(*): The magma staff summons a really really hot magma that can melt rocks, ye know.

(*): I hear ye may be able tae find one over in the western kingdom of Zamoksva.

(*): This is King Burnard's throne room.

(*): Femiscyra Castle is high up in the mountains. There used tae be a little track leadin' up there.

(*): That was destroyed when the volcano erupted a while back, though.

(*): If only ye had a magma staff, ye might be able tae melt the rocks blockin' the entrance tae it.

(*): Jings! Ye've got a magma staff!? Och, well, that's a piece o' luck noo, isn't it?

(*): Good tae see ye again, McRyan.

(*): So ye foond the chosen (hero/heroine), did ye? Well done, soldier!

(*): I've a wee bit of news as well. I've discovered that the Zenithian Shield used tae be one o' Burland's treasures.

(*): But it was given tae the Queen o' Femiscyra way back in ma grandfather's time.

(*): Femiscyra's that land oot in the eastern mountains where only lassies live.

(*): Losh! Trust ma auld granddad tae be swayed by the ladies intae givin' away a thing like that!

King Burnard: Mon! So youse are the Chosen Ones oot tae defeat the Lord o' the Underworld, eh? I see.

King Burnard: I've a wee bit of news as well. I've discovered that the Zenithian Shield used tae be one o' Burland's treasures.

King Burnard: But it was given tae the Queen o' Femiscyra way back in ma grandfather's time.

King Burnard: Femiscyra's that land oot in the eastern mountains where only lassies live.

King Burnard: Losh! Trust ma auld granddad tae be swayed by the ladies intae givin' away a thing like that!

(*): I cannae help feelin' a mite uneasy whenever I'm lookin' at the sky just lately.

(*): I only hope there's nothin' funny afoot.

(*): Losh! It's a tirin' auld business standin' guard of a castle.

(*): King Burnard's already retired for the evening.

(*): Why dinnae ye spend the night in the inn, an' come back the morra?

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Time for a wee bit o' shut-eye at last. I'd say folk are at their happiest when they're sleepin'.

(*): Gads! It's a monster! Help! I dinnae want tae die!

(*): Oh... Looks like I must hae been dreamin'.

(*): If ye gae south from this cave, ye'll come tae Burland.

(*): Och! Ye knew that already, did ye? I'm verra impressed, (laddie/lassie).


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(*): Welcome tae Strathbaile!

(*): The toon's full o' nothin' but talk o' that funny auld dream folk are haein' o' late.

(*): I'd ask aroond a wee bit afore stayin' at the inn if I were ye.

(*): It's a right stramash over at the inn, I tell ye. Och, maybe they need tae call in an exorcist or the like.

(*): I'm here tae collect ma wee bairn. Hopefully they should be done afore long.

(*): This is the toon school. We're in the middle of a class the noo.

(*): I wonder whit's become o' that chap who was doon in the jail afore.

(*): Well, if it isnae Ragnar McRyan! Whit a pleasure it is tae see ye lookin' so fightin' fit!

(*): There was no news o' ye for a wee while. King Burnard was startin' tae fret aboot yer wellbein'.

(*): Pals o' Ragnar, are youse?

(*): Then maybe youse could tell him tae drop in on the castle every once in a while, eh?

(*): Jings! No wonder folk are gettin' so het up. I never heard of everyone haein' the same dream like this afore.

(*): Sounds like the dream folk keep haein' at the inn has a lovely bonnie lass in it.

(*): I wouldnae mind seein' it maself, truth be told.

(*): I'm makin' a snack for ma wee bairn.

(*): Och, it's a real joy bein' a mother at times like this.

(*): Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me!

(*): Wait! Just wait, will ye!? Jings! Can someone no stop that lass from footerin' about!?

(*): The kid in front keeps turnin' roond an' distractin' me. I cannae get any work done.

(*): D'ye gae after monsters an' fight them an' everythin'? That's brilliant!

(*): When I grow up, I'm gonna be a mon- No, that's not right. I'm gonna be a palace guard!

(*): Guess what!? Willy Wally from the inn says he's been flyin' in the sky! I wish I could do that.

Willy Wally: Ma name's Willy Wally.

Willy Wally: Folk are haein' some really funny dreams when they stay at ma inn lately. Mon! It's so excitin'!

(*): Hoo come all the excitin' stuff only ever happens tae Willy Wally? It's no fair.

(*): If ye could try not tae disturb oor class, I'd be much obliged. The wee kiddies are easily distracted.

(Character) examines the wall.

There are pictures drawn by the children hanging on it.

(*): Folk keep haein' the same strange dream when they stay at ma inn of late.

(*): It's done wonders for business, I can tell ye!

(*): I keep haein' the exact same dream here every night! It's startin' tae gie me the willies!

(*): I break my back cleanin' away here every day, but no one seems interested in a bath.

(*): I blame that wee lassie in the dream for keepin' them all away!

(*): Meow.

(*): We havnae used this jail since that fella Angus was here a while back.

(*): Ye cannae beat it when it's peaceful, but lately there's this strange monster wi' lots o' legs comin' an' cheggin' oor food.

(*): I tried ma best tae catch the thing, but wi' that many legs, I just cannae keep up.

(*): Folk say the Burland royal treasure collection once included a verra expensive shield.

(*): I dinnae ken if they still hae it or no, though.

(*): Hic! Ye cannae beat a wee dram while ye're lookin' up at the stars.

(*): Jings! No wonder folk are gettin' so het up. I never heard of everyone haein' the same dream like this afore.

(*): Ma brother got himself intae a right pickle a wee while back, but it doesnae seem tae hae bothered him one little bit.

(*): I'm sure he'd gae off playin' wi' that Willy Wally again without a second thought.

(*): ...I just wish they'd let me gae along sometimes, too.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Right then, which cave shall I gae explorin' today...?

(*): I'd better ask Willy Wally if he's got any ideas.

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

(*): Zzzzz...

(*): First there was all that stramash aboot the bairns bein' snatched, an' noo there's this funny dream.

(*): Mon, it feels like we're destined never tae hae another peaceful moment again!

(*): Dinnae fret there, Headmaster.

(*): Folk always hae tae face troubles like this, an' they always pull through. Isnae that right, (traveller/travellers)?

(*): It's a bit of a worry that business at the inn has quietened doon again.

(*): Still, at least I get some peace an' quiet noo, watchin' ma lovely wee bairn sleepin'.

Willy Wally: Zzzz...

(*): Zzz...

The prison guard has managed to fall asleep standing up.

(*): Hae a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams!

Hero falls into a deep sleep. Shortly afterwards, a dream begins...

Rose: Psaro...

Psaro: Rose. Have you been good?

Rose: Of course, Psaro.

Psaro: I have something to tell you. I've decided to destroy all humankind.

Psaro: I'll use the Secret of Evolution and become so strong that no one will be able to stop me!

Psaro: Soon the world will be ablaze with the searing flames of judgement.

Psaro: You must remain safely hidden here until my work is done.

Rose: W-Wait! Psaro!

Rose: ...

Rose: Somebody must stop him! Somebody must stop Psaro!

Rose: Otherwise the whole world will be destroyed.

Rose: I beg of you! If you can hear me, you must listen to my plea!

Rose: Oh! Somebody please answer me! Time is running out!

(*): Good morning! I trust ye had a pleasant stay.

The man plays a mysterious melody on the flute.

Unnamed island

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(*): Well, well, well. It's been many a year since I last set eyes on a human face.

(*): You look like you're making quite a journey. I'd be careful when you're travelling around these parts, though.

(*): It's sunk deep down in the ground now, but the Lord of the Underworld's castle stood in these parts long ago.

(*): Even though it's so far underground, there's still a strange gas-like substance floating up from it. Very unpleasant indeed.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh!

(*): I'm travelling the world in search of the Zenithian Armour.

(*): I can't help thinking that a cave nearby might hold a clue.


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Hero uses the magma staff.

(Character) examines the magma staff.

The magma seems to be subsiding.

Retrieve the magma staff?

(Character) retrieves the magma staff.

(*): Welcome to Femiscyra Castle.

(*): It's been a long, long time since we've had any visitors.

(*): Only women are allowed to live here in the castle. Our queen is too beautiful for men to bear!

(*): Phew! That was close!

(*): If you'd come a second later, you'd have caught me in the act!

(*): I know I shouldn't really, but... Well, there are only women's toilets inside, so what's a man to do?

(*): Oh, look! (A traveller/Travellers)!

So, is the path clear again now, then?

(*): That's good news. It's been a real pain ever since the eruption blocked it off.

(*): Hm? What's that? I'm rather busy at the moment.

(*): Apparently the Lord of the Underworld is about to rise again!

(*): They say a great (hero/heroine) is the only one who can defeat him. I wonder who it is...

(*): This Lord of the Underworld is a man, isn't he? Then he'll probably go easy on us women, won't he?

(*): I don't want any old man. My man needs to be tough. And strong. And butch...

(*): Yes, tough enough to enjoy a good wrestle sometimes! Hah hah hah!

(*): Don't think you can get up to any tricks just because this castle is defended by women!

(*): I'm twice the woman any man is...? I mean, twice the man any woman...? No, I mean, twice as strong as any man!

(*): I was given permission to supply weapons and armour to the good women of Femiscyra. Mind you, I had to pretend to be a eunuch!

(*): Then the way out of here got blocked in the eruption, and I've been stuck with the ladies ever-

(*): What? You can get through now? Well, that's...a bit of a shame, actually...

(*): I came here to preach the word of the Goddess.

(*): The Queen gave me a bronze rosary in recognition of my valuable work.

(*): I don't have many worldly possessions, but it is the one I treasure the most.

(*): I'm the only man who lives in this entire castle, you know. Well, the only real man, that is.

(*): Huh huh huh. Jealous, are you? (You should be!\So you're one of those "modern" women, eh?)

(*): Meooow... Meooow...

(*): Some say it's just an old husbands' tale, but it's gospel truth. It was when Her Majesty's grandmother was still a young girl...

(*): The then King of Burland tried to woo her by giving her a precious treasure known as the Zenithian Shield.

(*): But no queen of ours would fall for a stunt like that, of course. Oh, no, no, no!

(*): Hm? What happened to the shield? Well, I wonder... I suppose it must still be in the castle somewhere.

(*): I'm cataloguing all the different rumours there are about the Lord of the Underworld and his resurrection.

(*): The prophecy of the (hero/heroine) who's supposed to defeat him...

(*): The legend of the Dragon God who resides in Zenithia up in the sky...

(*): And the tale about a woman who swept down from heaven and gave birth to a child near Casabranca.

(*): I'll have it all arranged in a neat little story soon, I hope.

(*): Her Majesty the Queen has to act stern for appearance's sake, but she's a gentlewoman at heart.

(*): It's a shame really. If she hadn't been born a queen, her compassion could have really shone through.

(*): This is Her Majesty's dressing room.

(*): She's got more pretty outfits than you can wave a stick at! Don't go touching them with those dirty hands of yours!

(*): The Queen is a hard woman. Hard on herself, and hard on others. Don't get on the wrong side of her.

(*): (A traveller/Travellers), I presume?

(*): My queendom blossoms because we dare to shun the petty quarrels of the outside world.

(*): So a word of advice: leave this place. You do not belong here.

The wardrobe is packed full of gorgeous dresses.

(*): Ah, I'm bored stiff. Got any good gossip?

(*): You've gotta believe me! I wouldn't touch anythin' like that. Not dresses. It's not right!

(*): I got into a fight with one of the girls guarding the castle...and lost! I'm too embarrassed to talk about it.

(*): Somewhere, SOMEWHERE in this world is a staff of incredible magic. Yes, the lightning staff!

(*): As a sorceress, I have to know! I must see for myself just how powerful its magic really is!

(*): The castle is locked at night. It's dangerous.

(*): Come back in the morning, please.

(*): Ahchoo! I was just...well, you know...relieving myself out here, when they went and shut the castle gates on me!

(*): I'm going to have to spend the whole night out here now. Again! Hmph! Women, eh!?

(*): Oh, 'ello! Let me 'elp you out 'ere... Just take a butcher's inside that chest o' drawers. You won't regret it!

(*): You there! What are you doing in here!?

(*): ...Dear Goddess! My bronze rosary!

(*): Help! Someone, help! There's (a thief/a gang of thieves) in here!

(*): Thieving? Inside the castle!? The cheek of it!

(*): There's nowhere for you to run. Come quietly.

(*): Follow me. Her Majesty has summoned you.

(*): I am the Queen of Femiscyra. I decide the fate of those accused of crime in my queendom.

Queen of Femiscyra: This testimony states that you stole the bronze rosary of a nun working in my castle.

Queen of Femiscyra: Is the testimony correct?

Queen of Femiscyra: Don't imagine for one second that your punishment will be lighter if you admit your guilt.

Queen of Femiscyra: This is a court of the Goddess! Answer truthfully!

Queen of Femiscyra: I will ask you once again. Are you not the (criminal/criminals) who stole the bronze rosary?

Queen of Femiscyra: But a woman of the Goddess has given a sworn testimony that she caught you in the act!

Queen of Femiscyra: And you still claim your innocence, despite the overwhelming evidence against you?

Queen of Femiscyra: Well if you are innocent, who is the criminal responsible? And where is he?

Queen of Femiscyra: I am a fair queen. I will give you a chance. If you wish to prove your innocence, find the real perpetrator and bring him to me!

Queen of Femiscyra: There is one condition, though! You must leave one of your party behind here as a surety.

Queen of Femiscyra: Guards! Take one of these people and lock them in the cells!

Queen of Femiscyra: Very well. You may go!

Queen of Femiscyra: You're changing your plea now!?

Queen of Femiscyra: I will give you one more chance. You stole the bronze rosary, did you not?

(*): (Character) will remain behind in our custody, then.

(*): Her Majesty has ordered me to let you exchange the detainee for another member of your party at any time.

(*): Welcome to Femiscyra Castle.

(*): It's been a long, long time since we've had any visitors.

(*): Only women are allowed to live here in the castle. Our queen is too beautiful for men to bear!

(*): A suspicious-looking man, you say? Yes, there was a fellow dressed like a poet who came running past before. He was heading south.

(*): Oh, look! (A traveller/Travellers)! So, is the path clear again now, then?

(*): That's good news. It's been a real pain ever since the eruption blocked it off.

(*): Hm? What's that? You want to know where a thief might hide out?

(*): Well, a cave would be my first choice, I should think. Not that I'd know of course!

(*): Apparently the Lord of the Underworld is about to rise again!

(*): They say a great (hero/heroine) is the only one who can defeat him. I wonder who it is...

(*): This Lord of the Underworld is a man, isn't he? Then he'll probably go easy on us women, won't he?

(*): I don't want any old man. My man needs to be tough. And strong. And butch...

(*): Yes, tough enough to enjoy a good wrestle sometimes! Hah hah hah!

(*): Don't think you can get up to any tricks just because this castle is defended by women!

(*): I'm twice the woman any man is...? I mean, twice the man any woman...? No, I mean, twice as strong as any man!

(*): I was given permission to supply weapons and armour to the good women of Femiscyra. Mind you, I had to pretend to be a eunuch!

(*): Then the way out of here got blocked in the eruption, and I've been stuck with the ladies ever-

(*): What? You can get through now? Well, that's...a bit of a shame, actually...

(*): I don't know if you're guilty or not, but that bronze rosary is very important to me. Please! Return it!

(*): I'm the only man who lives in this entire castle, you know. Well, the only real man, that is.

(*): Huh huh huh. Jealous, are you? (You should be!/So you're one of those "modern" women, eh?)

(*): Meooow... Meooow...

(*): Some say it's just an old husbands' tale, but it's gospel truth. It was when Her Majesty's grandmother was still a young girl...

(*): The then King of Burland tried to woo her by giving her a precious treasure known as the Zenithian Shield.

(*): But no queen of ours would fall for a stunt like that, of course. Oh, no, no, no!

(*): Hm? What happened to the shield? Well, I wonder... I suppose it must still be in the castle somewhere.

(*): I'm cataloguing all the different rumours there are about the Lord of the Underworld and his resurrection.

(*): The prophecy of the (hero/heroine) who's supposed to defeat him...

(*): The legend of the Dragon God who resides in Zenithia up in the sky...

(*): And the tale about a woman who swept down from heaven and gave birth to a child near Casabranca.

(*): I'll have it all arranged in a neat little story soon, I hope.

(*): Her Majesty the Queen has to act stern for appearance's sake, but she's a gentlewoman at heart.

(*): It's a shame really. If she hadn't been born a queen, her compassion could have really shone through.

(*): This is Her Majesty's dressing room.

(*): She's got more pretty outfits than you can wave a stick at! Don't go touching them with those dirty hands of yours!

(*): The Queen is a hard woman.

Hard on herself, and hard on others.
Don't get on the wrong side of her.

Queen of Femiscyra: I've given you the benefit of the doubt, and the chance to track down the real criminal.

Queen of Femiscyra: Just don't abuse my trust! Now go!

The wardrobe is packed full of gorgeous dresses.

(*): You want to swap the detainee for another member of your party, do you?

(*): Whose turn is it now, then?

(*): I'm sorry, but I can't accept (Character) as a surety.

(*): Very well. I'm taking (Character) into custody, then.

(*): (Character). You are free to return to your wagon.

(*): Her Majesty has ordered me to let you exchange the detainee for another member of your party at any time.

(*): Her Majesty has ordered me to let you exchange the detainee for another member of your party at any time.

(*): You've gotta believe me! I wouldn't touch anythin' like that. Not dresses. It's not right!

(*): I got into a fight with one of the girls guarding the castle...and lost! I'm too embarrassed to talk about it.

Ragnar: Losh! I cannae believe I'm here in jail suspected o' cheggin'.

Ragnar: Ye've got tae set aboot findin' the real thief an' provin' ma innocence, Hero.

Alena: Never am I forgiving this thief for accusing wrongly myself and companions.

Alena: But I must to admit that novelty of being in jail for first time is interesting one.

Kiryl: Always the Goddess is watching over us.

Kiryl: Here I wait and pray that suspicions against us are soon vanished.

Borya: Never did I imagine I am in jail at this age of my life.

Borya: But I can be glad for respite of protecting Tsarevna if I am secure behind bars.

Torneko: I knew it! I knew it'd be meself that ye'd be choosin' to lock up. 'Tis Murphy's Law, so it is.

Torneko: But I believe in ye. Ye'll find the crook an' free me from this hole soon enough.

Maya: No! Don't be leaving me in here! This is obviously a nonsense!

Maya: Oof, I am hating you now, Hero!

Meena: I can able to see in the mists of clarity that the criminal has travelled to south.

Meena: Hero. Track this naughty-naughty man down, please.

(Character): ...

(*): The castle is locked at night. It's dangerous.

(*): Come back in the morning, please.

(*): Ahchoo! I was just...well, you know...relieving myself out here, when they went and shut the castle gates on me!

(*): I'm going to have to spend the whole night out here now. Again! Hmph! Women, eh!?

Meena: I can able to see in the mists of clarity that the criminal has travelled to south.

Meena: Dear sister, track this naughty-naughty man down, please.

Con Cave

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He's in a deep sleep. A bronze rosary is hanging around his neck.

(*): Ha ha! Wot (you/you lot)doin' 'ere?

(*): Come after me, 'ave ya? Well, I'm afraid I ain't caught that easy.

(*): You don't leave me no choice. It's fisticuffs time for you.

(*): Blimey! I, I was wrong. An' I'm sorry an' all that. ...Now you'll forgive me, right?

(*): Nice work, Hero. I'm impressed.

(*): Her Majesty ordered me to follow you.

(*): She asked that I help you if you were in any trouble.

(*): But enough chit chat! Now I must take this disgrace of a man back to the castle.

(*): I trust you'll be along soon, Hero. Until then!

Femiscyra, second visit

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(*): Welcome to Femiscyra Castle.

(*): It's been a long, long time since we've had any visitors.

(*): Only women are allowed to live here in the castle. Our queen is too beautiful for men to bear!

(*): Phew! That was close!

(*): If you'd come a second later, you'd have caught me in the act!

(*): I know I shouldn't really, but... Well, there are only women's toilets inside, so what's a man to do?

(*): Oh, look! (A traveller/Travellers)! So, is the path clear again now, then?

(*): That's good news. It's been a real pain ever since the eruption blocked it off.

(*): Hm? What's that? You caught the criminal, did you?

(*): Well, that's wonderful news. Keep up the good work, then.

(*): Apparently the Lord of the Underworld is about to rise again!

(*): They say a great (hero/heroine) is the only one who can defeat him. I wonder who it is...

(*): This Lord of the Underworld is a man, isn't he? Then he'll probably go easy on us women, won't he?

(*): I don't want any old man. My man needs to be tough. And strong. And butch...

(*): Yes, tough enough to enjoy a good wrestle sometimes! Hah hah hah!

(*): Don't think you can get up to any tricks just because this castle is defended by women!

(*): I'm twice the woman any man is...? I mean, twice the man any woman...? No, I mean, twice as strong as any man!

(*): I was given permission to supply weapons and armour to the good women of Femiscyra. Mind you, I had to pretend to be a eunuch!

(*): Then the way out of here got blocked in the eruption, and I've been stuck with the ladies ever-

(*): What? You can get through now? Well, that's...a bit of a shame, actually...

(*): The Goddess saw to it that my precious bronze rosary was returned.

(*): But I doubted you. For a moment, I doubted your innocence.

(*): How can I be a worthy servant of the Goddess if I cannot uphold Her teachings myself?

(*): I'm the only man who lives in this entire castle, you know. Well, the only real man, that is.

(*): Huh huh huh. Jealous, are you? (You should be!/So you're one of those "modern" women, eh?)

(*): Meooow... Meooow...

(*): Some say it's just an old husbands' tale, but it's gospel truth. It was when Her Majesty's grandmother was still a young girl...

(*): The then King of Burland tried to woo her by giving her a precious treasure known as the Zenithian Shield.

(*): But no queen of ours would fall for a stunt like that, of course. Oh, no, no, no!

(*): Hm? What happened to the shield? Well, I wonder... I suppose it must still be in the castle somewhere.

(*): I'm cataloguing all the different rumours there are about the Lord of the Underworld and his resurrection.

(*): The prophecy of the (hero/heroine) who's supposed to defeat him...

(*): The legend of the Dragon God who resides in Zenithia up in the sky...

(*): And the tale about a woman who swept down from heaven and gave birth to a child near Casabranca.

(*): I'll have it all arranged in a neat little story soon, I hope.

(*): Her Majesty the Queen has to act stern for appearance's sake, but she's a gentlewoman at heart.

(*): It's a shame really. If she hadn't been born a queen, her compassion could have really shone through.

(*): This is Her Majesty's dressing room.

(*): She's got more pretty outfits than you can wave a stick at! Don't go touching them with those dirty hands of yours!

(*): I knew you were innocent right from the start.

(*): It's women's intuition, you see. I'm sure Her Majesty the Queen knew, too.

Queen of Femiscyra: Ah, Hero. So you were successful in tracking down the real thief.

Queen of Femiscyra: I have heard all about it. One of my guards filled me in.

Queen of Femiscyra: So, your companion is of course free to go. This key will give you access to the cells.

(Character) receives the ultimate key!

Queen of Femiscyra: And I wish you to have the Zenithian Shield, which can be found beneath the castle, as a token of sisterhood between Femiscyra and yourselves.

Queen of Femiscyra: My people in the castle inform me that you are on a quest to defeat the Lord of the Underworld.

Queen of Femiscyra: Well, there is a place called Rosehill to the south of this continent where monsters once lived.

Queen of Femiscyra: Perhaps you will learn something useful there. But hurry. Remember, time and tide wait for no woman!

The wardrobe is packed full of gorgeous dresses.

(*): I'm sure you can't wait to release your friend, but you must speak to Her Majesty first.

(*): You've gotta believe me! I wouldn't touch anythin' like that. Not dresses. It's not right!

(*): I got into a fight with one of the girls guarding the castle...and lost! I'm too embarrassed to talk about it.

Kirk Buzzer: I don't believe it! I ain't never come unstuck before. Not once.

Kirk Buzzer: Ya know, I 'eard there was three rooms under the castle 'ere.

Kirk Buzzer: But I didn't never find the last one. It's always eluded me, the little blighter...

Ragnar: Ye managed tae catch the real criminal, did ye? Och, that is good news.

Ragnar: Let's away from here then, shall we?

Alena: Pah. I only wish I am able to stop this criminal myself.

Alena: Never mind this time. Now we must to continue our voyage.

Kiryl: It is happy that criminal is caught. Goddess does not give to cow that butts. Now, let us go.

Borya: So finally our false accusation is proved empty. This mishap was terrible worry for me.

Borya: There is no use for us to remain here more. Please release me.

Torneko: Ye've caught the criminal, have ye? Well thank the Goddess for that! Now crack this gate open and let yer ole friend out, would ye?

Maya: Really!? We're in the clear? Oh, that's smashing! Quick, then. Let me out. I'm really hating it in here.

Meena: You've caught the real criminal? I was always believing that you'd come through for me.

(Character): ...

Femiscyra, second visit

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(*): Hm? What's that? You caught the criminal, did you?

(*): Well, that's wonderful news. Keep up the good work, then.

(*): The Goddess saw to it that my precious bronze rosary was returned.

(*): But I doubted you. For a moment, I doubted your innocence.

(*): How can I be a worthy servant of the Goddess if I cannot uphold Her teachings myself?

(*): Some say it's just an old husbands' tale, but it's gospel truth. It was when Her Majesty's grandmother was still a young girl...

(*): The then King of Burland tried to woo her by giving her a precious treasure known as the Zenithian Shield.

(*): But no queen of ours would fall for a stunt like that, of course. Oh, no, no, no!

(*): Hm? What happened to the shield? Well, I wonder... I suppose it must still be in the castle somewhere.

(*): I'm cataloguing all the different rumours there are about the Lord of the Underworld and his resurrection.

(*): The prophecy of the (hero/heroine) who's supposed to defeat him...

(*): The legend of the Dragon God who resides in Zenithia up in the sky...

(*): And the tale about a woman who swept down from heaven and gave birth to a child near Casabranca.

(*): I'll have it all arranged in a neat little story soon, I hope.

(*): Her Majesty the Queen has to act stern for appearance's sake, but she's a gentlewoman at heart.

(*): It's a shame really. If she hadn't been born a queen, her compassion could have really shone through.

(*): This is Her Majesty's dressing room.

(*): She's got more pretty outfits than you can wave a stick at! Don't go touching them with those dirty hands of yours!

(*): I knew you were innocent right from the start.

(*): It's women's intuition, you see. I'm sure Her Majesty the Queen knew, too.

Queen of Femiscyra: My people in the castle inform me that you are on a quest to defeat the Lord of the Underworld.

Queen of Femiscyra: Well, there is a place called Rosehill to the south of this continent where monsters once lived.

Queen of Femiscyra: Perhaps you will learn something useful there. But hurry. Remember, time and tide wait for no woman!

(*): You're leaving us now, are you? I'll miss you...

(*): Er...I mean... Ahem! Excuse me. I mean, good luck!

Kirk Buzzer: I don't believe it! I ain't never come unstuck before. Not once.

Kirk Buzzer: Ya know, I 'eard there was three rooms under the castle 'ere.

Kirk Buzzer: But I didn't never find the last one. It's always eluded me, the little blighter...

Ragnar: Ye managed tae catch the real criminal, did ye? Och, that is good news.

Ragnar: Let's away from here then, shall we?

Alena: Pah. I only wish I am able to stop this criminal myself.

Alena: Never mind this time. Now we must to continue our voyage.

Kiryl: It is happy that criminal is caught. Goddess does not give to cow that butts. Now, let us go.

Borya: So finally our false accusation is proved empty. This mishap was terrible worry for me.

Borya: There is no use for us to remain here more. Please release me.

Torneko: Ye've caught the criminal, have ye? Well thank the Goddess for that! Now crack this gate open and let yer ole friend out, would ye?

Maya: Really!? We're in the clear? Oh, that's smashing! Quick, then. Let me out. I'm really hating it in here.

Meena: You've caught the real criminal? I was always believing that you'd come through for me.


Ragnar: Och! What a calamity.

Ragnar: I must admit I was a wee bit worried back there when we were accused like that. Leavin' this place cannae come too soon.

Alena: I am very boring to stay in jail for such long time. Hurry. Let us leave.

Kiryl: It is much relief that suspicions for us are gone. We must to thank Goddess that she grant clarity on our captors.

Kiryl: I hope never again to be inside jail cell. I wonder... Am I perhaps foul-smelling due to this experience?

Borya: It is disgrace that these people treat us as common thieves!

Borya: I wish to leave this stinking place without moment's delay.

Torneko: By the hokey, an' I was after thinkin' ye'd be leavin' me in here ferever, like!

Torneko: Aye, ye put the heart across me sometin' terrible fer a minute there!

Maya: Arey, why do things like this always happen to me, uh?

Maya: 'Til we stay in this queendom-cum-looney bin, I'll never make the acquaintance of any handsome young lovelies.

Meena: Ah... Thank you, Hero.

Meena: Now I have been in prison two times, and I can tell you there is not much of fun in it.

(Character) goes on ahead to the wagon outside.

(Character)'s coffin is carried out to the wagon.


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(*): This here be Dunplundrin, arrr!

(*): Our ancestors be pirates, arrr! But then one day they give up the sweet trade and set up home here.

(*): An' they left their booty hidden deep in a waterfall somewhere in this big, wide world.

(*): Folk say there's a liquid metal sword in amongst their loot, too. Arrr!

(*): Shiver me timbers! Ya mustn't disturb a man at work. Come back tonight if ya want ta chat, matey.

(*): These are the graves of our ancestors. Gentlemen of fortune, they were. ...Oh, okay then, pirates.

(*): When the tide comes in at night, the gravestones are swallowed up by water. Just like Davy Jones' locker.

(*): We used ta have a karstaway stone here in our village, arrr. If ya dropped it in the sea, the water around it would dry up just like that.

(*): Woof woof!

(*): Ahoy there, me hearty. We don't often get folk 'round these parts.

(*): I don't s'pose ya know the legend o' the sands of time, do ya?

(*): Yo ho ho. Well, that be surprisin'!

(*): The sands o' time be a curious treasure with the power ta turn back time.

(*): If ye had a thing like that in battle, it could make the difference 'tween life an' Fiddler's Green.

(*): My old man is a bilge-drinkin' scallywag! All he ever be doin' is sleepin'.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Arrr. My husband's a trader an' he knows all there is ta know about items.

(*): Arrrf, arrrf!

(*): Ahoy! When night falls an' the tide comes in, the beach be covered in water.

(*): When the sea's rough, the wind starts ta sound like people's voices.

(*): It's like hearin' our ancestors callin' ta us from down in Davy Jones' locker.

(*): Arrr-phew, arrr-phew...

(*): Are you the (gent/wench) who wants ta know about the sands of time?

(*): Legend has it that our ancestors used it durin' their swashbucklin' battles.

(*): Seems the sands o' time could be used ta turn back time if yer previous attack were scuppered.

(*): I s'pose folk manage ta get by without it, but it'd be a useful thing ta have, that's fer sure.

(*): Aye, as ya wish, matey.

(Character) casts the karstaway stone into the water.

Rosehill, first visit

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(*): Welcome to Rosehill, home of the dwarfs. And a fine place to live it is, too!

(*): They say that the ruby tears from an elf's eyes are full of that elf's desires.

(*): That must be why humans can never get their hands on the rubies. Because the elf doesn't want them to.

(*): I came here looking for an elf who's said to cry rubies instead of tears! Would you believe it? Ruby tears!

(*): Just imagine how rich you'd be if you could catch the little blighter!

(*): I'm not lying! It's true!

(*): When it gets dark at night, a pretty girl comes to the window at the top of that tower!

(*): I keep telling everyone, but no one believes me. It's not fair!

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Pooaaargh Rose! Uwaaargh!

(*): If Lord Psaro didn't save huuurgh, she'd be dead by now. Killed by the humans! Uwaaargh!

(*): There was a young elf girl here called Rose.

(*): She was very special. When she cried, her tears turned into rubies.

(*): And because the wicked humans were always trying to capture her for her tears, she used to cry an awful lot.

(*): A human man came to our village not long ago, actually. To set up a shop, you know.

(*): You humans are devils when it comes to business!

(*): It's not just you humans who have to worry. If the Lord of the Underworld comes back to life, us dwarfs will all be wiped out, too.

(*): Neeeigh! There's no neeeighd to worry. Lord Psaro will seeeighve us all! Neeeigh.

(*): Woof, woof! The grrreat Lord Psaro made me brainy.

(*): Now I bark human. Bow wow wow!

(*): Meow. Meooow. I owe Lord Purrsaro everything...

(*): He purrfected the Secret of Evolution and made all usss animals more purrceptive and clever.

(*): This is a church for dwarfs and monsters.

(*): I'm afraid humans aren't welcome here. Would you kindly leave?

(*): Lord Psaro built this tower.

(*): He's very prudent. Apparently he built a secret room into the tower somewhere in case of a war.

(*): They say he keeps something unbelievable in there, too.

(*): (A human/Humans)!? You are - Clank! - forbidden in this place! Prepare for a thrashing!

(*): Uh...uuuurgh... You are...forbidden...to-

(*): I'll squish you if you goo anything to Rose!

(*): What? You didn't come to hurt her? Oh. Sorry I accoozed you, then. I tell you what. I'll tell you something good!

(*): There's a mod rod in the Royal Crypt on the bit of land sticking out south-west of Endor.

(*): If you've got the mod rod, you can goo inside Diabolic Hall where all important monsters meet.

(*): Huh! (A human/Humans)!

(*): But...you're not like other humans. You...seem friendly and kind.

(*): I can trust you not to hurt me, can't I? I'm Rose. Listen, I must tell you something...

Rose: The world is... It's about to be destroyed by monsters!

Rose: A man called Psaro is behind it all. He's organising them.

Rose: Now he's calling himself Psaro the Manslayer, and he's trying to use the Secret of Evolution to turn himself into something terrible!

Rose: You must help us! You have to put a stop to Psaro's wicked plan!

Rose: I can't let him commit any more crimes...

Rose: (sob) Oh, Psaro... (sob)

Ruby tears start to roll down Rose's cheeks...

Hero catches the ruby tears.

But as soon as they touch Hero's hand, the jewels shatter...

(*): The elves used to live near a little village in the north-west called Strathbaile.

(*): But then the humans came and drove them out. It must have been a terrible time for their kind.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew.... Cry! Cry, you little blighter! Cry me my rubiezzz... Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): There was a young monster who used to live here called Psaro, you know.

(*): But he came up with some diabolical scheme to rule the world and left!

(*): Rose was the only one who could ever soften him at all.

(*): Ah-phew...

Riverton, first visit

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(*): Meow?

(*): Hooly dooly! I could hardly believe me eyes, y'know.

(*): There's a humungo statue to the south of this river, and strewth, I swear I saw it go walkabout! Fair dink!

(*): Back in the old days, people used to fly about in the sky in funny contraptions they built.

(*): But that all ended when the Lord o' the Underworld went an' made off with the basic "ingredient", if ya like.

(*): I reckon it probably ended up bein' sealed away with him, y'know.

(*): Welcome to the riverside town of Riverton! Pretty good name for the place, eh?

(*): Hey, that boat you've got is a real beaut. Good on ya!

(*): Still, I s'pose you need a decent-sized thing if you're sailin' out on the open ocean.

(*): People reckon there's a monster castle somewhere in the Ostro outback.

(*): No one's been enough of a galah to go an' find out if that's true or not, though. Ha ha!

(*): I'll be stuffed! I didn't think anyone'd find me here.

(*): This is me secret fishin' spot, see, an' I'd like to keep it that way. Don't tell anyone, roit?

(Character) reads the sign.

"South of here is the Colossus statue, mate."

(*): The bloke on the opposite bank is a real dag. He's tryin' to build one o' them old flyin' machines.

(*): I dunno, though. It don't sound all that easy to me. I reckon he's a bit of a whacker.

(*): I ain't sleepin' on the job, mate. No, not me.

(*): Travellin' 'round the world, are ya? How'd you like to stump up for me flyin' machine to help you on your way then?

(*): There's only one slight problem... It ain't finished yet.

(*): All I need is a gas that's lighter than air, though, and then I reckon she'll fly.

(*): Hey! Maybe I could take a squizz at that canister you got there. Will you show it to me, mate?

(*): You beauty! Check this out! When I open up the canister a little, out sprays some kinda gas!

(*): I don't suppose...

(*): You know, I'd be really rapt if you'd let me have this. Whaddya reckon?

(*): You little ripper! You won't regret this, I promise. Just come back an' see me tomorrow, eh?

(*): Hopefully I'll have a pretty spiffy present for ya by way of thanks.

(*): Ah, go on, mate! In the name o' science an' all that.

(*): Strewth! Some people are so stubborn, it makes me as cross as a frog in a sock!

(*): Ah, be fair! It ain't gonna break your back just showin' it to me, is it? Strewth, some people!

(*): Come on! Give a bloke a fair go. You'll let me have it, won't ya?

(*): You little ripper! You won't regret this, I promise. Just come back an' see me tomorrow, eh?

(*): Hopefully I'll have a pretty spiffy present for ya by way of thanks.

(*): Purr?

(*): Zzzz...

The fishing line is being tugged at, but the old man doesn't notice!

(*): Me old man's always complainin' he's too tired for chit-chat. He won't talk to me at all, the mongrel.

(*): I'm a battler through and through, me. I work hard all day long, y'know.

(*): The last thing I wanna hear when I get home is some crazy yabber about the Colossus statue takin' a walk!

(*): I wonder if that larrikin really can make a flyin' machine.

(*): It says in the old books that the thing that made the flyin' machines work was in some kinda hard canister.

(*): I reckon it'd fly if I could find a gas that's lighter than air. That'd be bonzer!

(*): It is said that the Colossus catches the teardrops that fall from its eyes.

(*): Good luck on your quest, my (child/children).

There's a lever here. Pull it?

The statue of the Colossus starts to move!

Diabolic Hall, first visit

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(*): Heh heh heh! My lucky day! A tasty human to devour!

(*): (A human/Humans)! Escaped from the cells, did you!?

(*): You! Stop! I don't like the look of you!

(*): Lord Psaro is very busy. He roars all over the world attending to important business.

(*): But the day all humans are crushed and the monsters rule as kings of this jungle is closer than they know!

(*): What are you doing!? Get inside quickly!

(*): Lord Psaro will be arriving any minute now.

(*): N-No! I can't get caught now! I'd got so far!

(*): What? You're not a monster at all? You used the mod rod to change into one? Oh, thank the Goddess for that!

(*): You're certainly brave, sneaking into this place right under the monsters' noses.

(*): Oh, I get it! You must've been using that mod rod, were you?

(*): I thought as much.

(*): No? Then let me tell you something. The mod rod's supposed to be this magical staff that changes how you look.

(*): I heard it was buried somewhere in the Royal Crypt around Endor, but I've never actually seen it myself.

(*): On behalf of all monsters, I welcome you to the grrrand Diabolic Hall!

(*): What are you doing down here? Charge on up to the conference room at once!

(*): You'll be late otherwise.

No reply. It's just a skeleton.

Oh no it isn't! It's alive!

(*): Leave me alone. I'm trying to rest in peace! You don't want to rattle my ribcage!

(*): Humanth are pathetic! They can't even fly!

(*): Mind you, they did invent thomething called a balloon that they can fly around in. Maybe they're not ath thtupid ath I thought.

(*): Behold the throne of the great Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): But there are rumours of some cheeky scoundrels trying to unseat our lord.

(*): Not you, I hope? You wouldn't be...hiding anything, would you?

(*): Eep! Better thit down thoon, or Lord Ptharo will be here.

(*): Phew! Jutht in the nick of time!

(*): Lord Psaro's been away for so long. Why would he choose to come back now...?

(*): Your (place is/places are) here next to mine. Sit down and wait in silence after you've grrreeted everyone.

(*): Lord Psaro will grrrace us with his presence once everyone is seated.

(*): Hm... Something must be up. Perhaps the fabled (hero/heroine) is still alive...

(*): No, that can't be. Everyone knows the (hero/heroine) is just a bag of bones now.

(*): Wooo. Maybe he's finally conquered the Secret of Evoloootion.

(*): Wooo. Woooooo. I smell huooomans! Tasty huooomans!

(*): Maybe it's wafting up from the dungeon. It's making me drooooool! Wooo.

(*): No! I've got to keep running! Otherwise I'll put on weight and they'll eat me!

(*): I'm still the scrawniest one in here, so I'll be last on the menu, I hope.

(*): Dear Goddess, forget about the others! They're nothing but lost sheep. I'm the one who has served you all these years!

(*): Please. This is my hour of need. If only one of us can be saved, let it be me!

(Character) examines the gravestone.

"Brave members of monsterkind. R. I. P."

(*): What!? Aamon's ready to pounce? So Psaro will be... This is excellent news.

(*): Grrr... Yes. Psaro's grrrave is dug this time.

(*): He's going to use the foolish humans to get at the one thing Psaro treasures most.

(*): Hm... If it works, the day Aamon leads the pride as Master of Diabolic Hall isn't far away...

(*): Grrr! Someone's coming!

(*): Yes, er... Psaro the Manslayer is of course the greatest Master of Monsterkind there has ever been!

(*): Grrr... I don't know you. Are you (a grrreenhorn/grrreenhorns)?

(*): Long, long ago, Estark, Emperor of Monsterkind, evolved into His ultimate form.

(*): But the Dragon God of Zenithia was scared of Estark's new powers, so he sealed Him away deep undergrrround.

(*): Silence! The almighty Psaro the Manslayer will soon be among us.

Psaro the Manslayer: Attention, faithful servants! I bring news of an important happening at Mamon Mine.

Psaro the Manslayer: Estark, Lord of the Underworld, has been reawakened by human hands.

Psaro the Manslayer: It seems the foolish humans unknowingly dug their way into His crypt.

Psaro the Manslayer: Time is of the essence. You must go to Lord Estark and guide Him to us.

Psaro the Manslayer: Hurry, my servants! To Mamon!

(*): Jutht like the prophethy foretold, the great Ethtark hath finally rithen from the dead!

(*): The era of monthterkind ith finally here!

(*): What are you doing!? We must all go to Mamon at once!

(*): Oh, you've had a funny turn, have you? Forgotten what you're doing? Mamon is on the peninsula north-west of the Palais de Léon.

(*): Behold the throne of the great Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): But there are rumours of some cheeky scoundrels trying to unseat our lord.

(*): Not you, I hope? You wouldn't be...hiding anything, would you?

(*): From the ancient depths of the underworld, Emperor Estark has risen again!

(*): If Lord Psaro can perfect the Secret of Evolution now...

(*): Even the Zenithian God won't be able to meddle in our affairs! Hwah ha ha ha hah!

(*): Wooo. Huoooman sooop's on the menu toooday.

(*): I'm ravenous. I'll be all bone and bones if I don't eat something soon.

(*): Hm... A sekerleton eating...? Where does all the food go? I wonder if they ever get stomach ache...

(*): What!? Aamon's ready to pounce? So Psaro will be... This is excellent news.

(*): Grrr... Yes. Psaro's grrrave is dug this time.

(*): He's going to use the foolish humans to get at the one thing Psaro treasures most.

(*): Hm... If it works, the day Aamon leads the pride as Master of Diabolic Hall isn't far away...

(*): Grrr! Someone's coming!

(*): Yes, er... Psaro the Manslayer is of course the greatest Master of Monsterkind there has ever been!

(*): Grrr... I don't know you. Are you (a grrreenhorn/grrreenhorns)?

(*): That Zamokthva tsar ith a real thap.

(*): He found out in a dream that hith own people were inadvertently helping Ethtark to break hith theal.

(*): Tho he tried to thtop the digging at Mamon Mine, but got thealed away ath a rethult.

(*): None of uth had a clue that Ethtark wath buried in a place like that!

(*): Long, long ago, Estark, Emperor of Monsterkind, evolved into His ultimate form.

(*): But the Dragon God of Zenithia was scared of Estark's new powers, so he sealed Him away deep undergrrround.

(*): This used to be a mining town, you know. Mamon, it was called. But there's no mining now. Take my advice and leave!

(*): Dear Goddess! Is the day of judgement upon us already?

(*): Some mates o' mine dug up somefin', somefin' unbelievable!

(*): But then the monsters came. They didn't stand a chance. It was... Oh, crikey! I can't even describe it!

(*): Grrr...

Mamon mine, second visit

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No reply. It's just a corpse.

But a letter remains tightly clasped in one of its hands...

"Dear Dad,

Please come home soon.

Jack and I are so lonely.

"We'll both come to visit you soon.

Love, Jill"

(Character) reads the sign.


(Character) examines the gravestone.

There's an inscription... "HERE LIES HELEN, MY BELOVED WIFE."

(Character) examines the gravestone.

There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

No reply. It's just a corpse.

No reply. It's just a corpse.

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): M-Monsters! They're...attacking... Heeeelp!

(Character) examines the gravestone.

There's an inscription... "TO THE SOULS OF OUR BRAVE MINERS."

No reply. It's just a corpse.

(*): Grrr... This place is a maze! I'm lost.

(*): Eep! I mutht find Lord Ethtark immediately!

(*): Ha-hah! I've done it! I've finally dug myself a mountain of gold! Uuurgh...

No reply. It's just a corpse.

Estark's Crypt

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(*): All hail Lord Estark! I have been His faithful servant since the dawn of time.

(*): Lord Estark gave me eternal life.

(*): So long as Lord Estark lives, my flame cannot be extinguished...

(*): Grrr... Who are you!? Keep your distance!

(*): Lord Estark will awaken soon. Leave now!

(*): Go!

(*): Do you want to die, (fool/fools)!?

(*): Who are you!? No closer! That's near enough.

(*): Lord Estark will awaken soon. Leave now!

(*): Go!

(*): Do you want to die, (fool/fools)!?

(*): Grrr... Who are you!? Keep your distance!

(*): Lord Estark will awaken soon. Leave now!

(*): Go!

(*): Do you want to die, (fool/fools)!?

(*): Who... WHO!? Who would disturb my sleeeep!?

Psaro the Manslayer: B-But...

Psaro the Manslayer: How could this happen!?

Psaro the Manslayer: We've waited so long... How... How could mere humans defeat the Lord of the Underworld!?

Psaro the Manslayer: ...

Psaro the Manslayer: The prophecy... It says only a great (hero/heroine) descended from the heavens could defeat the Lord of the Underworld...

Psaro the Manslayer: You... You can't be...

(*): Lord Ptharo! Thomething urgent hath come up!

(*): It'th Rose... The humanth have...

Psaro the Manslayer: WHAT!?

Psaro the Manslayer: NOOOO! All of you! Follow me! We're leaving!

No reply. It's just a corpse.

Rosehill, second visit

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(*): Welcome to Rosehill, home of the dwarfs. And a fine place to live it is, too!

(*): They say that the ruby tears from an elf's eyes are full of that elf's desires.

(*): That must be why humans can never get their hands on the rubies. Because the elf doesn't want them to.

(*): I'm not lying! It's true!

(*): The humans who came here took the elf girl in the tower away somewhere!

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Pooaaargh Rose! Uwaaargh!

(*): She came here to hide from the humans, but they found her again. Uwaaargh!

(*): There was a young elf girl here called Rose.

(*): She was very special. When she cried, her tears turned into rubies.

(*): And because the wicked humans were always trying to capture her for her tears, she used to cry an awful lot.

(*): A human man came to our village not long ago, actually. To set up a shop, you know.

(*): You humans are devils when it comes to business!

(*): It's not just you humans who have to worry. If the Lord of the Underworld comes back to life, us dwarfs will all be wiped out, too.

(*): Neeeigh! There's no neeeighd to worry. Lord Psaro will seeeighve us all! Neeeigh.

(*): Woof, woof! The grrreat Lord Psaro made me brainy.

(*): Now I bark human. Bow wow wow!

(*): Meow. Meooow. I owe Lord Purrsaro everything...

(*): He purrfected the Secret of Evolution and made all usss animals more purrceptive and clever.

(*): This is a church for dwarfs and monsters.

(*): I'm afraid humans aren't welcome here. Would you kindly leave?

(*): Lord Psaro built this tower.

(*): He's very prudent. Apparently he built a secret room into the tower somewhere in case of a war.

(*): They say he's hiding the love of his life in there, too.

(*): Rose was slimenapped by the greedy humans.

(*): But her ruby tears are no use to them. They shatter if humans touch them.

(*): The elves used to live near a little village in the north-west called Strathbaile.

(*): But then the humans came and drove them out. It must have been a terrible time for their kind.

(*): Zzzz...

(*): There was a young monster who used to live here called Psaro, you know.

(*): But he came up with some diabolical scheme to rule the world and left!

(*): Rose was the only one who could ever soften him at all.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Hae a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams!

Hero falls into a deep sleep. Shortly afterwards, a dream begins...

(*): Come on then, let's see ya bawlin'! I'll be havin' me some o' them ruby tears, you mark my words!

Rose: S-Stop! Leave me alone!

(*): Huh! You're a stubborn one, ain't ya? Maybe this'll make ya cooperate!

Rose: Aaaah!

Psaro: Rose!

Rose: Psaro... You're...here...

Psaro: Hey! You! How dare you do this to her!?

Psaro: Are you all right, Rose? Stay with me, Rose!

Rose: Psaro... I beg of you... Please listen to my...final wish...

Rose: Please...give up on your plan... Just stay with me here...always...

Rose: ...

Psaro: ...

Psaro: Nooooo!

Psaro: Despicable humans! I'll never forgive this! As long as there is breath in my body, I'll avenge Rose's death by killing every last one of you!

(*): Good morning! I trust ye had a pleasant stay.

House of Prophecy, second visit

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Nun the Wiser: 'E is stirring. Estark, Lord of ze Underworld, who 'ad disappeared into ze depths of oblivion.

Nun the Wiser: Now new seeds of destruction threaten zis beautiful world ze Goddess 'as bestowed upon us.

Nun the Wiser: But ze protection divine zat shields you from on 'igh will show you 'ow to proceed.

Nun the Wiser: You must not pause. Non. You cannot! Go, now! For you are ze Chosen!

Diabolic Hall, third visit

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(*): Heh heh heh! My lucky day! A tasty human to devour!

(*): (A human/Humans)! Escaped from the cells, did you!?

(*): You! Stop! I don't like the look of you!

(*): There's been no word of Lord Psaro since he left for Mamon Mine.

(*): I hope Lord Estark isn't... No, surely not. What harm could come to the Lord of the Underworld, the King of Beasts?

(*): The love of Lord Psaro's life, the elf called Rose, has been kidnapped by those pesky humans.

(*): I can't even imagine how furious Lord Psaro will be when he hears the news.

(*): Just thinking about it sends shivers down my horn...

(*): I heard a ridiculouth rumour...

(*): Apparently the Great Ethtark did rithe again, but he wath defeated by the legendary (hero/heroine) ath the prophethy foretold...

(*): This is very strange. None of the monsters who left for Mamon Mine have returned yet...

Riverton, second visit

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(*): G'day! You came at a good time, 'cos I've finally finished me flyin' machine. Yep, deadset!

(*): This first one's yours. Why don't ya go outside an' give it a burl?

(*): Meow?

(*): Hooly dooly! I could hardly believe me eyes, y'know.

(*): There's a humungo statue to the south of this river, and strewth, I swear I saw it go walkabout! Fair dink!

(*): Back in the old days, people used to fly about in the sky in funny contraptions they built.

(*): But that all ended when the Lord o' the Underworld went an' made off with the basic "ingredient", if ya like.

(*): I reckon it probably ended up bein' sealed away with him, y'know.

(*): Welcome to the riverside town of Riverton! Pretty good name for the place, eh?

(*): Hey, that boat you've got is a real beaut. Good on ya!

(*): Still, I s'pose you need a decent-sized thing if you're sailin' out on the open ocean.

(*): People reckon there's a monster castle somewhere in the Ostro outback.

(*): No one's been enough of a galah to go an' find out if that's true or not, though. Ha ha!

(*): I'll be stuffed! I didn't think anyone'd find me here.

(*): This is me secret fishin' spot, see, an' I'd like to keep it that way. Don't tell anyone, roit?

(Character) reads the sign.

"South of here is the Colossus statue, mate."

(*): That bloke's a dinky-di genius! Who'd have thought he'd be able to make a flyin' machine!?

(*): I ain't sleepin' on the job, mate. No, not me.

(*): That gas canister was just the ticket for helpin' me finish me balloon, cobber.

(*): You can't beat it when your hard yakka finally pays off. I'll be makin' a few more o' those, an' that's fair dinkum!

(*): I'd be just rapt if people all over the world end up bein' able to travel by air. That's me dream, y'know.

(*): Purr?

(*): Zzzz...

The fishing line is being tugged at, but the old man doesn't notice!

(*): Me old man's always complainin' he's too tired for chit-chat. He won't talk to me at all, the mongrel.

(*): I'm a battler through and through, me. I work hard all day long, y'know.

(*): The last thing I wanna hear when I get home is some crazy yabber about the Colossus statue takin' a walk!

(*): A castle way up in the clouds? Don't come the raw prawn with me! I'll believe it when I see it.

(*): Even a balloon can't take you way up high to where the angels live.

(*): But maybe it might at least help you find the right path, eh?

El Forado, first visit

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(*): Well, well, well... (A human/Humans)! It's been a long time since any humans came here.

(*): Welcome to El Forado.

(*): Grrr-ruff! The big tree here is the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil.

(*): Meow... Yggdrasil gives enough shade for everyone. Just right for catnapping...

(*): The monsters of today! They're even infesting Yggdrasil these days. Nope. Nowhere's safe any more...

(*): The top of Yggdrasil is thick with leaves. Yggdrasil leaves.

(*): They're very useful to have on you. Very, very useful indeed.

(*): I can hear a voice at the top of Yggdrasil. I wonder what it is...

(*): We elves hear extremely well, you know.

(*): Someone's calling for help, I think...

(*): Yes. It sounds like they're asking for three people to come to their aid. But only three, mind. No more!

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

(Character) acquires the Yggdrasil leaf.

Hero examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

The floor is covered with Yggdrasil leaves, but the party can only carry one at a time!

(*): P-Please... Someone... Blessed is he who aideth the weak...

(*): I know not who you are, but please... Help me!

(*): I beseech thee. Please, help me.

(*): My name is Orifiela. I descended from Zenithia for to pick the leaves of the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil.

Orifiela: But I was attacked by monsters, and I fear that one of my wings is broken.

Orifiela: Wilt thou aid me in my quest to return to my haven? Wilt thou deliver me to Zenithia?

Orifiela: You will?

Orifiela: But alas, your party is already full.

Orifiela: I shall await your return in patient recumbence, at which time I pray that you are able to take me with you.

Orifiela: You will?

Orifiela: To take the Stairway to Zenithia, thou must have in thy possession all of the Zenithian Equipment.

Orifiela: The Zenithian Sword, that which you are lacking, lies here in the branches of this very tree. I sense it...

Orifiela: Come, let us leave to find it.

Orifiela joins the party!

Orifiela: You believe the notion of passage to Zenithia to be absurd?

(*): Why don't you go outside town and arrange a team of three to go and see what's going on up there?

Hero examines the sword stuck in the ground at (his/her) feet.

(Character) obtains the Zenithian Sword.

Orifiela: Indeed, that is the Zenithian Sword!

Thank you, Hero.

Orifiela: Now we are ready for the ascent to Zenithia.

Orifiela: But my broken wing doth encumber me. I cannot fly.

Orifiela: Wilt thou deliver me to Zenithia?

Orifiela: It was always my belief that you would answer me so. Thank you, Hero.

Orifiela: The Stairway to Zenithia must be our destination. From thence alone may one ascend.

Orifiela: And for to take the Stairway, thou must have in thy possession all of the Zenithian Equipment.

Orifiela: Let us be gone!

Orifiela: But, Hero. I have you alone to rely on.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

(Character) acquires the Yggdrasil leaf.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

The floor is covered with Yggdrasil leaves, but the party can only carry one at a time!

(*): Well, well, well... (A human/Humans)! It's been a long time since any humans came here.

(*): Welcome to El Forado.

(*): Grrr-ruff! The big tree here is the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil.

(*): Meow... Yggdrasil gives enough shade for everyone. Just right for catnapping...

(*): The monsters of today! They're even infesting Yggdrasil these days. Nope. Nowhere's safe any more...

(*): The top of Yggdrasil is thick with leaves. Yggdrasil leaves.

(*): They're very useful to have on you. Very, very useful indeed.

(*): The voice I could hear from the treetop's gone away now.

(*): Oh, you helped whoever it was, did you? What good news!


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(*): Behold, (traveller/ye travellers) of the Goddess's earthly garden! Stand humbled at the Azimuth, gateway to Zenithia!

(*): Have you come here on a pilgrimage to the divine sky?

(*): Greetings and farewells. Hope and despair. Life and death. The Goddess giveth and the Goddess taketh away!

(*): Tread boldly, sheep of the Almighty Guardian, for thou art watched and thou shalt be provided for!

(*): Beware the dangers of sorrow and grief. Those with heavy hearts are vessels of the Wicked One.

(*): But all are born into this world blessed. Blessed by the one true deity, the Almighty Goddess!

(*): Estark, born of the fiery flames of Nadiria, was struck down by a great (hero/heroine), just as the prophecy foretold.

(*): But now he strives to be reborn. A new evil stirs within his condemned and tormented soul.

(*): A terrible happening has taken place...

(*): Psaro the Manslayer, he who fraternises with monsterkind, has finally managed to perfect the Secret of Evolution.

(*): There is hearsay among us that Psaro the Manslayer has already unleashed the forbidden secret deep in his underground lair.

(*): The Secret of Evolution that was sealed away from the hands of mortals long, long ago.

(*): Why hast this almighty calamity befallen us?

(*): Once the armlet of transmutation is employed, the Secret of Evolution shall be still more fearsome than it was before.

(*): I know the truth about the man!

(*): Psaro the Manslayer is a vessel of evil, his heart steeped in a curdled soup of hatred.

(*): He must be stopped! Stopped before he evolves into a being more foul and full of evil than has ever cursed this world.

(*): Open your ears to the voice of the Goddess as I have done!

(*): It was I who heard the Goddess's prophecy about the great (hero/heroine) who would strike down Estark.

(*): It is exactly as the prophecy foretold. That you would come here to the Azimuth, this too was revealed to me by the Goddess.

(*): But now there is only silence... What will happen now that Estark is defeated is a mystery even to me...

(*): Wise and all-powerful Goddess! What does this mean?

(*): I have heard tell of a tower somewhere on this island that leads to Zenithia itself!

(*): But even if the Stairway to Zenithia really does exist, it is not open to all.

(*): It is written in the ancient scriptures that only one with all of the legendary Zenithian Equipment would be granted access.

(*): Your feet are blessed, for you stand at the Azimuth, the closest mortals can be to Zenithia.

(*): But beware, for Nadiria, the underworld, is not far distant either.

(*): In the north-west of this very island is a cave so deep that it touches the abyss. A cave that no human may approach.

(*): Only Zenithians and monsterkind may enter the cave. That is what the legend says.

(*): It must have been an act of the Goddess. The person you see sleeping there fell out of the sky.

(*): What has become of Hero? I must meet with (him/her) urgently.

(*): Hero! We have been awaiting you!

(*): You must meet with the Dragon God at once.

(*): The world is on the very brink of destruction!

Stairway to Zenithia

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It's a statue of a knight that seems to be guarding Baron's Folly.

Out of nowhere, (Hero hears/the party hear) a voice...

(*): (Thou standeth/You stand) at the foot of the Stairway to Zenithia. The Chosen alone may scale its steps...

(*): Leave now, unworthy (traveller/travellers)!

Out of nowhere, (Hero hears/the party hear) a voice...

(*): (Thou standeth/You stand) at the foot of the Stairway to Zenithia. The Chosen alone may scale its steps...

(*): Leave now, unworthy (traveller/travellers)!

Zenithia, first visit

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By some miraculous force, Orifiela is resurrected!

Orifiela: Behold, it is Zenithia! My home! Without your help, I should not have been able to return here.

Orifiela: Thank you, Hero. But I must leave you now to inform my kinsmen of my safe return.

Orifiela: Thank you again...and farewell.

(*): Behold the mighty castle of Zenithia.

(*): You stand in the domain of the great Dragon God.

(*): Oh! Many years have passed since wingless friends did tread the clouds of our realm.

(*): The word from the earth below is of a terrible evil. A wicked foe about to be reborn.

(*): I desire to descend to the world below. But it is the Zenith Dragon alone who may grant permission for such an excursion.

(*): Though, ten years or more past, one of our number, an angel, did descend, and did so without sanction.

(*): Fear not, for you are safe. The clouds of Zenithia do support us all, and keep us from plummeting to the ground below.

(*): Grrr...

(*): You will be travelling to strange places in the near future.

(*): So I must ask you. Have you already obtained the baron's bugle?

(*): If not, you must find it. It is said to reside in Baron's Folly, to the east of the Azimuth.

(*): Grrrooo...

(*): Psaro the Manslayer has erected barriers in order to prevent the hand of his enemies corrupting his forced evolution.

(*): These barriers must be destroyed if his evolution is to be checked.

(*): May divine protection accompany %O960%Xthee, Hero/the great (hero/heroine), Hero).

Orifiela: Oh, my (friend/friends)! See how you have helped me! I have returned to my duties watching over the pups.

Orifiela: A great kindness such as you have done unto me must be repaid...

Orifiela: Sparkie! Come here, please.

Orifiela: I give you Sparkie, to take with you on your journey. He will aid you, I'm sure.

Sparkie joins the party!

Orifiela: We are all depending on you now.

Sparkie joins the party!

Sparkie leaves you and makes his way outside to the wagon!

Orifiela: We are all depending on you now.

Orifiela: We are all depending on you now.

(*): It has begun!

(*): A wicked cloud doth begin to spread across the world below!

(*): Many years ago, a young angel did descend from Zenithia and fell in love with a human woodcutter.

(*): But the divine law doth say that no angel and no human shall together be.

(*): The woodcutter was struck down by a bolt of lightning and the grief-stricken angel was returned to Zenithia.

(*): Woebegone, she could not put from her mind the memory of the child she was forced to leave behind.

(*): If today she were to see her Hero once more, what force could be powerful enough to stop her, her tears...? (sob sob)

(*): Hm? What am I doing? I'm nurthing thome young Yggdrasil thaplingth.

(*): Here you are. Have thome Yggdrasil dew. It'th a prethent from me!

(Character) receives some Yggdrasil dew!

(*): What'th that? You want thome more Yggdrasil dew?

(*): Don't be tho greedy! I'll give you more oneth you've exhauthted what you've already got.

(*): All right. But it'th our little thecret, okay?

(Character) receives some Yggdrasil dew!

(*): Huh! (A human/Humans)! Don't say anything, Daisy.

Daisy: Hmph! No, Oopsy.

Daisy: Hmph...

(*): ♪ La-la-la, La-la-la... ♪

(*): Do you desire to read of the books?

(*): Very well. Allow me to read to you...

(*): "The Secret of Evolution". Ahem...

(*): "The Secret of Evolution is an occult mechanism to corrupt the normal course of evolution.

(*): "When this mechanism is used, creatures may be born that were never intended to appear in our world.

(*): "The Secret of Evolution is the evil of all evils.

(*): "Such potency cannot be inherited by our children and children's children. It must be sealed away..."

(*): And yet, after many years, it was discovered again.

(*): Perhaps it was the evil streak introduced by Estark's meddling in evolution that caused it to surface once again.

(*): Very well. Perhaps at another time...

(*): Do you desire to read of the books?

(*): "A History of War". Ahem...

(*): "Many moons ago, Estark, the Master of Monsterkind, unearthed a terrible evil: the Secret of Evolution.

(*): "Using this awesome power, Estark evolved into a creature so mighty that he would rival even the gods.

(*): "But the Zenithians were aware of Estark's designs and, alongside the Zenith Dragon, engaged him in battle.

(*): "After a long and bloody war, Estark was finally sealed away deep underground.

(*): "For even the mighty Zenith Dragon was not powerful enough to completely destroy Estark.

(*): "He must never be stirred. He must never be roused.

(*): "Such potency cannot be inherited by our children and children's children. It must be sealed away..."

(*): It was only in hindsight that the truth was known. The Secret of Evolution used by Estark was incomplete.

(*): The armlet of transmutation, needed to augment the dark powers necessary for the process, was never employed by Estark.

(*): Very well. Perhaps at another time...

(*): There are books on these shelves that you cannot read.

(*): You can ask one of those two to read them to you, though.

(*): You are in the presence of the Zenith Dragon, our lord and master!

(*): Hero!? (He/She) who shares the blood of human and Zenithian alike!

(*): Your well-being has always weighed heavy on the Zenith Dragon's mind.

(*): I am the Zenith Dragon. Some even call me the Dragon God.

Zenith Dragon: From these lofty heights, I tend to all the world's needs.

Zenith Dragon: I know only too well why you are here.

Zenith Dragon: But it is already too late for me to prevent the evolution of this one they call Psaro the Manslayer.

Zenith Dragon: I am perhaps not the almighty force you believed me to be.

Zenith Dragon: ...!

(*): There is urgent news, O Great One. A wave of malice doth emanate from the Doorway to Nadiria!

Zenith Dragon: I know. Thank you. You may retire.

Zenith Dragon: Perhaps this Psaro believes he can topple Zenithia from the sky...

Zenith Dragon: Or perhaps the ascension to Zenithia of the great (hero/heroine), Hero, has provoked this happening.

Zenith Dragon: No matter. I do not try to understand the motives of humans.

Zenith Dragon: For a weak race, humans exhibit extraordinary strength at times.

Zenith Dragon: It is on this that I must depend now...

As if by magic, Hero is resurrected!

Zenith Dragon: Behold the one who shares the blood of human and Zenithian alike: the great (hero/heroine), Hero!

Zenith Dragon: You may be all that can hold sway against this evolutionary evil.

Zenith Dragon: I hereby bequeath to you the sum of my power!

The Zenithian Sword suddenly gleams with a dazzling light!

Zenith Dragon: Be gone now, Hero!

Zenith Dragon: The wave of malice has pierced a hole in the clouds. That is your opening to the underworld of Nadiria.

Zenith Dragon: In its murky depths, the Zenithian Sword will be your greatest ally.

Heaven's Haven

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(*): This is Heaven's Haven. I have been waiting here for you all.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer's evolution continues inside his fortress. But alack, it is protected by four barriers.

(*): Until all the barriers are rent asunder, you shall not be able to enter his lair.

(*): The barriers are the key!

(*): May the protection of the Goddess go with you!

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): This is Heaven's Haven. I have been waiting here for you, Hero.

(*): The barriers are no more! Use the baron's bugle to summon the wagon before you proceed to the final battle.

(*): May the protection of the Goddess go with you!

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): This is Heaven's Haven. I have been waiting here for you all.

(*): The barriers are no more! Use the baron's bugle to summon the wagon before you proceed to the final battle.

(*): May the protection of the Goddess go with you!

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

The Four Dens of Nadiria

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Your path is blocked by some sort of magical barrier!

(*): You have come a long way, but this is where your journey ends. Now you have me to answer to.

(*): But first I will give you a reward for your efforts. Have a good look around the middle of the room.

(*): Ka ka ka! You should never turn your back on the enemy, you fool!

(*): Ka ka ka! I could have let you die without pain if only you had listened to me.

Pruslas: N-No... Kargh!

One of the barriers disappears...

(*): I am defender of this barrier.

(*): I will lay my life down before allowing any intruder to destroy it. So now you must fight!

Rashaverak: Gurgh! Psaro has been mourning Rose for long enough.

Rashaverak: Now it is time for him to eliminate all humans. Long live Psaro! Long live Psaro! Long li- Gurgh...

One of the barriers disappears...

(*): How dare you attempt to disturb the evolution of Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): You humans are all worthless. Prepare to meet your demise!

Barbatos: Ugh! You are stronger than you appear.

Barbatos: Very well. I will step back in defeat this time. It matters not.

Barbatos: The evolved Psaro will easily send you to your destiny of eternal pain and suffering.

Barbatos: Wa ha ha ha hah! ...Ugh!

One of the barriers disappears...

(*): Hmm, you have come a long way. But it is all in vain, for you are too late.

(*): Psaro has already used the Secret of Evolution, and will soon be awakening in his ultimate form.

(*): All that will remain in his new soul will be a hatred for humans and a desire to destroy them.

(*): Psaro as we knew him will cease to exist, and will no longer reign over monsterkind.

(*): And now, I will read you your last rites before I send you to your sorry graves.

(*): It is I who was behind the kidnapping of Rose. I manipulated you weak humans. I, the almighty Aamon!

Aamon: Hah! How foolhardy of you not to have learnt from your earlier failure.

Aamon: You will soon realise that all power lies in my hands.

Aamon: Try your hand, feeble human! Anyone who dares challenge me will soon be expelled to eternal darkness.

Aamon: Aargh! You meddlesome humans! I was one step away from becoming the Master of Monsterkind.

Aamon: I will never forgive you. I will make you pay...uuurgh.

One of the barriers disappears...

No reply. It's just a skeleton.

(*): Ssssss... You can't passssss passst thisss point.

No reply. It's just a corpse.

Psaro's Peak

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Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh!

Psaro the Manslayer: How dare you people disturb me!? I am Psaro the Manslayer. I have just reawakened as the Master of Monsterkind.

Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh! I know nothing of my past. I remember nothing.

Psaro the Manslayer: But I know what it is I must do.

Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh! I must eradicate all of humankind!

Psaro autotomises his arm!

Psaro autotomises his head!

Psaro's abdomen writhes ominously!

Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh!

Psaro the Manslayer: My, my body is so hot... I, I am defeated. My physical form is, is destroyed.

Psaro the Manslayer: Guuurrrgh!

Psaro the Manslayer: Rraaargh!

Zenithia, finale

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Zenith Dragon: I...am the Zenith Dragon.

Zenith Dragon: From my lofty dominion here, I observe all that takes place below. All that afflicts the human world occurs under my watchful eye.

Zenith Dragon: Behold the one who shares the blood of human and Zenithian alike: the great (hero/heroine), Hero!

Zenith Dragon: I witnessed how your efforts drove both Psaro the Manslayer and the Secret of Evolution deep into oblivion.

Zenith Dragon: No fear may now afflict you or your kind. Peace reigns once more over your domain.

Zenith Dragon: You eight - the Chosen - have thus completed your quest, and reached the end of your chapters.

I applaud your courage and determination.

Zenith Dragon: Ragnar McRyan! Well done. You have fought bravely and resolutely.

Zenith Dragon: Alena! Though you were raised a princess, you have shown great strength and courage.

Zenith Dragon: Borya and Kiryl! The support you have provided to Alena has been exemplary.

Zenith Dragon: Meena and Maya! Be assured that your miraculous feats will have set your father's soul at rest.

Zenith Dragon: Torneko Taloon! People will continue to rely on your extraordinary gift for commerce.

Zenith Dragon: And last, but by no means least... Hero!

Zenith Dragon: Words cannot describe the greatness of your comportance. Such an exalted (hero/heroine) belongs here with us.

Zenith Dragon: Henceforth, you will live here in Zenithia among the Zenithians!

Zenith Dragon: Hm? Do I detect an air of disappointment?

Zenith Dragon: You desire to return to the world below and live among your friends? I see...

Zenith Dragon: Very well! If you wish it thus, then so shall it be.

Zenith Dragon: The fellowship born among you all in the midst of battle shall be broken by none!

Zenith Dragon: Fare thee well, Hero!

Zenith Dragon: The fellowship born among you all in the midst of battle shall be broken by none!

Zenith Dragon: Fare thee well, Hero!

(*): Hero! The true (hero/heroine) of legend!

(*): How curious humans are! They never cease to amaze.

Oopsy: Hm... I suppose not ALL humans are bad. Isn't that right, Daisy?

Daisy: Yes, sis.

Daisy: We can be friends now, can't we?

(*): ♪ La-la-la, La-la-la... ♪ Peace and happiness throughout the world ♪

(*): The chronicles must be updated! The great accomplishments of Hero and the Chosen must be recorded.

(*): Perhaps it should be pity that we feel for Psaro the Manslayer...

(*): Your deeds will be recorded here in writing, and shall not be forgotten 'til the end of time!

Sparkie: Grrroooooo!

Orifiela: There you (are, Hero/all are)! I am truly proud to have travelled at the side of such greatness.

(*): Are the rumours true? Did you really defeat the Lord of the Underworld in his second incarnation? ...Unbelievable!

(*): Grrrooo, grrooo!

(*): Thank you. Thank you for eliminating such suffering and pain from the world.

(*): Behold! Behold, the Goddess hath guided us all back to the light!

The door is shut fast...

(*): Lo! The joyous faces do speak volumes!

(*): My dearest Hero. Though your parents had to forsake you in your infancy, now you are risen to such lofty heights!

  • May the bonds forged betwixt you and your fellows forfend the grief you have suffered from the loss of your parents.

(*): So, I beseech all of you: treasure this fellowship you have, and care for my Hero as (he/she) cares for you.

(*): ...

(*): Forgive me. I know not wherefore my tears do not cease. Farewell. And Goddesspeed.

(*): You thertainly thurprithed me! Maybe you humanth don't thuck after all!

(*): Hero! The true (hero/heroine) of legend!

(*): What miracles you have performed! Stay here among us and let us live as equals!

(*): For that a wingless wight should slay the Lord of the Underworld... It is unheard of!

(*): You are way-going, are you not? Take care.

(*): Your wagon and balloon await you outside.

Chapter VI

Rosehill, first visit

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(*): Welcome to Rosehill, home of the dwarfs. And a fine place to live it is, too!

(*): I'm not lying! It's true!

(*): The young elf who lived in the tower, she was murdered by humans!

(*): Boo! I hate humans! Humans are rubbish!

(*): Psaro returned here a few days ago carrying Rose's remains with him.

(*): He made a grave for her just above here, in a little spot surrounded by flowers, and then he left without further ado.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Rose is a liaaarrrgh!

(*): She promised she'd play with me, but then she died and left me all alone. Uwaaargh!

(*): Neeeigh! I heeeeight all humans. I can never forgive them for betreeeighing Rose. Neeeigh!

(*): Woof, woof! Humans arrrren't welcome in our village any more. Grrr!

(Character) examines the tombstone.

It reads: "Beloved soul, adored by all in this village, may you sleep in eternal peace."

(*): There was a young elf girl here called Rose.

(*): She was very special. When she cried, her tears turned into rubies.

(*): And because the wicked humans were always trying to capture her for her tears, she used to cry an awful lot.

(*): Hurgh... How can poor Rose be gone?

(*): I still can't believe it's really true.

(*): I can't help hoping that she'll come home and tell us this was all a big mistake. Hurgh!

(*): I wonder where the elves ended up when they were chased off by humans.

(*): Come to think of it, that woman in the well has a few strange things to say on the matter.

(*): Meow. Meooow. I owe Lord Purrsaro everything...

(*): He purrrfected the Secret of Evolution, and that's why all of us animals can talk so meowvellously.

(*): This is a church for dwarfs and monsters.

(*): I'm afraid humans aren't welcome here. Would you kindly leave?

(*): Lord Psaro built this tower.

(*): He's very prudent. Apparently he built a secret room into the tower somewhere in case of a war.

(*): They say he's hiding the love of his life in there, too.

(*): (slurp) Here's an interesting bit of ooze for you.

(*): I heard Psaro saying things at Rose's goombstone.

(*): He said that when he's reborn, he'll be sure to fulfil their promise to be together. Does that mean he wants to die, goo?

(*): Since the elves were chased out of their old home by the humans, they've taken up residence under the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil.

(*): I don't know why they chose that place of all places.

(*): But maybe they know something I don't. After all, I'm no elf, am I?

(*): Yes, they seem very happy living under Yggdrasil, though.

El Forado

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(*): Well, well, well... (A human/Humans)! It's been a long time since any humans came here.

(*): Welcome to El Forado.

(*): Grrr-ruff! The big tree here is the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil.

(*): Meow... Yggdrasil gives enough shade for everyone. Just right for catnapping...

(*): The monsters of today! They're even infesting Yggdrasil these days. Nope. Nowhere's safe any more...

(*): It's said that Yggdrasil leaves can grant help to those who are pure of heart.

(*): And that Yggdrasil flowers have the power to make miracles happen.

(*): Yggdrasil flowers are absolutely beautiful!

(*): But they only blossom once every thousand years.

(*): The Yggdrasil tree possesses mysterious powers.

(*): Both its leaves and the morning dew that falls from it have the power to heal the injured.

(*): Its flowers even have the power to restore life to those beyond the healing powers of churches and magic!

(*): If you wish to know more about Yggdrasil flowers, you must travel around the world.

(*): When you find a place changed, that may well be a sign that a flower has blossomed.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

(Character) acquires the Yggdrasil leaf.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

The floor is covered with Yggdrasil leaves, but the party can only carry one at a time!


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(*): What is the meaning of-

(*): Behold, (a traveller/travellers) of the Goddess's earthly garden! Stand humbled at the Azimuth, gateway to Zenithia!

(*): There is talk of an unearthly rupture that has rent the divine altar of this sacred place.

(*): Is this the Day of Judgement? Do the gods today preside over the Holy Court of Justice? Or are we led now to benediction?

(*): What is the meaning of this!?

(*): The Goddess will guide Her sheep. Follow Her divine light, and miracles will bless your eyes.

(*): Though the path is ever treacherous, have faith, my (child/children)! Great wonders await you.

(*): Beware the dangers of sorrow and grief. Those with heavy hearts are vessels of the Wicked One.

(*): But all are born into this world blessed. Blessed by the one true deity, the Almighty Goddess!

(*): Estark, born of the fiery flames of Nadiria, was struck down by a great (hero/heroine), just as the prophecy foretold.

(*): But now he strives to be reborn. A new evil stirs within his condemned and tormented soul.

(*): What was it...?

(*): On the night of the full moon, those tr-tremors from the ground...

(*): And then, th-there was an unholy ru-rupture formed in the dais above...

(*): Our ignorance leaves us impotent! Is this the work of the gods, or the trickery of monsters?

(*): Have you laid eyes on the holy altar? Have you seen what hath befallen it?

(*): You are brave indeed. Oh, I must see for myself what this omen that has been sent to us means.

(*): Yet...I cannot. Almighty Guardian, give me courage to mount these steps!

(*): They say something terrible has occurred! Go! See for (yourself/yourselves)!

(*): Even a heart such as that of Psaro the Manslayer, frozen by hatred, would be thawed by the virtue of true love.

(*): Yet his one true love is already beyond salvation.

(*): Open your ears to the voice of the Goddess as I have done!

(*): A path has been opened before us!

(*): On that very night, the night of the deafening roar that shook the ground under our feet, the Almighty One forged a path!

(*): But whither does it lead!? The Holy Envoy of the Goddess, the Master of Zenithia, will not answer me!

(*): Zenith Dragon, what does this mean?

(*): Whither would this path lead us? What holy mysteries await us should we step forth from this altar into the voi-

(*): What? It leads to a chicken and egg situation, you say?

(*): I've never heard such absurdity! Deride a messenger of the Almighty One at your peril! Lest you be struck down by heavenly lightning!

(*): I have heard tell of a tower somewhere on this island that leads to Zenithia itself!

(*): But even if the Stairway to Zenithia really does exist, it is not open to all.

(*): It is written in the ancient scriptures that only one with all of the legendary Zenithian Equipment would be granted access.

(*): Your feet are blessed, for you stand at the Azimuth, the closest mortals can be to Zenithia.

(*): But beware, for Nadiria, the underworld, is not far distant either.

(*): In the north-west of this very island is a cave so deep that it touches the abyss. A cave that no human may approach.

(*): Only Zenithians and monsterkind may enter the cave. That is what the legend says.

(*): The woman who was sleeping there is gone.

(*): She spoke of returning to a castle in the sky. Do you suppose she was delirious, or could what she said have been true?


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(*): Ho ho ho! I'm surprised to see folk all the way out here.

(*): How's about I give you a piece of advice? Have yourself a look at that tree stump over there.

(*): Oh! You beat me to it! I suppose you must have some nous about you to get this far. Good luck from here on in!

(*): You've still got a long way to go, and the monsters around here are ever so strong.

(*): Make sure you take it nice and slow and don't push it too much.

(*): Wah! Where did you spring from!? You gave me quite a fright there!

(*): You should go and confess in the church just there while you're around these parts.

(*): Then you'll be able to come back here again any time you like.

(*): Hello! How do you goo!? I'm not the priest, you know.

(*): No, the priest's over there. Goo and see him if you like.

(*): AaAaarGH! I reAlly LURrrrghVE cOOking.

(*): AaarGH! BuT noBODY wilL eAT my fOOD. I feEL So LIfeLEss anD Sad.

(*): Grrrrrr! Zzzz... Aarrrrr!

The tigergram seems to be asleep.

(*): I hope Rose is all right. (slurp)

(*): Aamon sent out an order to his goons to tell the goomans where she was.

(*): Gooness! I wasn't slurposed to tell you that. You didn't hear one slimy little thing, okay?

(*): (slurp) Psaro! Excooze me, but where's Rose?

(*): ...I see. Well, it's goo news that she's safe.

(*): We slimes will always be friends with Rose, you know. No matter what. (slurp)

(*): The Yggdrasil tree just near here only blossoms once in a thousand years.

(*): Its flowers are like the elixir of life. If you offered one at a grave, a miracle would be sure to happen.

(*): The Yggdrasil tree just near here only blossoms once in a thousand years.

(*): The time's passed now, and it's blossomed already.

(*): Cluck!

(*): Cluck cluck cluck!

(*): Burk burk, cluck cluck!

(*): Cluck cluck! Cluck cluck!

(*): Burk burk burrrrk! Burk burk burrrrk!

There's no response. It just looks like a normal egg.

There's no response. It just looks like a raw egg.

There's no response. It just looks like a hard-boiled egg.

There's no response. It just looks like a soft-boiled egg.

There's no response. It just looks like a runny egg.

Foo Yung: You want to find the eggsit back to the other world?

Foo Yung: Then climb the stairs and fire yourself into the crater! Ha ha! I crack myself up sometimes!

Foo Yung: Eggs are eggcellent! I don't care what you say. Eggs are definitely better than chickens.

Chow Mein: Your brains must be scrambled, just like the rest of you. Chickens are infinitely better.

Foo Yung: Foo! I wouldn't expect a fowl-mouthed heathen like you to understand the eggsquisite beauty of eggs as I do.

Chow Mein: Cluck! You really are an egghead through and through, aren't you?

Chow Mein: If there were no chickens, there'd be no eggs, would there? So chickens must be superior.

Foo Yung: Are you completely cuckoo!? If there were no eggs, there'd be no chickens. That's the real way of it!

Chow Mein: ...Wok?

Foo Yung: Wok!?

Foo Yung: Ah, what fortunate timing! Which do you think is more honourable, the egg or the chicken?

Chow Mein: The right answer is the chicken!

Foo Yung: No! The right answer is the egg!

Chow Mein: It's the chicken, right?

Foo Yung: You think you're some kind of comedihen!? It's the egg!

Chow Mein: This is no yolk any more! It's the chick-chick-chick-chick-chicken!

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Chop chop! This is a chicken and egg situation! Time to fight it out!

Foo Yung: Eggs are eggstraordinary, eggcellent... eggsceptional! Won't you accept that?

Chow Mein: Of course not! Chickens are phenomenal, I tell you. Chickens are the truly honourable of the two.

Chow Mein: ...Wok?

Foo Yung: Wok!?

Foo Yung: Foo! How dare you interrupt us! We were just starting to get somewhere.

Chow Mein: Cluck! That's right. It is an ignorant fool indeed who disturbs such an intellectual debate.

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Chop chop! You'll pay for this!

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! That certainly was no pecknic! It was actually quite good fun.

Foo Yung: Foo! It was quite eggciting, I agree!

Chow Mein: I feel all fired up and henthusiatic now. You deserve a reward.

Foo Yung: Eggscuse me! I was just about to say eggsactly the same thing.

Foo Yung: Foo! Something eggstraordinary will have happened now, as sure as eggs are eggs.

Chow Mein: Cluck! That's right. Somewhere out there is a tree upon which a mysterious flower has just blossomed.

Foo Yung: You should be grateful to eggs and Foo Yung forevermore!

Chow Mein: You should be grateful to chickens and Chow Mein forevermore!

Foo Yung: ...Wok the!?

Chow Mein: Wok the!?

Foo Yung: Do I have to eggsplain to you yet again why eggs are superior, you dim sum!?

Foo Yung: Wok are you still doing here? You'll be the one with egg on your face if you don't chop chop back up top!

Chow Mein: It's chickens! Chickens are superior! Why do I find myself having to say this right around the cluck!?

Chow Mein: What are you still doing here? I'd squawk on out of here if I were you. Good things are happening in the world above.

Chow Mein: So you should be grateful to chickens and Chow Mein forevermore!

Foo Yung: It's eggs! Eggs are superior, I tell you. They're the perfect eggsample of all that is good in the world.

Foo Yung: Why are you still here? You should go and have a look up top. Eggstraordinary things will be happening.

Foo Yung: So you should be grateful to eggs and Foo Yung forevermore!

Chow Mein: Henough! If you're going to hensist on being so rude, then chickens won't lay any more eggs!

Foo Yung: Foo! Then we won't hatch any more chickens!

Chow Mein: ...Wok?

Foo Yung: Wok!?

Foo Yung: Ah, you have eggscellent timing. I'm feeling all scrambled up after rowing with this cuckoo character.

Chow Mein: Hm, I should think running around in battle like a headless chicken is just what I need to clear my head.

Foo Yung: So... Shell we fight?

Chow Mein: Let's cock-a-doodle-do it!

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Chop chop!

Chow Mein: Cluck! How boring! Now I'm really wound up. I blame eggs! All eggs should be beaten up!

Foo Yung: Foo! What an egghead!

Foo Yung: Foo? You want to fight us?

Foo Yung: Eggcellent! Let's roll...

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Chop chop!

Foo Yung: Foo! How boring! If you're too chicken to fight properly, then get yourself to the eggsit.

Chow Mein: It's you who puts me in such a fowl mood! It's time to let the feathers fly and have a good old chicken fight!

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! It's been a while since I hengaged in a battle that long. %a00740 turns! It's henbelievable!

Foo Yung: Foo! This has got me even more boiled up than before.

Foo Yung: You need to get stronger so we can have a really eggsilarating fight next time.

Chow Mein: Chickscuse me! I was just about to say the same wing.

Chow Mein: Anyway, just gung ho and do some more training, and then come back for another fly.

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! That was hencredible!

Foo Yung: Eggcellent! Now we've cleared the air, we can get on with our debate.

Foo Yung: You're (a good egg/good eggs). You deserve a reward.

Chow Mein: Chickscuse me! I was just about to say the same wing.

Foo Yung: Here, take this (Item). A nice little nest egg to help you on your journey!

(Character) receives (Item).

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! Use it wisely! Use it wisely!

Chow Mein: I feel full of henergy! Chickens are the best!

Chow Mein: Don't forget how good chickens are! And don't forget how good Chow Mein is to you!

Foo Yung: Then don't forget how good eggs are! Or how good Foo Yung was to you!

Chow Mein: Cock-a-doodle-do! There's no way an egg could make such a lovely sound.

Chow Mein: ...What are you still doing here? I'm on to a winger now, so don't interrupt.

Foo Yung: Why can't you eggcept the beauty of an egg's silence? The dignity!?

Foo Yung: ...What are you still doing here? I'm on an egg roll now, so don't interrupt.

Foo Yung: Eggs are eggstraordinary, eggcellent...eggceptional! Won't you accept that?

Chow Mein: Of course not! Chickens are phenomenal, I tell you. Chickens are the truly honourable of the two.

Chow Mein: ...Wok?

Foo Yung: Wok!?

Foo Yung: Foo! How dare you interrupt us! We were just starting to get somewhere.

Chow Mein: Cluck! That's right. It is an ignorant fool indeed who disturbs such an intellectual debate.

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Chop chop! You'll pay for this!

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! That was henjoyable! I feel much better now.

Foo Yung: Foo! Same here! You certainly don't mind treading on eggshells, do you, Hero!?

Foo Yung: It's been a long old time since I had this much fun, as sure as eggs are eggs!

Foo Yung: You know, you're not (a bad egg/bad eggs). You deserve a reward.

Chow Mein: Chickscuse me! I was just about to say the same wing.

Foo Yung: Foo!

Chow Mein: Cluck!

Foo Yung: I'm eggstremely sorry, Hero. I'd love to give you a reward.

Chow Mein: There's nothing left to give you. I suppose that's why they say don't count your chickens.

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Wok the!?

Foo Yung: Is that guy some kind of practical yolker!? It's eggstraordinary how he just jumped out of the picture like that!

Chow Mein: Cluck! He certainly has a lot of henergy considering he was cooped up in a picture all that time.

(*): It's been a long, long time since I last had someone to talk to.

(*): I grew tired of living inside a picture, so I decided to try the outside world again. But it's so hot here, I can hardly bear it.

(*): Maybe you can help me. Do you know of a place I might enjoy living next?

Do you want to tell him about (Pioneer Town)?

(*): That sounds like just the place for me!

Old Man Psaro: My name's Old Man Psaro. Hopefully our paths will cross again before long.

Old Man Psaro: Farewell, my friends! Ha ha ha!

Chow Mein: Who is that cock-a-doodle-dude!?

Foo Yung: Foo indeed...?

(*): Oh, that's a shame. I suppose I'll just have to stay here in the volcano a while longer then.

Foo Yung: I wonder how long he was living there in the picture. I'm foorious! I should have charged him rent!

Chow Mein: That character's a real henigma, right to the hend.

(*): Hmm...it doesn't seem like my kind of town really. Maybe if it had a castle or something like that, I might think about it...

Chow Mein: Ah, so... I find that I must eat crow. I finally see that eggs are also not without merit.

Foo Yung: And I see that the sour looking chicken can actually be quite sweet. Truly, one must not put all of one's eggs in one basket.

Chow Mein: ...Wok?

Foo Yung: Wok!?

Foo Yung: Ah, what fortunate timing! Finally our philosophies are in eggquilibrium.

Chow Mein: Eggs are honourable! Chickens are honourable! These are the two undeniable facts of our world!

Chow Mein: ...Or words to that effect. He who cannot agree with his henemies is controlled by them, after all.

Foo Yung: True. Though it is becoming eggstremely tedious now we no longer have reason to fight each other...

Foo Yung & Chow Mein: Ah! We can fight you! Don't be chicken now! We'll eggsterminate you nice and painlessly. Chop chop!

Chow Mein: Aah... That was a very henjoyable battle, Foo Yung.

Foo Yung: Yes, Chow Mein. And ((he/she)/they) cracked it in X turns this time.

Chow Mein: Truly, you rule the roost. I hope you will wing your way back to us again soon.

Foo Yung: Foo! That is eggsactly what I was about to say.

Chow Mein: Remember the greatness of I, the one who is hentranced by the pluck of chickens!

Foo Yung: Not forgetting the greatness of I, the one who admires the eggshellence of eggs!

Foo Yung: May your journey be eggstra safe and prosperous.

Foo Yung: It would be wise to occasionally consider the eggstraordinary beauty that is an egg.

Foo Yung: Eggs symbolise all that is good in this world. Eggs are pure. Eggs are truth. All eggs are good eggs!

Chow Mein: No doubt your true preference is really for chickens.

Chow Mein: There is no need to open your beak! I can see your true emotions reflected in your eyes.

Chow Mein: Cluck cluck! I wish you a good journey.

El Forado, second visit

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(*): Well, well, well... (A human/Humans)! It's been a long time since any humans came here.

(*): Welcome to El Forado.

(*): Grrr-ruff! There's an infoxicating smell coming from the top of the Yggdrasil tree.

(*): Meow... Yggdrasil gives enough shade for everyone. Just right for catnapping...

(*): The monsters of today! They're even infesting Yggdrasil these days. Nope. Nowhere's safe any more...

(*): The top of Yggdrasil is thick with leaves. Yggdrasil leaves.

(*): They're very useful to have on you. Very, very useful indeed.

(*): Yggdrasil flowers are absolutely beautiful!

(*): They blossom once every thousand years, and one's due to come out soon. I can hardly wait!

(*): The Yggdrasil tree possesses mysterious powers.

(*): Both its leaves and the morning dew that falls from it have the power to heal the injured.

(*): Its flowers even have the power to restore life to those beyond the healing powers of churches and magic!

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

(Character) acquires the Yggdrasil leaf.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

The floor is covered with Yggdrasil leaves, but the party can only carry one at a time!

El Forado, third visit

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(*): Well, well, well... (A human/Humans)! It's been a long time since any humans came here.

(*): Welcome to El Forado.

(*): Grrr-ruff! That's funny. I could've sworn there was a nice smell coming from the bushy leaves of the Yggdrasil tree before.

(*): Maybe I was just imagining it. Ruff!

(*): Meow... Yggdrasil gives enough shade for everyone. Just right for catnapping...

(*): The monsters of today! They're even infesting Yggdrasil these days. Nope. Nowhere's safe any more...

(*): Yggdrasil flowers can work their miracles on anyone.

(*): On humans, on animals and on us elves, too.

(*): Yggdrasil flowers are absolutely beautiful!

(*): Maybe I'll climb the tree and have a look soon.

(*): The Yggdrasil tree possesses mysterious powers.

(*): Both its leaves and the morning dew that falls from it have the power to heal the injured.

(*): Its flowers even have the power to restore life to those beyond the healing powers of churches and magic!

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

(Character) acquires the Yggdrasil leaf.

(Character) examines the ground at (his/her) feet.

(He/She) finds an Yggdrasil leaf!

The floor is covered with Yggdrasil leaves, but the party can only carry one at a time!

Rosehill, second visit

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Hero places the Yggdrasil flower beside the tombstone.

Rose: ...Where am I?

Rose: Wait! That's an Yggdrasil flower.

That means you must have brought my departed soul back to life.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Rose has come back to life!

Rose: I never imagined I'd be called back to this world by the hands of humans.

Rose: So it's true that some humans are also pure of heart. I always believed it was so.

Rose: Oh! But now's not the time for such happy talk.

Rose: Psaro... He has to be stopped before the world is totally destroyed!

Rose: But now I have hope. You were able to acquire an elusive Yggdrasil flower, after all.

Rose: Maybe that means you have what it takes to thwart Psaro's misguided plot.

Rose: Please, you have to take me to him! If we leave now, we might just reach him in time.

Rose: If Psaro can be stopped- I mean, Psaro the Manslayer...

Rose: Then I'd like you to send his soul to the other world and rid this one of his menace.

Rose: We don't have much time. We must hurry!

Rose joins the party!

(*): Welcome to Rosehill, home of the dwarfs. And a fine place to live it is, too!

(*): Hey! It's you, the girl from the tower! Yippee! You're alive!

(*): This must be the once in a thousand year miracle that is the Yggdrasil flower. I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes.

(*): I'm sure you have what it takes to save the world.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Rose has come back to life!

(*): Hurraaargh for humans! They're not all bad arrrghfter all. Uwaaargh!

(*): Neeeigh! Rose, you must stop Psaro without a moment's deleeeigh!

(*): Woof, woof! Look out, Rrrrose!

(It's a human/The humans are coming to get you)! You're in dangerrr!

(*): Well, if it isn't young Rose.

(*): I never thought I'd see the day when elves and humans pull together. How the times have changed!

(*): Hurgh... Rose has come back to life.

(*): I still can't believe it's really true.

(*): But it must be. Waaah!

(*): It seems that not all humans are alike.

(*): That's all I can think when I look at you standing here before me.

(*): How lovely it would be if we could all just forget our preconceived ideas about monsters and humans and other kinds.

(*): Meow. Meooow. I owe Lord Purrsaro everything...

(*): He purrfected the Secret of Evolution and made all usss animals more purrceptive and clever.

(*): Rose! How wonderful it is to see you alive.

(*): The animals here have been in a terrible state since the day you were snatched away from the village.

(*): They all feel to blame for not being able to protect you from the humans.

(*): R-Rose! It's like a dream come true seeing you alive! There's something I have to tell you.

(*): I know something about what happened on the day you were snatched.

(*): The humans didn't go to your room alone. Some kind of monster led them there!

(*): (slurp) Here's an interesting bit of ooze for you.

(*): I heard Psaro saying things at Rose's goombstone.

(*): He said that when he's reborn, he'll be sure to fulfil their promise to be together. Does that mean he wants to die, goo?

(*): Rose! This is incredible. I thought I'd never see you again.

(*): It looks like there's still hope for humans after all.

A mysterious force brings Sparkie back to life!

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrroooooo!

Rose: What was that? Oh...

Sparkie: Grrr... Grrrooo!

Rose: I see.

Sparkie dashes off somewhere.

Rose: Sparkie's gone to tell the Zenithians about the Yggdrasil flower.

Rose: Maybe it's part of a custom of theirs. We should hurry as well.


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(*): Welcome tae Strathbaile!

(*): Folk were haein' really weird dreams here until a wee while back, but that's all stopped noo.

(*): We still dinnae ken whit it was all aboot, though.

(*): Och, the inn opposite is in real trouble. It's amazin' hoo many folk there are in the world wi' so much curiosity in 'em.

(*): I'm here tae collect ma wee bairn. Hopefully they should be done afore long.

(*): This is the toon school. We're in the middle of a class the noo.

(*): I wonder whit's become o' that chap who was doon in the jail afore.

(*): Well, if it isnae Ragnar McRyan! Whit a pleasure it is tae see ye lookin' so fightin' fit!

(*): There was no news o' ye for a wee while. King Burnard was startin' tae fret aboot yer wellbein'.

(*): Pals o' Ragnar, are youse?

(*): Then maybe youse could tell him tae drop in on the castle every once in a while, eh?

(*): The dream folk were haein' at the inn o' that lovely wee lassie doesnae seem tae be happenin' no more.

(*): Och, I wish I'd stayed there once an' seen it for maself.

(*): It's always the way wi' me, though. Ma life's full of regrets for all the things I didnae do.

(*): Losh! Whit a galoot I am, eh?

(*): I'm makin' a snack for ma wee bairn.

(*): Och, it's a real joy bein' a mother at times like this.

(*): Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me!

(*): Wait! Didnae I tell ye tae wait, child! Jings! Will somebody catch that wee brat for me!?

(*): The kid in front keeps turnin' roond an' distractin' me. I cannae get any work done.

(*): D'ye gae after monsters an' fight them an' everythin'? That's brilliant!

(*): When I grow up, I'm gonna be a mon- No, that's not right. I'm gonna be a palace guard!

(*): Guess what!? Willy Wally from the inn says he's been flyin' in the sky! I wish I could do that.

Willy Wally: Ma name's Willy Wally.

Willy Wally: Folk were havin' these weird dreams when they stayed at the inn where I live in lately.

Willy Wally: But it doesnae happen no longer, so I hope ye've no made a special journey or nothin'.

(*): Hoo come all the excitin' stuff only ever happens tae Willy Wally? It's no fair.

(*): If ye could try not tae disturb oor class, I'd be much obliged. The wee kiddies are easily distracted.

(Character) examines the wall.

There are pictures drawn by the children hanging on it.

(*): It was peaceful for a wee while, when people stopped haein' that funny dream.

(*): But noo folk are comin' here especially tae see what it's all aboot, an' lambastin' me 'cause it doesnae happen no more!

(*): Losh! That dream has caused all sorts o' stramash here.

(*): I came here especially so I could hae that funny dream folk were talkin' aboot.

(*): But I didnae see a thing, an' noo it sounds like I willnae get another chance. Just ma luck!

(*): Until just recently, everyone who stayed the night here had funny dreams.

(*): It doesnae seem tae be happenin' no more, though.

(*): Come tae think of it, no one can actually seem tae remember whit the dream was aboot anyhoo.

(*): Meow.

(*): We havnae used this jail since that fella Angus was here a while back noo.

(*): Ye cannae beat it when it's peaceful. But lately there's this strange monster wi' lots o' legs comin' an' cheggin' oor food.

(*): I tried ma best tae catch the thing, but wi' that many legs, I just cannae keep up.

(*): Folk say the Burland royal treasure collection once included a verra expensive shield.

(*): I dinnae ken if they still hae it or no, though.

(*): Hic! Ye cannae beat a wee dram while ye're lookin' up at the stars.

(*): Jings! 'Tis powerful strange that not a single soul can remember a thing aboot that dream.

(*): Ma brother got himself intae a right pickle a wee while back, but it doesnae seem tae hae bothered him one little bit.

(*): I'm sure he'd gae off playin' wi' that Willy Wally again without a second thought.

(*): ...I just wish they'd let me gae along sometimes, too.

(*): Ah-phew...

(*): Right then, which cave shall I gae explorin' today...?

(*): I'd better ask Willy Wally if he's got any ideas.

(*): Zzz... Hm? Zzz...

(*): Zzzzz...

(*): First there was all that blether aboot that funny dream, an' noo folk are on aboot the Lord o' the Underworld reawakenin'.

(*): Mon, it feels like we're destined never tae hae another peaceful moment again!

(*): Dinnae fret there, Headmaster.

(*): Folk always hae tae face troubles like this, an' they always pull through. Isnae that right, (traveller/travellers)?

(*): I'm startin' tae get quite a headache from all the folk complainin' aboot not haein' that funny dream any more.

(*): At least I get some peace an' quiet noo, watchin' ma lovely wee bairn sleepin'.

Willy Wally: Zzzz...

(*): Zzz...

The prison guard has managed to fall asleep standing up.


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Psaro: Wait!

Psaro: People still think of me as a monster. I wouldn't be welcome in Zenithia.

Psaro: I'll wait for you in the wagon.

(*): Behold the mighty castle of Zenithia.

(*): You stand in the domain of the great Dragon God.

(*): Oh! Many years have passed since wingless friends did tread the clouds of our realm.

(*): The word from the earth below is of a terrible evil. A wicked foe about to be reborn.

(*): The recent tremor was most terrifying. Such must be the earthquakes you humans suffer on the earth below.

(*): But the wave of malice... Though the castle is unharmed, alack, it has pierced a hole in the clouds.

(*): Oh, but the fear!

(*): The wave of malice from the land below has pierced a hole in the clouds.

(*): It was the cause of this gross tear in the soft fabric of our homeland.

(*): Grrr...

(*): You will be travelling to strange places in the near future.

(*): So I must ask you. Have you already obtained the baron's bugle?

(*): If not, you must find it. It is said to reside in Baron's Folly, to the east of the Azimuth.

(*): Grrrooo...

(*): The Zenith Dragon tells us that Psaro the Manslayer's barriers of protection have been rent asunder.

(*): Yet another now possesses the Secret of Evolution, and doth use it for still more evil.

(*): Prithee, Hero... Rid us of this evil wight, and the menace of this Secret of Evolution.

Orifiela: We are all depending on you now.

(*): It has begun!

(*): A wicked cloud doth begin to spread across the world below!

(*): Many years ago, a young angel did descend from Zenithia and fell in love with a human woodcutter.

(*): But the divine law doth say that no angel and no human shall together be.

(*): The woodcutter was struck down by a bolt of lightning and the grief-stricken angel was returned to Zenithia.

(*): Woebegone, she could not put from her mind the memory of the child she was forced to leave behind.

(*): If today she were to see her Hero once more, what force could be powerful enough to stop her, her tears...? (sob sob)

(*): Hm? What am I doing? I'm nurthing thome young Yggdrasil thaplingth.

(*): Here you are. Have thome Yggdrasil dew. It'th a prethent from me!

(Character) receives some Yggdrasil dew!

(*): What'th that? You want thome more Yggdrasil dew?

(*): Don't be tho greedy! I'll give you more oneth you've exhauthted what you've already got.

(*): All right. But it'th our little thecret, okay?

(Character) receives some Yggdrasil dew!

(*): Huh! (A human/Humans)! Don't say anything, Daisy.

Daisy: Hmph! No, Oopsy.

Daisy: Hmph...

(*): ♪ La-la-la, La-la-la... ♪

(*): Do you desire to read of the books?

(*): Very well. Allow me to read to you...

(*): "The Secret of Evolution". Ahem...

(*): "The Secret of Evolution is an occult mechanism to corrupt the normal course of evolution.

(*): "When this mechanism is used, creatures may be born that were never intended to appear in our world.

(*): "The Secret of Evolution is the evil of all evils.

(*): "Such potency cannot be inherited by our children and children's children. It must be sealed away..."

(*): And yet, after many years, it was discovered again.

(*): Perhaps it was the evil streak introduced by Estark's meddling in evolution that caused it to surface once again.

(*): Very well. Perhaps at another time...

(*): Do you desire to read of the books?

(*): "A History of War". Ahem...

(*): "Many moons ago, Estark, the Master of Monsterkind, unearthed a terrible evil: the Secret of Evolution.

(*): "Using this awesome power, Estark evolved into a creature so mighty that he would rival even the gods.

(*): "But the Zenithians were aware of Estark's designs and, alongside the Zenith Dragon, engaged him in battle.

(*): "After a long and bloody war, Estark was finally sealed away deep underground.

(*): "For even the mighty Zenith Dragon was not powerful enough to completely destroy Estark.

(*): "He must never be stirred. He must never be roused.

(*): "Such potency cannot be inherited by our children and children's children. It must be sealed away..."

(*): It was only in hindsight that the truth was known. The Secret of Evolution used by Estark was incomplete.

(*): The armlet of transmutation, needed to augment the dark powers necessary for the process, was never employed by Estark.

(*): Very well. Perhaps at another time...

(*): There are books on these shelves that you cannot read.

(*): You can ask one of those two to read them to you, though.

(*): You are in the presence of the Zenith Dragon, our lord and master!

(*): Hero!? (He/She) who shares the blood of human and Zenithian alike!

(*): Your well-being has always weighed heavy on the Zenith Dragon's mind.

Zenith Dragon: From my lofty dominion here, I observe all that takes place below. All that afflicts the human world occurs under my watchful eye.

Zenith Dragon: Your deeds I have witnessed also.

Zenith Dragon: But know this! There is no lee from evil while the Secret of Evolution remains in the world. Not for any of us.

Zenith Dragon: Use the Zenithian Sword, Hero! Banish the Secret of Evolution once and for all!

Heaven's Haven

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(*): This is Heaven's Haven. I have been waiting here for you, Hero.

(*): The world doth tremble. It seems the powers you possess have given rise to a momentous happening.

(*): No path lies before you now. Henceforth, the path you take must be of your own making.

(*): May the protection of the Goddess go with you!

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): The deed is done.

(*): Now, be gone.

(*): Then be gone.

(*): Thou hast found thy way to Heaven's Haven.

(*): The world doth tremble. It seems the powers possessed among you have given rise to a momentous happening.

(*): No path lies before you now. Henceforth, the path you take must be of your own making.

(*): May divine protection accompany thee, (Character).

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

Psaro's Peak

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Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh!

Psaro the Manslayer: How dare you people disturb me!? I am Psaro the Manslayer. I have just reawakened as the Master of Monsterkind.

Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh! I know nothing of my past. I remember nothing.

Psaro the Manslayer: But I know what it is I must do.

Psaro the Manslayer: Grraaargh! I must eradicate all of humankind!

Rose: Psaro! Wait!

Psaro the Manslayer: Grra...aargh! W-Who calls my name? Th-That voice...

Rose: It's me...Rose.

Rose: Don't you remember? You're the one who named me.

Ruby tears start to roll down Rose's cheeks...

Rose: Please try to remember, Psaro. Remember the day we met...

Psaro the Manslayer: G-Grraaargh!

(*): Haa... Haa... Haa...

(*): Haa... Haa... Shiver me timbers! That scallywag of an elf certainly be quick on her feet.

(*): Ho ho ho! I see. Ye be hiding thar, ye no-good scurvy dog!

(*): When I get my hands on ye, those ruby tears of yours'll make me a rich man.

(*): Now, just ye come quietly like a good little elf.

(*): Arrr?

(*): Ahoy? Is somebody there?

(*): Waaargh!

Psaro: That was a close one.

(*): D-Did you do this?

Psaro: That's right. I can't just stand by and let a greedy human go elf-hunting like that.

(*): Oh no! How awful!

Psaro: Awful? But I just saved you. What's so awful about that?

  • There's no need for violence. Humans are the Goddess's creatures, just like us.

Psaro: ...

Psaro: Ha ha ha! You elves are funny things! I'm quite tickled!

Psaro: So tell me, young elf girl, what's your name?

(*): My name? We creatures of the forest have no need for names.

Psaro: Hmm, is that so? But I can hardly just keep calling you "young elf girl" now, can I?

Psaro: From today onwards, you'll be known as Rose.

(*): Rose?

Psaro: It's after the village where I've been made to feel so welcome. Don't you like it?

(*): No, I like it. It's just that...no human has ever called me by a name before.

Psaro: Rose. One day I'd love to take you to that village.

Psaro: Until that day, you make sure no human manages to get his hands on you, do you hear?

Psaro: We'll meet again soon. My name is Psaro. Don't forget.

(*): ...

(*): I'll remember...Psaro...

Psaro the Manslayer: R-R...

Psaro the Manslayer: R-Rose...

Rose's ruby tears reverse Psaro's evolution!

Psaro: ...!

Rose: Psaro!

Psaro: Rose... Is that really you? Then...does that mean I'm in the next world?

Rose: No. Hero and (his/her) friends used an Yggdrasil flower to bring me back to life.

Rose: And I know it sounds strange, but the people who kidnapped me were actually being controlled by some monster.

Psaro: I see...

Psaro: Humans, it seems that I must thank you.

Psaro: You saved both of us, Rose and myself. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that.

Psaro: I thought for so long that humans were my true enemy, but perhaps I was mistaken.

Psaro: It will take time to come to terms with this. I must return to the village with Rose and think long and hard.

Psaro: But first, there's something that needs to be done.

Psaro: It seems the path we must take from here is the same. So I will travel it with you.

Psaro joins the party!

Rosehill, third visit

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(*): Welcome to Rosehill, home of the dwarfs. And a fine place to live it is, too!

(*): Oh! It's you, Psaro! Welcome back.

(*): Hey! It's you, the girl from the tower! Yippee! You're alive!

(*): This must be the once in a thousand year miracle that is the Yggdrasil flower. I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes.

(*): I'm sure you have what it takes to save the world.

(*): Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh! Rose has come back to life!

(*): Hurraaargh for humans! They're not all bad arrrghfter all. Uwaaargh!

(*): Neeeigh! It's greeeight to see you back, Psaro.

(*): Neeeigh! Rose, you must stop Psaro without a moment's deleeeigh!

(*): Woof, woof! Psaro! It's grrreat to see you alive! Woof!

(*): Woof, woof! Look out, Rrrrose! (It's a human/The humans are coming to get you)! You're in dangerrr!

(*): Well, if it isn't young Rose.

(*): I never thought I'd see the day when elves and humans pull together. How the times have changed!

(*): Hurgh... Rose has come back to life.

(*): I still can't believe it's really true.

(*): But it must be. Hurgh!

(*): It seems that not all humans are alike.

(*): That's all I can think when I look at you standing here before me.

(*): How lovely it would be if we could all just forget our preconceived ideas about monsters and humans and other kinds.

(*): Meow. Meooow. I owe Lord Purrsaro everything...

(*): He purrfected the Secret of Evolution and made all usss animals more purrceptive and clever.

(*): Goodness! It's you, Psaro! I'm surprised to see you in the company of (a human/humans). Still, needs must.

(*): I know everyone here in the village would be delighted to see you. You should be sure to go and see them all.

(*): Rose! How wonderful it is to see you alive.

(*): The animals here have been in a terrible state since the day you were snatched away from the village.

(*): They all feel to blame for not being able to protect you from the humans.

(*): Psaro! How wonderful it is to see you back. There's something I have to tell you.

(*): I know something about what happened on the day Rose was snatched.

(*): The humans didn't go to her room alone. Some kind of monster led them there!

(*): R-Rose! It's like a dream come true seeing you alive! There's something I have to tell you.

(*): I know something about what happened on the day you were snatched.

(*): The humans didn't go to your room alone. Some kind of monster led them there!

(*): (slurp slurp slurp) Psaro!

(*): Don't goo away from here again, will you!? You and Rose could live happily ever after here.

(*): (slurp) Is it goo that Rose really did manage to rescue Psaro?

(*): I'm just oozing to see him if it is.

(*): Rose! This is incredible. I thought I'd never see you again.

(*): It looks like there's still hope for humans after all.


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(*): Have you come to see the royal wedding?

(*): Just take one of the doors to the left or right and go on inside the castle.

(*): The royal marriage ceremonies of Endor are renowned across the world for their splendour.

(*): You should take the opportunity to go and have a look while you're here. Plenty of people would love to be able to say they'd seen it.

(*): Welcome to Endor Castle. Our doors are always open to all, commoners and royalty alike.

(*): King Norman's throne room is just upstairs.

(*): If you're headed for the Colosseum, just follow this corridor and take the stairs down.

(*): I never realised the Princess had a secret love.

(*): She's so lucky, being able to marry him like this.

(*): Folk say there's an enormous desert far to the east of Casabranca.

(*): They also say that if you cross the desert and visit the port town to the south, they have ships for sale and everything!

(*): Somewhere out there, the Lord of the Underworld is in the process of reawakening.

(*): Unfortunately, King Norman doesn't always think before he speaks and it can get him into a spot of bother every now and then.

(*): But this wedding ceremony has been perfect from start to finish.

(*): This is the royal throne room. I must ask that you don't run or make any unnecessary noise.

(*): Have you come for an audience with King Norman? I'm afraid he's attending the royal wedding at present.

(*): According to some ancient documents I've been reading, the Lord of the Underworld achieved the ultimate state of evolution.

(*): His powers were too formidable for this world, so the gods decided he must be sealed away.

(*): It sounds like he was a creature to whom the laws of evolution mysteriously didn't apply.

(*): This table has to be clean enough that King Norman could eat his supper off it.

(*): I say! I must ask you to take your leave. This is the royal dressing room.

(*): I hear that a man called Torneko managed to cross the desert in the far east.

(*): He may just be doing it to make money, but I admire him for being brave enough to attempt a journey like that.

(*): Dearie me. So many things to wash and not enough minutes in the day to wash them in!

(*): This is the castle kitchen.

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): Watch out for that Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): Yikes! (You're him! Get away from me!/That's him! That's Psaro the Manslayer! Waaarrrgh! Somebody help me!)

(*): Don't come near me! (Get away from me, you monster!/Just take Psaro the Manslayer and get out of here!)

(*): This is the Colosseum. The royal wedding is taking place here.

(*): This is the bride and groom's preparation room. Only family members are allowed inside.

(*): Ah, you've come to see the royal wedding, have you? Just take the steps to the right up to the spectators' seats.

(*): You can't beat a good wedding!

(*): Bully for Prince Regan! The Princess was the idol of us sailors first, you know.

(*): Oh, I wish I was the one getting married!

(*): This must be the longest wedding I've ever been to in my life.

(*): Look at 'em! Kissin' they are! I dunno. An' now they've got their arms round each other an' everyfin'!

(*): Hic! Marriage is the death of a man, I tell you. My old lady's as cold as ice these days.

(*): You know, if the right person came along and proposed to me, I might just...

(*): Well, if it happened thus, it could only be the will of the Goddess. I might just have to give up the life of the cloth, I suppose.

(*): My wife was a beautiful young thing when I married her. Ah, those were the days...

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew... No-thing...to-report... Ah-phew...

(*): What do you think you're doing prowling about the castle at this time of night?

(*): I can't let you just wander about as you please. Go on now, get out!

(*): Ah-phew... Ah-phew...

(*): Here we go. The old man's talking rubbish again.

(*): King Norman and Princess Veronica have already retired to their chambers.

(*): I'd better get things tidied up. It's a busy old life.

Princess Veronica: Zzz... Forgive me, Father... Zzz...

Prince Regan: Oh, Ronnie... I love you... Zzz...

King Norman: Ha ha. I never imagined for one minute that the Princess would be wed so soon.

King Norman: Now I seem to be without a sleeping chamber all of a sudden. Ha ha!

(*): I say, young man! You look the spitting image of Psaro the Manslayer. You're not really him, are you?

(*): Ha ha! And you say it with a straight face, too!

(*): No, of course you're not. There's no way he'd be here in a place like this.

(*): It looks like Psaro the Manslayer was a monster! He did disappear halfway through the tournament. Maybe the rumours are true...

(*): Oh my goodness! My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Surely I can't really be looking at Psaro the Manslayer!

(*): I'll just have to pretend I didn't see a thing. Yes, that has to be for the best.

(*): Psaro the Manslayer must have disappeared because he had more important things to do than fight in the Endor Tourney.

(*): The women ramble on about this and that all day long. I can't keep up.

(*): The wedding celebrations only take place during the day.

(*): It's custom in Endor for a wedding to go on for several days.

(*): So you'll be able to come back tomorrow and see it then.

Diabolic Hall

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(*): Heh heh heh! My lucky day! A tasty human to devour!

(*): (A human/Humans)! Escaped from the cells, did you!?

(*): You! Stop! I don't like the look of you!

(*): I can't understand it. How can Lord Psaro be dead?

(*): It's, it's inconceivable!

(*): Lord Psaro! You've returned to the pride!

(*): I knew it was a lie. I knew that you couldn't have been killed.

(*): N-No! I can't get caught now! I'd got so far!

(*): What? You're not a monster at all? You used the mod rod to change into one? Oh, thank the Goddess for that!

(*): All the monsters are fighting among themselves now.

  • Apparently some monster who's the Master of Diabolic Hall has just died, you see.

(*): You're lucky. Under normal circumstances, you'd never get out of this place alive.

(*): On behalf of all monsters, I welcome you to Diabolic Hall!

(*): What!? (You're Lord Psaro/That's Lord Psaro)!? You lie! Lord Psaro died as a result of the Secret of Evolution!

(*): Which means you must be (an impostor/impostors)!

(*): Now Aamon is the Master of Diabolic Hall. Psaro the Manslayer is no longer our leader.

(*): What!? (You're Lord Psaro/That's Lord Psaro)!? You lie! Lord Psaro died as a result of the Secret of Evolution!

(*): Which means you must be (an impostor/impostors)!

(*): Ever since Psaro the Manslayer was killed, a revolution's been in progrrress here in Diabolic Hall.

(*): All Aamon's underrrlings are full of themselves now. It's very grrrating.

(*): Lord Psaro! The word on the grrrapevine is that you were killed. But I knew it was a lie. I knew you could cheet death!

(*): This is grrreat! Things are about to get interesting!

(*): Now that Aamon has taken the throne as the Master of Monsterkind, the balance of power in Diabolic Hall is disturbed.

(*): I only hope we don't see monsters locking horns as a result.

(*): Ah! Lord Psaro! P-Please, forgive me!

(*): It was Aamon who gave the order to kidnap Rose. We were just... Just...

Psaro: ...

No reply. It's just a skeleton.

Oh no it isn't! It's alive!

(*): Leave me alone. I'm trying to rest in peace! You don't want to rattle my ribcage!

(*): Hm? Ah, (a human/Humans)?

(*): I'll make no bones about eating you if you're loafing on your dungeon dutiezzz... Bonezzz and all!

(*): Have your heard the newth? Anyone who thayth anything good about Ptharo ith being locked up in the dungeon now!

(*): Monthterth are on the inthide, and humanth are on the outthide guarding them! It doethn't get any more humiliating than that!

(*): Lord Pth...

(*): Lord Ptha...

(*): Lord Ptharo! Tho you're alive and kicking? Thank goodneth for that!

(*): There'th nothing we can do about it now. Aamon ith the new Mathter of Monthterkind, and that'th that.

(*): But between you and me, Lord Ptharo wath far better, don't you think?

(*): I'm thure I can thee Lord Ptharo in front of me, but... No, it'th not pothible!

(*): It mutht be a figment of my imagination... Yeth... It mutht be...

(*): Of course! Right away! I'll see to it immediately. So you can't eat me, okay?

(*): Oh, hello! (A fellow human/Fellow humans) for once! How's guarding the dungeon going?

(*): N-Nothing to report! Every one of Aamon's wicked traitors is being as quiet as a mouse!

(*): Did you hear? All supporters of Psaro the Manslayer have been locked up in the dungeon.

(*): I never thought I'd be made to keep watch over imprisoned monsters, I can tell you!

(*): It beats being eaten by them, that's for sure! Mind you, they still give me the willies when they look at me through the bars.

(*): Ask me as many times as you please. I have no intention of pledging my allegiance to that traitor.

(*): If he wants to kill me, let him try. And you can tell Aamon that's what I said.

(*): Lord Psaro!

(*): I, I never lost faith! I was sure that you couldn't have been killed.

(*): I don't trust Aamon. He's a sly beast.

(*): If you were (a decent, upstanding monster/decent, upstanding monsters), you wouldn't trust him, either.

(*): Lord Psaro!? No...I must be dreaming. But I must inform you anyway, even if this is a dream...

(*): Aamon is claiming to have perfected the Secret of Evolution himself.

(*): I don't know if it's true or not, but it could be dangerous to underestimate him.

No answer... The rhinoceraxe appears to be meditating.

(Character) examines the gravestone.
"Brave members of monsterkind. R. I. P."

(*): Grrrah ha ha ha hah! Agrrreeing to join Aamon was the best decision I ever made!

(*): I'm a company commander already! Grrrah ha hah!

(*): Grrracious! Is that...Psaro the Manslayer!?

(*): Grrrah ha hah! I'll defeat you, and instantly grrraduate to Aamon's commander-in-chief!

(*): The Master of Monsterkind is now the grrreat Aamon!

(*): Grrraaah! It's P-Psaro! Come back to haunt us all!

(*): Aamon made the Thecret of Evolution work with hith own body. Not like that thtupid Ptharo!

(*): Yeth, Aamon ith much better. Ptharo wath just thmall fry compared to him.

(*): Eep! Ptharo! No... I heard Lord Ptharo died in hith experimenth into the Thecret of Evolution.

(*): That maketh you an impothtor!

(*): This is the throne room of Aamon, Master of Monsterkind!

(*): Prepare to die, disrespectful filth!

(*): You are honoured to have had an audience with Aamon!

(*): Now prepare to die, disrespectful filth!

Aamon: Hm... You are new to me. I applaud your loyalty in coming to pay your respects to your new master.

Aamon: Now remember this! I am the Master of Diabolic Hall- Nay, the Master of all Monsterkind. I, Aamon!

Aamon: Ah! (A human/Humans)! And (a brave one/brave ones) at that, coming this far into Diabolic Hall.

Aamon: In recognition of your laudable bravery, I will let you in on a little secret...

Aamon: Your true foe, Psaro the Manslayer, no longer resides in this castle.

Aamon: At this very moment, he is continuing his evolution deep in the underground empire of Nadiria.

Aamon: If you delay any longer, your entire race is at risk. Psaro the Manslayer will live up to his name and destroy all humans!

Aamon: Psaro!? What is the meaning of this!?

Aamon: Ah, I see... Your expression says it all. Yes, it was I!

Aamon: I, Aamon, who effected Rose's death and ensured your demise!

Aamon: Hwa ha hah! Can you control your hatred!? Your loathing?

Aamon: But what of self-loathing? What shame could be greater than joining forces with the humans!?

Aamon: Hmph! No matter. You are too late, Psaro. Your time is passed.

Aamon: And now I will show you... My new form, the very pinnacle of evolution!

Aamon: Know now of your curse! Know now that you were born in the era of the one true ruler! The era of Aamon!

Aamon: Psaro? Well, it seems you have forgotten how to accept defeat gracefully.

Aamon: This time I will carve my name on your very soul, that you may never forget who your true master is!

Aamon: This is the end, Psaro! Estark awaits you in hell!

Aamon: Ri... Ridic...ulous...

Aamon: Or...is this an illusion...? The Secret of Evolution...working some trickery...?

Aamon: I... I... I am the one...true leader... The Master of Monsterkind... Aamo- Urgh!

(Character) is resurrected by a mysterious magical force!

((Character) hears/The party hear) a voice calling out of nowhere...

Return to us, Hero. Return to Zenithia...

Zenithia, finale

Psaro: ...Hero.

Psaro: Can you hear me, Hero?

Psaro: People still think of me as a monster. I wouldn't be welcome in Zenithia.

Psaro: So this is farewell. I must leave now.

Psaro: Perhaps our paths will one day cross again. But who can say if it will be as friends or as enemies...?

Zenith Dragon: I...am the Zenith Dragon.

Zenith Dragon: From my lofty dominion here, I observe all that takes place below. All that afflicts the human world occurs under my watchful eye.

Zenith Dragon: Behold the one who shares the blood of human and Zenithian alike: the great (hero/heroine), Hero!

Zenith Dragon: I witnessed how your efforts drove the Secret of Evolution deep into oblivion.

Zenith Dragon: But, in any case, no fear need now afflict you or your kind. Peace reigns once more over your domain.

Zenith Dragon: You eight - the Chosen - have thus completed your chapters. I applaud your courage and determination.

Zenith Dragon: Ragnar McRyan! Well done. You have fought bravely and resolutely.

Zenith Dragon: Alena! Though you were raised a princess, you have shown great strength and courage.

Zenith Dragon: Borya and Kiryl! The support you have provided to Alena has been exemplary.

Zenith Dragon: Meena and Maya! Be assured that your miraculous feats will have set your father's soul at rest.

Zenith Dragon: Torneko Taloon! People will continue to rely on your extraordinary gift for commerce.

Zenith Dragon: And I must also give mention to Psaro, the Master of Monsterkind.

Zenith Dragon: Without his assistance, perhaps the true evil could not have been quashed.

Zenith Dragon: And then there is you, Hero!

Zenith Dragon: Words cannot describe the greatness of your comportance. Such an exalted (hero/heroine) belongs here with us.

Zenith Dragon: Henceforth, you will live here in Zenithia among the Zenithians!

Zenith Dragon: Hm? Do I detect an air of disappointment?

Zenith Dragon: You desire to return to the world below and live among your friends? I see...

Zenith Dragon: Very well! If you wish it thus, then so shall it be.

Zenith Dragon: The fellowship born among you all in the midst of battle shall be broken by none!

Zenith Dragon: Fare thee well, Hero!

Zenith Dragon: The fellowship born among you all in the midst of battle shall be broken by none!

Zenith Dragon: Fare thee well, Hero!

(*): Hero! The true (hero/heroine) of legend!

(*): How curious humans are! They never cease to amaze.

Oopsy: Hm... I suppose not ALL humans are bad. Isn't that right, Daisy?

Daisy: Yes, sis.

Daisy: We can be friends now, can't we?

(*): ♪ La-la-la, La-la-la... ♪ Peace and happiness throughout the world ♪

(*): The chronicles must be updated! The great accomplishments of Hero and the Chosen must be recorded.

(*): None could have imagined a day when humans and the Master of Monsterkind would join forces.

(*): This tale is the seed of a legend everlasting.

(*): Your deeds will be recorded here in writing, and shall not be forgotten 'til the end of time!

Sparkie: Grrroooooo!

Orifiela: There you (are, Hero/all are)! I am truly proud to have travelled at the side of such greatness.

(*): Are the rumours true? Did you really defeat the Lord of the Underworld in his second incarnation? ...Unbelievable!

(*): Grrrooo, grrooo!

(*): Thank you. Thank you for eliminating such suffering and pain from the world.

(*): Behold! Behold, the Goddess hath guided us all back to the light!

The door is shut fast...

(*): Lo! The joyous faces do speak volumes!

(*): My dearest Hero. Though your parents had to forsake you in your infancy, now you are risen to such lofty heights!

  • May the bonds forged betwixt you and your fellows forfend the grief you have suffered from the loss of your parents.

(*): So, I beseech all of you: treasure this fellowship you have, and care for my Hero as (he/she) cares for you.

(*): ...

(*): Forgive me. I know not wherefore my tears do not cease. Farewell. And Goddesspeed.

(*): You thertainly thurprithed me! Maybe you humanth don't thuck after all!

(*): Hero! The true (hero/heroine) of legend!

(*): What miracles you have performed! Stay here among us and let us live as equals!

(*): For that a wingless wight should slay the Lord of the Underworld... It is unheard of!

(*): You are way-going, are you not? Take care.

(*): Your wagon and balloon await you outside.

Zenith Dragon: Monsterkind cannot be held entirely to blame for its actions - an existence where only one's closest companions can be trusted must truly be a sad one.

Zenith Dragon: Alas, I do not see him before me. Has he taken his leave of us? Very well.

b0157000 (Save Dialogue)

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Party Chat Dialogue

Chapter I Party Chat

b0500000 (Burland and Strathbaile)

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Aigneas: Em... Whit are we footerin' aboot in the castle for? Is ma hubbie no in Strathbaile?

Healie: This is my first slime in a real castle! (slurp) I'm so nervous... Look! I'm shaking like a jelly!

Aigneas: Och, I ken hoo hard it must be for a mother, frettin' aboot her bairn. I feel the same way aboot ma hubbie. Come on! Let's be away tae Strathbaile!

Healie: That's no goo! (slurp) We need to find those children and bring their mothers some good nooze!

Healie: That's gooreat advice. When I run low on MP, I can't cast Heal 'til I get a goo night's sleep.

Aigneas: Aye, afore I let ma hubbie gae anywhere, I always make sure he's got a sporran full o' medicinal herbs.

Healie: Medicinal slurps? Pah! Who needs those old things when you've got a healslime around?

Aigneas: I willnae be daein' any fightin' on the way tae Strathbaile. I'm just no cut oot for it. The best thing ah can dae is stay well oot o' the way.

Healie: Not all monsters are bad, goo know. There's nice ones too. Like me! And...and...erm... (slurp)

Healie: (gloop) Th-The L-Lord of the Underworld? I've heard that name before...

Healie: But where...? No, it's no goo. I just can't remember. Ah, I wish I didn't have slime for brains...

Healie: Cor! A real live king! (slurp) I wonder if he'd ever speak to a lowly healslime like me.

Healie: Maybe I shouldn't be in the presence of a king at all. (slurp) I should wait 'til I've become a human.

Healie: (slurp) I've got a feeling that the gooreat Ragnar McRyan is the palace guard the King trusts the most.

Aigneas: Ach, I've no time for sightseein'! If ye've no business in the castle, can ye hurry up an' take me tae see ma hubbie?

Healie: There's noblobby about at this slime of night. (slurp) It feels nice and empty.

Healie: Hmm... I wonder if it would echo if I slurped loud enough... No - I need to be a goo little healslime!
But now I really want to find out!

Aigneas: Och, I ken hoo the poor hen feels. Since ma hubbie went missin', I havnae had a wink o' sleep!

Healie: (slurp) I don't look suspicious, goo I?

Healie: Ah, I've heard about the slime when monsters went on the rampage...

Healie: ...Bah! It's no goo! I've forgotten all the details. That's what you get for having slime for brains.

Healie: I'm such a lucky healslime. When I snooze, I always meet Ragnar McRyan, Mary Curey and Guru Curu.

Healie: Those last two are such goo friends of mine. But I haven't seen them for so very long... (sniff) (slurp)

Aigneas: Stealin' bread? It's just no like ma hubbie tae dae a thing like that. I cannae make head nor tail of it!

Healie: (slurp) It's sticky down here. My skin's even gooier than usual. Maybe it's that river running above us...

Healie: There's nothing a slime loves more than a nice, sticky, sweltering cave!

Healie: I'm no goo out in the sun. My skin dries up and gets all crinkly and horrible.

Healie: You're a lucky man, Mister McRyan - you have goo friends beside you all the slime.

Healie: I had to part company with my slimy soulmates a long time agoo, and I've been all alone ever since...

Healie: How can you get lost in a place like this? Maybe he should ooze a compass...

Healie: We offered to show him the way out, but he wanted nothing to goo with us. How rude!

Aigneas: So we finally made it tae Strathbaile. And aboot time too! Can ye take me tae ma hubbie, soldier?

Aigneas: Ma hubbie an' me were forever talkin' aboot hoo we'd love some wee kiddies of oor own.

Aigneas: But now, wi' all these bairns vanishin'... Och, it's just no right!

Aigneas: First all the bairns start vanishin' intae thin air, then ma hubbie goes missin'... Could it all be connected somehoo?

Aigneas: D'ye think ye might see yer way tae tourin' the local schools after we've rescued ma poor hubbie from jail?

Aigneas: Ma hubbie an' me were forever talkin' aboot hoo we'd love some wee kiddies of oor own.

Aigneas: But now, wi' all these bairns vanishin'... Och, it's just no right!

Aigneas: If ma Angus is stuck in some jail cell under the groond, we need tae head there wi' no delay!

Aigneas: Ma hubbie an' me were forever talkin' aboot hoo we'd love some wee kiddies of oor own.

Aigneas: But now, wi' all these bairns vanishin'... Och, it's just no right!

Aigneas: First all the bairns start vanishin' intae thin air, then ma hubbie goes missin'... Could it all be connected somehoo?

Aigneas: Can I ask ye a simple question, soldier? Dae ye think ma hubbie's in jail here in Strathbaile or no?

Aigneas: Jings! Whit are ye waitin' for, then? Stop footerin' aboot an' take me tae see ma Angus!

Aigneas: Och, ye cannae be serious! Ye've been leadin' me up the garden path this whole time! Whit a stupid bloomin' nyaff I've been!

Aigneas: If we dinnae dilly-dally, we can walk tae Strathbaile afore the sun sets. Let's be away, soldier!

Healie: Gosh! This place is jam-packed with people! (slurp)

Healie: I wonder if the people here will be slurprised to see a healslime visiting their town...

Healie: Oh, it looks so goo to be a human! I can't wait to become one too!

Aigneas: I still cannae believe ma hubbie'd dae a thing like that. It's got tae be some kind o' mistake. Ma Angus may be many things, but a thief isnae one o' them.

Aigneas: We're flittin' aboot the place, meanwhile ma poor Angus is languishin' in a dark, dingy cell. It's no right!

Aigneas: Och, it hurts ma poor head just thinkin' aboot the state ma poor hubbie must be in.

Aigneas: Och, it's nice o' ye tae offer tae help us oot.

Aigneas: But I'm no sure it's a good idea for an auld fella like ye to be taggin' along. Dinnae take this the wrong way, but I think ye may be a wee bit past it...

Healie: (slurp) So we have a new companion. I'll have to introduce myself properly to this gentleman...

Healie: Farewell, my elderly friend! We only just met, but it seems we must goo our separate ways.

Aigneas: That auld fella's young at heart, I'll gie him that.

Aigneas: He's lookin' a wee bit doon in the dumps, but I think ye did the right thing lettin' him doon gently.

Healie: You're a goo man, Mister McRyan. If you'd let that old man join us, he'd have probably ended up slurping a disc.

Healie: (slurp) You're a professional soldier. Goo'd know to always equip a weapon, wouldn't goo?

Healie: Of course goo would! It goos without saying!

Healie: ...Excooze me!? Are goo serious!? Taking to the battlefield unarmed is a seriously risky business, goo know!

Healie: We'll find those children. The gooreatest palace guard in the kingdom is on the case!

Aigneas: Ma hubbie went missin' round the time the wee bairns started tae disappear.

Aigneas: D'ye think it's all connected somehoo?

Aigneas: If we keep walkin' through the night, we'll be in Strathbaile afore the sun rises. Let's be away, soldier!

Healie: Even in a big castle town, it's so quiet at night that you can hear the crickets slurping.

Healie: (slurp) (yawn) Tired? Goo, me? No! I could keep gooing all night!

Aigneas: That auld fellow is the only one who really cares aboot what me an' ma hubbie are goin' through.

Healie: (slurp) It's not easy being a monster sometimes. Ooze to say we're responsible? It could have been anyone!

Healie: B-Be careful not to rub that cat up the wrong way. It might looze its temper...

Healie: (slurp) The King likes to turn in early, it seems.

Aigneas: That great galoot of a merchant has been callin' at ma hoose every evenin' since ma hubbie went missin'. Does he no ken when he's no welcome?

Healie: Gosh! Look at all these humans! (slurp) I have to admit, I'm feeling a little unoozey.

Healie: But I'm here with the gooreat Ragnar McRyan, so I've got nothing to fear!

Healie: Mister McRyan! The weather's so goo - how do you fancy a spot of sunbathing? No?

Healie: Can someone really be stealing the children here? There's no excooze for doing something like that.

Healie: That poor woman. It must be so terrible to looze a child. It's just so... So sad... (sniff) (slurp)

Healie: Ragnar McRyan is sooo gooreat! It's no slurprise the children here look up to him.

Healie: So a child played with some strange shoes and vanished? Where could he be? Could he have flown away to the Realm of the Faeries?

Healie: All this talk about bread has made my mouth water. (slurp) Humans eat bread... I want to be human... Maybe I should eat more bread!

Healie: I must try to be a goo healslime. I wouldn't want to be acoozed of a terrible crime and locked up here...

Healie: Goo know, when I was in the cave beneath that old well, I'd hear the village children playing nearby.

Healie: (slurp) I so wanted to play with real human children!

Healie: It's so quiet at this slime of night. I suppose that's what happens when everyone goos home to bed...

Healie: Some people get more energy late at night, don't they? Well, I'm the same. I'm a night-time slime.

Healie: It'll be hours before I need a snooze!

Healie: That man enjoying a late-night slurp reminds me of my long-lost slimy soulmate, Mary Curey. She loved a drink...

Healie: And when she wasn't out caroozeing, goo old Mary was a real Midheal master...

Healie: That guard looked a bit like a horse. Maybe we should ask him what's with the long face! Do you think he'd be amoozed?

Healie: Can someone really be stealing the children here? There's no excooze for doing something like that.

Healie: Peeking at people isn't very nice, is it? If that man got caught, he'd goo straight to jail.

Healie: That poor woman. It must be so terrible to looze a child. It's just so... So sad... (sniff) (slurp)

Healie: (slurp) (YAWN)

Healie: Tired? Goo, me? Don't be silly, it's nowhere near my bedslime!

b0501000 (Auld Well and Loch Tur)

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Healie: Can I call you Mister McRyan? I'll work ever so hard to help you, you'll see! (slurp)

Healie: This is so gooreat! I've got a real human to hang out with!

Healie: If ever you're at a looze end, feel free to talk to me! (slurp)

Healie: I'm just great at oozing Heal. If you get hurt, just let me know, and I'll fix you in a flash!

Healie: (slurp) I'm gooing to be human one day. That's why I learned your language!

Healie: I met another human. He was wearing armour like you. I wanted to goo with him, but he refoozed.

Healie: Maybe he didn't think a slime was goo enough for him? I was very hurt... (slurp)

Healie: Did you hear that voice? I wonder if it's a faerie who lives in this cave or something...

Healie: Faeries who live in caves are very shy, so you're not gooing to actually see them.

Healie: The voice keeps telling us to goo towards it, but whoever's speaking won't show themselves. (slurp)

Healie: Faeries who live in caves are very shy, so you're not gooing to actually see them.

Healie: If ever you're at a looze end, feel free to talk to me! (slurp)

Healie: I'm just great at oozing Heal. If you get hurt, just let me know, and I'll fix you in a flash!

Healie: Mister McRyan, Mister McRyan!

Healie: Hee hee! Excooze the silliness - I just felt like shouting out my new friend's name!

Healie: I met another human. He was wearing armour like you. I wanted to goo with him, but he refoozed.

Healie: Maybe he didn't think a slime was goo enough for him? I was very hurt... (slurp)

Healie: (slurp) I'm gooing to be human one day. That's why I learned your language!

Healie: The voice keeps telling us to goo towards it, but whoever's speaking won't show themselves. (slurp)

Healie: Faeries who live in caves are very shy, so you're not gooing to actually see them.

Healie: (slurp) So it was monsters all along! Come on! We need to follow them. Let's goo!

Healie: (slurp) That child-snatching monster could be hiding somewhere nearby...

Healie: Mind how you goo! The monsters in this tower are pretty tough.

Healie: Remember, you can't goo easy on other healslimes, even if they do remind you of your pal Healie.

Healie: (slurp) But we've got to keep gooing! We have to rescue those poor children!

Healie: That's him! That's the human who refoozed to take me with him! What a horrible man!

Healie: (slurp) But I suppooze he did me a favour. If I had gone with him, I'd never have met you!

Healie: (slurp) That child-snatching monster could be hiding somewhere nearby...

Healie: Mind how you goo! The monsters in this tower are pretty tough.

Healie: Remember, you can't goo easy on other healslimes, even if they do remind you of your pal Healie.

Healie: (slurp) But we've got to keep gooing! We have to rescue those poor children!

Healie: (gloop) Those monsters look pretty scary. I really hope we can win this...

Healie: We have to goo through with this. We can't run away.

Healie: (slurp) The only way to rescue those children is to fight!

(*): Yay! I cannae wait tae see ma ma an' pa again!

(*): I-I was so scared. Look, I'm still shakin'! Those monsters kept askin' if I was some kind o' hero, an' threatenin' tae dae away wi' me!

(*): But ye're no aboot tae hurt us, are ye? We're safe wi' ye, aren't we, Mister?

(*): Och, that's good tae hear! I was a wee bit scared when I saw yer big auld moustache.

(*): I, I, I want ma mummy!

It's so goo to help people! I feel like I'm moving closer to being a human one slimy step at a time!

I'm so happy the children are safe and sound! (slurp)

(*): I think we might be able tae get oot o' here if we leap off near the top o' the tur.

(*): Em... Sorry tae bother ye, Mister, but I need tae dae a wee wee afore we go any further.

(*): Ma pa told me no tae play ootside the village. I hope he doesnae gie me a hidin'!

(*): Mister, are we no at Strathbaile yet? I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole haggis, nae bother!

Healie: Look, Mister McRyan! Look how happy the boy and his mother are! It's so goo to see! (slurp)

Healie: (slurp) So you've cracked the case of the missing children. I suppooze you'll be heading back to the castle now...

Healie: (slurp) The castle's not the place for me. Not while I'm still a monster, anyway.

Healie: I'm gooing to continue on my quest to become a human being. You know, Mister McRyan, if you're at a looze end now, you could...

Healie: No, no! It's nothing. Forget I opened my big glob...

Healie: Did you know you always goo red when people thank you? You may look tough, but deep down, you're really a big softie.

Healie: What if monsters are kidnapping children all over the world trying to find this hero? Ooh, it makes me goo all funny just thinking about it...

Healie: That lady was so happy, she was on the verge of tears. It's enough to make you goo all gooey inside!

Healie: You're a hero to all the children of Strathbaile! (slurp)

Healie: (slurp) Hee hee! This poor man's been trying to find his way out of here all this slime!

Healie: I'm gooing to continue on my quest to become a human being. You know, Mister McRyan, if you're at a looze end now, you could...

Healie: No, no! It's nothing. Forget I opened my big glob...

Healie: You've completed your mission, so I slurpose you're going back to your regular job at the castle.

(*): Mister, I cannae go any further! I need tae dae a wee wee!

(*): I cannae wait tae see ma ma and pa again!

(*): Ma pa told me no tae play ootside the village. I hope he doesnae gie me a hidin'!

(*): Mister, are we no at Strathbaile yet? I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole haggis, nae bother!

Healie: (slurp) Even if he was joking, asking to take the credit for saving those children seems a bit much.

Healie: (slurp) You're a local celebrity here in Burland! I bet it feels goo!

(*): The whole toon's linin' up tae thank ye for whit ye did, Mister.

(*): ...I've made ma mind up! When I grow up, I'm gonnae be a palace guard and everyone'll love me too. Ye'll see!

(*): That's oor friend Angus! But he looks a wee bit different tae me - it's like he's a grown-up or somethin'...

b0502000 (Chapter I Ending)

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Healie: Slimey! The King and his men are all lined up waiting to welcome you back!

(*): It's ma first time tae come tae the castle!

Chapter II Party Chat

b0503000 (Zamoksva and Taborov)

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Alena: Sunshine makes whole body feel so much warm! This weather, it is truly glorious!

Borya: Now is time for resting in castle and taking the tea. Yet I must to be gallivanting around in this manner...

Alena: Yoy! Here is cat! Little thing is so much adorable!

Alena: Aya! This cat, she is appearing in most highest spirits, also!

Kiryl: Zamoksva Castle, always it is bringing me most happiest memories... Here, I feel truly relaxing...

Alena: This castle holds nothing with interest for me. I must to leave this place, and go for adventures!

Alena: Fu! Zamoksva castle is most boring place in world! I hate it!

Alena: These people appear happy, being in castle the whole time...

Alena: But I am wondering, do they not wish for to go out on grand adventures...?

Kiryl: Uf... Nothing is more relieving than returning in the castle...

Borya: At least residents in castle appear very much same as always.

Borya: Yoy... Since I become tutor of Tsarevna, life is nothing more than one difficulty following the other...

Borya: Wonderful! Hoo hoo! Now she cannot to be wenturing outside the castle no more.

Alena: My father, I can carve sticks from his head! Well, I show him! I kick through wall once more, and escape this castle!

Borya: You hear, Tsarevna? The soldiers, they are also saying same thing! You must not to leave the castle!

Alena: My father, I can carve sticks from his head! Well, I show him! I kick through wall once more, and escape this castle!

Kiryl: The Tsar, he truly does not wish Alena to leave castle. Of this, I am not doubting.

Alena: Fiends may try to attacking me...?

Alena: Hee hee hee! Let them to try! I show them what I am made with!

Alena: Fiends, they did try to attacking us... But we show them who is the boss!

Borya: Yoy... For Tsarevna, heiress to kingdom, to make journey into wide, wild world is not joyous...

Borya: Oh-yo-you... Trouble brews in eastern skies, it is seeming... We must to be careful.

Borya: I am with the opinion that most bestest course of action is to remain in castle...

Kiryl: Do not be frightening, Tsarevna Alena. I, Kiryl, will give my life for protecting you.

Kiryl: Yoy! And you, also, Borya! That goes entirely without the saying...

Alena: Pure tomboy, he say!? How rude man he is! He must to refer to me as Tsarevna Tomboy!

Borya: Even proletariat is spreading rumours of the Tsarevna. It is most deplorable situation...

Alena: I am wondering... Who is more older? That old man, or Borya...?

Borya: Aga! Old Starek, he is still not expiring!? He must have most mighty constitution!

Alena: I have become much more stronger over course of my journey.

Alena: Surely, my father must now to allow me permission for making journey to lands beyond oceans?

Alena: I am not caring how anyone say. I am not ready for returning to castle yet!

Borya: Ordinary tsarevna, she is happy with prettily sitting on ornate throne...

Borya: Perhaps Alena's father did not to raise her right way... Yoy! How am I saying!? This is impossible, of course!

Alena: The Minister is so much annoying... Better than Borya, I mind, but only a little...

Alena: My father, he should to come along adventuring with me!

Alena: If we are together, we can go to anywhere. For why? Because I know he will protect me!

Alena: My father, he said not one word of how big and strong I am now...

Alena: He should to pay more attention of his daughter!

Kiryl: The Tsar gave to me permission to make journey with Alena...

Kiryl: It was most happiest moment of my life! (sniff)

Kiryl: The Tsar, he is more concerning than anyone for safety of Alena...

Borya: Ach... The Tsar, he is too tolerating! He should to prevent Alena when she is embarking on so much wild schemes...

Alena: This castle holds nothing with interest for me. I must to leave this place, and go for adventures!

Alena: Aga, my room! It is looking much tidy... I am most happy, and appropriately grateful!

Kiryl: I am wondering if it is truly conventional for man with my status to enter rooms of Tsar and Tsarevna...

Alena: I love, of course, grand adventures, but sometimes I wish only for to sleep in soft castle beds.

Borya: At least residents in castle appear very much same as always.

Alena: It is not fault of mine wall is so much easy to break! It is fault of wall!

Borya: Late Tsarina was so much gentle soul... And so much beautiful also...

Borya: Wooden board cannot stop our Tsarevna. We must to use the solid iron if we wish to keep her in castle. Yoy...

Kiryl: As man of cloth, it is unthinkable of me to smash through walls.

Kiryl: How magnificent to be Tsarevna, and to do as pleases self and self alone!

Alena: When sun goes down, it can be seen the moon and the many stars.

Alena: My bedroom, it is in castle roof. I sleep every night under stars .

Borya: It is nearly the bedtime for people with my age. Yoy, I struggle most fiercely to keep open the eyes... (yawn)

Alena: How can they dare to obstruct in my way! Aga, it is making my blood to boil!

Borya: I am supposing every rumour contains some truth. Yoy...

Kiryl: I am wondering why priest looks so much apprehensive... If Tsarevna Alena remains safe, all will be well.

Kiryl: The monsters of Taborov have already faced the extermination... Are we now with more problems?

Kiryl: Who is he thinking he is!? Lowly soldier must not to comment on spirits of Tsarevna!

Kiryl: Aga! Please, excuse me. I should not to say such things. Ignore me, I beg with you.

Alena: I personally think I am but ordinary tsarevna. But if people tell that I am brave, I will not to complain!

Borya: Ach, bravery is too much unbecoming in a tsarevna...

Alena: People are already rumouring concerning us... This is existing as proof of popularity, I mind!

Alena: It is seeming to me that people heard words about our performances at the battles!

Kiryl: Not too many people must to find out about journey of Tsarevna...

Kiryl: But I do not worry. That merchant, I feel he will not let cat out from bag.

Kiryl: He is claiming to be confidential, but merchants are not for trusting, I feel...

Alena: It seems my father is gone to asleep. Perhaps I am needing small nap also...

Kiryl: I am much impressed with soldiers, to work so late into night.

Borya: Ordinary tsarevna, she is happy with prettily sitting on ornate throne...

Borya: For why must Alena be not so...?

Borya: People with my age must to go asleep quite early. Ach, I am so much tired...

Alena: Everyone is too concerning about me! My father, the Minister... I wish they would give to me more faith.

Borya: Yoy... Even cat is not safe when on journey with Tsarevna. Nine lives are not sufficient!

Alena: I love, of course, grand adventures, but sometimes I wish only for to sleep in soft castle beds.

Kiryl: Tsar is already visitor in land of Nod, I mind.

Alena: Everyone tells I am boyish! Boyish this, boyish that! I am full up with it all!

Kiryl: This oaf has no understanding! It is because she is so much boyish that Alena is so much wonderful...

Kiryl: Oplya! I said nothing! Nothing whatsoever at all!

Borya: Late Tsarina was so much gentle soul... And so much beautiful also...

Alena: Being in Zalenagrad is analogous to being in castle garden! We must to go to further field!

Alena: I remember first time we come to Zalenagrad, my heart was beating like big drum.

Alena: Now I feel not even minimal excitement. I am ready for so much bigger things!

Kiryl: It is occasionally pleasant to be going out from castle, I mind.

Kiryl: People of Zalenagrad appear to be unchanging. It is very gladdening sight.

Borya: It is appearing as though these people have not yet the awareness of how our status is.

Borya: Thus, we must not to become complacent. Let us keep low profiles.

Alena: Tsss! No one in willage knows I am Tsarevna Alena! It must remain secretive in the topmost!

Kiryl: Zalenagrad is nice, pretty willage.

Kiryl: When I was young man, it was in this willage's church that I took first steps along path for priesthood.

Borya: I am thinking it is surely soon time for returning to castle...

Kiryl: The forewarned are the forearmed, I mind. People of this willage is so much kind in the providing of this warning.

Borya: Ach, it is merely sales trick. Transparent, like glass.

Alena: Heh heh! Yoy, she is adorable! Perhaps when she grows big, we can do battle together!

Alena: It is pleasing that she wishes to become such as me, but she has before her long roads to travel yet.

Kiryl: Of course, Tsarevna Alena is object of wide admiring. Deservingly so...

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! If youth of the today are admiring for Tsarevna Alena, I greatly fear for the future!

Alena: Ach! Rumours of my journey are spreading even to Zalenagrad!?

Alena: It is not so much easy to be popular figure... Still, I think if we naturally act, we will not be unmasked.

Alena: I am wondering how this man's face will look like if I tell that I am Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: I am thinking that best course of action involves to perhaps avoid all communication with merchants... Ach...

Alena: Starling has voice of passing niceness, I mind.

Alena: No matter during what time we come, that poet, he is always here. It is seeming that he has much free time...

Borya: So, this man is Josef Starling? I have heard something of him... He has reputation all throughout our land.

Alena: For why is it surprising to hear such things of young girl!? I am powerful and mighty warrior!

Alena: I am so much certain that I am now more powerful warrior than this soldier. I hope we can duel, and I can thusly prove this fact!

Borya: The soldier speaks wisely, I mind. To set out on sudden trip without preparations is greatly perilous.

Borya: I wish people would not be putting ideas in Tsarevna's head.

Borya: I mind that best thing to happen now is minor accident near castle, then Alena will frighten, and abandon all foolish travel plans.

Alena: Undersized hamlet!? In mountains!? We must pay visit to such place!

Alena: Taborov must to be undersized hamlet for which this nun speaks.

Kiryl: I fear mountain roads are greatly perilous. We must place in preparation plentiful supplies of medicinal herbs.

Kiryl: I sincerely hope that people of Taborov are all prospering now.

Borya: I declare hereby that I will not under any circumstance expire before that man is wedded!

Borya: Though, I must confess, I am wondering when this will happen...

Kiryl: Much too well I know that to love is not permitted for servants of Goddess. (sigh)

Borya: During when I was wild young man, I did many times go around and breaking the girls' hearts. Hoo hoo! It was so much wonderful period...

Alena: Every willage is much more exciting in night. This is for why I love travelling!

Alena: Zalenagrad is little bit romantic after the dark, I mind...

Kiryl: It seems most of willagers are safely tucked in the bed now.

Borya: In the ordinary circumstances, I would be fastly sleeping now. Ach, I am so much exhausted...

Alena: It seems he does nothing except to sing the poetry from the morning 'til night.

Alena: I am wondering if he sometimes gets frustrating and goes wiolently on rampage...

Alena: I am really not understanding this poet, Starling.

Alena: Song cannot suffice to defeat even flimsy foe such as slime. What is purpose of such uselessness?

Kiryl: Voice is beautiful, new moon is beautiful also... This scene is so much romantic...

Alena: Continually? I think maybe not. I certainly get boring. Very quickly.

Alena: Hmm... I am thinking there is something strange about nun...

Borya: Simply, I think she is getting too far carried away.

Borya: After all, Tsarevna Alena is not setting good example for such people...

Kiryl: I am certain I will sleep restfully tonight, and will have the most best dreams...

Borya: I cannot to sleep unless my surroundings are silent and unsullied by noises.

Alena: People of this willage seem too much woeful... Let us try to give them cheer!

Alena: Remember, we came here anonymously, as the simple travellers.

Alena: We must to not reveal to anyone that I am Tsarevna. You understand me? Good!

Alena: Monsters from northern forest are constantly attacking this willage...

Alena: But their terrible reign is over! Now that we come here, they will do as pleases them no longer!

Alena: Let us away to church! We must teach to monsters lesson that sacrifice with humans is unacceptable!

Kiryl: There were great number of graves near willage entrance. The sight of them gave to me most terrible premonitions...

Kiryl: If it proves necessary, I will give my life for to protect Tsarevna Alena. Yes, yes I will...

Borya: There are great deal of...situations in this willage, I mind. Oya...

Borya: I sense something... A presence most terrifying, awaiting for us inside the willage!

Borya: Of course I understand need to hurry, but primary need is of adequate preparations.

Borya: If physical conditions or equipments are not in optimum condition, we stand not even the slimmest chance!

Alena: Thought of cursed willage is troubling...

Alena: We must ask to more people of locality about this matter!

Alena: We will take revenge on foul beast that claimed the life from this person's child!

Kiryl: To lose beloved child... It is most saddest fate parent can endure...

Kiryl: Yoy, I wish only that we knew more sooner of how is happening in this willage...

Borya: So this is how has become of Taborov willage? Aga... It is most terrible...

Alena: He speaks of monsters!? Then surely this must be our time for shining!

Alena: Saving this willage is reason we did set out on adventure originally.

Kiryl: Willagers here are being under attack by monsters?

Kiryl: Most foul creatures! I accurse them!

Kiryl: I am not caring who does so - to come between the two lovers is unacceptable in each and every way!

Borya: There are great deal of...situations in this willage, I mind. Oya...

Alena: All sacrifices are absolutely superfluous! We must destroy the monsters!

Alena: Sacrifice of this person is entirely not necessary. It is down to ourselves to do something!

Kiryl: Such kind people! I ask to Goddess for assisting - we must to save this willage!

Borya: Girl is more braver than most of thrice her years. I cannot bear to stand back and watch her dying.

Alena: Dinner of monster!? This is entirely unthinkable! We must to defeat this terrible beast!

Borya: How will become of willage when young lovers run to place far away?

Borya: We must not allow such a thing. We must to proffer assistance unto these people.

Alena: Monsters are in forest to north! Let us immediately go!

Borya: Aga! What number of girls did become sacrifices for sake of these monsters?

Borya: Oya... I wish only that we knew of this matter more earlier...

Borya: Our enemies have powerful appearance. We must to keep our guard permanently up.

Alena: I wish for to save all people of willage, but in this moment it is too much dangerous for me.

Alena: We must to train and grow more stronger, in order for monsters to be defeated before Anastasia suffers sacrifice!

Kiryl: If we are to rescue Anastasia, we are to put Tsarevna Alena in danger... Oya, this is most troubling dilemma!

Borya: I can with ease understand the mind state of willage chief...

Borya: But we are not yet capable to do the battle with monster. It is very shameful, I know...

Alena: Let us away to church! We must teach to monsters lesson that sacrifice with humans is unacceptable!

Borya: Of course I understand need to hurry, but primary need is of adequate preparations.

Borya: If physical conditions or equipments are not in optimum condition, we stand not even the slimmest chance!

Kiryl: Something uncommonly unusual is taking place in this willage. I am not the one for interfering, but this must not to be ignored...

Borya: I sense something... A presence most terrifying, awaiting for us inside the willage!

Alena: This sedan will be the form of transport for us!

Alena: You wait, monsters! We are coming, and alongside us, your certain defeat!

Kiryl: Goddess, please, offer your protections on our Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: Once we board the sedan, we can no more turn backwards. I hope only that we are prepared...

Alena: Oya! It is so much capacious outside castle walls! This is most best feeling ever!

Alena: Listen you, monsters! Come to me from any direction, I shall expediently defeat you all!

Kiryl: This whole continent is ruled from Zamoksva, yet it is my firstmost time outside of castle...

Alena: I care not one jot how my father thinks, I shall not return to the castle! This is certain!

Alena: For why do two of you come with me?

Alena: I wanted for to go to adventuring all alone! Ach...

Kiryl: When I stop and make pause to consider that I am on journey alongside Tsarevna...

Kiryl: My heart begins to pound so much... Oya! But not for inappropriate reasons!

Borya: I am afraid for saying, Tsarevna Alena is girl with very many issues...

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena, you are undamaged, da?

Kiryl: Please, if you are incurring injury or pain, I can immediately offer to you effective treatment!

Borya: Ach... My old legs are stiffly aching. You must to walk more slower, Tsarevna!

Alena: When evening comes to fall, many monsters emerge...

Alena: But they are not matched to my talents! Lead me to them!

Kiryl: To walk about after darkness is perilous. We should find nice inn for resting.

Borya: My bedtime is already nigh. Ach, I am so much old...

Alena: The willage is in the high spirits once again! Hurray!

Kiryl: Nothing makes me more happier than to see gleaming smiles on faces of willagers!

Alena: Defeating the monsters really was the piece of cake.

Alena: Maybe we are just too much strong for them...

Kiryl: Late Tsarina most assuredly smiles upon you, Tsarevna.

Borya: Uf... All of these adventurings are taking the toll on ancient man like me. Yoy, I am tired!

Borya: Hmph. I can only hope this success does not go to head of Tsarevna Alena...

Alena: We defeated monsters, but it does not bring back extinct persons...

Alena: If I only had left castle more earlier, daughter of that woman would still now be living...

Kiryl: I wish to offer some prayers to Goddess, for peace of this willage and for soul of this woman's daughter.

Alena: He was perhaps too much thankful... He made me to blush! Still, I am greatly happy for him...

Borya: It appears the merchant of items is returned to the good health. Mmm. That is magnificent news, indeed.

Alena: Boy is right, there are no more monsters in this willage...

Alena: Which means it is the time for setting-off once more! Our journey, it must to continue!

Kiryl: The little children, they must assuredly have been greatly frightened by gnashings and thrashings of foul monsters...

Alena: So there is to be tournament in kingdom of Endor?

Alena: ...Yoy! Perhaps in it we can encounter new enemies for pitting ourselves against!

Alena: Endor... Endor... Da! It sounds like place I wish to go. And it has tournament also... Yoy yoy yoy!

Borya: To go to tournament is utterly unthinkable idea. I am old man! Oh-yo-yoy...

Alena: That is the most joyful news! Anastasia, she looks so much happy!

Kiryl: I... I must to confess, I am envious.

Borya: It is such shame her betrothed is so much coward. I am wondering, can he truly bring her ecstasy?

Alena: I must to confide, when first I was said, "get in sedan", I was not unanxious...

Kiryl: I did not realise at time because of worry about the battle, but now when I think I was trapped in small sedan next to Tsarevna...

Kiryl: Oya! My impoverished heart! It pounds like big drum!

Borya: In the truth, bad puns from priest send colder chills down the spine than thought of monsters...

Alena: Aga! I remember this place! It is where I did deliver killer blow for those evil monsters!

Kiryl: Place of altar was before infested with souls of maidens given in sacrifice. Gladly, all such souls now are at peace.

Borya: There is now no sign of monsters in this willage. We can all to feel relieving about this, I mind.

Alena: Vrenor, we are coming! We must to start by heading for the east... Let us depart!

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! For why must infernal poet put ideas in Tsarevna's head?

Alena: I am thinking that everyone can be breathing easily and sleeping soundly now.

Kiryl: Dearest Goddess, please to continue protecting this willage and also Tsarevna...

Borya: Mmm, da... This is not only the positive development for local populace, it also will raise further revenues for Tsar...

Borya: I am supposing, in some sense, Tsarevna Alena did do a good deed...

Alena: It is most nicest thing, to receive the gratitude for to do what you enjoy, even if what you enjoy is to kill monsters!

Borya: It brings me entirely no joy to receive thanks of such squalid young man...

Alena: That is the most joyful news! Anastasia, she looks so much happy!

Borya: I am hoping the only safe journey we make is one that transports us directly homeward...

Alena: Oya! We must remember to not be letting slip that I am Tsarevna!

Kiryl: The face, it may be made disguised, but refinement of Tsarevna can never be hidden.

Alena: Aga, be calm! Having but one person understanding of my true identity is not end of world!

Kiryl: I am glad identity of Tsarevna was revealed. Now words about her good deeds will spread throughout kingdom! Ahh...

b0504000 (Vrenor)

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Alena: Yoy! There is big fuss here about something! It looks so much interesting!

Alena: Maybe first port of calling should to be the local inn?

Kiryl: People at this town like festivals and such, it seems. They give impression of great cheer.

Borya: Ach... I have no doubting that they do nothing but celebrate trivial matters.

Borya: It is some great distance from there, but this town too is under rule of Zamoksva. Misbehave here, and words of it will reach the castle!

Borya: You must not be thinking you can do as you like simply because you are abroad, Alena!

Alena: Tsarevna of Zamoksva!? What is she meaning!?

Kiryl: It is seeming that whole town has gathered for glance of Tsarevna.

Kiryl: Truly, her popularity is knowing no boundaries...

Borya: Mmm... I am having bad feeling of which I am unable to rid myself...

Alena: There was something strange in old man's words...

Alena: We must to visit inn and see what is occurring there!

Borya: Ach, I had thought that something such as this could occur...

Alena: Is this meaning that I have impersonator? This is so much intriguing!

Kiryl: What he say? Tsarevna is in upstairs of inn?

Alena: Hmph! Though I am knowing it cannot be to me that he was making the reference, still I feel much offended!

Kiryl: But of course, fake Tsarevna cannot hold even one candle to our Alena!

Kiryl: He is only poor merchant from the backwater town! He should not even dream of making approach to Tsarevna!

Alena: His dog...? But how are we knowing which dog is boy's dog...?

Borya: At the times like this, it is important to not become carried far away.

Borya: If you are wanting to buy a thing, you must to think thrice whether you do need it. If after this you still want to buy, then da, you can make purchase!

Alena: "Vault"...? Is word with nice noise, nyet?
We must go to there! We must!

Kiryl: I have heard tales that armlet of transmutation brings great catastrophe.

Kiryl: However, I was not with awareness that armlet once was here in this town...

Alena: So this is inn where fake tsarevna is hiding...

Alena: What you say? Shall we to pay her a visit? We are here as merely travellers, da?

Kiryl: Presence of this impostor is meaning Tsarevna Alena cannot stay in inn!

Kiryl: I do not mind to sleep under stars, but for Tsarevna, this is unthinkable! Grr, the fake princess, she crosses line now!

Borya: We should go to examine countenance of this so-called tsarevna, nyet?

Borya: These copying cats cannot hope to imitate wisdom and sagacity of Borya!

Borya: Mmm... We must to go and take look at face of impostors as soon as possible, I mind...

Alena: Bad people has done kidnap of young woman!? We must to hurry up and go to the rescuing!

Kiryl: What in name of Goddess...!? Those men, have they...?

Borya: Ach! The filthy rascals were targeting the Tsarevna, of that there is no doubting!

Alena: Bad people has done kidnap of young woman!? We must to hurry up and go to the rescuing!

Borya: Hold your tongue for now! Our priority for now is to stop the kidnappers!

Alena: No time for chat! We must chase after kidnappers! Come, let us depart!

Kiryl: Targeting young girl is behaviour of weakling and coward! It shall not be allowed!

Borya: That kidnapped girl is not real Tsarevna is only lining of silver in whole sorry mess...

Borya: But this lessens not crime of kidnappers - they must to be punished in most harshest way available!

Alena: I am simply not believing that kidnappers had nerve for taking girl before very eyes of us.

Alena: We will make them to beg for the mercy when we catch them!

Alena: I am worrying about girl.

Alena: If I was one captured, I would simply give bashing and smashing to kidnappers, and quickly return to home. That girl, I am not so much sure...

Kiryl: People of town assuredly must be full of concerning as well.

Kiryl: We simply must to go and help that girl, as quickly as is possible!

Borya: I am supposing this is girl's punishment for pretending as being Tsarevna. Still, it is little too much harsh, I mind...

Borya: Always I am insisting that it is too much dangerous for tsarevnas to be travelling without appropriate protection...

Borya: I am feeling that, after this matter is resolving, we must to return to castle, post-haste!

Kiryl: Do I have appearance of man who only try to help others when I have eyes on rewards...?

Borya: Ach! Kidnappers and impostors are just as worst as each other!

Alena: So name of that girl is Anya, da? I am wondering how she does now...

Borya: This worn-out, feeble-minded dodderer makes claims to being me!? Suddenly, I find myself without desire to help...

Alena: People in town are all very concerning... We must to hurry and rescue poor girl!

Borya: I am supposing this is girl's punishment for pretending as being Tsarevna. Still, it is little too much harsh, I mind...

Alena: Ransom money!? If this truly is reason for taking poor girl, then it is utterly unforgiving!

Kiryl: It is certain that this kind of incident was not taking place in Maestral in past.

Kiryl: I am intriguing to think how the true intentions of kidnappers are. Mmm...

Alena: I also cannot help but thinking about what that girl is doing now...

Borya: If I am to be truthful, I am thinking it is more better for impostor girl to suffer little bit right now. It will teach her lesson she will never be forgetting!

Alena: Armlet of transmutation!? They kidnapped young girl for thing like that!?

Alena: ...Still, we do not have choice now. We must to go and get this treasure.

Kiryl: So armlet of transmutation is Vrenor treasure? I have heard words that this armlet is dangerous item that causes catastrophes...

Kiryl: I am only hoping that such catastrophes do not happen for our Tsarevna...

Borya: Ach... They want to get filthy hands on Vrenor treasure, but they want us to do dirty work for them!

Borya: Such things truly make my blood to boil! But there is no alternative, I am supposing...

Borya: When I am imagining the handing over of armlet of transmutation, I am getting terrible premonition and so much cold sweats...

Alena: Armlet of transmutation is in Vault! We must to hurry and go to get it!

Kiryl: I have heard tales that armlet of transmutation brings great catastrophe.

Kiryl: I am only hoping that such catastrophes do not happen for our Tsarevna...

Borya: It is not short of disgraceful that man of such distinguished age as mine must to go to damp cave... Fu! Blast those filthy kidnappers!

Alena: My only experiencing of caves and vaults is from the pictures of books. I am excited, I cannot deny...

Alena: If we did not have so much pressing matter to deal with, I would love spending more time exploring vault!

Alena: Those kidnappers, they just spoil fun of everybody! Now I really want to teach them lesson!

Alena: There is no time for to waste! If we are not hurrying, life of girl is greatly endangered!

Kiryl: Be mindful of where you put feet. Monsters would without doubt pounce if you did lose your footing...

Kiryl: This vault, it is full to the bursting with some manner of...holiness...

Kiryl: It is most extraordinary place, that much is for a certainty.

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy... It has been multiple decades since I was last inside cave. Those kidnappers have lots to be answering for...

Borya: Monsters in vault are more nastier than ones up above. We must to be very caring down in here.

Borya: Uf! This is not kind of thing the man of my years should be doing...

Borya: All that troubling for us, and now we must to give armlet to kidnappers. It is kind of thing which is making me greatly irritated!

Alena: Cave is rather big down in here... Let us to ensure we do not get lost. Just follow me, da?

Alena: We must not to dilly-dally in here! We have to return to town and rescue that girl!

Kiryl: I am sensing something strange. The holiness of vault is mixed with some manner of evil power...

Kiryl: I am sensing something strange. The holiness of vault is mixed with some manner of evil power...

Kiryl: Armlet of transmutation must assuredly be close now!

Kiryl: If we sell armlet of transmutation, we will immediately become millionaires!

Kiryl: Is kidnappers' true intention money alone? Or are they coveting terrible power of armlet...?

Borya: Monsters in vault are more nastier than ones up above. We must to be very caring down in here.

Borya: All that troubling for us, and now we must to give armlet to kidnappers. It is kind of thing which is making me greatly irritated!

Alena: I am wondering what exactly is this armlet of transmutation...

Alena: It is ours! Now, quickly - we must to hurry and take armlet to cemetery in town!

Alena: And while we are about this business, let us beat kidnappers blue and black also!

Borya: Aga! Next step is heading back for town and teaching lesson to both impostors and kidnappers!

Alena: Finally we possess armlet of transmutation. Now, we have only to wait for night, and head to cemetery.

Alena: Once we are there, we will find method for setting this young girl free!

Kiryl: I did sometimes wonder if perhaps kidnappers have change of the heart, and decide to let girl go...

Kiryl: But of course, that would be too much simple. We must to wait until the night falls.

Borya: Rogues must assuredly be too much shame-faced to show kidnapping selves in bright light of day.

Borya: And thusly, we must await until nightfall for their appearance. Ach! Such tedium!

Alena: Rogues kidnapped girl due to want of armlet of transmutation...

Alena: But what is so special about simple armlet? Is it perhaps wrought of rare materials?

Alena: I also cannot help but thinking about what that girl is doing now...

Borya: If I am to be truthful, I am thinking it is more better for impostor girl to suffer little bit right now. It will teach her lesson she will never be forgetting!

Borya: Of course, I am not wishing her to die or any such thing...

Alena: It is with help of this boy's dog that we can have chance to rescue young girl. Spasibo, Zasha!

Kiryl: It is appearing that boy did keep his promise, and did not say words to any person about this matter.

Kiryl: People who keep his promise always receive protection from Goddess. This boy will have the good life.

Borya: So we journey tiringly to vault to fetch armlet of transmutation, and now we must to wait for night and go to cemetery!? Oh-yo-yoy...

Alena: We went to vault and bring back armlet with us... But we cannot keep it if life of human is at the stake!

Borya: Ach, Tsarevna can be so much naive... Are we truly to give armlet to impostors of whom we know approximately nothing...?

Alena: People in town are all very concerning... We must to hurry and rescue poor girl!

Borya: I am supposing this is girl's punishment for pretending as being Tsarevna. Still, it is little too much harsh, I mind...

Kiryl: Do I have appearance of man who only try to help others when I have eyes on rewards...?

Borya: Ach! Kidnappers and impostors are just as worst as each other!

Alena: He should not to worry! Before too much long we will rescue his Anya. We must only wait for night, and then go to cemetery!

Borya: This worn-out, feeble-minded dodderer makes claims to being me!? Suddenly, I find myself without desire to help...

Alena: Night has fallen! Is everything prepared? Aga, then take the deep breath...

Alena: It is the time for action! We must to take armlet of transmutation to cemetery!

Kiryl: I am wondering if kidnappers are keeping the eye on us from somewhere inside town...

Borya: Imposters, kidnappers... They are both no more than the cowardly wastrels!

Borya: I am not doubting they will flee with great cowardice as soon as we near them!

Alena: Anya must be already in cemetery awaiting us. We should make haste!

Alena: It is good thing kidnappers gave letter to dog and not directly to boy! Goddess knows what they could have been doing with him...

Alena: Cemetery where kidnappers are waiting is on other side from this door.

Kiryl: If I bring armlet of transmutation by myself, scenario of worse case is avoided...

Kiryl: Ach, but I must not think so. Kidnappers will guard their promise. Our only hope is to believe in this.

Borya: How dare despicable kidnappers make old man stay up so much late! Ach!

b0505000 (Field and Vrenor cont.)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Alena: Not so much long ago, inside of castle was my whole world. Now my horizon is much more wider... It is wonderful feeling!

Alena: One day, I would love to be participant in tournament of Endor! Heh heh!

Borya: Ach... My old legs are stiffly aching. You must to walk more slower, Tsarevna!

Kiryl: I am so much charmed with Tsarevna Alena's performances on battlefield...

Kiryl: O-Only on battlefield, you understand me! There is too much big difference in status between us for anything else...

Borya: Sneaking out of castle to go for adventures is not appropriate behaviour for tsarevna of Alena's age!

Borya: Sometimes I am thinking it is shameful that only resemblance between Alena and late Tsarina is facial...

Borya: Ordinary princess would feel the homesickness now, and demand for to go back to castle. Alas, Alena is not ordinary princess...

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena, you are undamaged, da?

Kiryl: Please, if you are incurring of injury or pain, I am able to immediately offer you effective treatment!

Alena: When I was in castle, it was never allowing to go strolling around in night like this.

Alena: Now I feel like to make up on all the lost time, I am just wanting to walk until dawn!

Borya: I am wondering sometimes if Tsarevna is completely lacking in the sympathy for her elders...

Borya: Ach, I am tired... And so much sleepy... And my back, it hurts... Yoy!

Alena: Tsss! Cease complaining Borya! You must enjoy being in great outdoors!

Alena: We must to rescue young girl from clutches of kidnappers, da?

Alena: Bystro! Hurry! We must to find armlet of transmutation and then rescue kidnapped girl!

Alena: When we hand over armlet is when we teach evil kidnappers lesson. They will beg for mercy when we are finishing with them!

Kiryl: I am realising... If those impostors were not in Vrenor, real Tsarevna is captured!

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess, confer protection on Tsarevna Alena! And also on kidnapped girl...

Borya: Filthy kidnappers go too much far when they abduct young girl from under my nostrils!

Borya: Mark my word, they will regret this!

Borya: Despicable kidnappers believe they can tell Borya - nyet, Tsarevna Alena - what to do!? Ach!

Borya: We will show to them!

Borya: We must to remember, our own lives are more important than life of impostors. We should not do something foolish.

Kiryl: Stepping out of dark cave does make one to realise the glory of the sun.

Borya: Always I am insisting that it is too much dangerous for tsarevnas to be travelling without appropriate protection...

Borya: I am feeling that, after this matter is resolving, we must to return to castle, post-haste!

Alena: Come, quickly! We must to head back to Vrenor, at double!

Alena: When we hand over armlet is when we teach evil kidnappers lesson. They will beg for mercy when we are finishing with them!

Kiryl: As soon as we are handing over armlet of transmutation, kidnappers should give to us abducted girl.

Kiryl: They say us to come at town cemetery after the dark. We must to make sure we are there!

Borya: I am not believing kidnappers will keep their promise. We give them armlet, but they do not give to us girl.

Borya: Perhaps they are even working together with impersonators... Nyet, that is not so much likely.

Kiryl: They say night is belonging to monsters. We should make certain to be watchful.

Kiryl: If we cannot give to kidnappers armlet of transmutation, it may be end of abducted girl...

Alena: Anya, she is gone. This is shame. I wished to speak more words with her...

Alena: Ach! I cannot believe the bad men took to flight! I wished to teach them painful lesson!

Borya: Accurse those most filthiest rogues! What do they intend to do with armlet of transmutation anyway?

Kiryl: We were capable to rescue the young lady, and also Tsarevna is in safety. Mighty Goddess, I offer to you great gratitude...

Borya: I am knowing that this time kidnapped Tsarevna was facsimile, but what if this is not case next time...?

Borya: Tsarevna is young, beautiful, and royalty. She is in need of guarding and protection. For why does old woman need guards? No one wish to kidnap her...

Alena: Now the fake princess and kidnapping men are gone, there is no one here. It feels little bit actually lonely...

Kiryl: It is glad that Anya and her friends could continue safely on her journeys.

Kiryl: But they must to learn that the Goddess does not approve of such deceptions.

Borya: Now fake tsarevna is no longer existing here, the town feels purified! Yoy, this air is so much clean!

Alena: I am sensing that people of this town are rather fond of making the fuss. Good news, bad news... Always the fuss.

Alena: It is long time since I was here at Vrenor. Perhaps there is another impersonator of me? ...Nyet. Not today. How dull.

Kiryl: Now I have calmness for looking around, Vrenor is rather pretty town.

Kiryl: Indeed, I mind that fountain is perfect spot for to walk hand-in-hand with Tsa- Oplya! I have not spoken a word!

Alena: Yoy... I cannot help but wonder how our next port of calling will be like...

Alena: I worry for my father... We must to hurry back to castle now.

Alena: It is shame we must to go back just as our journey was becoming interesting...

Alena: But I am without choice. He is my only father, after all.

Alena: I heard words about teleportal to south of Vrenor...

Alena: That is way for us to reach Endor! We must to pass through there!

Borya: If we did not come to this town, we did not get made to be involved with this incident. Simple!

Borya: And yet same story happens everywhere: Taborov, Zalenagrad... Oh-yo-yoy! Tsarevna truly should not have stepped out from castle!

Borya: Ach... It is best for us to head back to castle now, and put end to this journey.

Borya: Ahh, Tsar has with great timing become... Oplya! Please, I beg of you your pardon! I did not intend to speak with such flippancy of grave matters!

Borya: Mmm, da... Town now appears peaceful once more. Very good. Very good...

Alena: Heh heh! Little she does know, but true Tsarevna is also here! Maybe it is time for revealing of my actual identity?

Kiryl: Mere peasants cannot be expected to notice or appreciate refinement of Tsarevna...

Alena: Of course Anya is good person.

Alena: She could not otherwise have deceived people to thinking she was Tsarevna Alena!

Kiryl: I mind that Goddess will confer protection for this old man, and also for Anya and her friends.

Borya: Mmm... If we exhaust the funding for our journey, this is a potentiality... Oplya! Ignore me! I say nothing!

Alena: Market? In desert? I am absolutely intriguing! Let us go to there!

Alena: I am most intriguing for market in desert, but now is not time for such considerings.

Kiryl: I have heard many words of bazaars which make travels around world, but never before have I witnessed one.

Kiryl: I am interesting, I must to say. The desert at south he say, da?

Borya: For why must everyone insist on talking of markets and such things!?

Borya: I think from now on, we must to exercise great care in selecting which locals we are to talk to...

Borya: Come now, for we must to hurry onwards!

Alena: "Bazaar at southern desert oasis"... Those words have so much nice ringing to them. We must to hurry, and immediately head there!

Kiryl: I have heard words about deserts being most hot and draining places. I am wondering if Tsarevna will be alright...

Borya: Ach! Curse and blast such wretched locals! When finally will they cease to lead Tsarevna astray!?

Borya: "Desert"? "Bazaar"? These are not words which are suggesting to me timely return to castle!

Alena: This boat, it has sailed already, nyet? There is nothing gaining from to worry about it.

Alena: By which I am meaning that all anxiety in world will not help to bringing back armlet of transmutation.

Kiryl: That kidnappers might know of magical power of armlet is very terrifying idea indeed...

Borya: Foul rogues did not demonstrate signs of magical capabilities...

Borya: But they are perhaps merely puppets for more powerful criminal... Mmm...

Alena: Is very quiet here. This is...normal? No?

Alena: Behold moon and stars! It is as if they offer to us blessing for journey! Ahh, so much beautiful!

Kiryl: Face of Tsarevna, it is reflecting in fountain like to stars and moon...

Kiryl: Yoy, I am thinking this is most best night of my life...

Kiryl: Whether sky is dark or light, Goddess watches over our every journey from above.

Borya: I am thinking I will never understand for why the young consider so fondly walking around in night-time...

Alena: Oya! This old man is with experience of watching tournament in Endor!

Alena: Ach, I cannot with words explain how much I am wanting to participate! Endor sounds like most best place in world!

Alena: Tournament of Endor allures me greatly...

Alena: But my father is with need, and this is of more importance. I am without choice.

Borya: Tsarevna is more enthusing for journey than ever before. We must to stop talking with local people. It is only putting into her head silly ideas.

Alena: What!? For why can he not simply let us through, hush-hush style?

Alena: Endor is just through this way. I have heard so much things about this place...

Alena: Alas, my father is in bad condition. This is not good time for me to leave kingdom.

Kiryl: That thing over there is teleportal. I had never seen real one before our embarkation on this journey.

Kiryl: It is very mysterious object...

Borya: Firm yet polite. Zamoksva should to be most proud for her soldiers.

Borya: Come now, for we must to hurry onwards!

Alena: We are here! The desert bazaar! Oya, it all looks so much wonderful!

Alena: I want to take look at every stall! It is acceptable? Of course it is!

Kiryl: Oya! It is so much lively here! I am wondering how all these people are coming to be in middle of desert...

Borya: Desert or town, it is not with consequence. Merchants, they think only for one thing.

Borya: Da, the squeezing of every possible coin from poor customer! We must not permit them to play their tricks with us!

Borya: Yoy... It is so much hot... Too much hot! My head, it cannot maintain concentration!

Alena: That is my kind of the shopping! It is acceptable, da?

Alena: Do not worry. My needs are very modest. If I have powerful weapon, I will be sufficient. Armour is not so much necessary if weapon is strong.

Borya: The greedy people, he is directly going to hell. That is how they say...

Alena: "Fine pots"? To me, they are appearing as entirely ordinary pots. How is difference?

Borya: You must not allow yourself to be deceiving! Fine or not fine, pot is pot. We have no need for it, so we do not buy it!

Alena: I am seeing many cats in desert... They are just too much adorable! Heh heh!

Alena: One day, I will visit at last Endor. Idea of entering to kingdom which is holding tournament is just like dream for me.

Kiryl: Endor and Zamoksva have the close bonding since ancient times.

Kiryl: Ha ha! The cat, it is sleeping in inn, just like human! I am thinking this feline is more cleverer than usual...

Alena: Oya! Shops of bazaar are not open during night!? That is so much dull!

Alena: Desert is pleasantly cooling after sun is going down. Breeze is also with nice feeling...

Kiryl: Moon makes desert light up during night, and also makes beautiful glittering on surface of water...

Borya: Well, it is terrible shame, but it seems desert bazaar is now finished. Time for returning home, da?

Alena: When I look at stars, I see only faces from powerful enemies I will face in future...

Kiryl: Indeed, starlit night make me think also of my hometown. My hometown, and face of Tsarevna- Oplya! Erm... Beautiful stars, nyet?

Alena: Come, there is no time for the wasting! We must to restore voice of my father, and quickly!

Alena: We must to tell old Starek we found birdsong nectar. He is owed our thanks.

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess! Please to confer protection on Zamoksva during time of our absence!

Borya: Our journey is important one. I will make sure to not become hindrance.

Borya: Come, let us to go! It is our duty to come to aid of Tsar!

Borya: Aga! We must to hurry and fetch birdsong nectar for soothing affliction of Tsar, nyet?

Alena: Finally, we are returning to castle... But much more later than I expected!

Alena: No one is knowing of my father's condition.

Alena: We should take care to not cause concerning. It is how my father would want...

Alena: Be without worry, people of castle! Next time we are returning, it shall be with medicine for making my father better!

Alena: Do not be fearing, father. Your daughter will to cure your affliction very soon.

Alena: Please to keep your spirits high until then.

Alena: Aga! All we must to do now is make my father drink of birdsong nectar!

Alena: He is not so fond of the sweet things, however... Perhaps we will require to force his mouth open first!

Alena: Before too much long, my father will once again have beautiful voice like before.

Alena: Everyone must to just wait little bit first...

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess! Please bestow your protections on Tsar of Zamoksva!

Kiryl: We are about to bring back voice of Tsar...

Kiryl: But this is not our personal triumph. We are doing this for kingdom, and for Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: First, incident of Vrenor, now this... Is there connection, perhaps...?

Borya: Is this meaning that someone is making targets of Tsar and Tsarevna...?

Borya: So the Tsar is saved by tomboy Tsarevna... More stranger things have happened, I mind...

Kiryl: Da, it seems we did make it back in a single piece. For this, it is grateful to Goddess...

Borya: Finally, I can to relax somewhat within castle. It feels like absolute age since I rested my wearisome feet...

Alena: I am supposing we should obey orders of my father at this time...

Alena: Ach! ACH! I cannot understand! For why will he not permit me to pass for even a brief moment, hm?

Borya: Aga, there is no choice for us. We must to leave castle and go to find way for helping Tsar!

Borya: Since we did journey to east, many calamities did befall both Tsar and Tsarevna.

Borya: I am hoping only that this is last of calamities now. Mmm...

Alena: Fiends may try for attacking me as much as they like! I am powerful warrior!

Alena: Powerful enough for saving my father!

Borya: Yoy... For Tsarevna, heiress to kingdom, to make journey into wide, wild world is not joyous...

Alena: Josef Starling? Is he meaning poet from Zalenagrad?

Alena: I am recalling he does nothing but sing throughout entirety of day. Can he truly be assisting us?

Alena: ...Ach, we do not have other ideas. Let us go and make inquiries of this Starling!

Alena: Just as old Starek said, Starling had words with usefulness for us.

Alena: Please, Father, wait little longer... We will soon find cure for your ailment!

Kiryl: Oya! It is making perfect sense for poet to know details about afflictions of throat. Let us to make journey for Zalenagrad!

Kiryl: For why is Starek residing in such glum back garden?

Kiryl: He is man with wisdom and character. He should to become kind of governor for this kingdom, nyet?

Borya: Mmm... Even the wastrel poets have some uses, perhaps. Let us to go meet this Josef Starling.

Alena: My father, is he looking in agony...? Aga, it pains me so...

Alena: No one is knowing of my father's condition.

Alena: We should take care to not cause concerning. It is how my father would want...

Alena: Be without worry, people of castle! Next time we are returning, it shall be with medicine for making my father better!

Alena: Do not be fearing, father. Your daughter will to cure your affliction very soon.

Alena: Please, to keep your spirits high until then.

Alena: Poor Father... He is looking tiny little bit worn out just now.

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess! Please bestow your protections on Tsar of Zamoksva!

Kiryl: Beloved Goddess! Please to give to Tsar your most benevolent protections. Thank you...

Borya: First, incident of Vrenor, now this... Is there connection, perhaps...?

Borya: Is this meaning that someone is making targets of Tsar and Tsarevna...?

Alena: Aga! All we must to do now is make my father drink of birdsong nectar!

Alena: He is not so fond of the sweet things, however... Perhaps we will require to force his mouth open first!

Alena: Why is my father not speaking anything!? Has something happened for him!?

Alena: Father, please, wait little while... When I return, I will bring with me cure of your problem.

Alena: Leave to Alena, da? I will ensure you are alright.

Kiryl: Tsar Stepan... I wish I could to share your pain...

Kiryl: Even without words, desires of Tsar are so much apparent.

Kiryl: Fear not, Tsar Stepan! I will give my life to protect Alena!

Borya: I sense great ominous air surrounding Tsar. Who is responsible for act such as this...?

Alena: Father's vocal chords do not function!? Wh-What in name of motherland...!?

Alena: There is no choice for us! We must to find way to curing my father!

Alena: Come, come! Bystro!

Kiryl: I have never before heard of affliction such as this. To be without voice is... (shudder)

Kiryl: We must to resolve this situation before people of kingdom realise something is gone wrong.

Borya: Mmm... It is grateful that illness is not threating Tsar's life. Yet it is still so much cruel condition...

Alena: So old Starek is in back garden of castle, da? I am feeling much certain that if we meet with him, we can cure my father!

Alena: Let us go, quickly!

Alena: I will cure my father. I WILL. I am comprehensively certain of it.

Alena: Everyone is helping for curing my father: minister, old Starek, Josef Starling...

Alena: Of course you also are playing the part, Borya and Kiryl!

Kiryl: Old Starek in back garden? I have never before met with this man.

Kiryl: Mmm... Old Starek is probably much knowledgeable man. We must to hurry up and go to talk at him!

Borya: Old Starek!? Mmm... Da, I am certain he will know something of usefulness.

Borya: Mmm... Yes, I feel we can be counting on Old Starek.

Alena: No one is knowing of my father's condition.

Alena: We should take care to not cause concerning. It is how my father would want...

Alena: Everyone has been very worrying, but now all things are fine!

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess! Please bestow your protections on Tsar of Zamoksva!

Borya: First, incident of Vrenor, now this... Is there connection, perhaps...?

Borya: Is this meaning that someone is making targets of Tsar and Tsarevna...?

Alena: No one is knowing of my father's condition.

Alena: We should take care to not cause concerning. It is how my father would want...

Alena: Ahhh! It is so much nice to be back in my old room! Good day to you, room! Are you impressed with how greatly strengthened and toughened I am?

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess! Please bestow your protections on Tsar of Zamoksva!

It is seeming that we can to resolve this matter without people of kingdom discovering.

Borya: First, incident of Vrenor, now this... Is there connection, perhaps...?

Borya: Is this meaning that someone is making targets of Tsar and Tsarevna...?

Borya: Aga! We must to hurry and fetch birdsong nectar for soothing affliction of Tsar, nyet?

Alena: No one is knowing of my father's condition.

Alena: We should take care to not cause concerning. It is how my father would want...

Borya: Even this thick-headed priest is sensing something to be amiss.

Borya: We must to help the Tsar, before his kingdom is gripped by more further anxiety!

Borya: Even this thick-headed priest is sensing something to be amiss.

Borya: We must to find the birdsong nectar, before this whole kingdom is gripped by more further anxiety!

Kiryl: Who is he thinking he is!? Lowly soldier must not to comment on spirits of Tsarevna!

Kiryl: Aga! Please, excuse me. I should not to say such things. Ignore me, I beg with you.

Alena: My father is inside his own chambers.

Kiryl: We are about to bring back voice of Tsar...

Kiryl: But this is not our personal triumph. We are doing this for kingdom, and for Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: So the Tsar is saved by tomboy Tsarevna... More stranger things have happened, I mind...

b0506000 (Desert Bazaar and Birdsong Tower)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Alena: Starling should to be in church.

Alena: Let us go to find out secret of his voice!

Alena: We have no reasons to be at Zalenagrad any more. Come, let us go!

Kiryl: First thing we must to do is talk to poet, Josef Starling. He is...where?

Kiryl: With help of Starling, we learned of birdsong nectar.

Kiryl: This was will of Goddess, make no mistakes. We must to show gratitude for her...

Borya: I am very much doubting if this poet can assist us. Still, we have no choice...

Borya: Drowning man does clutch at straw, after all. Come, let us find this Starling.

Borya: I had thought that poets could be of no usefulness to anyone. Now I am considering there are occasional exceptions.

Alena: Perhaps if we obtain this medicine, we can restore Father's lost voice... We must to try it, at least!

Alena: Let us return to desert bazaar and seek out birdsong nectar!

Alena: There are no other potentials for the curing of my father. We must to feed to him the birdsong nectar.

Alena: With help of birdsong nectar, voice of my father is restored! Medicine of elves is powerful and mysterious stuff...

Kiryl: Elf medicine...? Da! This is sounding capable to cure Tsar's problem! Let us make for desert bazaar!

Kiryl: The poet Josef Starling came greatly to our assistance. We must to show him gratitude.

Borya: So medicine of elves is to blame for voice of this...poet...?

Borya: Bah, the less is spoken of his wailings, the better. Come, to desert bazaar. We must to seek for birdsong nectar.

Alena: Taborov must to be undersized hamlet for which this nun speaks.

Kiryl: I sincerely hope that people of Taborov are all prospering now.

Alena: Oya? Whose singing voice is this? It is not Starling. To whom does it belong?

Kiryl: Starling should be there already, I mind.

Kiryl: I am certain I will sleep restfully tonight, and will have the most best dreams...

Borya: I cannot to sleep unless my surroundings are silent and unsullied by noises.

Alena: I am wondering if perhaps my father merely impersonates sickness to force my return to castle...

Alena: Nyet, is impossible. Father is in authentic danger. We must to aid him!

Kiryl: Oya! It is so much lively here! I am wondering how all these people are coming to be in middle of desert...

Kiryl: But more I am worrying about Tsar... Please, Goddess, offer to him your protections!

Borya: We should not to be idling in place like this! Tsar requires our aid!

Alena: Bazaar intrigues me greatly, but worry for Father is greater still. I pray he is with strength...

Alena: Aga, where is birdsong nectar? We must to find quickly and bring to my father back in castle.

Kiryl: Oya! It is so much lively here! I am wondering how all these people are coming to be in middle of desert...

Kiryl: But more I am worrying about Tsar... I pray that he is capable to hold on until we are returning to castle.

Borya: We cannot be idling in place like this! We must to find birdsong nectar!

Alena: One day, I will visit at last Endor. Idea of entering to kingdom which is holding tournament is just like dream for me.

Alena: Still, now is not time for thinking such thoughts as these. I must to make sure my father is alright...

Kiryl: Endor and Zamoksva have the close bonding since ancient times.

Alena: I am reminding about resident cat of Zamoksva castle... But alas, to think of castle makes me to think of Father... Yoy, Papa...

Alena: Yoy, Papa...

Alena: Perhaps I should tell to this person truth of situation...?

Alena: Nyet! I must not say a thing! Not one solitary word!

Alena: It is with help of this soldier that we were capable to help my father. We must to give him some kind of rewarding!

Kiryl: Tsar Stepan is main pillar for supporting our kingdom. If something troubles him, all Maestral will to tremble.

Kiryl: I am having very ominous feelings...

Kiryl: We should keep the ailment of Tsar secretive as much as possible.

Kiryl: After all, it will not be too much long before we cure him, then everything is fine once again!

Kiryl: It is pleasing to see that condition of Tsar is not worsening, at least...

Borya: This is terrible! Terrible!

Borya: ...And it is certainly not time for doing this kind of journeying! We should put an end to it now!

Borya: Mmm... I am thinking I would be better to stay quiet right now...

Borya: Da, da! As I am always saying, Zamoksva soldiers are the most best in world!

Kiryl: Ha ha! The cat, it is sleeping in inn, just like human! I am thinking this feline is more cleverer than usual...

Alena: I am sure participants from Endor tournament are wanting to take on more stronger opponents also...

Alena: Perhaps they would enjoy to fight against royalty? How about very much powerful Tsarevna?

Alena: Do not become uneasy. I am knowing that now is not time for such thoughts. Alas... (sigh)

Alena: I am sure participants from Endor tournament are wanting to take on more stronger opponents also...

Alena: Perhaps they would enjoy to fight against royalty? How about very much powerful Tsarevna?

Alena: Perhaps when my father is better, he might allow me to enter... Nyet. Most assuredly, he will not. Alas... (sigh)

Borya: There is tournament in Endor? Mmm, yes, it sounds so much interesting...

Borya: Sadly, we are incapable to travel to Endor for participating. It is shame, I know! Crying shame!

Alena: I am sure participants from Endor tournament are wanting to take on more stronger opponents also...

Alena: Perhaps they would enjoy to fight against royalty? How about very much powerful Tsarevna?

Alena: Do not become uneasy. I am knowing that now is not time for such thoughts. Alas... (sigh)

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena is capable to win tournament with ease! I am so much sure of it!

Kiryl: And when she is doing so, words about her strength and beauty will resound throughout all Endor!

Alena: Now we are obtaining birdsong nectar, I am thinking we have perhaps chance for little bit shopping...?

Alena: Ach, nyet... The bazaar is not open during night! Never to mind...

Alena: This is so much beautiful moonlit night... And breeze is very refreshing, also.

Kiryl: Moon makes desert light up during night, and also makes beautiful glittering on surface of water...

Borya: We do not have time to be idling in place such as this!

Borya: We cannot be idling in place like this! We must to find birdsong nectar!

Alena: Yoy, Papa...

Kiryl: Indeed, starlit night make me think also of my hometown. My hometown, and face of Tsarevna- Oplya! Erm... Beautiful stars, nyet?

Alena: "Too many monsters"!? Is she thinking I am fearing such things!?

Alena: Come, let us to head for tower in west. That is where we will find birdsong nectar!

Kiryl: Oya... I am sure this tower of elves is going to be so much high... (shudder)

Borya: Mmm... So birdsong nectar is to be found in tower to west of here?

Borya: Then we are knowing to where we must go. Certainly, we will encounter monsters, but no matter. We must to bring back birdsong nectar!

Alena: "Catastrophic situation"!? What in name of motherland can this be!?

Kiryl: What has happened? Has something grievous occurred upon exalted person of Tsar?

Kiryl: We should immediately exit this place and return to castle, nyet?

Borya: Oya! Tsar Stepan is in bad situation!? This is terrible! Terrible!

Borya: This is no time for idle perambulating! We must return and attend his well-being! To Zamoksva! With haste!

Alena: What in name of Goddess is this tower...? This place is so much curious.

Alena: I sense presence of many powerful enemies in this place. I mind we must fight many tough battles!

Alena: I sense presence of many powerful enemies in this place. I mind we must fight many tough battles!

Alena: Little bit of battling is best way to blow away feelings about anxiety!

Kiryl: If viewed from front, this tower is so much enormous... (shiver)

Borya: We have no reason for being in such place as this! We should straight away exit this tower!

Borya: Let us exit this place. We have not time to dilly-dally!

Alena: Door is locked... I am supposing this means something very much important is kept on other side.

Kiryl: I am not caring for tone of this gentleman.

Alena: Inn!? At place like this!? It is very convenient, but little bit odd, nyet?

Alena: Inn!? At place like this!? Then perhaps to become somewhat battle-wearied is not so much problem as we thought...

Kiryl: If you feel tired, Tsarevna, let us make brief respite...

Borya: Merchants do not blink to exchange anything for gold - even their very lives. Mmm... It is almost admirable kind of dedication. Almost...

Kiryl: Oh-yo-yoy! Every floor we are going up, ground becomes more further away...

Alena: Are we making the progress towards top? Heh heh! It is little bit exciting, I think!

Kiryl: ...

Kiryl: Oya... Ground is getting further and further away...

Borya: Of what are you thinking!? This is no place for idling! Focus on job in hand!

Borya: Mmm... I sense presence of magic... And it grows more stronger... Perhaps top floor is not so much far now?

Borya: Accursed monsters! We are making hurry, yet they are continuing to obstruct our path!

Alena: Oya! It is beautiful... Garden of flowers on rooftop is so much wonderful idea.

Alena: Oya! It is beautiful... Garden of flowers on rooftop is so much wonderful idea.

Alena: Mmm? Who are those people? Are they...elves?

Alena: This is so much beautiful place... I am thinking to come back here one day for trip. I would very dearly love to meet with elves!

Kiryl: Do not look down... (gulp) Do not look down... It is not scaring... It is not scaring...

Borya: Are we standing around with admiration for view!? Come! We must to hurry back to castle!

Borya: Oya, we found it! Those people, they must be the elves!

Borya: Good! Now, come - let us return to solid ground beneath!

Kiryl: P-Please do not m-move too much quickly! I-I am incapable to imagine our fate if we fall!

Borya: Mmm... We are close! I smell sweet aromatics! We must certainly be nearby!

Alena: Hurrah! We located birdsong nectar!

Alena: Now, let us make haste to return for Zamoksva!

Kiryl: F-Finally, it is time for returning to ground. Urgh... Not one second too much soon!

Borya: Success! I was always having faith, of course. Ahem... Now, we must be making haste! Tsar Stepan awaits our aid!

Alena: Fu... This cave is not enjoyable in slightest! Come, we should go to somewhere else...

Kiryl: We are more stronger than before, but still we cannot lower our guards.

Kiryl: Keep one eye on footing and other eye on monsters, da?

Borya: I despise all caves! In actuality, I despise all places except Zamoksva castle!

Borya: Always I am insisting that it is too much dangerous for tsarevnas to be travelling without appropriate protection...

Borya: We must return instantly to castle!

Kiryl: Sunscreen, tablets of allergy, water bottle...

Kiryl: Do not worry, Tsarevna Alena! I have provisions prepared for every eventuality!

Borya: Come, Tsarevna. We must prepare ourselves for returning to castle.

Borya: After incident in Vrenor, I am fearing our journey will become more and more perilous from now onwards...

Alena: How are you talking about, Borya!? I am much more stronger than before!

Alena: I am strong enough for protecting you - and Kiryl too, if it is required! Do not fret yourself!

Alena: Yoy, Papa...

Alena: It is shame we must to go back just as our journey was becoming interesting...

Alena: But we are without choice. My father is most important thing now. In any case, we are capable to go on journeys any time, nyet?

Kiryl: We must not to panic. There is no meaning in us also suffering injuries.

Borya: Ach, it is best for us to put an end to our journeying now...

Borya: Ahh, Tsar has with great timing become... Oplya! Please, I beg of you your pardon! I did not intend to speak with such flippancy of grave matters!

Kiryl: If most worst thing happen to Tsar Stepan, Alena must to become Tsarina of Zamoksva...

Kiryl: And in so doing, grow yet more beyond my reach... (sniff)

Alena: We seek poet Josef Starling in willage of Zalenagrad, da? Then come, let us go with haste!

Alena: I am not thinking condition of my father will become swiftly worse, but still we cannot permit ourselves relaxation.

Alena: We must go with haste to Zalenagrad and speak with Josef Starling!

Kiryl: We must avoid to panic. If we become injured, we become unable to help Tsar...

Borya: Hmm... So we are required to ask poet, Starling, for informations?

Borya: Very well! Let us hurry, for sake of Tsar!

Borya: Come, let us make swiftly for willage of Zalenagrad!

Alena: With birdsong nectar, perhaps we are capable to cure affliction of my father...

Alena: Let us move quickly! Bystro!

Alena: I am imagining it is most terrible for my father, without voice at all...

Alena: Still, we are only ones who are capable to help! We must to cure him of his silence!

Kiryl: Elves are so much curious creatures... I hear words that they are gifted with magic and many kinds of other powers...

Kiryl: As soon as we are getting birdsong nectar, my journey with Tsarevna will end... (sigh)

Kiryl: B-But that is good! (gulp) We will be capable to cure Tsar Stepan. This is most important thing...

Borya: With assistance from me, getting birdsong nectar will be much effortless!

Borya: If you are doubting, leave things to old man, da?

Borya: This is not time for detours! We must to hurry!

Alena: We are the busy bees, nyet? Going to and from Zamoksva castle whole time...

Alena: Still, it is good for muscles of leg. My kicking is now much more stronger than before, I mind!

Alena: Please, Father, wait little bit longer... We bring you cure very soon, da?

Kiryl: With this nectar, we are capable to cure affliction of Tsar Stepan. This will mean conclusion of our journey, also...

Kiryl: We must to be taking great cares on journey of returning to castle. We may suffer damage if we are not sturdy with vigilance...

Borya: Hmm... Tsarevna Alena has admirably performed all throughout our journeys... I am thinking I perhaps will require to revise my opinions of her...

Borya: Ahh... At long and delicious last! We are returned to castle, and are capable to relax languidly! (sigh)

b0507000 (Endor)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Alena: I am permitted to travel to see world with these, my own eyes! At last, I am capable to go to Endor and join tournament!

Alena: Hurray! I am so much happy! Now, let us go! This time we leave through front gate!

Kiryl: I, I am almost incapable to believe that I am permitted to make another journey with Tsarevna. There is something in my eyes. Da, it is tears... (sniff)

Borya: Whaaat!? I am not believing this! We are only just returned to castle!

Borya: Ach... But I cannot disobey direct order of Tsar. Also, I am not wanting Alena to be in danger...

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy, I am supposing I must simply be resigning to fact that to accompany Tsarevna is now my life's duty... Very well, onward to Endor!

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena would be so much delighted to hear words of Tsar!

Kiryl: Ach, I do so much wish I was permitted to take one more journey with her...

Borya: #507007

Borya: #507008

Borya: #507009

Alena: I am free! Free to journey anywhere in world! There is now no limit for my adventuring!

Alena: I am incapable to wait... World is much more bigger than Maestral, after all!

Alena: First thing I am wanting to do is to take a part in tournament of Endor. Beyond this, Goddess alone knows!

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena, I will journey with you to ends of world! Finally, I am knowing taste of true happiness...

Kiryl: In first place, we should make journey to tournament of Endor. After this, we do as Tsarevna pleases!

Borya: Perhaps Tsarevna is satisfied when we arrive to Endor? Nyet, I am not thinking it will be so simple...

Borya: Ach... I am only hoping Tsar Stepan will prepare special pension for me after this...

Borya: I am supposing I will not again see inside of castle of Zamoksva for some time... Fu...

Alena: Dream? Dream is not thing for worrying about! Everything is fine now!

Kiryl: It was nightmare of Tsar that caused him to lose voice...? This is not usual nightmare...

Borya: Fear not, Tsar Stepan! While old Borya is still breathing, Alena will not go too much far off railings!

Alena: I am free! Free to journey anywhere in world! There is now no limit for my adventuring!

Alena: I am incapable to wait... World is much more bigger than Maestral, after all!

Alena: First thing I am wanting to do is to take a part in tournament of Endor. Beyond this, Goddess alone knows!

Alena: After being away from castle for little while, it is so much wonderful to see all old faces once again.

Alena: Next time we are returning here, it will be as champions of Endor tournament!

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess, please to confer protections on kingdom of Zamoksva. Also on Tsar and Tsarevna...

Kiryl: In first place, we should make journey to tournament of Endor. After this, we do as Tsarevna pleases!

Borya: Perhaps Tsarevna is satisfied when we arrive to Endor? Nyet, I am not thinking it will be so simple...

Borya: Ach... I am only hoping Tsar Stepan will prepare special pension for me after this...

Borya: Maids of Zamoksva castle make most best tea. Ach, I wish I was capable to sit down and relax with cup or two...

Borya: And there are so many magic tomes I have not yet to finish reading! Ach, I am never having one moment for myself...

Alena: Hurray! We are permitted finally to set out on journey through front gate of castle!

Alena: To kick through walls is fun, but this also is nice new experience for me!

Alena: I am thinking we should perhaps purchase souvenirs for my father- Nyet, for everyone in castle!

Alena: Now I am free to journey to anywhere I am pleasing. It is most best feeling in world!

Alena: I am not needing to kick through this wall now, but it is still big temptation...

Borya: Ach! We have the permissions from Tsar Stepan, and yet Alena insists to come to this place instead of utilising front gate! Fu...

Alena: It is nice to see Zamoksva castle in evening again. I was forgetting how much beautiful it is.

Alena: Perhaps I should smash through wall for reasons of nostalgia?

Alena: After all, kick was marker for start of our adventuring, nyet?

Alena: Endor is just through this way. I have heard so much things about this place...

Alena: And now finally it is time to go there! Let us pass through teleportal and enter Endor!

Alena: Bear and tiger are not scaring me, but this teleportal... It sends shivers through my spine!

Kiryl: That thing over there is teleportal. I had never seen real one before our embarkation on this journey.

Kiryl: It is very mysterious object...

Kiryl: There is no doubting that teleportals are work of Goddess Herself. We must to show our gratitude and appreciation!

Borya: Passing through teleportals is always taking the toll on ancient body like mine...

Borya: Ach, do not worry! I am coming! For why do you not allow an old man his little grumble sometimes?

Borya: ...

Borya: I, I am just seeing most uncomforting thing... Ach...

Alena: My head spins, my stomach churns... Ach, I am not fan of teleportal!

Kiryl: I am moved nearly to tears! I will be first priest from Maestral to enter teleportal!

Kiryl: Alas, question of how such devices operate remains so much great mystery to me...

Borya: ...

Borya: Ugh... (cough cough) Ach! Fu... Goddess curse this infernal contraption!

Alena: This is not where we are wishing to be. Let us return to Endor.

Kiryl: Behold! I spy inn over there! Let us ask proprietor for directions, da?

Alena: We are out of teleportal, but this side is not so variant from Maestral...

Alena: Still, this is Endor, no doubting! Da, I am able almost to taste the freedom!

Borya: This old man for one would prefer to never be using teleportal again...

Borya: Fu, just the thinking of it is making me feel nausea...

Alena: Perhaps it is not so much bad idea to rest here one night and prepare for tournament.

Alena: There are really so much people coming and going to Endor? I am supposing there is, if there is inn here.

Borya: Mmm... We have many more better inns than this back in Maestral.

Borya: Indeed, it is not the exaggeration to say it is most greatest kingdom in world, nyet?

Alena: I am minding that it is more happier to find such things with own efforts. Perhaps we should not say anything to this man, therefore?

Kiryl: Castle is in east? Mmm... I am having bad premonitions about all things eastern...

Borya: Mmm... I am suspecting it is very great distance to Endor castle. Perhaps we should take brief respite here first?

Kiryl: It is now fully night time. We should spend night in inn.

Alena: It is middle of night now, and many powerful monsters can appear... Which means we should go forth and make battle with them! Sleep? Bah!

Kiryl: It is dangerous after darkness. Perhaps we should spend night here?

Alena: I am not knowing why, but I am feeling so much intriguing about this man... Ragnar McRyan, da?

Alena: He looks like powerful fighter, I mind. Perhaps I am just wanting to do battle with him? Nyet, that is not it. It is something more different...

Alena: I am wondering if Ragnar will participate in tournament of Endor...

Alena: If he is my opponent, I must give it my complete all. I cannot win if I am with any complacency.

Kiryl: I am feeling that I have met with Ragnar McRyan before... No, I am surely mistaken.

Kiryl: I am having most strange feeling about Ragnar McRyan. I have sense as though I know him from so much long time ago...

Borya: Ho ho! Now that man is what I am calling powerful soldier! Mmm, very impressing, da...

Alena: This is castle town, just like Zalenagrad, but here are so much more houses and people! I am greatly surprised!

Alena: Everyone we are passing is looking like rival for tournament! Heh heh! I am so much exciting!

Alena: Weapons? Da! Armour? Da! Fighting spirit? Da! I am ready for joining the Endor tournament at any time!

Kiryl: I am wondering if perhaps majority of people is here only for tournament?

Borya: Ach, this town is all energy, people bustling around, no time for relaxing... It is not place for old man like me!

Borya: If Tsarevna enters tournament, we must to make sure she is winning. Perhaps I could... No. That is shameful thought...

Borya: Tsarevna Alena! You must firstly make greetings to local king! It is your royal duty!

Alena: I am wondering what is most popular fighting method in Endor... Sword? Axe? Surely not the bare hands!?

Alena: Hmm... There must surely be many powerful warriors in big city like this... It is mildly intimidating...

Kiryl: Sheer number of shops is indicator for prospering of Endor. It is so much impressing...

Kiryl: Tsarevna is looking so much happy... Oya, making present journey with Alena is proving I am most luckiest man alive!

Alena: We must to take part in tournament! There is no meaning to come to Endor otherwise! Come, we must hurry to castle!

Kiryl: When I endeavour to imagine how exciting Tsarevna Alena will be when she joins tournament...I, I am slightly overwhelmed... (gulp)

Alena: I heard words that King of Endor has the similar age to my father.

Alena: They were once intimate acquaintances, according to minister from Zamoksva castle.

Alena: We are already having the permission of King! Come, let us make for Colosseum!

Kiryl: Castle of Endor is strongly protected. It is making me realise that this kingdom is so much different with Zamoksva.

Borya: Tsarevna Alena! You must firstly make greetings to local king! It is your royal duty!

Alena: "Tourney"? He is meaning tournament? Hurray! Let us immediately head through little doors and commence fighting!

Alena: We are nearly at Colosseum! Ach, I am suppressing myself from excitedly running!

Borya: If I say to Tsarevna that she cannot join tournament, it will only make her more determining. There is nothing at all I can to do for stopping her...

Alena: Heh heh! Heh heh heh!

Alena: This is my chance for fighting powerful warriors of all kingdoms, before audience from all over world!

Alena: I am never feeling this happy before! Endor is greatest kingdom on planet!

Borya: Ach, I can see already this is so much bad idea...

Borya: Ach, I can see already this is so much bad idea... And it is all fault of imbecile King of Endor!

Kiryl: When clouds are moving more faster than usual, it is ominous sign. That is how people are saying...

Kiryl: Benevolent Goddess, please to bestow your protections on Tsarevna Alena and kingdom of Zamoksva...

Kiryl: It is more easier for king slime to pass through eye of needle than for rich person to enter heaven. That is how Goddess teaches.

Kiryl: Of course, this is not applying to Tsar and Tsarevna of Zamoksva...

Borya: Ach! Who is she thinking that she is!? Money does not make you to become special person, stupid woman!

Alena: Hmph... I am wishing that people will one day leave girls alone, rather than to complain of looking at sky, or being tomboy...

Alena: He needs reason? Is not gathering strong fighters from all over world and making them to battle reason enough?

Borya: Mmm... Da, there must be some reason. I am thinking that I want to meet this king. Let us make for castle!

Alena: Shop is unoccupied... Perhaps we will purchase and become proprietors!

Kiryl: Mmm, we do not need shop. We could happily live most contentedly together in just small house, Alena my- Oplya! Ignore me, please!

Alena: "Lost"? Is this meaning that he also took part in tournament?

Borya: T-Tsarevna! P-Please, you should not speak with drunkards!

Borya: D-Drinking during daytime!? Endor is too much wild place for my tastes!

Kiryl: I am servant of Goddess, therefore I cannot drink. Though, in truth, I was teetotaller before even joining priesthood...

Alena: Casino, tournament... Endor is full of most funnest things!

Borya: Ho! All money wasted in casino, it goes straight into pocket of King of Endor, I am sure! One more reason why gambling is absurd occupation!

Alena: "Iron claw"? I like sound of this weapon... Mmm, da. Iron claw...

Alena: "Iron claw, iiiron claaaw..." This song, it is too much catchy! "With iron claw in right hand...!" ♪

Borya: His verse is atrocious, but I am thinking this poet is talented magic user. Appearances can be entirely deceiving...

Alena: Yoy! Even more people are here than in the town! Are casinos really so much fun...?

Alena: I am thinking this room is looking same during day and night. Perhaps in casino it is capable to forget entirely what time is...

Kiryl: As man of cloth, I am incapable to recommend gambling as lifestyle choice... And yet, perhaps just one game is not... Nyet! To gamble is sin!

Borya: Ho! All money wasted in casino, it goes straight into pocket of King of Endor, I am sure! One more reason why gambling is absurd occupation!

Borya: Of course, it is only absurd if you are losing. If you are not losing, everything is quite nice...

Borya: Big bets make big losses, da? Little by little, that is way wise men gamble.

Alena: It is quiet during night-time, even in big city like Endor. I was not expecting this, I must to say.

Alena: Is night-time already!? Then we are incapable to join the tournament!

Alena: (sigh) Very well. Then we must to exit town and make battle with monsters! To sleep is to waste time for training!

Kiryl: Excitement of being in foreign country is most assuredly greatly tiring for body. I am thinking it is good plan to rest while possible.

Borya: Hmm... I heard many rumours about magnificence of Endor... Yet, if I am truthful, is not so impressing.

Borya: Today, it is already too late, so in tomorrow morning, first thing, you must go to make greetings to King of Endor!

Borya: You understand, da? DA?

Alena: Winner of Endor tournament will be Tsarevna Alena! You are also thinking so, da?

Kiryl: It is seeming that people from all over kingdom of Endor is enjoying this tournament.

Alena: Hmph... I am wishing that people will one day leave girls alone, rather than to complain of looking at sky or being tomboy...

Borya: Then for why does he not take daughter within home and confine her there? He cannot be wondering so much hard about her if he is doing this!

Borya: Mmm... Dancers become even more charmful during the night-time hours...

Borya: Oplya! I did not say anything! Stop to look at me!

Alena: He is correct, I mind. Water does taste much more nicer after hard day of working. Perhaps beer tastes nicer still?

Kiryl: Yoy... Even air has taste of drink in this tavern...

Kiryl: H-How dare he speak to Tsarevna in such manner!?

Kiryl: A-And he is pungent with the odour of beer! Ugh, so much disgusting and low...

Kiryl: He say something about north, da? I apologise, his breath was stinking of drink, and I could not to concentrate so much.

Alena: Psaro the Manslayer must be participant in tournament. He has kind of name that makes me exciting! Heh heh!

Alena: If Psaro the Manslayer fights against me, I will give him beating of his life! I will win this tournament! This is unshakeable fact!

Kiryl: "Psaro the Manslayer"...? It is not name for filling me with faith or confidence. I am wondering what kind of man is he...?

Alena: That man, he is afraid of Psaro the Manslayer? Heh! I am not! Not even small little bit!

Alena: I am not caring who my opponent is, I will not lose! I will pulverise any and all comers!

Borya: I am firm believer in theory of nominative determinism. It is meaning that name of person reveals true nature within.

Borya: I am therefore thinking that perhaps man with unfortunate name is bringing disaster... Hmm... Perhaps I am overly considering this matter...

Kiryl: This is so much impressing castle... King of Endor must be very fine monarch, I mind.

Alena: This is wonderful castle! Even I could not kick through these walls! They are far too much thick!

Borya: Mmm... When castle is guarded this heavily, it is meaning king has many enemies...

Borya: It seems kingdom of Endor quarrels with many other nations - unlike peaceful motherland of Zamoksva.

Alena: I wish I could go to Endor Tourney also! I wish to go right away! It is acceptable? Da, of course it is!

Alena: I am impatient to wait until tournament, and opportunity to show King of Endor my talents!

Borya: "Tourney, Tourney, Tourney"... This is sole subject of which people of town converse! I am so much exasperated with such flippancy!

Borya: You do not feel similarly, Tsarevna? It is certain sign of world's decline, you mark these words!

Borya: First thing we should do is to make greeting to King of Endor. This is royal protocol!

Alena: Zamoksva castle is cute and adorable, but this one is so much more stronger-looking.

Alena: I think it is suitable location for grand battle tournament!

Kiryl: I do not know for Borya, but I am only lowly priest. I should not be having audiences with royalty of other kingdoms...

Kiryl: I am thinking I am perhaps better to wait outside. Is matter of social status...

Borya: First thing we should do is to make greeting to King of Endor. This is royal protocol!

Borya: There is no doubting Endor castle is more bigger than Zamoksva castle, but I am thinking our castle has edge in fields of class and elegance.

Alena: I heard words that King of Endor has the similar age to my father.

Alena: They were once intimate acquaintances, according to minister from Zamoksva castle.

Alena: I am wondering if Princess of Endor is fond of fighting types...? Nyet, even if she is, I still am feeling sorry of her.

Alena: I must to win, for sake of Princess Veronica!

Alena: Oya! But if I win, does tournament end...? So the more easy my victory, the more sooner the fun is finished? This is vexing...

Kiryl: How is King of Endor thinking, using princess instead of prize!?

Kiryl: There is no way any tsar would consider such tyranny!

Alena: "Strong warriors"? This is music to both my ears! I cannot wait to begin the fighting!

Kiryl: So intention of King Norman is to hire tournament participants to be bodyguards of him?

Kiryl: Hmm, if this is so, we cannot allow entry of Tsarevna. Such a prize is beneath Princess of Zamoksva.

Kiryl: And yet, when my mind's eye gazes upon her fierce majesty in heat of battle...victory in her eyes...the roaring crowd... I... I... Yoy, forgive my weakness!

Alena: Fighting to death? Nyet, Psaro is mistaking. That is not purpose of tournament.

Alena: I will teach to him this using the kicks and punches if I must.

Borya: My wrinkled heart pounds ominously at such name as "Psaro the Manslayer". I have bad feeling about this...

Borya: When those who do not have necessary calibre ascend to throne, it spells only misery for subjects. Ho ho... Poor people of Endor!

Alena: I heard words that King of Endor has the similar age to my father.

Alena: They were once intimate acquaintances, according to minister from Zamoksva castle.

Alena: Princess of Endor is probably of similar age to me. She is seeming to be much more weaker type, though...

Kiryl: I do not know for Borya, but I am only lowly priest. I should not be having audiences with royalty of other kingdoms...

Kiryl: I am thinking I am perhaps better to wait outside. Is matter of social status...

Borya: First thing we should do is to make greeting to King of Endor. This is royal protocol!

Borya: Imbecile! King of Endor is so much rash... He is to blame for all of this!

Alena: It seems in this kingdom, it is father causing trouble for daughter. Quite opposite from Zamoksva!

Borya: I am supposing this is how normal princess does. Sitting on throne, appearing forlorn...

Borya: And yet, our own Tsarevna, she... Yoy, we cannot win!

Kiryl: Hmm... There is something sinister in this name "Psaro the Manslayer"...

Kiryl: I cannot help but to feel sorry for poor Princess... I am sure that sight of Tsarevna Alena could provide her with comfort. If only she were with us...

Borya: Now is not time to fret concerning other princesses! Our own Tsarevna is prime priority! Come, let us hurry to church!

Alena: I have freedom now, but only since very recent time. Still, I am lucky one...

Alena: Now I must do what I can to help fellow princess... And this means entering tournament! It is acceptable?

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena would perhaps consent only to marriage with one capable to best her in battle. Da, I mind this would be so...

Kiryl: ...Aga! In this case, I have not a chance! Oh, woe...

Borya: No tragedy is greater than one of father causing the suffering for his own daughter. King Norman is total imbecile!

Borya: In situation like this, it is inhumane for us to refuse helping poor girl.

Alena: I am incapable to refuse direct request from King...

Alena: Hm. It matters not. Simply, I must enter tournament and become victorious. Then all else solves itself.

Kiryl: Even monarchs of other kingdoms are relying on our Tsarevna! It is such touching thing. Good luck, Alena!

Borya: How dare he make such request so much casually!? What if most worst comes to most worst!?

Alena: These beds are reminding of beds back in Zamoksva castle. Da, they look equally as fluffy and soft, also!

Borya: It is good to see that Endor servants are working as hard as their Zamoksva comrades!

Alena: This place is also part of castle? It is smelling so much of mould...

Kiryl: Combining dungeon and kitchen is most interesting piece of castle design, I mind...

Borya: Brrr! It is freezing inside here! I am feeling it in my legs! Come, let us return to surface, quickly.

Alena: Aga, since he was so much kind in sharing secret with us, it would be rude to not come to castle at night, nyet?

Borya: Gah! Another stranger with more infernal secrets and advice! When do people learn that loose lips are not virtuous things?

Borya: He would not be so much cheerful if gang from Zamoksva were sneaking inside castle and taking him hostage!

Alena: If Princess of Endor is not happy with King's marriage plans for her, she should try to escaping from castle!

Alena: I am thinking it is easy. This castle has moat, so she could readily jump from top window without injury!

Kiryl: Psaro the Manslayer is wanting more than wedding to Princess, I mind. I do not know why, but this is my instinct.

Alena: I am getting impression that people is judging me by appearance only. Da, then I must to show them how strong I am!

Alena: Prisoner does not need to worry! I will give Psaro extra punch for him!

Borya: I am feeling that Psaro the Manslayer did perhaps experience great tragedy at some time. But who is he? And what? This is my burning question...

Alena: You hear that? It is voices of crowd from Colosseum! Oya, my heart is truly now commencing to pound!

Alena: You hear that? It is voices of crowd from Colosseum! They are calling to me! They are calling to Tsarevna Alena!

Borya: We came here, whole way to Colosseum... Only choice now is to follow this through...

Alena: Let us go! It is time for tournament! Hurray!

Kiryl: Please bestow your protections upon Tsarevna Alena, mighty Goddess...

Alena: Left for me! Left, left, left! Ach, I cannot wait to enter arena! Come, let us to open left side door!

Kiryl: I should perhaps observe some of other battles first. Tsarevna will be needing data of her opponents.

Alena: "Permission"!? I am disbelieving! So much bureaucratic nonsense! Still, there is no choice in matter, it seems...

Alena: Once I am granted permission, I am capable to take part in tournament! Come, let us hurry to talk with King Norman!

Borya: Hmm... Perhaps if we are in great luck, King Norman will forbid Tsarevna to enter... Though in honesty, I am doubting she would heed such words...

Kiryl: Borya and me, we do not have hope to win tournament. Without Alena, we are nothing...

Borya: I am thinking it is good if everything is resolved before Tsarevna returns... Nyet, not with such imbecile King in command

Alena: Yoy! So much people! And I am to fight before all of them! Aga, I am getting the shivers!

Alena: I cannot wait to enter centre of arena and show to everyone my combative techniques!

Kiryl: Crowd is looking little bit bloodthirsty, I am thinking. Perhaps they would be better to calm down a little...

Borya: Ach! It is so much noisy inside here! And it is stinking of sweat! I cannot wait until leaving time!

Alena: He is correct! During such situations, one must step to forwards, and then unleash special kick! Do this, and victory is yours!

Alena: Hmm... Perhaps I can have practice battle with him... It is acceptable?

Kiryl: Yoy... Only thing more worse than smell of drink is smell of drink mingled with sweat...

Kiryl: I did not know that nuns were capable to shout in such a manner...

Borya: Shouting and cheering at fighting tournaments is not becoming for ladies! Only thing less ladylike is to actually enter tournament instead!

Borya: I am wondering what is outcome if old man wins tournament instead of woman? Is wedding still cancelled? Hmm...

Borya: Anyway, this old man must not to enter. We do not wish anyone getting in way of Tsarevna!

Alena: I must to make body appropriately warm before tournament! Hi-ya! Hi...YA!!!

Alena: Alright, let us go! I am ready for anyone, from demons of hell to Psaro the Manslayer!

Kiryl: Is this dressing room of tournament fighters? It is very well appointed, I mind. They even have church!

Kiryl: I believe in you, Tsarevna! I firmly believe your victory! Good luck!

Borya: All other participants are rough men! I am incapable to believe I am allowing Tsarevna to do this...

Alena: "Inhuman"? Ach, I am sure he is not so much bad. Still, I cannot to wait until I fight him!

Kiryl: If he lives only due to his weakness, what will happen to Tsarevna, who is so much strong? He will...kill her? Ulp!

Kiryl: Nyet! I shall salvage her before this occurs! Even if I must make battle with Psaro the Manslayer himself!

Kiryl: I cannot help but feel on the edge when perambulating castles in the night-time...

Borya: Tsarevna of your age should not be sneaking around during night-time, Alena!

Alena: Tsss! Do not make sound of footsteps! And speak in the smaller voice! We do not wish to be found, da?

Kiryl: W-Wait... This c-castle... It is free from ghouls and spectres, da? P-Please say this is so!

Borya: This is disgracing... To sneak around castle in middle of night-time is... We are no more better than common thieves!

Borya: Ach, I wish so that we were in pleasant inn... With nice, comforting beds and big fire... Yoy...

Alena: Reign of Psaro will come to short, sharp end when finally he is facing up against me!

Alena: He will not defeat me with such facility as those before me! He will kneel at feet of Tsarevna!

Borya: Words of this man about Psaro the Manslayer are making my head to spin...

Borya: Mmm... Perhaps I should prevent Tsarevna to take part in tournament...

Kiryl: It is so much quiet... Too much quiet... It is at times like this that ghosts appear, I mind... (shiver)

Alena: King Norman already is aslumber, of course. This is the way of kings.

Alena: My father also takes his bedtime at a highly early hour. (sigh) Father... How do you fare, I wonder...?

Kiryl: Perhaps we should exit, and re-enter when the morning time arrives...

b0508000 (Endor cont.)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Borya: This is disgracing... To sneak around castle in middle of night-time is... We are no more better than common thieves!

Alena: His magnificence is not here nor there, foolish girl. It is his strength or his weakness that will determine his victory.

Alena: The winner will be me! Me, Tsarevna Alena! I am knowing it in my bones and heart!

Kiryl: It is seeming to me that women are attracted solely to beautiful faces and strong bodies... (sigh)

Alena: Hmm... I will not make judgement on Psaro the Manslayer until I fight against him!

Borya: "Psaro"... "Psaro"... I am certain I have experience of hearing this name... Mmm, perhaps it is my imagination only...

Alena: Oya! It is feeling wonderful to have permission for travelling from my father. Let us go forth with springs in our steps!

Kiryl: I am to travel worldwide alongside Tsarevna Alena... Ach, merely to think of it is making me to blush!

Alena: What is awaiting for us in Endor, I am wondering? Heh heh! I cannot wait!

Alena: We must firstly head to tournament. After that, we are capable to explore continent of Endor to contentment of our hearts!

Alena: I will be much more stronger after this tour of world. My father will not recognise his daughter when she returns through front door!

Kiryl: Our kingdom is having close relations with Endor. I am certain we will receive warm welcome.

Borya: I am ready for going anywhere, from bottom of ocean to ends of world! Da, anywhere!

Alena: Come, let us hurry back to Endor and enter tournament! Bystro, bystro!

Alena: To fight monsters is nice, but thought of tournament is making me so much more exciting!

Kiryl: I am only hoping that Tsarevna does not suffer injury during tournament...

Kiryl: Tsarevna Alena, winning tournament in front of big Colosseum crowd...

Kiryl: Ach, I am capable to picture it crystal-clearly... And truly, it brings tears to my eyes...

Borya: If you must to enter the tournament, Alena, you must to win!

Borya: First step for you is to build up the strength. This is wisest if you are to do battle against fearsome foes.

Borya: I am fearing Alena is to become known as "Tsarevna of Tournament"... Why she could not be something more nicer, like "Tsarevna of Beautiful Face"...?

Alena: I was never ever doubting my victory, but still it is very happy!

Alena: Let us return to Zamoksva and share good news with my father!

Kiryl: To witness Tsarevna Alena gallantly battling... It was most wonderful sight of my life. I will never regret to have taken this journey.

Borya: Mmm... I am thinking King Norman should mention that we are also saving his daughter from unhappy wedding, nyet?

Borya: In the fact, she could have been marrying Psaro the Manslayer... Mmm, I really am wondering who this person is...

Alena: I am victorious! This is most happiest feeling ever! I cannot wait for seeing face of my father when I am telling him this news!

Kiryl: Name of Tsarevna Alena will now become known throughout Endor - and whole world also!

Borya: I am happy for victory of Tsarevna Alena, even if she saved bacon of undeserving imbecile King Norman... Da, I am proud for her.

Alena: Princess Veronica, she is saying she would marry me if I am boy...? Yoy, now I am blushing...

Kiryl: Oplya! N-Not another rival for heart of Tsarevna!?

Alena: Name of Psaro may be frightening, but he actually is afraid of me! That is for why he is running away before battle, I am certain.

Alena: Everyone is saying about how much strong he is, but I think he is just coward. Ach, I had been so much looking forward to the battle with him...

Borya: Psaro the Manslayer... I am thinking we have not yet to hear last from him.

Borya: That is sense I have, anyway...

Alena: I am not yet finished! I am intending to train more and become more stronger still! This kind of ambition, it is critical, I think!

Kiryl: Face of Tsarevna Alena, it is lighting up when she is receiving compliment... Ach, I should not entertain such thoughts...

Alena: We must make haste to teach my father of my victory! Come, let us return to Zamoksva!

Kiryl: She is correct! Truly, Tsarevna Alena was incredible! Thinking of it brings the tears to my eye!

Alena: Should I shake your hand also, Kiryl? Borya, how about you? We are celebrating victory, after all!

Kiryl: Sh-Shaking hand of Tsarevna!? How can this mere soldier ask such thing!? I could never be so much impertinent!

Borya: It is standing to reason that imbecile King has impertinent imbeciles for soldiers...

Alena: If Princess of Endor was not happy with King's marriage plans for her, she would have done well to have made daring escape from castle!

Alena: I am thinking it is easy. This castle has moat, so she could readily jump from top window without injury!

Kiryl: I am wondering if Psaro the Manslayer truly entered tournament for reason of wanting to marry with Princess Veronica...

Alena: Psaro the Manslayer is coward and weakling! There is no reason for anyone to be watching out for him.

Borya: Psaro the Manslayer. Hmm, that name...

Alena: It is seeming that everyone knows now who I am!

Alena: Perhaps this is meaning I am no longer free to jump over battlements or to kick through walls...

Kiryl: He is fan of Tsarevna? Mmm... It is not so much easy to explain how this is making me feel...

Borya: Anyone can say the words of congratulation. They are, after all, free of charge. But to truly mean them-this is the part with difficulty.

Alena: I am hoping there is another tournament soon... Next time I wish to fight against at least ten opponents!

Kiryl: I am never forgetting how Tsarevna looked when she is strolling into centre of Colosseum...

Kiryl: Responding to roars from crowd, fighting with the bravery and skill... She was magnificent... (sigh)

Alena: After reporting to my father, where are we to go next? I am feeling like crossing the oceans...

Alena: But mountains also seem so much interesting... Mmm, it is difficult choice.

Alena: I heard words that King of Endor has the similar age to my father.

Alena: They were once intimate acquaintances, according to minister from Zamoksva castle.

Kiryl: People in castle has such cheerful faces... I am glad.

Borya: I am wondering, should people truly feel so much happy about victory of Alena? Tsarevna of her age should not to be risking life in tournaments, nyet?

Alena: Heh! There is no need to apologise. Soldiers can sometimes to be too much polite, I mind.

Alena: Am I so much popular with young girls? I did not think I was that type...

Kiryl: This girl, she is looking so much exciting. And I am knowing exactly how she feels...

Borya: Ach! Tsarevna should aspire to more greater things than celebrity!

Kiryl: There is connection between Psaro the Manslayer and appearance of monsters...? Surely, this is not possible...

Borya: "Psaro the Manslayer"...
I cannot remove this name from my head...

Alena: Psaro the Manslayer is no more than a coward! For why is everyone still thinking of him!?

Borya: My wrinkled heart pounds ominously at such name as "Psaro the Manslayer". I have bad feeling about this...

Borya: Antics of imbecile King Norman have given Tsarevna yet more confidence and ambition! Oh-yo-yoy...

Borya: Zamoksva is sounding like good idea, nyet? We should perhaps drop by there, in the least...

Alena: Everyone we are walking past is waving hands at us. We are now celebrities!

Kiryl: It is so much gratifying to see people of Zamoksva appreciating strength and magnificence of Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: Zamoksva is sounding like good idea, nyet? We should perhaps drop by there, in the least...

Alena: What!? How is the matter!? Has something more happened to my father!?

Alena: No, I am thinking this is impossible. With birdsong nectar, his voice is restored...

Kiryl: Poor soldier... I am thinking we should now hurry for Zamoksva in order to see what is happening...

Borya: I am having the very bad premonition... We must to head for Zamoksva immediately!

Kiryl: Surely he should be saying that tournament is finished thanks to Tsarevna Alena emerging victorious?

Alena: I do not know for why, but I am having very bad feeling all of sudden. I am hoping my father and everyone is alright...

Alena: Not so much amazing, I think. Other fighters in tournament were too much weak. Next time I hope for real challenge!

Kiryl: I am gratifying to see that everyone is appreciating talents of Tsarevna...

Kiryl: She is fan of Tsarevna? Mmm... It is not so much easy to explain how this is making me feel...

Borya: Mmm... I am hoping everything is alright in Zamoksva castle. I cannot cease worrying for Tsar Stepan...

Alena: Clouds are not concerning for me. I am worrying instead about words of Zamoksva soldier...

Kiryl: When clouds are moving more faster than usual, it is ominous sign. That is how people are saying...

Kiryl: Benevolent Goddess, please to bestow your protections on Tsarevna Alena and kingdom of Zamoksva...

Alena: And winner was... Tsarevna Alena! Mmm, it sounds nice, da?

Borya: Ach, I do not know whether to be proud of achievements from Tsarevna, or to curse her for lack of modesty...

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess, please to confer your guardianship on Tsarevna Alena and all of Zamoksva...

Borya: Connection between monsters and Psaro the Manslayer...? Mmm... I am hoping this only exists inside imagination...

Alena: She is buying me drink? Then I think it is rude to not accept, nyet?

Borya: Tsarevna Alena! You must not touch such silly substances! You are royalty, nyet? Or did you forget this already? Hm?

Alena: Da, da... I am understanding. You do not have to shout at me...

Alena: I must do fancy signature for autograph? I am not knowing how to do that, I mind...

Borya: Blasted merchants! No one is wanting to hear about rumours that are spreading inside your kind!

Alena: Let us return to Zamoksva for now. I am worrying about my father...

Alena: What is having taken place in Zamoksva...? What caused that soldier to perish...? Hmm...

Kiryl: As man of cloth, I am incapable to recommend gambling as lifestyle choice... And yet, perhaps just one game is not... Nyet! To gamble is sin!

Kiryl: I am thinking we should perhaps immediately set out to Zamoksva, if this is possible...

Borya: Even if most worst case scenario is happening in Zamoksva, at least Tsarevna is safe...

Borya: Ach! I must not think such thoughts! They do not do anyone good...

Alena: No one is here...? I do not understand... To where is everybody gone?

Alena: I do not like this! Where is everyone hiding in!? Do they play tricks against us?

Kiryl: Only thing which remains in castle is very sinister feeling... Surely, this is not meaning... Ulp!

Kiryl: Is this illusion...? I do not comprehend! For why is no one in here!?

Borya: Last words of extinct soldier... Is this what they were indicating...? Yoy...

Alena: I come to tell my father about my victory, but instead, this is occurring...? For why...?

Alena: I do not like this! Where is everyone hiding in!? Do they play tricks against us?

Kiryl: Is this work of Goddess...? Nyet! Our Goddess would never perpetrate something of this kind!

Kiryl: But if not Goddess, then whom...?

Borya: At least Tsarevna Alena is in safety, this is one good thing. Still, this is so much mysterious...

Borya: Last words of extinct soldier... Is this what they were indicating...? Yoy...

Alena: There is no one in here either... I do not understand... To where is everybody gone...?

Kiryl: Perhaps everyone from castle is travelling to Endor for celebrating victory of Tsarevna... Nyet, this is not possible...

Kiryl: We would have received notification, I am sure. Therefore...to where is everybody gone?

Borya: No one is remaining. Not the Tsar, not the minister, not even one soldier. Hmm...

Borya: At least Tsarevna Alena is in safety, this is one good thing. Still, this is so much mysterious...

Alena: If only we were capable to understand language of cats, perhaps she might inform us what happened to my father...

Kiryl: I am feeling sorry for poor cat, being only creature left in entirety of castle...

Alena: Ahh, Zalenagrad! Finally, we are returned! Behold, humble church and tranquil river... It is so much nice to see them once again.

Alena: Is this signifying that something has befallen people of Zamoksva...?

Alena: I cannot cease worrying for them all... Father, the Minister, Old Starek, the Priest... Yoy...

Kiryl: To arrive in Zalenagrad is to reach almost the doorstep of dear Zamoksva. Ahh, to be so close by to home, is great relief indeed!

Kiryl: Soldier who perished in Endor... How was he trying to say to us...?

Kiryl: I am thinking we should hurry back to castle and discover what is occurring!

Borya: Everything is seeming ordinary in Zalenagrad. This is meaning perhaps that trouble is underway inside castle? Hmm...

Alena: Merchants do little except spread rumours around every day, nyet?

Alena: Perhaps this little girl also will take part in Endor tournament when she is growing up.

Kiryl: Of course, Tsarevna Alena is object of wide admiring. Deservingly so...

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! If youth of the today are admiring for Tsarevna Alena, I greatly fear for the future!

Alena: I am wondering how this poet might cope without birdsong nectar...

Borya: I am grateful to Starling for his teaching me that not every single poet is useless no-gooder...

b0509000 (Chapter II Ending)

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Alena: Is this signifying that something has befallen people of Zamoksva...?

Alena: I cannot cease worrying for them all... Father, the Minister, Old Starek, the Priest... Yoy...

Kiryl: Soldier who perished in Endor... How was he trying to say to us...?

Kiryl: I am thinking we should hurry back to castle and discover what is occurring!

Borya: Ach... It is not so much easy for old bodies like mine to climb the mountains, you know...

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Alena: When this old man was telling us of tournament, I am certain he did not think I would be its victor!

Kiryl: I... I must to confess, I am envious.

Kiryl: Benevolent Goddess, please to protect Tsarevna Alena and all people of Zamoksva...

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Kiryl: Soldier who perished in Endor... How was he trying to say to us...?

Kiryl: I am thinking we should hurry back to castle and discover what is occurring!

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Alena: Is this signifying that something has befallen people of Zamoksva...?

Alena: I cannot cease worrying for them all... Father, the Minister, Old Starek, the Priest... Yoy...

Kiryl: Soldier who perished in Endor... How was he trying to say to us...?

Kiryl: I am thinking we should hurry back to castle and discover what is occurring!

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Kiryl: That kidnappers might know of magical power of armlet is very terrifying idea indeed...

Borya: Foul rogues did not demonstrate signs of magical capabilities...

Borya: But they are perhaps merely puppets for more powerful criminal... Mmm...

Alena: Before long, we will be returned in Zamoksva... I never thought I would say so, but I am feeling small bit happy to be home...

Kiryl: Mmm, I am sure air is tasting much more fresher in Maestral! I am almost incapable to wait for returning to home and peace and quiet...

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Alena: We are without reason for being here. Come, let us return to Maestral.

Borya: This old man for one would prefer to never be using teleportal again...

Borya: Fu, just to think of it is making me feel nausea...

Alena: I am minding that it is more happier to find such things with own efforts. Perhaps we should not say anything to this man, therefore?

Kiryl: F-For why we are needing to come to tower now...? (gulp)

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Alena: We are without reason for being here. Come, let us return to Maestral.

Borya: Come, quickly! We must to ascertain safety of Tsar Stepan and everyone else in castle!

Alena: Is this signifying that something has befallen people of Zamoksva...?

Alena: I cannot cease worrying for them all... Father, the Minister, Old Starek, the Priest... Yoy...

Alena: This is so much boring! There are no monsters attacking us any more!

Alena: Perhaps this is because they are too much scared of me? Ach, reason does not matter. It is boring!

Kiryl: To walk around like this, it is providing time to reminisce of all that has occurred...

Kiryl: My heart, it commences to pound whenever I consider immense achievements of Tsarevna...

Kiryl: Soldier who perished in Endor... How was he trying to say to us...?

Kiryl: I am thinking we should hurry back to castle and discover what is occurring!

Borya: Even if most worst case scenario is happening in Zamoksva, at least Tsarevna is safe...

Borya: Ach! I must not think such thoughts! They do not do anyone good...

Borya: I am fearing Alena is to become known as "Tsarevna of Tournament"... Why she could not be something more nicer, like "Tsarevna of Beautiful Face"...?

Chapter III Party Chat

b0512000 (Chapter III)

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Hardie: So what brings us to this cave?

Hardie: Is there some sort of treasure hidden here or something?

Hardie: Heh heh. I thought as much. Well, let's sniff it out...before someone else does!

Hardie: Well, there's no sense in wandering aimlessly round a cave. Let's get out of here.

Laurel: This cave was not made according to nature's plan. No, it was clearly hewn by the hand of man.

Laurel: And now I ask, why was it dug, what was the goal? Is something precious hidden in this deep, dark hole?

Fido: Woof, woof, woof!

Hardie: So this is your hometown, is it? It's not too shabby.

Laurel: In Lakanaba there is a weapon shop, or so they say, where customers keep coming all day, every day!

Laurel: ...Oh, really? You say that you have heard this tale. And in fact it was you who made those sales!

Fido: Woof! Grrr... Woof, woof, woof!

Fido: Grrr... Woof, WOOF!

Hardie: His wife's a real looker. She could have had her pick of men, and she decided to marry him... It's a funny old world.

Laurel: Ask me to show you a man who's truly content, and it's to Torneko Taloon that you'll be sent!

Fido: Woof!

Fido: Grrr... Woof, woof, woof!

Fido: Woof?

Hardie: Why'd we come to a place like this? There's nothing here...

Laurel: I have heard it said that out in the sticks, was a town of foxes up to their old tricks.

Laurel: It seems you view my words with some suspicion... I'm sure you're right. It was nothing but superstition.

Fido: Woof!

Hardie: Hmm... So this is Ballymoral, is it? It's not the biggest castle I've ever seen...

Laurel: Of the King here, I confess, I am a little wary. His fierce ambition makes him just a little scary.

Hardie: Charming! What right does that old snob have to talk about us like that?

Laurel: To call my comrades common, well, that is fine, but to extend the insult to me crosses the line...

Laurel: ...Erm. Nothing! Forget you heard that! I was just musing aloud...

Hardie: So the King is planning on attacking Endor...

Hardie: He must be out of his mind! As if this pathetic little kingdom could pose a threat to the land of my birth!

Laurel: The King's words strike me as if they were thunder! He means to make war, loot, pillage and plunder!

Laurel: I may be a wandering poet of no fixed address, but Endor is the watering hole I like the best.

Fido: Grrr...

Hardie: Hiring me as your personal bodyguard was the best decision you ever made.

Hardie: Now, where are we headed? You're the boss, so lead the way!

Hardie: There are all sorts of folks seeking their fortune in this town, but the higher the stakes, the greater the danger.

Hardie: I'm not complaining, though. It means I'm never short of work!

Laurel: Of all the towns in all the land, Endor's the one that is most grand.

Laurel: I've journeyed to places big and small, but Endor's the one that beats them all!

Laurel: Did my ears deceive me, or did I hear you say that 600 gold coins is quite pricey for five days?

Laurel: Fear not, I tell you, just wait and see! My magic is world class, I guarantee!

Laurel: After five days, you'll find that the time has flown... and wonder how you ever managed on your own.

Hardie: That soldier we just spoke to was a tough customer. I can just tell. I wouldn't stand a chance against him...

Laurel: Alas, the casino is closed. Oh well, that's just how it goes...

Laurel: But in fact, I think you should be rather glad. To fritter all your wealth away...would be bad.

Hardie: Look, I can understand you not wanting to sell the statue you sweated blood to find.

Hardie: But he said he'd pay anything you ask. That sounds like too good an opportunity to pass up.

Laurel: The silver Goddess statue is a precious artefact, but it's no use to you, and that's a fact!

Laurel: I'd say you need to get it sold, and pocket all that lovely gold!

Hardie: Buying a shop here in Endor sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

Laurel: A merchant like you should not stop until you own your very own shop.

Laurel: Sorry, I'm just saying what I would do. How you live your life is up to you...

Hardie: Hmmm... Now I think about it, I've heard rumours of strange goings-on too. Most likely monsters, I reckon.

Laurel: To Zamoksva, I have been. Its many sights, I have seen.

Laurel: It's such a peaceful land, so for folks to disappear... Well, there could be worse to come, I fear.

Hardie: 60000 gold coins... That's not to be sniffed at. Any idea how you're going to spend it?

Hardie: I mean, you could always hire me for 750 days. Go on, please...

Laurel: It's clear from the amount that you got paid that you're no slouch when it comes to trade.

Laurel: Take your wealth and spend it wisely. Your future's shaping up very nicely!

Hardie: I've seen that Psaro the Manslayer character in action. He's tough, I'll tell you that for nothing.

Laurel: " If you're looking to get beaten black and blue, Psaro's the Manslayer for you!"

Laurel: I came up with that little ditty while I was watching him in action.

Laurel: You know, sometimes I worry I've got no gift for rhyme. Do you think I should stick with magic? Be honest with me...

Hardie: So now you can open a shop here in Endor! That's great! There's profit to be made here alright!

Laurel: Weapon sellers profit from strife, or so I thought, but listen to the lesson that I've been taught.

Laurel: Torneko Taloon - for peace, no man ever did more. Why, he turned a profit and stopped a war!

Hardie: Hmmm... Why's he warning us about Psaro the Manslayer?

Hardie: If there's one thing I've learned, it's to always take rumours with a fistful of salt.

Hardie: A merchant like you doesn't have to concern himself with that kind of crazy talk.

Laurel: A mighty Lord of the Underworld... A noble hero who will save us all... I'm afraid these tales are rather tall.

Hardie: I think the other contenders in the tourney were behind Psaro's mysterious disappearance.

Hardie: And top of my list of suspects is that princess from Zamoksva. It was all very convenient...

Laurel: The Tsarevna of Zamoksva overcame all opposition, and with that she claimed the number one position.

Laurel: But if she'd had to take on Psaro the Manslayer, well, I'm not sure she'd have had a prayer.

Hardie: This isn't the first time I've accompanied a treasure-seeking merchant to this cave.

Hardie: I have to warn you, though - we've always come back empty-handed.

Laurel: A silver statue of the Goddess lay in this cave, awaiting discovery by the greedy and brave.

Laurel: Could it still be here? I fear it's gone. But then again, I could be very wrong.

Hardie: The water drained away! Hmmm... You know, if no one's managed to work this out before, the treasure may still be there for the taking.

Laurel: Oh, it must have been such a pain to build a cave chock full of drains!

Hardie: Hmph. You were the one who figured out how the water works here, but this joker's beaten you to it.

Hardie: Still, chin up, eh? Better luck next time, and all that...

Laurel: Hmmm... What kind of treasure has that man got? Was it the silver statue, or was it not?

Hardie: Now we've got the silver Goddess statue, there's no point us staying in this cave, right?

Hardie: I mean, you're the boss. If you want to hang round here for a while, I won't stop you, but...

Laurel: I know it may not be my place to say, but in this cave I would rather not stay.

Laurel: While there is a time and place for caves, it's now the great outdoors I find I crave.

b0513000 (Chapter III, cont.)

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Hardie: "Outside people is not permitted"? Hmph. That's charming, that is.

Laurel: In Zamoksva, people are disappearing into thin air. Can it be true? What's going on there?

Hardie: Are you serious about helping him build his tunnel?

Hardie: Well, it's your funeral. Sounds like throwing good money after bad if you ask me...

Hardie: Oh, so you were just telling that old boy what he wanted to hear? Fair enough.

Laurel: Oh, if this tunnel was complete, for travellers it would be a treat.

Laurel: But just to dig a hole that's big and deep, well, 60000 gold coins is rather steep.

Hardie: So it seems you've got a bright future ahead of you. Who'd have thought it?

Hardie: Well, I'll always be proud that I got the chance to work for you.

Laurel: You've backed this project to the hilt, and now this tunnel will get built.

Laurel: I was wrong to think you were all talk. Oh yes, you've shown you walk the walk.

Hardie: I don't mean to be rude, but if we're just going to wander around aimlessly, my five days will be over in a flash.

Laurel: Our time together will be a mere five days, but in our hearts I hope the memory will stay...

Hardie: So a day's gone by while you've been wandering around aimlessly. Well, I'm not complaining. This is easy money...

Laurel: And so, to the first day we must bid farewell. What the next four will bring, only time will tell.

Laurel: No, I'm not counting the days, my merchant friend. Erm... I wish our time together would never end.

Hardie: So this is the fourth day, is it?

Hardie: What's that? It's only the third? Yeah, you're right. My mistake...

Laurel: The second day's over, we're onto the third one. O, doesn't time fly when you're having fun?

Hardie: Hang about - it's the fourth day already!

And I've barely worked up a sweat...

Hardie: And you've paid 400 gold coins for this. I almost feel bad... But you're not getting a refund!

Laurel: So now that we have reached the fourth day... Our time left together is short, it pains me to say.

Laurel: So may I suggest, once we get back to Endor, you hire me again, and pay me some more!

Hardie: We've reached the fifth and final day. But don't worry. I won't leave you in the lurch just yet.

Laurel: So, it is the fifth day, and our paths must soon part. Maybe I'll move to a new town, make a fresh start?

Fido: Grrr...

Hardie: Hiring me as your personal bodyguard was the best decision you ever made.

Hardie: Now, where are we headed? You're the boss, so lead the way!

Hardie: There are all sorts of folks seeking their fortune in this town, but the higher the stakes, the greater the danger.

Hardie: I'm not complaining, though. It means I'm never short of work!

Laurel: Of all the towns in all the land, Endor's the one that is most grand.

Laurel: I've journeyed to places big and small, but Endor's the one that beats them all!

Laurel: Did my ears deceive me, or did I hear you say that 600 gold coins is quite pricey for five days?

Laurel: Fear not, I tell you, just wait and see! My magic is world class, I guarantee!

Laurel: After five days, you'll find that the time has flown... and wonder how you ever managed on your own.

Hardie: That soldier we just spoke to was a tough customer. I can just tell. I wouldn't stand a chance against him...

Laurel: Alas, the casino is closed. Oh well, that's just how it goes...

Laurel: But in fact, I think you should be rather glad. To fritter all your wealth away...would be bad.

Hardie: Look, I can understand you not wanting to sell the statue you sweated blood to find.

Hardie: But he said he'd pay anything you ask. That sounds like too good an opportunity to pass up.

Laurel: The silver Goddess statue is a precious artefact, but it's no use to you, and that's a fact!

Laurel: I'd say you need to get it sold, and pocket all that lovely gold!

Hardie: His wife's a real looker. She could have had her pick of men, and she decided to marry him... It's a funny old world.

Laurel: Ask me to show you a man who's truly content, and it's to Torneko Taloon that you'll be sent!

Hardie: What are you thinking, going off gallivanting around the world when you've got a beautiful wife like that waiting for you at home?

Hardie: Look, I'm sorry. It's none of my business. You're a good man, and I'm sure you have your reasons.

Laurel: O, to have a sweet woman who called me 'love', to me that would feel like heaven above!

Laurel: Wait, my merchant friend, what's that I see? Has your face gone red, or is it just me?

Hardie: Hmmm... Now I think about it, I've heard rumours of strange goings-on too. Most likely monsters, I reckon.

Laurel: To Zamoksva, I have been. Its many sights, I have seen.

Laurel: It's such a peaceful land, so for folks to disappear... Well, there could be worse to come, I fear.

Hardie: I'll stick with you through thick and thin. Until my time's up, that is. Then I'll be scarpering sharpish.

Laurel: The realm beyond is unbeknownst to me. What lies there, I cannot wait to see.

Chapter IV Party Chat

b0516000 (Laissez Fayre, Aubout Du Monde, Gupta Gupha, and Palais De Leon)

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Meena: It is strange to see you being wide awake so early in the morning, sis.

Maya: Oof! My back is aching! I fear I was dancing too hard yesterday night.

Maya: Arey, all of this saying goodbye is being a little sad, no?

Meena: Laissez Fayre is a city of song and dance at night, but at day it is being just sleepy-sleepy.

Maya: At night, there are crowds of shady-shady men around. We should travel when it is being light.

Maya: Arey, are we planning to stay here forever? We must be going quickly-quickly!

Oojam: I am so much surprised to hear that Miss Maya was working as a dancer in this place.

Oojam: (Ahh, I would very much like to have seen her...) Ahem! I mean, goodness, that must have been hard work!

Maya: Oof, that man is having a nerve. If he is wanting to see dancing girls, he must part with gold coins.

Meena: Everyone in this place is knowing our poor father was murdered.

Meena: Our father treated that despicable criminal Balzack like family, and look how he is repaying him. Arey, it is too awful-awful.

Maya: What use is sympathy to us? It is worth not a single gold coin.

Maya: Listen to this, sis. I have a good idea for money-making.

Maya: What if pubs never closed? They would be full of customers all through the day.

Meena: ...Do not be taking this the wrong way, sis, but I think we have bigger things to be worrying about.

Maya: I can understand how this Blondelle is feeling.

Maya: Seeing those awful-awful eve-teasing men every day always makes me want to disappear too.

Maya: What Blondelle told us was very very scary, no?

Maya: What can the new Marquis Régent's hideous experiments be?

Maya: If we ever fall onto hard times, we may need to work for Manager Artois again. We should keep him buttered up.

Meena: Manager Artois is saying the truth. We have nothing more to do here.

Meena: We should return to Aubout du Monde. Come on, sis. Let's go!

Maya: It is so terribly quiet here in the daytime.

Meena: Come on, sis. We do not have business here. We should be getting going, no?

Maya: Arey, this silly-billy man should just get out of the way!

Meena: Goodness! Listen to all the noisy voices coming from every building.

Maya: When you say you are dancing for a living, some men get very excited. I hate it very much!

Meena: That man is standing there the whole day, no? Is he not having a better thing to do?

Maya: Oof! So there is a new girl in town.

Maya: But if she thinks she will be more famous than me, she is having another thing coming!

Maya: Oh, I am getting up on stage once again. It must be the force of habit.

Oojam: Arey! All of these people staring at me... It is making me want to... To perform!

Meena: Sis, please. You know fully well that I cannot dance. I am simply having two left feet.

Meena: If I am stepping like this...and then like this, am I doing it correctly?

Maya: He is asking if no one has more important things to do. He should be looking in the mirror, no?

Meena: It seems that you are a celebrity, sis.

Maya: Get away from that man, sis. He is most creepy-creepy.

Meena: Just what is happening at the Palais de Léon? I am not liking the sounds of this one bit at all!

Maya: This is not the first time I have heard awful-awful things about the Marquis Régent.

Maya: They say he is surrounding himself with beautiful women. What a slimy-slimy man!

Meena: Just what is happening at the Palais de Léon? I am not liking the sounds of this one bit at all!

Maya: This is not the first time I have heard awful-awful things about the Marquis Régent.

Maya: They say he is surrounding himself with beautiful women. What a slimy-slimy man!

Meena: Our poor-poor father... All his dreams of mastering alchemy... It has ended up like this...

Meena: Come on, sis. Let us be leaving her to her beauty sleep, please.

Maya: Arey, she could sleep for many days and not come near to my outstanding beauty.

Meena: Our father is no more with us, but I am still feeling at home here.

Maya: I know this is our hometown...but it is still so so boring!

Maya: Arey, are we planning to stay here forever? We must be going quickly-quickly!

Oojam: To speak truthfully, I was not wanting to come back here until we had revenged the death of Mahabala-jee.

Meena: It is so very nice to see that nothing is changing here.

Maya: Hey, sis. Our favourite cow is looking very healthful indeed.

Maya: She has always been like a sister to me. That is why I am calling her Moona!

Meena: Waaah! Puppadom looks happy! Did you see how he was wagging his tail?

Meena: Puppadom remembers us! He is such a clever-clever dog!

Oojam: My master, Mahabala-jee, did so much for Balzack. And this is how he is repaying him?

Meena: .........

Meena: It is as if everything stopped on that day...

Meena: Sis, do you remember still that awful-awful day?

Meena: I know that I will never forget it.

Maya: Come, sis. It is high time we were going. Being here is just making me so so sad.

Meena: We will be together once again, Puppadom. But first, we must complete our mission of revenge.

Maya: Arey, a most gooey and strange new villager has come while we have been away.

Meena: This castle is massive, innit? How are we going to get inside?

Meena: This castle is massive, innit?

Maya: Our topmost priority is to meet the Marquis Régent.

Oojam: If you are wanting to go through locked doors, leave it to me, please.

Meena: How can we get into the throne room? Come on, sis! You must be using your head...

Maya: Arey, why do you think I am not using my head? That is a nonsense! I am thinking hard...

Maya: A port to the north of here? It must be Havre Léon, no?

Maya: If we are going there, just what will we discover?

Meena: If he is the chancellor of this castle, he must be knowing where the throne room is.

Maya: Arey, the chancellor makes scary-scary threats, but you can tell he is having no guts at all.

Maya: Waah! This castle sounds smashing! Maybe I will stay here!

Meena: What are you saying, sis? We have a mission of revenge, or are you forgetting?

Meena: It is hard to be believing there is anyone down here in this gloomy-gloomy cave.

Maya: Urgh, I am hating all caves equally!

Maya: If that man cannot find a way deeper into the cave, he is not looking hard enough.

Oojam: The floor that is going both up and down is the work of Mahabala-jee. It is not easy for the uninitiated to discover.

Meena: It is hard to be believing there is anyone down here in this gloomy-gloomy cave.

Maya: Urgh, I am hating all caves equally!

Maya: It is dark... It is damp... It is cold... My back is itchy-scratchy... Was I mentioning that I hate this place?

Meena: It is hard to be believing there is anyone down here in this gloomy-gloomy cave.

Maya: It is dark... It is damp... It is cold... My back is itchy-scratchy... Was I mentioning that I hate this place?

Meena: It is hard to be believing there is anyone down here in this gloomy-gloomy cave.

Maya: It is dark... It is damp... It is cold... My back is itchy-scratchy... Was I mentioning that I hate this place?

Meena: It is smashing to be having Oojam on the team. The monsters are not knowing what has hit them!

Maya: I am so so glad Oojam is still alive!

Maya: Now we must be setting our sights on Balzack! We will be having our revenge!

Oojam: (Miss Meena and Miss Maya!/My dear young Miss!) Please be forgiving me for all the trouble I have caused you, please.

Oojam: From now on, I will only be a helping hand to you, I promise!

Maya: Arey, can we not be going from this horrid place? Come on! Chop chop!

Maya: What's that? We are needing the sphere of silence? Oof! Why must we be chasing after such trinkets?

Maya: Arey, we have no more to do in this awful-awful place, no? Then let us be going! Come on! Chop chop!

Meena: We must have revenge for our father's death. But where can that rotten-rotten Balzack be?

Maya: Until we have found Balzack, our journey cannot end.

Meena: We know that after he murdered our poor-poor father, Balzack was selling his soul.

Meena: But this does not tell us where is he!

Maya: There is one thing that I am always turning over in my brain.

Maya: It is about the Marquis de Léon. Perhaps we should visit his castle, no?

Oojam: Ah, it is a very long time since I am sniffing the great outdoors!

Oojam: I was hidden in that deep-deep cave, waiting for my wounds to heal.

Oojam: Accha, but never mind that! We must find where Balzack is lurking!

Meena: So we are heading to the Marquis de Léon's castle, no?

Maya: We cannot be wandering about forever. We should be going to the Marquis de Léon's castle.

Oojam: Please hear me, Mahabala-jee! I, Oojam, will protect Miss Meena and Miss Maya!

Meena: Oojam...

Maya: We must be going, sis. We must be boarding ship and sailing away from this kingdom.

b0517000 (Havre Leon, Mamon Mine, and Palais de Leon cont.)

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Maya: Ahh, I love the salty-salty smell of the sea!

Meena: I wonder what riding in a boat is like. I have never had experience of travelling over water...

Oojam: When Mahabala-jee was alive, we were often coming to this town to do shopping.

Oojam: Accha, are you really thinking Balzack could be hiding here, in this town?

Maya: I am always dreaming of one day going to Endor.

Maya: It has a casino, a colosseum... I am sure it is full of very rich men.

Meena: Was that old man really a fighter in his young days? He didn't look so tough to me...

Maya: Arey, I am wanting to go to Endor so badly that it is hurting!

Oojam: I am getting a strong feeling in my belly that Balzack is not here...

Maya: Hey, sis! It smells little like dirty socks, no? Well, it is a jail, after all...

Meena: Mamon Mine, to the west of here... Maybe there could be some kind of hint there perhaps?

Maya: Why do we not do the same thing and surprise the Chancellor-wallah? It will be funny to see him jump!

Maya: Who would put a poor-poor powie yowie in a jail cell? So cruel...

Meena: I am only ever seeing ships on pictures. They are so much bigger in real life!

Maya: Waah! So this ship can take us all the way to Endor!

Meena: We all have...the life...

Maya: The moon in the sky... The splishy-splashy waves... Arey, I wish I were on a romantic date with a so so handsome man...

Meena: Yes, it is not just we who are suffering. We must always be remembering this...

Maya: Arey, listen to that silly-silly woman asking me to dance! She knows nothing!

Maya: If I danced, every man's eyeballs would be glued on me!

Meena: It seems very much as if strange and weird things are happening all around the world...

Maya: A princess won in a fighting contest?

Maya: I would love to one day meet such a tough-tough lady!

Meena: The new Marquis Régent is called Bal-something? What can this all be meaning?

Meena: This place is so so strange... Seven small flames surrounding a large one...

Meena: So a force of light is always there, guarding us...

Meena: I have felt this already... And I know that when we face Balzack...

Meena: ...Goodness! I am speaking nonsense! Please ignore me completely, sis!

Maya: A force of light? What is she talking about? Are you seeing this, Meena?

Maya: Arey, are we planning to stay here forever? We must be going quickly-quickly!

Meena: Goodness! This stink is so so bad!

Maya: (cough) This is no place to be staying long... (splutter)

Meena: This is just awful-awful...

Maya: So it is gas that has done this to the town?

Meena: I am seeing that poor-poor man's soul... It is like white light through blackness... It glows like the moon at night...

Maya: This is so so sad. I cannot find any words to say...

Meena: Sis, do you think anything is more worse than losing a loved one?

Meena: So, it seems there is some gunpowder down inside the mine...

Maya: So we must be going into that scary-scary mine? But that is where the gas is coming from, no?

Maya: Arey, as if going below the ground was not horrible enough!

Meena: So it is not only gas? There are appearing also monsters? This is bad-bad news...

Meena: Sis, do you think anything is more worse than losing a loved one?

Meena: There is gas here. There are monsters here. I am wondering now if there is some connection...

Meena: So we are heading to the Marquis de Léon's castle, no?

Maya: Let us go from here! There are no moments to lose!

Meena: That man spoke the truth. I sense that monsters are all around us...

Maya: Arey, there is stinky-stinky gas. It is damp and dark. And it is full of monsters!

Maya: I pray that in our next life, we will not come near such an awful-awful place.

Maya: Let us be going without delay! I have breathed so much gas, I am scared I will not be making it out of here alive...

Maya: That man is maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer... But he is never saying die, no?

Meena: This castle is massive, innit?

Maya: Our topmost priority is to meet the Marquis Régent.

Oojam: If you are wanting to go through locked doors, leave it to me, please.

Meena: How can we get into the throne room? Come on, sis! You must be using your head...

Maya: Arey, why do you think I am not using my head? That is a nonsense! I am thinking hard...

Maya: A port to the north of here?

It must be Havre Léon, no?

Maya: If we are going there, just what will we discover?

Meena: If he is the chancellor of this castle, he must be knowing where the throne room is.

Maya: Arey, the chancellor makes scary-scary threats, but you can tell he is having no guts at all.

Meena: Shhh! We must be making not a sound!

Maya: Arey, so this is what is going on...

Maya: Waah! This castle sounds smashing! Maybe I will stay here!

Meena: What are you saying, sis? We have a mission of revenge, or are you forgetting?

Meena: So we have found Balzack... And now we will be finally avenging our father's death...

Maya: Arey, so this is what is going on...

Oojam: (Miss Meena and Miss Maya!/My dear young Miss!) Are you prepared in heart and soul, please?

Meena: ...What is this place?

Maya: Accha! It hurts, it hurts!

Oojam: (Miss Meena and Miss Maya!/My dear young Miss!) I am so very sorry I could not do more!

Maya: Sis, if we are staying here, we surely both will also be killed...

Maya: Come on, sis, we must be escaping now!

Meena: B-But Oojam...

Maya: We must go!

Meena: Oojam...

Maya: We have to stay alive. Are you hearing me, sis? We have no choice!

Maya: If we are losing our lives, then who will have revenge for the deaths of our father and Oojam?

Meena: Oojam...

Chapters V and VI Party Chat

b0520000 (Woodcutter's Hut, Trans-Montane Tunnel, Hidden Valley and Endor)

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Meena: Arey, just imagine living here, so far from other people. It must be making you very very strange...

Maya: I am so so tired! Please be telling me we can stay tonight in this cute-cute log cabin.

Torneko: Ye wouldn't catch me livin' in the back o' beyond like this, so you wouldn't.

Alena: In future, I intend to stay in isolated mountain hut and work on combative training.

Ragnar: Och, I dinnae know whit a body can be thinkin', comin' tae live in a forlorn place like this. Well, they must hae their reasons, I suppose...

Torneko: That wee guard dog's doin' a grand job altogether. More power to ye!

Kiryl: Yoy! Truly there is no monster more terrifying than rampaging canine!

Ragnar: When that yappin' doggie leapt oot at us the noo, ma sword arm went straight tae ma scabbard. For a second, I thought it was a wee furry monster!

Orifiela: Dogs are such wondrous creatures, are they not? How I would love to live amongst them.

Meena: I sense grumpy-growly little man is wanting us to stay. It is just that he is finding it too hard to say so.

Maya: Accha, what a good-good night's sleeping! That man has a bad manner, but a kind heart.

Torneko: Sure, he's only after lettin' us stay, an' now he's givin' us an awful earful, like. He's a quare fellow altogether.

Alena: Every night, I must to do multiple push-ups. But last night, I am forced to go straight into bed. I am infuriating!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Wanna hear somethin' funny? Well, that old fellow kinda reminds me o' myself, way back when.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Livin' deep in the mountains, not wantin' to give no one the time o' day. I've been there too.

Orifiela: (yawn) Would it be frowned upon, I wonder, to sleep a little longer?

Meena: Why is he offering to be clipping our earholes? What an odd little man...

Maya: Look, he is going bright red! Deep down, he is so so shy.

Torneko: The old boy's welcome to try givin' me a clip round the ear, but I give as good as I get, like.

Kiryl: He has problem with clever talk? I will therefore refrain from utilising my intimidating vocabulary.

Ragnar: Och, who does he think he's foolin' with that blether? He's a good heart, whether he'll admit it or no.

Meena: You know, Hero, before we are meeting with you, I so so wanted to go to Casabranca. But my silly-billy sister would not go.

Meena: ...Why, you ask? Because the stubborn young madam was refusing to leave the casino in Endor!

Maya: I am having a great-great idea! Make this cave bigger and build a casino! You will be getting rich quick, no?

Torneko: Ah, this takes me back, so it does. Before I met yerselves, I was slavin' away, tryin' to earn money to get this very tunnel boxed off...

Meena: Tell me, please. Surely you are regretting not making everyone pay toll to pass here.

Torneko: ...Janey Mac! The thought never even crossed me mind! I could've cleaned up, so I could!

Maya: Torneko, is it true you are digging this tunnel all by yourself, with only using the two hands?

Meena: Arey, this is obviously a nonsense! You are a silly-billy, sis! Torneko was just giving generous supplies of gold, innit!

Torneko: Yerra, sure it was nuttin'! It wouldn't do fer me to be takin' all the credit, like. ...Ach, will ye look at the state o' me? I'm blushin' sometin' terrible!

Ragnar: Torneko isnae yer usual money-grubbin' merchant, ye can tell. He always thinks of others afore profit.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ya think a reg'lar profiteerin' varmint would think o' diggin' a big ol' tunnel for folks to use? No sirree! Torneko Taloon is one of a kind, let me tell ya!

Maya: Waah! What a lucky-lucky day it is for us! Let us be going to the casino without a delay!

Torneko: By the hokey, a thousand people have traipsed through this tunnel! If I'd only charged a toll, I'd be fair rollin' in gold, so I would...

Torneko: Ah, pay no mind to me blather! Sure, I was just pullin' yer leg, so I was. I'm not as greedy as all that. Oh no, not I...

Borya: Hm? We win casino tokens? Bah. I see no cause for celebration. All is not gold that glitters.

Borya: Gambling is first step on path to perdition. Tsarevna will enter to casino over my extinct body.

Ragnar: Casino tokens, ye say? Och, I dinnae see nothin' wrong wi' the occasional flutter.

Torneko: I stumped up the cash, but it was that ole fella got this tunnel built, so it was.

Torneko: But I'm not sure what the devil he's doin' still foosterin' about down here in the dark.

Meena: Maya will be gambling at the casino again, I am having no doubts.

Meena: I was not imagining we would meet the legendary (hero/heroine) so soon.

Meena: It is hurting me to admit, but perhaps it is good a thing that I could not drag Maya away from casino. Otherwise, maybe our paths are not crossing.

Meena: Tell me, have you met my sister Maya already?

Meena: Arey, you have? So you are going to the casino already, I see.

Meena: If you go to the casino, I am having no doubts you will find her.

Meena: My sister is big big fan of slot machine. I am sure she will be near by to them.

Torneko: Sure, ye did a grand job o' survivin' those rampagin' monsters, Hero.

Kiryl: This is too much terrible! Even I am at loss for expressing this in words.

Borya: If Lord of Underworld were to be revived, every town and village in world would meet this fate...

Meena: I am sensing how loved you were by all in your village, Hero.

Maya: It is so awful-awful... The houses are smashed into pieces. But the villagers...they are alright, no?

Maya: ...I am sorry, please. Do not say anything. I am knowing the answer...

Alena: You must to smile, Hero. If not, villagers who lost lives look down from above and are sad.

Alena: Remain strong. For the sake of those whom you love...

Ragnar: So this is where the chosen (hero/heroine) called home? Och, I cannae imagine hoo hard this must be...

Psaro: I destroyed this village because I believed it to be the right thing to do. I have no regrets.

Psaro: But I know what it is to lose someone precious... I know how it felt to lose my Rose...

Torneko: Now, I know this'll sound like a load of ole blather, but it was me got Princess Veronica an' Prince Regan back together, so it was.

Alena: Using Colosseum for wedding is waste of good fighting time.

Borya: So Prince of Ballymoral and Princess of Endor are tying knot of matrimony...

Borya: It is imperative that Tsarevna marry as matter of urgency, before all adequate princes are taken.

Meena: Arey, I am not having good memories of Endor.

Meena: I was working all days to earn us gold, but Maya, she was gambling it all away in dark and dingy casino...

Maya: Perhaps we should be going. Shall we go east, for a start?

Maya: I am hearing that if you go through the tunnel, you just maybe can get a smashing special gift...

Maya: It is so so crazy, innit? This wedding ceremony is going on for days.

Maya: Will it ever be ending, do you think?

Ragnar: When I first came here, the tourney was over an' the casino was shut. There wasnae a thing tae dae...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Casabranca was strictly small time, but Endor's the real deal! Yes sirree! Just feel that buzz in the air!

Tom Foolery: I've got a wee question fer youse. Is this the beginning or...

Tom Foolery: ...is this the Endor? D'ye get it? Sure, it's a cracker! A gag like that'll never get old, I tell ye.

Meena: My sister and I will go wherever you are deciding to go, Hero. We are with you all of the way.

Kiryl: It is unbreakable universal law. Only prince is being permitted to marry princess.

Kiryl: Someone of lowly status such as me is having no hope... Tell me, why is world so terribly cruel?

Borya: We must to hurry to witness matrimonial ceremony. It may prove educational in planning of wedding of Tsarevna.

Maya: This is a long-long wedding! It is continuing since before I am meeting with Hero!

Maya: Will it never be ending?

Meena: I am seeing this lovey-dovey wedding ceremony already, together with my sister.

Alena: So Colosseum is now venue for wedding ceremony? But it is being associated forever for me with fighting... Aya! I am experiencing emotional conflict!

Borya: We must to hurry to witness matrimonial ceremony. It may prove educational in planning of wedding of Tsarevna.

Ragnar: Och, well I missed oot on seein' the tourney, so the least I can dae is catch a wee bit o' the weddin'. Even if there isnae enough brawlin' for ma likin'...

Torneko: So yer wan may have heard tell o' this (hero/heroine), but she wouldn't recognise (him/her) if (he/she) was starin' her in the face, so she wouldn't.

Ragnar: If the monsters think the chosen (hero/heroine) is dead an' buried, they'll be liable tae let their guards doon...

Meena: It is so so sad, Hero.
The people here are thinking you are dead.

Meena: Part of fortune-telling is telling people what they are wanting to hear, and giving them a guidance.

Meena: Maybe it is not all true, but if it is making people feel happy, is it so wrong?

Maya: So you were doing a number on that soldier, sis? Well, as long as it is paying the bills!

Meena: Arey! What are you saying? I am having a reputation to upkeep, you know!

Kiryl: It sounds that Meena's fortune-telling is somewhat accurate. I must to get information about a certain Tsarevna's romantic preferences...

Maya: The boring-boring words on the sign are not changing!

Maya: Of course not, sis! The wedding is still going on, innit!

Torneko: I was settin' off just as the weddin' was about to get underway. Ah, to have seen it on the first day would've been grand altogether...

Ragnar: Och, I just remembered whit was written on that sign last time I had a wee gander. It was aboot Tsarevna Alena winnin' the tourney.

Maya: Arey, Psaro was taking part in the tourney here? This is the first I am hearing of this...

Alena: Even if Psaro is not human being, I very much wished to gauge true extension of my mettle against him...

Psaro: There was only one reason I took part in the Endor Tourney. I was seeking Hero, the chosen (hero/heroine).

Maya: Let us be heading to the casino, please. This is a lucky-lucky day, I am sensing it. I can win back the gold I lost last time.

Ragnar: When I came here first, the casino was shut. It'd be good tae hae a wee flutter an' try ma luck.

Meena: Please, never be talking about the casino in front of my sister. If she is going there, she will lose all our gold once more.

Borya: Gambling is well-known first step on road of ruin. Tsarevna will enter casino over my lifeless carcass.

Meena: Arey, the first time my sister meets the chosen (hero/heroine), and it is in a casino! This is bringing shame on our whole family!

Maya: It is very nice to meet you, please. Call me Maya. Well, that is my name!

Maya: And I shall call you Hero.

I am so so happy to be knowing you.

Maya: Casinos are so so fun! When I am finally settling down, it will be in a town with a casino, you wait and see!

Torneko: Sure, ye could play the whole day an' win yerself nuttin' but a big pile o' tokens. Seems like a waste o' good gold to me.

Ragnar: Och, there isnae any harm in havin' a wee flutter in a casino now and then. Just as long as ye dinnae get too intae it, like that Maya lassie.

Maya: Arey! You are rude-rude warrior! You will be taking that back this instant!

Meena: If we wish for Torneko Taloon to join us, may I suggest that we are hurrying?

Maya: The only problem is that monsters are setting their sights on this Torneko Taloon.

Maya: But I know you can protect him, right, Hero?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Mr Taloon's wife sure is purdy. You can bet yer bottom gold coin he'll turn out to be one handsome son of a gun...

Meena: How is Torneko managing to get such a pretty-pretty girl to walk down the aisle with him?

Alena: This Torneko Taloon will be safe if he is being with us. His wife can desist from anxiety.

Borya: Torneko is fortunate to be having wife and children waiting for him to return. This inspires melancholy mood...

Borya: I am returning only to empty dacha, always alonesome...

Ragnar: Jings! Torneko's missus is a bonnie lassie and no mistake! She's wasted on that great galoot!

Ragnar: ...Och, I'm sorry. I didnae mean tae bad-mouth Torneko. I dinnae ken whit came over me.

Torneko: Tessie's bank seems to be goin' great guns. That's grand altogether, so it is.

Torneko: Sure, the last thing I want is fer her to struggle while I'm away on the other side o' the world, like.

Meena: That boy's future happiness is depending on whether he looks more like his mother, or...heavens forbid... his father...

Kiryl: Establishing bank is not being simplistic undertaking. Torneko's wife is clearly woman of exceptional mental capacities.

Borya: Hmm... He has son approaching adolescence. This signifies that Torneko may already be over hill...

Maya: Arey, that boy is wanting to earn mountain of gold for his parents.

Maya: Is it being too much trouble for him to earn small hill of gold for his pretty-pretty pal Maya too? ...I am only joking, of course!

Torneko: I tell ye, when I'm on the road, I'm frettin' mornin', noon an' night about me family, so I am.

Torneko: So it's a great relief to me to come back here and see that they're doin' grand in me absence.

Torneko: What d'ye say? I know it's late, but I'd be grateful if we could go by me house and see how the family's doin'.

Alena: Every night before retiring, I embark on training routine of multiple strenuous push-ups.

Alena: Now I may be on road, but still I stick to this routine whenever possible.

Kiryl: Even bustling metropolis like Endor is subdued at night.

Borya: I am afraid fatigue is now getting better of me. I ask that we now select hostelry for to stay this evening.

Meena: Accha, I am knowing very well never to stand too close to drunks...

Maya: Quick, let's tie his shoelaces together before he is regaining his senses!

Maya: Arey! Can you not tell a joke when you are hearing one? Honestly...

Borya: Man takes drink, then drink takes man. It is sorry sight when person take leave of senses...

Ragnar: I dinnae want tae be anywhere near that laddie when he wakes up on the morrow...

Maya: Well, it is not too late for that lady to have wedding. She should start by searching for rich-rich man!

Alena: I do not believe people care so much of splendid weddings. I prefer splendid battles in Colosseum!

Kiryl: I pray that in next life Goddess is seeing fit to bring me back as prince...

Kiryl: Of course, I would prefer not to be waiting until next life, but alas...

Borya: When Tsarevna finally weds, nuptial ceremony will dwarf one in Endor.

Meena: If we wish for Torneko Taloon to join us, may I suggest that we are hurrying?

Maya: The only problem is that monsters are setting their sights on this Torneko Taloon.

Maya: But I know you can protect him, right, Hero?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Mr Taloon's wife sure is purdy. You can bet yer bottom gold coin he'll turn out to be one handsome son of a gun...

Meena: How is Torneko managing to get such a pretty-pretty girl to walk down the aisle with him?

Alena: This Torneko Taloon will be safe if he is being with us. His wife can desist from anxiety.

Borya: Torneko is fortunate to be having wife and children waiting for him to return. This inspires melancholy mood...

Borya: I am returning only to empty dacha, always alonesome...

Ragnar: Jings! Torneko's missus is a bonnie lassie and no mistake! She's wasted on that great galoot!

Ragnar: ...Och, I'm sorry. I didnae mean tae bad-mouth Torneko. I dinnae ken whit came over me.

Torneko: Tessie's bank seems to be goin' great guns. That's grand altogether, so it is.

Torneko: Sure, the last thing I want is fer her to struggle while I'm away on the other side o' the world, like.

Alena: Armlet of transmutation? That is reminding me of fake me. I wonder where impostor is now...

Kiryl: Armlet of transmutation ended up for sale in shop like this!? My ears cannot believe themselves!

b0521000 (Endor cont., Cistern Chapel, and Ballymoral)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: Come, let us be going to the Colosseum to see the lovely-lovely wedding!

Maya: The wedding ceremony is going on and on and on, so the King is being very busy. Perhaps we can meet with him at night...

Kiryl: Gate is most imposing. Castle is truly magnificent edifice...

Ragnar: Och, this castle's got a fine moat. It's just like the one back in bonnie Burland.

Meena: Arey, so they have turned a fighting arena into a wedding venue. It will be lacking in atmosphere, no?

Alena: Pah. I am entirely disinterested in matrimonial ceremonies.

Borya: As tutor of Tsarevna, I can learn much from example of Endor wedding event.

Borya: Then sole remaining task is getting Tsarevna to walk down aisle without descending into wrestling match...

Maya: I already am watching boring-boring wedding too many times before meeting you, Hero.

Maya: Arey, I am sorry, Hero. I can see you are wanting very much to see it yourself. Let us watch!

Meena: Oof, I am just now remembering annoying experience...

Meena: My sister and I were once mistaken for thieves in this very castle. Unbelievable, no?

Maya: I have been here in Endor for quite some time, so I am knowing this castle inside and out.

Torneko: Ah, it takes me back, so it does. Before I had a shop o' me own, like, many's the time I came to this castle with naught but a big bag o' weapons to me name...

Alena: Are people here truly desiring extended matrimonial ceremony? Why not hold unending gladiatorial contest instead?

Kiryl: Castle is being filled with bustle and hustle. Perhaps this is effect of never-ending nuptial ritual...

Ragnar: It's no easy bein' a guard at a royal weddin'. Ye've tae keep yer wits aboot ye an' no let yerself be distracted.

Ragnar: But the guards here are daein' a fine job. They're an example to us all.

Meena: My sister Maya too is not always thinking before she is speaking. Accha, it is causing me so much trouble!

Maya: I am speaking from the heart. I am not needing to spend long-long time thinking about it first.

Torneko: So yer man, the King, doesn't think before he speaks, does he not? I wonder if he thought at all before he gave me permission to open a shop here...

Maya: How did Princess Veronica manage to get together with Prince Regan? Telepathy? Smoke signals?

Alena: I too am princess, but do not seek marriage partner. For me, perfect man has no interest in romance, only combat.

Borya: Princess Veronica and Prince Regan forged romantic union away from gazes of unwashed masses.

Borya: Perhaps this means Tsarevna is also having secret love, unknown to her people...

Meena: Arey, having a ship of our own would be so so useful on our journey, no?

Maya: A port with ships for sale is surely being big enough to have a casino. Arey! I cannot wait!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: One day, I'm gonna have me a whole fleet o' ships, jes' you wait an' see!

Maya: So while the King is busy wedding his daughter, this chancellor-wallah is running everything, no? I hope he knows his business...

Torneko: So any urgent business with the King will have to wait, will it? Sure, even a king can have a day off now an' then, I suppose.

Ragnar: So the King's attendin' the weddin' day in and day oot. Och, that's a wee bit worryin'. Whit if there's a crisis tae take care of?

Orifiela: It seems the ruler of this realm would rather dote on his darling daughter at her wedding than attend to affairs of state. Well, that is his right, I suppose.

Maya: So the Lord of the Underworld kept on evolving... Did he keep getting bigger and bigger, and taller and taller, and fatter and fatter?

Meena: Listen, sis, I don't think it is being as simple as that. Think of other things, please. We do not want your teeny-weeny brain to be overheating.

Maya: Accha, what a horrible-horrible maid! What does she think we are going to be doing? Trying on the Princess's clothes or something?

Torneko: I dunno about yerselves, but when I'm told to go away, it makes me all the more curious, so it does. Maybe we should come back after dark, like...

Kiryl: But this is too much barbaric! We merely speak to humble maidservant and she inform us we are not welcome. We are treated as if common criminals!

Ragnar: Losh! The mighty Ragnar McRyan isnae used tae bein' spoken tae like that! That maid's got some nerve...

Ragnar: Och, I'm a wee bit smitten, if I'm honest with ye...

Meena: Anyone who is crossing hot-hot desert, even if it is just for money, is having lots and lots of guts...

Maya: Arey, no normal merchant would cross desert like that. Yes, Torneko is not being normal...

Meena: If I am remembering rightly, that awful-awful Balzack said something about Psaro too...

Meena: I have a feeling that the man in the jail cell is having gotten somehow on the wrong side of Psaro...

Maya: Ugh! Keep that filthy, awful man away from me!

Alena: Psaro! When I hear this name, my sword arm tingles. I so much desired to do battle with him...

Borya: Psaro? I am knowing this name. Unless I am mistaken, this is opponent Tsarevna avoided meeting in Colosseum.

Ragnar: So he's tellin' us tae be cannie o' Psaro the Manslayer? I cannae help wonderin' if there's more tae his words than meets the eye...

Kiryl: Look of fear in caged convict's eyes tells me he has truly suffered. We must to be mindful of this Psaro...

Ragnar: If that poor laddie's so terrified of ye, ye'd dae better tae avoid him altogether, Psaro..

Psaro: What is that snivelling wretch so frightened of? I have never so much as set eyes on him before, I assure you.

Meena: That poor-poor man must have experienced something truly awful...

Maya: Psaro may not remember it, but it could be someone he is hurting a long time ago, no?

Psaro: Perhaps an impostor claiming to be me did this unfortunate man some harm?

Maya: Arey, what is that guard saying? When I was working as a dancer, I would happily show off my dressing room to my many, many fans.

Torneko: If ever I'm told I can't go somewhere, it just makes me want to go all the more, so it does. Anyone else want to come back after dark, like?

Kiryl: So only members of kin may enter this room? What is purpose of exclusivity?

Ragnar: If the guard says we cannae go in, then we cannae go in. I willnae argue with a royal guard who's just daein' his job.

Maya: If they were handing out free snacks every day, then maybe I would be coming here.

Torneko: Seein' all this carry-on reminds me o' me own weddin' day, so it does. Ah, sure we didn't have much, but we had each other, didn't we Tessie, me ole flower?

Alena: Colosseum is sacred battleground where true warriors clash in dramatic fashion.

Alena: Making as wedding venue may be nice for happy couple, but is for me disappointing...

Kiryl: Will Tsarevna one day marry prince in ceremony resembling this? Nyet, nyet! This idle speculation serves no purpose...

Borya: When time comes for wedding of Tsarevna, Zamoksva will unveil even more ostentatious nuptial celebrations than these!

Ragnar: Is it no a wee bit risky for the Prince an' Princess tae be left withoot a single solitary guard standin' watch?

Tom Foolery: What did the slime say on his weddin' day? ...I goo!

Tom Foolery: Hee hee hee! I crack meself up sometimes! ...I'm sorry. I know a royal weddin' is a serious event. I'll stop messin', so I will.

Tom Foolery: What d'ye say to a fella gettin' married who's a bit down in the dumps? ...Don't look so groomy!

Tom Foolery: Hee hee hee! I crack meself up sometimes! ...I'm sorry. I know a royal weddin' is a serious event. I'll stop messin', so I will.

Meena: When I hear people's everyday worries, it helps me to forget for a short while the gravity of our quest and its goal...

Maya: Waah! I am wishing I were getting married too! All I need is a rich-rich man who is happy for me to be spending all day in the casino!

Ragnar: Marriage, eh? Well, I'm no gettin' any younger... Och, I'll get doon on one knee an' propose just as soon as I find a bonnie wee lassie tae call ma own.

Meena: Marriage is not for everyone, but I will happily be tying knot to get away from my sister and her nonsenses.

Maya: Arey, he says that marriage is the death of a man? Well, marrying a boring-boring man would be worse than death!

Torneko: Marriage is the death of a man, says he! What a load of ole blather! Sure, it's been the makin' o' me!

Torneko: Without my Tessie an' her fine stews, I'd be nuttin' but skin an' bone, so I would!

Borya: Wise man speaks truth. Marriage is death of man. Look at me, for an example. I am unattached, and am fit and healthy as man one third my age.

Maya: Hee hee! Come, let us tie his shoelaces together while he sleeps!

Maya: ...Please, do not be taking me seriously! I am saying this only for a joke!

Torneko: Sure, wouldn't it'd be gas to scream into that guard's ear! He'd jump straight out of his skin, so he would!

Borya: Calibre of Endor guards is highly deficient. In Zamoksva, no guard ever dares to sleep on duty!

Ragnar: Call yerself a palace guard, man, sleepin' on the job like that!? Ye're a disgrace, there's no two ways aboot it!

Maya: He is a king, no? Surely he can be getting a bed delivered here. And while he is at it, a bag of gold for me! Go on now, King! Chop chop!

Kiryl: This king accepts misfortune if it is for greater good of daughter's happiness. He has benevolent heart.

Maya: Arey, he is newly-wed, but is sleeping separately from his wife. Is there trouble in paradise, I wonder?

Alena: Observing prince's love-afflicted sleeping expression is making me fatigued...

Kiryl: Within their dreams, the new royal couple are no doubt professing undying love... Yoy! How powerful my feeling of envy is...

Ragnar: Och, he's sleepin' like a wee bairn! It's no surprise after a marathon weddin' ceremony like that...

Maya: Accha, apologising while asleep is so so impressive. Except that the other person is hearing nothing...

Borya: She thinks of father, even in sleep. She is fine specimen of princess. I only wish Tsarevna learns from her.

Ragnar: Och, she looks so peaceful when she's away wi' the faeries. She's a bonnie lassie, alright...

Meena: Arey! So Psaro, in addition to pulling the strings of the Marquis de Leon and Balzack, was also a monster the whole time...?

Maya: "Psaro the Manslayer"? Is this the name of a weapon or some such thing?

Kiryl: Psaro is monster!?

Kiryl: Thank Goddess that Tsarevna was not compelled to face him in Colosseum!

Alena: More important thing than fighting in Endor Tourney!? Absurd! No such thing exists!

Psaro: Hm. If you choose not to believe it, I am not going to force you to...

Meena: I am reading the cards... They are telling me that there is nothing in this cave we need.

Meena: If you believe my words, we should be leaving this place right away.

Meena: Arey, you are not believing my fortune-telling!? This is hurting so so much...

Maya: I am hating all caves with an equally burning passion.

Maya: If we are here for a good reason, then it is okay. But if not, we should be leaving quick-quick.

Torneko: Sure, I've heard many a tale o' precious treasures hidden down in the depths o' this very cave.

Torneko: But I don't think it's the right time fer a treasure hunt just now...

Alena: So there is network of caverns here. Interesting...

Alena: But I fail to see value of fighting monsters here. They are too puny to offer resistance.

Kiryl: I have heard that treasure-seekers come to this cave.

Kiryl: And significant portions of them do not return.

Kiryl: We must ensure we are not becoming such statistic.

Borya: At first sighting, these caves appear natural, but in truth, they are manufactured by mankind.

Borya: The purpose behind their construction is unclear.

Ragnar: I dinnae want tae question yer judgement, Hero, but are we doon here in the dark for a reason?

Meena: I am reading the cards... They are telling me that there is nothing in this cave we need.

Meena: If you believe my words, we should be leaving this place right away.

Meena: Arey, you are not believing my fortune-telling!? This is hurting so so much...

Maya: I am hating all caves with an equally burning passion.

Maya: If we are here for a good reason, then it is okay. But if not, we should be leaving quick-quick.

Torneko: We're after gettin' hold o' the silver Goddess statue already, so we are.

Torneko: Is there any other good reason to be down here, or are we just idlin'? Would ye think about leavin' at all?

Alena: So there is network of caverns here. Interesting...

Alena: But I fail to see value of fighting monsters here. They are too puny to offer resistance.

Kiryl: I have heard that treasure-seekers come to this cave.

Kiryl: And significant portions of them do not return.

Kiryl: We must ensure we are not becoming such statistic.

Borya: At first sighting, these caves appear natural, but in truth, they are manufactured by mankind.

Borya: The purpose behind their construction is unclear.

Ragnar: I dinnae want tae question yer judgement, Hero, but are we doon here in the dark for a reason?

Meena: Arey! I am sensing something... Yes! It is growing clear... My sixth sense is telling me this man has experienced trouble... Trouble related to... To water...

Meena: ...What is that? You are not needing any sixth senses to tell you this? Hmph!

Maya: Oh! So he is getting to the treasure chest before us! That is so so unfair!

Torneko: That ole feen must like it down here, so he must. He doesn't look to be in a hurry to go anywhere.

Alena: If this man has no raft, he should swim. He is sorely lacking spine and guts.

Ragnar: Och, I cannae help wonderin' whit was in that treasure chest...

Maya: This venue is not inviting, but sometimes rich, glamorous clients are hiding out in the centre of nowhere...

Maya: ...Accha, you are actually believing me!? I was joking, innit! This place is awful-awful!

Ragnar: Och, this takes me back... I stayed at the inn here when I was roamin' aboot searchin' for youse all...

Alena: This is distressing. It seems Psaro holds all cards.

Alena: We must to defeat Psaro. We must to avenge all victims, from my father to this guard.

Kiryl: Should we leave unfortunate guard here alone? But what are alternatives?

Torneko: Sure, if you put a rug an' a couple o' nice pictures on the walls, it'd look grand in here...

Ragnar: Aye, the cook in this inn wasnae too shabby, as I recall. The scran was very tasty indeed.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Folks're always gonna need a place where they can rest up an' cool their heels. Yep, the inn business is in business! And I'm aimin' to be numero uno, yes sirree!

Alena: Father...! M-My people...!

Borya: I pray that Tsar is unscathed. Psaro will pay for this, most assuredly.

Meena: It would have been so awful-awful if this kingdom had made war with Endor.

Meena: We all should be grateful to the King of Endor for avoiding war.

Maya: This kingdom is so yawn-inducingly boring! It is nothing compared to Endor!

Maya: Arey, there is not even a casino! How can people be living here?

Torneko: Sure, I don't want to be braggin', but it was meself who brought the Prince's letter to the Princess of Endor, so it was.

Alena: Princess Veronica married man she loves. This is most satisfactory conclusion.

Alena: It signifies that my efforts in Endor Tourney were not futile.

Kiryl: Only prince can make suitable matrimonial partner for Princess of Endor.

Kiryl: Tragically, it is identical case in Zamoksva. O tell me, Goddess! What can I do to enhance social status?

Borya: There were rumours King of Ballymoral is ambitious man and wished to launch territorial incursion of Endor.

Borya: But I am not receiving sense that this is belligerent or threatening realm.

Ragnar: Och, this is just a wee castle. It wouldnae last long against an attack from a full battalion o' beasties.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It sure is a mighty fine thing when two kingdoms quit rattlin' their swords and learn to trust one another.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Guess it goes to show there ain't nothin' like havin' a little faith in yer fellow varmint.

Tom Foolery: Why did the guard come to Ballymoral? ...'Cos he heard it had a great knight life! Hee hee hee! I crack meself up, so I do!

Meena: Looking at this girl's fortune, I am seeing that sadly she will not be getting married any time soon...

Maya: It is not enough for the man to be handsome. He must also be rich, no?

Maya: That girl is speaking the truth.

Alena: Why is everyone all the time wishing for marriage? I fail to see attraction of matrimonial state.

Kiryl: Is our Tsarevna also seeking man meeting such exclusive criteria?

Kiryl: No, no. Tsarevna has higher ideals, I am certain. (gulp) B-But wh-what if that is what she seeks?

Borya: Wh...! B...! Words of this girl are too much infuriating!

Borya: Why can she not look behind superficial detail? Wealth and good looks are no substitute for wisdom and... And...beard!

Torneko: I was invited to the royal wedding, so I was. But I couldn't attend in the end, more's the pity.

Torneko: I thought it'd be more trouble than it was worth, like. I mean, no one wants a guest on their big day that's bein' pursued by a bunch o' mangy monsters.

Borya: King of Ballymoral's extended absence means castle is unoccupied. I trust this is causing no problems.

Borya: Though is not as bad as Zamoksva, where entirety of population vanishes overnight. This is real problem.

Ragnar: The King's no aroond, and that guard's lookin' a wee bit too relaxed tae me.

Ragnar: He shouldnae need me tae tell him that it's at times like this that ye need tae keep yer wits aboot ye.

Maya: Waah! I so so want to see the royal wedding in Endor! Come on, Hero! Let us be going there!

Maya: And on the way back, we can be dropping into the casino! Hee hee hee!

Torneko: The weapon trader yer wan was talkin' about was none other than meself, ye know. Or was I after sayin' that already?

Borya: So common weapon trader was involved somehow in royal matrimonial matching...

Borya: This is sounding like sinister plot of some nature...

Meena: Arey, that is a lovely-lovely legend! An angel falling in love with a woodcutter!

Meena: But stories like this are often ending in tragedy. I am wondering how this one will work out...

Maya: The men in the bar often told me that when I am dancing, I am looking just like an angel.

Maya: It makes me wonder what I am looking like when I am not dancing...

Torneko: Sure, 'tis true. Princess Veronica's as pretty as an angel. Prince Regan's one lucky feen, so he is.

Alena: Certainly, Princess Veronica is young woman of attractive physical attributes.

Alena: So comparison with angel may perhaps be apposite.

Kiryl: Could legend be having basis in truth? But why would angel descend from celestial realm?

Ragnar: That legend's set me tae ponderin'... If an angel and a woodcutter really did hae a bairn together, I wonder whit became of it...

Borya: This legend of angelic descent from heavenly realm is intriguing. We must to visit Casabranca for purpose of further investigation.

Borya: It is occurring to me that Hero originates from vicinity of Casabranca.

Borya: Perhaps (he/she) has ideas of person who is potentially offspring of angel...

Meena: Arey, being in this place reminds me of being locked up in that awful-awful Palais de Léon...

Meena: We were so so close to avenging Father's death... Oh, it is hurting to remember this...

Maya: Accha, that smell! What is it...? I cannot put my fingers on it... Let us be getting away from this stinky and smelly jail!

Torneko: There was a fella from Lakanaba who'd managed to get himself locked up in here, so there was.

Torneko: I helped him escape, like. Well, I couldn't very well let him rot in this hole, ye know. But it was no easy task, let me tell ya.

Alena: This is sizable penal facility. Does this mean many bad people live in Ballymoral?

Kiryl: There are multiple empty jail cells. I am supposing King granted amnesty to celebrate son's matrimonial union.

Kiryl: Of course, only Goddess can truly forgive us our sins...

Borya: Guard here is commendably severe. We of Zamoksva can learn from this.

Borya: I refer not to guarding prisoners, of course. I speak of preventing Tsarevna's escapes from castle.

Ragnar: Losh! I cannae imagine anyone locked up doon here has ever escaped...

Tom Foolery: Y'know, I think prison'd be great craic, altogether. Sure, there's no shortage o' bars after all! ...Alright, alright. So it wasn't one o' me best...

Orifiela: What manner of place is this?

Orifiela: All these cages... What can it be for...? Ah, I believe I have worked it out! It is a place to put interesting human specimens on display, is it not?

Maya: Kirk Buzzer? Arey! That bothersome man caused us so much trouble!

Maya: No, please, I will not think about it or I will just become furious.

Alena: Kirk Buzzer is man of formidable strength.

Alena: His chosen profession is being a thief, but he may have made superior fighter.

Borya: It is too much painful for me to remember saga of false accusation.

Borya: But is no good. I cannot remove it from my mind, no matter how vigorously I attempt...

Ragnar: Kirk Buzzer? That's no a name I'll be forgettin' in a hurry. He was the thief that chegged that bronze rosary back in Femiscyra.

Ragnar: So that prisoner kens him, does he? Well, I willnae ask too many questions. Goddess alone knows whit terrible things they've been up tae together...

Maya: Arey, I cannot stand men who are skulking about at night, even if they are rich and powerful princes.

Torneko: Sure enough, I met the Prince late at night, so I did. That's when he gave me his letter to deliver.

Torneko: Aye, it's a quare ole world, if ye stop to think about it...

Torneko: If that hadn't happened, then I might never've had the pleasure o' meetin' yerselves, like.

Alena: So this prince is escaping castle at night? Perhaps we would have much things in common...

Kiryl: Nyet, nyet! You must not to be thinking such improper thoughts, Tsarevna! Prince Regan is wedded to another!

Alena: What is exciting you so violently, Kiryl? Your reaction is most needlessly excessive.

Alena: I mean only that we both are enjoying to escape from castle, nothing more than this.

b0522000 (Lakanaba, Cave of Safekeeping, Casabranca, Last Chance Saloon, and Con Cave)

Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

Meena: I am using my sixth sense to foresee...that we will not be finding out anything in this town.

Meena: We should be heading somewhere else, no?

Maya: Arey, what a boring-boring little town! Why are we coming here, when we could be in the casino?

Torneko: Ah, Lakanaba! This is the little corner o' the world that I call home, so it is!

Torneko: Sure, it wasn't so long ago that I was slavin' away at the weapon shop. Grand days, they were.

Alena: When I participated in Endor Tourney, bridge was broken. This town was inaccessible.

Alena: I am wondering when bridge was fixed.

Borya: This is pleasant and hospitable town. It is place I would like to spend twilight years of retirement.

Borya: But I am fearing retirement is long way away. It feels sometimes as if intention is that I work until I am extinct...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So this here is the town where the merchant's merchant, Torneko Taloon, hails from!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: The guy's an inspiration to all us aspiring entrepreneurs!

Tom Foolery: How d'ye tell who the best weapon trader in town is? 'Tis simple! It's the one that's a cut above the rest!

Tom Foolery: ...D'ye like that one? No? Ah, some people wouldn't know a good gag if it bit 'em on the backside.

Kiryl: I am hearing rumour of thing called steel strongbox hiding in cave within close proximity...

Ragnar: Is there a reason in particular we've traipsed oot tae the back o' beyond?

Ragnar: What's that? This is Torneko's hometoon, ye say? Och, I didnae ken that! No offence, pal, eh?

Meena: Arey, maybe this you-know-who can get my sister to be making an honest living too!

Maya: Hmph. How other people are making a living is not my business.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Seems the old galoot's son done turned himself around. Ain't that jes' swell.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I woulda never've made nothin' of myself if I hadn't of run into you good folks, an' that's a fact!

Maya: Why is this old man having so much gratitude to Torneko? Did he perhaps help his son to find a wife?

Torneko: Ah, come on now, yer makin' me blush, so y'are. Sure, ye've no need to sing me praises half as loud as that.

Torneko: I gave his son a chimaera wing. That's the long an' short of it. I was only bein' neighbourly, like.

Meena: Accha, such a lovely little poochy-wooch! Seeing him makes me wonder how our old friend Puppadom is doing...

Torneko: Fido and meself had a rare ole time of it chasin' foxes away.

Torneko: It's grand to see that he still remembers his ole pal Torneko Taloon.

Alena: If canine continued to block us, I fully intended to test fortitude with hand-to-paw combat.

Alena: But is good that Torneko is making beast to move.

Borya: Tsarevna, as your tutor, I must warn you to be more womanlike.

Borya: Fighting dogs in public is not behaviour fitting for daughter of Tsar.

Ragnar: Och, that's a clever wee doggie. He minded who Torneko was right away!

Maya: Torneko's wife is keeping him happy with good home cooking, I can tell.

Maya: Is it wrong to be wanting to touch Torneko's tummy? I am thinking it would feel like wibbly-wobbly jelly!

Torneko: If I'm honest, I'm not sure what good my Tessie ever saw in me.

Torneko: She's a looker, alright, and she's a mind on her as sharp as a divine dagger. Sure, she's wasted on the likes o' me...

Torneko: Sorry, got a bit carried away there, so I did. I'm lucky to have Tessie is all I'll say.

Ragnar: Och, it's a fine thing tae hae a bonnie lassie tae call yer own.

Ragnar: Once we've restored peace tae the world, I may even look for a wee wifey maself.

Torneko: Sure if there's two things in the world I'm certain of, it's that I amn't a buffoon, and nor am I a gecko.

Meena: Hmph! It is not as if he is having any customers...

Maya: Arey, that is not the way to treat clientele!

Torneko: Sure, all this praise'll go to my head if I amn't careful. I'm not one for fuss, y'know.

Meena: That man is reminding me very much of my sister.

Meena: I am praying he stays upon the straight and narrow.

Maya: Arey, I feel this man's pain.

Maya: I tell myself always that I must change, but whenever I have gold, I go straight to casino...

Ragnar: Och, show me a body that hasnae made a mistake or two in their puff.

Ragnar: At least that laddie's learned his lesson. There's hope for him yet, I reckon.

Meena: Umm... Torneko, could you be putting my mind at rest, please?

Meena: That woman is not in love with you...is she?

Maya: Arey, that lady is blushing bright red!

Maya: Wait, please! Do not be telling me she is in love with Torneko! Can it be true!?

Torneko: ...Why's she grateful to me, of all people? Ah, sure a lady like her moves in mysterious ways, so she does.

Kiryl: That servant of Goddess is no doubt merely content at seeing good deed done.

Kiryl: What other reason could she have for gratitude?

Borya: Oplya! I know what is occurring here! I was not given birth to yesterday!

Meena: That man is making honest living. I am very much hoping my sister will look and learn.

Torneko: And there I was wonderin' if I'd done the right thing helpin' him get out o' that jail cell in Ballymoral.

Torneko: Now look at him! Sure, he's a fine, upstandin' young man. More power to him!

Alena: So father is dubbed Finn, and son Finnegan?

Alena: It is strange. I sense something humorous of intent, but I am not fully understanding...

Ragnar: Och, there's nothin' like an honest day's work!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I'll be all set to roll up my sleeves and git a-workin' my own self, jes' as soon as I git done travellin' the world with y'all.

Torneko: Whatever happens, me boss is still me boss. I'll always look up to him, so I will.

Meena: Reading the cards, I am afraid to say that this man will not be marrying any time soon...

Maya: Arey, maybe someone should be telling that man...

Maya: If all he talks about is marriage, marriage, marriage, this will be putting women off, no?

Torneko: I've known this fella since we were both knee-high to a leprechaun. He's never had much luck with the ladies, so he hasn't.

Torneko: He's a sharp tongue on him, but he's not a bad feen. Where can he goin' wrong, I wonder...

Ragnar: Och, I'm single an' all, but it's because I'm married tae ma work.

Ragnar: Back in bonnie Burland, there were a fair few lassies with their eye on me, I can tell ye...

Ragnar: ...Whit are ye lookin' at me like that for? D'ye no believe me? It's true, I'm tellin' ye!

Maya: I have never heard of a shop like that.

Maya: But I am not knowing Endor all that well. Apart from the casino, of course...

Torneko: Unless I'm very much mistaken, there was a buildin' back in Endor that was all locked up.

Torneko: Ye don't think that could be the place he's on about, do ye?

Kiryl: Locating single shop in vast kingdom of Endor is like seeking needle in stack of hay. It is errand of fool.

Kiryl: ...I am sorry. I apologise if my expression is too much blunt.

Borya: I mind this man's thinking is correct. He was hoodwinked by unscrupulous character.

Borya: I have been in Endor, but I encountered no evidence for existence of such a shop.

Borya: In fact, for kingdom so large, Endor is deficient overall in establishments of note.

Maya: Waah! One day, I want rich-rich man to be declaring undying love to me!

Alena: She is having duty to Goddess, but is good she has softer side to character.

Alena: I am wishing Kiryl too would also become less stiff.

Kiryl: We may have duty to Goddess, but she smiles on true love.

Kiryl: I too one day hope to be with one I love... Oya! Do not mind my mumblings! I speak only at myself!

Torneko: Sure, there's nuttin' my Tessie wouldn't do to help a feen out.

Torneko: Aye, I've picked a winner there, so I have.

Alena: So father is dubbed Finn, and son Finnegan?

Alena: It is strange. I sense something humorous of intent, but I am not fully understanding...

Borya: So this is home of newly-wedded couple. I am wishing them luck on life's long journey.

Ragnar: So the laddie's set his sights on bein' a great merchant like Torneko, has he now?

Ragnar: I've a suspicion there's a bright future ahead o' that one...

Meena: Arey, it is looking as if this cave was designed to stop people from venturing too far inside...

Meena: Is there really something so so precious here? I hope we are not wasting our time...

Maya: Accha! Have I mentioned to you that I hate caves? Look at my beautiful feet! Now they are muddy and disgusting!

Torneko: So I hear there's a yoke called a steel strongbox hidden somewhere in this cave...

Torneko: Lookin' for it now is all well an' good, but I can't help feelin' it would've come in handy a bit earlier.

Alena: Bah! I am contemptuous of cowardly tricks and traps!

Alena: We must to leave before I grow too irritating...

Kiryl: Construction of cave suggests that it protects item of considerable value...

Ragnar: Och, I cannae be daein' wi' all these tricky wee gadgets and other such thingumajigs.

Ragnar: I wouldnae get too far if I was doon here on ma own, I tell ye...

Borya: I fail to see necessity of descent into cave.

Borya: I apologise for my demands, Hero, but may I suggest we exit without delay?

Meena: Arey, it is looking as if this cave was designed to stop people from venturing too far inside...

Meena: We are not needing to go in here. We are wasting our time, no?

Maya: Accha! Have I mentioned to you that I hate caves? Look at my beautiful feet! Now they are muddy and disgusting!

Torneko: Sure, we've got that steel strongbox yoke already. There's no need to be foosterin' about in this cave, so there isn't.

Torneko: We should be headin' off somewhere else, like.

Alena: Bah! I am contemptuous of cowardly tricks and traps!

Alena: We must to leave before I grow too irritating...

Kiryl: Construction of cave is intended to protect steel strongbox.

Kiryl: But now, it fulfils no discernible function...

Ragnar: Och, I cannae be daein' wi' all these tricky wee gadgets and other such thingumajigs.

Ragnar: I wouldnae get too far if I was doon here on ma own, I tell ye...

Borya: You are liking very much the small talk, yes? I am not having so much to say in place like this...

Meena: Arey, how long is that man planning to stay down here in this dark and damp and dingy cave?

Maya: If that man is so interested in that boulder, why doesn't he try pushing it? He is all talk.

Torneko: D'ye not think we should tell this fella he won't be findin' any steel strongbox down here?

Meena: Some shops... An inn... A church... And that is it. I am sensing that my sister will not enjoy this place.

Maya: Arey, there is no bar or casino in Casabranca! The people here must be so so bored!

Torneko: Y'know, even if I was of a mind to open one, I don't think there'd be room to cram another shop in this place. Sure, it's cramped as anytin'!

Alena: Wide open gardens make ideal environs for combat training. I wish for same back in Zamoksva.

Borya: Meticulous observations of mine conclude that Zamoksva is far superior location than this.

Borya: Unseparated town and castle signifies poverty of funds.

Ragnar: All the hooses an' shops are crammed intae the castle. It's more like a fortress than a toon.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I used to mosey on down here to git me my supplies all the time back in the day. I know this place like the back 'o my hand!

Tom Foolery: D'ye want to hear me favourite joke?

Tom Foolery: Why did the king go to the dentist?

Tom Foolery: To get his teeth crowned! Ba-boom! Ha ha hah!

Meena: That old man is not realising that Hero is the chosen (hero/heroine).

Torneko: Sure, I don't mean to pile the pressure on, Hero, but ye're our only hope against this Lord of the Underworld fella, so y'are.

Ragnar: Dinnae get too doon in the dumps, eh. If folks think the chosen (hero/heroine)'s dead, it might throw those monsters off oor trail.

Maya: Arey, that silly-billy old man is talking a nonsense! He is not realising that Hero is alive and well!

Meena: I am sensing that if we continue our journey, we will be meeting this Torneko man before so long.

Meena: It is possible he is being one of the seven lights I have seen. He too could be one of the Chosen...

Maya: Arey, I am liking the sound of this Torneko! He is helping the people of the world, and is also very rich!

Maya: We must be getting him to join us, please!

Torneko: Sure, I only stumped up the cash. It's not as if I was up to me elbows in mud diggin' the tunnel meself.

Alena: Actions of Torneko no doubt significantly increased profits of many merchantfolk.

Borya: All people here display copious gratitude towards Torneko.

Meena: Arey, we must be finding this Torneko before those awful-awful monsters are catching him.

Maya: Accha! If monsters are hunting Torneko, then that is meaning they are hunting us as well!

Maya: We must be saying goodbye to him right now, please! ...I am joking, I am joking! Do not be taking me so seriously!

Alena: If monsters hunt Torneko, we must to turn table and hunt them!

Kiryl: Connection of kingdoms is highly practical for people, but causes consternation for monsters.

Ragnar: Och, if those mangy monsters think they can bully oor pal Torneko, they've another thing comin'!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sakes alive! Huntin' a man down jes' for buildin' a gosh-durned tunnel!? Ain't these monster varmints got better things to be doin'?

Meena: Are you remembering when Torneko was merely a man about whom we heard tall tales? Now he is part of our team!

Maya: If we are wanting to meet this Torneko, we must be crossing the eastern desert.

Torneko: Sure, that takes me back, so it does. I hope those folks I crossed the desert with are doin' well.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Crossin' that there desert ain't but a moment's work with dear ol' Mary Lou to help us out!

Maya: So an angel is falling in love with a woodcutter? It is a sweet story, but tell me - was she living with him in the middle of nowhere?

Maya: Accha, that sounds awful-awful to me! I cannot be living anywhere without a casino!

Ragnar: If a bairn was born tae an angel an' a human, it's boond tae have some sort o' special power or other.

Orifiela: Could this angel we have heard of be perchance a denizen of Zenithia?

Orifiela: I did once hear tell of one among our number descending to the realm below, and taking the hand of a mortal in marriage...

Meena: Will the Evil One prevail...? Will the Chosen Ones defeat him...? I am trying to look into the future, but it is so so foggy...

Meena: This is meaning that the future is not written yet. Everything is depending on us.

Kiryl: Even if Chosen Ones are awake, no guarantee exists that they can defeat Evil One.

Ragnar: Turns oot that auld sayin' o' theirs is true. After all, ye're here, aren't ye, Hero?

Meena: It is sounding as if the King has convinced many hopeful heroes to embark on this quest...

Maya: Hearing the King's words is making me want to prove myself and be a real hero!

Torneko: Yer man the King treats everyone as a hero-in-the-makin'. Sure, I admire his positive attitude, so I do.

Ragnar: Sounds like all sorts o' people are traipsin' roond the world, tryin' tae find oot aboot the Lord o' the Underworld, eh...

Ragnar: That's all well an' good, but I just hope it isnae causin' regular folks to panic.

Meena: I am already seeing this royal wedding in Endor.

Meena: It is taking place every day, so if anyone is wanting to see it, I am sure it is still possible.

Maya: I too am envying the Princess. If I am marrying a prince, I can spend each and every day in the casino!

Maya: And even if I am not winning, my dear hubby will always be there to buy me more tokens!

Alena: I marry no man unless he is capable to defeat me in combat. Even if he is prince, if he is weakling, I am not interesting.

Orifiela: Should I ever wed, rest assured that you shall all receive invitations.

Maya: Arey, I am thinking about this father who lost his son - could it be the grumpy growy man who lives alone in the mountains? ...No. Surely not.

Torneko: That's a sad an' sorry tale, so it is. Sure, I'd hate anytin' to happen to young Tipper.

Alena: If bolt of lightning strike me, I strike back two times as hard!

Kiryl: I wonder where is wife of unfortunate man struck by lightning...

Maya: I know what he is doing! This awful-awful old eve-teaser is waiting for pretty girls to go for a midnight dip in the lake!

Kiryl: Old man appears to be staring at us also. It is making me to feel uneasy too...

Borya: Woman must to show more respect for elders. Old man merely stands. He does nothing untoward.

Meena: Arey... It is seeming as if there is no end to this desert... Is it all being...over for us...?

Meena: ...No, no! We cannot be thinking like this! This cannot be the end!

Maya: Bleurgh! Please can someone be stopping this sand from blowing around! Look at my poor-poor hair!

Meena: If we can only be making use of this wagon, we can be crossing the desert without problems.

Maya: This is such a lovely-lovely horse! If we are giving it a carrot, will it come along with us?

Meena: If we are wanting to cross this desert, we will be needing to make use of a wagon.

Maya: Accha, we cannot possibly be crossing the desert on our feet! We will end up as stinky-winky skeletons!

Meena: Hm... He is not being an easy man to speak to. What will we do now?

Maya: I am no quitter. We should try talking to Mr Grumpyguts once again.

Meena: So his best friend betrays him, and now he is trusting no one.

Meena: But what is his friend having to do with us? This is not our fault!

Maya: He was seeking treasure in a cave. If we are bringing it to him, perhaps he will trust us with his wagon...

Meena: If we are going to this eastern cave, perhaps we are finding something that can help that man regain his trust...

Maya: What kind of father is he? He should be telling his son to trust people! People like us!

Meena: It seems we too are in a pickle. We cannot be crossing this desert without a wagon.

Meena: If the worst is coming to the worst, we will have no choice but to borrow the wagon without asking...

Maya: Please be doing something, Hero! I cannot walk across that hot-hot desert!

Meena: Arey! Trust my sister to not be there just when we are needing her!

Maya: This is no good, sis. We need to revive Hero before we can be going any further...

Meena: All those awful-awful fake versions of Hero have caused us so so much trouble!

Meena: Even if you are knowing it is a fake, it is not nice to do battle with an ally. Though my sister does not seem to be having a problem with this...

Maya: Sorry to be asking again, but are you the real Hero, please?

Maya: ...No. Please be ignoring me. I believe you. I will not ask this silly-billy question again.

Meena: Thank you, Hero. Now there are no more awful-awful monsters disguising themselves as people.

Maya: Now we are finding the treasure, there is no more reason to be staying in this dingy cave.

Maya: If we are hanging about, maybe more monsters are appearing. Monsters disguised as us...

Maya: Arey, I am hating all caves, but this one I hate the most! We are having to fight fake Heros again and again!

Maya: Let us be going from here, please.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So it wasn't my best buddy done attacked me way back then after all, huh? It was gosh-durned monsters in disguise...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sakes alive! What if he was attacked by monsters disguised as yours truly!? What if... What if he's...? (gulp)

b0523000 (Shinnock, Bath, and Porthtrunnel)

Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

Meena: I am hearing stories about sneaky-sneaky foxes disguising themselves as people.

Meena: Are they really able to be doing things like this?

Torneko: There's nuttin' to see now, but there was a little village here, so there was.

Torneko: This gang o' foxes had conjured it up, like. ...Honestly! I'm not havin' you on, I swear!

Alena: Look! In shadow of trees, I am seeing what appears to be fox! ...Or is it trick of light?

Kiryl: Village located here would make ideal resting place for weary travellers.

Borya: This place possesses strange aura. There are uncanny magics in its air...

Ragnar: Och, I cannae put ma finger on it, but there's somethin' fishy aboot this place...

Ragnar: I mean, who took it upon themselves tae make this big clearin' in the middle o' the forest? Still, at least there's no monsters tae worry aboot.

Tom Foolery: D'ye not think it's funny that you get foxgloves, but ye never see a fox wearin' socks?

Tom Foolery: ...Ye don't think that's funny? Alright, alright. I know when I'm not wanted...

Maya: Come on, Hero, please. There must be a better place for us to be going than this.

Maya: The casino, for one...

Meena: Please be telling me how we can possibly cross the desert south-east of Casabranca.

Meena: Arey, do not be saying on feet, please! We will never ever make it!

Meena: Now we have met you, Hero, I feel our true adventure is beginning.

Meena: Can I be offering you some words of advice, please, Hero?

Meena: My sister is a wilful girl. Be firm with her, please, and do not be letting her always get things her own way.

Maya: It is so so nice to be talking to you like this.

Maya: Please be feeling free to chatter whenever you like.

Maya: Since coming to Endor, I have only spent time with my sister. It is nice to have a new friend, Hero!

Maya: Please be leading the way, Hero. We will go wherever you like. Or if you want to stay here in Endor, that too is fine.

Maya: Arey, I am so so tired of walking! Is it alright if I am sitting in the wagon?

Maya: ...It is? Oh. Now I am feeling bad... I do not want to be the only idle lazybones. It is fine. I will keep going on feet.

Maya: ...It is not? Hmph! This is just as I am expecting. Fine. I will keep going on feet.

Maya: Ah, I am remembering this place. It is where we are helping Hank regain his trust in others.

Alena: Strenuous run over sand makes ideal form of training. Is anyone care to join me?

Kiryl: This is most desolate location for inn. I am highly dubious it is popular tourist attraction.

Ragnar: So this is where Mary Lou was raised? Och, she's a bonnie wee mare, alright!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I ain't never gonna lose my faith in my fellow man again! Uh-uh, no sirree!

Meena: I am having dream also - to be free of my annoying sister! One day, I pray that it is coming true...

Maya: It was really a lot of efforts helping Hank to change!

Torneko: This Conrad Ilton feen used to be an adventurer, so he did. Now he's known as the God o' Trade, no less.

Torneko: Sure, there's not a merchant alive who wouldn't have heard of him.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I got big ideas o' makin' a million so's my paw can finally hang up his ten-gallon hat and retire.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But if I'm gonna do that, I gotta learn from the Master - Mister Conrad Ilton himself!

Meena: Arey, I am no fan of these natural spring baths. Their waters smell so so eggy. Ugh!

Maya: Waah! I love hot-hot baths! Come on! Let us be diving in right away!

Torneko: I stopped by here when I was travellin' about on me own, so I did.

Torneko: Goin' round, fightin' monsters all on me lonesome... Sure, it was a desperate time altogether.

Alena: I fail to see appeal of bath.

Alena: Sitting in hot water doing nothing is terrible waste of time, nyet?

Alena: For me, strenuous combat exercise is far more enjoyable.

Kiryl: Ah, I am smelling distinctive sulphurous odour. Is olfactory proof we are arrived at spa town.

Borya: Recently, even my aches and pains are having their own aches and pains.

Borya: It would doubtless be beneficial to take waters in this town.

Ragnar: So this is a spa toon, is it? Aye, it'd be nice tae take a long, hot soak, I reckon...

Ragnar: But tae be honest, I'm a wee bit shy aboot takin' ma armour off. I feel naked withoot it...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It sure woulda been swell if we'd had one o' these spring bath doohickies back home. Folks woulda come flockin' to my paw's inn from all over...

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear about the thief hidin' out here in Bath? Sure, he made a clean getaway, so he did! ...No? It isn't one of me best, I'll confess.

Orifiela: What is this malodourous miasma that hangs in the air? I fear it may be harmful to our health...

Orifiela: Come! We should leave this place before the sulphurous stench does us irreparable damage!

Meena: Erm... Can I suggest that we are leaving him to it?

Torneko: Me poor ma an' da, Goddess love 'em, passed away when I was just a wee chiseller...

Torneko: Sure, it would've been grand to have given them a comfortable life, so it would. But it wasn't to be...

Borya: I feel envious toward old man. Oh, for a son who would care for me so!

Borya: I have only wilful and trouble-creating Tsarevna, and assorted immature travelling companions. Oh-yo-yoy! What am I doing to deserve this?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Shucks... Now I come to think of it, mebbe I didn't give my paw the easiest ride growin' up...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...I know! Some day soon, I'm gonna treat the old coot to a no-expense-spared trip to this very town to say thank you! You jes' see if I don't!

Maya: Why are you talking to that old-old man, Hero? His skin is all wrinkly and crinkly and... Ugh!

Meena: I am wondering what this Bladud man was truly like.

Meena: I am sensing no aura at all from his armour. Can he truly have been so great a man? Unless...

Maya: We are already seeing everything in this town. Now it is time for a hot-hot soak!

Maya: Who is caring which inn we are staying at? Please, just be going to the closest one.

Torneko: Now, I've never kept an inn meself, but as one businessman to another, I have to tip me hat to this fella fer his fine sales pitch.

Alena: I am finding tour most enjoyable.

Alena: And man also find us inn for our accommodation. Truly, his kindness is overwhelming.

Borya: Yoy! This armour of Bladud is too much dubious!

Borya: I sense from it not even a smidgen of wizardry nor wonder.

Ragnar: Doesnae anybody else smell a rat? This laddie was just tryin' tae get us tae stay in this inn all along!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, I ain't never seen that partic'lar method of rustlin' up custom for a hotel before.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I sure am learnin' a whole lot out here on the road with y'all!

Tom Foolery: What d'ye call an inn with no roof? ...An out! Hee hee hee! D'ye like that one? Grand, it was, eh?

Orifiela: That whirlwind trip around the town has rather made my head spin.

Kiryl: I advise we show appreciation for man's guidance with stay in recommended inn. Are you in agreement?

Kiryl: That is most satisfactory. It is important to show gratitude for man's service.

Kiryl: I see. So you are unwilling to loosen purse strings, Hero. Very well...

Meena: I am sensing that the soldier is correct. This town's so-called armour of Bladud is really being nothing special.

Maya: Arey, what kind of awful-awful person is exchanging legendary armour with cheap fake?

Maya: But if it is fetching good price, then why not? ...Wait! I am only making a joke!

Meena: Hmm... That is not sounding like a joke to me...

Ragnar: Aye, I had a sneakin' suspicion all wasnae what it seemed with that armour.

Ragnar: No self-respectin' legendary warrior'd be seen dead in ratty auld tat like that!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Wait a honey-fuggled minute! If that there armour is a low-down dirty fake, then where's the real thing?

Meena: Accha, is this silly-billy man really calling himself a poet? He would make a better stand-up comedian!

Maya: Arey, I have never ever heard such a nonsense! A legendary warrior is deserving a more respectful song than this!

Tom Foolery: He's a poet...and don't he know it! Hee hee hee! Seriously though, that was a grand ditty altogether. Brought a tear to me eye, so it did.

Maya: My sister and I are also thinking about our father. We must have a revenge, and eliminate the secret of evolution from the world.

Meena: B-But sis...! Y-You are not forgetting! I-I am so proud... Look! My eyes are filling with tears!

Torneko: Me poor ma an' da, Goddess love 'em, passed away when I was just a wee chiseller...

Torneko: Sure, it would've been grand to have given them a comfortable life, so it would. But it wasn't to be...

Borya: I feel envious toward old man. Oh, for a son who would care for me so!

Borya: I have only wilful and trouble-creating Tsarevna, and assorted immature travelling companions. Oh-yo-yoy! What am I doing to deserve this?

Ragnar: Och, it's good tae see a young laddie lookin' oot for his auld pa.

Ragnar: Aye, the way the world's goin' these days, it's rare tae see that kind o' thing.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Shucks... Now I come to think of it, mebbe I didn't give my paw the easiest ride growin' up...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...I know! Some day soon, I'm gonna treat the old coot to a no-expense-spared trip to this very town to say thank you! You jes' see if I don't!

Meena: She is scared of being more beautiful? She is crazy, no?

Meena: It is no good. I will never be understanding what goes on in the heads of silly-billy girls like her.

Ragnar: Och, I'm no sure that young lassie could get any more bonnie if she tried...

Ragnar: ...Whit's that? Och, I dinnae know whit yer bletherin' aboot! The mighty Ragnar McRyan doesnae blush! It's just a wee bit hot in all this armour...

Maya: Waah! We must dive in right away and see how smooth it is making our skins!

Maya: Come on, Hero, you are wanting to join in too, no?

Meena: A ghost in the graveyard? How very exciting! I am wishing to learn more - let us be heading there tonight!

Maya: Accha, I am hating spooky and scary ghosts and ghouls! We should be avoiding the graveyard after dark...

Kiryl: If ghost truly inhabits town, I shall use Goddess-given spiritual gifts to banish it!

Meena: But why were the monsters attacking this town?

Meena: I am wondering if they had a particular target in mind...

Maya: Arey, this Bladud is being a real hero. He fell as he defeated the very last monster. That is so so cool!

Torneko: Sure, that tale had me on the edge o' me seat, so it did.

Torneko: I wouldn't have the guts to sacrifice meself to save a town, so I wouldn't. Hats off to that Bladud fella. He sounds like a grand fella altogether.

Alena: Bladud sounds like true hero. If he is alive today, I will wish to engage in combat.

Ragnar: Crivens! Layin' doon yer own life tae save a toon... Aye, that Bladud was a true warrior, an' no mistake.

Torneko: Sure, I wasn't lookin', I swear on me life! I only have eyes for me Tessie, so I do!

Torneko: Ah, I miss her, ye know... (sigh)

Kiryl: I assure you, I examined nothing of woman's comely, shapely...(gulp)...undressed form...

Borya: As man of advancing years, I must to comport myself with utmost dignity. I do not ogle bathing ladies!

Ragnar: Och, this lassie doesnae know whit she's bletherin' aboot. I'm a royal guard from Burland, I'll have ye know!

Ragnar: I know how tae behave! Though I'll admit, avoidin' bonnie lassies in the bath wasnae part of oor trainin'...

Torneko: By the hokey, I'm not sure I should've overheard any o' that.

Torneko: Don't worry, ladies. Torneko Taloon knows how to keep things under his hat, so he does!

Alena: I am unconcerned by innuendos of semi-clad girl.

Alena: My physique is honed for battle. This is sole priority.

Kiryl: ...I do not hear anything! I swear, in holy name of Goddess!

Borya: What manner of female is concerning over such trivialities, and yet not slightly bothered at ourselves encroaching directly beside her bath?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sakes alive! That gal's a feisty one alright!

Orifiela: Mortals are so conscious of their physical form. If only they knew how senseless their vanity is...

Meena: Arey, can that ghost not at least be telling us who stole his armour?

Meena: How can we be knowing where to start our search?

Maya: Waah! I saw a spooky and scary ghost! Then it is disappearing... Poof! Just like that!

Torneko: I'd love a gawp at that Zenithian Armour. Sure, ye can take the merchant out o' the weapon shop, but ye can't take the weapon shop out o' the merchant!

Alena: Up to now, I am not believing in things I cannot strike with sword, but is true - ghost was undeniably present.

Kiryl: We must to locate Zenithian Armour post-haste. Only then can noble knight Bladud be finally at peace.

Borya: Yoy! Actual ghost! This is too much astounding! We are being fortunate we did not say wrong thing, or ghost may be inflicting malediction upon us

Maya: Accha! We go to all the trouble of finding his rusty old armour, and how is this ghost rewarding us?

Maya: By ordering us to save the world, that is how! Of all the ungrateful... (grumble)

Kiryl: We have done bidding of Bladud...

Kiryl: Now I trust noble knight can be finally at peace.

Ragnar: The mighty hero Bladud told us tae save the world, an' that's just whit we're gonnae dae!

Alena: You have achieved possession of Zenithian Armour, Hero. This is most welcome outcome.

Meena: I am hearing tales about this Taloon man. He is owning his own shop in Endor, no?

Meena: So why is he making this dangerous journey? What can he be seeking, I wonder...

Maya: Arey, this Taloon sounds as if he is very very rich indeed! I would love for him to be joining us!

Maya: He can then be buying me casino tokens, and I will win prizes for him! Life is all about take and give, no?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Yep, I done heard tell of a big-shot merchant by the name o' Torneko Taloon.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Word is, he spent a whole heapa gold buildin' that there tunnel between Endor an' Casabranca.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Guy's a high roller, ain't no doubt about it.

Meena: I am hearing tales about this Taloon man. He is owning his own shop in Endor, no?

Meena: So why is he making this dangerous journey? What can he be seeking, I wonder...

Maya: Arey, this Taloon sounds as if he is very very rich indeed! I would love for him to be joining us!

Maya: He can then be buying me casino tokens, and I will win prizes for him! Life is all about take and give, no?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Yep, I done heard tell of a big-shot merchant by the name o' Torneko Taloon.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Word is, he spent a whole heapa gold buildin' that there tunnel between Endor an' Casabranca.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Guy's a high roller, ain't no doubt about it.

Meena: Coming to a port town is making me think of Havre Léon...

Meena: I remember leaving on that ship after escaping the Palais de Léon. Arey, it was an awful-awful time!

Maya: This town is not so small. They must be having a bar here, no? And maybe even a casino...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Porthtrunnel's the biggest port round these here parts.

Meena: Accha, a hero's work is never done, hm? But if it will earn us our ship, then we must be defeating the monsters in the lighthouse, yes?

Maya: Arey, sometimes I am thinking I was born unlucky.

Maya: Once I am putting one thousand casino tokens in the same slot machine and winning nothing!

Maya: Oh, but this is before I am meeting Hero! I get the feeling now my luck has changed!

Meena: What kind of light is being capable of sinking a ship, I wonder...

Meena: Is it strange that I am wanting to see it with my own two eyes?

Maya: Arey, this is so so tragic. I am not knowing what to say...

Maya: Why are some people having all the gold, and others having nothing?

Maya: Why is the Goddess not blessing me with riches?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: This ain't the first I've heard about this here wizard o' commerce.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I jes' gotta go meet the varmint! If I could only get him to teach me a thing or two, the world'd be my oyster! Yes sirree!

Meena: So if we are clearing this lighthouse of monsters, that man will let us use his ship?

Meena: For merchants, everything is a matter of give and take. Yes, that man knows what he is doing.

Maya: Arey, so this roly-poly lazybones is asking us to battle monsters while he just stands and gazes at the ocean? Honestly!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Hmmm... Gittin' other varmints to do yer dirty work... That's smart thinkin'... I gotta add it to my list of top merchant tips!

Meena: A map of the world would be making our lives much easier.

Meena: But who is taking all the maps? Is someone trying to make things more difficult for us?

Maya: What is this silly-billy woman doing? She is saying she has something for us, then she is having nothing!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, a saleswoman should always be on top of her stock. That's pretty basic stuff. This lady sure has a lot to learn...

Meena: This story is so so sad. I am praying that this poor man is resting now in peace...

Maya: Arey, it is sad to be losing a boat, but that man is wrong to give up on his life.

Maya: I understand feeling as if you have lost everything...

Maya: When my father was killed... When our plot for revenge failed... When I lose money at the casino...

Maya: But we must be accepting all of this, and live each day with a smile on our faces!

Meena: I do not think that man is lying to us.

Meena: I am sensing something very strange in that room...

Maya: Arey, this man is talking a nonsense! I am not afraid of a stupid locked room!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Jeepers creepers... That story done scared me good.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: How's about we steer clear o' that there room, hm?

Meena: "Lord of the Underworld"? I wonder if he is having any connection to that awful-awful Balzack...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Th-That's one mighty spooky story... Hey - y'all really think there's a Lord o' the Underworld fixin' to make a comeback?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If there was, then I guess that'd kinda spell the end o' the world, huh?

Maya: Is something the matter, Hero? Your face is looking paler than usual.

Meena: This place is so big...and so so messy...

Meena: Arey, I am not liking it here. Take me somewhere nice and small and tidy!

Maya: Accha, this place is so so huge! I cannot believe they can fit two whole ships in here!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, they say the ships they build here are the best in the world.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Lookin' at this place, it sorta makes sense. It's quite a sight, huh?

Maya: If Torneko is really dead, what has become of his ship, I am wondering...?

Maya: If no one is minding, perhaps we could...look after it...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Gah! I'm champin' at the bit for a little face time with the great Torneko Taloon! Guess I'm jes' gonna have to wait a spell longer...

Meena: Listen to me, Hero. I am sensing we share a powerful connection with this Torneko Taloon.

Meena: I think it is a good idea to be heading east to this Beacon.

Meena: I hear that the princess of Zamoksva is travelling with a young priest and an old man with magical abilities.

Meena: If they are protecting a princess, they must be trustworthy indeed...

Maya: I am hearing the gossip about this princess of Zamoksva back in Endor.

Maya: She is winning some kind of fighting contest, no? Which is meaning she must be a broad-shouldered, muscly kind of girl...

Meena: If monsters really did sink a whole entire ship in order to lay hands on it, this must be some very important armour indeed...

Maya: This is sounding like such waste of a good armour! Whether it sank in the sea or was manhandled by monsters, it must be very rusty by now...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ain't nobody knows but a little o' what lies north-east of here. All's I heard is the monsters over there don't take no pris'ners...

Meena: This Torneko man is sounding very brave... or very foolish.

Meena: Going to the lighthouse alone is not sounding like a so so good idea.

Maya: That little man is only worrying because Torneko has not yet paid him for the ship!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: This don't sound none too good... An' there I was thinkin' I might git my chance to meet the great Torneko Taloon at last...

Meena: Whatever he is saying, Torneko is not so rash. If he is facing grave danger, he will retreat.

Meena: I am sensing that Torneko Taloon is nobody's fool.

b0524000 (Porthtrunnel cont., Pharos Beacon, and Mintos)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Maya: Why was that silly-billy small person worrying so much anyway?

Maya: Now I am wondering just how big this map could be...

Maya: If it is too big to lift, it will be more trouble than it is worth.

Meena: Listen to me, Hero. I am sensing that we should be sailing to the south.

Meena: Accha, this naughty-naughty priest cannot be pulling a wooly jumper over my eyes!

Maya: So that priest is telling that dancer that she should be serving the Goddess?

Maya: I am thinking he could do with taking some of his own advice...

Maya: Why is he being so awful-awful? Let us pass, you masked meanie!

Meena: Arey, what kind of person is exchanging teeny-weeny mini medals for real treasure?

Meena: I am not understanding this world sometimes...

Maya: Accha! Is that it!? And for this he wishes us to ignore his shady-shady ways? Hmph!

Meena: This man is having no self-control. I am strongly disapproving of his lifestyle.

Maya: I am feeling a connection with this man.

Maya: I like to fritter away all my gold on exciting games in the casino.

Maya: You see, sis! We are only being humans! ...Arey, why are you always sighing like that?

Meena: When I am told that I cannot have something, I wish for it all the more.

Meena: No fruit is looking tastier than the one we cannot reach, no?

Maya: If he is wanting a map so badly, why is he not going to Mintos? What a lazy-lazy man!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: They say them there maps made in Mintos cain't be beat.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ain't a sailor in the world'll go to sea without one. Keeps the varmints from sailin' straight into hot water, see?

Meena: "Psaro the Manslayer"... I am hearing this name many many times, and every time I am sensing something truly terrible...

Meena: Can someone just be telling me who he is, please?

Maya: Sorry, who are we looking for again?

Maya: ...Ah, now I am remembering! We are seeking companions for our journey!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: A princess, huh? Boy howdy, I sure do like the sound o' that! "There goes Hank Hoffman Junior and his li'l pal the Princess"... Yee-haw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...Uh, hey now! Don't go gittin' the wrong idea! I love travellin' round with y'all, truly I do! Heh... Who needs a stupid princess, anyhow? Not I! No sirree!

Meena: It is better to not be talking to sinister characters such as him, Hero...

Maya: This girl is thinking that arm wrestling is ladylike?

Maya: She would not be lasting long back in my old club in Laissez Fayre.

Maya: (sigh) Sometimes I am missing my old life...

Meena: I am wondering if that man is in the pay of monsters.

Meena: But do not be worried. I am looking into the future, and I am seeing no watery graves awaiting us.

Maya: Arey, what is that awful-awful man saying?

Maya: Is he thinking he can scare us with his silly-billy nonsense?

Meena: Arey, it is hard to believe this was once a beacon that was keeping ships safe.

Meena: Now this evil flame is burning, and I am sensing only malevolence here...

Meena: I am worrying very much about Porthtrunnel. Please, can we be leaving this place now?

Meena: All I am remembering when I come to this place is Torneko getting us to do his dirty work for him.

Meena: He is making quite a first impression, no?

Maya: Arey, this tower is so dark and so very smelly. Please, let us do what we came to do, and then be leaving here without delay.

Maya: Now, let us be returning to Porthtrunnel without any delay, please!

Maya: I am so so looking forward to climbing on board our big boat!

Maya: I am hearing that there are monsters here who are very very much worth battling. Metal something-or-others...

Maya: It is so so annoying when they are running away, but if you can defeat them, you are truly hitting the jackpot!

Alena: Ignition of wicked flame in beacon is having occurred shortly after our departure from Porthtrunnel.

Alena: I regret strongly that we miss golden opportunity to be heroic saviours, and to engage numerous monsters in deathly combat.

Kiryl: This beacon illuminates surrounding ocean of Porthtrunnel. It is indeed imposing edifice.

Kiryl: I dislike such large-scale constructions. I fear I will become lost and unable to locate exit.

Borya: I am hearing tale that creature dubbed "tigergram" is once inhabiting beacon.

Borya: I discover myself wondering what appearance a creature dubbed in such a way might look like ...

Ragnar: This is a fine auld tur, a'right. Far too good for a bunch o' mangy monsters tae call home...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Scared? Me? Hank Hoffman Junior? No, sirree! I been ready to rumble ever since we hit the road!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So I guess this means that ships can sail from Porthtrunnel again. That's mighty fine news!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: What say we set sail and see what we can see? Look out world, Hank Hoffman Junior's on his way!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ah, seems like only yesterday we were battlin' monsters an' firin' up that holy light.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Yep, I sure was thrown in at the deep end! There's never a dull moment with you varmints by my side!

Tom Foolery: What did the ocean say to the lighthouse? ...Nuttin', it just waved!

Orifiela: So at the top of this imposing structure, a light burns perpetually...

Orifiela: Umm... Remind me just precisely why again?

Torneko: Ah, this takes me back, so it does. 'Tis where I first set eyes on yerselves.

Torneko: Sure, I was glad to see ye. Bein' here on me own was no fun at all at all!

Meena: Arey, he is giving us no choice but to do his dirty work for him!

Meena: I can see why he is making great merchant - he is knowing just how to get what he wants!

Maya: Often, rich people are so so serious, but Torneko is seeming very light-hearted.

Maya: And it is lucky for him to have so light a heart - his big-big belly is making him heavy enough!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So that was the hotshot merchant Torneko Taloon, huh? I gotta admit, he was a mite bit different from how I done pictured him...

Maya: Arey, what is this silly-billy nonsense we are witnessing? My head is hurting just to seeing it...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: That little critter weren't exactly the smartest knife in the drawer, huh?

Meena: You must be careful when using Zoom, Hero.

Meena: I have no desire for banging my head on the ceiling.

Meena: I am thinking that monsters are unable to touch holy embers.

Meena: It is explaining why they are found in a place that is so easy to spot.

Maya: So we are finding the holy embers. If the monsters were not such dummies, they would be hiding them in a less obvious place.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Now we've bagged us a buncha holy embers, it's high time we gave these monsters their marchin' orders! Yee-haw!

Maya: These puny and feeble monsters are being no match for me.

Maya: Let us be leaving without delay. ...Arey! But are we not forgetting something?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Haa... Haa... Boy howdy! Looks like we done gone did it! Phewee, and quite a shootin' match it was too, huh?

Meena: Do not be forgetting, Hero - there is still something you must be doing here.

Meena: How much gold is symbol of faith selling for, I wonder?

Meena: If only we are having a merchant companion to perform such calculations...

Maya: Arey! Of course! I am knowing what we should be doing!

Maya: We should be exchanging symbol of faith for wagon and horse, innit!

Maya: The symbol of faith, eh? Well, we did not come here in search of treasure, but... Not a bad find, no?

Maya: Oh, why is the world being always so so unfair? I was sure we would be finding a wagon hidden inside the cave!

Meena: Though I wish very much that Hank were one of the five who share our fate, it is seeming to not be so.

Meena: We must continue in our search for the Chosen...

Meena: With this wagon, we can be travelling together with many more companions.

Meena: I have a strong sense that we will soon be encountering friends who are trustworthy and true.

Meena: If we are crossing the desert, we will reach Bath. Then further to the south, we will be finding Porthtrunnel.

Maya: Accha, why must I be walking when we have a fancy-fancy wagon?

Maya: Wagons are being all good and well, but for truly elegant travel, nothing is comparing to a ship.

Maya: Arey, we are so so lucky. We are possessing a wagon, and good companions also.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Giddap, gal! You'll always be the horse for me, Mary Lou!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: She's one heckuva horse alright! An' she oughta be - I done trained 'er good, right from foal to filly!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I got faith in you fine folks, y'hear? I'd follow y'all jes' about anyplace!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Hey, c'mon now! You cain't go coolin' yer heels in the wagon while I'm out here poundin' the ground!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You varmints are the ones who know where y'all are headed! I'm jes' along for the ride!

Mary Lou: Neigh!

Meena: Coming to a port town is making me think of Havre Léon...

Meena: I remember leaving on that ship after escaping the Palais de Léon. Arey, it was an awful-awful time!

Maya: This town is not so small. They must be having a bar here, no? And maybe even a casino...

Alena: After we set sail from this location, monsters are appearing at Pharos Beacon.

Alena: Pah! I am deeply regretting missed opportunity to combat them.

Kiryl: This is place from where we embarked on voyage to Mintos.

Kiryl: After this, I was suffering calamitous collapse in health. Urgh! It hurts even to recollect...

Borya: I understand ship of Torneko Taloon is being manufactured in this town.

Borya: Local shipbuilders are evidently masters of craft.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Porthtrunnel's the biggest port round these here parts.

Tom Foolery: What did the ship's captain say when he was after hittin' an iceberg? "Sure, I've got this sinkin' feelin', so I do"!

Orifiela: So, this is a port town? I cannot wait to gaze upon the ships bobbing merrily in the bay...

Orifiela: Hm? Where can all the ships be, pray tell? Where is the soothing nautical vista I had envisaged?

Torneko: Ah, this ole town takes me back, so it does! 'Tis where I joined forces with yerselves!

Torneko: Aye, 'tis grand altogether to have youse with me. I'd trust youse all with me life, so I would!

Ragnar: Och, smell that sea air! There's naught like the ocean tae make a man want tae take it easy for a spell!

Ragnar: But let's watch oorselves, Hero. We dinnae want tae let oor guard doon...

Meena: It is true that we are not being average... My sister, for one, is certainly...different.

Meena: I am still not knowing if this is in a good or bad way.

Maya: Arey, what silly-billy nonsense are you saying, sis?

Maya: This man is saying not to be judging books by their covers.

Maya: But for me, this is not being such a problem. People see my outstanding beauty, and know that I am special indeed!

Borya: Without question I am not average individual. I have supreme honour of serving Tsarevna of Zamoksva.

Ragnar: Aye, we couldnae hide it if we tried! The great Ragnar McRyan an' his pals are more than just a wee bit special!

Meena: It would be so so nice if the sunken ships were surfacing once more after monsters are defeated. But alas, the world is not working in this way...

Maya: Arey, I feel so so sorry for that poor man...

Maya: But at least he is living and breathing. It could be worse, no?

Torneko: Now I think about it, if me ship'd been boxed off a little earlier, it might be at the bottom o' the ocean too.

Torneko: There but for the grace o' the Goddess go I, like. Sure, it makes me feel even sorrier for yer man there, so it does.

Maya: Why are some people having all the gold, and others having nothing?

Maya: Why is the Goddess not blessing me with riches?

Meena: It is no mystery why you are being always poor, sis. When you are getting gold, you lose it at the casino.

Meena: Arey, I am suffering so so much for your awful-awful habits!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: This ain't the first I've heard about this here wizard o' commerce.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I jes' gotta go meet the varmint! If I could only get him to teach me a thing or two, the world'd be my oyster! Yes sirree!

Maya: What is this silly-billy woman doing? She is saying she has something for us, then she is having nothing!

Torneko: So yer wan's all out o' maps, is she?

Torneko: Well, no matter. I'm sure we'll pick one up on our travels, so we will.

Torneko: Ye'll notice after a while how these things have a funny habit o' turnin' up just when ye need 'em.

Kiryl: Current absence of maps is making me substantially uneasy.

Kiryl: Could it be work of thieves? But what is value in stealing mere maps?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, a saleswoman should always be on top of her stock. That's pretty basic stuff. This lady sure has a lot to learn...

Meena: This story is so so sad. I am praying that this poor man is resting now in peace...

Maya: Arey, it is sad to be losing a boat, but that man is wrong to give up on his life.

Maya: I understand feeling as if you have lost everything...

Maya: When my father was killed... When our plot for revenge failed... When I lose money at the casino...

Maya: But we must be accepting all of this, and live each day with a smile on our faces!

Torneko: Yerra, 'tis a terrible thing to be losin' a boat and then losin' yer life to boot, so it is...

Torneko: Sure, as the proud owner of a boat meself, me heart bleeds fer the poor fella.

Kiryl: This is too much tragic! Unfortunate man is losing boat together with hope.

Kiryl: But we must have faith even in darkest moments. Benevolent Goddess observes us constantly.

Meena: I do not think that man is lying to us.

Meena: I am sensing something very strange in that room...

Maya: Arey, this man is talking a nonsense! I am not afraid of a stupid locked room!

Alena: Perhaps monster inhabits locked room. If it is desiring to combat, I am available.

Ragnar: Och, there's naught like a locked door tae tickle ma curiosity!

Ragnar: I wouldnae mind spendin' a night in there tae get tae the bottom o' this.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Jeepers creepers... That story done scared me good.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: How's about we steer clear o' that there room, hm?

Alena: If Lord of Underworld is responsible for father's vanishment, I will not forgive nor forget.

Alena: I am not scary of him. If I encounter, I will punch forthrightly on demonic nose. Hi-yaaa!

Kiryl: Is too much sad for Tsarevna to hear that father and beloved people vanish.

Kiryl: Yoy! My heart is agonising just to think of it!

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! People of Zamoksva are disappeared! Who can have responsibility for so much terrible act?

Borya: Even utilising considerable mental capacity, I am incapable of solving mystery...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Th-That's one mighty spooky story... Hey - y'all really think there's a Lord o' the Underworld fixin' to make a comeback?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If there was, then I guess that'd kinda spell the end o' the world, huh?

Meena: Arey, this village that is being ransacked is home of Hero, no?

Meena: Now I am hating monsters even more!

Maya: Is something the matter, Hero? Your face is looking paler than usual.

Meena: This place is so big...and so so messy...

Meena: Arey, I am not liking it here. Take me somewhere nice and small and tidy!

Maya: Accha, it is being so so different here! When we are coming before, it is full of ships and people.

Maya: Are they no longer building ships here? This is making me feel sad.

Torneko: ...Janey Mac! What's goin' on here!? Back when me ship was bein' built, this town was great craic!

Torneko: Now look at the place, will ye? Sure, I've seen livelier funerals, so I have...

Alena: If Zamoksva also is having such big open space, I use it exclusively for combat exercise.

Alena: But training of most value is always outside town, where unlimited supply of monsters seek battle.

Kiryl: Ah, I am recollecting previous visit. Porthtrunnel remains outstanding specimen of port town.

Borya: I understand ship of Torneko Taloon is being manufactured in this dockyard.

Borya: Local shipbuilders are evidently masters of craft.

Ragnar: Och, there isnae a sadder sight than a port wi'oot a ship. 'Tis like a kilt wi'oot a sporran!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, they say the ships they build here are the best in the world.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Lookin' at this place, it sorta makes sense. It's quite a sight, huh?

Torneko: I used to dream o' bein' the captain of a ship when I was just a chiseller meself.

Torneko: But it turned out I was born to buy an' sell weapons, so I was. Ye just have to find the perfect job for yerself, and then ye'll be all set.

Alena: Why this child dream of sailing in boat?

Alena: Why does he not dream of possession of superlative hand-to-hand combat skills?

Alena: When I am small girl, my only dream is this.

Ragnar: Aye, bein' the skipper of a boat an' sailin' roond the world doesnae soond bad tae me.

Ragnar: But a wee laddie like that should rightly be aspirin' tae be a royal guard like the mighty Ragnar McRyan.

Torneko: By the hokey! So I was their last payin' customer, was I!? Things are in a bad way here.

Torneko: I wish I had the ready cash to be orderin' another ship or two, but I amn't the big spender I'm cracked up to be!

Meena: Accha, this naughty-naughty priest cannot be pulling a wooly jumper over my eyes!

Maya: So that priest is telling that dancer that she should be serving the Goddess?

Maya: I am thinking he could do with taking some of his own advice...

Kiryl: The Goddess requires only heart that is good and true.

Kiryl: This woman must have faith in self. It is not easy task, but I pray for her.

Ragnar: I dinnae ken what's holdin' that lassie back. If she wants tae serve the Goddess, she should just get on wi' it!

Maya: Why is he being so awful-awful? Let us pass, you masked meanie!

Alena: When forbidden to enter area, I wish to enter even more.

Alena: Is it considered inappropriate behaviour to kick down wall?

Meena: Arey, are these teeny-weeny mini medals really valuable enough to be exchanging for treasure?

Meena: They are not looking so precious to me.

Maya: Accha! Is that it!? And for this he wishes us to ignore his shady-shady ways? Hmph!

Torneko: There's all sorts of quare folks in the world, so there are. Some of them love nuttin' more than collectin' bits an' bobs o' this an' that.

Torneko: Their collections mightn't look like much to anybody else, but to the folks themselves, they're treasures indeed!

Ragnar: That laddie looked like he was up tae no good. Should we inform the authorities aboot him, I wonder?

Ragnar: Och, he said he was sorry. As long as he doesnae go cheggin' anyone else's belongings...

Tom Foolery: Only the mad'll meddle with medals, or so my ma used to say. Or was it me da? Ach, I'm all in a muddle...

Torneko: Sure, look at the state o' me! Me face is redder than me hat, so it is!

Torneko: And speakin' o' hats, that fella's talkin' through his! I'm not settin' any sort of example for anyone!

Torneko: I've left me Tessie and me Tipper at home while I've gone off chasin' me dreams. Ah, I miss them, so I do!

Meena: This man is having no self-control. I am strongly disapproving of his lifestyle.

Maya: I am feeling a connection with this man.

Maya: I like to fritter away all my gold on exciting games in the casino.

Maya: You see, sis! We are only being humans! ...Arey, why are you always sighing like that?

Torneko: D'ye know sometin'? I've never had much of a taste fer the drink meself. Maybe that's why I've got me own ship, an' this fella hasn't.

Ragnar: Och, he'd do well tae learn no tae lose his heid after a dram or two, that one.

Meena: When I am told that I cannot have something, I wish for it all the more.

Meena: No fruit is looking tastier than the one we cannot reach, no?

Maya: If he is wanting a map so badly, why is he not going to Mintos? What a lazy-lazy man!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: They say them there maps made in Mintos cain't be beat.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ain't a sailor in the world'll go to sea without one. Keeps the varmints from sailin' straight into hot water, see?

Meena: "Psaro the Manslayer"... I am hearing this name many many times, and every time I am sensing something truly terrible...

Meena: Can someone just be telling me who he is, please?

Maya: Sorry, who are we looking for again?

Maya: ...Ah, now I am remembering! We are seeking companions for our journey!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: A princess, huh? Boy howdy, I sure do like the sound o' that! "There goes Hank Hoffman Junior and his li'l pal the Princess"... Yee-haw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...Uh, hey now! Don't go gittin' the wrong idea! I love travellin' round with y'all, truly I do! Heh... Who needs a stupid princess, anyhow? Not I! No sirree!

Alena: I fully approve of wrestling of arms. Is superlative test of strength.

Alena: But we presently have bigger problems to wrestle with. Heh!

Kiryl: Wrestling of arms is vulgar and uncouth display of aggression.

Kiryl: Genteel game of chess is infinitely preferable.

Borya: I am fearing my arm wrestling days are distantly behind me.

Borya: But I welcome any contender in contest for most splendid and swift growth of beard.

Meena: It is better to not be talking to sinister characters such as him, Hero...

Maya: This girl is thinking that arm wrestling is ladylike?

Maya: She would not be lasting long back in my old club in Laissez Fayre.

Maya: (sigh) Sometimes I am missing my old life...

Meena: I am wondering if that man is in the pay of monsters.

Meena: But do not be worried. I am looking into the future, and I am seeing no watery graves awaiting us.

Maya: Arey, what is that awful-awful man saying?

Maya: Is he thinking he can scare us with his silly-billy nonsense?

Torneko: Janey Mac! Sure, I didn't buy that ship just to see it sink, now!

Torneko: Anyhow, with all me new pals around me, the ol' tub won't be headin' for the bottom any time soon.

Torneko: We're the Chosen, so we are! Now, we'll have no more blather about watery graves, y'hear?

Alena: I am very annoying at ghost. Next time, I am punching him in transparent nose.

Ragnar: Aye, ye can threaten us all ye like, but ye'll no put the wind up us! It's the monsters'll be daein' the sinkin', ye'll see!

Maya: This Conrad Ilton man everyone is speaking of is still being single?

Maya: Hmm... Very interesting... Maybe I am needing older man in my life... Looks are not everything, after all...

Torneko: So this is where yer man Conrad Ilton lives, is it? Well, that's grand. I can't wait to meet him, so I can't.

Torneko: Yer man Hoffman was good craic, like. I only wish he'd stayed with us a while longer. There was plenty more blather and blarney to be had with him!

Borya: It is extended period since I am making journey with such elegant, ladylike companions.

Borya: Mm? You ask if Tsarevna is inelegant or unladylike? Oh-yo-yoy! Please to not get me started...

Meena: I pray that dreams are coming true for our friend Hank. Please be praying too, Hero.

Meena: Arey, I sense it is no accident that we are coming to this place. We are being guided here.

Meena: I sense it... The light... We must be following our hearts... Our destiny awaits...

Maya: I am so so missing Hank! He was always carrying all our heavy-heavy luggages for us!

Maya: Arey, I am tired! No more walking! Let us be resting for a while, please.

Borya: My hapless compatriot Kiryl is requiring very particular medicinal crop to rescue him from grievous illness.

Borya: Come! We must to make haste and locate Tsarevna.

Maya: I am wondering how much gold this rich and famous Conrad Ilton is having...

Maya: ...Mm? You wish to know why? Oh, no reason...

Torneko: There's not a merchant alive hasn't heard of yer man, Conrad Ilton. They call him the God of Trade, no less!

Meena: I am long ago reading of feverfew root in magic books belonging to our father.

Meena: It cures the most awful-awful sicknesses in a flash. The only problem is that it is not so easy to find...

Torneko: Feverfew root, ye say? I've not heard of it meself, but it sounds like there might be money in it.

Borya: Oh-yoy-yoy! Our job is to ensure safety of Tsarevna, yet now it is she who seeks medicines for our sakes!

Borya: When my luckless compatriot Kiryl emerges from feverish state, I must to deliver lengthy reprimand.

Borya: As vassals of Tsarevna, we are of insignificant social standing. Yet for our sake all are obligated to hunt feverfew root. Oh-yo-yoy, such shame...

Maya: So basically, this town is belonging to this Conrad Ilton man. How much is he being worth, I wonder?

Maya: With a man like that, I could be repaying my debts and still have lots of lovely-lovely money left over...

Torneko: If I play me cards right, maybe one day I can turn a tiny village into a bustlin' metropolis.

Torneko: Hank had the right idea becomin' yer man Ilton's apprentice. Sure, he'll beat me at my own game, if I amn't careful!

Maya: I am not caring how crinkly or wrinkly the old man is. I am not thinking only looks are important. I am not so shallow.

Maya: Come, let us be meeting the super-wealthy millionaire rich man Conrad Ilton without delay!

Borya: I ask to you, does so-called God of Trade have noble bearing of servant of royal court of Zamoksva? Nyet, his money cannot buy him this!

Maya: Waah! So he is having all sorts of treasure! Diamonds... And gold... And...and...casino tokens!

Meena: Sis... Are you...? Are you...drooling?

Torneko: Does this Ilton fellow not remind you of anyone, like? Y'know, an adventure-lovin' merchant with a heart o' gold? No? ...Ah, ye're havin' me on, so y'are!

Meena: Ugh! When is the last time this stinky and smelly man is changing his clothes, I wonder...

Borya: Tsarevna too is often sleeping during my stimulating lectures, at severe cost to her education.

Maya: Arey, this girl is trying to marry Conrad Ilton too! Get your filthy-filthy hands off my man!

Torneko: I wonder if young Tipper'll be followin' in his ole da's footsteps one day...

Borya: All merchant is truly needing is forked tongue and absence of shame. Then sell inferior merchandise at unreasonable price. Is simple, nyet?

Borya: Is it for dubious wisdoms such as these that Ilton charges legs and arms?

Maya: Arey, are you seeing how happy and smiley-smiley Hank is now? It is making me so so angry!

Maya: How can he be happy when he is not travelling the world with the beautiful Maya any longer!? Hmph!

Torneko: Sure, it sounds like Hank's learnin' everytin' he can from yer man Ilton. More power to him!

Borya: Yoy! Is that really being same man as former travelling companion!?

Meena: Arey, are you seeing the old man's false teeth? They are looking as if they will fly out at any second!

Meena: ...What is that, please? You are asking what he is saying? I am sorry, but I have no idea.

Maya: Accha, he is such a rude old man... But he is being very rich, so I am not caring. He is the man for me!

Maya: Leave it to me, please! I am knowing how to bring out his good side!

Torneko: Sure, I've a funny feelin' this ole fella's got more to say, so I do. Let's have a while more of his craic...

Maya: Waah! We are having our very own treasure map! Let us be finding this lovely treasure right away!

Torneko: Ah, sure there's nuttin' like the thought o' treasure to get the ole blood flowin'! What sorta loot can it be, I wonder?

Borya: So old man is never solving mystery of map... Pah! My superior intellectual powers will be making a short work of this!

Borya: ...Aga! Da, da... As I suspect, it is too much simple. Too simple for man of my intellectual powers to be bothering with. I leave for others to solve...

Maya: Waah! My favourite three words in the whole wide world are treasure, treasure...and treasure!

Torneko: So yer man Ilton never got to the bottom o' this treasure map, did he not? Well, we'll just have to go one better than the ole feen, eh?

Torneko: C'mon, Hero! If we can find this treasure, we'll be set for life, so we will!

Meena: So this feverfew root is growing in Parthenia...

Borya: I am possessing feeling Tsarevna is gone to Parthenia. Come! We must be swiftly pursuing her!

Maya: If am princess for one day, I would be filling every room of the inn with muscley men to wait on me hands and feet!

Maya: Then I would be filling bathtub with gold and...and...diving in...and...and... What!? What is so strange about that!?

b0525000 (Mintos cont., Parthenia, and Imperial Pantry of Parthenia)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Borya: So Tsarevna is making journey to Parthenia... My fingers are crossed for her to not encounter perilous incidents on her route.

Meena: Arey, we should not be approaching sick man, or we too may be infected!

Torneko: I hope the poor fella pulls through. Reminds me o' the time our Tipper caught the measles. 'Twas an awful bother, so it was...

Borya: I am too much disappointing in my compatriot. His feeble frame is not up to task of rugged adventure.

Borya: He is cause of consternation to Tsarevna, in addition to unknown travellers. He is bringing incalculable shame on motherland.

Meena: Arey, I am sensing something... Yes... Those men are important for us somehow...

Meena: This is only what my instincts are telling me. You are free to do as you wish, of course.

Maya: I am feeling a little bad for the old man, but he is a complete stranger. We are busy people, no?

Torneko: Y'know, I can't help feelin' we should be helpin' that ole fella out, y'know...

Meena: Ah, I am imagining the nice, big inn... The beds would be so fluffy-fluffy... The sheets so silky-soft...

Maya: Mintos is a well-known town, but it is really feeling so so dead at night!

Torneko: I wonder if I bought a good luck charm here in Mintos, it might help me business back home to boom...

Borya: Must we to wander streets at night? I feel we are treading slippery path to delinquency.

Maya: Yuck! That awful-awful man is sneezing over my pretty clothes! I will never get this out!

Tom Foolery: What did the one nose say to the other nose? ...Who nose? Snot important!

Meena: What a lazy-lazy man...

Maya: Accha, this man is being so so useless! He should at the very least be looking her straight into the eyes! Hmph! Men!

Borya: Aya! In younger days, I too am freely distributing sweet talk to visibly impressed womenfolk of Zamoksva. I am not always old, you know!

Meena: Romance is so so difficult. Sometimes I am wondering if fortune tellers intimidate men... We are always able to see when relationships are having no future...

Maya: Oh, to be able to say that I am rich enough, and have no time to be bothering with treasure... (sigh)

Torneko: Ah, but it's not just about the money, ye know. There's nuttin' like a spot o' treasure-huntin' to get the old heart racin', so there isn't!

Maya: Arey, Hank is still learning about business late at night! I could never be so so serious!

Torneko: With that sort o' passion, I expect big things o' yer man, Hank Hoffman Junior.

Meena: Ah yes, I am remembering. Feverfew is the name of the plant that is curing all diseases, no?

Borya: I am wondering how far Tsarevna has journeyed... My fingers are crossed that she remains in one piece.

Meena: "Ragnar"...? This name... I am sensing something... But what can it be...?

Maya: So this Ragnar is a tough guy? I do not mind. I like meaty men...as long as they are having nice smiles!

Borya: If Tsarevna is hearing of tough man, she is doubtless challenging him to immediate hand-to-hand combat!

Meena: It is so so nice to hear our friend Hank being praised so highly.

Maya: It is sounding as if Hank has his heart set on running the inn himself, no?

Maya: A smile is important for a dancer too. But for me, it is never a problem - I love to dance so so much that my smile is always natural.

Torneko: Ye know, me ole boss wouldn't have cracked a smile if ye'd paid him, so he wouldn't.

Torneko: That's why I dealt with the customers while he lurked in the basement. I've a winnin' smile, even if I do say so meself!

Borya: I am disliking people smiling toward me when I am within shop. Serious businessmen should frown gravely at all opportunities.

Meena: It is so so peaceful here. My heart is feeling truly at rest...

Maya: Arey, what kind of boring-boring place is this? Let us be going, please!

Torneko: A fair few folks travellin' between towns must pass this way, like. I may have to think about openin' a branch o' me shop here one day, so I might...

Alena: Hmph. Dimensions of this place are not being suited to vigorous exercise regime.

Borya: Teleportals are bothersome devices. Repeated uses are causing my stomach to protest loudly.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I sure wish some enterprisin' varmint'd open up an inn around these parts. Aww, shucks... All this inn talk's got me wonderin' how my old paw's gittin' along...

Orifiela: Is there no end to the marvellous new experiences awaiting me in this world? I cannot wait to see what we find next...

Torneko: If I could get meself a good supplier o' feverfew plants in Parthenia, I could make meself a rake o' gold, so I could...

Torneko: Wait, it's nuttin' like that! I'm not goin' to go off an' leave ye in the lurch, like! It's just an idea for after our adventure's all boxed off is all!

Tom Foolery: I've a good one for ye, so I do!

Tom Foolery: What d'ye call a fruit that always comes in twos?

Tom Foolery: ...A pear!

Meena: Arey! The sun is shining, the sea is sparkling... This is being such a peaceful-peaceful place!

Maya: When we are first coming here, I am thinking it is idyllic farming village perfect for retiring to.

Maya: But now I see there is nothing here but muddy-muddy fields and stinky-smelly animals. It is so so boring!

Maya: If this place replaces its cows with bright and colourful signs, and its fields with casinos and bars, maybe I am staying.

Torneko: Ah, get a lungful o' that fresh country air, will ye? Sure, it's grand altogether!

Borya: I usually have no purpose to visit muddy agricultural settlement such as this.

Borya: But we must to find Tsarevna. Where can she be?

Kiryl: I am accustomed to sophistication of royal court of Zamoksva, not backward rural pigsty.

Maya: Waah! The animals here are so plump and juicy-looking! I cannot wait for dinner tonight!

Torneko: ...Hold on a second, will ye? Why were ye lookin' at me while ye said that?

Torneko: Are ye sayin' me belly's plump an' juicy-lookin' too? Sure, ye talk an awful lot o' blather, so ye do.

Meena: I am not seeing this feverfew plant growing anywhere...

Meena: I wonder just what has happened to this place...

Torneko: Tis risky to be puttin' all yer eggs in the one basket an' relyin' on just the one product, so it is.

Borya: Tsarevna is having very small patience. If feverfew is not here, I am convincing she no longer remains.

Borya: Let us be speaking at simple peasant folk and find out more.

Maya: Arey, this princess is being followed by three men!? This is so so unfair!

Maya: Pah. If I am princess, I am having many many suitors following me. Much more than three...

Borya: Tsarevna is associating with men of unknown social status!? She brings shame upon motherland of Zamoksva!

Borya: We must to find her and reprimand her without delaying!

Maya: Maybe we should be speaking to this boy again in about ten years...

Torneko: Ah, me lad Tipper's about the same age as this young fella, so he is.

Meena: Arey, this is the Imperial Palace? It is being more like the Imperial Shack...

Borya: When I hear of Imperial Palace, I am minded of spires and multiple floors of Tsar's dwelling in Zamoksva.

Borya: Nyet, I am not intending to be boastful. I merely recall the motherland...

Maya: Perhaps there are treasures hidden in this Imperial Pantry in addition to feverfew seeds...

Maya: Pah! What am I saying? Their king works in the fields, for goodness' sake! What treasures can such lowly people possess?

Torneko: A man has to work to eat, so he does.

Torneko: Sure, one look at this big belly on me and ye'll see how hard I've worked!

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! No doubt Tsarevna is overjoyful at learning of presence of monsters.

Borya: Now we are knowing destination. We must to search for feverfew seeds and Tsarevna in Imperial Pantry.

Meena: This kingdom is relying solely on feverfew plants. This is why they are now struggling.

Borya: So feverfew plant is dubbed miracle cure? Hmph. It is taking miracle merely to locate it!

Maya: I understand the way this man's daughter thinks. I too would want to leave this one-horse town and head to the bright lights of Mintos.

Maya: Palaces come in all shapes and sizes, it seems...

Borya: This kingdom may be lacking in gold, but it has more profound wealth - ruler and people are truly united.

Borya: I foresee that one day Parthenia is glorious empire once more.

Meena: The King is being very much loved by all of his people.

Meena: This shows us that you are always getting more respect by working than by messing around and being silly.

Maya: ...Are you saying something, sis? I am sorry, but I was not listening...

Meena: I am always so much happier at night. Dark places are so so fun!

Maya: It feels as if we are being all alone here. I see no lights anywhere...

Maya: Just imagine how beautiful and glamorous I am looking to the poor people of this muddy-muddy village...

Maya: Ah, the countryside is not being so bad!

Torneko: I wonder if there'd be any point cartin' the latest yokes from Endor down here an' tryin' to sell 'em...

Borya: Why proprietors of shops insist to always regurgitate identical message? Are they incapable to say anything else?

Maya: I would never marry a man whose only possession is his roof. Not unless he is being very very handsome...

Torneko: Ah, that takes me back, so it does. I used to be grateful just to have the roof over me head an' the clothes on me back!

Borya: If Imperial Pantry is populated with monsters, Tsarevna will doubtless engage in rigorous combat.

Borya: I am concerning for her safety. We must to go there and offer to her our assistance.

Maya: This lady is having the right idea. Can we be turning in for the night, please?

Meena: This is first time I am seeing cave made of ice. It is so so beautiful...

Meena: This wall of ice... Could I be using it to tell fortunes instead of crystal ball?

Maya: Accha, th-th-this place is f-f-freezing! Why are we here again? Let us be g-g-going...

Maya: Arey, it is s-s-so cold. I am no longer feeling my toes or f-f-fingers...

Maya: Let us be returning to the comfy-cosy inn. I am needing a hot bath right away!

Maya: It is cold... The silly-billy floor is being all slippy... I am hating this place, you know.

Borya: So ice is being utilised for construction of maze... This is fiendishly clever, and... And... Ahhh-CHOO!

Borya: I am concerning as to effect of frigid temperature on my decrepit joints.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: So you got a spot o' spelunkin' planned, huh? Um... Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd kinda rather be heading to Mintos, if it's all the same to y'all...

Maya: That rough, tough girl is supposed to be a princess? She is not looking like one to me...

Borya: Tsarevna is believing physical force is answer to every problem. Can she not be more womanlike?

Meena: Arey, this girl opening door only with feet is royalty!?

Meena: I am somehow imagining princesses to be having feet that are more...dainty.

Maya: So this princess is throwing down the gauntlets? Well, I am hating to lose! Come on!

Meena: It seems Borya is sensing the same thing as me about the princess's companions.

Meena: They are seeming carefree and only going where life takes them. They are not steadfast allies.

Borya: I am most relieving Tsarevna remains in one piece. But these men are not suitable companions.

Borya: We must to locate feverfew seed without delay and rid Tsarevna of present dubious allies.

Maya: I am only remembering handsome men. I am not recalling meeting this boring-boring knight.

Borya: Impudent swines! How dare such men associate with Tsarevna? If she is meeting untoward event, they will answer to me!

Meena: The companions of the princess... Could they also be among the Chosen?

Meena: No... They are too weak and pathetic-looking. I am talking a nonsense.

Maya: Arey, this Alena is sounding like a truly tough lady. Is she really needing these wimpy and weedy men?

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! Behaviour of Tsarevna remains resolutely unchanged, irrespective of companions!

Maya: Maybe we can be having a group hug to keep warm?

Maya: ...No? Hmph! Then I will have to be waiting for handsome man to hug instead!

Borya: I sense we...a-a-ah-CHOO! I sense we are at lowest level...a-a-ah- CHOO! At lowest level of cave... Ah-CHOO!

Borya: My beard is developing substantial array of icicles...

Maya: Waah! We did it! Now quickly, let us return to the inn! I need a hot-hot bath, and quickly!

Borya: So we have reached satisfactory outcome, and Tsarevna did not overstretch herself.

Borya: Now top priority is to cure hapless compatriot Kiryl. We must to go without delay!

Meena: I am thinking of using ice crystals for fortune-telling...

Meena: No... Customers will not be happy when they are melting. I will stick with crystal balls.

Maya: Accha, it is f-f-freezing! If we have no more reason to be staying, we should go right now!

Torneko: I can picture it now... A guided tour of mysterious underground caverns of crystal and ice...

Torneko: Aye, me Tessie'd love that, so she would!

Alena: When I come first to this cave, I have exhilarating adventure without unwanted guidance from certain bearded tutor...

Alena: I must to return here alonesome one day.

Kiryl: Due to my unfortunate illness, Tsarevna is obligated to come to dark, cold location on my behalf.

Kiryl: I am so much ashamed. I only hope she can be forgiving me at some future point.

Borya: Tsarevna is believing she could locate feverfew seeds without her trusty tutor.

Borya: But experience in cave is doubtless teaching her of my indispensability. She still has much to learn! Ho ho ho!

Ragnar: A real warrior shouldnae be frettin' aboot whether it's hot or cold, he should just be gettin' on wi' the job in hand.

Ragnar: B-B-But I don't half wish I'd packed ma wooly mittens...

Tom Foolery: Ah, sure it's freezin' in here, an' that's snow joke! ...D'ye get it?

Orifiela: I am afraid that I am unaccustomed to these severe conditions... I fear I shall expire...

Orifiela: Yes... I can see it... I can see the light in front of me... My friends await me in the castle in the sky...

Meena: Now that the evil flame in the Pharos Beacon is extinguished, I am wondering how the people of Porthtrunnel are faring...

Meena: I sense we should be heading back there. After all, we are requiring a boat, no?

Maya: Let us be heading back to Porthtrunnel and meeting up with Torneko Taloon.

Maya: If he is really as rich as they say, maybe he is giving us a reward!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Now things are all hunky-dory back there at the lighthouse, ships can be moseyin' on out from Porthtrunnel once again.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: What say we set sail and see what we can see? Look out world, Hank Hoffman Junior's on his way!

Meena: So our companion Hank is finding his own path in life. I am praying for his future success.

Maya: Arey, our party is so so dull without any young and handsome men!

Torneko: Sure, one day I'll beat yer man Conrad Ilton at his own game, so I will. I've set me sights on bein' the best merchant around!

Borya: We must to locate feverfew seed without delay. I am reliable upon you all.

Borya: My hapless compatriot Kiryl is causing immeasurable troubles to everyone. Following his recovery, I plan to remind him of shortcomings without cease.

Borya: We are travelling companions of Alena, Tsarevna of Zamoksva.

Borya: You ask purpose of our journey? It is lengthy tale to relate. I inform you at subsequent opportunity.

Tom Foolery: Sure, it's grand to be travellin' around the place, lookin' for new material to steal...I mean, lookin' for comedic inspiration.

b0526000 (Parthenia cont., Mintos cont., and Havre Leon)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: Now the people of Parthenia will not be suffering any more. I am so so happy.

Maya: Arey, the king here really is working out in the fields every day. It is not being just for show.

Maya: Look at the fields of feverfew here. How much money will they make from selling them, I wonder...

Torneko: I wouldn't mind stockin' some o' that feverfew root in me shop one day. Folks'd be clamberin' over themselves to get their hands on it, so they would!

Borya: Our strenuous effort is being rewarded. We are in possession of feverfew root.

Borya: Now we must to return to Mintos to save life of my hapless compatriot, Kiryl. I intend fully for him to never be forgetting our sacrifice.

Meena: Arey! The sun is shining, the sea is sparkling... This is being such a peaceful-peaceful place!

Maya: I am trying to like this place, but it is just so so dull. It is needing many more bright and colourful signs!

Maya: If this place replaces its cows with bright and colourful signs, and its fields with casinos and bars, maybe I am staying.

Torneko: Ah, sure seein' everybody happily workin' in the fields is grand altogether.

Alena: This kingdom possess impressively muscular populace. Is this effect of strenuous physical labour?

Kiryl: Ah, I am feeble physical specimen who is bringing nothing but trouble to Tsarevna.

Kiryl: ...Da! I have reached decision! I will hone an impeccable body, and Tsarevna will view me in entirely new light!

Borya: With return of feverfew crop, smiles are returned to weathered faces of populace. This is most positive development.

Orifiela: I do not wish to cast aspersions on the good people of this place, but I fear their proximity to their farm animals has rendered them somewhat...pungent.

Maya: Waah! The animals here are so plump and juicy-looking! I cannot wait for dinner tonight!

Torneko: ...Hold on a second, will ye? Why were ye lookin' at me while ye said that?

Torneko: Are ye sayin' me belly's plump an' juicy-lookin' too? Sure, ye talk an awful lot o' blather, so ye do.

Alena: My heroic and successful quest for seeds of feverfew entailed many strenuous efforts on my part.

Alena: ...Hm? For why do you protest? ...Da, da. Very well. It is not I who found them. It is collective effort.

Maya: Arey, that stinky, smelly old man is staring at me! If he is not stopping, I will hit him on his head with my fancy fan!

Alena: Recollection of defeat in race for seeds of feverfew is causing me substantial pain...

Maya: Maybe we should be speaking to this boy again in about ten years...

Torneko: Ah, me lad Tipper's about the same age as this young fella, so he is.

Meena: Arey, this is the Imperial Palace? It is being more like the Imperial Shack...

Borya: When I hear of Imperial Palace, I am minded of spires and multiple floors of Tsar's dwelling in Zamoksva.

Borya: Nyet, I am not intending to be boastful. I merely recall the motherland...

Maya: I understand the way this man's daughter thinks. I too would want to leave this one-horse town and head to the bright lights of Mintos.

Meena: I am praying Empire of Parthenia is restored to its former glory in very near future.

Torneko: Sure, yer man the King is a grand fella altogether. Look at the way he mucks in with his subjects - he's not afraid to get his hands dirty, so he isn't.

Torneko: Those kings in Endor and Ballymoral might learn a thing or two about an honest day's work if they weren't so busy orderin' other folks around...

Alena: Sight of monarch here is making me to recall my father, the Tsar. I pray that he is safe and well...

Ragnar: Och, it's great tae see a king who isnae afraid tae roll up his sleeves and do a bit o' work.

Maya: It is so so nice to be hearing people say nice things. But I am being even happier if they are showing their appreciation with gold coins...

Kiryl: Truly, you are my saviours also. I am offering you most profound and sincere gratitude.

Borya: It is very much pleasant to receive heartfelt gratitude of general populace.

Alena: I wonder what is present location of three men who accompanied me at cave...

Alena: They are proving too much slow, so I am bidding farewell at them on road returning to Mintos.

Borya: It is seeming illness of my hapless compatriot Kiryl is not entirely without beneficial results...

Meena: I am always so much happier at night. Dark places are so so fun!

Maya: Just imagine how beautiful and glamorous I am looking to the poor people of this muddy-muddy village...

Maya: Ah, the countryside is not being so bad!

Torneko: I don't know about yerselves, but I'm noddin' off here, so I am. How about we call it a day an' head to the inn?

Alena: Out here in rural region, sky is populated with many stars...

Alena: Back in Zamoksva there is too much of light to see such spectacular sky.

Kiryl: Nothing good or pure is occurring late at night. I suggest we retire for evening.

Borya: Ah, late night wandering is demanding for man of advancing years. We must to go to inn imminently.

Ragnar: Whit business can we have in a wee place in the back o' beyond like this?

Tom Foolery: Hey - how can ye tell that the King of Parthenia is such a great ruler?

Tom Foolery: Sure, it's cos he's out standin' in his field, so he is!

Tom Foolery: D'ye not get it? Outstandin'! In his field! Ah, come on now, have ye no sense o' humour?

Maya: I would never marry a man whose only possession is his roof. Not unless he is being very very handsome...

Torneko: Ah, that takes me back, so it does. I used to be grateful just to have the roof over me head an' the clothes on me back!

Maya: Waah! It is being so so good to be back in the big city! The people! The noise!

Maya: Ah, I am feeling alive again! Without hustling and bustling, I am just not feeling like myself.

Torneko: I wonder how yer man Hank is gettin' on. We should drop in an' say hello, so we should.

Borya: There is insufficient time for delaying. We must to go to inn and administer feverfew root to my compatriot Kiryl!

Meena: I am wondering where that princess has got to. I am praying she is not still in the Imperial Pantry.

Maya: I am wondering how much gold this rich and famous Conrad Ilton is having...

Maya: ...Mm? You wish to know why? Oh, no reason...

Torneko: There's not a merchant alive hasn't heard of yer man, Conrad Ilton. They call him the God of Trade, no less!

Meena: Let us be getting the feverfew root to that poor-poor sick man!

Borya: It seems my hapless compatriot is not yet extinct.

Borya: Come! We must to take feverfew root to inn!

Maya: So basically, this town is belonging to this Conrad Ilton man. How much is he being worth, I wonder?

Maya: With a man like that, I could be repaying my debts and still have lots of lovely-lovely money left over...

Torneko: If I play me cards right, maybe one day I can turn a tiny village into a bustlin' metropolis.

Torneko: Hank had the right idea becomin' yer man Ilton's apprentice. Sure, he'll beat me at my own game, if I amn't careful!

Maya: I am not caring how crinkly or wrinkly the old man is. I am not thinking only looks are important. I am not so shallow.

Maya: Come, let us be meeting the super-wealthy millionaire rich man Conrad Ilton without delay!

Borya: I ask to you, does so-called God of Trade have noble bearing of servant of royal court of Zamoksva? Nyet, his money cannot buy him this!

Maya: Waah! So he is having all sorts of treasure! Diamonds... And gold... And...and...casino tokens!

Meena: Sis... Are you...? Are you...drooling?

Torneko: Does this Ilton fellow not remind you of anyone, like? Y'know, an adventure-lovin' merchant with a heart o' gold? No? ...Ah, ye're havin' me on, so y'are!

Meena: Ugh! When is the last time this stinky and smelly man is changing his clothes, I wonder...

Borya: Tsarevna too is often sleeping during my stimulating lectures, at severe cost to her education.

Maya: Arey, this girl is trying to marry Conrad Ilton too! Get your filthy-filthy hands off my man!

Torneko: I wonder if young Tipper'll be followin' in his ole da's footsteps one day...

Borya: All merchant is truly needing is forked tongue and absence of shame. Then sell inferior merchandise at unreasonable price. Is simple, nyet?

Borya: Is it for dubious wisdoms such as these that Ilton charges legs and arms?

Meena: Arey, are you seeing the old man's false teeth? They are looking as if they will fly out at any second!

Meena: ...What is that, please? You are asking what he is saying? I am sorry, but I have no idea.

Maya: Accha, he is such a rude old man... But he is being very rich, so I am not caring. He is the man for me!

Maya: Leave it to me, please! I am knowing how to bring out his good side!

Torneko: Sure, I've a funny feelin' this ole fella's got more to say, so I do. Let's have a while more of his craic...

Maya: Waah! We are having our very own treasure map! Let us be finding this lovely treasure right away!

Torneko: Ah, sure there's nuttin' like the thought o' treasure to get the ole blood flowin'! What sorta loot can it be, I wonder?

Borya: So old man is never solving mystery of map... Pah! My superior intellectual powers will be making a short work of this!

Borya: ...Aga! Da, da... As I suspect, it is too much simple. Too simple for man of my intellectual powers to be bothering with. I leave for others to solve...

Maya: Waah! My favourite three words in the whole wide world are treasure, treasure...and treasure!

Torneko: So yer man Ilton never got to the bottom o' this treasure map, did he not? Well, we'll just have to go one better than the ole feen, eh?

Torneko: C'mon, Hero! If we can find this treasure, we'll be set for life, so we will!

Borya: Young children possess formidable powers of recovery. I pray my compatriot Kiryl is so fortunate.

Borya: We must to have faith. Let us take feverfew root to inn without delay.

Meena: It sounds like Hank is really making a go of it. He is destined for success, no?

Borya: Let us cease expenditure of time in idle chatter. We must to get feverfew root upstairs!

Maya: Arey, that is really our friend Hank!? He is changing so much I can barely recognise him!

Torneko: It looks like all yer man Hank's hard work has paid off, so it does. Sure, that's grand altogether.

Borya: Let us cease expenditure of time in idle chatter. We must to get feverfew root upstairs!

Maya: Arey, so the princess is already here? I suppose all her kicking of holes in walls must have given her formidably strong and fast legs...

Borya: Tsarevna is returning in single piece! This is highly satisfactory news! Now, we must to deliver feverfew root to Kiryl without delay!

Maya: That is it! It is enough, I am telling you! I cannot walk another step!

Maya: Take me to the inn right this instant! I am not taking no for an answer!

Torneko: I wonder if I bought a good luck charm here in Mintos, it might help me business back home to boom...

Borya: I observe that sun is already descending...

Borya: There is insufficient time for delaying. We must to go to inn and administer feverfew root to my compatriot Kiryl!

Maya: Yuck! That awful-awful man is sneezing over my pretty clothes! I will never get this out!

Tom Foolery: What did the one nose say to the other nose? ...Who nose? Snot important!

Meena: What a lazy-lazy man...

Maya: Accha, this man is being so so useless! He should at the very least be looking her straight into the eyes! Hmph! Men!

Borya: Aya! In younger days, I too am freely distributing sweet talk to visibly impressed womenfolk of Zamoksva. I am not always old, you know!

Meena: Romance is so so difficult. Sometimes I am wondering if fortune tellers intimidate men... We are always able to see when relationships are having no future...

Maya: Oh, to be able to say that I am rich enough, and have no time to be bothering with treasure... (sigh)

Torneko: Ah, but it's not just about the money, ye know. There's nuttin' like a spot o' treasure-huntin' to get the old heart racin', so there isn't!

Torneko: I wonder if that lady's ever gettin' homesick at all. Sure, I know I do...

Borya: Trip to Parthenia is having positive outcome. But journey is as yet incomplete. We must to arrive at inn without delay!

Meena: "Ragnar"...? This name... I am sensing something... But what can it be...?

Maya: So this Ragnar is a tough guy? I do not mind. I like meaty men...as long as they are having nice smiles!

Borya: If Tsarevna is hearing of tough man, she is doubtless challenging him to immediate hand-to-hand combat!

Maya: I would love to introduce that man to the old Hank. Then he is not saying such nice things!

Borya: Let us cease expenditure of time in idle chatter. We must to get feverfew root upstairs!

Meena: We can be chatting together later. Let us first be attending to sick man.

Maya: Hmph. It seems princess is not remembering us.

Maya: Well, we are only passing in cave, I suppose. There was no time to be getting to know each other well...

Torneko: That poor fella looks like he's in a lot o' pain, so he does. I just hope he pulls through, like.

Borya: We must to cease idle conversation and deliver feverfew root to my bedridden compatriot.

Borya: We must to cease idle conversation and deliver feverfew root to my bedridden compatriot.

Meena: We can be chatting together later. Let us first be attending to sick man.

Maya: Hmph. It seems princess is not remembering us.

Maya: Well, we are only passing in cave, I suppose. There was no time to be getting to know each other well...

Meena: It is just as I am suspecting. The princess and her companions are being among the Chosen...

Meena: With these three trusty new allies, there will be no stopping us. That tough-tough princess is a great addition to the team!

Borya: My hapless compatriot Kiryl is causing all manner of troubles.

Borya: But in conclusion, we are finding allies seeking for same enemy.

Borya: This is truly joyful occasion! I am very much honoured to join with you.

Torneko: Ah, there's nuttin' like havin' a bunch o' fellow rovers along fer the ride.

Torneko: It looks like we've got quite a party with us now, Hero. Sure, this'll be great craic, so it will.

Meena: So someone named McRyan is making his way to the Palais de Léon...

Meena: Is he also being one of the Chosen? Or is he destined for a different path?

Maya: Just thinking about Libeccio gives me pains in my heart. It was once our home... We must find out what is going on there.

Borya: We are in great debt to you. You aided us, though we are perfect strangers.

Borya: ...Da! I will repay you by accompanying with you, no matter to where you travel!

Meena: So someone named McRyan is making his way to the Palais de Léon...

Meena: Is he also being one of the Chosen? Or is he destined for a different path?

Maya: Just thinking about Libeccio gives me pains in my heart. It was once our home... We must find out what is going on there.

Alena: "Ragnar McRyan"... Am I hearing this name previously? I cannot precisely recollect...

Kiryl: Your concern is no longer required. I am in peak physical condition. Come, let us go west for Libeccio!

Borya: We are in great debt to you. You aided us, though we are perfect strangers.

Borya: ...Da! I will repay you by accompanying with you, no matter to where you travel!

Meena: It sounds like Hank is really making a go of it. He is destined for success, no?

Maya: Arey, that is really our friend Hank!? He is changing so much I can barely recognise him!

Torneko: It looks like all yer man Hank's hard work has paid off, so it does. Sure, that's grand altogether.

Alena: Who is this man? For why are you all acquainted with him?

Alena: Hmph! So once more Borya and Kiryl are travelling companions... I am so boring with them!

Alena: But is first time for me having female ally. Is nice change.

Meena: Now it is no longer just me and my sister.

Meena: Next time, we will defeat him, you are seeing... Arey, what am I saying!? Please be ignoring me...

Maya: It is so so strange to hear name of Libeccio once again. It must be destiny at work...

Maya: Well, whatever. We must be returning. Then we will be seeing if he is still there...

Torneko: Meena and Maya look like they've a fair bit on their minds, so they do.

Torneko: Did sometin' bad happen to them in Libeccio, I wonder?

Kiryl: I am wondering of best way to display gratitude to Tsarevna and remainder of party. They gave to me assistance in hour of need.

Kiryl: I promise to do anything they ask to me. I will strive to be invaluable member of party.

Borya: I am hoping new travelling companions are not exerting unseemly influence on Tsarevna.

Borya: I must to be vigilant at all times...

Maya: Arey, so it is time to be boarding a boat once again and returning to the Palais de Léon...

Torneko: Sure, there's plenty o' room fer us all on board me boat, so there is!

Alena: When next I am setting sail on ship, I plan to climb until very top of mast!

Alena: Aga, so exciting!

Maya: That awful-awful Marquis de Léon is waiting there, I am certain. And he is being there too... Balzack...

Borya: I believe ruler known as Marquis de Léon cannot be benign or kindly.

Borya: These rumours must to have basis in fact. Without fire, there is existing no smoke.

Meena: Arey, are you seeing the old man's false teeth? They are looking as if they will fly out at any second!

Meena: ...What is that, please? You are asking what he is saying? I am sorry, but I have no idea.

Maya: Accha, he is such a rude old man... But he is being very rich, so I am not caring. He is the man for me!

Maya: Leave it to me, please! I am knowing how to bring out his good side!

Torneko: Sure, I've a funny feelin' this ole fella's got more to say, so I do. Let's have a while more of his craic...

Alena: .........

Alena: I am very much disliking tests of cerebral nature. I have no contributions to make.

Maya: Waah! We are having our very own treasure map! Let us be finding this lovely treasure right away!

Torneko: Ah, sure there's nuttin' like the thought o' treasure to get the ole blood flowin'! What sorta loot can it be, I wonder?

Kiryl: Why this man gives precious item to unfamiliar travellers? I will never comprehend behaviour of wealthy...

Borya: So old man is never solving mystery of map... Pah! My superior intellectual powers will be making a short work of this!

Borya: ...Aga! Da, da... As I suspect, it is too much simple. Too simple for man of my intellectual powers to be bothering with. I leave for others to solve...

Maya: Waah! My favourite three words in the whole wide world are treasure, treasure...and treasure!

Torneko: So yer man Ilton never got to the bottom o' this treasure map, did he not? Well, we'll just have to go one better than the ole feen, eh?

Torneko: C'mon, Hero! If we can find this treasure, we'll be set for life, so we will!

Alena: Where treasure is found, so too are found monsters. Please to be leaving combat to me!

Kiryl: You ask nature of flavour of feverfew root? I am only capable to compare with cake baked by Tsarevna.

Kiryl: ...It is delicious! This is my meaning! Truly delicious! Not bitter or repellent or causing stomach rotations! Please to not get wrong idea!

Alena: We plan to travel in night? I am very pleasing to hear this. Monsters are more tougher at night, thusly ensuring more rigorous combat.

Maya: Yuck! That awful-awful man is sneezing over my pretty clothes! I will never get this out!

Tom Foolery: What did the one nose say to the other nose? ...Who nose? Snot important!

Meena: What a lazy-lazy man...

Alena: I am never experiencing to sleep outside. Perhaps it is enjoyably bracing?

Maya: Waah! He is having the guts to finally ask her out! I am wishing him luck!

Alena: What is purpose of accompanying person to sea? It is adequate to view it alone.

Kiryl: She is torn in between duty and love. I am feeling for her from bottom of heart...

Meena: I am sensing Hank can become even greater merchant than this old man, Conrad Ilton.

Torneko: I've a bit o' news to break to youse all, so I do... I'm leavin' to become Conrad Ilton's new apprentice.

Torneko: ...Sure, I'm not serious! I only said it to get a rise out o' ye, like!

Maya: I would love to introduce that man to the old Hank. Then he is not saying such nice things!

Alena: This Hoffman works very hard. He must to possess formidable physical strength.

Alena: He was former travelling companion? Aga, I wish I had opportunity for comparison of strength...

Maya: Much time is passing since we are coming here last...

Kiryl: Yoy, this is much pleasing location! Ports possess atmosphere at variance from other places.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Could this be...? Nope. This ain't the one. ...Huh? What's that? What am I talkin' about? Oh, well, it ain't a big deal or nothin'...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It's just, there's a town I'm lookin' for, is all...

Orifiela: Ahh, it is so very beautiful... A town lapped by the waves of the ocean...

Orifiela: I had hoped to see a pretty seaside settlement during my time here. It is every bit as wonderful as I had imagined...

Psaro: Is there any reason why we came here? I did not join you in order to fritter away my time.

Meena: My sister and I are having painful memories here...

Meena: ...No. This is not the time to be letting the past cast its shadow over us.

Alena: If no ships are sailing for Endor, perhaps we may go by swimming instead. Or is this too excessive challenge?

Borya: No ships are permitting to sail? This must be source of considerable inconvenience for town...

Borya: When will ships be permitting to sail once more? Perhaps after new ruler takes throne...

Tom Foolery: Tell me this now, why did the fish blush?

Tom Foolery: Sure, it was because the seaweed! D'ye not get it? It's a classic, so it is!

Meena: Our father is knowing everything about alchemy. I am sure he is knowing all about magic keys...

Torneko: I've bought an' sold more items than ye've had hot dinners, so I have, but I've never come across anytin' answerin' to the description of a magic key...

Borya: In more youthful days, I too overcame substantial hardship and struggle and...

Alena: This is being sufficient. I am very boring with past tales, Borya.

Meena: (gulp) I think it is best if I am keeping low profile while we are here.

Maya: A dancing girl and her sister? Can he really be talking about us?

Maya: Tee hee hee! It seems we are being famous here! Or is it infamous?

Maya: Hey, sis! It smells little like dirty socks, no? Well, it is a jail, after all...

Meena: This is our chance to be completing our mission of revenge. For our father, and for Oojam...

Maya: Now we are having you on our side, Hero, I am certain we can defeat Balzack and the Marquis de Léon!

Alena: Master of Darkness is not being human?

Alena: I am not fully comprehending events of this kingdom, but is not seeming good...

Borya: I am intriguing about this soldier dubbed McRyan...

Borya: I am hoping he is good and honourable man.

Maya: Arey! Th-That monster...! For a moment, I am thinking it is Torneko!

Maya: His belly is looking exactly the same, no?

Torneko: All this talk o' the Lord of the Underworld is givin' me the willies, so it is...

Maya: Waah! I am so so happy to be in a bar at last! It is feeling like I have come home!

Maya: Arey, listen to that silly-silly woman asking me to dance! She knows nothing!

Maya: If I danced, every man's eyeballs would be glued on me!

Maya: A princess won in a fighting contest?

Maya: I would love to one day meet such a tough-tough lady!

Maya: I think we are all knowing who this princess is!

Maya: There is not being another one like her in the whole wide world!

Kiryl: A prophétisserie located in vicinity of coast? We must to investigate...

b0527000 (Mamon Mine, Palais de Leon, and Aubout du Monde)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Kiryl: I am sensing spirit of Goddess in this place...

Alena: Do you think perhaps that we are object of search of soldier dubbed McRyan?

Alena: If so, we must to make life more easier for him, and seek him out in return.

Meena: Accha, this place is still being full of stinky, smelly gases!

Maya: (cough) Why are we coming back here, please? There is nothing for us here, no? Let us be going! (splutter)

Torneko: Sure, it makes yer heart sink, seein' a place like this...

Torneko: Seems we couldn't help the people here if we tried. Sure, it's a cryin' shame, so it is.

Kiryl: Continuous survival of inhabitants here is defying belief...

Borya: (cough) Remaining in present location is having detrimental effect on life expectancy, especially for people with my age... (cough)

Ragnar: Och, words cannae do justice tae just hoo terrible this place is...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sakes alive! I can't hardly believe a gosh-durned heckhole like this truly exists...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But ain't no gittin' round it - this is jes' about as real as it gits...

Maya: Some people are leaving since last time my sister and I are coming here.

Maya: Arey, I still cannot get over it... This place is so so awful-awful...

Kiryl: We must to offer prayers for those who have departed this life...

Borya: Mamon Mine? Back in motherland of Zamoksva, Tsar informed me of existence of this place.

Borya: He informed that mining operation ceased, but nobody knows reason for why...

Tom Foolery: Sure, I was goin' to make a gag about this place bein' gas, so I was...

Tom Foolery: But it doesn't seem like the time or the place to be pokin' fun...

Torneko: A fella in a bar was tellin' me that gas is lighter than air, and that it has all sorts of uses, don't ye know.

Torneko: But I can't think of anyone in their right mind who'd want anytin' to do with poisonous muck like this...

Borya: I have not heard anywhere of gas of this nature escaping from ground.

Borya: I pray that no evil force lies behind such toxic emissions...

Meena: I am seeing that poor-poor man's soul... It is like white light through blackness...
It glows like the moon at night...

Kiryl: I fear that this man died in depth of despair... We must to pray for his soul.

Maya: Arey, I am recognising that man! He is the expert on gunpowder, no?

Maya: He is not looking so cheerful...

Meena: Yes, I am remembering all the filthy, nasty monsters down in the mine...

Ragnar: So there are monsters aboot an' all? Just whit happened here? It's no natural, I tell ye...

Ragnar: Aye, there's somethin' aboot this toon that just isnae right...

Borya: I am curious to know reason for spirit's forbidding of further excavation...

Ragnar: Aye, there's somethin' aboot this toon that just isnae right...

Meena: We are entering this mine before, but I do not think there is anything left for us here now...

Meena: We should be leaving this place, please.

Maya: Arey, what am I doing to deserve a return trip to this awful-awful place?

Alena: I sense many many monsters here... My sword arm experiences...tingling sensation!

Maya: That man is maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer... But he is never saying die, no?

Meena: This time Balzack will not be getting away...

Maya: Arey, this castle is still being filled with such an eerie-eerie atmosphere...

Alena: Castles always feeling like home for me.

Borya: Construction of building resembles more fortress than regular castle.

Alena: Wandering knight? I am interesting to take him on in test of strength!

Kiryl: We must to not abandon poor knight to his fate!

Maya: This silly-billy guard is always saying the same thing...

Maya: When someone is asking me for help, I am always feeling like doing exactly the opposite.

Meena: ...Sis! You are always speaking such nonsenses! Of course we must help his friend!

Torneko: Sounds like we'd be better off with this magic key yoke, so we would...

Torneko: Yer man there mentioned Aubout du Monde, did he not? Shall we be headin' over that way, like?

Torneko: I don't know the full story, like, but that Healie fella looked like he was fit to be tied. Anxious, ye know...

Borya: "Ragnar"...? We are hearing of man dubbed with this name previously...

Kiryl: Soldier hears subterranean voices? This is indeed strange...

Kiryl: Does this signify something occurring beneath us?

Meena: Arey, this man is still being chancellor here? It is a wonder he is not having lost his job by now!

Maya: Accha, is this silly-billy man really not remembering my beautiful face!?

Maya: Maybe if we are exploding more gunpowder, his memory will be jogged...

Borya: What nature of ruler employs unpleasant individual such as this for chancellor?

Alena: This knight brushes guards away with minimal effort. I am impressing of his formidable strength.

Kiryl: I am concerning that trouble is afoot. We must to go without delay!

Meena: That knight is not seeming like a bad man.

Maya: So he is wanting us to bring Hero here...

Maya: Let us be going and bringing (him/her) back with us.

Meena: Arey, I am not seeing Balzack here!

Maya: What are we waiting for, please? We must be doing battle with the Marquis de Léon!

Torneko: Right, I'm rollin' up me sleeves an' preparin' fer battle, so I am...

Alena: I am not concerning who enemy is - I give no quarter regardless.

Borya: Our opponent is formidable in appearance. But we must not to shy away from combat.

Meena: Accha, we are coming all this way to take on Balzack. Where can that awful-awful man be?

Maya: Ha! You see! I am never losing to the same opponent twice!

Maya: And now, our first objective is achieved...

Alena: Hmph. Why battle must end just as I commence to enjoy it?

Meena: Arey, there is really something that is not being right with people in this castle...

Maya: Seeing such a sleazy-sleazy fellow as that is enough to make me lose my faith in men...

Kiryl: Is behaviour of this nature considered usual here? I worry for spiritual health of kingdom...

Meena: Arey, there is really something that is not being right with people in this castle...

Kiryl: This man is too much suspicious...

Maya: Waah! Listening to her words, I too am wanting to live in paradise on earth, please!

Alena: Food and wine? For me, this is not paradise.

Alena: I desire only opportunity of rigorous training and strenuous combat.

Meena: Arey, there is really something that is not being right with people in this castle...

Maya: Seeing such a sleazy-sleazy fellow as that is enough to make me lose my faith in men...

Kiryl: Is behaviour of this nature considered usual here? I worry for spiritual health of kingdom...

Meena: Arey, there is really something that is not being right with people in this castle...

Meena: I never thought I would be seeing our home again...

Maya: Arey, nothing is ever changing here!

Torneko: So this is Maya an' Meena's hometown, eh? Sure, 'tis a lovely spot, so it is.

Meena: It is so very nice to see that nothing is changing here.

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear about the village idiot who bought himself some bird seed?

Tom Foolery: He wanted to grow himself some birds, so he did! Ba-boom! Ha ha hah!

Maya: Hey, sis. Our favourite cow is looking very healthful indeed.

Maya: She has always been like a sister to me. That is why I am calling her Moona!

Meena: When we are seeing Balzack again, I knew my father was not mistaken.

Meena: The Secret of Evolution must be destroyed, or it will bring calamity on us all.

Torneko: The Secret of Evolution, ye say? Sure, I've heard the phrase before on me travels, but I couldn't tell ye where...

Meena: Puppadom remembers us! He is such a clever-clever dog!

Meena: Arey, poor-poor Oojam... We are not being able to ask him for his kind help any more...

Maya: Arey, this is being very surprising news...

Maya: If Oojam is having magic key, why is he insisting on breaking doors open with brute force?

Alena: Fear not! We are requiring no magic key!

Alena: Locked doors are no match for my mighty kicks!

Borya: We must to locate this magic key. Otherwise, I fear it is seriously impeding our progress...

Meena: .........

Meena: It is as if everything stopped on that day...

Meena: Sis, do you remember still that awful-awful day?

Meena: I know that I will never forget it.

Maya: Come, sis. It is high time we were going. Being here is just making me so so sad.

Meena: Accha, our father is having an additional laboratory?

Meena: And it is located in a cave to the west? This is the first I am hearing of any of this!

Maya: We went before to that cave in the west, but we did not see any laboratories...

Maya: That slippery and sloppy slime is really making itself at home here...

Kiryl: Of all creatures, slime is among most agreeable.

Meena: We will be together once again, Puppadom. But first, we must complete our mission of revenge.

Meena: I am so so sorry, Puppadom. We must be leaving you again...

Meena: But I promise, when our journey is over, we will be living all together once more.

b0528000 (Gupta Gupha, Imperial Pantry of Parthenia, Mintos cont., and Zamoksva)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Maya: Arey! Why must we be returning to this dank and dingy cave? What am I doing to deserve this?

Alena: No matter what nature of monsters appear, I cheerfully engage in vigorous combat.

Borya: I sense presence of multiple monsters. We must to exercise extreme caution...

Orifiela: I who have spent my life above the clouds find it rather a thrill to descend beneath the ground...

Meena: There must be a reason for poor-poor Oojam to take refuge in this cave.

Meena: I sense there is more for us to be discovering down here...

Maya: If that man cannot find a way deeper into the cave, he is not looking hard enough.

Maya: ...I am recalling saying something very similar before. Or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Meena: So all that time, our father was having another laboratory here?

Maya: Our father is keeping this place secret for many many years...

Maya: Was he really only doing research down here? Of course he was. Our father was a good man.

Meena: Thank you, Father...

Maya: Truly, our father is full of surprises, even now...

Torneko: Sure, I've never laid eyes on an item like this before. It must be worth a fair bit, like...

Torneko: ...Wait! Don't be lookin' at me like that! I'm not sayin' I want to sell it or anytin'!

Kiryl: With magic key in our possession, I foresee new paths opening for us...

Meena: We have the feverfew seeds, but now what do we do? I sense we should be returning to Parthenia...

Maya: Arey, so that princess is having not one, not two, but three men accompanying her! She is being a very popular lady!

Maya: Gah, this so-called Parthenian Pantry is being so so freezing! All I am dreaming of is a hot bath!

Torneko: Sure, I can't stay on me feet for a minute on this ice! I've slipped over so many times, me trouser seat is soaked right through! Ahh... Ahh-CHOO!

Borya: Seeds of feverfew may be insufficient for cure of hapless compatriot Kiryl. We require not root, but seed.

Borya: Gah! Tsarevna causes aged Borya too too much consternation! For why would she consent to journey with men of unknown social status!?

Borya: When we are reunited in Mintos, I will berate her with severe and lengthy reprimands!

Tom Foolery: Why did the princess carry an umbrella? Because her father was reigning, so he was! ...D'ye get it?

Meena: Now Parthenia will be returning to its former glory!

Maya: I am much preferring the city to the countryside. (sigh) Even here I hear the irresistible call of the casinos and bars...

Torneko: If ye keep pluggin' away at sometin', ye're sure to make sometin' o' yerself.

Torneko: That's the secret o' how I got me own shop in Endor. 'Twas good old-fashioned hard graft, so it was!

Borya: Now that we possess feverfew root, I only hope my hapless compatriot Kiryl is still extant.

Borya: Come! We must to see him without delay.

Borya: Surely Tsarevna is now aware that she is requiring wisdom of distinguished tutor Borya.

Borya: I am highly satisfying to be once again proved correct.

Tom Foolery: The good folks o' Parthenia loved me jokes, so they did. I don't suppose they get much in the way o' quality comedy out there...

Meena: It is so so good that Kiryl is recovering from his illness.

Meena: He is seeming like a sensible person. Unlike certain other people I could be mentioning...

Meena: So Ragnar McRyan is heading to the Palais de Léon... I am sensing we are all being somehow guided...

Maya: Waah! It is so so nice having young man in party!

Maya: This is why it is a good idea to sometimes be helping people in trouble!

Maya: I did not think we would be returning to the Palais de Léon so soon.

Maya: But I am not afraid. We are so so much stronger than last time.

Torneko: So these folks are what ye'd call big cheeses in the court o' Zamoksva, are they? Sure, I'll do me best to keep 'em on side - might be good fer business, like.

Alena: This is first time for me to travel with so large group. It is so much enjoyable!

Alena: I am intrigued if anybody in party could match me in combat... But I believe not.

Kiryl: I cause trouble not solely for Tsarevna, but for strangers too...

Kiryl: Please, accept my deepest apologies. Ask any favour of me in return, and I am gladly undertaking.

Kiryl: My stomach is still revolving, but I feel infinitely superior. You must to not be concerning for me.

Borya: We possess perfectly functioning wagon, and yet man of advanced years is made to walk...

Borya: I am never failing to be amazed at inconsideration of youthful people today... (grumble)

Borya: Illness of hapless compatriot Kiryl resulted in expanded party. This is at least something...

Tom Foolery: Why couldn't the princess stand up straight?

Tom Foolery: Because she was Alena! Hee hee hee! D'ye get it? A leaner, y'know, like she...leans... Bah, never mind, ye philistines, ye!

Maya: Of all the inns we are sleeping in, the beds here are being the nicest. They are so fluffy and comfy!

Torneko: I'm lookin' forward to the day when I can speak to yer man Conrad Ilton as an equal, so I am.

Tom Foolery: Why is Conrad Ilton like a bull?

Tom Foolery: Because ye never know when he's goin' to charge! D'ye get it? It's a cracker!

Meena: It is where we are last seeing Hank... It is where we are joining forces with Alena...

Meena: Mintos is holding many many memories for us.

Alena: I recall vividly the moment of Kiryl's collapse. His face became most alarming shade of puce.

Alena: I slap his face repeatedly and firmly, but it was no good. Then we dragged him to hotel.

Kiryl: Mintos is location where I cause everyone such inconvenience. I feel only overwhelming shame.

Borya: Maintenance of health is of paramount importance. We must to take exercise every day without failure.

Ragnar: I wandered all roond Endor an' Mintos lookin' for the heroes o' legend.

Ragnar: But in the end, the wee blighters found me first! Funny how things turn oot, eh?

Meena: Travelling together with Hank was so so fun. I am missing those days...

Maya: Arey, so Hank left without waiting to say goodbye? Hmph. I am hoping he is well. I suppose...

Torneko: Sounds like yer man Hank has finally decided to go out into the big, wide world and seek his fortune. More power to his elbow, says I!

Meena: Arey, are you seeing the old man's false teeth? They are looking as if they will fly out at any second!

Meena: ...What is that, please? You are asking what he is saying? I am sorry, but I have no idea.

Maya: Accha, he is such a rude old man... But he is being very rich, so I am not caring. He is the man for me!

Maya: Leave it to me, please! I am knowing how to bring out his good side!

Torneko: Sure, I've a funny feelin' this ole fella's got more to say, so I do. Let's have a while more of his craic...

Alena: .........

Alena: I am very much disliking tests of cerebral nature. I have no contributions to make.

Ragnar: I'll gladly test ma brute strength against anyone, but I cannae be daein' wi' mental challenges...

Maya: Waah! We are having our very own treasure map! Let us be finding this lovely treasure right away!

Torneko: Ah, sure there's nuttin' like the thought o' treasure to get the ole blood flowin'! What sorta loot can it be, I wonder?

Kiryl: Why this man gives precious item to unfamiliar travellers? I will never comprehend behaviour of wealthy...

Borya: So old man is never solving mystery of map... Pah! My superior intellectual powers will be making a short work of this!

Borya: ...Aga! Da, da... As I suspect, it is too much simple. Too simple for man of my intellectual powers to be bothering with. I leave for others to solve...

Maya: Waah! My favourite three words in the whole wide world are treasure, treasure...and treasure!

Torneko: So yer man Ilton never got to the bottom o' this treasure map, did he not? Well, we'll just have to go one better than the ole feen, eh?

Torneko: C'mon, Hero! If we can find this treasure, we'll be set for life, so we will!

Alena: Where treasure is found, so too are found monsters. Please to be leaving combat to me!

Maya: Accha, please be telling me this is not true! That silly-billy old man Ilton is filling Hank's head with ideas, and now he is going off to become rich...

Maya: ...Going off to become rich without me! Grrr... This is so so unfair!

Torneko: Sure, maybe it'd be worth me while comin' back here one day to try me luck as an apprentice meself...

Kiryl: You ask nature of flavour of feverfew root? I am only capable to compare with cake baked by Tsarevna.

Kiryl: ...It is delicious! This is my meaning! Truly delicious! Not bitter or repellent or causing stomach rotations! Please to not get wrong idea!

Maya: Arey, the least Hank could do is to be leaving a message... Hmph!

Torneko: Sure, me ole boss back in Lakanaba said the same sort o' thing to me when I left to seek me fortune. Or I think he did, anyway...

Maya: Whenever night is falling, I can almost hear the cheerful clinking of glasses in a cosy-cosy bar...

Maya: But then I am remembering that there is no such bar in Mintos. What a boring town!

Torneko: Sure, I'm exhausted, so I am! Shall we turn in fer the night?

Maya: Yuck! That awful-awful man is sneezing over my pretty clothes! I will never get this out!

Tom Foolery: What did the one nose say to the other nose? ...Who nose? Snot important!

Meena: What a lazy-lazy man...

Alena: I am never experiencing to sleep outside. Perhaps it is enjoyably bracing?

Maya: Why is he talking nonsense about silly-billy flowers! He should just be telling her he loves her, no?

Alena: Man trembles so violently that his flower's petals drop to ground. What ails him?

Borya: Ah, youthful love... I too recall comparable situations in distant past...

Maya: So Hank will be having a town of his very own? Gah! I have let a good-good man get away!

Torneko: Sure, I'm green with envy, so I am. I'd love to have a town o' me own one day...

Alena: Hoffman is former travelling companion. Perhaps we could offer to assist in building of his town.

Ragnar: Och, this Hoffman's an impressive laddie. It's no everybody'ld hae the nerve tae set off an' build a brand new toon from scratch, eh?

Meena: I am hoping Hank is being safe and well.

Torneko: It looks like yer man Hank was well liked by everyone he worked with. Sure, he's a fine feen, so he is.

Maya: Everyone is only talking about what a great-great man is Hank Hoffman Junior. But remember how bad an impression he is making when we first met!

Maya: He is really turning his life around... Gah! I should have made him mine while I was having the chance...

Torneko: Sure, yer man Hoffman's no slouch. I've a feelin' he'll build himself a fine town, y'know...

Alena: Establishing new town would make invigorating challenge, I mind...

Borya: Make constant efforts, and you will be rewarded. This wisdom should always be carried in mind.

Meena: I am sensing this is not the last time we will be coming to this castle...

Maya: Arey, why is this castle being so so quiet? What is going on, please?

Torneko: Sure, Zamoksva's every bit as great a kingdom as Endor, so it is. But there's sometin' awful quare goin' on here...

Tom Foolery: ...Gah! It's no good! There's sometin' about the atmosphere here that's stoppin' me from comin' up with a quality gag... Come on, Tom... Think, will ye?

Meena: This cat... It is trying to tell us something. But what?

Alena: Cat is safe. But where is remainder of population?

Alena: ...I-I have nothing additional to say.

Meena: I am sensing this is not the last time we will be coming to this castle...

Maya: Accha, it is too too weird! This castle is so huge, but there is no one here!

Torneko: Have the guards taken a day off, like? There's sometin' very wrong here, so there is...

Alena: Still no one... Th-This is t-too much...

Alena: .........

Kiryl: G-Goddess of infinite wisdom... She sees fit to visit such fate on Zamoksva...

Kiryl: B-But...for why...? (sob)

Tom Foolery: I think what this gloomy occasion requires is a little bit o' me own unique brand o' wit.

Tom Foolery: Why did the entire population o' Zamoksva cross the moat?

Tom Foolery: ...Ow! That hurt, so it did! I thought princesses were supposed to be all polite and dainty, like...

Maya: We are seeing a flame similar to this back in Mamon. I am praying this kingdom will not end up sharing the fate of that accursed place...

Alena: Though empty, this remains Zamoksva Castle. It will never become home of monsters. Never!

Alena: Monsters who sully my home will not be forgiven. They will pay heavy price for this. Heaviest price of all...

Borya: Despicable creature! Make most of fleeting moment of superiority - this insolence will not go unpunished!

Meena: Arey, is it being possible? Could the people of Zamoksva be...?

Meena: ...No! Do not be listening to my words, please. I must be keeping my thoughts to myself.

Kiryl: This is...intolerable... We are powerless in face of wretched monsters.

Kiryl: Goddess, I pray. Please to grant us protection and strength required for battles ahead.

Borya: Deplorable monsters! You will be punished for outrageous actions!

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing I can't be doin' with, it's talkin' flames threatenin' me life! I think we should be goin', like.

Alena: I seethe with hatred for monsters stronger than ever beforehand...

Alena: I vow to train and train... I vow to grow strong... I vow on all holy things to avenge my father...

Alena: Treasure does not belong to monsters! Treasure belongs to proud peoples of Zamoksva!

Alena: How...? And for why...? For why does our kingdom deserve such ugly fate...?

Borya: This is thievery of most blatant nature! I curse at reprehensible monsters!

Meena: Castles should be free from monsters, but I am sensing their presence. Please be taking care...

Maya: Why is the King not in his castle? Can someone explain what is going on, please?

Torneko: There's no one round here, either. Sure, it's a quare business altogether, so it is...

Alena: Father...

Kiryl: G-Goddess of infinite wisdom... She sees fit to visit such fate on Zamoksva...

Kiryl: B-But...for why...? (sob)

Borya: Though Tsar is absent, duty remains.

Borya: I vow continuous protection of Tsarevna, and salvation of people of Zamoksva!

Meena: I sense it... It is written... My sister and me... We will be meeting him... Here... In this castle...

Meena: ...Arey, what was I saying, please!? I am not remembering anything!

Alena: If I come here alonesome, I confess I feel fear.

Alena: Bolshoe spasibo... I thank you all greatly for your continued loyal accompaniment...

Meena: Arey, I am sensing something in the air... Soon there will be great changes... What can this be meaning?

Maya: What could our father have been thinking? Why would he be hiding a key in place like that?

Maya: He was always making things difficult. Just like my sister...

Torneko: Alena and her pals are a grand addition to the team, so they are!

Torneko: It'll be nice to take a back seat, have a sit-down in the wagon and... Hm? Oh, don't mind me. I was just thinkin' out loud, like.

Alena: With new key, we can gain access of previously inaccessible locations.

Alena: Oh, I am so exciting! Fresh adventures await!

Borya: More keys means less doors broken at foot of Tsarevna. Is very good thing.

Tom Foolery: Which key will never open a door?

Tom Foolery: A donkey! D'ye get it?

Kiryl: What is next intended destination, Hero?

Kiryl: If you find yourself uncertain, may I advise to speak with multiple people to glean clues and suggestions.

b0529000 (Palais de Leon cont. and Zamoksva cont.)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Maya: This knight is seeming just a little too enthusiastic for my liking...

Torneko: Yer man Ragnar's a big fella alright. It'll make it a bit of a squeeze in the wagon, so it will.

Alena: We are thus far unable to ascertain true combat ability of Ragnar McRyan.

Alena: But I am convincing he is formidable warrior.

Kiryl: Addition of powerful warrior to party will doubtless prove most beneficial.

Borya: Ragnar McRyan has appearance of stalwart travelling companion.

Meena: Now we are all united, as was foretold. Together, the eight of us are being the Chosen...

Meena: Our real adventure is only just beginning!

Maya: So that guard is finally realising what a silly billy he is being, hm?

Maya: Is anyone else thinking there is something a little slimy about this man?

Alena: There is marked atmosphere of melancholy solitude surrounding this man...

Kiryl: If man wishes to communicate message at Ragnar McRyan, we can give opportunity to do so directly.

Kiryl: We are capable easily to fetch him here for this purpose.

Borya: So this Healie is being acquaintance of Ragnar McRyan. Compelling...

Borya: He possesses sadness he does not communicate. I can see it written deep in eyeballs.

Meena: ...Balzack! We must be taking revenge for our father!

Maya: Balzack is always moving, never keeping still.

Maya: He is always being like this, even when he is student of our father.

Alena: Let us make journey for Zamoksva without slightest delay!

Alena: ...Come! I am impatient for departure!

Kiryl: Oh-yo-yoy! Balzack has taken residence in noble castle of Tsar!?

Kiryl: We must to castigate this misguided individual without delay!

Borya: This was highly informative exchange.

Borya: Could salvation of Zamoksva be close at hand?

Maya: Arey, she really has to tell that stupid-stupid man to be getting lost!

Kiryl: Fall of Marquis de Léon means return to normal palace life. If this is being considered normal...

Alena: I will always recollect name of Psaro...

Psaro: Little does he know that the Psaro he speaks of stands before him.

Maya: Arey, she really has to tell that stupid-stupid man to be getting lost!

Kiryl: Fall of Marquis de Léon means return to normal palace life. If this is being considered normal...

Maya: So that guard is finally realising what a silly billy he is being, hm?
I am sensing spirit of Goddess in this place...

Meena: .........! Wh-What is just happening?!

Meena: C-Could the Lord of Underworld really be doing this!?

Torneko: Wh-What in the world just happened to yer wan the nun!?

Kiryl: ...Y-Yoy! Is unthinkable!

Kiryl: Power of Lord of Underworld reaches even to sacred refuge of Goddess!

Meena: The evil atmosphere in this castle is growing even stronger...

Meena: I am sensing... I am sensing that...he...waits within...

Maya: Yes. He is here. I know it.

Maya: I feel my heart beating harder. It is almost as if our father's voice is telling us to defeat him...

Torneko: Sure, Zamoksva's every bit as great a kingdom as Endor, so it is. But there's sometin' awful quare goin' on here...

Tom Foolery: ...Gah! It's no good! There's sometin' about the atmosphere here that's stoppin' me from comin' up with a quality gag... Come on, Tom... Think, will ye?

Meena: I am sensing that destiny has led us to this castle. Let us be going upstairs!

Maya: Arey, look at all these ugly-ugly monsters! Let us be making mincemeat out of them!

Alena: No longer will monsters behave as they please in this castle!

Alena: We will defeat them all, regardless of cost!

Kiryl: I pray Goddess to protect Tsarevna, and bestow requisite strength upon us...

Kiryl: And please to watch over unfortunate vanished populace of Zamoksva...

Borya: Castle of Zamoksva is apt dwelling place for nobility, but low-born monsters make unworthy inhabitants.

Borya: We must to offer instructions to monsters in error of ways. Swift and forcible instructions!

Ragnar: So these mangy monsters hae seen fit tae take over the castle, hae they? That's no on! No on at all!

Meena: Balzack... We are never forgetting what he did to our father... And we are never forgiving...

Maya: So Balzack is thinking he is the ruler now? We will be teaching him his true place...

Alena: Though empty, this remains Zamoksva Castle. It will never become home of monsters. Never!

Alena: Monsters who sully my home will not be forgiven. They will pay heavy price for this. Heaviest price of all...

Kiryl: Vanished populace of Zamoksva may return if Balzack is defeated...

Kiryl: But first, he must be defeated. I pray for our victory...

Alena: This is castle of my father. And therefore castle of me! Monsters must to learn this, easy way...or hard...

Kiryl: G-Goddess of infinite wisdom... She sees fit to visit such fate on Zamoksva...

Kiryl: B-But...for why...? (sob)

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing I can't be doin' with, it's talkin' flames threatenin' me life! I think we should be goin', like.

Alena: It is monsters who must to prepare to die!

Alena: Once we defeat leader of monster forces, castle will return to previous state. Until then, we are not permitted to decease!

Borya: Despicable creature! Make most of fleeting moment of superiority - this insolence will not go unpunished!

Alena: Treasure does not belong to monsters! Treasure belongs to proud peoples of Zamoksva!

Alena: How...? And for why...? For why does our kingdom deserve such ugly fate...?

Borya: This is thievery of most blatant nature! I curse at reprehensible monsters!

Meena: Th-This is Balzack? Ugh! My stomach is turning! I am sensing only the purest evil. ..

Maya: Arey, it is him! His appearance may be changing, but I would know him anywhere. It is Balzack!

Maya: It is time to be taking revenge for our father!

Torneko: By the hokey! I'm not sure I want to be gettin' involved in this... Maybe I could look after the wagon instead, like... Make sure it's all in one piece, y'know...

Alena: How can he dare to sit on throne of Tsar!? Who does he believe he is being!?

Alena: I will drag him from atop it, and beat him blue and black!

Kiryl: At last we locate chief miscreant with responsibility for parlous state of kingdom...

Kiryl: To arms! We vow to restore Zamoksva to previous peaceful incarnation!

Borya: Now, Alena, I teach most important lesson of all - removal of foe's head with bare hands!

Ragnar: Jings! That beastie looks even tougher than the auld Marquis de Léon!

Ragnar: We'll need oor wits aboot us. Are ye sure ye're all ready for this?

Maya: It seems Balzack hasn't grown any more loveable. Even the monsters are failing to like him...

Alena: Psaro the Manslayer? My intended opponent in Endor Tourney is leader of monsters?

Alena: ...I am glad! This means I can conclude unfinished business! After Balzack, we take on Psaro!

Kiryl: Psaro the Manslayer... This name is emanating ill omens...

Meena: Curse you, Balzack...

Maya: Arey, we are fast becoming a big and happy family!

Maya: It is true what they say - the more friends you have, the merrier things are becoming!

Torneko: Yer average warrior spends a lot more money on fancy armour an' weapons than a martial artist like yer wan, Alena.

Torneko: Sure, ye'll need to keep a keen eye on the purse strings now ye've a warrior with ye...

Alena: I eagerly anticipate to witness power of Ragnar McRyan in combat.

Kiryl: This Ragnar McRyan individual appears to be in possession of formidable physical strength.

Kiryl: Perhaps Tsarevna is drawn to man of such nature... Nyet! I cannot permit myself to consider such things!

Borya: For man with my years, it is boon to have expanded supply of travelling companions.

Ragnar: So Maya an' Meena thought they'd be avengin' their pa in the Palais de Léon, but it wasnae tae be.

Ragnar: Our top priority should be trackin' doon the man who killed their pa and teachin' him a lesson.

Tom Foolery: I'm tryin' to think up a good joke about yer man Ragnar McRyan, so I am...

Tom Foolery: But I've been rackin' me poor brains so hard, I'm almost in tears here. Ye could say...McRyan's got me cryin'! Heh! Janey Mac...

Meena: This was all beginning with our father's research into the Secret of Evolution... Which is making it our responsibility to be putting a stop to it.

Meena: Balzack, too, was trained by... Never mind. It helps nothing to dwell upon it. Come, let us be going.

Maya: I cannot believe it... Finally, we are defeating Balzack and avenging our father's death... I am so...so happy... (sob)

Maya: (sniff) It is n-no good... I c-cannot stop crying... Do not be looking at me, please!

Torneko: Janey Mac! He didn't exactly lay down and let us wallop him, did he now? That was terrifying, so it was!

Torneko: Now I wonder what the story is with that yoke... What was it now? The armlet o' transmutation...?

Alena: So we defeat Balzack, but my father is not returned...

Alena: ...So be it. Then we must to finally face Psaro the Manslayer...and obliterate him.

Kiryl: When castle was occupied by monsters, we had at least a target for our hatred. Now castle is being empty, it is somehow more hard...

Kiryl: But we must to have faith. One day, smiling face of populace will be restored in Zamoksva. One day...

Borya: "Armlet of transmutation"...? "Psaro the Manslayer"...?

Borya: I have distinct sensation that subsequent arduous battles await us...

Ragnar: So Balzack was nae more than a pawn in this whole thing, eh? This Psaro the Manslayer doesnae sound like somebody I'd like tae meet in a dark alley...

Ragnar: But we'll no dae oorselves any favours frettin' aboot that just noo. We need tae get tae a toon an' hae oorselves a good night's rest.

Meena: In a way, the Secret of Evolution is being our father's legacy. We cannot be allowing it to be used for evil ends...

Meena: We must stop Psaro the Manslayer and all monsterkind from getting their claws upon it.

Maya: Balzack is no more, but this is not meaning our father is returning. I know this, but still it is hurting...

Torneko: Sure, there's sometin' awfully sad about a castle when no one's home.

Alena: Father, you must to be strong... Some day we are coming for your rescue... No. Not some day... Presently!

Kiryl: G-Goddess of infinite wisdom... She sees fit to visit such fate on Zamoksva...

Kiryl: B-But...for why...? (sob)

Borya: Though Tsar is absent, duty remains.

Borya: I vow continuous protection of Tsarevna, and salvation of people of Zamoksva!

Meena: Balzack's betrayal... Our father's death... All the pain we are experiencing so far...

Meena: Is this our destiny? What then is lying ahead of us? I am too afraid to be gazing into my crystal ball...

Maya: Alena's bedroom is just so so fabulous!

Maya: I am looking forward to coming for a sleepover when our adventure is over!

Alena: If I come here alonesome, I confess I feel fear.

Alena: Bolshoe spasibo... I thank you all greatly for your continued loyal accompaniment...

Kiryl: Where are Tsar and unfortunate vanished populace of Zamoksva?

Kiryl: Yoy! Even slightest consideration of cruel fate befalling them is making my heart too much painful...

Borya: Though Tsar is absent, duty remains.

Borya: I vow continuous protection of Tsarevna, and salvation of people of Zamoksva!

Meena: In a way, the Secret of Evolution is being our father's legacy. We cannot be allowing it to be used for evil ends...

Meena: We must stop Psaro the Manslayer and all monsterkind from getting their claws upon it.

Maya: Balzack is no more, but this is not meaning our father is returning. I know this, but still it is hurting...

Torneko: Sure, there's sometin' awfully sad about a castle when no one's home.

Alena: Next time we visit to castle, I pray entire populace await us.

Alena: I have faith this is future. For this, I will fight.

Kiryl: When castle was occupied by monsters, we had at least a target for our hatred. Now castle is being empty, it is somehow more hard...

Kiryl: But we must to have faith. One day, smiling face of populace will be restored in Zamoksva. One day...

Borya: "Armlet of transmutation"...? "Psaro the Manslayer"...?

Borya: I have distinct sensation that subsequent arduous battles await us...

Ragnar: After all that stramash wi' those mangy monsters, I hope this castle willnae be seein' any more trouble for a wee while at least...

Meena: In a way, the Secret of Evolution is being our father's legacy. We cannot be allowing it to be used for evil ends...

Meena: We must stop Psaro the Manslayer and all monsterkind from getting their claws upon it.

Maya: Nothing will get done if we are fretting and fussing. We must always be trying to be cheerful!

Torneko: This armlet o' transmutation the monsters are after sounds like sometin' a merchant like meself should know about.

Torneko: ...What's that ye say? Some no-good thief is already after stealin' it? Ah, that's a cryin' shame, so it is!

Alena: I will return, Father... This I am promising...

Alena: You must to promise you will be here awaiting us... A Tsar never breaks his promise, da...?

Kiryl: My duty is for protecting Tsarevna. For this, I would cheerfully lay down my life.

Kiryl: I vow to grow stronger, and carry out duty with aplomb! Now, let us be proceeding from here!

Borya: I refuse to countenance such sorry fate for proud kingdom of Zamoksva...

Borya: Someday we are restoring Tsar and general populace to former glory. This I vow.

Ragnar: After all that stramash wi' those mangy monsters, I hope this castle willnae be seein' any more trouble for a wee while at least...

Alena: My father possesses special powers? Is first time I am hearing this. But is true, he is habitually having curious dreams...

Alena: Let us go to Zalenagrad and question rumoured well-informed individual.

Borya: Even amiable slime is still monster. We must treat its words with caution.

Borya: ...But we have shortage of alternative clues. Gah! Very well. Let us proceed to Zalenagrad.

Ragnar: Sure, wee slimes an' healslimes may be monsters, but they're no as evil as other beasties.

Ragnar: I'm prepared tae believe that slime is tellin' the truth. We've no reason to doubt his word.

b0530000 (Zalenagrad, Taborov, and Vrenor)

Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: Arey, listen to the gentle murmuring of the river... This is so so lovely place...

Maya: I am not seeing even a single bar or casino... This town is so so dull!

Torneko: Zalenagrad's well-known among we merchants for havin' a tight-knit community o' shopkeepers.

Torneko: Makes it the devil's own job fer travellin' peddlers to break into the local market, so it does.

Alena: At least we must give thanks that town of Zalenagrad is not varying...

Kiryl: The general populace of Zalenagrad are as normal. Why then is castle of Zamoksva meeting such fate? What can intention of monsterkind be?

Kiryl: Insolence of monsters is intolerable...

Borya: Stalwart people of Zalenagrad continue normal lives in absence of Tsar. This is very much pleasing.

Ragnar: I dinnae ken much aboot the fella, but I've heard tell of a famous bard who plies his trade in this very toon.

Tom Foolery: Did you hear the one about the ruler who was a little on the hungry side?

Tom Foolery: Absolutely Tsarving, so he was! Ba-boom! Ha ha hah!

Orifiela: Could that edifice really be a spire that reaches to Zenithia itself? No, no. It is merely a church.

Tom Foolery: Tell me, what d'ye call the ruler o' Zamoksva's fans and admirers?

Tom Foolery: Sure, they're Tsargazers to a man, so they are! Ha ha hah! That's a cracker!

Torneko: Ah, sure that's a grand idea, so it is. Maybe I should be gettin' a sign o' me own...

Alena: I am reading this sign since I am being small Tsarevna...

Ragnar: Aye, they're no wrong. Ye shouldnae set oot on an adventure if ye're no well-equipped.

Alena: My people are suffering very much anxiety. We must to defeat the monsters and restore castle to pre-existing state promptly!

Kiryl: I pray benevolent Goddess to give comfort to populace remaining here at Zalenagrad...

Borya: Kingdom with absent ruler is endangered to suffer irreparable decline. We must to be acting without delay.

Torneko: Word spreads fast among travellin' merchants, so it does.

Torneko: Sure, there won't be a merchant alive who hasn't already heard all about Zamoksva Castle.

Alena: I never forgive monsters! Never! Father... I promise I...

Ragnar: There must hae been guards at the castle, but it seems they didnae stand a chance against those mangy monsters...

Maya: Alena is almost being as famous here as I was in Laissez Fayre...

Alena: Words of young girl are inspiration. We must to restore peace to the world, for sake of her.

Borya: Admirable spirit of this tomboy is giving hope for future well-being of kingdom.

Meena: Such silly-billy nonsense! "Psaro the Manslayer" is not being poetic in the slightest!

Meena: Brrr... Just hearing it is bringing me out in goosebumps!

Alena: "Poetic"!? Ignorant fool! Is fault of Psaro that such evils have befallen us!

Alena: I shall locate him and administer merciless drubbing! This will be poetic!

Kiryl: Dulcet tone of Josef Starling is inspiring happy recollection of simpler times...

Borya: We are pursuing Psaro since time spent in Endor.

Borya: Yet still we are not in vicinity of discovering true nature of him...

Meena: Arey, I am hearing a voice... It is the voice of guidance... Could the Tsar of Zamoksva have been guided by it too?

Meena: Canalot... Yes. We must go to Canalot...

Maya: Accha, a castle in the sky? A Dragon God? This is sounding like a children's story book to me...

Maya: Still, we should find out more. Come, let us make our way to Canalot!

Torneko: Ah, makes me think o' me boy, Tipper, so it does... Hm? How so, ye say? Why, 'cos he's my little supertsar, o' course!

Alena: Yoy, Papa...

Alena: .........

Alena: Thank you, Father... For everything...

Kiryl: So story of Dragon God sealing away Lord of Underworld is not mere myth?

Kiryl: If we are wishing to defeat Lord of Underworld, we must to meet with Dragon God.

Borya: Yoy! Is celebrated eccentric monarch of Canalot truly being authority on Zenithia?

Borya: Hmm... Very well. Due to shortage of alternative ideas, let us go to there.

Ragnar: A castle in the sky? A Dragon God livin' in the clouds? I dinnae ken whit tae make of all this...

Orifiela: It is all true. We Zenithians dwell above the clouds, together with the Dragon God.

Alena: It is relief that at minimum one member of populace of Zamoksva is not vanishing.

Alena: He says that father saw dream of Lord of Underworld prior to disappearance? What can this signify...?

Kiryl: Can Lord of Underworld lie behind vanishment of Tsar and general populace?

Kiryl: If so, duty to confront and vanquish evil being falls with us... Yoy! Is too much large responsibility!

Borya: I mind Lord of Underworld lies behind mysterious disappearance of people of Zamoksva...

Borya: We must to seek person capable to provide more information.

Meena: Did the Tsar truly have a dream foretelling the future? Can he be having the same powers as me...?

Kiryl: Can Lord of Underworld lie behind vanishment of Tsar and general populace?

Kiryl: If so, duty to confront and vanquish evil being falls with us... Yoy! Is too much large responsibility!

Borya: I mind Lord of Underworld lies behind mysterious disappearance of people of Zamoksva...

Borya: We must to seek person capable to provide more information.

Maya: This tale is seeming so so familiar to me...

Maya: Well, in any case, let us be going to the rear garden to read this signpost.

Alena: I have previously pondered mystery of signpost in rear garden.

Alena: But I am unable to comprehend method of gaining access for to peruse it. Where must we to go?

Borya: Signpost materialised one day as though from nowhere. I am ignorant of its origins.

Maya: I am thinking he could do better than that woman. But it seems the silly-billy man is having his heart set on her...

Kiryl: Sometimes merely to be in proximity is sufficient to transmit feelings.

Kiryl: He does not require pretty words to reach beloved. His feelings will communicate naturally.

Meena: Arey, I am feeling so so sorry for this poor, sad woman! Just look at the tracks of tears running all down her face...

Alena: Current situation in Zamoksva is troubling, but there is no requirement for tears. Populace is not extinct.

Alena: My father is not...gone. Of this, I am certain...

Borya: It is troubling to see people in advanced state of distress. I am helpless to offer assistance at them.

Borya: I fear I am no longer possessing right to call myself servant of court of Zamoksva.

Torneko: Yer man's doin' well to turn a profit sellin' weapons in an out-'o-the-way place like this. They must be stockin' a grand selection, so they must.

Alena: Weapon shop is located here? I am previously unaware of existence.

Maya: Arey, my sister Meena is also telling the future! Does this mean we too are having the royal blood of Zamoksva?

Maya: If this is true, then Alena is a member of our family!

Alena: I am suddenly recollecting when Father lost voice - on that occasion also, he viewed troubling dreams...

Alena: Can he truly possess ability to see future...?

Kiryl: It is possible monsters are fearful of powers of Tsar...

Kiryl: Nyet, I should not to be leaping at conclusions. Just what is occurring in Zamoksva?

Borya: It is true that repeated generations of Tsars are predicting attacks on kingdom and avoiding defeat.

Borya: Hm... Truth of illustrious history of motherland is becoming clearer...

Torneko: Speakin' o' churches, I wonder if Old Man Finn's makin' his way to prayer in Lakanaba as we speak...

Alena: I am attempting to picture Father in youthful days. Is he too engaging in vigorous combat training?

Alena: Or perhaps he is preferential to running and scaling trees. ...Yoy, I am missing dear Father!

Alena: So woman's grandfather is having responsibility for education of my family?

Meena: Arey, this Tsar is having a truly amazing gift for looking into the future.

Meena: He worried about his daughter long before she was even being born...

Alena: So it is father who is making signpost at behind of church?

Alena: We must to go there rapidly!

Borya: Tsar is in possession of multiple powers and impervious judgement. So for why does daughter turn out this way...?

Borya: ...Hm? N-Nyet! I uttered nothing! Please be ignorant of me! Now, ahem...let us hasten to view signpost at behind of church.

Meena: Did you know it is possible to see the future by gazing at the reflection of the moon in a river?

Maya: Arey, when the sun is setting, this town is even more quiet and even more dull than other towns!

Alena: Perhaps vanished populace of Zamoksva conceal themselves here in Zalenagrad... Perhaps Father is constructing elaborate plot to bamboozle me...

Alena: Da, and soon, he will spring from behind of bush and say "surprised you!", and...

Alena: Aga, if only this is being true...

Kiryl: Night sky is beautiful and clear, but my heart is clouded by anxiety...

Borya: We must to go to inn and rest. At minimum, we must to ensure our own health and fortitude.

Ragnar: I've heard tell of a famous bard who plies his trade in this very toon. Maybe he's aroond here?

Orifiela: I confess that fatigue is creeping up on me. It would be nice to rest for a while...

Torneko: Ye can't be givin' up that easily, like.

Torneko: Ye've to look on the bright side, so ye do!

Alena: Though entire populace of world claims my father is extinct, still I refuse to believe this.

Alena: Father and his people are living. They await for our assistance. This I believe.

Kiryl: Aga! Starling must to be selecting words with more caution!

Meena: There was a time when my sister and I were also drowning in despair.

Meena: But we must not give up. If we are having faith, the light of hope will be returning to our lives.

Borya: Fate of Tsar is too much worrying. But I must remain focused on continuous protection of Tsarevna.

Borya: Then, even in case of worst conceivable event, noble bloodline of motherland will not be interrupted.

Maya: Arey, he is having a horrible-horrible nightmare! Perhaps debt collectors are pursuing him after an unlucky night at the casino!

Alena: Hmm... I am with distinctive impression I have observed this man somewhere previously...

Kiryl: This man is appearing to be former guard at castle in Zamoksva.

Kiryl: But we must not to awaken someone taking rest. Tomorrow, we can come here once more.

Torneko: I've never understood these folks who can't get to sleep of an evenin' - sure, I can nod off at the drop of a hat, so I can!

Borya: I am fearing that singing voice of this man is causing permanent injury to ears...

Meena: Arey, this man loves singing but lacks any ability. It is reminding me of my sister's love of gambling...

Maya: If a so so tone-deaf man was attempting a song like that in my old club, he would be having rocks thrown at his head!

Ragnar: Och, I know I havnae much of an appreciation o' the finer points o' music, but I dinnae think he's all that bad!

Ragnar: Though now I come tae look aroond, everybody's got their fingers jammed intae their ears... Mebbe he's no so good after all...

Torneko: Knock it off, will ye? There's a servant o' the Goddess tryin' to get a night's sleep!

Borya: I wish for her sweet dreams.

Alena: It is very glad populace of Taborov are being safe and well.

Alena: Coming here is bringing back memories of happier times... When my father is still...still... Nyet! Please to not be heeding me.

Borya: It is relieving to see nothing is varying in this village...

Ragnar: Och, it's always good tae see wee laddies an' lassies footerin' aboot the place.

Meena: I am sensing something that happened here in the past... Many girls were sacrificed in this village...

Meena: This is so so sad...but I am sensing that they are now at peace.

Maya: There are being some good things about small little villages like this.

Maya: For example the girls are having no make-up or fancy clothes, so I am looking even more glamorous!

Torneko: It must be quite a business fer the local merchants to lug their wares all the way up that mountain...

Torneko: I take me hat off to them, so I do.

Kiryl: This village is marking point of embarkation for journey with Tsarevna... Yoy, it feels so long ago...

Tom Foolery: Did I ever tell ye the one about the little mountain?

Tom Foolery: Sure, it's hill-arious, so it is!

Alena: On initial visit to Taborov, I was still severely lacking combat skills. Presently, I am much improved.

Kiryl: Grave in village is regretful... If we are knowing, we could have prevented needless death...

Torneko: Sure, it sounds like yer wan Alena has been scrappin' her way around the kingdom. There's no one hasn't heard of her, so there isn't!

Alena: I am pleasing to hear small child is recollecting me.

Kiryl: Presently, boy feels only admiration of Tsarevna, but with time, this may be turning into feelings of amorous nature.

Kiryl: I cannot afford to postpone... Nyet, I must act...

Ragnar: Back in bonnie Burland, there were always wee laddies an' lassies aboot the place. Ahh, they're a breath of fresh air, the bairns, eh?

Maya: My ideal man is being tall, strong, handsome, kind and very, very rich.

Maya: And if all of this is not being possible, then rich will have to do!

Alena: Is pleasing surprise to learn that baby will be born to Anastasia.

Torneko: Ahh, I remember the day young Tipper was born like it was yesterday, so I do...

Torneko: Soon as I saw his chubby little cheeks, I swore I'd cut me right am off if it'd make the little feller happy! Sure, he's the light o' me life, so he is!

Borya: It is good to hear man is cured of indolence by impending birth of child.

Alena: Aga, praising by so much people is making my face turn to red!

Meena: List of monsters defeated by Alena is impressive. Almost as impressive as list of casinos my sister is owing money to...

Kiryl: Ahh, I recall Tsarevna in combat with monster... She is appearing so much picturesque, her face spattered by gore, her eyes wild...

Kiryl: Yoy! It is making me smile just to recollect!

Borya: I pray I am not being extinct prior to witnessing Tsarevna wedded and with child...

Torneko: Yer man's talkin' a lot o' sense, so he is. I've to work hard meself to make sure of a bright future fer young Tipper.

Torneko: Sure, I'm inspired just listenin' to him!

Alena: For benefit of future child of Anastasia, we must to combat monsters without mercy.

Ragnar: Aye, the chief seems like he kens what he's daein'.

Maya: Arey, monsters must be so so scary for people who are not used to fighting with them...

Maya: We must be doing everything we can to rid the world of these horrible-horrible creatures!

Alena: So rumours of Zamoksva Castle are arriving to Taborov?

Alena: Defeating monsters requires time. We must to have patience...

Kiryl: Taborov is village menaced by monsters since long time.

Kiryl: It is not surprise populace is very worrying. We must to do all we can to assist them.

Alena: I recollect priest here during sacrificial event... Yoy, such sinister memories...

Tom Foolery: I'd tell the priest a few o' me gags, but I don't want to get meself sacrificed, like.

Tom Foolery: That'd bring a whole new meanin' to the phrase "dyin' on stage", so it would!

Maya: This is looking just like a stage! Waah! I want to dance! It has been so so long!

Alena: If previously-defeated monster reappears, I will render unconscious with single finger.

Kiryl: Prayer and songs are important, but this alone will not bring peace to world.

Kiryl: I am learning this during present adventure...

Alena: Father...

Borya: For man with my years, endless wandering is fatiguing. We must to go to inn.

Ragnar: Och, this place is peaceful as ye like! There's no a ne'er-do-well or a scallawag to be seen!

Meena: That woman is looking so so sad. I wonder just what has she been through in her life...

Maya: This woman is thinking too much about the past.

Maya: She must be trying her best to be living in the now and here.

Alena: Father is not merely memory. He is not extinct.

Alena: In future, we live together again. I am possessing faith in this.

Borya: Woman lives in past. It is symptom of growing old and dilapidated.

Borya: ...You ask is Borya not same? Nyet! I have much to live for! I must to protect and to school Tsarevna - I have inadequate time for to dwell on past events!

Meena: Did you know that if you are sleeping with your head pointing north, you will be having nightmares? It is true, I promise you...

Torneko: Yer man seems to be enjoyin' his sleep, so he does. (yawn) A bit o' sleep isn't soundin' like a bad idea, now ye come to mention it...

Alena: Aga, praising by so much people is making my face turn to red!

Meena: List of monsters defeated by Alena is impressive. Almost as impressive as list of casinos my sister is owing money to...

Kiryl: Ahh, I recall Tsarevna in combat with monster... She is appearing so much picturesque, her face spattered by gore, her eyes wild...

Kiryl: Yoy! It is making me smile just to recollect!

Borya: I pray I am not being extinct prior to witnessing Tsarevna wedded and with child...

Torneko: Ahh, young Tipper looks like a little angel when he's sleepin', so he does... Except fer the dribblin', like.

Borya: Sole time Tsarevna is quiet and ladylike is during sleep.

Meena: I am sorry to be breaking this to you, but she is often squirming and kicking and shouting during her sleep...

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! Is there no end to ungenteel behaviour of Tsarevna?

Maya: My ideal man is being tall, strong, handsome, kind and very, very rich.

Maya: And if all of this is not being possible, then rich will have to do!

Alena: Is pleasing surprise to learn that baby will be born to Anastasia.

Torneko: Ahh, I remember the day young Tipper was born like it was yesterday, so I do...

Torneko: Soon as I saw his chubby little cheeks, I swore I'd cut me right am off if it'd make the little feller happy! Sure, he's the light o' me life, so he is!

Borya: It is good to hear man is cured of indolence by impending birth of child.

Meena: If the rumours of the Lord of Underworld are being true, then only we can stand in his way.

Meena: We must be fighting, for the sake of everyone in this village....

Alena: Lord of Underworld? Dragon God? I will engage all in vigorous combat!

Borya: Begging pardon, Tsarevna, but Dragon God is not in actuality being enemy...

Alena: Grr! Why you must always to correct my mistakes, Borya!? It is so much frustrating!

Kiryl: Judging from name alone, Lord of Underworld is formidable foe...

Kiryl: I pray to Goddess for requisite strength, and for protection of Tsarevna and all travelling companions.

Meena: Ahh, I can picture people dancing happily to this man's song...

Alena: If previously-defeated monster reappears, I will render unconscious with single finger.

Kiryl: Prayer and songs are important, but this alone will not bring peace to world.

Kiryl: I am learning this during present adventure...

Meena: Ahh, I can smell the salty-salty scent of the ocean on the breeze...

Maya: So there are no clothes shops and no casinos? What are the people here doing for fun?

Ragnar: Seems they dinnae get too many visitors here... They're starin' at us like we've all got two heids!

Orifiela: Just look at the fountain! So pure... So clear... It is beautiful indeed!

Torneko: I've heard tales o' merchants comin' here from all over in great convoys.

Torneko: Yeah, they all camp up, see, and have these great big markets called bazaars... Sure, I'd love to see one...

Alena: I am recollecting Anya, who is masquerading as false Tsarevna. I wonder how she fares presently...

Kiryl: Now no one is knowing location of armlet of transmutation. Where can it be located?

Borya: I am still regretful that we did not teach ruffians who seized false Tsarevna error of their ways...

Meena: Arey! Is the graceful Goddess really making this possible? Could he be living still...?

Meena: Let us be hurrying to the inn, please! Someone very important to us may be there!

Maya: A man who is escaping from the Palais de Léon? Accha, could it really be...?

Maya: We must be going to the inn without delay, please!

Torneko: Sure, every tale I hear about the Palais de Léon seems to be more shockin' than the last...

Ragnar: They did well tae sneak past the guards back at the Palais de Léon. That isnae an easy task...

Ragnar: I just hope that laddie's injuries are no too serious.

Maya: Is it really possible to make so much money from kidnapping...?

Maya: ...Please, I am only joking!

Alena: I wish villains had seized me in place of Anya...

Alena: I would have engaged them in vigorous combat, and encouraged them to regret their births!

Borya: I am praying that villainous thieves remain ignorant of true power of armlet of transmutation...

Meena: I have heard of the armlet of transmutation before. It is being no ordinary piece of jewellery.

Meena: Father is saying that it is essential to the practice of alchemy. And it is being right here, in this village...

Torneko: This armlet o' transmutation yoke sounds like sometin' I'd like to have in me shop one day.

Torneko: But I can just picture me Tessie takin' a shine to it. Maybe it'd be less trouble just to give it to her.

Alena: I am failing to comprehend value of ornamentation such as armlet. How is small trinket of more value than cow?

Alena: In general, I prefer to not think of money. Others can do this on my behalf.

Torneko: Sure, anytin' to do with diggin graves gives me the willies, so it does. But if yer man knows about this armlet yoke, we should go an' see him.

Kiryl: This boy too is proving helpful to us. It is pleasing that he appears healthy.

Maya: Are you preferring dogs or cats? I am liking dogs much more.

Maya: They are listening to what you say. Cats are so so rude!

Torneko: I was thinkin' o' givin' Tessie that armlet yoke fer our anniversary, but maybe it's not such a good idea...

Alena: I am aware armlet is powerful. But this cannot be compared to value of human life.

Alena: But... Now, I am wondering... What if we are keeping arm- Nyet! There is no purpose in this thought.

Borya: All we are having power to do is pray Goddess that armlet does not fall into claws of monsters...

Torneko: Ah, sure yer wan's made a real hames o' this place, so she has. Ye could fit a bed an' a shop in here, no bother at all!

Torneko: Does she not have any business sense, at all at all?

Kiryl: This inn always appears lively. I wonder what nature of person is staying here...

Torneko: So this Mahabala fella was Maya an' Meena's da, was he?

Kiryl: This man appears to be seeking Maya and Meena.

Kiryl: If we are facilitating meeting, I predict he will be very much overjoyed.

Ragnar: Mahabala? Aye, I've heard that name afore somewhere... Back in Aubout du Monde, was it no?

Meena: To think we are meeting with Oojam here of all places!

Meena: Now we must be putting an end to Balzack's silly-billy nonsense!

Meena: To think we are meeting with Oojam here of all places!

Meena: I only wish he could have been there to see us defeat Balzack!

Maya: Waah! It is so so nice to be meeting with Oojam once again!

Maya: So Balzack is still alive... And...him...too... Well, we will have to be doing something about this. They should be preparing for the end...

Maya: Waah! It is so so nice to be meeting with Oojam once again!

Maya: We have finally avenged our father! I am so so happy!

Alena: Balzack is who Meena and Maya are desiring to take revenge from. And Psaro is somehow involving too..

Alena: We must to teach them both painful lessons.

Kiryl: Evil afflicting Palais de Léon is now removed, but rest of world remains in peril.

Kiryl: Our journey is not yet at conclusion.

Borya: What is intention of monsters relating to Secret of Evolution? I am very concerning.

Borya: But in any case, we must to fulfil our duty. We will overcome monster threat.

Ragnar: I'm mightily impressed by that Oojam laddie. He wasnae in the best shape, but he kept on battlin'!

Maya: So Oojam is coming to this girl's rescue. It is so so romantic!

Torneko: Ah, sure that's an exciting tale, alright! If I was a bit younger, I'm sure I'd have done the same, like. Probably...

Alena: Woman is permitting man to come to rescue? This is curious behaviour. I refuse all attempts of assistance from others.

Ragnar: Seems that wee lassie's been lookin' after Oojam day an' night. Aye, he's a lucky man a'right!

Meena: Seeing the stars in the sky makes my heart feel so so light...

Maya: When the sun is setting, I am thinking only of drinking dens and gambling.

Maya: This town is so so dull! I feel like shaking the people and asking them why they are living here!

Ragnar: It wouldnae be a bad idea tae be turnin' in for the night...

Orifiela: Fatigue has got the better of me, I am afraid. I cannot take another step...

Maya: Is it really possible to make so much money from kidnapping...?

Maya: ...Please, I am only joking!

Alena: If false Tsarevna Anya is not coming to this town, kidnappers would have accosted me.

Alena: I regret missed opportunity to hit them repeatedly on head.

Borya: I am praying that villainous thieves remain ignorant of true power of armlet of transmutation...

Meena: Arey! Is the graceful Goddess really making this possible? Could he be living still...?

Meena: Let us be hurrying to the inn, please! Someone very important to us may be there!

Maya: A man who is escaping from the Palais de Léon? Accha, could it really be...?

Maya: We must be going to the inn without delay, please!

Torneko: Sure, every tale I hear about the Palais de Léon seems to be more shockin' than the last...

Ragnar: They did well tae sneak past the guards back at the Palais de Léon. That isnae an easy task...

Ragnar: I just hope that laddie's injuries are no too serious.

Maya: Ugh, I am hating dank, dark places...

Maya: I need bright-bright lights, casinos and clubs to make me feel fully alive! Can we be leaving now, please?

Torneko: Sure, if ye wanted to save up yer gold, ye could stay here bashin' monsters all day, so ye could.

Torneko: It's what ye'd call a low-risk, low-return approach, but these are tough times, so it's maybe not such a bad idea.

Alena: I recollect initial visitation here. At that time, only Borya and Kiryl were travelling companions. This feels already as if so many years ago...

Kiryl: Armlet of transmutation was once sealed in this cave, but location has now become unknown... To where can it have vanished?

Borya: Is there existing necessity to be here in cave? I propose that we surface imminently.

Ragnar: Och, this cave reminds me of all the nooks an' crannies back in bonnie Burland!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all stay close now, y'hear? It's dark as all heck down here, and I don't want any o' y'all gittin' lost or mistakin' each other for monsters.

Tom Foolery: What did the stalagmite say to the stalactite?

Tom Foolery: Grow up, will ye? ...D'ye get it?

Orifiela: As someone who has long dwelt above the clouds, I am rather afraid of being beneath the ground...

Sparkie: Grrrooo...


Warning: Spoilers!
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Maya: Waah! I am loving high places! The trees look so so pretty from up above!

Torneko: Sure, one day I'll own a ten-storey shop o' me own, just you see if I don't!

Alena: I cannot help but ponder the well-being of my father... Yoy, this is too much saddening...

Kiryl: Are we scaling tower without clear purpose? I, I must protest at this decision!

Kiryl: ...Wh-What!? Nyet! I resent very much your implication! My opposition is not due to overwhelming fear of high places. Not slightly...! (gulp)

Borya: When we made initial visit to tower, I was little suspecting subsequent lengthy nature of journey...

Ragnar: Och, ye'll no find a better way tae train yerselves up than runnin' up the stairs of a good tur! Who'll join me in a wee jog?

Orifiela: Could this be the tower that will take us above the clouds to Zenithia? ...No. I fear it is rather too small.

Maya: (yawn) I am so so tired! I am hearing a comfy-comfy feather bed calling to me...

Maya: Aha! I am having a great idea - I will wait for you here until you are finished climbing the tower! ...No? Arey, this is so so unfair!

Torneko: Sure, havin' an inn here's a great idea, so it is! Anyone comin' to the tower's sure to stay - I'll bet yer man's makin' a rake o' gold!

Torneko: Ye can see he knows just what customers want. Aye, he's got some business sense about him alright...

Alena: To build inn here is requiring great mental and physical strength, nyet?

Alena: Perhaps owner would make worthy opponent for vigorous combat...

Kiryl: Aga, I am very much happier under the ground than high above it... Increased stability is far preferable...

Ragnar: Och, I dinnae need a lie doon! The mighty Ragnar McRyan could go on battlin' all day an' night!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You wouldn't find me openin' an inn in a high-risk spot like this! No sirree!

Meena: Arey, this view is so so pretty...

Meena: I am remembering when my sister and I are small, we would play in meadows, and make daisy chains, and...

Maya: Ahh, I am loving it up here! It is making me want to dance!

Torneko: This'd be the perfect spot for a big sign advertisin' me shop, so it would!

Torneko: I wonder how much it'd cost... I'll have a word with me Tessie an' start savin'.

Alena: Today, elves are absent from tower. I am very much boring!

Kiryl: I-I ask you please to not engage with me in conversation. I am feeling...somewhat nauseous...

Borya: I am possessing minimal interest in high places. I am ageing man, not bird, nor monkey.

Borya: We must to return to base of tower.

Ragnar: Och, there it is! Bonnie Burland, way over there in the distance! Aye, it's a fine sight!

Orifiela: The fields of flowers are a breathtaking sight. But unfortunately, it seems this is not the tower that will take us to Zenithia...

Meena: Arey, it must be so so tiring to be sailing around on rafts all day...

Maya: Everyone looks like they are knowing what they are doing. But sometimes people must end up falling in the water, no?

Torneko: So folks're goin' about their daily business on rafts, are they? Sure, that's not sometin' ye see every day.

Alena: I am not much interesting in progressing slowly atop rafts. I am much preferring to swim.

Borya: If possible, I am making request that I not board raft.

Borya: I am incapable to swim, and if introduced to water, would drown instantaneously.

Ragnar: So this is the place they call the city o' water, is it? Aye, well it certainly lives up to its name.

Tom Foolery: Sure, ye know what everyone says about Canalot, don't ye? ..."Water great city"!

Tom Foolery: D'ye get it? "Water great city"! Like, "what a great city"! ...No? Well, yer man the King's sure to fall about laughin' at that one, so he is!

Torneko: If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that none of us'll be able to get the King to crack a smile...

Kiryl: Eliciting laughter in others is challenging proposition. I am wondering how we must proceed...

Ragnar: It's no easy tae admit it, but we're no goin' tae be able to get the King laughin' oorselves.

Ragnar: Whit we need is a professional funny man, someone who could get a laugh oot of a corpse, ye ken? The problem is where tae find one...

Maya: Arey, normal people are opening their shops in daytime. Why must he be only opening at night?

Torneko: I'm always lookin' out fer new business ideas, so I am. Shuttin' yer shop durin' the day an' only openin' when folks are asleep is a new one on me, like...

Borya: I am despairing at youthful generation who are too much indolent in daytime, and too much active in night...

Borya: Men with my years are often forgetting most basic information. I differ, however.

Borya: I am recalling in precise details what I am consuming this morning for breakfast!

Ragnar: Och, whit was it noo...? The King o' bonnie Burland told me somethin' aboot this castle in the sky a wee while back, but I cannae remember a thing...

Ragnar: To be honest, I didnae think it had anythin' tae dae wi' me, so I glazed over a wee bit...

Maya: Accha, if a man is ever reciting such soppy poems to me in the middle of a date, I would be making a hasty exit!

Alena: Is it usual to deliver poetry during meeting intended for romantic purpose? I fail to comprehend appeal...

Kiryl: Hmm... If I am speaking of true feelings in form of rhyme, will I succeed in winning heart of beloved...?

Borya: In youthful days, I only meet romantic partner in strict privacy.

Borya: Brazen young people of today are meeting without shame in full view of public. It is too much indecent!

Maya: Pah! This city will never be competing with Laissez Fayre! I have yet to see even a single competent dancer!

Torneko: With all these clowns an' comedians comin' to town, they'll be needin' themselves a theatre before long... Might be worth tryin' to get a licence for one, eh?

Kiryl: I am firm believer in strict division of entertainment. Having all dancers in Laissez Fayre and all comedians in Canalot is sufficient.

Maya: Waah! This Zenithian Helm is sounding so so fancy!

Kiryl: I have sense that only Chosen One may don Zenithian Helm...

Torneko: Did ye hear that, Hero? Sounds like that Zenithian Helm yoke yer man's lookin' for is along the same lines as the sword I'm after!

Torneko: I know weapons are more my speciality, but I wouldn't turn me nose up at the chance to get the whole set, ye know...

Maya: Accha, it is so so unfair! Why can pubs not be opening all day every day?

Ragnar: There isnae any point hangin' aboot here the noo. Let's come back tonight.

Meena: Arey, this is a big big relief...

Meena: If the pub is open in the daytime, we will never be getting my sister to leave!

Maya: I am not believing in this silly-billy nonsense about a castle in the sky!

Torneko: If there really is a castle up in the clouds, are there regular folks livin' up there too, d'ye reckon? An' if so, are they in need o' weapon merchants, I wonder...

Kiryl: I am worrying of practicalities of walking around and constructing buildings on top of clouds...

Borya: A castle built in middle of air? Only Goddess Herself has capability of such engineering feats!

Meena: Arey, is this priest really thinking that drinking will make the Lord of Underworld go away?

Torneko: If we don't want the whole world fallin' into despair like this poor feen, we'd better be doin' sometin' about yer man, the Lord o' the Underworld - and fast!

Borya: I cannot condone behaviour of priest. Lord of Underworld is terrifying, but we must to not escape from reality...

Ragnar: Och, there willnae be anyone in the whole world who hasnae heard aboot the Lord o' the Underworld afore long!

Maya: Arey, this is a truly silly man to be comforted by such empty words!

Alena: World will not be coming to end while we are involved - I will not to permit it!

Ragnar: We willnae be lettin' the world come tae an end --- no if I have anythin' tae dae wi' it!

Maya: This silly-billy man is worrying too much what others are saying.

Torneko: Sure, this eejit asks us a question an' then tells us how to answer it! He hasn't the sense he was born with, so he hasn't!

Borya: Young man has entire life in front of him, but he is already giving up. I would deliver lecture, if only we are having sufficient time.

Meena: Hm. I wonder if his injuries are really being so bad. We are only having his word for it, after all...

Maya: This man is looking just fine to me! I am thinking he is paid by this cureslime to tell everyone how miraculous his powers are!

Kiryl: So kindly person is proving salvation of grievously damaged man?

Kiryl: ...Hm. This slightly gooey individual is not resemble regular person to me...

Maya: Be careful! This slippery-slippery slime will charm you with his words, then you too will be praising him!

Borya: Aga, this individual is strongly resembling monster. In fact...this individual IS monster!

Ragnar: I ken he isnae daein' any harm right noo, but I'm still wonderin' if we shouldnae be gettin' this mangy monster oot o' this church...

Orifiela: This creature is ever so sweet. It would appear that there are kind-hearted monsters in this world too...

Maya: Waah! That reward is mine, all mine! What could be easier than making someone laugh?

Torneko: A substantial reward, eh? I'm lookin' forward to findin' out what yer man the King's offerin', so I am...

Alena: I am confident in ability to defeat King in bout of vigorous hand-to-hand combat, but am less certain of capacity to force laughter from him...

Kiryl: We must to embark on extended period of comic exercises in order to hone humorous abilities.

Maya: Arey, so you cannot visit the castle in the sky without collecting this equipment? This is so so unfair!

Ragnar: The Zenithian Shield? Aye, I've a feelin' I've heard the King o' bonnie Burland mention it once or twice...

Maya: I am afraid we will be struggling to make this king laugh...

Maya: We are needing Tom Foolery with us, no?

Torneko: There's no gettin' away from it... Without yer man Tom, we just haven't got what it takes to be gettin' a laugh out o' the King.

Alena: We have come this far. Now we must to rely on comical ability of individual dubbed Tom Foolery.

Tom Foolery: That's it! I know what we have to do! It won't be enough to just tell yer man the King a few gags.

Tom Foolery: No, we need to think about WHY he wants to laugh! That's how we'll find the way to his funny bone...

Maya: Why oh why is life never being simple? Why can all of the Zenithian equipment not be right here?

Torneko: By the hokey! The Zenithian Helm is right here in this very kingdom!

Torneko: Let's make yer man the King split his sides laughin', an' then get our hands on that heavenly helmet!

Alena: We must to force laughter from King, and then locate Zenithian Helm. We must to hurry before someone else is doing same.

Alena: I will save entire populace of Zamoksva. This I am vowing...

Borya: How dare insolent baboushka speak so lightly of motherland in front of Tsarevna!?

Alena: Borya, do not be so worrying. I am big girl. Father and populace are alive, I am certain.

Kiryl: Tsarevna, please to not be anxious. Tsar and his people are not extinct, I am having faith.

Alena: ...Bolshoe spasibo, Kiryl. I thank you.

Meena: I will read the cards to divine the whereabouts of Tom Foolery...

Meena: Arey, it begins... I am sensing it...

Meena: ...No, I am afraid the cards are not cooperating today.

Torneko: It sounds like yer man Tom Foolery'd be good craic, so he would. It'd be grand to meet him one day...

Ragnar: Tom Foolery, eh...? I cannae be sure, but I've a feelin' I've heard that name somewhere afore...

Tom Foolery: If ye've a mirthless monarch in need of a good laugh, I'm yer man, so I am!

Tom Foolery: ...A steel broadsword ye didn't steal? And that's meant to be funny, is it? Sure, I wouldn't touch a gag like that with a steel broadsword, so I wouldn't!

Maya: Tom, we are relying on you, please. We are needing your impeccable comic timing and hilarious gags!

Kiryl: What manner of humorous statement will Tom Foolery utilise to elicit laughter from King, I wonder...

Ragnar: I've a feelin' it'll no be just the King who has a good auld laugh when Tom Foolery performs!

Tom Foolery: I'll make that miserable monarch crack a smile if it's the last thing I do!

Maya: Surely it is being very very simple - the King has issued his appeal because he is wanting a good laugh, no?

Borya: I cannot commend monarch who issues such frivolous appeals. True leadership is not laughing matter.

Ragnar: I dinnae think this wee lassie's got any right tae be questionin' her king. If he wants a laugh, I'm sure he has his reasons.

Maya: I do not understand this king - I am always being ready to laugh, even when I am feeling down.

Torneko: I've a feelin' her auld da is only wantin' to make his daughter happy, like. Sure, isn't she only after sayin' she wanted to see people smilin' again?

Borya: Concern of princess of kingdom for well-being and contentment of populace is admirable.

Meena: Sometimes I wonder if I could not perhaps be encouraging my sister to be more sensible by becoming a little more cheerful myself...

Maya: Is laughter really curing everything? Could it cure my losing streak next time I am in the casino, I wonder...

Kiryl: This man is dispensing wisdom even in sleep. I am respectful of him.

Torneko: Har har har! The slime! In the pub! Sure, it's feelin' blue, so it is!

Torneko: Ahh, that's my idea of a joke, alright! That fella's gotta be the funniest guard I've ever met!

Alena: Slime is feel blue? But slime is always blue... I am not comprehending humorous intent.

Tom Foolery: Ahh, that's a beauty, that one! Slime gags aren't easy, let me tell ye!

Tom Foolery: If this guard works hard on polishin' his material, I'd say he has a future as a comedian, so he does!

Meena: Arey, this place is bringing back painful memories... We would work all day to make money, then it would all be gone by morning...

Meena: I was trying my best to save money for our journey, but my sister was having other ideas...

Maya: Accha, this place is really taking me back! I hope all of my fellow dancers are doing well!

Torneko: So this is Laissez Fayre, is it? I'm lookin' forward to seein' a show tonight, so I am!

Kiryl: I have heard Laissez Fayre at night is place of sin and iniquity...

Kiryl: My sole duty is protection of Tsarevna. I refuse to take slightest interest in squalid underbelly of city.

Borya: Staying in present city for extended duration will inevitably result in Tsarevna being led astray.

Alena: Yoy! You are always too much worrying, Borya! Walking around normal town will not lead to life of sin, foolish man!

Meena: If this pub was open all day, I could never have met my companions.

Meena: I would have never been able to drag my silly-billy sister away...

Maya: This pub may be closed during the daytime, but it is opening until dawn every night...

Ragnar: I wouldnae hae imagined a pub in Laissez Fayre would ever be closin'...

Torneko: So yer man's sayin' there's an island no one's ever returned from alive, is he?

Torneko: Sure, he's put the heart across me sometin' terrible! It's a frightenin' thought, so it is!

Alena: So no one is ever surviving visit to island? This must signify presence of plentiful monsters...

Alena: But for us, this is not being problem. We must to become first people to return alive!

Maya: So the monsters are having a castle on this island... Is this meaning they have a monster monarch, and a monster chancellor, and monster maids?

Kiryl: Monster castle? I must to do all in power to ensure Tsarevna is keeping away from this location!

Ragnar: Leavin' a bunch of beasties in charge of a castle sounds like it could lead tae disaster further doon the line...

Maya: Arey, so it is comedians who are most popular here now? And I was so so wanting to get up on stage and dance...

Torneko: So yer man Tom Foolery seems to be flavour o' the month right now. I can't wait to see him. 'Tis sure to be gas!

Alena: I wish to test comedic skills of man dubbed Tom Foolery.

Alena: If he force laughter from me, he is victor. If I remain without smile, then I am winning.

Borya: Mere comedian is not posing threat to moral fibre of Tsarevna.

Borya: But if dancers or girls wearing the ears of rabbits are becoming involved, we must to exit without hesitation!

Torneko: So yer man Tom Foolery seems to be flavour o' the month right now. I can't wait to see him. 'Tis sure to be gas!

Alena: I wish to test comedic skills of man dubbed Tom Foolery.

Alena: If he force laughter from me, he is victor. If I remain without smile, then I am winning.

Ragnar: A doughty palace guard like Ragnar McRyan hasnae much time for laughter, but I'll give this Tom Foolery laddie a chance...

Maya: I am knowing this sleazy-sleazy man of old! He was always standing there, drooling over the dancers.

Maya: His eyes were always glued to me most creepily whenever I was on stage...

Ragnar: That laddie by yon fence has an interest in the lassies that doesnae seem entirely healthy...

Torneko: If this Tom Foolery fella's packin' out the theatre every night, his manager's not goin' to let him go without a fight...

Ragnar: Losh! Seems auld Tom Foolery's daein' a roarin' trade!

Meena: The manager here was always taking very good care of my sister.

Meena: He would help her to escape from members of the audience she fought with, or debt-collectors from the casino...

Maya: It is so so nice to be seeing my old manager again.

Maya: But I am wondering what happened to make him prefer comedians to dancers all of a sudden...

Maya: This so-called famous funny man is looking like nothing special to me...

Borya: I wonder how good is this man's comedy. If I request him right now, is he capable to make me laugh instantly?

Ragnar: Jings! This comedian laddie isnae exactly whit I was expectin'.

Ragnar: I thought I'd only have tae look at his face an' I'd be creasin' up wi' laughter. Och, well, it takes all sorts, I suppose...

Maya: Arey, all I am needing is to see a stage, and I am wanting to be on it! I was born to dance!

Torneko: This place is awfully quiet now, so it is. But at night, I'm sure there'll be all sorts o' high-jinks.

Alena: I am more interesting in coming here at night, when is more lively.

Kiryl: There is not a single soul present on stage during daylight hours...

Maya: Arey, there is no doubting the popularity of Tom Foolery. But the dancers must be really hating him...

Kiryl: If man dubbed Tom Foolery is taking stage during evening, is this meaning there is insufficient time for dancing girls?

Kiryl: ...Nyet! Do not miscomprehend me! I am taking no special interest in observation of dancing girls - is merely question! Ahem...

Borya: If Tom Foolery is amusing as this man suggests, I am eager to observe.

Maya: Arey, this man is not getting a chance to go on stage?

Maya: He has been waiting since before my sister and I are first coming to this city. This is so so unfair!

Torneko: Sure, this fella just wants to impress his ma and da. I can't help feelin' a bit sorry for the poor feen...

Meena: I am having bittersweet memories of this city. We were having fun, but also hard times...

Meena: Well, my sister was mainly having fun, and I was mainly having hard times...

Maya: Waah! Night-time in Laissez Fayre!
It is so so exciting!

Maya: We could see a show, or go to the pub until the sun rises! Come! Come! We must be making the most of it!

Torneko: Yerra, what're we waitin' for? Will we go an' see a show, or what? C'mon, we're in Laissez Fayre, for Pete's sake!

Ragnar: Should we no be gaein' tae the pub tae speak tae a few folks? Whit dae ye think, Hero?

Borya: I am not capable to allow Tsarevna to enter den of iniquity! Is inpermissible!

Alena: ...You are too much annoying, Borya! I can go wherever I wish. I am not requiring permission!

Meena: Arey, it is sounding as if dancers in Laissez Fayre are really struggling.

Meena: It seems that comedy is being the big thing now...

Maya: Accha, poor-poor dancers are struggling! But Laissez Fayre is meant to be the city of song and dance!

Meena: If this comedian is stealing the limelight from the dancing girls, he is clearly having real talent...

Torneko: Ah sure, 'tis a cryin' shame! All the good seats are taken, so they are!

Borya: Raucous cacophony of laughter is making it challenging to hear voice of comedian...

Meena: We should not be distracting Tom Foolery any more from his work. Let us come back another time...

Maya: Arey, I cannot believe the dancers of Laissez Fayre are losing out to a man like this!

Maya: I would not be wanting anyone to interrupt me when I am on stage either.

Alena: I am not understanding hilarous intent of man's statement. Please, will someone explain to me where is its humour?

Kiryl: ...Ho ho ho ho! I am incapable to suppress laughter! Ha ha ha! Hee hee hee hee hee!

Borya: Hm hm hm! Man dubbed Tom Foolery is living up to reputation as celebrated mirth-maker! Ho ho ho!

Ragnar: Aye, ye cannae go wrong wi' a joke aboot kippers an' kingslimes!

Ragnar: We shouldnae be interruptin' an act, no matter hoo important oor mission is...

Meena: Arey, so this man is wasting his wages on drinks and fine dining? This is sounding exactly like my sister.

Meena: Ugh, I will never marry a man like this... Just imagine... Two of them... (shudder)

Borya: To fritter resources in pursuit of fleeting pleasures is deplorable...

Maya: This man is a big fat traitor! If he is a fan of we dancers, he should not be singing the praises of silly-billy comedians!

Kiryl: Tom Foolery has converted fan of dancers to fan of comedy. His skill must be paramount indeed...

Meena: I am feeling so so sorry for this man. He is coming all this way to see my sister, but he is too late...

Maya: Waah! I am having fans even as far away as Burland? I am an even bigger star than I thought!

Ragnar: Och, that's an auld comrade-in-arms o' mine! We used tae battle beasties an' search for missin' bairns together.

Ragnar: I didnae ever imagine I'd see him in a place like this...

Meena: Arey, I am sorry, but this man is clearly having no talent. He should be going home to his parents.

Kiryl: If I was with talent, I could perhaps have made name for myself as performer of some nature...

Kiryl: Nyet, nyet. Do not be getting wrong idea. I am perfectly satisfied with life as priest and personal all-purpose dogsbody of Tsarevna.

Ragnar: If this laddie can only keep his chin up and keep pluggin' away, he's sure tae get his big break afore long!

Maya: Waah! This is a great idea! Let us be drinking, dancing, and forgetting all our troubles!

Meena: ...You are not changing at all, are you, sis?

Ragnar: Will ye join me in a wee dram, Hero? C'mon now, it willnae kill us!

Borya: Tsarevna, you must to not even glance at beverages more powerful than water.

Alena: Aga! Am I not previously telling you that I am very annoying with your ceaseless instructions, Borya?

Meena: Arey, rumours of the Lord of the Underworld are spreading fast...

Meena: We must be doing something about him before people begin panicking.

Ragnar: Seem the return o' the Lord o' the Underworld isnae a secret any more.

Ragnar: It's up tae us tae put a stop tae his plans, so folk like this can get back tae their drinkin' in peace.

Maya: This is a place where female customers are not being made to feel welcome...

Alena: What manner of place is this?

Kiryl: This is no place for Tsarevna. We must to be exiting without delay.

Borya: If Tsar is aware that we bring his daughter to such unseemly location, he is reprimanding us most sternly...

Meena: It appears that this man is being a regular customer. I expect he is spending all his wages here. Arey...

Maya: Arey, this man is talking a nonsense! Is he really thinking he is popular? He is paying money!

Ragnar: I dinnae think we should be interruptin' this fellow the noo...

Kiryl: What is occurring if we are coming alone?

Kiryl: Nyet, I will not think of it any longer. I must to pray Goddess for purification...

Ragnar: I dinnae want tae see you sneakin' back here on yer own now, Hero, y'hear?

Meena: Now that Tom Foolery has gone, perhaps Laissez Fayre will turn its attention from comedy to song and dance once again...

Maya: I am still getting the uncontrollable urge to take to stage when I am here... Just a little dance wouldn't hurt, would it?

Kiryl: I have heard Laissez Fayre at night is place of sin and iniquity...

Kiryl: My sole duty is protection of Tsarevna. I refuse to take slightest interest in squalid underbelly of city.

Ragnar: It's never a bad idea tae see a wee bit o' singin' and 'dancin'. But there'll be nothin' on 'til night...

Borya: Staying in present city for extended duration will inevitably result in Tsarevna being led astray.

Alena: Yoy! You are always too much worrying, Borya! Walking around normal town will not lead to life of sin, foolish man!

Tom Foolery: Why was the dog such a bad dancer? 'Cos he had four left feet, so he did!

Tom Foolery: Ah, with high-quality gags like that, youse'll have nuttin' to worry about!

Meena: If this pub was open all day, I could never have met my companions.

Meena: I would have never been able to drag my silly-billy sister away...

Maya: This pub may be closed during the daytime, but it is opening until dawn every night...

Ragnar: I wouldnae hae imagined a pub in Laissez Fayre would ever be closin'...

Torneko: So yer man's sayin' there's an island no one's ever returned from alive, is he?

Torneko: Sure, he's put the heart across me sometin' terrible! It's a frightenin' thought, so it is!

Alena: So no one is ever surviving visit to island? This must signify presence of plentiful monsters...

Alena: But for us, this is not being problem. We must to become first people to return alive!

Maya: So the monsters are having a castle on this island... Is this meaning they have a monster monarch, and a monster chancellor, and monster maids?

Kiryl: Monster castle? I must to do all in power to ensure Tsarevna is keeping away from this location!

Ragnar: Leavin' a bunch of beasties in charge of a castle sounds like it could lead tae disaster further doon the line...

Maya: Laissez Fayre will always be a city of song and dance. Comedy has had its day, you mark my words!

Torneko: Sure, when it comes to entertainment, nuttin' beats a bit o' singin' an' dancin'. No offence to yer man, Tom Foolery, like...

Kiryl: It appears city retains multiple methods of diversion even after departure of Tom Foolery...

Maya: It is funny, but women are never seeming to enjoy dancing shows as much as men...

Maya: When I was on stage, the seats were always being packed with men, and all with their eyes glued on me most intently.

Tom Foolery: Sure, I'll be takin' to the stage here in Laissez Fayre again one day, so I will. I can't be lettin' me fans down now, can I?

Maya: I am sure this man is not the only person who is glad that Tom Foolery has left the stage.

Torneko: That fella by the fence looks as happy as the day is long, so he does. He loves those dancin' girls!

Tom Foolery: I feel a bit bad, like. Me gags were so good that it put all those poor dancers out o' work...

Maya: Manager Artois was relying too much on this silly-billy comedian!

Torneko: Sure, there's always a market fer girls who can do a bit o' singin' an' dancin'. I can't imagine profits will be droppin' off that much.

Borya: Proprietor of establishment seems dissatisfied with reliance on singers and dancers...

Tom Foolery: Sure, there's only one Tom Foolery. More's the pity...

Maya: The Zenithian Helm is as good as ours!

Maya: The King of Canalot will take one look at Tom Foolery, and he will be falling about laughing!

Kiryl: I am fearing constant comedic outpourings from Tom Foolery may cause rupture of stomach...

Ragnar: We'll no find a better funny man than Tom Foolery in a hurry. But I cannae help wonderin' if he'll be able tae get that King o' Canalot tae crack a smile...

Ragnar: I mean, everybody's got different ideas aboot whit's funny, have they no? Whit if he's no the king's cup o' tea?

Tom Foolery: With me on board, ye've nuttin' to worry about!

Maya: Arey, all I am needing is to see a stage, and I am wanting to be on it! I was born to dance!

Torneko: This place is awfully quiet now, so it is. But at night, I'm sure there'll be all sorts o' high-jinks.

Alena: I am more interesting in coming here at night, when is more lively.

Kiryl: There is not a single soul present on stage during daylight hours...

Meena: Arey, Tom Foolery really did take Laissez Fayre by storm...

Tom Foolery: Sure, my career here in Laissez Fayre was short- lived, so it was, but I'm happy I got a few laughs.

Maya: Arey, this man is not getting a chance to go on stage?

Maya: He has been waiting since before my sister and I are first coming to this city. This is so so unfair!

Torneko: Sure, this fella just wants to impress his ma and da. I can't help feelin' a bit sorry for the poor feen...

Tom Foolery: Maybe this fella needs to give up his dreams o' stardom...

Tom Foolery: Sure, it might just be a stage he's goin' through! D'ye get it? No. I'm not sure I do either...

Meena: I am having bittersweet memories of this city. We were having fun, but also hard times...

Meena: Well, my sister was mainly having fun, and I was mainly having hard times...

Maya: Waah! Night-time in Laissez Fayre! It is so so exciting!

Maya: We could see a show, or go to the pub until the sun rises! Come! Come! We must be making the most of it!

Torneko: Yerra, what're we waitin' for? Will we go an' see a show, or what? C'mon, we're in Laissez Fayre, for Pete's sake!

Ragnar: Should we no be gaein' tae the pub tae speak tae a few folks? Whit dae ye think, Hero?


Warning: Spoilers!
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Borya: I am not capable to allow Tsarevna to enter den of iniquity! Is inpermissible!

Alena: ...You are too much annoying, Borya! I can go wherever I wish. I am not requiring permission!

Maya: This is the spirit! With girls like this, song and dance can return to their rightful place here in Laissez Fayre!

Torneko: The dancers are all lookin' much happier now, so they are...

Tom Foolery: Sure, I hope the dancers keep this place tickin' over - at least until me big comeback!

Alena: I am interested in one day to take stage myself. But I am without skills in dancing or other arts...

Kiryl: I have suspicion there are now more male customers. Or is it my imagining?

Ragnar: Even withoot Tom Foolery, this place still seems tae be packin' the punters in!

Meena: Accha, I am not liking to be the centre of attention...

Meena: Do not make me stand on the stage again, please!

Maya: I have not been performing here for a long long time, but it seems I have still got what it takes!

Alena: That was exhilarating experience. To receive jubilant admiration is...addicting!

Orifiela: At first I was rather shy, but taking the stage was quite a thrill. I would like to do it again...

Kiryl: That must to not be repeated. I am not natural performer, and am opposed to taking stage again.

Ragnar: I'm no sure any o' those customers paid tae see the likes o' me on stage. Och, it just isnae for me, I'm afraid...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'know, a couple more catcalls an' wolf whistles, an' I jes' mighta considered sheddin' a layer or two!

Psaro: Humanity never fails to disappoint me...

Tom Foolery: There's nuttin' simpler than gettin' a crowd worked up! I'm a natural, so I am!

Torneko: Ye don't really think I'm that fat, do ye?

Torneko: ...Well, me Tessie loves me just the way I am. Maybe I should go back to her now, in fact...

Torneko: That's good to hear, so it is. I may enjoy me food, but I don't think I deserve to be called a fatso.

Borya: In all my lengthy years, I am never facing such humiliating circumstances...

Sparkie: Grrrooo... Grrrooo... Grrrooo...

Maya: That sleazy-sleazy man needs to keep his eyes to himself!

Borya: Which is dancer he is referring about, I wonder? I ask purely from academic interest, of course...

Ragnar: That fella seems tae be gettin' a wee bit too worked up aboot all this.

Ragnar: You wouldnae find the mighty Ragnar McRyan gettin' his knickers in a twist over a dancin' girl!

Meena: I am feeling so so sorry for this man. He is coming all this way to see my sister, but he is too late...

Maya: Waah! I am having fans even as far away as Burland? I am an even bigger star than I thought!

Ragnar: Och, that's an auld comrade-in-arms o' mine! We used tae battle beasties an' search for missin' bairns together.

Ragnar: I didnae ever imagine I'd see him in a place like this...

Meena: Arey, I am sorry, but this man is clearly having no talent. He should be going home to his parents.

Kiryl: If I was with talent, I could perhaps have made name for myself as performer of some nature...

Kiryl: Nyet, nyet. Do not be getting wrong idea. I am perfectly satisfied with life as priest and personal all-purpose dogsbody of Tsarevna.

Ragnar: If this laddie can only keep his chin up and keep pluggin' away, he's sure tae get his big break afore long!

Maya: Waah! This is a great idea! Let us be drinking, dancing, and forgetting all our troubles!

Meena: ...You are not changing at all, are you, sis?

Ragnar: Will ye join me in a wee dram, Hero? C'mon now, it willnae kill us!

Borya: Tsarevna, you must to not even glance at beverages more powerful than water.

Alena: Aga! Am I not previously telling you that I am very annoying with your ceaseless instructions, Borya?

Meena: Arey, rumours of the Lord of the Underworld are spreading fast...

Meena: We must be doing something about him before people begin panicking.

Ragnar: Seem the return o' the Lord o' the Underworld isnae a secret any more.

Ragnar: It's up tae us tae put a stop tae his plans, so folk like this can get back tae their drinkin' in peace.

Maya: This is a place where female customers are not being made to feel welcome...

Alena: What manner of place is this?

Kiryl: This is no place for Tsarevna. We must to be exiting without delay.

Borya: If Tsar is aware that we bring his daughter to such unseemly location, he is reprimanding us most sternly...

Meena: It appears that this man is being a regular customer. I expect he is spending all his wages here. Arey...

Maya: Arey, this man is talking a nonsense! Is he really thinking he is popular? He is paying money!

Ragnar: I dinnae think we should be interruptin' this fellow the noo...

Kiryl: What is occurring if we are coming alone?

Kiryl: Nyet, I will not think of it any longer. I must to pray Goddess for purification...

Ragnar: I dinnae want tae see you sneakin' back here on yer own now, Hero, y'hear?

Maya: Accha, so this teleportal is connecting these two places...

Torneko: Aye, there's nuttin' like a good teleportal to make a merchant's life easier, so there's not!

Alena: There is no one here. It is resembling our deserted castle and former home...

Kiryl: Tell me, O Goddess, what has happened to our castle? Where is Tsar and populace?

Kiryl: I pray you to gift me requisite strength to offer continuous protection to Tsarevna...

Ragnar: Should there no be a guard aroond here somewhere...?

Meena: When my father is researching Secret of Evolution, I am sure his only purpose is to improve people's lives.

Meena: We cannot be allowing any more awful-awful people like Balzack to misuse it...

Maya: .........

Maya: Hm? Were you saying something? Sorry, I was miles and miles away...

Torneko: Ye did well to survive, so ye did. That was a scary beast, an' no mistake.

Torneko: He was called Balzack, ye say? Sure, it puts the heart across me just thinkin' about him...

Alena: It is relief that Balzack is defeated, but my father remains gone...

Alena: Nyet! I refuse abandonment of hope. We must to continue our journey!

Kiryl: I keenly await day when at last peace and normality return to motherland of Zamoksva...

Borya: Castle is urgently requiring cleaning operation prior to return of Tsar. All traces of malodorous monsters must be removed.

Ragnar: With the bonnie band o' powerful fighters we've assembled noo, the Lord o' the Underworld doesnae stand a chance!

Tom Foolery: Remind me where we're headed again?

Tom Foolery: I know I'm to make some king or other laugh, but I've forgotten the details, like...

Meena: Magical weapons like the magma staff could not be created without the power of alchemy...

Maya: We are going to so many places, and meeting so many people, but we are meeting no one as pretty as me!

Torneko: I couldn't trouble ye for a second, could I? I was just wonderin' if I could take that magma staff yoke off yer hands when ye're done with it...

Torneko: I don't mean now, like - I'm talkin' about when we've got everytin' boxed off. Sure, there's no hurry...

Kiryl: Previously, I considered no one was as formidable or courageous a fighter as Tsarevna.

Kiryl: But admirable combat skills of members of party has provided food for thought...

Borya: Aga! Our boots are dirty, our garments are in parlous state, and yet we must undergo audiences with kings and queens!

Borya: As representative of Zamoksva, I am feeling great shame...

Tom Foolery: So it looks like me time with yerselves is comin' to an end. Ahh, 'tis enough to bring a tear to me eye, so it is...

Meena: I am just thinking of what reward we should ask the King for after we make him laugh...

Meena: Ah, this is reminding me - the royal family in Canalot is possessing an item of Zenithian armour, no?

Maya: Will Tom Foolery be leaving us as soon as he is making the King laugh, I wonder?

Torneko: Sure, Tom Foolery's great gas, so he is! I'm sure he'll have yer man the King in stitches in no time flat.

Alena: It seems Tom Foolery is capable of combat. I desire opportunity to engage him in rigorous test of strength.

Kiryl: Perhaps we could postpone visitation to Canalot, and Tom Foolery could accompany us around world.

Kiryl: We can thereby profit from endless supply of highly diverting comic outpourings.

Borya: At first, I am concerning about addition of comedian of dubious social status to party. I feared malign influence on moral well-being of Tsarevna.

Borya: However, relentless hilarity of Tom Foolery's jokes is making me much forgiving.

Ragnar: Tom Foolery's no just capable o' deliverin' punchlines - he kens hoo tae deliver a punch or two too! Och, he's a man o' many talents!

Tom Foolery: I'm very grateful to yerselves fer takin' me with ye on yer adventures, so I am.

Tom Foolery: The more towns we visit, the more new material I can pick up for me comedy routine, see? Dead handy, it is!

Torneko: It's good that yer man the King's tryin' to put a smile back on his people's faces. We're all tryin' to do our bit to make the world a better place, so we are.

Alena: This king has best interest of his people at heart. He is reminding me of my father...

Borya: Populace here are blessed with king willing to issue eccentric demands for to make his kingdom smile. These are fortunate subjects indeed.

Ragnar: So the King's willin' tae risk makin' himself intae a laughin' stock purely to give his people somethin' to smile aboot...

Ragnar: He's an inspiration tae all of us tae dae oor bit tae make the world peaceful an' happy once again!

Maya: So we are bidding farewell to Tom Foolery. But I am sensing we will be seeing him again at some stage - or even on some stage - in the future...

Torneko: Sure, gettin' an unlimited supply o' yer man Tom Foolery's gags was grand, so it was!

Alena: Tom Foolery has ability to engage any monster in vigorous bout of combat. I have faith he will not become extinct in near future.

Borya: Tom Foolery is very much youthful in comparison to myself, yet still he is earning my respect.

Ragnar: Noo that we've bid him farewell, I've realised there's more tae that Tom Foolery than just his jokes. Aye, I think I might even be missin' the laddie a little...

Maya: Arey, so you cannot visit the castle in the sky without collecting this equipment? This is so so unfair!

Ragnar: The Zenithian Shield? Aye, I've a feelin' I've heard the King o' bonnie Burland mention it once or twice...

Alena: I will save entire populace of Zamoksva. This I am vowing...

Borya: How dare insolent baboushka speak so lightly of motherland in front of Tsarevna!?

Alena: Borya, do not be so worrying. I am big girl. Father and populace are alive, I am certain.

Kiryl: Tsarevna, please to not be anxious. Tsar and his people are not extinct, I am having faith.

Alena: ...Bolshoe spasibo, Kiryl. I thank you.

Maya: I do not understand this king - I am always being ready to laugh, even when I am feeling down.

Torneko: I've a feelin' her auld da is only wantin' to make his daughter happy, like. Sure, isn't she only after sayin' she wanted to see people smilin' again?

Borya: Concern of princess of kingdom for well-being and contentment of populace is admirable.

Meena: Sometimes I wonder if I could not perhaps be encouraging my sister to be more sensible by becoming a little more cheerful myself...

Maya: Is laughter really curing everything? Could it cure my losing streak next time I am in the casino, I wonder...

Kiryl: This man is dispensing wisdom even in sleep. I am respectful of him.

Torneko: Har har har! The slime! In the pub! Sure, it's feelin' blue, so it is!

Torneko: Ahh, that's my idea of a joke, alright! That fella's gotta be the funniest guard I've ever met!

Alena: Slime is feel blue? But slime is always blue... I am not comprehending humorous intent.

Meena: Arey, Burland seems like a very peaceful place.

Meena: It must be because the kingdom is well-protected, and monsters are knowing to leave it well alone...

Maya: This is a big kingdom, but compared to Endor, it is seeming very backwards...

Torneko: Sure, the weapons on sale round these parts aren't up to much at all.

Torneko: Hmm... If I were to open a branch o' me shop here in Burland, I could make a rake 'o gold, so I could...

Alena: Burland is celebrated for physical strength of army.

Alena: I wish I can be training with palace guards, but I am concerning we do not have sufficient time.

Kiryl: Town is bustling with multiple people. This is positive sign of kingdom at peace.

Borya: Town of Burland has appearance of prosperous location.

Borya: But is in no way superior to town of Zalenagrad in beloved motherland, of course.

Tom Foolery: Which part o' the castle couldn't the King give away? ...The keep! D'ye get it?

Ragnar: Whit d'ye make o' bonnie Burland? It's no a bad spot, eh?

Maya: Please be telling me we are not really taking this old old man along with us...

Torneko: I know I'm hardly the handiest scrapper in the world, but I think we're lettin' standards slip a bit by invitin' that wrinkly ole feen along fer the ride...

Alena: If ancient man is inept fighter, why do we bring him along with us?

Alena: Surely it is less cruel to refuse man's unrealistic request...

Ragnar: That auld fella hasnae changed a bit. I'm just glad he's still drawin' breath!

Borya: I wish to question wisdom of allowing elderly man to participate in party...

Borya: Aga! Why am I being observed in this manner? Do not be categorising me alongside this decrepit specimen!

Meena: It seems old man is not being member of Chosen Ones...

Kiryl: Elderly man is wheezing in alarming manner. Should we somehow intervene?

Borya: If man is losing breath so rapidly, his rightful place is sitting on comfortable seat at home, not on hard road of danger and adventure!

Ragnar: Seems the auld fella just wasnae cut oot tae be a hero...

Meena: In dreams, the ideas and thoughts of others are entering the consciousness of those sleeping.

Meena: If people are having strange dreams, it may mean some powerful force is casting a shadow over their hearts...

Maya: I am often having horribly scary dreams of running out of tokens at the casino.

Maya: Arey, it is giving me shivers just to think about it!

Torneko: I never remember me dreams, so I don't. Maybe it's 'cause I'm fast asleep...

Borya: Why are only populace of Strathbaile seeing strange dreams?

Borya: For me, this fact is significantly more strange than content of dreams themselves...

Ragnar: First the bairns start vanishin', an' noo ye've got folks havin' funny dreams. Och, Strathbaile's seen more than its fair share o' troubles of late...

Maya: It is so so impressive that this Aigneas woman is waiting so patiently for her husband.

Maya: If it was me, I would be forgetting his face after about three days...

Torneko: Hearin' that tale makes me feel awful guilty, so it does...

Torneko: Me poor Tessie's at home worryin' herself sick about me, an' here I am galavantin' round the world!

Ragnar: That Angus laddie had lost his memory, so he couldnae find his way home.

Ragnar: Aigneas was willin' tae risk her life tae help her husband get his memory back. Och, talk aboot romantic!

Meena: It is funny to think that rumours about us are spreading across the world.

Meena: But it is a bit worrying to think that monsters may have heard them too. We must be careful...

Maya: I cannot work out if this lady is thinking we are idiots or not...

Kiryl: Castle in sky exists. This is indisputable fact.

Kiryl: But most people would not believe unless they are seeing with own eyeballs.

Ragnar: If she were tae ken it was us oot huntin' for those Zenithian items, she'd hae the shock of her life!

Maya: Waah! A key that is opening jail doors is the kind of key I like!

Maya: Jail doors have caused me so so much bother in my life...

Torneko: Sure, if a key like that fell into the hands of some evil so-and-so, it'd be a disaster, so it would!

Torneko: Just goes to show - y'always need to be careful where ye leave yer keys!

Alena: Opening jail doors with key is sounding very satisfying. But perhaps not as satisfying as kicking sharply with foot!

Kiryl: Old man is referring to queen. Now I am wondering when Tsarevna too is becoming ruler.

Kiryl: If she is one day marrying, her partner will ascend throne as Tsar. Eurgh! It is sickening to think of this...

Borya: Hm... I am not recollecting kingdom ruled by queen. I am shamed by deplorable ignorance.

Meena: I am wondering if there is some kind of...connection between that woman and Ragnar. But I will not be asking too many questions...

Maya: This woman is being a really big fan of Ragnar. She even goes all dreamy-eyed when she speaks of him...

Borya: Woman is happy with return of husband, but I am unable to see him. Has she lost him again?

Ragnar: Och, it's nice tae be praised by a bonnie lassie like Aigneas!

Ragnar: 'Twould be nicer if she wasnae married, o' course... Hm? Och, no! I didnae say a thing!

Meena: I am wondering if there is some kind of...connection between that woman and Ragnar. But I will not be asking too many questions...

Maya: This woman is being a really big fan of Ragnar. She even goes all dreamy-eyed when she speaks of him...


Warning: Spoilers!
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Torneko: Sure, there's more to yer man Ragnar McRyan than meets the eye, so there is! Who'd ever've thought he had such a way with the ladies?

Alena: Woman is desiring encounter with our travelling companion, Ragnar McRyan. We must to return here together with him.

Maya: Arey, what are these stupid-stupid monsters thinking!? Were they planning to just keep kidnapping children until they are finding the hero?

Torneko: I can't believe even monsters would stoop so low! Just thinkin' about anyone snatchin' me Tipper makes me blood boil, so it does!

Kiryl: There is existing no excuse for snatching of defenceless children...

Ragnar: It was hearin' aboot whit those mangy monsters were plannin' that made me set oot on ma journey tae find the Chosen One...

Maya: Why will they not let us visit the King at night? This is no way to be treating guests!

Ragnar: Aye, the King o' Burland's a busy man, alright.

Ragnar: Will we no leave him tae his beauty sleep and come back in the mornin'?

Meena: All of our destinies are written in the stars...

Meena: I am wondering where our futures lie...

Maya: Accha, this couple are having their own star!? Yuck! What soppy-soppy nonsense!

Kiryl: I sense we represent unwelcome interruption. I recommend we are relocating...

Ragnar: Och, I dinnae need tae be hearin' all that slushy stuff! Look at me! Ma face has turned the same shade o' red as ma armour!

Meena: He is not seeming like a man one can depend on. I hope I am not being unfair...

Borya: So man is losing memory? I am hearing of pathetic individuals who revert to childhood due to fear.

Borya: The mind of man is complicated object. Even I am not comprehending it totally.

Ragnar: When I first met Angus in Strathbaile, he was just like a wee bairn. But once he gathered his wits, he wasnae a bad fella.

Ragnar: I'm sure he'll make Aigneas very happy.

Meena: He is not seeming like a man one can depend on. I hope I am not being unfair...

Maya: What is it like to be losing your memory? If it is just the bad bits, maybe it is okay...

Torneko: Ah, seein' this happy couple is makin' me pine fer me Tessie an' dear little Tipper, so it is! Maybe I should visit her an' the boy every once in a while...

Meena: There are water features all around the castle. I wonder if these are having some sort of mystical meaning...

Maya: This castle is not being so bad. I was thinking it would be very much more rough and ready...

Torneko: By the hokey! This castle's packed to the rafters with guards!

Torneko: Ye could make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons in a place like this, so ye could!

Alena: Large volume of palace guards is suggesting training facility in vicinity...

Kiryl: I am noticing absence of church within castle walls. Lack of spirituality is disappointment...

Borya: In comparison with castle back in motherland of Zamoksva, there is noticeable lack of refinement here.

Borya: But perhaps it is unrealistic to be expecting aesthetic embellishments from nation of soldiers...

Ragnar: Och, it's great tae be back in bonnie Burland! I served as a palace guard here for...ohh, longer than I'd care tae admit!

Ragnar: An' I'm still as loyal to ma homeland as I ever was! I wouldnae betray the auld place for anybody!

Tom Foolery: Which part o' the castle couldn't the King give away? ...The keep! D'ye get it?

Torneko: Sure, the helm and shield are all very well, but it's the Zenithian Sword I'm lookin' fer. Has no one spotted it anywhere?

Alena: So rulers of multiple kingdoms held items of Zenithia. But kingdom of Zamoksva is not possessing any...

Kiryl: It is scarcely surprising that superior quality Zenithian items are becoming royal treasures.

Borya: Zamoksva also is holding many treasures of exceptional value.

Borya: For example, I am recalling extinct Tsar is holding large collection of... Erm... Fine magical staffs...

Ragnar: The guards here ken all kinds o' useful things. They say we Burland boys are all brawn an' no brain, but it's just no true!

Meena: Evolution is what our father is studying. Could this be connected somehow to his work?

Meena: I am sensing something bad up ahead...

Maya: Arey, this old man is just a big liar! I am not believing any of his silly-billy nonsense!

Torneko: That's a weight off me mind, so it is. I've been losin' sleep over all this defeatin' the Lord o' the Underworld stuff.

Torneko: Turns out all we have to do is ask the Dragon God nicely, an' he'll get the whole thing boxed off for us. That's right, isn't it?

Alena: Strength of Lord of Underworld is proving shocking even to Dragon God? Now I wish to engage him even more fiercely in vigorous bout of combat!

Kiryl: So Lord of Underworld is commencing reawakenment. Is this handiwork of malign monsters?

Borya: I cannot make imagination of ultimate state of evolution. Yet I admit, I am with curiosity to witness it...

Ragnar: Aye, that's a tale an' a half, a'right!

Ragnar: But I havenae any doubt that every word is true - we need tae get tae Zenithia right away!

Maya: So all we are needing to do is leave everything to the Dragon God? Easy peasy!

Maya: ...Hm? You say this is not true? So it is up to me, I suppose? Hmph! Typical! Why am I always having to do everything myself?

Meena: Are you kidding, sis!? Since when do you do anything yourself? You are always just leaving it all to me!

Alena: Dragon God is very much strong, da? I would like very much to engage with him in bout of no-holds-barred combat. Can this be arranged?

Kiryl: It is true that divine being is surely omniscient.

Kiryl: But still, we must to go to land of Zenithia to ascertain next action we should perform.

Ragnar: Do ye remember whit we're doin' collectin' all these Zenithian items, Hero?

Ragnar: That's good tae hear. Sorry for askin', but I just needed tae check, ye understand.

Ragnar: Och, please tell me yer just jokin' aroond! I dinnae ken whit I'd dae otherwise!

Maya: Who is this man thinking he is, asking us to talk to him again? Who says we have to talk to him at all?

Borya: This man is too much demanding. Person with my years is expecting more respect.

Maya: This armlet of transmutation sounds so so fancy and cute! I am sure it would suit me! Arey, if only the thieving monsters were not also loving shiny things...

Torneko: It's a shame to hear about a nice piece like that bein' stolen. Sure, I could've got a good price fer a fancy yoke like that, so I could...

Alena: This armlet of transmutation is being object stolen at incident in Vrenor?

Alena: Hmm... I am sensing there is more to incident than is meeting eyes...

Kiryl: This is curious tale. Armlet of transmutation may be concealing some manner of secret...

Borya: Armlet of transmutation? This incident is occurring at same time of appearance of false Tsarevna, nyet?

Borya: Aga! It is still enraging to make recollection of so much scandalous incident!

Meena: I am wondering if there is some kind of...connection between that woman and Ragnar. But I will not be asking too many questions...

Maya: Arey, Ragnar is being a big-big hit with the ladies!

Torneko: Sure, there's more to yer man Ragnar McRyan than meets the eye, so there is! Who'd ever've thought he had such a way with the ladies?

Ragnar: Ahem... I dinnae ken whit that lassie is talkin' aboot. There's nothin' gaein' on between us, I can assure ye...

Meena: Why is this soldier criticising Ragnar McRyan? Is this the only way he is able to feel good about himself?

Maya: Are you going to take that, Ragnar?

Maya: You should tell that silly-billy soldier everything you have been doing - then he will be shutting up!

Ragnar: Aye, that fella seems tae think I'm bone idle. Wait... That isnae whit youse all think, is it?

Meena: So the King's grandfather is having a soft spot for the ladies?

Meena: I wonder if the current king is inheriting this trait...

Maya: Arey, this is just proving what I am always saying - no matter how powerful a man is, he can still have a weakness for ladies!

Torneko: Yerra, a kingdom full o' nuttin' but women! Sure, that sounds like the kind 'o place I'd like to open a weapon shop!

Torneko: Umm... Don't be tellin me Tessie ye heard that, now, will ye...? Heh...

Alena: I am interesting in land inhabited solely by females. I must to visit one day...

Kiryl: I am somewhat intimidating by land where women only rule.

Kiryl: I am finding sufficient challenge in accompanying Tsarevna alone...

Borya: I have perused tales of extreme beauty of queens of Femiscyra.

Borya: Actions of former king of Burland are explainable, but are simultaneously regrettable...

Ragnar: I'll not lie - it's an honour indeed tae have ma efforts recognised by the King Himself!

Ragnar: And that's not all I have tae thank him for - if he hadnae sent me oot on this adventure, I'd never hae met with such fine new friends, neither!

Meena: So the King's grandfather is having a soft spot for the ladies?

Meena: I wonder if the current king is inheriting this trait...

Maya: Arey, this is just proving what I am always saying - no matter how powerful a man is, he can still have a weakness for ladies!

Torneko: Yerra, a kingdom full o' nuttin' but women! Sure, that sounds like the kind 'o place I'd like to open a weapon shop!

Torneko: Umm... Don't be tellin me Tessie ye heard that, now, will ye...? Heh...

Alena: I am interesting in land inhabited solely by females. I must to visit one day...

Kiryl: I am somewhat intimidating by land where women only rule.

Kiryl: I am finding sufficient challenge in accompanying Tsarevna alone...

Borya: I have perused tales of extreme beauty of queens of Femiscyra.

Borya: Actions of former king of Burland are explainable, but are simultaneously regrettable...

Meena: It is sounding as if the people of Femiscyra are happy living in isolation.

Meena: If we go there, I doubt we will be receiving a warm welcome...

Torneko: If the only access to the kingdom was a little track, it sounds like they haven't much time fer trade, like.

Torneko: Maybe the place is so rich it doesn't need anytin' to do with the outside world. Imagine that...

Alena: Should I perhaps demolish obstructing rocks with fists?

Alena: ...Regrettably, you are correct. My plan is not realistic.

Borya: Oya! Melting giant rocks with wave of wand? Truly, magic is a magnificent force!

Ragnar: It soonds as if clambering up tae Femiscyra will be quite a trek...

Maya: Balzack is putting us through so so much troubles in order to be getting this magma staff.

Maya: Even without what he has done to our father, I would still be hating that awful-awful man.

Alena: I am without knowledge of object dubbed magma staff. Is it truly located at Zamoksva?

Alena: I am never aware magma staff was part of treasures of Zamoksva...

Kiryl: Treasure of Zamoksva is sealed in treasure chest. Is not accessible without magic key.

Kiryl: Could magma staff be within chest?

Borya: I have heard stories that many years ago, extinct Tsar is collecting magical wands.

Borya: It is possible magma staff is within this collection...

Borya: Magnificent magic staff from treasures of Zamoksva will dispense with inconvenient rocks with minimal difficulty!

Ragnar: Losh! Tae think ye can melt rock wi' the wave of a wee wand... Aye, magic's a powerful thing a'right...

Meena: Consulting the cards, I see that coming to this cave will bring us no change in fortune.

Meena: I sense we must be going elsewhere...

Maya: Arey, this tunnel is not being a patch on the fancy-fancy thoroughfare linking Endor and Casabranca!

Maya: Can this even be called a tunnel? It seems to me like nothing more than a musty old cave!

Torneko: Sure, we'd be better off goin' by boat, would we not?

Alena: I am not sensing powerful monsters here. We must to travel to alternative location!

Kiryl: So cave is descending beneath river? I pray Goddess that ceiling is not collapsing...

Ragnar: This wee tunnel was built tae link bonnie Burland wi' Strathbaile back...och, I dinnae ken hoo many years ago...

Borya: Yoy! It appears you cannot encounter cave without desiring to explore it, Hero. You are very much curious, da?

Torneko: Yer man there looks like a guard from Burland, so he does.

Torneko: It's good o' him to stand here helpin' travellers on their way. More power to his elbow!

Alena: What is soldier doing in such subterranean location?

Alena: Perhaps he trains himself by engaging weak monsters in combat...

Borya: It is true we are being impressive. But our talents extend far beyond knowledge of local geography...

Ragnar: Is that laddie still doon in this cave?

Ragnar: I just hope he isnae trapped doon here. ...No, he cannae be. Can he?

Meena: I am sensing a strange power here in this town. And it is especially strong near to the inn...

Maya: Arey, this is a boring-boring town. I don't like little places with nothing going on.

Torneko: Comin' to a place like this makes me feel like I've travelled to the end o' the earth, so it does.

Torneko: But lookin' at the map, it's not all that far from me old home in Lakanaba. 'Tis a quare feelin' alright...

Alena: So this is town where children are previously stolen?

Alena: I am not forgiving perpetrators. If I am encountering them, I will greet with repeated fist to face!

Kiryl: Town has appearance of peace and stability.

Kiryl: Proximity to military base in Burland is no doubt contributing to this.

Borya: So this town previously suffered vanishment of children...

Borya: And finally monsters were revealed to be perpetrators.

Borya: I am wondering if monsters too are responsible for disappearance of populace in Zamoksva...

Ragnar: Aye, this takes me back. I remember all those wee bairns disappearin'. A terrible business, it was...

Ragnar: Still, all's well that ends well - we solved the case, did we no? Aye, come tae think of it, that's hoo this whole adventure got started for me...

Tom Foolery: If I got locked up in the jail here, would ye... Strathbaile me out?

Tom Foolery: ...I'm sorry. I apologise for that one. I'll do better next time, so I will...

Meena: In dreams, the ideas and thoughts of others are entering the consciousness of those sleeping.

Meena: If people are having strange dreams, it may mean some powerful force is casting a shadow over their hearts...

Torneko: I never remember me dreams, so I don't. Maybe it's 'cause I'm fast asleep...

Borya: So main concern of populace is dream? Truly this is peaceful town...

Ragnar: There wasnae any talk aboot funny dreams when I was last in Strathbaile...

Ragnar: That laddie's a palace guard from back in bonnie Burland!

Ragnar: Seems he's been posted here tae keep the toon safe from monsters...

Meena: Hmph! This sleazy old fellow is dreaming of having dreams about pretty ladies. Is this all awful-awful men can think about?

Maya: Accha, I am not understanding this silly-billy old man!

Maya: A beautiful dancer is standing right in front of him, and still he is talking about a woman in some stupid dream!

Maya: He is needing to open his eyes and look at the world around him!

Kiryl: I am not requiring observation of pretty ladies in dreams.

Kiryl: I have Tsarevna here beside me every day...

Kiryl: ...Nyet! Please to not to be listening to my foolish ramblings!

Ragnar: Aye, I wouldnae mind havin' that dream maself...

Ragnar: No, no, I amn't tryin' tae get a look at this bonnie lassie! I just want tae get tae the bottom o' this whole dream thing!

Maya: Imagine if this little boy is really growing up to be a monster! His parents will be getting a big surprise!

Torneko: Sure, it's nice to be called brilliant every now an' then. This little fella talks a lot o' sense, so he does!

Alena: Small child is not requiring to become guard in order to fight monsters.

Alena: He is advisable to train as martial artist, and engage monsters in vigorous hand-to-hand combat.

Ragnar: Och, this wee laddie's got a bright future ahead of him as a palace guard, I can feel it in ma bones!

Torneko: .........

Torneko: ...Sorry, I was miles away, so I was. I was just thinkin' about me boy, Tipper.

Torneko: (sigh) I hope he's behavin' himself, an' not givin' his poor mother any trouble...

Kiryl: Children possess purity that is lost in adulthood. I am certain this boy is bringing happiness to parents.

Ragnar: That wee laddie was one o' the bairns snatched by those mangy monsters.

Ragnar: Looks like it hasnae knocked him at all - he's just as full o' beans as he ever was!

Maya: This man is being too too honest! Why is he mentioning this strange dream and risking scaring us off?

Maya: Honesty is never ever good for business! Thinking about it, Torneko is a successful businessman... Does this mean he is not always telling the truth...?

Torneko: An inn where people have weird and wonderful dreams sounds like a grand business opportunity to me!

Torneko: If ye just sold it the right way, ye could pack the place out every night, so ye could...

Alena: I am experiencing sympathy for owner of inn lacking guests. We must to stay here tonight.

Borya: Is it possible inn is suffering lack of guests due to sub-standard service and inferior decor?

Ragnar: Sounds like business isnae too good at the moment... I feel sorry for this poor fella.

Maya: I am feeling so so sorry for this man, working so very hard with no one to appreciate him!

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear about the leopard who was after takin' a bath?

Tom Foolery: Sure, he came out spotless, so he did!

Meena: If this shield was in the royal treasure collection, it must be very special...

Meena: Do you think perhaps it is being the shield we are searching for?

Kiryl: Burland is kingdom of substantial military might. I am not surprising shield is included in treasure collection.

Borya: Zamoksva also is holding many treasures of exceptional value.

Borya: For example, I am recalling extinct Tsar is holding large collection of... Erm... Fine magical staffs...

Ragnar: I'd no heard talk of a royal shield afore, but bonnie Burland's awash wi' so many treasures and traditions, I shouldnae be surprised!

Alena: I too am wishing I had brother instead of being solitary child.

Kiryl: Tsarevna, I humbly request you lean against me as if I were actual brother.

Alena: Da, da, this is fine idea! In this case, I am no longer sole heir of Tsar and can avoid responsibilities and focus on combat training!

Kiryl: Nyet, this is not what I am intending!

Ragnar: It's good tae hear aboot wee bairns that are so eager to be oot playin'!

Ragnar: When I was a laddie, I gave ma mother no end o' bother, runnin' off tae play with ma pals. But noo I've grown up tae be a fine upstanding palace guard!

Torneko: I hope me Tipper's not out playin' in any caves...

Torneko: I don't want him causin' his mother any worry, like.

Kiryl: Children must only play with supervision of adults. Otherwise they may encounter hostile monsters.

Kiryl: I am hoping parents of town are adequately controlling actions of offspring.

Ragnar: Aye, when I was a wee laddie, I used tae love playin' doon in the caves...

Meena: Ever since that dream, I am feeling powerful emanations from that elf girl...

Meena: I am sensing she is somehow connected to our quest. I hope we can one day meet her...

Maya: The man in that dream is being so so handsome!

Maya: But it is looking like the two of them are together...

Maya: Arey, why are all the good men already taken? It is so so unfair!

Torneko: It's funny, like. I can still hear the melody o' that flute yer man was playin' in the dream...

Torneko: It wasn't yer ordinary common-or-garden dream now, was it?

Alena: Man in dream claims he is dubbed Psaro.

Alena: I am not forgetting this name. I do not believe that was mere dream...

Kiryl: What was nature of curious dream this morning?

Kiryl: I am sensing overpowering melancholy and plaintive prayers. It is not being orthodox reverie...

Ragnar: Psaro said he'd decided tae destroy all mankind.

Ragnar: Well, he hasnae got a chance as long as the mighty Ragnar McRyan is here tae take on monsterkind!

Borya: So you are witnessing same dream as me, Hero?

Borya: Hmm... It is highly unusual for multiple people to have identical dream...

Meena: So this awful-awful crime turned Psaro into a demon dedicated to destroying humanity...

Meena: This dream we are having is so so sad. Our enemy is not just Psaro, but the evil of men...

Maya: Accha, the dream we are having this morning is so so dark...

Maya: But it was not me who did this terrible thing to Rose... It was just one or two awful-awful people...

Maya: This is no reason to try to destroy all mankind! Grr! It is making me so so angry!

Torneko: So yer man Psaro is fightin' for the one he loved, eh? Aye, thinkin' o' me Tessie and young Tipper, I can understand how he feels...

Torneko: Wait! I'm not sayin' I'm on his side, like! Don't be gettin' the wrong idea now!

Alena: So Psaro believes entirety of humanity is deserving fate of destruction...

Alena: ...Nyet! We cannot be permitting this outcome! I vow to obstruct him, no matter what!

Kiryl: So this monster is motivated by love to punish mankind for transgressions...

Kiryl: Now I am confusing as to who is right and who is wrong...

Ragnar: It's a tragic tale, but humanity willnae take this lyin' doon...

Ragnar: As long as there's breath in ma body, Ragnar McRyan's gonnae be standin' in Psaro's way!

Borya: It is tragic tale. Indeed, it is true - man is capable of great sin.

Borya: But it is man alone who is capable to correct his sin... And Goddess alone who is capable to punish...

Borya: We must to defeat Psaro, Hero. He cannot be permitted to take law in his own hands...


Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: I am not minding my own company, but if I had to live here alone, I might be changing my mind...

Maya: Arey, this island is only having this one little house? What a boring-boring place!

Torneko: Livin' on an island in the middle o' nowhere must make grocery shoppin' a real pain in the backside, like...

Kiryl: Nearest thing elderly man is having to family member is powie yowie. This has rendered me melancholic...

Borya: As fellow ageing individual, I can sympathise deeply with solitude of this man...

Ragnar: Is it no a wee bit lonely livin' all the way oot here on yer own?

Alena: Ancient man appears happy to have conversational partners...

Kiryl: I am sensing strange chill. Could vicinity of Lord of Underworld's castle be responsible?

Ragnar: The Lord 'o the Underworld? Aye, it's oor job tae make sure he doesnae make a comeback!

Maya: So this old man is living with a stinky, smelly powie yowie? Is he not worried about the smell?

Alena: Lying on top of powie yowie seems like comfortable sleeping option...

Alena: But in morning, you may wake up to find yourself squashed into two-dimensional form! Ahaha! Ahahahaha! Haa! Ha...

Borya: Sole companion of ageing man is conversationally limited powie yowie. I can only offer sincerest sympathies...

Ragnar: Seems like this auld fella an' his pet powie yowie are the best o' friends, eh?

Orifiela: This lovely, cuddly powie yowie would never hurt anybody! He is just like Sparkie!

Orifiela: Who is Sparkie, you ask? Why, he is my delightful pet dragon! He is such a good boy!

Meena: Allow me to be consulting the cards...

Meena: Sorry. I am afraid the owner of this place is not amongst the Chosen Ones.

Maya: Waah! Look at all the sparkly-sparkly gold! The man who owns this place must be rich, rich, rich!

Torneko: If yer man's livin' in an out o' the way place like this, he's not goin' to know the goin' rate for yer average item, so he's not...

Torneko: Sure, I reckon I could overcharge the feen sometin' rotten... Not that I ever would, o' course! Ahem...

Alena: So much gaudy gold is not to my taste...

Borya: This is impressive construction. Owner must be someone of elevated social status...

Ragnar: It must be a wee bit of a pain livin' oot here in the middle o' nowhere...

Alena: It would be terrible waste for weakling such as this to wear such powerful armour...

Ragnar: Aye, any soldier worth his salt would be wantin' tae wear that armour, eh?

Maya: Come on, let us be going to Zenithia and grabbing that armour before this man! Then we can wear it and show off to him!

Torneko: So yer man's got his eye on the Zenithian Armour, does he? We'll need to be gettin' our skates on, so we will...

Meena: Even if this soldier is obtaining Zenithian Armour, he will be unable to equip it.

Meena: Only Hero can wear this legendary armour...

Maya: This man is not knowing what the Zenithian Armour is looking like, so we could be parading around in it and he would not even know!

Meena: I am consulting the cards...and they are saying we will have girl problems...

Meena: In a castle filled with women, this is a little worrying. I have a bad feeling about this...

Maya: Waah! This is such a lovely-lovely castle! It has that feminine touch, you know?

Torneko: So this castle's manned entirely by women, is it? I'm a little bit nervous, I have to be honest with ye...

Alena: Castle guards are feminine! Certainly, we are in Femiscyra!

Kiryl: Castle is surpassingly elegant, and boasts exactingly maintained gardens. Women of Femiscyra do not scrimp in field of aesthetics...

Borya: In more youthful years, I garnered admiring attention of young ladies in my locality.

Borya: However, female approval is mattering less with each passing year...

Ragnar: Aye, this is a bonnie place a'right - solid defences, but elegant at the same time...

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Meena: I was thinking this would be a very very unfriendly place, but so far, it is not being so bad...

Torneko: It's amazin' to think they've been cut off from the outside world fer so many years, eh?

Alena: We are responsible for clearing trail, so it is natural we are first guests in years.

Borya: If we had not utilised magma staff for clearance of obstructions, there may never have been visitors from exterior world.

Borya: I desire a more overt display of gratitude from kingdom's populace!

Meena: I am consulting the cards...and they are saying we will have girl problems...

Meena: In a castle filled with women, this is a little worrying. I have a bad feeling about this...

Maya: Arey, so there are men here too!

Maya: I suppose there have to be. It would be so so boring otherwise...

Torneko: So this castle's manned entirely by women, is it? I'm a little bit nervous, I have to be honest with ye...

Alena: I am knowing it is castle of women, but still number of female guards is impressing.

Alena: World is hazardous, so everyone must to fight.

Kiryl: Construction of castle amid mountains is highly impressive.

Kiryl: Is this manifestation of girl power that younger generation are speaking of?

Borya: In more youthful years, I garnered admiring attention of young ladies in my locality.

Borya: However, female approval is mattering less with each passing year...

Ragnar: There's somethin' aboot a castle built by lassies... Everythin' just feels a wee bit different, eh?

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Maya: Come on, Hero! Don't you want to impress her by telling her that the legendary (hero/heroine) is standing right in front of her?

Maya: Go on! It will be so so funny!

Kiryl: No matter how great (hero/heroine) is, is impossible to defeat enemy that has not yet risen.

Kiryl: We must to not get too far forward of ourselves...

Borya: I am confusing... How is woman in such isolated location hearing rumours of Lord of Underworld's return?

Ragnar: Would it be wrong tae tell her we've got the (hero/heroine) she's gabbin' aboot right here beside us?

Ragnar: Well, if ye say so, Hero, that's all I need tae hear. I just wanted tae see the look on her face is all...

Ragnar: Hmm... Thinkin' aboot it, if we tell her, she might demand that ye defeat the Lord o' the Underworld right noo...

Ragnar: Och, maybe it's more trouble than it's worth. Let's keep oor mouths shut for the time bein'.

Alena: If I am obliging to marry man, I am also having preference for partner with physical strength.

Alena: But he must to not be more powerful than me. I will engage him in vigorous hand-to-hand combat until he is admitting defeat!

Kiryl: Aga... I am sensing that Tsarevna too is having preference for men of physical fortitude...

Kiryl: But alas, I am incapable to defeat her in combat...

Kiryl: Unless I were to cast Whack... Nyet! Forgive my idiocy! Death of Tsarevna is not my intention!

Ragnar: Maybe this is the lassie o' ma dreams! I feel like I've waited ma whole life tae meet a lady who enjoys a good wrestle!

Maya: Hmm... To be strong is good, but I am not liking it when women are being too muscly, you know?

Alena: Da, da! It is as though she knows my heart! There exists no reason for women to lose fights!

Kiryl: I was thinking Tsarevna was unique in entire world, but this woman is thinking upon similar lines...

Borya: I am preferring if ears of Tsarevna are shielded from such talk.

Borya: This kingdom is most uncouth. I must to protest!

Ragnar: I wouldnae let this lassie beat me in a fight!

Ragnar: Not that I want tae take her on or anythin', y'understand...

Maya: I am wondering if I can sweet-talk him into lowering his prices...

Maya: Or maybe all his customers are trying the same trick...

Torneko: I could try to open a branch o' me shop here, so I could.

Torneko: But it sounds like I might have to make...ahem...a bit of a big sacrifice to do so, like...

Ragnar: So this fella has been stuck here for years? Aye, I can think o' worse places tae be trapped...

Maya: I am admiring this woman, but I cannot help thinking her life must be a little dull, no?

Alena: I too am not placing value on worldly possessions. If I have fists for punch and feet for kick, I am rich.

Alena: This is why I am entering Endor Tourney - to prove that I am not just spoiled rich girl.

Kiryl: I am so much respectful of spiritual lady. I wish to dedicate life to Goddess, but am still unprepared for renouncement of worldly possessions...

Torneko: If ye asked me what I treasured most in the world, I'd tell ye it's me Tessie an' young Tipper.

Torneko: Sure, I'd do anytin' for the pair o' them, so I would...

Maya: Hmm... That man is seeming very full of himself...

Maya: I am sensing there is something a little fishy about him...

Torneko: What was yer man up to in here anyway? He wasn't pinchin' sometin', was he?

Alena: This man has rapid foot movement. I am impressive...

Ragnar: Just whit was that fella up tae? We'd best do as he says an' have a peek in that chest o' drawers, eh...

Maya: What kind of silly-billy man is trying to impress a woman by giving her a shield?

Torneko: Yerra, I'd clean forgotten we were after that Zenithian Shield yoke 'til yer wan mentioned it!

Kiryl: We are speaking of most precious shield in entire world!

Kiryl: For why people are not taking care of it in manner befitting such treasure?

Ragnar: It's a wee bit worryin' that she doesnae even ken where this legendary, irreplaceable, highly valuable shield is, eh?

Meena: The resurrection of the Lord of the Underworld... Our own quest... All is foretold... It is destiny...

Meena: When I am listening to this man's words, this is what I am sensing...

Maya: Accha, now I am so so confused! I cannot make tail nor head of this man's story!

Ragnar: Aye, I hope he manages tae get his story in a wee bit more order.

Ragnar: The important part is that the (hero/heroine) is gonnae defeat the Lord o' the Underworld!

Borya: Man's words are making succinct summary of story so far.

Borya: I am having certainty you are understanding significance of every word, Hero.

Meena: The Queen must be carrying a heavy burden of responsibility for the well-being of her people...

Meena: I am feeling a lot of sympathy for her...

Maya: Arey, I am sure there are many women in this kingdom who are wishing they were born queen.

Maya: The grass is always being greener, no?

Alena: I am understanding plight of Queen. I too am not wishing for birth as Tsarevna...

Alena: I desire to be free to dedicate all waking moments to training in hand-to-hand combat!

Maya: The Queen's outfits are so so pretty. But they are looking very tight...

Maya: I would prefer not to be trying them on. Anyone else want to give them a go?

Alena: Grrr! How dare this woman! Our hands are clean as whistles!

Borya: Impudent maid brings disrepute to entire kingdom!

Ragnar: Och, that lassie's got a point. After all this travellin', ma hands are a wee bit mucky...

Meena: I am understanding why the Queen is preferring to avoid the quarrels of the outside world...

Meena: But if a kingdom is closing itself off, it will become very stale, no?

Maya: Arey, she is really telling us to be getting lost!? How dare she!? You can tell her from me, I am not going anywhere! So there!

Alena: Queen is having cold demeanour. But I am sensing this is not truthful nature...

Borya: How dare Queen address party representing Tsarevna of Zamoksva in such vulgar manner!?

Borya: There is no necessity to instruct us to leave! We are already packing bags!

Ragnar: Losh! We came all this way, an' noo she's tellin' us tae make oorselves scarce!

Ragnar: Aye, she may be a bonnie lassie, but Little Miss Queenie needs tae be learnin' a few manners!

Meena: This prisoner is claiming he is innocent, but there is no smoke without fire...

Meena: In any case, he is now having plenty of time to reflect on his past behaviour.

Maya: So this man is here because he was caught stealing dresses?

Maya: Well, it is taking all sorts of people to make a world...

Ragnar: Och, if I was ever caught stealin' dresses, I think I'd die o' shame! Not that I'm likely tae be caught daein' somethin' like that, y'understand...

Torneko: Sure, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with any o' them guards meself. They look like they can handle themselves, so they do...

Alena: Hmm... I am experiencing sympathy for fellow martial artist.

Alena: But true warrior does not desire sympathy after defeat...

Kiryl: It is apparent Tsarevna is not sole woman excelling in combat...

Ragnar: I cannae be feelin' any sympathy for this laddie - he should be ashamed of himself!

Maya: Arey, we cannot enter the kingdom at night!? That is so so unfair!

Maya: Femiscyra has just lost a whole star in Maya's Magnificent Guide to the Galaxy!

Ragnar: So will we just have tae hang aboot ootside the gate 'til mornin'? Och, that's a pain, eh?

Kiryl: It is seeming we have no choice, Hero. We must to come back in morning.

Maya: Accha, I am so so angry! Why would I be stealing this rosary? It is obviously a nonsense!

Maya: I will not be feeling better until I have given the real culprit a great big slap!

Torneko: By the hokey! Who'd have thought we'd get framed fer a crime we didn't commit?

Torneko: This world's full o' nasty surprises, so it is. Ye can't let yer guard down fer a second...

Alena: This is unfortunate twist of events. But at minimum, Queen is believing us...

Alena: We must to repay this trust and catch true criminal.

Kiryl: Always the Goddess is watching over us.

Kiryl: I am having faith She will lead us safely from shadow of suspicion.

Borya: Yoy! This is deplorable! How can representatives of court of Zamoksva be treated as common thieves?

Borya: This is major diplomatic incident!

Ragnar: There's no sense in footerin' aboot here. We've got tae catch the thief who chegged that bronze rosary!

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Meena: I can able to see in the mists of clarity that the criminal has travelled to south.

Meena: Come on, Hero! We need to be heading that way!

Meena: I was thinking this would be a very very unfriendly place, but so far, it is not being so bad...

Torneko: It's amazin' to think they've been cut off from the outside world fer so many years, eh?

Alena: We are responsible for clearing trail, so it is natural we are first guests in years.

Borya: If we had not utilised magma staff for clearance of obstructions, there may never have been visitors from exterior world.

Borya: I desire a more overt display of gratitude from kingdom's populace!

Meena: It is just as I am saying! The criminal has travelled south!

Torneko: If ye think about it fer a second, ye realise that south is the only way the crook could've gone...

Borya: Gah! I have never trusted poets! Manufacturing words is not real vocation!

Ragnar: Aye, that's the thief alright. There isnae a second tae lose! Let's head doon south, Hero!

Maya: Come on, Hero! Don't you want to impress her by telling her that the legendary (hero/heroine) is standing right in front of her?

Maya: Go on! It will be so so funny!

Kiryl: No matter how great (hero/heroine) is, is impossible to defeat enemy that has not yet risen.

Kiryl: We must to not get too far forward of ourselves...

Borya: I am confusing... How is woman in such isolated location hearing rumours of Lord of Underworld's return?

Ragnar: Would it be wrong tae tell her we've got the (hero/heroine) she's gabbin' aboot right here beside us?

Ragnar: Well, if ye say so, Hero, that's all I need tae hear. I just wanted tae see the look on her face is all...

Ragnar: Hmm... Thinkin' aboot it, if we tell her, she might demand that ye defeat the Lord o' the Underworld right noo...

Ragnar: Och, maybe it's more trouble than it's worth. Let's keep oor mouths shut for the time bein'.

Alena: If I am obliging to marry man, I am also having preference for partner with physical strength.

Alena: But he must to not be more powerful than me. I will engage him in vigorous hand-to-hand combat until he is admitting defeat!

Kiryl: Aga... I am sensing that Tsarevna too is having preference for men of physical fortitude...

Kiryl: But alas, I am incapable to defeat her in combat...

Kiryl: Unless I were to cast Whack... Nyet! Forgive my idiocy! Death of Tsarevna is not my intention!

Ragnar: Maybe this is the lassie o' ma dreams! I feel like I've waited ma whole life tae meet a lady who enjoys a good wrestle!

Maya: Hmm... To be strong is good, but I am not liking it when women are being too muscley, you know?

Alena: Da, da! It is as though she knows my heart! There exists no reason for women to lose fights!

Kiryl: I was thinking Tsarevna was unique in entire world, but this woman is thinking upon similar lines...

Borya: I am preferring if ears of Tsarevna are shielded from such talk.

Borya: This kingdom is most uncouth. I must to protest!

Ragnar: I wouldnae let this lassie beat me in a fight!

Ragnar: Not that I want tae take her on or anythin', y'understand...

Maya: I am wondering if I can sweet-talk him into lowering his prices...

Maya: Or maybe all his customers are trying the same trick...

Torneko: I could try to open a branch o' me shop here, so I could.

Torneko: But it sounds like I might have to make...ahem...a bit of a big sacrifice to do so, like...

Ragnar: So this fella has been stuck here for years? Aye, I can think o' worse places tae be trapped...

Meena: This hysterical holy woman will not be believing us until we are catching the true criminal...

Maya: Arey, we are not guilty! You have to believe us!

Kiryl: To suffer suspicion by fellow servant of Goddess is too much painful for my soul...

Ragnar: Och, we dinnae look like thieves, do we...? I willnae get over an accusation like that in a hurry...

Maya: What kind of silly-billy man is trying to impress a woman by giving her a shield?

Torneko: Yerra, I'd clean forgotten we were after that Zenithian Shield yoke 'til yer wan mentioned it!

Kiryl: We are speaking of most precious shield in entire world!

Kiryl: For why people are not taking care of it in manner befitting such treasure?

Ragnar: It's a wee bit worryin' that she doesnae even ken where this legendary, irreplaceable, highly valuable shield is, eh?

Meena: The resurrection of the Lord of the Underworld... Our own quest... All is foretold... It is destiny...

Meena: When I am listening to this man's words, this is what I am sensing...

Maya: Accha, now I am so so confused! I cannot make tail nor head of this man's story!

Ragnar: Aye, I hope he manages tae get his story in a wee bit more order.

Ragnar: The important part is that the (hero/heroine) is gonnae defeat the Lord o' the Underworld!

Borya: Man's words are making succinct summary of story so far.

Borya: I am having certainty you are understanding significance of every word, Hero.

Meena: The Queen must be carrying a heavy burden of responsibility for the well-being of her people...

Meena: I am feeling a lot of sympathy for her...

Maya: Arey, I am sure there are many women in this kingdom who are wishing they were born queen.

Maya: The grass is always being greener, no?

Alena: I am understanding plight of Queen. I too am not wishing for birth as Tsarevna...

Alena: I desire to be free to dedicate all waking moments to training in hand-to-hand combat!

Maya: The Queen's outfits are so so pretty. But they are looking very tight...

Maya: I would prefer not to be trying them on. Anyone else want to give them a go?

Alena: Grrr! How dare this woman! Our hands are clean as whistles!

Borya: Impudent maid brings disrepute to entire kingdom!

Ragnar: Och, that lassie's got a point. After all this travellin', ma hands are a wee bit mucky...

Torneko: Sure, yer wan the Queen is a harsh woman, but she's fair with it.

Torneko: She's given us the chance to prove our innocence, so let's not be wastin' it...

Alena: Queen is severe, but not unkind. She is possessing trust in us.

Kiryl: I am grateful for trust of Queen. We must to repay by apprehending miscreant.

Meena: This prisoner is claiming he is innocent, but there is no smoke without fire...

Meena: In any case, he is now having plenty of time to reflect on his past behaviour.

Maya: So this man is here because he was caught stealing dresses?

Maya: Well, it is taking all sorts of people to make a world...

Ragnar: Och, if I was ever caught stealin' dresses, I think I'd die o' shame! Not that I'm likely tae be caught daein' somethin' like that, y'understand...

Torneko: Sure, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with any o' them guards meself. They look like they can handle themselves, so they do...

Alena: Hmm... I am experiencing sympathy for fellow martial artist.

Alena: But true warrior does not desire sympathy after defeat...

Kiryl: It is apparent Tsarevna is not sole woman excelling in combat...

Ragnar: I cannae be feelin' any sympathy for this laddie - he should be ashamed of himself!

Kiryl: It is agonising to me to witness this...

Kiryl: Do not fall to despair, Tsarevna. I vow to apprehend miscreant with own hands.

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! Never did I consider I would live to witness Tsarevna of Zamoksva in cage!

Borya: How am I explaining at Tsar? I fear I will never be earning royal pardon...

Alena: Kiryl is peculiarly calm...

Alena: Perhaps he is more dauntless than he seems...

Borya: I vow continuous protection of Tsarevna in place of absent Kiryl.

Borya: Though for man with my years, this is near-insufferable burden...

Alena: Words of Borya are hurtful for me...

Alena: But I too am glad to be free from incessant lecturing of bearded tutor!

Kiryl: Do not be with anxiety, Borya. I vow protection of Tsarevna at risk of own life.

Kiryl: I pray Goddess you are given requisite strength for enduring ordeal...

Meena: If I am being honest, small parts of me are wanting to leave my sister in that cell.

Meena: But if I do so, she will never be allowing me to forget it...

Meena: Accha! Then I suppose we are having no choice but to catch the real criminal!

Maya: Accha, why is she remaining so unperturbed, even in such a moment of crisis?

Maya: I keep telling her she should be more passionate - then maybe more men are interested in her...

Maya: Arey, we cannot enter the kingdom at night!? That is so so unfair!

Maya: Femiscyra has just lost a whole star in Maya's Magnificent Guide to the Galaxy!

Ragnar: So will we just have tae hang aboot ootside the gate 'til mornin'? Och, that's a pain, eh?

Kiryl: It is seeming we have no choice, Hero. We must to come back in morning.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: I am sensing we will need to be returning here in future...

Meena: Gazing into the mists of clarity, I am seeing that the thief who stole the bronze rosary is lurking within this cave...

Meena: We must tread very carefully if we are wanting to catch the culprit...

Maya: Accha, not another dank, dark, smelly, musty, horrible-horrible cave!

Maya: If was not for all the caves, I would be enjoying our adventure so so much more...

Maya: Caves... Dungeons... Why are thieves liking to be below ground so much?

Maya: The only underground place I am enjoying is casino!

Torneko: By the holies, this is some cave alright!
Look at all these poky little passages - me head's spinnin', so it is!

Alena: Yoy! This is eccentric cave! Why must we to go constantly up then down? At least it is aiding fortification of leg muscles...

Alena: Aga! Monsters in this cave are possessing admirable power!

Alena: Thief too must be strong. I am exciting about engaging in vigorous bout of combat...

Kiryl: Construction of cave is too much cryptic. What can it be concealing deeper within?

Kiryl: Cave is too much complex. I am fearing we are mislaying way...

Borya: I am strongly disapproving of underground caverns.

Borya: Is it truly necessity for us to apprehend villain? Is it not being duty of guards of Femiscyra?

Borya: I am incapable to escape conclusion that Queen is making fools of us...

Ragnar: Ye've got tae give it to this thief - he kens how tae choose a hidey-hole, eh?

Borya: Are you possessing particular desire to visit present cave, Hero?

Ragnar: There are beasties roond here that pack quite a punch, I can tell ye. Keep yer wits aboot ye, Hero.

Meena: We may be thinking we are having him cornered, but this thief could be making a speedy getaway at any moment...

Meena: We must stay alert!

Maya: This thief is trying to make his lair homely, but it is still being dank, dark and under the ground.

Maya: I would never be hiding out in a place without fresh air or windows. Ugh!

Torneko: Phew! That was a heap o' bother an' a half! Now, let's make yer man the thief pay the price fer gettin' us wrongly accused!

Torneko: Bein' a merchant, I know that price to the penny, so I do!

Alena: If criminal is resisting, we must to engage in vigorous bout of combat. ...I am hopeful he is resisting.

Kiryl: It is curious to see orthodox room in depths of cave. Is thief having responsibility for interior decor?

Borya: Well, at minimum, this has not been waste of time.

Borya: If we were having descended beneath ground on hunt for wild geese, I would be incandescent with annoyance!

Ragnar: Well, it seems we've tracked doon the thief tae his undergroond lair...

Ragnar: Let's keep oor wits aboot us, shall we?

Meena: It is no surprise that a cornered thief is making an escape.

Meena: It looks as if this is not going to be easy...

Maya: Arey, we came all the way to yet another dark and dingy cave, and the thief is just running away! This is so so unfair!

Torneko: It looks like yer man the thief has done a runner. How are we plannin' to catch the feen?

Alena: Fleeing from battle is unforgivable cowardice. Thief with honour must to stand and fight.

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! I am extremely disappointing in our performance...

Borya: We are trapping thief, but then failing utterly to manhandle him! Truly this is foolish incident!

Ragnar: Och, there I was gearin' up for a good brawl, and then the wee crook ran away!

Kiryl: I have faith strategy of letting thief escape is deliberate. Is this correct, Hero?

Meena: Arey, why is this royal guard appearing at precisely the moment we are defeating the thief?

Meena: This timing is seeming almost too lucky, no?

Meena: This is the cave where we are tracking down that thief after being wrongfully accused, no?

Meena: If it is left like this, more criminals will be turning it into their lair. Somebody should fill it in...

Maya: I am remembering that awful-awful thief who is making our lives so so difficult...

Maya: If there is nothing else for us to be doing here, we should be going.

Maya: Accha, coming here is reminding me of the time we are accused of being thieves!

Maya: It is still making me so so angry! Let us be leaving here immediately!

Torneko: That guard turned up in the nick o' time, so she did! Otherwise, we'd have had to drag yer man the thief back to the castle ourselves.

Torneko: Well, we've proved we're innocent, an' that's the main thing. Let's head to the castle and see what's goin' on.

Torneko: By the holies, this is some cave alright!

Look at all these poky little passages - me head's spinnin', so it is!

Alena: Thief is possessing admirable combat skills. It is regretful to be wasting talents in this way...

Alena: Cave is curious shape. I am pondering its function prior to being base of thief...

Kiryl: By grace of Goddess, shadow of suspicion cast over our name is being dispelled!

Kiryl: Construction of cave is cryptic as ever.

Kiryl: We must to be careful we are not mislaying way...

Borya: I am receiving strong impression Queen has been pulling at our strings for entire duration...

Ragnar: Remember when we came tae this cave tae hunt for that thievin' wee pilferer?

Ragnar: Lookin' back noo, it wasnae all that bad, but it seemed an awful stramash at the time...

Meena: I was thinking this would be a very very unfriendly place, but so far, it is not being so bad...

Torneko: It's amazin' to think they've been cut off from the outside world fer so many years, eh?

Alena: We are responsible for clearing trail, so it is natural we are first guests in years.

Borya: If we had not utilised magma staff for clearance of obstructions, there may never have been visitors from exterior world.

Borya: I desire a more overt display of gratitude from kingdom's populace!

Meena: Arey, I had almost forgotten that we came here to find the Zenithian Shield!

Meena: But then, it is hardly surprising, what with our getting dragged into all that silly-billy business with the thief... Truly, our troubles are never ending!

Maya: I am still so so angry at being accused of stealing! I want a proper apology!

Maya: Come! Let us be going to see that what Queen is having to say for herself!

Torneko: Yerra, an' about time too! Now we can walk through the castle gates with our heads held high!

Torneko: All that business o' bein' wrongly accused was really gettin' me down, so it was!

Alena: To be accused of thievery was very much shocking, nyet?

Alena: Yet one day, we will reflect on this as fond and mirthful memory, I am sure...

Kiryl: Always the Goddess is watching over us.

Kiryl: I was with confidence that truth would reveal itself. My faith was unwavering.

Borya: I am relieving that false accusation is retracted.

Borya: Now I am capable to look at Tsar in eyeball as innocent man...

Ragnar: Let's see whit the Queen has tae say for herself, shall we? After that, we can get oor pal oot o' jail.

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Maya: Come on, Hero! Don't you want to impress her by telling her that the legendary (hero/heroine) is standing right in front of her?

Maya: Go on! It will be so so funny!

Kiryl: No matter how great (hero/heroine) is, is impossible to defeat enemy that has not yet risen.

Kiryl: We must to not get too far forward of ourselves...

Borya: I am confusing... How is woman in such isolated location hearing rumours of Lord of Underworld's return?

Ragnar: Would it be wrong tae tell her we've got the (hero/heroine) she's gabbin' aboot right here beside us?

Ragnar: Well, if ye say so, Hero, that's all I need tae hear. I just wanted tae see the look on her face is all...

Ragnar: Hmm... Thinkin' aboot it, if we tell her, she might demand that ye defeat the Lord o' the Underworld right noo...

Ragnar: Och, maybe it's more trouble than it's worth. Let's keep oor mouths shut for the time bein'.

Alena: If I am obliging to marry man, I am also having preference for partner with physical strength.

Alena: But he must to not be more powerful than me. I will engage him in vigorous hand-to-hand combat until he is admitting defeat!

Kiryl: Aga... I am sensing that Tsarevna too is having preference for men of physical fortitude...

Kiryl: But alas, I am incapable to defeat her in combat...

Kiryl: Unless I were to cast Whack... Nyet! Forgive my idiocy! Death of Tsarevna is not my intention!

Ragnar: Maybe this is the lassie o' ma dreams! I feel like I've waited ma whole life tae meet a lady who enjoys a good wrestle!

Maya: Hmm... To be strong is good, but I am not liking it when women are being too muscly, you know?

Alena: Da, da! It is as though she knows my heart! There exists no reason for women to lose fights!

Kiryl: I was thinking Tsarevna was unique in entire world, but this woman is thinking upon similar lines...

Borya: I am preferring if ears of Tsarevna are shielded from such talk.

Borya: This kingdom is most uncouth. I must to protest!

Ragnar: I wouldnae let this lassie beat me in a fight!

Ragnar: Not that I want tae take her on or anythin', y'understand...

Maya: I am wondering if I can sweet-talk him into lowering his prices...

Maya: Or maybe all his customers are trying the same trick...

Torneko: I could try to open a branch o' me shop here, so I could.

Torneko: But it sounds like I might have to make...ahem...a bit of a big sacrifice to do so, like...

Ragnar: So this fella has been stuck here for years? Aye, I can think o' worse places tae be trapped...

Maya: What kind of silly-billy man is trying to impress a woman by giving her a shield?

Torneko: Yerra, I'd clean forgotten we were after that Zenithian Shield yoke 'til yer wan mentioned it!

Kiryl: We are speaking of most precious shield in entire world!

Kiryl: For why people are not taking care of it in manner befitting such treasure?

Ragnar: It's a wee bit worryin' that she doesnae even ken where this legendary, irreplaceable, highly valuable shield is, eh?

Meena: The resurrection of the Lord of the Underworld... Our own quest... All is foretold... It is destiny...

Meena: When I am listening to this man's words, this is what I am sensing...

Maya: Accha, now I am so so confused! I cannot make tail nor head of this man's story!

Ragnar: Aye, I hope he manages tae get his story in a wee bit more order.

Ragnar: The important part is that the (hero/heroine) is gonnae defeat the Lord o' the Underworld!

Borya: Man's words are making succinct summary of story so far.

Borya: I am having certainty you are understanding significance of every word, Hero.

Meena: The Queen must be carrying a heavy burden of responsibility for the well-being of her people...

Meena: I am feeling a lot of sympathy for her...

Maya: Arey, I am sure there are many women in this kingdom who are wishing they were born queen.

Maya: The grass is always being greener, no?

Alena: I am understanding plight of Queen. I too am not wishing for birth as Tsarevna...

Alena: I desire to be free to dedicate all waking moments to training in hand-to-hand combat!

Maya: The Queen's outfits are so so pretty. But they are looking very tight...

Maya: I would prefer not to be trying them on. Anyone else want to give them a go?

Alena: Grrr! How dare this woman! Our hands are clean as whistles!

Borya: Impudent maid brings disrepute to entire kingdom!

Ragnar: Och, that lassie's got a point. After all this travellin', ma hands are a wee bit mucky...

Meena: This prisoner is claiming he is innocent, but there is no smoke without fire...

Meena: In any case, he is now having plenty of time to reflect on his past behaviour.

Maya: So this man is here because he was caught stealing dresses?

Maya: Well, it is taking all sorts of people to make a world...

Ragnar: Och, if I was ever caught stealin' dresses, I think I'd die o' shame! Not that I'm likely tae be caught daein' somethin' like that, y'understand...

Torneko: Sure, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with any o' them guards meself. They look like they can handle themselves, so they do...

Alena: Hmm... I am experiencing sympathy for fellow martial artist.

Alena: But true warrior does not desire sympathy after defeat...

Kiryl: It is apparent Tsarevna is not sole woman excelling in combat...

Ragnar: I cannae be feelin' any sympathy for this laddie - he should be ashamed of himself!

Maya: Arey, I am hating this awful-awful thief! He is not being even one bit sorry for all the trouble he is causing us!

Maya: Hmph! Well, he is picking the wrong fight when he messes with us!

Torneko: D'ye hear what yer man over there is after sayin'? He thinks there's three rooms under the castle. That's news to me, so it is...

Alena: Thief is possessing admirable combat skills. It is regretful to be wasting talents in this way...

Ragnar: Och, that thief isnae showin' an ounce o' regret! He needs tae be taught a good lesson...

Maya: Arey, we cannot enter the kingdom at night!? That is so so unfair!

Maya: Femiscyra has just lost a whole star in Maya's Magnificent Guide to the Galaxy!

Ragnar: So will we just have tae hang aboot ootside the gate 'til mornin'? Och, that's a pain, eh?

Kiryl: It is seeming we have no choice, Hero. We must to come back in morning.

Meena: Gazing into the mists of clarity, I am seeing that the criminal has fled to south...

Meena: If we are seeing likely spot south of Femiscyra, we should be investigating.

Maya: Accha, I am so so angry! Why would I be stealing this rosary? It is obviously a nonsense!

Maya: I will not be feeling better until I have given the real culprit a great big slap!

Torneko: By the hokey! Who'd have thought we'd get framed fer a crime we didn't commit?

Torneko: This world's full o' nasty surprises, so it is. Ye can't let yer guard down fer a second...

Alena: I have never imagined to be mistaken for thief...

Alena: We must to apprehend true culprit without delay. I am exciting to hit repeatedly with fists!

Kiryl: Always the Goddess is watching over us.

Kiryl: I am having faith She will lead us safely from shadow of suspicion.

Borya: Yoy! This is deplorable! How can representatives of court of Zamoksva be treated as common thieves?

Borya: This is major diplomatic incident!

Tom Foolery: Torneko, me ole pal! Tell me, why are ye so much like an octopus?

Torneko: D'ye know, I've never really thought about it before. Go on, tell me, Tom - why am I like an octopus?

Tom Foolery: It's because ye've so many arms, so ye do! Hee hee hee!

Torneko: ...Sure, I've only the two, Tom. Ye'd need four o' me to have as many as an octopus, like.

Tom Foolery: Goddess give me strength! I can't work with this crowd!

Meena: Let us not be wandering around aimlessly. We should be heading for Femiscyra and speaking with the Queen.

Meena: I am sensing we will be receiving something very very nice!

Maya: I am remembering that awful-awful thief who is making our lives so so difficult...

Maya: We should be returning to the castle, no? One of our friends is locked up, and must be so so worried...

Torneko: Bein' accused o' thievery an' seein' one of our pals locked up... Sure, it just isn't right...

Torneko: By the hokey! I'd clean forgotten! We need to go an' get that poor feen out o' jail, so we do!

Alena: Now suspicion of theft is lifted, we must to return to castle and meet with Queen.

Kiryl: By grace of Goddess, shadow of suspicion cast over our name is being dispelled!

Borya: I still feel intense shame of false accusation...

Borya: My mind will not be restful until we are receiving full apology from Queen.

Tom Foolery: What's a thief's favourite stringed instrument? A loot! D'ye get it?

Maya: Waah! This is such a lovely-lovely castle! It has that feminine touch, you know?

Torneko: Sure, this kingdom's a grand place altogether, so it is! As long as they don't go throwin' ye in jail for crimes ye didn't commit, that is...

Alena: As I am expecting, Femiscyra is very much wonderful place.

Alena: Despite that they mistaked us for thieves, I am thinking we will yet leave with happy memories.

Kiryl: Castle is surpassingly elegant, and boasts exactingly maintained gardens. Women of Femiscyra do not scrimp in field of aesthetics...

Borya: In more youthful years, I garnered admiring attention of young ladies in my locality.

Borya: But from young ladies of this place, I garner only suspicion and false accusations. Yoy, such shamefulness!

Ragnar: Aye, this is a bonnie place a'right - solid defences, but elegant at the same time...

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Orifiela: You say that this castle is populated entirely by female humans? Now that you mention it, there do seem to be many such beings present...

Orifiela: Had I not been alerted to the fact, I would not have noticed...

Meena: This kingdom should have taught you that sneaking a look in other people's drawers is naughty-naughty behaviour, no?

Meena: But it's not so easy to give up, innit, Hero?

Meena: Well, don't be worrying. I am giving up on trying to change your ways already!

Meena: I was thinking this would be a very very unfriendly place, but so far, it is not being so bad...

Meena: Of course, we did get accused of being thieves... But I think we could be dealing with that a little better as well, no?

Torneko: It's amazin' to think they've been cut off from the outside world fer so many years, eh?

Alena: Still we are sole visitors?

Alena: Perhaps people has not yet heard tidings of reconnection of path...

Borya: If we had not utilised magma staff for clearance of obstructions, there may never have been visitors from exterior world.

Borya: I desire a more overt display of gratitude from kingdom's populace!

Maya: Arey, so there are men here too!

Maya: I suppose there have to be. It would be so so boring otherwise...

Torneko: Sure, this kingdom's a grand place altogether, so it is! As long as they don't go throwin' ye in jail for crimes ye didn't commit, that is...

Alena: As I am expecting, Femiscyra is very much wonderful place.

Alena: Despite that they mistaked us for thieves, I am thinking we will yet leave with happy memories.

Kiryl: Construction of castle amid mountains is highly impressive.

Kiryl: Is this manifestation of girl power that younger generation are speaking of?

Borya: In more youthful years, I garnered admiring attention of young ladies in my locality.

Borya: But from young ladies of this place, I garner only suspicion and false accusations. Yoy, such shamefulness!

Ragnar: There's somethin' aboot a castle built by lassies... Everythin' just feels a wee bit different, eh?

Tom Foolery: Femiscyra... Femiscyra...

Tom Foolery: Ye know, it's not easy to come up with a play on that name... I'll keep thinkin' about it...

Orifiela: You say that this castle is populated entirely by female humans? Now that you mention it, there do seem to be many such beings present...

Orifiela: Had I not been alerted to the fact, I would not have noticed...

Meena: This kingdom should have taught you that sneaking a look in other people's drawers is naughty-naughty behaviour, no?

Meena: But it's not so easy to give up, innit, Hero?

Meena: Well, don't be worrying. I am giving up on trying to change your ways already!

Maya: Come on, Hero! Don't you want to impress her by telling her that the legendary (hero/heroine) is standing right in front of her?

Maya: Go on! It will be so so funny!

Kiryl: No matter how great (hero/heroine) is, is impossible to defeat enemy that has not yet risen.

Kiryl: We must to not get too far forward of ourselves...

Borya: I am confusing... How is woman in such isolated location hearing rumours of Lord of Underworld's return?

Ragnar: Would it be wrong tae tell her we've got the (hero/heroine) she's gabbin' aboot right here beside us?

Ragnar: Well, if ye say so, Hero, that's all I need tae hear. I just wanted tae see the look on her face is all...

Ragnar: Hmm... Thinkin' aboot it, if we tell her, she might demand that ye defeat the Lord o' the Underworld right noo...

Ragnar: Och, maybe it's more trouble than it's worth. Let's keep oor mouths shut for the time bein'.

Alena: If I am obliging to marry man, I am also having preference for partner with physical strength.

Alena: But he must to not be more powerful than me. I will engage him in vigorous hand-to-hand combat until he is admitting defeat!

Kiryl: Aga... I am sensing that Tsarevna too is having preference for men of physical fortitude...

Kiryl: But alas, I am incapable to defeat her in combat...

Kiryl: Unless I were to cast Whack... Nyet! Forgive my idiocy! Death of Tsarevna is not my intention!

Ragnar: Maybe this is the lassie o' ma dreams! I feel like I've waited ma whole life tae meet a lady who enjoys a good wrestle!

Maya: Hmm... To be strong is good, but I am not liking it when women are being too muscly, you know?

Alena: Da, da! It is as though she knows my heart! There exists no reason for women to lose fights!

Kiryl: I was thinking Tsarevna was unique in entire world, but this woman is thinking upon similar lines...

Borya: I am preferring if ears of Tsarevna are shielded from such talk.

Borya: This kingdom is most uncouth. I must to protest!

Ragnar: I wouldnae let this lassie beat me in a fight!

Ragnar: Not that I want tae take her on or anythin', y'understand...

Meena: Arey, this merchant-wallah is not looking like he wants to go back home at all!

Meena: How long is he planning to stay here in the castle?

Maya: I am wondering if I can sweet-talk him into lowering his prices...

Maya: Or maybe all his customers are trying the same trick...

Torneko: I could try to open a branch o' me shop here, so I could.

Torneko: But it sounds like I might have to make...ahem...a bit of a big sacrifice to do so, like...

Ragnar: So this fella has been stuck here for years? Aye, I can think o' worse places tae be trapped...

Maya: I hope that silly-billy nun is feeling as guilty as she is looking! She caused us all sorts of hassle for no reason!

Maya: ...Mind you, if I were her, I would probably be suspecting us as well!

Alena: Nun struggles with extreme penitence. I pity her. Do not to worry, Sister! It was mistake anyone is capable to make!

Kiryl: Even nuns, they are merely humans. They are making mistakes analogously to everybody else.

Kiryl: I mind that most important thing is to not repeat mistakes already made...

Ragnar: Och, the truth is, the way we were gaein' on, it's no wonder she was suspectin' us.

Ragnar: It's oor own fault we were mistaken for cheggers. There's no point blamin' this poor nun...

Maya: What kind of silly-billy man is trying to impress a woman by giving her a shield?

Torneko: Sure, that shield'll be ours before we know it!

Torneko: Seems it was worth comin' all the way out to the back o' beyond after all!

Kiryl: We are speaking of most precious shield in entire world!

Kiryl: For why people are not taking care of it in manner befitting such treasure?

Ragnar: It's a wee bit worryin' that she doesnae even ken where this legendary, irreplaceable, highly valuable shield is, eh?

Meena: The resurrection of the Lord of the Underworld... Our own quest... All is foretold... It is destiny...

Meena: When I am listening to this man's words, this is what I am sensing...

Maya: Accha, now I am so so confused! I cannot make tail nor head of this man's story!

Ragnar: Aye, I hope he manages tae get his story in a wee bit more order.

Ragnar: The important part is that the (hero/heroine) is gonnae defeat the Lord o' the Underworld!

Borya: Man's words are making succinct summary of story so far.

Borya: I am having certainty you are understanding significance of every word, Hero.

Meena: The Queen must be carrying a heavy burden of responsibility for the well-being of her people...

Meena: I am feeling a lot of sympathy for her...

Maya: Arey, I am sure there are many women in this kingdom who are wishing they were born queen.

Maya: The grass is always being greener, no?

Alena: I am understanding plight of Queen. I too am not wishing for birth as Tsarevna...

Alena: I desire to be free to dedicate all waking moments to training in hand-to-hand combat!

Maya: The Queen's outfits are so so pretty. But they are looking very tight...

Maya: I would prefer not to be trying them on. Anyone else want to give them a go?

Alena: Grrr! How dare this woman! Our hands are clean as whistles!

Borya: Impudent maid brings disrepute to entire kingdom!

Ragnar: Och, that lassie's got a point. After all this travellin', ma hands are a wee bit mucky...

Meena: "Rosehill"... Arey, when I am hearing that name, my heart is starting to pound so so hard...

Maya: The ultimate key and Zenithian Shield were gifted to us to make up for suspecting us to be thieves.

Maya: Not a bad result, no? Things turned out pretty famously in the end!

Torneko: We're on a real streak here - we've not only bagged the ultimate key, but the Zenithian Shield to boot! Talk about the luck o' the boorish!

Torneko: I'll tell ye what, the Zenithian Shield sounds like a right interestin' yoke, so it does...

Alena: Ultimate key, and furthermore Zenithian Shield... It is maximally generous of Queen to gift to us both treasures!

Kiryl: Come, let us to hurry, and use ultimate key for to free companion from prison!

Borya: Mmm... For why is Queen is being so much generous? To make us to forget she was suspecting us, nyet?

Borya: Still, we must to not look gift horse in mouth. Now, let us to leave this place!

Meena: "Rosehill"... Arey, when I am hearing that name, my heart is starting to pound so so hard...

Alena: It is so much kind of Queen to share such information. I was always suspecting that she was with good heart...

Borya: Hmm... It is seeming that everyone inside castle is speaking of us behind our back.

Borya: Truly, there is no means in world to cease spread of gossip...

Psaro: The monsters that once lived in Rosehill... Do they mean my people?

Psaro: When I think back to those days, they are the happiest memories of my life...

Meena: This prisoner is claiming he is innocent, but there is no smoke without fire...

Meena: In any case, he is now having plenty of time to reflect on his past behaviour.

Maya: So this man is here because he was caught stealing dresses?

Maya: Well, it is taking all sorts of people to make a world...

Ragnar: Och, if I was ever caught stealin' dresses, I think I'd die o' shame! Not that I'm likely tae be caught daein' somethin' like that, y'understand...

Torneko: Sure, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with any o' them guards meself. They look like they can handle themselves, so they do...

Alena: Hmm... I am experiencing sympathy for fellow martial artist.

Alena: But true warrior does not desire sympathy after defeat...

Kiryl: It is apparent Tsarevna is not sole woman excelling in combat...

Ragnar: I cannae be feelin' any sympathy for this laddie - he should be ashamed of himself!

Maya: Arey, I am hating this awful-awful thief! He is not being even one bit sorry for all the trouble he is causing us!

Maya: Hmph! Well, he is picking the wrong fight when he messes with us!

Torneko: D'ye hear what yer man over there is after sayin'? He thinks there's three rooms under the castle. That's news to me, so it is...

Alena: Thief is possessing admirable combat skills. It is regretful to be wasting talents in this way...

Ragnar: Och, that thief isnae showin' an ounce o' regret! He needs tae be taught a good lesson...

Maya: We went to all that trouble to get this shield, and now I am finding out I am not able to equip it? Accha, this is so so boring!

Maya: I suppose you are going to tell me that I should be happy we are possessing such a treasure, hm? Acchoy! I couldn't care less!

Torneko: Janey Mac... Looks like I was right about the Zenithian Shield! Sure, ye can't put a price on a yoke like this!

Alena: Aga! Zenithian Shield truly is magnificent thing! It would to make anyone look like real soldier!

Alena: I am not so much fond of shields, but still I am thinking I should to try and equip this one... Hnnngh...

Alena: Nyet. Is impossible...

Kiryl: To possess holy shield required for ascension to Zenithia is so much strange and wondrous.

Kiryl: Were it merely to obtain a glimpse of such sacred object, still our journey to this distant place would be worthwhile...

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy! How much effort did we make for acquiring this shield?

Borya: Still, if it is proving as advantageous as hypothesised, then it will not be for nothing, I mind...

Ragnar: So we finally managed tae get oor hands on the Zenithian Shield, eh?

Ragnar: Och, I feel one step closer tae heaven a'ready!

Meena: Finally, after being unused for so so long, the Zenithian Shield is back in the hand of its rightful owner.

Meena: Come on then, Hero please! Equip the Zenithian Shield just like the legendary hero that you are being!

Maya: Arey, we cannot enter the kingdom at night!? That is so so unfair!

Maya: Femiscyra has just lost a whole star in Maya's Magnificent Guide to the Galaxy!

Ragnar: So will we just have tae hang aboot ootside the gate 'til mornin'? Och, that's a pain, eh?

Kiryl: It is seeming we have no choice, Hero. We must to come back in morning.


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Maya: Oof! The wind is being very very strong here. I am feeling a little bit chilly...

Torneko: Janey Mac, this wind's strong enough to blow a fella to the- Aieee!

Torneko: I've a bit o' sand in me eye, so I have! Owww!

Alena: If I was capable to spend every day swimming and sunbathing in place like this, I would never to become boring!

Kiryl: Yoy... Tsarevna Alena...sunbathing... N-Nyet! Nyet! I must to not even think of such things!

Kiryl: Alas, to look at ocean is only reminding me of time when I nearly became drowned as child. It is not so much happy memory...

Ragnar: Och, it might be quite nice tae retire tae a wee fishin' village like this once ma adventurin' days are done...

Orifiela: Oh, how I wish to swim in the sea...

Orifiela: Can its waters really be salty, as I read they were in the books of my home beyond the clouds?

Maya: It is being almost unbelievable that the uncles and aunties of this village had pirates for ancestors! They are all looking so so boring-boring!

Kiryl: I am humble priest. I am not interesting in treasure of pirates. Not at all. Nyet, not even one small bit...

Ragnar: Jings! A liquid metal sword!? That's the kind o' high-grade blade that every solider wants tae swing at least once in his life!

Torneko: If I keep adventurin' with Hero like this, I'm sure to end up with a rake o' treasures, so I am! ...By the hokey! Did I say that out loud!?

Torneko: Sure I didn't mean a word of it. I'm all about stoppin' the Lord o' the Underworld, so I am, same as all o' youse!

Maya: What a nonsense! Whyever would they not be finding somewhere to keep the graves where the water would not be swallowing them?

Borya: Talk of graves is causing me to remember that we must to repair royal graves in Zamoksva. Our kings and queens, they are deserving more better...

Torneko: Yer man's bang on the money there, so he is!

Ye don't turn yer back on yer counter - 'tis where yer customers are!

Alena: Ach, he is not even with customers! He is capable to at least speak with us for small while...

Kiryl: It is not right for us to be interrupting work of this man. We must to wait for night-time to arrive...

Meena: This karstaway stone is sounding like a very very curious object, no?

Maya: Arey, I would not touch this karstaway stone for all the gold in the world - think how it would dry my peachy-peachy skin!

Kiryl: I cannot to imagine such a thing. What is more, I cannot to imagine any purpose for stone which is drying up all waters around it...

Ragnar: Hey, maybe ye could put the karstaway stone on top o' yer head tae keep yer hair dry when it's rainin'!

Meena: Just a teeny-tiny moment after we picked up the karstaway stone, the only thing I was able to be thinking about was waterfalls...

Maya: Now that we have the karstaway stone, we must not be forgetting about it. One of us needs to remind the others of it every now and again.

Maya: ...Hm? No, no! Not me, please! I am being terribly-terribly forgetful, you know!

Torneko: .........

Torneko: Sorry, didn't see ye there! I was off in me own world wonderin' how much I could sell the karstaway stone for, so I was...

Borya: If I used karstaway stone in bath, then all water is drying up and- Ach! Fu, that is probably not most best idea...

Ragnar: Aye, but the question is, when an' where are we suppose tae use this karstaway stone...?

Maya: Arey, imagine using the sands of time in the casino, sis! We could be making ourselves some big-big money!

Maya: But if this was possible, surely we would be having heard of it... Perhaps it is all a nonsense...

Alena: To turn back time during battle is act of cowardice, nothing more!

Borya: Alas, even if sands of time could to turn back clocks, I mind there is no chance for me to become young once more...

Maya: If she is really feeling so angry with that bad-bad mister of hers, she should be waking him up and giving him a piece of her mind, no?

Torneko: Sure, when I used to sleep past noon on me days off, ole Tessie would rip the covers off me and kick me out o' bed, she she would! Ahh, happy days...

Borya: Children needs to sleep for growth and development, but adults have no such excuse!

Maya: This merchant-wallah is having a good life if he can able to be sleeping during the day! Actually, I am wishing I could be having a nap myself...

Ragnar: Och, I'm sure the poor laddie is on his feet all night. It stands tae reason he'd need a nap during the day!

Meena: If we are taking a room at the lodge here, the crash-crash of the waves would be meaning I could not able to sleep at all...

Maya: Arey, it is lovely being in the countryside at night! There is so so much peace and quiet everywhere!

Maya: When the nights are as pleasant as this, there is not being any need to go seeking entertainments!

Kiryl: When water is submerging beach, village is feeling much more smaller, da?

Meena: Alright, so I am listening to the wind and the sea, and they are sounding like...

Meena: Wind and sea! Oof, what she is saying is a total nonsense!

Alena: If phantom pirates call to me, I will return them swiftly to locker of Davy Jones!

Borya: Everyone is always saying about sounds of wind, but it is never so loud for me, I mind...

Ragnar: Och, now there's one gloomy lassie! Hearin' the voices of yer dead ancestors on the wind, indeed! I've never heard the like!

Maya: Arey, imagine using the sands of time in the casino, sis! We could be making ourselves some big-big money!

Maya: But if this was possible, surely we would be having heard of it... Perhaps it is all a nonsense...

Alena: I do not consider I would feel so much happy for winning battle after using sand to turn back time...

Borya: Sands of time is capable to remove us from considerable pickles on battlefield - when companion is fallen, for example...

Ragnar: Ach, it's true that ye'll never be much of a soldier unless ye're willin' tae use the odd...unorthodox method from time tae time...

Maya: Accha, I am hating caves like this so so much! So damp and clammy! Next time, please be leaving me in the wagon!

Torneko: I wonder what kind o' treasure's waitin' fer us down here... Yerra, even damp caves are gas when ye've the prospect o' treasure!

Alena: I am big fan of caves. They are always abundant with rare and powerful monsters!

Kiryl: Perhaps if I jump into water when monster approaches, it will give up and refrain to attack...

Kiryl: Nyet, I must to not ponder like this! I am priest! I must to banish such cowardly thoughts!

Ragnar: This cave seems to be full o' the kind o' monsters ye'd usually only spot on the open sea...

Meena: I am foreseeing that a very very valuable treasure is waiting for us at the bottom of those stairs...

Torneko: Sure, if we can't go any further without usin' the karstaway stone, that means there's pirate treasure up ahead, does it not?

Borya: Karstaway stone truly is so much curious object... Water is entirely disappearing from place where it is sinking...

Ragnar: Och, well I'll be jiggered - there's a staircase at the bottom o' the water! Let's be away doon it then, shall we?

Maya: As soon as we are letting our guards down, awful-awful monsters will be jumping out of the water at us! We should remain careful at all times...

Torneko: Sure, 'tis deadly humid down here, like... Me clothes are all damp an' sticky!

Kiryl: This is beautiful spot... I hope only that monsters do not come and ruin this moment...

Borya: Ach! For why are we standing in so much perilous place!? I will trip and fall here, I am knowing it!

Ragnar: Och, I'm gonnae hae to gie ma sword an' armour a wee polish after we come oot o' here. I think they're gettin' a bit rusty...

Tom Foolery: Sure, I don't recall signin' up fer quite so much traipsin' through dingy ole caves, so I don't...

Maya: This waterfall is being so so beautiful... Accha! But we are not here to be enjoying the view!

Alena: To fight in unusual terrain like this, it is so much enjoyable!

Alena: Come, monsters! Show me yourselves!

Kiryl: I am hoping we do not have to fight battle on this uneven ground - I am feeling too much prone to stumble...

Borya: All these sloping surfaces are not good for man of my years. Up and down, up and down... Ach, I hate it!

Borya: Nyet, nyet, I am not saying you I need rest! Come, we must hurry up and push forward!

Tom Foolery: Oi, Hero... Ye brought me along on this little jaunt to make King Larfur laugh, didn't ye now?

Tom Foolery: Sure ye did! So let's head to Canalot and see the feen, shall we?

Tom Foolery: Ye didn't...? So why did ye...? Ah, go on with ye! Ye're pullin' me leg aren't ye, ye little devil! Heh heh!

Torneko: Well, this is a lovely peaceful village altogether...

Borya: This looks like peaceful village, yet there is something little bit strange around it, I mind...

Ragnar: I'd never even heard o' - let alone been tae - this place 'til I met up wi' youse lot...

Kiryl: Such enormous tower is appearing conspicuous in such small village...

Meena: Arey, look at the cloth the dwarves are wearing! They are so so cute!

Maya: You know, I am not seeing any other humans in this village...

Alena: Yoy... I was never imagining that village populated entirely with dwarfs was existing...

Maya: Oof, what an awful-awful old uncle he is!

Maya: He is making me ashamed of being human!

Torneko: Yer man there's right, ye know. Ye'd be rich if ye had an elf who could cry ruby tears.

Torneko: Sure, I know it's not a nice way to think, but I couldn't ignore what he said either, like...

Kiryl: Elves... Humans... All are equal in eyes of Goddess. Attitude of this soldier is entirely despicable!

Meena: He is looking for an elf, but this is being a village of dwarfs. They are not similar at all, no?

Alena: I am feeling sorry about this poor child. It cannot to be easy when no one is believing you.

Alena: Although perhaps if he is always being honest, like me, then people are having no causes for doubting him...

Kiryl: If humans can never get hands on rubies, this is meaning they are impossible for us to acquire also, da?

Kiryl: It does not to matter in any case. We do not have any use for ruby tears, I mind...

Maya: Why wasn't anyone standing up to the awful-awful humans who were picking on that poor-poor elf?

Maya: That is being simply a tragic-tragic tale all round! Oof, I am hating people who are picking on others!

Meena: I am feeling so so sorry for Rose...

Meena: The idea that some humans are being so cruel is making me sad... But that is being the reality, no?

Torneko: Sounds like the ole fella yer man was talkin' about there knows a thing or two about the tradin' game...

Hoffman Jr.: This trader sounds like the kinda varmint I need to git me apprenticed to!

Ragnar: Strathbaile is just a wee bit away from bonnie Burland.

Ragnar: I wasnae aware it had such an interestin' history, though...

Meena: I am thinking this nun is speaking correctly.

Meena: This is not being a place for humans like us...

Kiryl: We must to be respecting and doing as nun is saying us...

Alena: Oplya! I was not expecting for this horse to speak!

Borya: Again, this name "Psaro"... I am hearing it very much often of late...

Ragnar: I just cannae figure oot whit kind o' man this Psaro laddie is...

Meena: So the Secret of Evolution that Balzack was using to change himself into a monster is also being used for things like this...?

Maya: Gosh! The Secret of Evolution is being capable of even making animals talk!

Kiryl: This village is having more secrets than I ever had imagined...

Torneko: I've heard a thing or two about this mod rod meself, so I have. I mean, they're just rumours, like...

Torneko: But it seems the rod can change the appearance o' things. I've no idea if there's any truth in it, o' course...

Alena: I am always finding slimes to be so much well-informed. It is quite curious thing, I mind...

Kiryl: Land to south-west of Endor? This is certainly location of Royal Crypt of Zamoksva.

Kiryl: I am minding that we are capable to trust this slime...

Borya: Hmm... It is indisputable that treasures exist inside Royal Crypt of Zamoksva.

Borya: Question we must ask is, how does this slime know of them?

Meena: I am feeling so so sad after hearing that story...

Meena: But we cannot be doing nothing while the world is destroyed around us!

Maya: So we cannot take these ruby tears and spend them for ourselves? What a pity...

Torneko: Sure that's a tragic tale... Even I'm wellin' up, so I am! (sniff)

Alena: I am feeling so much sorry for Rose... I am incapable to suppress emotions... (sniff)

Kiryl: Idea of whole world being destroyed by monsters is sounding somewhat far-fetched, I mind...

Kiryl: But I am incapable to believe that Rose was lying, also...

Borya: This is so much difficult situation... Loving other person brings only misery...

Borya: ...Oplya! Not that I am knowing so much regarding these matters, you are understanding!

Ragnar: "Psaro the Manslayer"... We shouldnae forget that name...

Torneko: A scheme to rule the world, did yer wan say? I've a scheme like that meself - but I'm only wantin' to rule the world o' commerce, so I am!

Torneko: I couldn't be doin' with controllin' everytin', like. What does this Psaro fella want to be doin' that fer?

Alena: More I learn of this Psaro, less I am capable to understand...

Borya: Aga, accursed ambition... Is capable of corrupting all souls, monster and human alike...

Ragnar: Folk who want tae control the world are always goin' tae do bad things. It's the nature o' the beast.

Ragnar: I dinnae care who they are or whit their motives might be, it's no somethin' anybody should be aspirin' tae...

Meena: I am foreseeing that a mighty-mighty treasure is waiting for us on the other side of this door...

Meena: We should be being careful. I am sensing the presence of monsters...

Maya: If we cannot open the door, we are having no choice but to turn back, no?

Torneko: We'll not be goin' any further than this until we can get that door open, so we won't...

Torneko: Sure, I'm just after havin' a pang o' worry about the raft sinkin' under my weight, so I am. I can't swim or anytin'...

Alena: We must to remain cool-headed! Monsters are capable to attack us in any place - even atop raft!

Borya: Fu... (gulp) Riding on raft is making me to feel little bit sick, if I am being honest...

Ragnar: If monsters attack while we're on the raft, we're just goin' tae hae to fight them the best we can...

Tom Foolery: What d'ye call a wee flat boat with a long neck? A girafft! Hee hee hee!

Maya: Achha, I am having had enough of walking now, please! I wish I was in the wagon... Will somebody give me a piggy-back?

Alena: Be attentive! Monsters are habitually lurking in this manner of enclosed place...

Borya: Aga! Yet more enclosed spaces!? I am too much antique for such ordeals!

Meena: According to my fortune-telling, we should be heading for an old-old grave or somewhere similar...

Meena: We are already visiting somewhere like that, no?

Maya: There must be all kinds of fun-fun doors that are only opening with the ultimate key.

Maya: I was sure I had seen lots and lots of them, but now I cannot remember where they are...

Torneko: Sure, does nobody else think it's a bit of a worry havin' a key that can open any door? I mean, who knows what could be lurkin' on the other side...

Alena: Now we have possession of ultimate key, there is no door capable to stand in our way!

Alena: Come, let us traverse world, and throw open every door we are seeing!

Kiryl: Possession of ultimate key is granting access to almost all locations.

Kiryl: Does this signify that our journey is nearly reaching an end...?

Ragnar: Wi' the ultimate key in oor pocket, the world's oor oyster! Where are we away tae next?

Tom Foolery: Here, what sort o' key can ye use to open a banana?

Tom Foolery: Sure, a mon-key, o' course! Hee hee!

Borya: Are you confuddled concerning to where you should journey next, Hero?

Borya: Hmm... Then I am thinking perhaps we should revisit locations we have been on our journey so far, nyet?

Borya: New paths will open in most unexpected locations, I mind...


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Meena: The stink of monsters is being so so whiffy on this continent, and yet there are people living here...

Maya: Are these people never having had the idea of building a bridge?

Maya: Going by boat every time you are wanting to be crossing the river is just stupid-stupid, no?

Torneko: Sure, ye'd never think there was a village here if ye saw the place from the outside.

Torneko: I s'pose there's no end of discoveries awaitin' a fella who's willin' to head to places where there doesn't seem to be anytin'...

Torneko: That's sometin' every merchant should bear in mind, so it is...

Alena: I am very intriguing about village that is capable to sail into with ship...

Kiryl: Village split into two parts by river is inconvenient for residents, I mind...

Borya: Hmm... Villagers here employ boats to traverse river...

Borya: But of course, these boats are so much more smaller and more insignificant than our fine vessel! Ho ho!

Torneko: What are ye blatherin' on about, Borya!? 'Tis not yer vessel at all! 'Tis mine altogether, so it is!

Ragnar: Och, I'd never hae thought there'd be a village in a place like this! Happenin' across it gave me the shock o' ma life!

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear the one about the village they couldn't tear their eyes off of? Sure, it was Riverton, so it was! D'ye get it? Riverton... Rivetin'...? No...?

Tom Foolery: Alright, alright, I'll admit I'm strugglin' a little altogether...

Maya: I am having some difficulties understanding what she is saying... Give me one moment...

Maya: Arey! A huge statue is walking around on the south side of the river!? I think she is being perhaps a crazy person...

Torneko: Sure, a fella could make a rake o' gold sellin' tickets to see a movin' statue, so he could...

Kiryl: Walking statue...? Is entirely idiotic idea!

Kiryl: But she does not appear false... Perhaps she was mistaking, somehow?

Ragnar: A walkin' statue? Wheesht! Whit a load o' blether!

Ragnar: The poor lassie must hae seen it in a dream. That's the only explanation.

Alena: Walking statue sounds diverting, nyet?

Alena: Come on, Hero! Let us to go and investigate this humungous edifice!

Meena: If she is speaking to the priest at the bottom of the statue, she can find out about its movements chop-chop, no?

Borya: Someone apart from us did also make this statue to move... But whom?

Borya: Perhaps monsters were used for the moving of it? Ho ho! This is idea which makes this old man to smile...

Ragnar: Turns oot this lassie was tellin' the truth all along.

Ragnar: I'm a wee bit ashamed o' havin' doubted her, tae be honest...

Maya: Contraptions that are able to fly through the sky? It must be feeling so so nice to be high up in the air looking down on the ground!

Maya: Arey, the more I am thinking about it, the more I am wanting to go flying!

Torneko: By the hokey, imagine how quickly I could make me deliveries if I could fly through the sky, like!

Torneko: These contraptions are goin' to revolutionise the merchant trade, so they are. I'd best be makin' sure I get in there early now!

Kiryl: If it was intention of Goddess for humans to fly, she would provide us wings!

Kiryl: I am only capable to conclude, therefore, that flying humans are contradiction of wishes of Goddess!

Borya: Flying machines... Is much intriguing concept...

Borya: But alas, technology is lost. Curse wicked ways of Lord of Underworld!

Ragnar: I dinnae ken much aboot flyin' machines, but I can easily believe that the Lord o' the Underworld's a dirty chegger!

Ragnar: Well, whitever this ingredient he's taken is, it's prob'ly in his lair. Which'll be undergroond, if his name's anythin' tae go by...

Meena: What is so silly about wishing to go and learn the truth behind such rumours?

Meena: Perhaps we should become "galahs" and find out...

Maya: If no one is having gone there and come back, how are they knowing that the monster castle is existing?

Maya: Something is telling me this nun is not telling us the whole truth...

Alena: Monster castle? I am liking sound of this!

Alena: Is kind of place where I am capable to demonstrate my superlative strength!

Alena: Monster castle was not so much big deal...

Alena: Aga, I am still awaiting for chance to unleash my talents and demonstrate to world how powerful I have become!

Borya: If this place is lair for monsters, we must to expect grave dangers.

Borya: But we may also expect perhaps answer to question about whereabouts of vanished populace of this kingdom...

Ragnar: That wee lassie should change her tune! We've been there, an' we came back in one piece, too!

Torneko: Y'know, I surprised meself back there with how brave I was, turnin' meself into a monster an' all.

Torneko: 'Tis your influence, so it is, Hero!

Maya: Contraptions that are able to fly through the sky? It must be feeling so so nice to be high up in the air looking down on the ground!

Maya: Arey, the more I am thinking about it, the more I am wanting to go flying!

Torneko: Yer man's research into flyin' machines sounds very interesting altogether. I wonder if there's any gold in it fer early investors, like...

Kiryl: If it was intention of Goddess for humans to fly, she would provide us wings!

Kiryl: I am only capable to conclude, therefore, that flying humans are contradiction of wishes of Goddess!

Ragnar: I'm no so sure aboot all this talk o' flying machines. I dinnae believe a word of it...

Meena: Arey, I saw that merchant-wallah sleeping with my own eye!

Meena: So he is not only being a lazy-lazy worker, he is also a terrible liar! Just like you, sis!

Maya: Everyone is wanting to take a break from work sometimes, no?

Maya: I am thinking you should stop giving him a hard time please. ...See, sis? I can be a very very kind person, no?

Torneko: Sure, I can see the poor fella's hardly rushed off his feet in a little culchie village like this...

Torneko: But he won't be wantin' his customers to see him slackin' off like that!

Alena: Did you witness how much quickly this innkeeper moved?

Alena: With training, he could be lightning-fast fighter!

Borya: Aga! Bed is designated for customers! Is not for lazy oaf innkeeper's idling!

Borya: Come Hero, we must to depart! I am incapable to spend night in place like this!

Kiryl: Is gas more lighter than air truly necessary for manufacture of flying machine?

Kiryl: I mind that simple men of my kind will never comprehend workings of brains of scholars...

Borya: Gas more lighter than air...? I am not understanding how such substance is capable to help humans fly...

Ragnar: This scholar laddie's got an underhanded way aboot him. Gettin' oor hopes up like that, then tellin' us he wasnae finished...

Maya: We can fly if we are using a gas that is lighter to air?

Maya: That sounds lovely-jubbly! Come on, Hero! Let's go and find some, innit?

Maya: What exactly is the scholar-wallah going to be gifting us? Jewels? Weapons, maybe? Or armour?

Maya: Oof, I cannot wait till tomorrow to find out!

Torneko: So this container's pretty valuable, is that what yer man's sayin'?

Torneko: I have to say, it looks just like a hunk o' rubbish to me, so it does. I wonder what's so special about it...

Borya: Mmm... So scholar was desiring substance from inside canister? Is this meaning...?

Borya: Ho ho! I am looking forward for seeing what manner of present he gifts to us!

Ragnar: That canister thingummy was full o' gas, no? Whit's the scholar plannin' to do wi' somethin' like that?

Maya: What exactly is the scholar-wallah going to be gifting us? Jewels? Weapons, maybe? Or armour?

Maya: Oof, I cannot wait till tomorrow to find out!

Torneko: So this container's pretty valuable, is that what yer man's sayin'?

Torneko: I have to say, it looks just like a hunk o' rubbish to me, so it does. I wonder what's so special about it...

Borya: Mmm... So scholar was desiring substance from inside canister? Is this meaning...?

Borya: Ho ho! I am looking forward for seeing what manner of present he gifts to us!

Ragnar: That canister thingummy was full o' gas, no? Whit's the scholar plannin' to do wi' somethin' like that?

Alena: I am with impression that scholar is greatly desperate for finding gas more lighter than air.

Alena: He is appearing cheerful, but close inspection is showing places where he tears out hairs with frustration...

Kiryl: Is gas more lighter than air truly necessary for manufacture of flying machine?

Kiryl: I mind that simple men of my kind will never comprehend workings of brains of scholars...

Borya: Gas more lighter than air...? I am not understanding how such substance is capable to help humans fly...

Ragnar: A gas that's lighter than air? Does somethin' like that actually exist...?

Tom Foolery: Hang on... What was that about gas? Was he trying to make a joke?

Tom Foolery: He's a very natural delivery on him, so he does!

Alena: Hard canister? Then we must smash every container we are seeing! If we encounter one we are incapable to smash, it must be correct one!

Kiryl: As priest, I am reading aged books also, but I am never reading words about hard canisters. Or any canisters, in fact...

Borya: I am wondering what precisely causes flying machines to work... Hmm, is so much interesting...

Ragnar: Och, well, if a lady of the cloth says flyin' machines are no just pie in the sky, then we've no choice but tae believe it!

Meena: According to my fortune-telling, we are not supposed to be coming to this place yet...

Meena: The right time will come when we are having a way of accessing the statue...

Meena: How did they ever construct such a great big statue?

Meena: It is looking so so old, and yet it is containing very impressive technologies, actually. It is not having a very nice appearance, though...

Maya: Arey! This is being one big-big statue! Come on, let's head inside, innit!

Maya: Oof! These annoying iron bars are in the way! We cannot get any closer. And there I was getting all excited...

Maya: Arey! This is being one big-big statue! Come on, let's head inside, innit!

Torneko: Sure, we've laid eyes on all manner o' grand sights since we set out on this journey, so we have, but nuttin' even half as grand as this!

Alena: If we are incapable to open iron bars, we cannot approach more closer to statue.

Alena: Yet alas, even my formidable kick will not break through them...

Alena: Standing in front of this statue is making my heart to pound... Come, let us progress!

Kiryl: I am wondering if this is statue of ancient deity or similar...

Kiryl: It is much different from statues of our Goddess, but still I am feeling it possesses elusive holiness...

Borya: This statue, I mind it is concealing something... Perhaps it is containing secret of how to cross to opposite shores!

Ragnar: Hoots! Lookin' at the size o' this massive statue is makin' me realise hoo small we humans really are!

Hoffman Jr.: Well, I'll be! Ain't that jes' the biggest durned thing you ever did see? I'm frozen to the spot jes' lookin' at it!

Orifiela: Goodness me! Such an enormous human!

Orifiela: I am sure he must find clothing himself to be a perpetual struggle...

Maya: Why is the priest-wallah talking to us about Colossus tears now all of a sudden please? I am struggling to keep up here!

Kiryl: Tears from eyes of Colossus...? This is very much intriguing, I mind...

Borya: I surmise that priest speaks of statue...

Borya: As to meaning of his words, I am without even faintest clue...

Ragnar: Hmm? I didnae really understand whit he was bletherin' on aboot there. Just sayin' hello, was he?

Meena: Oof... This is feeling like we are inside an enormous human being. It is so so creepy... I don't like it.

Maya: Accha! It is like we are climbing inside a huge human body! This is being super-super fun!

Torneko: By the holies, this place is a den o' monsters as well? Sure, there's hardly a place left for a human to live in this Goddess-forsaken world!

Alena: Monsters in this location are surpassingly mighty. Is time for me to show what I am capable to do!

Kiryl: I am theorising that this was meeting-place of ancient religion...

Kiryl: Now, however, it is no more than big hive of monsters!

Borya: I cannot avoid questioning - who built this place? And for what purpose?

Borya: Ach, this world is so much full of puzzles and mysteries...

Ragnar: Och, it's a real maze inside this statue! Stay cannie - we dinnae want tae get lost!

Meena: There are many many things I am wanting to ask the monsters in here!

Maya: Shhhhhh! Be quiet! If we are talking in here, we will be found out for sure!

Torneko: Y-Yerra! This place is full o' monsters, so it is!

Alena: I am receiving impression that if we do not approach them, they will not attack us...

Kiryl: I mind we will be incapable to fully explore this place in human form...

Borya: When I heard talk concerning castle of monsters, I was maximally dubious, and yet... Yoy!

Ragnar: Strollin' intae the monsters' lair wearin' this get-up is a wee bit too heroic even for a bunch o' heroes, d'ye no think?

Meena: GRRRAHHH! Haha! Excuse me please! I was just getting a little bit carried away!

Maya: Oof... Turning into a monster is surely the worst experience any human can be able to have, no?

Torneko: I'm developin' quite an attachment to this monster look, ye know...

Alena: Ach, I can hardly to move in form of monster! I want to become human again, bystro!

Kiryl: We must to be caring, when fighting monsters, that we do not become monsters ourselves... Oplya!

Borya: I am wondering what kind of life I am capable to have as monster... Is humbling line of thinking...

Ragnar: Well, noo we've gone an' made oorselves look like this, all we've tae dae is avoid attractin' too much attention. Easier said than done though, eh...

Maya: Phew... It is looking like there are not being any monsters in this area. Time to take a deep-deep breath!

Kiryl: We must to not become complacent simply because there are not visible monsters. Perhaps they await to pounce upon us...

Borya: This place is much more larger and more intricately constructed than I was considering...

Borya: I look forward to witness this Psaro person with my very own eyes...

Ragnar: Did ye no hear? Psaro the Manslayer's comin'!

Ragnar: Let's be away wi' us! We shouldnae be footering aboot at a time like this!

Tom Foolery: Sure, there's a hall load of monsters round these parts! Hmm... It's not easy thinkin' up gags when ye're this petrified...

Maya: We should be heading upstairs to the meeting room chop-chop then, no?

Borya: "Conference room"? Monsters hold conferences!? Concerning what?

Ragnar: It dinnae look like the monsters hae any idea who we are...

Alena: Oplya! I was nearly jumping out from my skin! I was not aware such monsters were existing...

Ragnar: ...Whit did ye say? Did I flinch? O' course no! Whit kind o' soldier d'ye think I am!?

Meena: How is it feeling to be flying through the air, I wonder? I am just imagining it now, and it is seeming simply lovely!

Maya: Oof, listen sis... You should not be daydreaming when you are having a monster's appearance. You are looking like a crazy-crazy person!

Torneko: Yer man- Erm, yer monster seems to think that someone somewhere made a balloon that ye can go flyin' about in...

Kiryl: It will be so much convenient if we have this balloon, I mind.

Kiryl: Though I was not expectant to hear monsters speaking of it...

Maya: So, once we are speaking to everyone, we should be sitting down behind this tiger, innit?

Borya: Everyone has fixed place for sitting...? Situation grows more and more stranger...

Borya: For now, we should act as monster instructs. After our greetings are concluded, we will sit in the rear and wait.

Kiryl: It seems monsters are not aware of your continued existence, Hero...

Ragnar: We cannae allow these beasties tae find oot that the Chosen One is still alive...

Meena: Are the monsters still obsessing about this Secret of Evolution thingumajig...?

Alena: Oya... Surely by now we are finishing to speak with monsters?

Torneko: Janey Mac, this monster has a sense o'smell that's better than me own sense fer a bargain!

Maya: If you are not exercising on a regular basis, you will be so so regretting it at times like this!

Torneko: Lookin' at the size of us all, it'll be me gettin' eaten first if those monsters catch us. Yarr, 'tis a terrifyin' thought, so it is...

Ragnar: Och, ye wouldnae want tae get go gettin' trapped in a place like this... Poor wee so-and-so...

Meena: If we are being found by the monsters, we will also be locked in these dingy-dingy cells...

Kiryl: This man calls himself priest, but evidently he does not comprehend teachings of Goddess!

Kiryl: He is disgrace to priesthood!

Maya: This cheetah-jee is talking an awful-awful lot for a monster, no?

Maya: Ugh, I cannot stand a chatterbox - human or otherwise!

Alena: "Lord of Underworld", "Emperor of Monsterkind"... I mind that monsters are even more fonder of titles than humans!

Ragnar: Emperor Estark an' the Dragon God o' Zenithia...

Ragnar: I think we'd do well tae remember whit we just heard...

Meena: Right now it is looking messy, but there is no doubting that this crypt is very pretty, actually...

Maya: Oof, I am hating this! I am too young to be going to the grave! Arey, it is too soon for me, no?

Torneko: When I think o' crypts, I think o' one thing: treasure! Well, that an' the curse that strikes any fella who tries to bring said treasure away, o' course...

Torneko: But we've permission from the royal family, so we have. We'll be sufferin' no curses this time!

Alena: I recall journeying here when I was small girl for attending funeral of my mother...

Alena: Yoy, I am incapable to believe it is so much neglected! Someone should remove encroaching weeds, at least...

Kiryl: Tsss! Silence! Do not disturb restful sleep of the expired!

Borya: Hmm... In actuality, only royal family and those affiliated are permitted to enter crypt...

Borya: But we are travelling with Tsarevna, and consequently affiliated. This is sufficient, da?

Hoffman Jr.: Caves, towers, and now a crypt...? Sakes alive, you varmints git around!

Tom Foolery: Are ye sure we're not makin' a grave error here?

Tom Foolery: No? I can tell ye're not so keen on that one...

Orifiela: Tell me... There are no ghosts lurking in here, are there? I have always been most terribly frightened of cemeteries...

Meena: Taking treasures from a crypt is making me feel very very uneasy, please...

Meena: Goddess, if you are punishing us, please be remembering that it was Maya's idea... Accha! No, sorry-sorry! I am not meaning that!

Meena: This place is so so big! I am hoping we are not getting lost...

Maya: I can smell it! Oh, yes! The sweet-sweet aroma of treasure is filling my nose! Come on, let's get moving!

Alena: Constructing such large building for housing of graves is wasteful use of land, I mind.

Alena: This space could be used as training ground, or underground battle arena...

Borya: Hmm... Royal Crypt is certainly having convoluted construction...

Borya: But worry not - I possess necessary knowledge and wisdom. All is satisfactory.

Ragnar: We cannae ken when these monsters are gonnae attack us. We've just got tae stay cannie...

Orifiela: I am afraid I am a little tired... (yawn)

Meena: The Royal Crypt... I am never visiting such a perfect place before...

Meena: It is being so so quiet under the ground here. The ideal place for so many graves, no?

Maya: If we are using the mod rod, we will never have to pay a hotel bill again! We are simply changing appearance and running away!

Maya: Accha! Don't be making that face, yarr! I am only joking. After all, Hero is paying for all our lodgings anyway!

Torneko: There must be a curse or two protectin' the royal treasures, like... Are we sure this is a good idea?

Alena: Area near Royal Crypt is nice place for holiday home, nyet? View is so much spectacular!

Kiryl: Mod rod is capable to transform us into something that is not human...?

Kiryl: Mmm... Da, very well! Things will to go fine, I am sure!

Borya: Mod rod is treasure of Zamoksva royal family. We must to not forget this fact.

Borya: Upon conclusion of our business, I will undergo responsibility of returning it to here. No one has objections to this, da?

Ragnar: We havnae enough information on oor enemy... I think we're just gonnae have tae dive straight in...

Tom Foolery: Sure, I've not set foot on stage in what feels like an age! What if me gags are gettin' stale, like?


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Meena: Everyone in Aubout du Monde, please... Do not be dying now... You too, Puppadom...

Torneko: We can't be foosterin' about in here, like! We need to be makin' a move somewhere, so we do!

Kiryl: We do not have need for being in this place any more longer.

Kiryl: We must to hurry to Mamon while we are still capable!

Borya: If monsters assault us now, we are surely doomed.

Borya: We must to make haste!

Ragnar: I've a feelin' this wee drama's aboot tae enter its final act...

Ragnar: Let's be away then. And stay cannie, a'right? Don't be lettin' yer guard doon!

Maya: So we are not needing to be becoming monsters any more? Thank the heavens for that!

Alena: Thank Goddess... Is much more easier to move freely when human, nyet?

Tom Foolery: Sure, there's a hall load of monsters round these parts! Hmm... It's not easy thinkin' up gags when ye're this petrified...

Meena: What is he meaning? If the Secret of Evolution is not yet being perfected...

Meena: Then this is meaning that Estark is also not yet being at his full strength, no? Arey...

Borya: "Zenithian God"...? Is not name I have familiarity with...

Alena: Oplya! I was nearly jumping out from my skin! I was not aware such monsters were existing...

Ragnar: ...Whit did ye say? Did I flinch? O' course no! Whit kind o' soldier d'ye think I am!?

Meena: How is it feeling to be flying through the air, I wonder? I am just imagining it now, and it is seeming simply lovely!

Maya: Oof, listen sis... You should not be daydreaming when you are having a monster's appearance. You are looking like a crazy-crazy person!

Torneko: Yer man- Erm, yer monster seems to think that someone somewhere made a balloon that ye can go flyin' about in...

Kiryl: It will be so much convenient if we have this balloon, I mind.

Kiryl: Though I was not expectant to hear monsters speaking of it...

Maya: If you are not exercising on a regular basis, you will be so so regretting it at times like this!

Torneko: Lookin' at the size of us all, it'll be me gettin' eaten first if those monsters catch us. Yarr, 'tis a terrifyin' thought, so it is...

Ragnar: Och, ye wouldnae want tae get go gettin' trapped in a place like this... Poor wee so-and-so...

Meena: If we are being found by the monsters, we will also be locked in these dingy-dingy cells...

Kiryl: This man calls himself priest, but evidently he does not comprehend teachings of Goddess!

Kiryl: He is disgrace to priesthood!

Maya: This cheetah-jee is talking an awful-awful lot for a monster, no?

Meena: Ugh, I cannot stand a chatterbox - human or otherwise!

Alena: "Lord of Underworld", "Emperor of Monsterkind"... I mind that monsters are even more fonder of titles than humans!

Ragnar: Emperor Estark an' the Dragon God o' Zenithia...

Ragnar: I think we'd do well tae remember whit we just heard...

Meena: Accha, this place is still being full of stinky, smelly gases!

Maya: Accha! Estark is being inside the mine?

Maya: Then I suppose we are not having any other choice... We must be re-entering Mamon Mine...

Torneko: Sure, it makes yer heart sink, seein' a place like this...

Torneko: Seems we couldn't help the people here if we tried. Sure, it's a cryin' shame, so it is.

Alena: If Lord of Underworld is responsible for vanishment of populace of Zamoksva...

Alena: Then he will pay! I will expunge him myself!

Kiryl: Continuous survival of inhabitants here is defying belief...

Borya: (cough) Remaining in present location is having detrimental effect on life expectancy, especially for people with my age... (cough)

Ragnar: Och, words cannae do justice tae just hoo terrible this place is...

Meena: I am wondering what this thing could have been that his friends unearthed...

Meena: I am seeing that poor-poor man's soul... It is like white light through blackness... It glows like the moon at night...

Kiryl: I fear that this man died in depth of despair... We must to pray for his soul.

Meena: We are already visiting the inside of Mamon Mine once before...

Meena: But we are not seeing any signs of Estark there, no?

Maya: So we are destined to enter Mamon Mine once again...

Maya: If the Goddess is listening, I am wanting her to know that I am very very angry with Her!

Torneko: Aiee! ...Goddess love ye, will ye stop sneakin' up on me like that! Ye gave me the fright of me life, so ye did!

Alena: Where are you, Estark? Do not dare to hide! Show me yourself!

Kiryl: I am incapable to believe that place like this is leading to underworld...

Ragnar: This place is what ye might call the monsters' holy o' holies. Let's keep oor wits abot us...

Maya: Uncle is asking us for help please!? Arey, he is a grown man! He should be feeling ashamed of himself!

Meena: I am sure that this place was different when we were coming here last time...

Meena: I suppose they are doing quite a lot more of digging since then...

Maya: Doing so much digging in the middle of all this gas is simply amazing!

Maya: You can never be underestimating the determination of men motivated by greed, no?

Torneko: (cough) (splutter) Sure, this blasted gas is makin' me head spin, so it is...

Alena: Finally, we are encountering monsters who are capable to put up real fight!

Kiryl: I cannot help but to wonder what kind of place underground empire of Nadiria is...

Borya: Can my spells affect such weighty foe as Estark...? I can only hope...

Ragnar: Jings... I'm seein' signs o' some serious monster activity aroond here... Estark must be close by...

Alena: If even monsters that attack us are becoming lost, I fear we may be with difficulty in finding passage...

Meena: This mine is having a very very confusing layout...

Meena: I cannot help but be feeling sorry for that miner-wallah...

Maya: He is finding a mountain of gold...?

Maya: Arey, that is not being important right now, please! Estark is waiting for us just up ahead!

Meena: We were lucky that Estark had just woken up, no? We could never be beating him otherwise...

Meena: We are not having a reason to be in this place any more! Let's move on to somewhere else - chop-chop!

Maya: We have done what we are needing to do in this place, no?

Maya: We should be hurrying out of here. I am missing the feeling of the sun on my face...

Maya: Accha! Why are we needing to come back to this awful-awful place again!?

Torneko: Phew... (pant) Don't ye be worryin' yerself now, Tessie! I'm still in one piece, so I am!

Torneko: Comin' here is remindin' me of that deadly fright we had last time. Yarr, 'twas terrible... By the hokey it's makin' me shiver just thinkin' about it, so it is!

Alena: I am very intriguing by Psaro's words...

Alena: I wish to learn more of elf dubbed Rose...

Alena: For why are we coming to this place once again? Oya! I know! Is for training, da?

Kiryl: Yoy! I am never previously experiencing such sense of achievement!

Borya: Estark was not so much fearsome as anticipated.

Borya: Assaulting swiftly amid his unpreparedness was wise tactic, I mind.

Ragnar: Well, that's one threat tae world peace dealt with. For noo, at least...

Meena: I am almost not believing it... Who would be thinking there was a place like this buried under the ground...?

Maya: Estark is waiting for us up ahead...

Torneko: I'm just after startin' to have some doubts, so I am...

Torneko: Doubts about what I'm doin' in here when I could be sittin' back there on the wagon!

Kiryl: Do not fret! Rest assured that I will give this my utmost, and will not hold back anything!

Borya: To press on when we are in danger is very much meaningless.

Borya: Avoidance of battle is also legitimate military tactic. You must to not forget this!

Ragnar: Jings... I've the distinct feelin' there's somethin' big an' nasty waitin' for us up ahead...

Alena: Enemies of this region are not for taking lightly, Hero. You must to be cautious!

Meena: This is not the time to be chattering. We need to concentrate...

Maya: I was not expecting that Estark would be sitting in such a grand-grand castle. I am feeling quite impressed, if I am honest...

Torneko: E-Estark! D-Don't ye be playin' any tricks on us, now! C-C'mon and show yerself! Sure, wh-what's the matter? Are ye s-scared or sometin'?

Alena: Estark... He must be close by now, I mind... I am almost having difficulty to breathe...

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: Oplya! Apologies - I was too much concentrating on our surroundings. How did you say?

Borya: We must to not be careless. This will only lead us to disaster. Procedure with caution is paramount...

Ragnar: Och, I feel sick tae ma stomach... I've never been so sure somethin' terrible was just aroond the corner in all ma puff!

Tom Foolery: So just what is it I'm doin' here again?

Tom Foolery: I don't see any kings who need cheerin' up, do you?

Maya: What is hiding inside that treasure chest, I am wondering? Achha, I cannot stop thinking about it...

Borya: Spirit does not extinguish until Estark is expunged...? Is very much intriguing symbiosis...

Meena: So that is being the Lord of the Underworld...

Meena: He is sleeping now, yet still he is producing a mighty-mighty aura...

Maya: That is being the Lord of the Underworld? He is looking a little bit different to how I was hoping...

Torneko: So this is it, eh...? Well, in for a penny, in for a punt I s'pose... Sure, let's have at the blighter!

Alena: Yoy, this is so much wonderful! Ultimate challenge of invincible opponent awaits!

Kiryl: We will never obtain more better chance for launching all-out assault on Estark. Come!

Borya: I am conspicuous of dastardly Estark... Does he truly sleep...?

Ragnar: He's here... Dinnae let yer guard doon for a second...

Meena: We were lucky that Estark had just woken up, no? We could never be beating him otherwise...

Meena: We are not having a reason to be in this place any more! Let's move on to somewhere else - chop-chop!

Maya: Estark is defeated... Is this meaning that all our work is done?

Maya: Accha, I am getting a niggly-niggly feeling that we are forgetting something important...

Maya: We have done what we are needing to do in this place, no?

Maya: We should be hurrying out of here. I am missing the feeling of the sun on my face...

Maya: Accha! Why are we needing to come back to this awful-awful place again!?

Torneko: Phew... (pant) Don't ye be worryin' yerself now, Tessie! I'm still in one piece, so I am!

Torneko: Comin' here is remindin' me of that deadly fright we had last time. Yarr, 'twas terrible... By the hokey it's makin' me shiver just thinkin' about it, so it is!

Alena: I am very intriguing by Psaro's words...

Alena: I wish to learn more of elf dubbed Rose...

Alena: For why are we coming to this place once again? Oya! I know! Is for training, da?

Kiryl: Yoy! I am never previously experiencing such sense of achievement!

Borya: When we are departing this place, we must to not forget treasure chest from inside flames.

Borya: I mind that it contains very much valuable valuables...

Borya: Estark was not so much fearsome as anticipated.

Borya: Assaulting swiftly amid his unpreparedness was wise tactic, I mind.

Ragnar: Well, that's one threat tae world peace dealt with. For noo, at least...

Orifiela: Oh my! This is a truly wonderful place!

Orifiela: I am so grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to visit such locations.

Psaro: This is the place where you defeated me...

Psaro: But that is all in the past now.

Meena: We are coming to Mamon already, before we are meeting Hero and the others.

Meena: It was being in a very very terrible state back then...

Maya: "Mamon"...? I am hearing that name somewhere... But I am not remembering where...

Torneko: Sure, I'm sure I've lost a stone or two, what with all the toin' an froin' we've been doin'.

Torneko: ...What's that, now? I'm every bit as fat as I ever was, ye say? Well, that's just charming!

Alena: Aga, I am recalling time when I missed chance for fighting Psaro at Endor tournament...

Alena: Perhaps now I am strong enough for defeating him... Or perhaps not...

Kiryl: Tale of accidental unearthing of Lord of Underworld is challenging to believe...

Borya: Mmm... We are already unlocking every door capable to be opened with ultimate key, nyet?

Ragnar: Psaro the Manslayer is supposed tae be in Mamon, is he no?

Ragnar: Let's be away there, shall we? We'll need tae hurry, mind!

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear the one about the chimaera wing?

Tom Foolery: Sure, chimaera'n I'll tell ye, so I will! Hee hee!


Warning: Spoilers!
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Torneko: Well, this is a lovely peaceful village altogether...

Borya: This looks like peaceful village, yet there is something little bit strange around it, I mind...

Ragnar: I'd never even heard o' - let alone been tae - this place till I met up wi' youse lot...

Kiryl: Such enormous tower is appearing conspicuous in such small village...

Meena: Arey, look at the cloth the dwarves are wearing! They are so so cute!

Maya: You know, I am not seeing any other humans in this village...

Alena: Yoy... I was never imagining that village populated entirely with dwarfs was existing...

Kiryl: If humans can never get hands on rubies, this is meaning they are impossible for us to acquire also, da?

Kiryl: It does not matter in any case. We do not have any use for ruby tears, I mind...

Maya: Humans and monsters... I am really struggling to work out which is worse...

Alena: It is too much unbelievable! There truly are existing humans who would do such things?

Kiryl: I desire to make atonement for things despicable people did, on behalf of every human...

Borya: Is unacceptable! Perpetrators are incurring irreversible damage. They must to be punished!

Meena: The Goddess will not be granting salvation to awful-awful people who do things like that...

Torneko: An' all this was goin' on while we were out there riskin' our lives fightin' the Lord o' the Underworld...?

Ragnar: Whit hae we been bustin' a gut for all this while, eh? We're tryin' tae protect the world, an' still things like this are happenin'...

Maya: Why wasn't anyone standing up to the awful-awful humans who were picking on that poor-poor elf?

Maya: That is being simply a tragic-tragic tale all round! Oof, I am hating people who are picking on others!

Meena: I am feeling so so sorry for Rose...

Meena: The idea that some humans are being so cruel is making me sad... But that is being the reality, no?

Torneko: Sounds like the ole fella yer man was talkin' about there knows a thing or two about the tradin' game...

Meena: I am thinking this nun is speaking correctly.

Meena: This is not being a place for humans like us...

Kiryl: We must to be respecting and doing as nun is saying us...

Alena: Oplya! I was not expecting for this horse to speak!

Borya: Again, this name "Psaro"... I am hearing it very much often of late...

Ragnar: I just cannae figure oot whit kind o' man this Psaro laddie is...

Meena: So the Secret of Evolution that Balzack was using to change himself into a monster is also being used for things like this...?

Maya: Gosh! The Secret of Evolution is being capable of even making animals talk!

Kiryl: This village is having more secrets than I ever had imagined...

Meena: I am feeling so so sorry for that poor slime...

Maya: It just isn't possible to say some types of creatures are good and some types of creatures are bad.

Maya: There are being good monsters and bad humans, no? Nothing is being as black-and-white as it seems.

Ragnar: I'd love tae get ma hands on the nyaffs who kidnapped wee Rose...

Ragnar: It's just a shame there's no clues tae help us track them doon...

Ragnar: Strathbaile is just a wee bit away from bonnie Burland.

Ragnar: I wasnae aware it had such an interestin' history, though...

Torneko: A scheme to rule the world, did yer wan say? I've a scheme like that meself - but I'm only wantin' to rule the world o' commerce, so I am!

Torneko: I couldn't be doin' with controllin' everytin', like. What does this Psaro fella want to be doin' that fer?

Alena: More I learn of this Psaro, less I am capable to understand...

Borya: Aga, accursed ambition... Is capable of corrupting all souls, monster and human alike...

Ragnar: Folk who want tae control the world are always goin' tae do bad things. It's the nature o' the beast.

Ragnar: I dinnae care who they are or whit their motives might be, it's no somethin' anybody should be aspirin' tae...

Kiryl: I am sensing spirit of Goddess in this place...

Psaro: I do not feel comfortable here. I would like to leave as quickly as possible...

Meena: "New seeds of destruction"...? I am thinking our journey is not quite being finished yet...

Ragnar: We're no gaein' tae get any more useful information in this place. Let's away.

Maya: So that we could talk with the monsters in here, we had to be becoming monsters ourselves.

Maya: Accha, it was a tough-tough time, but we were not having any choice...

Torneko: Sure, I've grown a good bit stronger over the course o' this journey meself.

Torneko: I don't bat an eyelid at the sort o' monsters you get in this place any more, like!

Borya: If monsters assault us now, we are surely doomed.

Borya: If we are with business here, let us conclude it swiftly.

Ragnar: The monsters are all bletherin' away aboot sometin' or other. I wonder whit this stramash is in aid of...?

Orifiela: Ahhh! Help me! This place is full of monsters!

Rose: I'm not sensing Psaro's presence...

Rose: I don't think he's here...

Ragnar: Sounds as if Psaro the Manslayer's upped sticks and wandered off somewhere wi'oot tellin' his underlings what he's up tae...

Tom Foolery: Sure, there's a hall load of monsters round these parts! Hmm... It's not easy thinkin' up gags when ye're this petrified...

Ragnar: So that piece o' news has made it all the way o'er here, has it...?

Ragnar: Mebbe Psaro the Manslayer kens whit happened to Rose after she was kidnapped then, eh?

Alena: Oplya! I was nearly jumping out from my skin! I was not aware such monsters were existing...

Ragnar: ...Whit did ye say? Did I flinch? O' course no! Whit kind o' soldier d'ye think I am!?

Meena: How is it feeling to be flying through the air, I wonder? I am just imagining it now, and it is seeming simply lovely!

Maya: Oof, listen sis... You should not be daydreaming when you are having a monster's appearance. You are looking like a crazy-crazy person!

Torneko: Yer man- Erm, yer monster seems to think that someone somewhere made a balloon that ye can go flyin' about in...

Kiryl: It will be so much convenient if we have this balloon, I mind.

Kiryl: Though I was not expectant to hear monsters speaking of it...

Maya: I am feeling very very glad that this monster is not knowing our true identity...

Meena: Psaro the Manslayer appeared when we defeated Estark, but then he went away again. Where is he now, I wonder...

Maya: If you are not exercising on a regular basis, you will be so so regretting it at times like this!

Torneko: Lookin' at the size of us all, it'll be me gettin' eaten first if those monsters catch us. Yarr, 'tis a terrifyin' thought, so it is...

Ragnar: Och, ye wouldnae want tae get go gettin' trapped in a place like this... Poor wee so-and-so...

Meena: If we are being found by the monsters, we will also be locked in these dingy-dingy cells...

Kiryl: This man calls himself priest, but evidently he does not comprehend teachings of Goddess!

Kiryl: He is disgrace to priesthood!

Maya: Waah! The present he is gifting us is a flying balloon!? What a lovely-lovely man!

Maya: Though it is not comparing with some of the trinkets I was gifted by my fans back in the day, of course...

Torneko: Yer man said the first one's ours, so he did. Does that mean he's plannin' on buildin' more o' these balloon yokes?

Torneko: I wonder how many o' them he'd be willin' to supply me shop with once things are a bit more peaceful, like...

Borya: Scholar is already completing construction for flying machine?

Borya: To speak honestly, when we are entrusting him with canister, I did not predict this outcome would be realised...

Ragnar: A "balloon", eh? That's whit this flying machine thingumajig is called, is it?

Ragnar: I have tae say, it's no a name that fills me wi' much confidence...

Alena: Come, Hero! We must to test new balloon!

Meena: The stink of monsters is being so so whiffy on this continent, and yet there are people living here...

Maya: Are these people never having had the idea of building a bridge?

Maya: Going by boat every time you are wanting to be crossing the river is just stupid-stupid, no?

Torneko: Sure, ye'd never think there was a village here if ye saw the place from the outside.

Torneko: I s'pose there's no end of discoveries awaitin' a fella who's willin' to head to places where there doesn't seem to be anytin'...

Torneko: That's sometin' every merchant should bear in mind, so it is...

Alena: I am very intriguing about village that is capable to sail into with ship...

Kiryl: Village split into two parts by river is inconvenient for residents, I mind...

Borya: Hmm... Villagers here employ boats to traverse river...

Borya: But of course, these boats are so much more smaller and more insignificant than our fine vessel! Ho ho!

Torneko: What are ye blatherin' on about, Borya!? 'Tis not yer vessel at all! 'Tis mine altogether, so it is!

Ragnar: Och, I'd never hae thought there'd be a village in a place like this! Happenin' across it gave me the shock o' ma life!

Tom Foolery: Did ye hear the one about the village they couldn't tear their eyes off of? Sure, it was Riverton, so it was! D'ye get it? Riverton... Rivetin'...? No...?

Tom Foolery: Alright, alright, I'll admit I'm strugglin' a little altogether...

Orifiela: Oh, look! The river cuts right through the village! What an interesting feature...

Meena: If she is speaking to the priest at the bottom of the statue, she can find out about its movements chop-chop, no?

Borya: Someone apart from us did also make this statue to move... But whom?

Borya: Perhaps monsters were used for the moving of it? Ho ho! This is idea which makes this old man to smile...

Ragnar: Turns oot this lassie was tellin' the truth all along.

Ragnar: I'm a wee bit ashamed o' havin' doubted her, tae be honest...

Torneko: Can ye believe it? He says "Lord o' the Underworld" like it's a name from a fairy tale, and we're only after banjaxin' the very same fella!

Torneko: Yerra, this really is turnin' into an adventure to be tellin' the grandkids about...

Alena: I am thinking this person did not observe us flying around in balloon, nyet?

Kiryl: If it was intention of Goddess for humans to fly, she would provide us wings!

Kiryl: But though we violate Her law, it is for sake of fate of world. This She will forgive, da?

Ragnar: The ingredient that bard was talkin' aboot was the gas inside that canister, was it no?

Ragnar: Who'd hae thought that a man o' letters would ken somethin' so practical?

Alena: Monster castle was not so much big deal...

Alena: Aga, I am still awaiting for chance to unleash my talents and demonstrate to world how powerful I have become!

Ragnar: That wee lassie should change her tune! We've been there, an' we came back in one piece, too!

Psaro: "Monster castle"...? She must mean Diabolic Hall... The place where...he...awaits me...

Psaro: He won't have to wait much longer...

Torneko: Y'know, I surprised meself back there with how brave I was, turnin' meself into a monster an' all.

Torneko: 'Tis your influence, so it is, Hero!

Meena: Arey, I saw that merchant-wallah sleeping with my own eye!

Meena: So he is not only being a lazy-lazy worker, he is also a terrible liar! Just like you, sis!

Maya: Everyone is wanting to take a break from work sometimes, no?

Maya: I am thinking you should stop giving him a hard time please. ...See, sis? I can be a very very kind person, no?

Torneko: Sure, I can see the poor fella's hardly rushed off his feet in a little culchie village like this...

Torneko: But he won't be wantin' his customers to see him slackin' off like that!

Alena: Did you witness how much quickly this innkeeper moved?

Alena: With training, he could be lightning-fast fighter!

Borya: Aga! Bed is designated for customers! Is not for lazy oaf inkeeper's idling!

Borya: Come Hero, we must to depart! I am incapable to spend night in place like this!

Meena: But that canister is not containing an unlimited supply of gas...

Meena: What will he be doing when the gas runs out, please?

Maya: What a super-duper idea! Imagine if every household was having their own balloon to go flying around in, sis!

Maya: Waah, I can picture it now...!

Torneko: That's a grand ole dream yer man's got there. I'd be happy to use me shop to help him with the distribution side o' things, like...

Ragnar: Mark my words - it willnae be long before some bright spark figures oot a way tae use this flyin' technology on the battlefield.

Ragnar: We should think hard afore lettin' any auld Tom, Dick or Harry get their hands on one o' these balloons!

Alena: It is so much admirable to have dream like that. I have similar dream, of course. I am desiring to become most greatest warrior in whole world!

Alena: How about you, Hero? Are you having dream you wish to make true when world peace is restored?

Maya: Accha... Why does this nun-wallah not just drop all the righteous-righteous stuff and tell me how I can meet my father again?

Kiryl: Indeed. Realm of Goddess is not accessible for humans... Even humans with balloons...

Ragnar: I reckon that nun's absolutely right - this balloon might well help us tae find the path tae heaven...

Ragnar: So let's away an' start searchin', eh?


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Meena: What a funny-funny little village! Humans and elves and animals, all living together in harmony...

Meena: Is it being caused by the power of that tree, perhaps?

Maya: Arey, what a mighty-mighty tree! Let's carve our names in its bark so we can remember this day! ...No? That is not being allowed?

Torneko: A balloon trip to the Great World Tree? That's a grand plan altogether, so it is!

Torneko: Y'know, it's puttin' me in the mood to start me own little travel agency... "Torneko Tours"... Sure, 'tis a winner!

Alena: Who will race with me to top of tree? No one? But is good training for battle, nyet...?

Kiryl: Tree is so much large it is capable to be seen clearly from faraway distance. It is too much ostentatious, I mind...

Kiryl: It is my opinion that things are more prettier when they are being done to moderation, furthermore- Oplya, why do you glare so much fiercely?

Borya: This tree is sturdy and ancient old stalwart. It possesses presence. Dignity. It is reminding you for someone, nyet?

Ragnar: Old folk, animals, elves... There's no a proper soldier tae be seen!

Ragnar: If it weren't for the mountains surroundin' the place, this village wouldnae stand a chance o' defendin' itself!

Tom Foolery: What did the dog say to the Great World Tree? Bark!

Tom Foolery: Sure that's a classic, so it is!

Maya: What adorable cloth she is wearing! Perhaps I will base my next stage outfit on this!

Kiryl: Elves, they are so much mysterious creatures. For why they are avoiding to show themselves to humans...?

Maya: That fox's tail is being so so fluffy... It would make a lovely-lovely scarf!

Torneko: Janey Mac, was that fox just speakin' to us!? D-Don't tell me we've been bewitched again now...!

Meena: I am getting the impression that this kitty-cat is liking dark places... Just like me! Hee hee!

Borya: When I was child, Yggdrasil was mere sapling...

Borya: I joke! Why must you perpetually take me so much seriously!? You are humourless!

Meena: We must be restoring peace, chop-chop! We have to be doing it for the people of this village!

Torneko: Sure, if there's a monster infestation in a village, one thing's fer certain - someone's gonna make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons and armour!

Alena: Monsters will soon become extinct when we are restoring peace to world. I am hopeful there will be something else for me to fight instead...

Maya: Why are Yggdrasil leaves being so useful? Are they giving you silky soft skin or something?

Alena: I am reminded of distant memory... Memory of Borya coercing me to drink tea of indeterminate leaves when I had cold as little child... Ugh...!

Kiryl: Yggdrasil leaves have been subject of prayers from very many prestigious priests. They are so much powerful things...

Meena: Perhaps it is a restless spirit, attempting to communicate with the people of this village. We should stay silent, please!

Meena: If we accidentally were answering the voice, the spirit might decide to come and start haunting us!

Alena: Voice...? I am intriguing. Let us to climb to top of tree and investigate!

Kiryl: Listen, please... If you are intending for climbing to top of tree, I would prefer to be staying in wagon if possible...

Kiryl: Oya! But if not possible, of course I will accompany Tsarevna! I would be happy to... Uf...

Ragnar: Eh? There's someone at the top o' the tree wantin' tae be rescued? Then whit're we waitin' for?

Torneko: So these elves set a lot o' store by their hearin', do they? Sounds like there'd be a market here fer me range o' custom lug-cleanin' products!

Alena: Borya is also having good hearing, considering his advanced age... Always he is hearing me when I complain of him!

Alena: Oplya! Is this meaning that Borya is elf!? Nyet... With so much grizzled appearance, is impossible...

Kiryl: It is responsibility of priest to help people who has difficulties. I am knowing that. I wish to help this people too...

Kiryl: Only I am wishing their troubles did not happen at top of most biggest tree in world! Ach...

Meena: Monsters should not be capable of coming so near to such a holy object as the Great World Tree...

Maya: I was so so good at climbing trees when I was little. But you were just awful, sis!

Torneko: Sure, young Tipper would get the shock of his life if he laid eyes on a grand ole tree like this...

Torneko: Maybe I'll take the family here for a picnic one day, once things have calmed down a bit, like.

Alena: Climbing trees and fighting monsters are my most favourite activities! This situation is perfect for me!

Alena: Da, I truly am liking Great World Tree! It is...great!

Kiryl: Humans are only possessing legs, da? Not wings.

Kiryl: This is why we should leave elevated locations for birds, and stick to walking on ground!

Borya: Haa... Haa... Please to make slower pace... I am tiring prodigiously...

Ragnar: It's no often ye get the chance tae walk aroond inside a tree, eh? I feel like some kind o' caterpillar or somethin'!

Tom Foolery: I'll leaf the traipsin' around in the treetops to yer barkin' mad selves, if it's all the same...

Meena: Be careful-careful please! It is being very dangerous if we fall down here...

Maya: Waah, a nice walk in the trees is being the perfect way to say bye-bye to stresses and strains!

Maya: In fact, I am almost forgetting that there are monsters in this area! Hee hee!

Torneko: This tree's so big, ye could hollow it out an' live inside it, so ye could!

Torneko: I s'pose ye could be sayin' the same thing about me though, eh? Heh!

Alena: Have you attempted to bungee jump? Is thrill I very much desire to experience!

Alena: Top of Yggdrasil is perfect spot for this, nyet? Yoy... Just imagine how much fun...

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: Ground is...so much...far... I-I miss...it...terribly...

Borya: Yggdrasil is unique. There is not other Yggdrasil anywhere in entire world...

Borya: Still, no one is knowing for why World Tree is existing in first place. That is great mystery, beyond understanding of all humans...

Ragnar: Just imagine hoo much firewood a great big lump of a tree like this could provide ye with...

Ragnar: Och, don't fret! I'm no plannin' on cuttin' it doon! It was just a thought, that's all...

Meena: That voice is sounding so so tired and weak... And also eerie...

Meena: It is belonging to a restless spirit which is haunting this tree! I am feeling absolutely certain of this!

Maya: D-Did you hear it!? That voice... Someone is needing our help! We must be going to rescue them, chop-chop!

Torneko: By the hokey! Did ye hear that? It was a woman's voice, so it was. I didn't catch what yer wan was sayin', mind...

Alena: Someone is entreating help from us! Ngh.... Hi-yaaa!

Alena: Oplya! I cannot to take this! We must to rescue them, nyet? What is reason for not to do that!?

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: I am wishing to perform rescue mission... But it is so much high here... Uf...

Borya: Hmm? I am hearing voice of young girl! From where is it emanating? Where is she?

Ragnar: Och, there isnae a soldier in this world who wouldnae go a-runnin' at the sound of an innocent in distress!

Ragnar: Let's hurry up an' be away! We need tae find oot were that voice is comin' from!

Meena: Yggdrasil is possessing great power, but it is also being very warm and soft. It is feeling very kindly, no?

Maya: I am feeling like I have never been so close to the sun before. Do you know what I am meaning, sis? I am worrying that I might get burnt!

Torneko: I'm just after rememberin' that the Zenithian Sword is the reason I set out on this journey in the first place! Sure it feels like an age ago, so it does...

Alena: I feel that if I jump high as I am capable, I will reach to heaven!

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: I, I am incapable to go on... I c-cannot... (gulp)

Borya: Ho ho! View is unparalleled! All houses below are seeming as insignificant specks from such great height!

Meena: The voice of the restless spirit is becoming stronger! Accha, what is it that it is wanting, please? Flowers? Water...?

Meena: Or perhaps it is feeling lonely and is wanting us to die so that we too become spirits! Arey, I have an awful-awful feeling about this!

Maya: What are you playing at, please? A girl is asking us for help, and we are pretending not to be noticing!?

Torneko: Come on now, let's not be idlin'. We need to get closer to that voice!

Alena: What is matter!? We must to hurry and help girl!

Kiryl: D-Do as you please... J-Just permit me to return to g-ground as swiftly as possible... (gulp)

Borya: Surely your intention is not for forgetting this girl!? We must to go and help her!

Ragnar: Och, there isnae a soldier in this world who wouldnae go a-runnin' at the sound of an innocent in distress!

Ragnar: Let's hurry up an' be away! We need tae find oot were that voice is comin' from!

Meena: I am not foreseeing that there is anything we are needing to do in this place...

Maya: I was enjoying appreciating the appearance of this tower from the outside.

Maya: Why are we having to spoil it all by coming in and fighting dirty-dirty monsters, please?

Torneko: Sure, yer man Ragnar said he'd already had a scrap with the monsters in here...

Torneko: Do we really need to be doin' that all over again?

Alena: I was expecting more things from place that is only accessible with balloon.

Alena: But I am seeing no sign for presence of strong monsters here...

Kiryl: From outside, sight of tower rising from water of lake is elegant and inspirational...

Kiryl: Inside, it is different story. Monsters clearly have been rampaging around in here.

Borya: Question remains - what was purpose for building tower in centre of lake...?

Ragnar: Och, this is the very tur where I began ma adventure by rescuin' those poor kiddies!

Ragnar: If I remember correctly, I used the talaria tae reach the top floor, an' made ma way in from there...

Orifiela: There is something wonderfully elegant about the sight of a tower rising from the waters of a lake...

Meena: We are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves, no?

Meena: If ever we are losing sight of where we should be going, it is always being a clever-clever idea to return to places we have already visited.

Maya: Arey, it is so so nice to be walking in the open air!

Maya: So do not be telling me that we are going back down into that dingy-dingy mine, alright?

Alena: I am just reminding of monster we witnessed immediately before fighting with Estark. One which was guarding treasure chest...

Alena: I am wondering what has become of this flame now that Estark is expired...

Kiryl: We have defeated Estark, but sense of uneasiness inside my chest does still remain...

Kiryl: Perhaps it is recent appearance of Psaro the Manslayer that is troubling me...

Borya: Are we now knowing what was source of foul gas being excreted by Mamon Mine?

Borya: Perhaps we should to return there and conduct more thorough investigation, nyet?

Ragnar: Ach, I cannae shake the feelin' we're forgettin' somethin' important...

Ragnar: I think we should be away tae Estark's castle again, just tae be on the safe side...

Tom Foolery: I'd be McRyan' me eyes out if sometin' happened to Ragnar!

Tom Foolery: Come on now, that was better than most...

Meena: Uh... I am wondering where we should be heading now...

Maya: The word on the streets of Endor is that Psaro is being a very handsome fellow...

Maya: Well, he is certainly no warthog, but he is not really being to my taste...

Torneko: This gas canister we've got a hold of is quite the odd yoke by all accounts.

Torneko: Sure, but it just looks like a lump o' junk to me...

Alena: Lord of Underworld was defeated, so if you ask me what is main concern for me now...

Alena: I must to answer, Psaro the Manslayer.

Kiryl: I mind that we have made visit to every place we should have made visit to.

Kiryl: We must to consider if there exist things we have neglected to do...

Borya: Underlings of Psaro spoke of elves.

Borya: Elves... They are making me to think of something... Ach, nyet, I cannot recall. Hmm...

Ragnar: If Estark hadnae just woken up when we fought him... Well, I wouldnae like tae think whit would hae happened...

Meena: We are defeating the Lord of the Underworld, but still we have so so much left to do.

Meena: We should be finding a way to ascend to Zenithia. That is the first step we need to be taking...

Maya: We were going to all that trouble to get this balloon. We should be using it as much as possible, no?

Maya: Arey, we are never needing to travel by foot or by boat again! Thank the Goddess!

Torneko: Travellin' by balloon's awful convenient, so it is.

Torneko: If I could be mass-producin' the things, I'd be made fer life!

Alena: We will not encounter monsters if we are flying through sky, it appears...

Alena: Hmm... Balloon is convenient thing, but I am needing more excitement in life!

Kiryl: Balloon will permit us to access even locations encircled with mountains.

Kiryl: We should therefore seek out as many new and hidden places as we are capable...

Borya: Even with balloon, we are incapable to access Zenithia.

Borya: Only with all pieces of Zenithian equipment is this possible...

Ragnar: Now we've got oor hands on this balloon, we're free tae travel anywhere we like.

Ragnar: Ach, but havin' so much choice only makes it harder tae think o' where ye wannae go next, eh?

Tom Foolery: Don't be flyin' around too wildly now, will ye? Else they'll be throwin ye in the ballooney bin!

Tom Foolery: Ha ha! That's one o' me favourites, actually...

Meena: Arey, I was so so certain it was a restless spirit that was calling to us for help, but it was being Orifiela all along!

Maya: Orifiela is a Zenithian? Arey, she is so so beautiful! Even if she is still looking a little bit pale right now...

Torneko: I'd been lookin' all over fer the Zenithian Sword meself, like.

Torneko: But I'd no idea that all that Zenithian kit served such a purpose altogether...

Alena: Zenithia is located in sky above? I am so much intriguing by this...

Alena: And now I am comprehending for why Orifela possesses wings - she is authentic Zenithian!

Kiryl: I am feeling so much sorry for Orifiela. She was caused to suffer terrible injuries...

Kiryl: However, I am still not certain if I can face to escort her up Stairway to Zenithia... Fu...

Borya: Zenithian maiden descended here as though she awaited for us...

Borya: Perhaps she is guided by forces of which Meena speaks... Perhaps talk of Chosen is possessing truth... Hmm...

Ragnar: If this lassie's gonnae be comin' wi' us, she's no need tae be afraid o' monsters - we'll take care of all that stramash!

Orifiela: I cannot thank you enough for your assistance! The Zenithian Sword is located within the branches of this tree. I urge you to start searching for it!

Meena: Yggdrasil is possessing great power, but it is also being very warm and soft. It is feeling very kindly, no?

Maya: I am feeling like I have never been so close to the sun before. Do you know what I am meaning, sis? I am worrying that I might get burnt!

Torneko: I'm just after rememberin' that the Zenithian Sword is the reason I set out on this journey in the first place! Sure it feels like an age ago, so it does...

Alena: I feel that if I jump high as I am capable, I will reach to heaven!

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: I, I am incapable to go on... I c-cannot... (gulp)

Borya: Ho ho! View is unparalleled! All houses below are seeming as insignificant specks from such great height!

Orifiela: The Great World Tree has long been one of my favourite places. It is a shame that this visit ended in such a calamitous fashion...

Orifiela: Still, I am very fortunate to have met all of you. Please allow me to thank you again for your assistance!

Meena: All the knowledge of this world is being stored in Zenithia.

Meena: If father were alive, he would be feeling so so jealous of us right now...

Maya: We are going to Zenithia next? Arey, we are really exploring this world from top to bottom - or is it bottom to top?

Maya: I cannot wait for a chance to be performing my most special dances for the people of Zenithia!

Torneko: I wonder if someone's already set up a stall sellin' stew an' soda bread up there in Zenithia...

Alena: If there is castle in Zenithia, there will also be king and queen, nyet? I am hoping we are capable to get along...royally! Ahem...

Kiryl: Oya, so we must to climb up Staircase to Zenithia whole way to top? Into the sky...!? Fu...

Kiryl: G-Goddess, please... Why must I to face such trials... (gulp)

Borya: I mind that Tsarevna requires few more lessons on etiquette before we are going to Zenithia.

Borya: She is representative of entire populace of surface lands, and must not to do any disgraceful things...

Ragnar: I'm findin' it hard tae believe this Zenithia place really exists... But I s'pose there's nothin' tae be gained from bein' sceptical.

Orifiela: Only those who possess all the Zenithian equipment may ascend into Zenithia.

Orifiela: Once you have the necessary items, please escort me up the Stairway and back to my home!

Meena: Be careful-careful please! It is being very dangerous if we fall down here...

Maya: Waah, a nice walk in the trees is being the perfect way to say bye-bye to stresses and strains!

Maya: In fact, I am almost forgetting that there are monsters in this area! Hee hee!

Torneko: This tree's so big, ye could hollow it out an' live inside it, so ye could!

Torneko: I s'pose ye could be sayin' the same thing about me though, eh? Heh!

Alena: Have you attempted to bungee jump? Is thrill I very much desire to experience!

Alena: Top of Yggdrasil is perfect spot for this, nyet? Yoy... Just imagine how much fun...

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: Ground is...so much...far... I-I miss...it...terribly...

Borya: Yggdrasil is unique. There is not other Yggdrasil anywhere in entire world...

Borya: Still, no one is knowing for why World Tree is existing in first place. That is great mystery, beyond understanding of all humans...

Ragnar: Just imagine hoo much firewood a great big lump of a tree like this could provide ye with...

Ragnar: Och, don't fret! I'm no plannin' on cuttin' it doon! It was just a thought, that's all...

Orifiela: I dread to think what would have become of me if you had not come to my rescue... Truly, I cannot thank you enough.

Meena: Monsters should not be capable of coming so near to such a holy object as the Great World Tree...

Maya: I was so so good at climbing trees when I was little. But you were just awful, sis!

Torneko: Sure, young Tipper would get the shock of his life if he laid eyes on a grand ole tree like this...

Torneko: Maybe I'll take the family here for a picnic one day, once things have calmed down a bit, like.

Alena: Climbing trees and fighting monsters are my most favourite activities! This situation is perfect for me!

Alena: Da, I truly am liking Great World Tree! It is...great!

Kiryl: Humans are only possessing legs, da? Not wings.

Kiryl: This is why we should leave elevated locations for birds, and stick to walking on ground!

Borya: Haa... Haa... Please to make slower pace... I am tiring prodigiously...

Ragnar: It's no often ye get the chance tae walk aroond inside a tree, eh? I feel like some kind o' caterpillar or somethin'!

Tom Foolery: I'll leaf the traipsin' around in the treetops to yer barkin' mad selves, if it's all the same...

Orifiela: Please, return me to Zenithia! I am incapable of going by myself!

Meena: What a funny-funny little village! Humans and elves and animals, all living together in harmony...

Meena: Is it being caused by the power of that tree, perhaps?

Maya: Arey, what a mighty-mighty tree! Let's carve our names in its bark so we can remember this day! ...No? That is not being allowed?

Torneko: A balloon trip to the Great World Tree? That's a grand plan altogether, so it is!

Torneko: Y'know, it's puttin' me in the mood to start me own little travel agency... "Torneko Tours"... Sure, 'tis a winner!

Alena: Who will race with me to top of tree? No one? But is good training for battle, nyet...?

Kiryl: Tree is so much large it is capable to be seen clearly from faraway distance. It is too much ostentatious, I mind...

Kiryl: It is my opinion that things are more prettier when they are being done to moderation, furthermore- Oplya, why do you glare so much fiercely?

Borya: This tree is sturdy and ancient old stalwart. It possesses presence. Dignity. It is reminding you for someone, nyet?

Ragnar: Old folk, animals, elves... There's no a proper soldier tae be seen!

Ragnar: If it weren't for the mountains surroundin' the place, this village wouldnae stand a chance o' defendin' itself!

Tom Foolery: What did the dog say to the Great World Tree? Bark!

Tom Foolery: Sure that's a classic, so it is!

Orifiela: I am ever so grateful to you for rescuing me!

Orifiela: If I may make one more request, I would very much appreciate it if you could escort me to Zenithia.

Maya: What adorable cloth she is wearing! Perhaps I will base my next stage outfit on this!

Kiryl: Elves, they are so much mysterious creatures. For why they are avoiding to show themselves to humans...?

Orifiela: We Zenithians have a very good relationship with the elves!

Orifiela: Indeed, I have a number of elf friends who have made their homes in Zenithia.

Maya: That fox's tail is being so so fluffy... It would make a lovely-lovely scarf!

Torneko: Janey Mac, was that fox just speakin' to us!? D-Don't tell me we've been bewitched again now...!

Meena: I am getting the impression that this kitty-cat is liking dark places... Just like me! Hee hee!

Borya: When I was child, Yggdrasil was mere sapling...

Borya: I joke! Why must you perpetually take me so much seriously!? You are humourless!

Meena: We must be restoring peace, chop-chop! We have to be doing it for the people of this village!

Torneko: Sure, if there's a monster infestation in a village, one thing's fer certain - someone's gonna make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons and armour!

Alena: Monsters will soon become extinct when we are restoring peace to world. I am hopeful there will be something else for me to fight instead...

Maya: Why are Yggdrasil leaves being so useful? Are they giving you silky soft skin or something?

Alena: I am reminded of distant memory... Memory of Borya coercing me to drink tea of indeterminate leaves when I had cold as little child... Ugh...!

Kiryl: Yggdrasil leaves have been subject of prayers from very many prestigious priests. They are so much powerful things...

Maya: Accha, it is a big-big shame that the person asking for help was not a nice Zenithian man.

Maya: It would be being a lot more fun, no? After all, saving someone's life is being a great way to make them fall in love with you!

Borya: I am hoping there are not so much more people falling from sky. We are incapable to help them all...

Orifiela: I could be heard from all the way over here? I, I was not aware I had such a loud voice...

Borya: To rescue distressed young girl is chief satisfaction.

Borya: Respect and admiration of other people is small bonus, nothing more...

Ragnar: Ach, it's a shame we couldnae get rid o' all the monsters from Yggdrasil. Still, we did whit we could...

Orifiela: I cannot thank you enough. I am forever in your debt...


Warning: Spoilers!
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Meena: I am having a sensation similar to the one I am feeling when I gaze into the future. Where in the world are we, please...?

Meena: My spirit is feeling quite at ease in this town. It is being a curious-curious thing...

Meena: I am sensing the presence in this village of people who are having talents like mine... People who can hear voices that are not human...

Meena: The voices of the stars, the land, the sky... Now I am understanding! They were all guiding us to this town!

Maya: This place is feeling very creepy. There are people everywhere, but it is so so quiet...

Maya: Accha, everyone in this town is being so stiff and proper! I am hating it! It is making me only want to scream!

Torneko: Sure, this is a quare little town, so it is. I've never seen such a layout in all me life! I wonder if they've any speciality products?

Torneko: This town's not on any map, an' it hasn't any connections with anywhere else. It's what us merchants would be callin' a golden opportunity!

Torneko: I could become the only outlet fer their local produce... I could even be settin' up guided tours o' the place, so I could!

Alena: There are so much people similar to Kiryl in this town. We must to ensure there are no mix-ups!

Alena: If it is me, I am wanting to make noise! To go wild! To run! To fight!

Alena: ...But people in this town are so much quiet. Is unbearable!

Alena: Sleepy old town is perfect for Borya, nyet? He should to retire here...

Kiryl: Whole town is enveloped by holy aura, like inside of church...

Kiryl: Beloved Goddess, I am sensing Your proximity...

Kiryl: This is wonderful place. Air is perfectly clear, faces of people are lighting up with gleam of faith.

Kiryl: After so much hard journey and so many battles, this is perfect location to recuperate...

Borya: I am recalling contents of book I perused, long time ago...

Borya: It was talking of curious town, where people gathered in twilight to listen for voice of Goddess...

Borya: This town is dry as day-old dumpling... Oplya! I am meaning, it has noble, dignified air!

Borya: Hmm... Long ago, I read of place where people gathered for listening to voice of Goddess. Could this be same location...?

Borya: Inability to find calmness without aid of total silence is sign of immaturity only.

Borya: Those of us with developed minds are capable to concentrate anywhere we desire. Even in taverns and casinos.

Ragnar: I dinnae think this place is agreein' wi' me...

Ragnar: Let's finish whit we came here tae do, and then let's be away.

Tom Foolery: What was the name o' the indolent dog who founded this town?

Tom Foolery: L'azy mutt!

Tom Foolery: Err... Did I mention the dog was French?

Tom Foolery: Sure there's nuttin' like a quiet country town to get yer comedic juices flowin'!

Orifiela: The Stairway to Zenithia is close at hand! Yes, I can sense it!

Orifiela: I may be imagining it, but I feel as though I can sense the presence of my kin...

Maya: "Gateway to Zenithia"...? What is that uncle talking about? If we were making a pilgrimage to the divine sky, we would not be being down in this low place!

Torneko: Zenithian rock! Zenithian stew! Zenithian coffee! Zenithian soda bread!

Torneko: Sure, there are so many souvenirs to be makin', I'm altogether at a loss as to where to start!

Kiryl: Always I was under impression that Zenithia was simply parable. Now it is emerging that it exists in actuality...

Meena: I could probably be able to become a super-duper fortune-teller if I was spending a few years training in this town...

Alena: Day and...night? So if I am sleeping tonight, I wake up tomorrow, da? Thank you, Goddess!

Ragnar: Aye, he's right - me joinin' up wi' youse was probably the work o' the Goddess as well...

Maya: There is being no danger of me having a heavy heart - you need to be lighter than a feather if you are wanting to be a top-class dancer!

Kiryl: Da, it can be hard to remember that we all enter this world as innocents. Ach, it is difficult to imagine that some of us ever were young... For example, Borya...

Borya: Heroes are blessed doubly, I mind. Blessed with ability to overcome excessive hardship.

Borya: But they have also doubly responsibility to not take evil path. To do so is to forsake their destinies...

Meena: Estark is being reborn...? Arey, I hope the new one will not be as awful-awful as the one we defeated...

Torneko: Tales of yer antics have made it all the way out here as well, Hero.

Torneko: I'm wonderin' if I could get ye to pose for a few promotional pictures when ye've got a minute, like...

Alena: I am not concerning if there are ten new Estarks, or even twenty - I am capable to defeat them all!

Alena: And I will to make soft carpet for castle from Estark's pelt!

Maya: Surely the main concern is being Psaro's face, no? It is being so pretty-pretty right now.

Maya: What if it evolves into something horrible and ugly, please? Is no one else worrying about this?

Kiryl: Aga, we should never have permitted armlet of transmutation to be stolen away from us in Vrenor...

Kiryl: Humbly we beg your forgiving, mighty Goddess...

Ragnar: Och, if Psaro's mastered the Secret of Evolution, he's gonnae be a real tough nut tae crack... Ach, I cannae wait tae take him on!

Meena: It is seeming to me that, while heaven above is the source of everything holy, all things evil are coming from down below, no?

Borya: Ach, if Psaro did not cheat and use Secret of Evolution, he could not hope even slightly to overthrow us!

Orifiela: I wonder if the Dragon God is aware of the existence of Psaro the Manslayer...

Maya: "Armlet of transmutation"...? Is this auntie talking about the same thing that we found out about from Father's book?

Alena: If we did not exchange armlet of transmutation for freedom of Anya... Aga, there is no point for thinking of this now.

Alena: At least I am so much more stronger now than I was. There is nothing capable to hold me back...

Borya: Oplya, I had feeling we should not to have become involved in matter of impostors at Vrenor...

Alena: Oya, if Psaro is curdled soup of hatred, then I am big bowl of bitterness borscht!

Alena: My father and populace of Zamoksva is being kidnapped. Naturally I am bitter!

Kiryl: I am pondering if there is potential method of halting Psaro without doing battle... Nyet, perhaps not...

Ragnar: Och, the stronger the enemy, the funner the fight, that's whit I've always said! I'm champin' at the bit tae take on this Psaro laddie!

Meena: If the Goddess has been guiding us on all our travels, then this is filling me with hope.

Meena: It is meaning that we were meant to become acquaintances... It is meaning that our coming together is for a purpose...

Maya: If the Goddess was knowing what we were doing, why was she not smiting the awful-awful baddies herself, please?

Maya: If she was guiding us, then we are doing a lot of work for her. I am hoping at least our work will be very well rewarded...

Torneko: If the Goddess really is all-powerful, she'd be a right wan to have by yer side at the casino, so she would!

Alena: I am not needing to listen to prophecy of Goddess - I already perceive what will occur.

Alena: We will eradicate all evil and restore peace to whole world! It can be no other way!

Kiryl: Even all-powerful Goddess is not knowing how fate of world will be. I am concerning...

Kiryl: Perhaps I should escort Tsarevna Alena to safe place... Nyet, she would never permit it...

Borya: It is more better to trust in abilities of oneself, not in prophecies. This is how I do! Ho ho!

Ragnar: I couldnae really follow any o' whit that lassie was sayin'. Ach it's probably no important anyway. We just need tae push on, that's all.

Meena: Priest-wallah must be talking about the Stairway to Zenithia that Orifiela mentioned, no?

Kiryl: T-Tower...? L-Leading to Z-Zenithia...? Oya, I am already feeling dizzy...

Orifiela: He is correct! The Stairway to Zenithia is indeed located on this island!

Maya: It is sounding like Zenithia is having quite a strict dress code, sis! We will be needing new clothes and new accessories...

Maya: Come on, let's go shopping!

Torneko: Sure, the Zenithian sword an' shield really are the stuff o' legend, so they are!

Alena: I am boring in balloon because there is no enemy to fight... On other hand, I am sure there will be much fighting on path to Zenithia!

Kiryl: I am not personally possessing any Zenithian equipment. Perhaps I should to stay here on the ground, nyet...?

Kiryl: ...Nyet? O-Of course not. I am coming with you. I am just pondering how much high it is...

Orifiela: Zenithians such as myself may ascend freely, of course, but there are indeed conditions for those who hail from the world below.

Maya: It is probably just as well that I am liking towers and hating caves then, no? Accha, horrible, damp, awful caves...

Torneko: So the underworld goes by the name o' Nadiria, eh? "Roll up, roll up, tours o' Nadiria"! No, I'd never get insurance fer a venture like that...

Alena: Fighting with monsters in Stairway to Zenithia will make me much, much, much more stronger!

Alena: Then, when I am coming back down here, I will be capable to beat Psaro the Manslayer until he is blackened and blue!

Borya: We are not monster, we are not Zenithian... So we are not permitted to enter this cave?

Borya: Oh-yo-yoy, things continue to become more and more harder with each day...

Meena: Falling from the sky? That is the same story as is happening to Orifiela...

Kiryl: F-Falling...!? From s-sky...!? Oya, this is my most worst nightmare!

Orifiela: Oh my! An acquaintance of mine has suffered grave injury! We must go to their aid!

Torneko: Sure, it stands to reason that people all over the world are scratchin' their heads wonderin' where Hero's got to...

Alena: If she is feeling so desperate for meeting Hero, I could simply employ mod rod upon myself. She would never perceive difference!

Orifiela: I am sensing that this man has something which he would like to communicate to Hero...

Meena: The Dragon God is sitting in Zenithia, so we should be using the Stairway to Zenithia to reach there, no? Come on, then - he is waiting on us!

Maya: What a nice-nice man he is! Perhaps I should be looking after him until he is feeling better...?

Kiryl: Ach, it was inevitable that I would be forced to climb Stairway to Zenithia. Oh-yoy-yoy...

Orifiela: The Dragon God awaits us, of that I am certain. Come, we must not keep him waiting!

Meena: I am not sensing any monstrous presences here...

Maya: What a dreary-dreary place. I am feeling like I am in a cemetery or something...

Torneko: I don't mind goin' down the stairs, and I don't mind jumpin' down the hole. What I do mind is havin' to make a decision!

Alena: Perhaps hidden staircase appears if we obliterate all statues in this room...

Alena: ...Nyet? Is not possible...?

Kiryl: Nothing is making me more petrified than to jump down from high places...

Kiryl: So if we must to head downwards, let us use stairs, da?

Borya: Young people of your ilk probably are not knowing this, but bones are becoming more brittle as body grows more elderly.

Borya: Is getting to stage now where I must to worry about breaking something every time I do even little fall. Therefore, no falls, please!

Ragnar: Och, we dinnae need tae bother wi' stairs - let's just hop doon the hole in the centre an' see whit happens!

Orifiela: This place is known as Baron's Folly. It was constructed in the same era as the Stairway to Zenithia...

Meena: Arey, it is always being so nice and cool in cellars of stone buildings...

Maya: Let us be taking what we are coming here for, and heading back above ground, chop-chop.

Maya: I am not wishing to spend any more time than I have to in this creepy-creepy place...

Torneko: I don't think ye'd be gettin' much passin' trade if ye opened a little shop down here, like.

Torneko: Sure, but it does seem a shame not to make use o' the auld elevator...

Alena: Aga, I had considered that this place appeared unstimulating, and I am accurate - there are no monsters here!

Kiryl: No humans are present here, nor monsters neither. Does this signify that this place is inhabited by something else...?

Kiryl: Something such as...ghosts!?

Borya: Ahchoo! (sniff)

Borya: Lack of human movement encourages dust to settle thickly. This is bad news for nose!

Ragnar: I think we're all the way doon on the bottom floor noo...

Orifiela: I am afraid that I do not know why this place was constructed. My knowledge is somewhat lacking in such areas...

Meena: The Stairway to Zenithia is clearly a special-special place. People who are not being worthy are turned away at the entrance...

Maya: Waah! This tower is sky-high! Actually, I am thinking it is impossible to walk to the top, no?

Torneko: Ye can stare all ye like from down here - 'tis impossible to see the top o' the tower, so it is.

Alena: If ordinary people is not allowing in here, then I am thinking it will be filled with monsters, nyet? Come, let us rush inside!

Kiryl: This tower, it was not build with human hands. It possesses powerful holy aura...

Borya: Ach, my neck is beginning to ache when I am trying to see to top of tower. It appears that stories of its reaching to Zenithia could perhaps be with truth...

Ragnar: This tur feels a wee bit different tae all the other ones we've been up and doon on oor travels...

Orifiela: This tower forms the Stairway to Zenithia. As its name suggests, access to the realm beyond the clouds can be gained from the topmost floor...

Meena: It is sure to be no easy task to climb to the top of this tall-tall tower.

Meena: If we are not feeling totally ready, it is being better to turn back now, no?

Maya: If every floor on the way to the top is being as big and as boring as this one, then this climb will be dull, dull, dull!

Torneko: If the Dragon God really did build this tower, it's bound to have a rake o' treasure in it...

Alena: I am noticing signs of much monster activity... I am impatient to witness species of monsters making habitat here...and to smash them!

Kiryl: This place, it is tower, but design is more akin to temple or shrine... Perhaps this is sign that Goddess herself constructed it...

Borya: We are still having considerable distance to cover. We should to use magic sparingly - we do not wish to find ourselves being unable to cast spells.

Ragnar: This maybe a holy tur, but that hasnae stopped a shedload o' monsters makin' their homes here.

Ragnar: It's no enough just tae make it inside - withoot plenty o' fightin' an' climbin' muscle, ye'd never make it tae the top...

Orifiela: If we were all blessed with wings, we could fly up to Zenithia in no time at all. Being human must be so terribly inconvenient...

Meena: I had better not be doing any fortune-telling here - the wind will blow my precious cards away, and I will never be seeing them again!

Maya: Arey, this breeze feels so so nice... I am always being a big fan of high places, since many years now.

Maya: I am not so fond of having to climb up to them, though...

Torneko: Sure, it'll take more than a bit o' wind to blow Torneko Talloon off his feet, so it will!

Alena: Be cautious! Otherwise monsters will push us off tower, and we will land at bottom with big bump!

Kiryl: Oh-yo-yoy... Presence of handrail is not doing so much to ease my fear for high places...

Borya: Uf... (pant) Uf...

Borya: ...Hm? Do not be mistaking! I am not... (pant) Not slightly fatigued... Uf...

Ragnar: As long as ye look at the view and no straight doon, it doesnae really feel like yer that high up, eh?

Orifiela: The breeze is just wonderful... I feel I could soar through the skies forever with this wind beneath my wings...


Meena: Sorry, sorry... The wind is so so strong up here, I cannot hear you very well...

Maya: We have been higher than this in the balloon, no? Definitely, I have seen this view from a greater altitude than this.

Torneko: 'Tis easy to ignore the strain o' the climb if ye think o' the treasure we're goin' to find!

Alena: I am ready for continuing to climb! Come, let us continue!

Kiryl: Slowly... Let us to proceed slowly... I am constantly with fear that wind will blow us off tower at any moment...

Borya: Haa... Haa... (wheeze) Is becoming more difficult to respire... Air is...more thinner up here...

Ragnar: If this was a normal tur, we'd be at the top by noo. Unluckily for us, it isnae - looks like we've a long way tae gae yet...

Orifiela: Please, keep going everyone! We are not yet halfway up the Stairway. We have a long way to go yet...

Meena: The monsters in the tower are being placed here to test us, no?

Meena: I am feeling sure the Dragon God is being keen to see how strong we really are...

Maya: Arey, we are still not reaching the top, please? I have had enough of walking! Arey, I wish I was hearing the clip-clop of Mary Lou's hooves now...

Torneko: Once we've got rid o' the monsters from in here, I can set up a shop on every floor, so I can! Sure, it'll be grand craic altogether!

Alena: Combating monsters is perfect way for getting blood to pump, and to keep body warm!

Kiryl: While walls enclose us, and I am incapable to see how much high up we are, I remain calm. When is not so... Yoy... (shudder)

Borya: Brrr... (shiver) Is cold up here, nyet? I mind the temperature has dropped significantly...

Ragnar: Och, this floor's a wee bit more spacious than the others, eh?

Orifiela: Finally, we are at the halfway point. Now we need simply climb the other half of the tower, and we will have reached Zenithia.

Meena: Accha, I am being way too tired to enjoy the view any more after the amount of climbing we are doing!

Maya: Surely we have reached the top floor by now? No? How many floors is this tower having, please!?

Torneko: We're so high up now that the view just looks like a paintin', like. Sure, it doesn't even feel real, so it doesn't...

Alena: I have defeated a suffiency of monsters. Appetite for combat is sated. For now...

Alena: Of course, if we are coming under attack, I will leap vigorously once more into action!

Kiryl: Oyaaaaaa! Wind is causing whole tower to sway!

Kiryl: I am only hoping that pillars for supporting tower can withstand such forces!

Borya: Will we be capable to reach summit of tower before extinguishing all our energy? I mind we will soon discover this...

Ragnar: Aye, we've come a long way, there's no denyin' it. But if ye've no fight left in ye, headin' back noo is the braver decision, ken?

Orifiela: We have done so well to come this far. It is just a little further now...

Meena: I am wondering if anyone apart from us is ever having climbed this tower...

Meena: Arey, perhaps we will be the first humans who are making it to the top!

Maya: Haa... (pant) Do not be...talking to me now, please... I am not even having the energy left...to complain...

Torneko: Sure, if ye had an inn up here, ye could charge ten-thousand gold coins a night, and some eejit would still be sure to pay it, so they would!

Alena: Stairway to Zenithia is without doubt most highest tower I have climbed in my life. This is reason for why it is my favourite!

Kiryl: Hm? I am appearing deathly pale? Did someone make such remark?

Kiryl: Da, deathly is how I am feeling... Thin air and high places are not agreeing with me at all... Fu...

Borya: For why architect for this tower did not install moving floor for transportation of visitors from bottom all way to top...? Yoy...

Ragnar: Och, thin air and fatigue's a nasty combination... It's makin' me lose ma focus...

Orifiela: I had never considered how arduous walking up the Stairway to Zenithia might actually be...

Maya: Orifiela is a nice-nice girl, but she is being a little...different, no?

Maya: Arey, it is being no wonder if she was raised in a place like this, I suppose...

Alena: Orifiela is currently unintimidating, but with little bit training, I mind she is capable to become ferocious like me.

Alena: It would be great waste if her journey is ending here...

Kiryl: Sometimes, value of people is not realised until they have departed...

Kiryl: But in case of Orifiela, I comprehended from outset that she is pure-hearted person.

Ragnar: Och, it brings a tear tae ma eye tae think that this is goodbye! I was hopin' that Orifiela lassie would be wi' us a wee while longer...

Maya: Any Zenithian who is taking to the stage at Laissez Fayre is becoming a big-big star overnight for certain!

Torneko: Sure, 'tis a grand sight altogether - everyone who lives here has wings, just like yer wan Orifiela!

Alena: Air of Zenithia is so much thin! With training here, I mind it would be capable to develop superlative stamina!

Kiryl: Zenithia possesses sturdy foundations, da? Is not liable to fall through cloud and crash to ground below? I firmly hope so...

Borya: Ahchoo! (sniff) Aga, is so much chilly up here! Wind is cutting through to my bones...

Ragnar: Losh, it's frightenin' tae think how far we've come! I never wouldae thought a simple soldier like me could make it all the way tae Zenithia!

Meena: We could not have been coming to a place like this without your guidance, Hero. We are feeling very very grateful to you.

Maya: If we are being their first visitors for many years, I am thinking they could at least be preparing a little party for us, no!?

Alena: Is regrettable that we are wingless. If we were capable to fly, we would not be required to climb long and arduous stairways during subsequent visits...

Kiryl: Is this meaning that lifespan of Zenithian is more longer than that of human, perhaps?

Borya: I am wondering who were previous wingless visitors...

Meena: Sparkie is not actually being one of the Chosen... But I am sure he is still a mighty-mighty fighter!

Meena: Orifiela is looking so very very professional when she is working, no? But we are knowing that she can be relaxed as well!

Maya: I am wondering... Yes, actually Sparkie will be very very popular also if we are putting him on stage in Laissez Fayre!

Maya: Is it only me, or is Orifiela acting more formally now she is returning to Zenithia?

Alena: Sparkie is dragon, da? Then his scales must to be so much tough and resilient...

Alena: We are not even needing to furnish for him any armour, I mind!

Kiryl: Orifiela was remarkable in world below, but here she is simply ordinary Zenithian amongst many others...

Borya: Yoy! Dragon, hm? Another formidable friend joins with us!

Ragnar: Och, it's strange tae see Orifiela so serious at her work - she seemed a wee bit more relaxed when she was down below wi' us...

Meena: Orifiela is looking so very very professional when she is working, no? But we are knowing that she can be relaxed as well!

Maya: Is it only me, or is Orifiela acting more formally now she is returning to Zenithia?

Kiryl: Orifiela was remarkable in world below, but here she is simply ordinary Zenithian amongst many others...

Ragnar: Och, it's strange tae see Orifiela so serious at her work - she seemed a wee bit more relaxed when she was down below wi' us...

Meena: When Father discovered the Secret of Evolution, he was not intending for people like Psaro to be using it for such awful-awful purposes...

Maya: Father was murdered because of that awful-awful Secret of Evolution...

Maya: Until we are destroying it, our revenge is not being complete!

Torneko: So yer man Psaro's tryin' to evolve himself, is he?

Torneko: Sounds like we'd better get movin' then, else we'll be fightin' against another Estark, so we will!

Alena: If Psaro is desiring it, I will give myself handicap when we are fighting. Even then, he will require drastic evolution for to vanquish me!

Ragnar: We're just goin' tae hae tae finish Psaro off, an' consign the Secret o' Evolution tae history while we're at it!

Meena: The lack of a father is something we are having in common, Hero...

Torneko: Yerra, I'm sure I've heard a similar tale to this one somewhere before, like...

Maya: If I am understanding her correctly, she is saying that Hero's mother is still being alive, no?

Kiryl: So we are capable to deduce from this that your father is extinct, Hero...

Kiryl: Aga, apologies! I did not intend to speak lightly concerning so much grave matter...

Meena: Arey, those elves are so so cute! Just like me and you when we were kids, sis!

Maya: Arey! What cheeky-cheeky little so-and-sos! If they are not careful, I will be giving them a clip around the ear!

Torneko: Sure, there's never anyone ye want to be talkin' to more than someone who refuses to talk to you. 'Tis human nature, so it is!

Torneko: 'Tis a shame yer man Tom Foolery's not here - he'd at least have been able to make the little blighters laugh...

Alena: Elves dislike humans...? Da, is true. At Birdsong Tower, elves fled instantly upon detecting us...

Meena: If Father was not being an alchemist, he would not discover the Secret of Evolution, and he would still be living today...

Maya: I am starting to want to try out the Secret of Evolution for myself...

Maya: Perhaps if I am using it on naughty-naughty people, they will become good and honest... Yes! And lazy uncles will become hard-working men!

Torneko: This Secret of Evolution yoke sounds like a terrifyin' item altogether. If sealin' it away won't work, maybe smashin' it to smithereens is the only way...

Borya: It is seeming that, no matter how many times Secret of Evolution is being sealed away, it is always being rediscovered...

Alena: So Estark we fought and defeated...his evolution was not complete...?


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Alena: Aga, I am so much disappointing! I wished to combat versus real thing, not incomplete version!

Kiryl: Yoy, if Estark had fully awoken and rampaged through lands above ground, this would have been so much cataclysmic...

Ragnar: Losh! So even though we defeated Estark, Psaro reckons he might be able tae replace him? Hoots, mon...

Meena: They left you to fend for yourself down below, Hero, just because you are having human blood...

Meena: When you are thinking of it like that, the Zenith Dragon seems a very very cruel creature...

Maya: Are you seeing how the soldiers are looking at you, Hero? I am thinking you must be a big-big hero to them!

Ragnar: Och, it must be the human blood in ye that means ye've no wings, Hero!

Meena: All this talk of castles in the sky, it is just sounding like some kiddy-kiddy fairy tale to me. Is this place really existing, please?

Maya: Look at Orifiela's wings please, and try telling me they would not make a smashing stage costume!

Torneko: When I set out on me journey to find the Zenithian Sword, I never thought it'd turn out to belong to a god, like! Janey Mac...

Torneko: It must be worth a rake o' gold, so it must! C'mon, we need to be gettin' the whole set o' Zenithian kit together, sharpish!

Alena: Dragon God cannot be induced to combat us, I am assuming? Alas... He seems worthy opponent...

Kiryl: Castle floating in clouds... Stairway leading until heavens... Oplya, merely the thinking of it is making me to feel faint!

Borya: Words of Orifiela are very much interesting - if they are not fabrications... Hmm...

Borya: Those who possess Zenithian equipment are capable to enter Zenithia itself...? Come, let us discover if this is true!

Ragnar: Orifiela's injured, the poor wee thing... We need tae get her back tae Zenithia, sharpish!

Tom Foolery: Ye brought me along to help yerselves get a hold o' the Zenithian Helm, right? Sure, I've a memory like a leaky leather hat, so I have...

Tom Foolery: Hey, who's nastier, Maya or Meena?
Meena - because she's meaner!

Meena: Mister jester-wallah, that is just awful-awful! I am not being mean at all!

Tom Foolery: Ah, sure, it was only a bit o' craic, like - no harm intended! Just a gag, ye know? Don't go takin' it the wrong way, now...

Orifiela: Please, return me to Zenithia! I am begging you!

Orifiela: You must assemble the Zenithian equipment and proceed to the Stairway. It is the only way!

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...

Orifiela: Hero, this is amazing... Only Zenithians can use the Zenithian equipment...

Orifiela: Does this mean that you are one of us...?

Meena: I am wondering what kind of king is sitting in a castle in the clouds... We will have to visit him and find out. Come on, chop-chop!

Maya: The clouds are so so fluffy! They are much nicer for walking on than the hard-hard ground! Accha, I would love to be taking a little nap here...

Torneko: Janey Mac - a castle in the clouds!
Sure 'tis just like a fairy tale, so it is!

Alena: We are truly walking upon cloud...? Yoy!

Kiryl: N-No, please! No more of this! I am sinking more and more deeper into cloud with every step!

Kiryl: Very moment I feel foot pass through to empty space below, I will refuse to make even one more step!

Borya: This place, it is heaven... Da, we are reaching heaven, and our lives are not yet even expired...

Ragnar: Where in the world hae we ended up noo!? Och, it's beyond the means of a simple soldier like me tae even describe it!

Orifiela: Praise be! I have returned home, to Zenithia! And I owe it all to you...

Meena: The way the Zenithian sword is glowing... Arey, it is like it is being reborn! It is going to be bringing us great victories, I am sure of it!

Meena: The Zenithian Sword, blessed by the almighty Zenith Dragon, is sure to be delivering us from darkness...

Maya: It is shocking enough to be visiting a castle in the clouds. I did not think for a second we would be meeting a god up here...!

Maya: Can we really be defeating a creature that can attack Zenithia from way beneath the ground below...? I am not much liking our chances...

Torneko: Sure, I only set out to get me hands on the Zenithian Sword! How in the hokey did I manage to get caught up in all this craziness...?

Alena: This time I will make showdown against Psaro the Manslayer, and no one will obstruct me!

Kiryl: We are merely humans... Are we truly capable to defeat creature in ultimate state of evolution...?

Kiryl: "Wave of malice"...? Is this same black force which shook to its very foundations the castle...?

Borya: Zenith Dragon... God of all dragonkind...

Borya: It is for momentous honour of encountering such exalted personage that my years were extended so lengthily, I am certain!

Borya: I am now proximal to certainty that creatures of world of darkness are culpable for vanishment of populace of Zamoksva...

Ragnar: Let's be away, Hero. We need tae put the kibosh on Psaro's ambitions!

Ragnar: We'll need tae keep oor wits aboot us in this Nadiria place - there'll be tricks and traps aplenty, I shouldn't wonder...

Meena: The Zenithian Sword, blessed by the almighty Zenith Dragon, is sure to be delivering us from darkness...

Maya: Can we really be defeating a creature that can attack Zenithia from way beneath the ground below...? I am not much liking our chances...

Kiryl: "Wave of malice"...? Is this same black force which shook to its very foundations the castle...?

Borya: I am now proximal to certainty that creatures of world of darkness are culpable for vanishment of populace of Zamoksva...

Ragnar: We'll need tae keep oor wits aboot us in this Nadiria place - there'll be tricks and traps aplenty, I shouldn't wonder...

Meena: They left you to fend for yourself down below, Hero, just because you are having human blood...

Meena: When you are thinking of it like that, the Zenith Dragon seems a very very cruel creature...

Maya: Are you seeing how the soldiers are looking at you, Hero? I am thinking you must be a big-big hero to them!

Ragnar: Och, it must be the human blood in ye that means ye've no wings, Hero!

Meena: Arey, those elves are so so cute! Just like me and you when we were kids, sis!

Maya: Arey! What cheeky-cheeky little so-and-sos! If they are not careful, I will be giving them a clip around the ear!

Torneko: Sure, there's never anyone ye want to be talkin' to more than someone who refuses to talk to you. 'Tis human nature, so it is!

Torneko: 'Tis a shame yer man Tom Foolery's not here - he'd at least have been able to make the little blighters laugh...

Alena: Elves dislike humans...? Da, is true. At Birdsong Tower, elves fled instantly upon detecting us...

Meena: If Father was not being an alchemist, he would not discover the Secret of Evolution, and he would still be living today...

Maya: I am starting to want to try out the Secret of Evolution for myself...

Maya: Perhaps if I am using it on naughty-naughty people, they will become good and honest... Yes! And lazy uncles will become hard-working men!

Torneko: This Secret of Evolution yoke sounds like a terrifyin' item altogether. If sealin' it away won't work, maybe smashin' it to smithereens is the only way...

Borya: It is seeming that, no matter how many times Secret of Evolution is being sealed away, it is always being rediscovered...

Alena: So Estark we fought and defeated...his evolution was not complete...?

Alena: Aga, I am so much disappointing! I wished to combat versus real thing, not incomplete version!

Kiryl: Yoy, if Estark had fully awoken and rampaged through lands above ground, this would have been so much cataclysmic...

Ragnar: Losh! So even though we defeated Estark, Psaro reckons he might be able tae replace him? Hoots, mon...

Maya: Any Zenithian who is taking to the stage at Laissez Fayre is becoming a big-big star overnight for certain!

Torneko: Sure, 'tis a grand sight altogether - everyone who lives here has wings, just like yer wan Orifiela!

Alena: Air of Zenithia is so much thin! With training here, I mind it would be capable to develop superlative stamina!

Kiryl: Zenithia possesses sturdy foundations, da? Is not liable to fall through cloud and crash to ground below? I firmly hope so...

Borya: Ahchoo! (sniff) Aga, is so much chilly up here! Wind is cutting through to my bones...

Ragnar: Losh, it's frightenin' tae think how far we've come! I never wouldae thought a simple soldier like me could make it all the way tae Zenithia!

Meena: We could not have been coming to a place like this without your guidance, Hero. We are feeling very very grateful to you.

Maya: If we are being their first visitors for many years, I am thinking they could at least be preparing a little party for us, no!?

Alena: Is regrettable that we are wingless. If we were capable to fly, we would not be required to climb long and arduous stairways during subsequent visits...

Kiryl: Is this meaning that lifespan of Zenithian is more longer than that of human, perhaps?

Borya: I am wondering who were previous wingless visitors...

Maya: No matter what is happening down below, it is always being safe up here...

Maya: Still, it would be awful-awful if we were not having a home to return to. That is why we have to be defeating this evil person, no?

Alena: You must only to wait, Psaro! Our showdown draws close! We are destined to battle ever since tournament of Endor!

Kiryl: "Wicked foe"...? Oya, he is talking of Psaro the Manslayer, it is certain...

Ragnar: Now that Psaro the Manslayer's got hold o' the Secret o' Evolution, the world cannae be at peace until we do somethin' aboot him...

Meena: Accha, I am wondering if this wave attack is simply an attempt to be luring us into a trap...

Kiryl: It is good that castle is not harmed... But h-hole in clouds...?

Kiryl: Oplya, if next wave of malice is striking cloud where we are standing, we will fall whole way down to ground! Fu...

Borya: If Psaro is possessing capacity for attacking directly Zenithia, I mind he is already reaching ultimate state of evolution...

Ragnar: Jings! So these Zenithians dinnae ken whit an earthquake feels like, then? Lucky wee devils...

Torneko: I'm just after havin' meself a quick peek down through that hole, an' the ground really is an awful long way away, so it is...

Torneko: I just hope we don't hit a rock an' get turned into piles o' stew...

Alena: We are coming for you, Psaro! Come, let us to jump through hole in clouds and enter to Nadiria!

Kiryl: I-Is she meaning we must to fall through tear in clouds if we wish to reach Nadiria...? Oplya, I pray is not so...

Meena: Sparkie is not actually being one of the Chosen... But I am sure he is still a mighty-mighty fighter!

Meena: Orifiela is looking so very very professional when she is working, no? But we are knowing that she can be relaxed as well!

Maya: I am wondering... Yes, actually Sparkie will be very very popular also if we are putting him on stage in Laissez Fayre!

Maya: Is it only me, or is Orifiela acting more formally now she is returning to Zenithia?

Alena: Sparkie is dragon, da? Then his scales must to be so much tough and resilient...

Alena: We are not even needing to furnish for him any armour, I mind!

Kiryl: Orifiela was remarkable in world below, but here she is simply ordinary Zenithian amongst many others...

Borya: Yoy! Dragon, hm? Another formidable friend joins with us!

Ragnar: Och, it's strange tae see Orifiela so serious at her work - she seemed a wee bit more relaxed when she was down below wi' us...

Meena: Orifiela is looking so very very professional when she is working, no? But we are knowing that she can be relaxed as well!

Maya: Is it only me, or is Orifiela acting more formally now she is returning to Zenithia?

Kiryl: Orifiela was remarkable in world below, but here she is simply ordinary Zenithian amongst many others...

Ragnar: Och, it's strange tae see Orifiela so serious at her work - she seemed a wee bit more relaxed when she was down below wi' us...

Meena: When Father discovered the Secret of Evolution, he was not intending for people like Psaro to be using it for such awful-awful purposes...

Maya: Father was murdered because of that awful-awful Secret of Evolution...

Maya: Until we are destroying it, our revenge is not being complete!

Torneko: So yer man Psaro's tryin' to evolve himself, is he?

Torneko: Sounds like we'd better get movin' then, else we'll be fightin' against another Estark, so we will!

Alena: If Psaro is desiring it, I will give myself handicap when we are fighting. Even then, he will require drastic evolution for to vanquish me!

Ragnar: We're just goin' tae hae tae finish Psaro off, an' consign the Secret o' Evolution tae history while we're at it!

Meena: The lack of a father is something we are having in common, Hero...

Torneko: Yerra, I'm sure I've heard a similar tale to this one somewhere before, like...

Maya: If I am understanding her correctly, she is saying that Hero's mother is still being alive, no?

Kiryl: So we are capable to deduce from this that your father is extinct, Hero...

Kiryl: Aga, apologies! I did not intend to speak lightly concerning so much grave matter...

Maya: Arey, this place is falling apart, no?

Torneko: Takin' a quick break, are we? Sure, 'tis a fine idea!

Alena: This place is so much strange... I am feeling strength swelling up inside me...

Kiryl: Is quiet here, especially when comparing to what we are accustomed with...

Kiryl: Da, there are no monsters present. This is making it perfect place for restoring our spirits, I mind...

Borya: Aura of this place, it is not so much dissimilar to aura of Zenithia itself...

Ragnar: I still dinnae ken whit this place is. It feels awful auld, I can tell ye that much...

Meena: I am sensing that this is being a safe place for us, Hero...


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Alena: There is way for us to break barrier in here! I am certain of it!

Alena: Come, let us make move!

Ragnar: We'll no ken what's waitin' for us up ahead unless we gae and find oot, eh?

Meena: This is an awful-awful place... I was never imagining there would be such terrible things hiding under the ground...

Kiryl: Breaking barrier will not be easy task, I mind...

Maya: I am sensing a great stupidity... But it is one which we must be being careful of...

Torneko: The way the ground's lit up beneath our feet here is quare altogether... Still, 'tis nice an' pretty, so it is...

Alena: There is not one thing I am enjoying more than to make combat with formidable enemies.

Alena: After all, I am knowing that every victory I make is bringing world one step closer to peace, da?

Kiryl: I am sensing so much powerful aura... I am doubting if Whack spell will have effect with such opponent...

Borya: Come... We must to focus, and to overcome this trial...

Ragnar: Jings! There's no too many chinks in this laddie's armour, eh?

Meena: Why are we stopping to chat here, please? Are you wanting our enemies to be knowing all our plans!?

Meena: We should be pushing on, not idling!

Meena: This should be meaning that one of the barriers at least is now destroyed...

Maya: When your enemy is playing silly-billy tricks before fighting, it is only a sign that they are lacking confidence.

Maya: Such meek mice will never ever be a match for the mighty Maya!

Torneko: Phew... (pant) Phew... We...won!

Torneko: Sure, ole Torneko Taloon's a handier article than ye were thinkin', so he is!

Alena: In last battle we are fighting, I was really capable to notice how powerful we are all becoming!

Ragnar: That beastie wasnae as much of a challenge as I was hopin'!

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrrrrrooo!

Meena: So, which barrier should we be destroying next, please?

Maya: By building barriers for protecting themselves, these monsters are only proving that they are big scaredy-cats, innit!

Maya: Let's be remembering that as we keep going!

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing ole Torneko Taloon's not lackin', it's physical presence, if ye know what I mean! I'll not go down without a serious wallop!

Alena: Alright, onwards to next one! Bystro, bystro! We have not need for being here now!

Kiryl: Let us to remain calm as we are proceeding. There is no meaning in to lose life due to haste.

Kiryl: Nevertheless, it is now time to be leaving this place, I mind...

Borya: We should to exit this place.

Borya: We can consider what we must to do next after we are reaching outside.

Ragnar: Och, we've no reason tae be in here any more. Let's be away tae the next one...

Meena: Arey, I am feeling a little bit worn out... If it is possible, it would be lovely to take just a teeny-weeny break...

Meena: I am not sensing any presences any longer. We do not need to be here any more...

Maya: It is becoming clear to me that every den is having its own big boss monster.

Maya: Still, even the biggest, baddest monsters are not being a match for us!

Torneko: Janey Mac, 'tis a nice feelin' when a job's been all boxed off, like!

Torneko: Oh, right... We're not quite finished yet, so... Sorry, I was gettin' ahead o' meself there...

Alena: Yahoy! We have finally destructed all barriers!

Kiryl: Power of den boss we defeated does not compare with power of our final nemesis, I mind...

Kiryl: Oplya! But this is not meaning I am frightful! Nyet, not at all...

Borya: Our work is not concluded yet. We must to retain focus.

Ragnar: There's no more for us tae be daein' here in this den, I dinnae think...

Ragnar: I dinnae think there's anybody here, tae be honest wi' ye...

Sparkie: Grrrooo!

Meena: Arey, I am having a ominous premonition just now... What is awaiting us in here, please?

Kiryl: I am not frightening. I am with firm belief in our powers.

Maya: Come, let us be finishing all our work so we can be returning to our homes! Chop-chop!

Maya: Once I am back in Laissez Fayre, I am going to spend one whole entire day drinking. Glug-glug!

Meena: Please, sis! Now is not the time to be talking about things like this!

Torneko: This place has a quare layout altogether...

Alena: Is no time for to talk! We must to push off!

Kiryl: We must to eliminate barrier that is being produced from here...

Borya: Mmm... I am getting strong sense that boss of this den is possessing much great power...

Ragnar: Nobody's injured or anythin', are they? You'll no thank yerselves if ye get caught at anythin' but yer best roond these parts...

Meena: Remain focused, please! Complacency can turn even routine victories into embarrassing defeats!

Meena: Psaro the Manslayer... I cannot stop wondering what he is now becoming...

Maya: Arey, I am feeling a teeny-weeny bit tired... Is it time for a rest yet?

Maya: Unless everyone is wanting to push on, of course... I am easy either way.

Torneko: D-Did ye see that...? J-Janey Mac...! Sure, I scared even meself with me ferocity in that little set-to...

Alena: I am undamaged. Other compatriots are healthful too, I trust?

Kiryl: It appears one of barriers is now vanished...

Borya: Respect must be accredited to those who display fierce loyalty even at moment of passing. This is applying even to foes...

Ragnar: "Psaro the Manslayer"'s no a name I'll be forgettin' in a hurry... "Rose" either...

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrrrrrooo!

Meena: So, which barrier should we be destroying next, please?

Maya: By building barriers for protecting themselves, these monsters are only proving that they are big scaredy-cats, innit!

Maya: Let's be remembering that as we keep going!

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing ole Torneko Taloon's not lackin', it's physical presence, if ye know what I mean! I'll not go down without a serious wallop!

Alena: Alright, onwards to next one! Bystro, bystro! We have not need for being here now!

Kiryl: Let us to remain calm as we are proceeding. There is no meaning in to lose life due to haste.

Kiryl: Nevertheless, it is now time to be leaving this place, I mind...

Borya: We should to exit this place.

Borya: We can consider what we must to do next after we are reaching outside.

Ragnar: Och, we've no reason tae be in here any more. Let's be away tae the next one...

Meena: Arey, I am feeling a little bit worn out... If it is possible, it would be lovely to take just a teeny-weeny break...

Maya: It is becoming clear to me that every den is having its own big boss monster.

Maya: Still, even the biggest, baddest monsters are not being a match for us!

Torneko: Janey Mac, 'tis a nice feelin' when a job's been all boxed off, like!

Torneko: Oh, right... We're not quite finished yet, so... Sorry, I was gettin' ahead o' meself there...

Alena: Yahoy! We have finally destructed all barriers!

Kiryl: Power of den boss we defeated does not compare with power of our final nemesis, I mind...

Kiryl: Oplya! But this is not meaning I am frightful! Nyet, not at all...

Kiryl: This place, it is filled with so much eerie silence...

Borya: Our work is not concluded yet. We must to retain focus.

Ragnar: There's no more for us tae be daein' here in this den, I dinnae think...

Ragnar: Ach, I cannae help but feel that comin' here again was a wasted journey...

Sparkie: Grrrooo!

Maya: The barriers are maintained from four different places, no? Arey, I was not thinking that monsters could be dreaming up such intricate things...

Torneko: Hnnngh... Nghhh... (shiver) I-I'm not dancin', if that's what yer thinkin'!

Torneko: I'm just a bit nervous, that's all. And me knees won't let me forget about it!

Alena: Is no time for to talk! We must to push off!

Kiryl: I am wondering which method will boss of this den be using for to attack us...

Borya: Oplya! Is immediately adjacent to us! Its presence, it produces powerful aura!

Ragnar: Nobody's injured or anythin', are they? You'll no thank yerselves if ye get caught at anythin' but yer best roond these parts...

Meena: Is it not being strange that every den is completely different on the inside, sis?

Meena: Psaro the Manslayer... I cannot stop wondering what he is now becoming...

Maya: Arey, I am feeling a teeny-weeny bit tired... Is it time for a rest yet?

Maya: Unless everyone is wanting to push on, of course... I am easy either way.

Torneko: D-Did ye see that...? J-Janey Mac...! Sure, I scared even meself with me ferocity in that little set-to...

Alena: This was powerful enemy. I am suitably impressive...

Kiryl: It appears one of barriers is now vanished...

Borya: That monster... He did speak of evolution of Psaro the Manslayer, da?

Borya: Hmm... I am needing to confirm with own eyes if such thing is truly happening...

Ragnar: "Psaro the Manslayer", eh...? I've a feelin' that's no the last we'll be hearin' o' that name...

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrrrrrooo!

Meena: So, which barrier should we be destroying next, please?

Maya: By building barriers for protecting themselves, these monsters are only proving that they are big scaredy-cats, innit!

Maya: Let's be remembering that as we keep going!

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing ole Torneko Taloon's not lackin', it's physical presence, if ye know what I mean! I'll not go down without a serious wallop!

Alena: Alright, onwards to next one! Bystro, bystro! We have not need for being here now!

Kiryl: Let us to remain calm as we are proceeding. There is no meaning in to lose life due to haste.

Kiryl: Nevertheless, it is now time to be leaving this place, I mind...

Borya: We should to exit this place.

Borya: We can consider what we must to do next after we are reaching outside.

Ragnar: Och, we've no reason tae be in here any more. Let's be away tae the next one...

Meena: Arey, I am feeling a little bit worn out... If it is possible, it would be lovely to take just a teeny-weeny break...

Maya: It is becoming clear to me that every den is having its own big boss monster.

Maya: Still, even the biggest, baddest monsters are not being a match for us!

Torneko: Janey Mac, 'tis a nice feelin' when a job's been all boxed off, like!

Torneko: Oh, right... We're not quite finished yet, so... Sorry, I was gettin' ahead o' meself there...

Alena: Yahoy! We have finally destructed all barriers!

Kiryl: Power of den boss we defeated does not compare with power of our final nemesis, I mind...

Kiryl: Oplya! But this is not meaning I am frightful! Nyet, not at all...

Borya: Our work is not concluded yet. We must to retain focus.

Ragnar: There's no more for us tae be daein' here in this den, I dinnae think...


Rose: What is this place...?

Alena: This is tower, so we must to climb to top, nyet?

Ragnar: It seems a wee bit strange for there tae be a tur all the way doon here reachin' up intae the sky...

Ragnar: It's got a different...feel...tae the tur we happened across when we first came doon tae the Underworld too, eh?

Kiryl: The more higher we are climbing, the more stronger my sense of dread is becoming...

Kiryl: I cannot cease to ponder what is awaiting for us on top of this tower...

Meena: I am thinking that the best thing to do right now is to just be exploring everywhere than we can, no?

Maya: I cannot help but wonder what kind of people would build a tower all the way down here... They must have been some sweaty, stubborn so-and-sos!

Ragnar: Aye, this place looks simple enough at first glance, but ye'd soon lose yer way if ye didnae keep yer wits aboot ye...

Ragnar: Let's stay cannie while we're in here, eh?

Maya: Arey? You were not seeing anyone? There was being a person there just now... What are they doing here, please...?

Torneko: I can see sometin' on the other side o' the barrier there... Sure, it looks like some sort o'...mountain, so it does...

Alena: There is not one thing I am enjoying more than to make combat with formidable enemies.

Alena: After all, I am knowing that every victory I make is bringing world one step closer to peace, da?

Kiryl: Fu... I am not knowing why, but I am finding it little bit difficult to breathe in here...

Borya: This must be summit of tower, but I am not sensing presence of monsters... This is very much curious...

Ragnar: Hoots, even I've got a bad feelin' aboot this place...

Meena: This should be meaning that one of the barriers at least is now destroyed...

Maya: That was a close-close shave... Even I am not making jokes about this battle...

Torneko: Phew... (pant) Phew... We...won!

Torneko: But that was one tough article, so it was!

Alena: Uf... I must to say, that monster put up superlative fight!

Kiryl: I, I am fine! I am still living for fighting another day!

Borya: We must to take this opportunity for restoring some health and vigour, I mind...

Ragnar: Jings... I mustae let ma guard down for a wee second back there...

Ragnar: I didnae ken that beastie was gonnae be so powerful...

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrrrrrooo!

Meena: So, which barrier should we be destroying next, please?

Maya: By building barriers for protecting themselves, these monsters are only proving that they are big scaredy-cats, innit!

Maya: Let's be remembering that as we keep going!

Torneko: Sure, if there's one thing ole Torneko Taloon's not lackin', it's physical presence, if ye know what I mean! I'll not go down without a serious wallop!

Alena: Alright, onwards to next one! Bystro, bystro! We have not need for being here now!

Kiryl: Let us to remain calm as we are proceeding. There is no meaning in to lose life due to haste.

Kiryl: Having said this, there is no reason for us being in this tower now. We must to move on.

Borya: Primary thing we must to do is leave this tower.

Borya: We can consider what we must to do next after we are reaching outside.

Ragnar: We've done whit we came here tae dae. Let's be away, shall we?

Meena: Arey, I am feeling a little bit worn out... If it is possible, it would be lovely to take just a teeny-weeny break...

Meena: I am not sensing any presences any longer. We do not need to be here any more...

Maya: It is becoming clear to me that every den is having its own big boss monster.

Maya: Still, even the biggest, baddest monsters are not being a match for us!

Torneko: Janey Mac, 'tis a nice feelin' when a job's been all boxed off, like!

Torneko: Oh, right... We're not quite finished yet, so... Sorry, I was gettin' ahead o' meself there...

Alena: Yahoy! We have finally destructed all barriers!

Kiryl: Power of boss we are fighting in this tower does not compare with power of our final nemesis, I mind...

Kiryl: Oplya! But this is not meaning I am frightful! Nyet, not at all...

Borya: Our work is not concluded yet. We must to retain focus.

Ragnar: We've no reason tae be hangin' aroond here...

Ragnar: It doesnae look like there's anybody here...

Sparkie: Grrrooo!

Meena: Our father was responsible for discovering the Secret of Evolution...

Meena: We cannot allow monsters to be doing as they please with it - not under any circumstances!

Maya: Accha... It is seeming that we will have a mountain to climb before we are reaching Psaro - literally, I am fearing...

Torneko: I wonder how young Tipper's gettin' on back there in Endor...

Torneko: Yerra, I'm sorry, like... Sometin' must have reminded me of the little fella...

Alena: I am suddenly reminding of so many places we have visited in our journeys...

Alena: Oplya! Now is not time for becoming mired in remembrances!

Kiryl: If we are successful in saving world from destruction, perhaps then Tsarevna and I can...

Kiryl: Oplya! N-Nyet, I must not to allow myself such thoughts!

Alena: Kiryl, you are becoming red, nyet? You are blushing? For why? Please tell!

Borya: This journey will be remembered more for its enjoyable moments than its traumatic interludes, I mind.

Borya: Nyet, is too much early to say such things...

Ragnar: Och, so we've finally made it here, eh?

Ragnar: Well, ye dinnae need tae worry - i' Ragnar McRyan aroond, there's nothin' tae be scared of!

Maya: If Psaro the Manslayer is having used the Secret of Evolution, I cannot begin to imagine what has become of him...

Torneko: Sure, me journey should have ended back when ye got yer hands on the Zenithian Sword, Hero...

Torneko: But I'm glad I kept goin', so I am. I'd hate to think I wasn't there fer youse all at a time like this...

Alena: Merely to walk a path does not guarantee its committal to memory.

Alena: Occasionally, we must to halt and consider carefully where we must venture next.

Kiryl: We must to ensure that we are ready for monster attack at any moment...

Borya: I am wondering toward what manner of hellish place we are heading...

Borya: Nyet! There is no purpose in such thoughts! Truth is close at hand now - we must to push ahead!

Ragnar: Och, this place isnae just big - it's fiendishly laid oot tae boot!

Ragnar: Still, there's no need tae panic. We've made it this far, we just need tae keep oor wits aboot us.

Meena: The Secret of Evolution is supposed to be allowing all the creatures in the world to live happily together. That is what Father wanted all along.

Meena: It was later he was realising that humans should not dabble in such fields.

Meena: This is why he sealed it away, no? That is what I am thinking, at any rate...

Maya: Arey...? What is this place, please? There is nothing here at all...

Meena: Accha... The wind in this room is blowing in a different way to wind in the other rooms, I am feeling certain of it...

Kiryl: Hmm... What sensation is this...? I mind we should to very carefully investigate this room...

Maya: Rooms like this are being easy-peasy to overlook if we are not paying attention, no?

Borya: Hmm... Layout of this location is decidedly complex...

Alena: I am trying so much hard to concentrate, but I have strong feeling I will become lost at any moment...

Borya: I sense that we have ascended to considerably high height...

Ragnar: Och, how d'ye get oot o' this place?

Meena: Psaro the Manslayer... He is always being on my mind these days...

Maya: Come on, people! We need to be preparing ourselves for one more push, no? Arey, let's go!

Kiryl: Atmosphere is different in this part of building... Perhaps exit is close to hand!

Ragnar: We've further tae go yet, I can feel it in ma bones...


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Meena: Father... Please watch over us...

Maya: Do not be dilly-dallying please! That is the most dangerous thing you can be doing at times like this!

Torneko: Ahh, Tessie... I wish ye were here beside me now, so I do...

Alena: Let us now focus on what lies ahead. We must to forget road that is behind us.

Kiryl: No matter which enemies face us, I must to continue striving onward, until I can do so no more. This is only purpose for my life...

Sparkie: Grrrooog! Grrrooo...

Borya: Say me, Hero, are you frightening for final battle?

Borya: Honesty is admirable. But there is no need for fear, I mind.

Borya: You are having all of us alongside you, da?

Borya: ...But of course. Is foolish question, forgive me. Come, we must to depart.

Ragnar: I've got tae tell ye, Hero...it's a real honour to hae been allowed to come wi' ye on this journey...

Maya: If the Secret of Evolution was not existing, there would not be any stupid-stupid creatures trying to achieve their ultimate states...

Alena: Is gladdening that peace is now restored, but most gladdening of all is to have received opportunity to prove supremacy in battle over Psaro the Manslayer!

Ragnar: When ye think aboot what happened tae Psaro the Manslayer, it's hard not tae feel sorry for the poor lad...

Alena: So Hero is choosing to not remain in Zenithia, but rather to accompany us back to down below?

Ragnar: It's great that ye're comin' back down below wi' us, Hero, but whit aboot yer hometown an' all yer kinfolk?

Ragnar: I just want ye tae know that ye're welcome tae come wi' me tae bonnie Burland. If ye fancy it, jus' say the word!

Ragnar: Och, I dinnae ken hoo ye can keep yerself from blushin' when people are speakin' tae ye like that, Hero!

Maya: What fickle little so-and-sos! Those two are not giving me a very good impression of elves...

Alena: Finally! Elf is realising existence of good humans! Hooray!

Maya: Arey! Are you thinking they will mention me by name, Hero?

Alena: If our deeds are to be recorded, is proof that we are achieving something truly magnificent, da?

Ragnar: Folk 'round these parts are gonnae be talkin' aboot whit we did for centuries tae come, Hero!

Maya: This is being a nice thing for Orifiela to say, no? And I can tell she is really really meaning it too!

Ragnar: I've a feeling we'll no be able tae come an' see Orifiela like this any more noo that oor adventure's at an end. More's the pity...

Maya: I am thinking the final battle would have been a close-close call if it was not for my presence, innit, Hero?

Alena: Aga! I wish fervently that all persons of world had been capable to witness our final combat against Lord of Underworld!

Ragnar: Och, the only reason we were able tae fight that final battle an' live tae tell the tale was because we all stuck taegether!

Maya: Hero may be half-Zenithian, but he is raised down below, and his true friends are all being there also! I am speaking of us, of course!

Alena: I look forward immensely for inviting you to castle of Zamoksva, Hero!

Alena: After all, we are becoming so much close friends over course of this journey!

Ragnar: D'ye no think that lassie looks a wee bit like yerself, Hero? Och no, it's probably just ma imagination...

Maya: Arey, this is almost certainly being our last chance for looking at the view from up here...

Maya: The only reason we were being allowed to enter this place was to carry out our mission to defeat the reborn Lord of the Underworld, innit.

Alena: Is probable we will never to return to this place. I must imprint beautiful view into memory...

Ragnar: Look at me, eh - a simple soldier, an' yet here I am, standin' in a floatin' castle!

Ragnar: Och, the thought alone is makin' ma chest swell up wi' pride! An' ma eyes well up too, aye, I'm no scared tae admit it...

Alena: Hero is without wings. To return to land of non-flying peoples below with us is best choice, I mind...

Ragnar: It's only right that they see ye as one o' their own after all ye've done, Hero...

Meena: Arey, the pathways in here are looking very very complicated... We must be thinking before we are making a move, else we are certain to get lost!

Maya: I am getting fed up with this now! The Underworld one minute, some cave the next... Where are we going, please?

Torneko: Sure, it feels like we're plungin' into the very belly of the beast, so it does...

Alena: We are coming this far. We are incapable now to be with doubt or confusion.

Alena: We must to simply push on. This is our mission, da?

Kiryl: All monsters we are encountering before now simply do not compare to monsters in here!

Kiryl: Even if we are proceeding with great caution, I am not certain we can reach place we are wishing to go...

Borya: Never was I considering that cave such as this was existing directly underneath mighty Zenithia...

Ragnar: It looks tae me like this cave extends deep underground...

Ragnar: I cannae stop thinkin' aboot whit might be waitin' for us doon there... Hoots, ma heart's beatin' like never before!

Maya: This place is so so big, it is making me forget we are underground!

Torneko: Sure, it feels like we're plungin' into the very belly of the beast, so it does...

Alena: We are coming this far. We are incapable now to be with doubt or confusion.

Alena: We must to simply push on. This is our mission, da?

Kiryl: Each and every monster we encounter now is truly potent opponent...

Kiryl: If things are becoming too tough, we should to turn back, I mind. There is no shame in doing so.

Borya: Hmm... We are requiring more than the token effort for overcoming challenge posed by this cave, I mind...

Ragnar: It looks tae me like this cave extends deep underground...

Ragnar: I cannae stop thinkin' aboot whit might be waitin' for us doon there... Hoots, ma heart's beatin' like never before!

Meena: Together we are overcoming many great trials. We will deal with this next challenge too, I know it!

Meena: The path is still continuing...? Arey, this must be the deepest cave in the world!

Maya: (pant) Accha... How much more of this cave is there to go, please?

Torneko: Stay strong, Tessie... I'm a long way off just now, but I'll be back soon, so I will...

Alena: We are coming this far. We are incapable now to be with doubt or confusion.

Alena: We must to simply push on. This is our mission, da?

Kiryl: Our destination is nearby, perhaps...? If we are knowing this, it would be encouragement to us, I mind...

Kiryl: Encouragement is necessary in such endless-seeming cave, nyet?

Borya: Is not helping to grumble, I comprehend, but this cave is not suited for older people.

Borya: Perhaps is time for somebody from wagon to be replacing me for short while...

Ragnar: Jings! Even the place where Estark had his lair wasnae this deep, was it?

Maya: Just because we are passing through this cave once before, it is not meaning we can become complacent!

Alena: Spending little time toughening ourselves in this cave is not so much bad idea, I mind!

Kiryl: Time for our final battle is nearly here. We must to make necessary preparations in this cave.

Borya: Yoy... Never did I consider we would return to this accursed cave...

Ragnar: A wee stroll from the Underworld tae the surface via this cave will give us plenty of opportunity for toughenin' oorselves up a touch!

Ragnar: We'll be tough as old haggis by the time we've made it tae the end o' this cave!

Rose: Psaro is waiting for us up ahead... Come, we should hurry.

Psaro: The monsters in this cave are no match for you now.

Torneko: Sure, I'm not quite as petrified was the last time we came here, like...

Torneko: But I think I'd still prefer it if we didn't get lost, Hero...

Meena: Perhaps there are remaining some treasure chests we did not open?

Meena: We should be taking the time to investigate this cave once again...

Maya: We are still being underground, no? Yes?

Maya: Sometimes I am forgetting where we are. It is difficult to be imagining that such a smashing building is existing under the ground!

Alena: Tsss! Wait!

Alena: Something is here... I sense presence of superlatively uncommon monster!

Ragnar: Hoots... I dinnae think ye want tae be gettin' too close tae those blasts o' hot air...

Meena: A tower under the ground? This is one of the strangest things I am ever having seen...

Meena: After we are destroying the Secret of Evolution, we must be making a visit to Father's grave and telling him that we have succeeded...

Maya: Before the final battle, we must be doing lots of shopping, no? We might as well use up all our money. Spend, spend, spend!

Torneko: Sure, I'd kill fer one last look at Tessie and Tipper's smilin' faces before we head down into this World o' Darkness, so I would...

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Alena: Come, we must to go to World of Darkness. Psaro the Manslayer awaits us!

Kiryl: Ultimate battle looms, and yet populace of Zamoksva remain vanished...

Kiryl: Perhaps if we are capable to expunge Psaro the Manslayer, everyone will be returned unscathed...

Borya: Prior to final battle, is not so much bad idea to take quick trip around world to see if doors or chests exist which are remaining unopened...

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: Now all we've left tae dae is get doon tae the World o' Darkness an' teach that Psaro the Manslayer one last lesson!

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Sparkie: Grrrooo! Grrroooooo!

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...


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Meena: Arey, it feels as if we have trodden every inch of road in this whole entire world by now, no?

Maya: The Zenith Dragon is being a bit of a skinflint, no? He is gifting Hero with special things, but he has nothing for little old us!

Maya: After we were travelling so far to see him, he could at least have handed us a few casino tokens...

Torneko: We should make sure we're after preparin' properly up here before we go anywhere near that World o' Darkness, like...

Alena: I was resigned to chance of combating Psaro the Manslayer having evaporated. But now secondary chance is arising! I am so much lucky girl!

Kiryl: World of Darkness is accessed through hole in cloud on which Zenithia is located...

Kiryl: Consequently, we are incapable to visit World of Darkness unless we are jumping through this hole, da? Uf, imagining alone induces vertigo...

Borya: Magical powers of Dragon God render us capable to walk atop clouds... He is potent being indeed...

Sparkie: Grooo! Grooo, grooo! Grrroooooo!

Ragnar: So this is where the Dragon God lives, eh?
Och, I've seen some sights since I started journeyin' wi' you, Hero! It's been a real education!

Meena: This underground chamber is so so beautiful... I was never thinking that there is existing a passage from our world to such a place...

Meena: ...Arey! Sorry, sorry... I was away in my own little world for a moment.

Maya: Magma seas, poisonous marshes... Living in a place like this is bound to be making Psaro go funny in the head, no?

Torneko: Once we've boxed off this Psaro the Manslayer business, our journey'll be at an end, so it will.

Torneko: Sure, I won't lie to ye, I'm goin' to miss youse all somethin' fierce...

Alena: Personally, I would relish to combat against Psaro the Manslayer one-to-one. But do not fear - I comprehend that this is too much selfish...

Kiryl: I fear my spells will be without effect on Psaro. Perhaps is better if I await in wagon...

Borya: This place is without blessing of sunlight. That is for why plants and creatures from our realm are not existing here...

Sparkie: Grooo! Grrrooo! Grrrrrrrrrooo! Grooo! Grooo! Grrrooo!

Ragnar: I came on this journey tae protect ye, Hero. An' if daein' so means followin' ye tae the very depths of the Underworld, then so be it!


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Ragnar: I'd never even heard o' - let alone been tae - this place till I met up wi' youse lot...

Meena: Perhaps being in this village is not being the best idea for us right now...

Maya: .........

Maya: I... I cannot find the words...

Borya: If we are finding humans who are responsible for such atrocity, we will make them to pay for what they have committed...

Ragnar: Och, it's only natural that the poor wee blighters are no fond o' humans. If I could just get ma hands on the nyaffs that did this...

Meena: I am so so sorry, Rose... I am feeling so guilty for what these humans did to you...

Torneko: (sniff) Yerra, I'm no good with sad stories, like... I'm wellin' up, so I am...

Alena: "Psaro"...? She is meaning Psaro the Manslayer? He was here, in this village?

Kiryl: As humans, we should to pray for Rose. It is least we can be doing, I mind...

Kiryl: Let us to pray that her soul now rests at ease...

Meena: It is seeming that everyone in this village is tarring all humans with the same brush as those who killed Rose...

Ragnar: Och, it's only natural that the poor wee blighters are no fond o' humans. If I could just get ma hands on the nyaffs that did this...

Meena: It is seeming that everyone in this village is tarring all humans with the same brush as those who killed Rose...

Ragnar: Och, it's only natural that the poor wee blighters are no fond o' humans. If I could just get ma hands on the nyaffs that did this...

Maya: Why wasn't anyone standing up to the awful-awful humans who were picking on that poor-poor elf?

Maya: That is being simply a tragic-tragic tale all round! Oof, I am hating people who are picking on others!

Meena: I am thinking this nun is speaking correctly.

Meena: This is not being a place for humans like us...

Kiryl: We should to do as nun is asking us, I mind...

Torneko: R-Reborn...? What's the craic with that, then? I don't like the sound of it, I must say...

Alena: Naturally, I am loving to fight...

Alena: But if there is method of solving this matter without need of battle, I am thinking this is more better option...

Kiryl: We should to think hard. Another path is certain to be revealed for us if only we are giving it enough consideration...

Ragnar: Hearin' that is makin' me wonder if we're on the right track...

Ragnar: Would killin' Psaro really be servin' justice? I dinnae ken...

Maya: When I am hearing stories like this, I am wondering if Psaro truly is wishing to destroy all humans...

Maya: Accha! I am not knowing what is best to do! Are you having any ideas, sis?

Alena: Perhaps if we are visiting this tree, we can to learn more about elves?

Borya: We should to make mental note of what he are just hearing. I mind it is very much important information...

Meena: What a funny-funny little village! Humans and elves and animals, all living together in harmony...

Meena: Is it being caused by the power of that tree, perhaps?

Maya: Arey, what a mighty-mighty tree! Let's carve our names in its bark so we can remember this day! ...No? That is not being allowed?

Torneko: A balloon trip to the Great World Tree? That's a grand plan altogether, so it is!

Torneko: Y'know, it's puttin' me in the mood to start me own little travel agency... "Torneko Tours"... Sure, 'tis a winner!

Alena: Who will race with me to top of tree? No one? But is good training for battle, nyet...?

Kiryl: Tree is so much large it is capable to be seen clearly from faraway distance. It is too much ostentatious, I mind...

Kiryl: It is my opinion that things are more prettier when they are being done to moderation, furthermore- Oplya, why do you glare so much fiercely?

Borya: This tree is sturdy and ancient old stalwart. It possesses presence. Dignity. It is reminding you for someone, nyet?

Ragnar: Old folk, animals, elves... There's no a proper soldier tae be seen!

Ragnar: If it weren't for the mountains surroundin' the place, this village wouldnae stand a chance o' defendin' itself!

Maya: What adorable cloth she is wearing! Perhaps I will base my next stage outfit on this!

Kiryl: Elves, they are so much mysterious creatures. For why they are avoiding to show themselves to humans...?

Maya: That fox's tail is being so so fluffy... It would make a lovely-lovely scarf!

Torneko: Janey Mac, was that fox just speakin' to us!? D-Don't tell me we've been bewitched again now...!

Meena: I am getting the impression that this kitty-cat is liking dark places... Just like me! Hee hee!

Borya: When I was child, Yggdrasil was mere sapling...

Borya: I joke! Why must you perpetually take me so much seriously!? You are humourless!

Meena: We must be restoring peace, chop-chop! We have to be doing it for the people of this village!

Torneko: Sure, if there's a monster infestation in a village, one thing's fer certain - someone's gonna make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons and armour!

Alena: Monsters will soon become extinct when we are restoring peace to world. I am hopeful there will be something else for me to fight instead...

Meena: What kind of miracles are Yggdrasil flowers supposed to be causing, please?

Alena: Yoy, is challenging to picture size of flower from this tree! Perhaps single bloom is size of cow, nyet?

Borya: Yggdrasil flower? Hmm... Never am I hearing of such thing before...

Maya: Beautiful dancers like me are only coming around once every thousand years as well, innit!

Torneko: Yer man there was talkin' like he'd seen one o' these once-in-a-thousand-years flowers for himself, like...

Torneko: But sure, he looks as spritely as a spring chicken, so he does! I'm not sure I'd be believin' him if I were you, Hero...

Kiryl: Once in each thousand years...? Is tale whose truth requires great patience to verify...

Ragnar: I'm no usually interested in flowers, but these ones sound pretty special. I wouldnae mind a look at one...

Meena: With the power of Yggdrasil on your side, there is nothing you need to be fearing! Accha, what a mighty-mighty tree...

Alena: Yggdrasil is very much helpful tree! Perhaps is possible to take cutting for to grow one in castle...

Meena: Monsters should not be capable of coming so near to such a holy object as the Great World Tree...

Maya: I was so so good at climbing trees when I was little. But you were just awful, sis!

Torneko: Sure, young Tipper would get the shock of his life if he laid eyes on a grand ole tree like this...

Torneko: Maybe I'll take the family here for a picnic one day, once things have calmed down a bit, like.

Alena: Climbing trees and fighting monsters are my most favourite activities! This situation is perfect for me!

Alena: Da, I truly am liking Great World Tree! It is...great!

Kiryl: Humans are only possessing legs, da? Not wings.

Kiryl: This is why we should leave elevated locations for birds, and stick to walking on ground!

Borya: Haa... Haa... Please to make slower pace... I am tiring prodigiously...

Ragnar: It's no often ye get the chance tae walk aroond inside a tree, eh? I feel like some kind o' caterpillar or somethin'!

Meena: Be careful-careful please! It is being very dangerous if we fall down here...

Maya: Waah, a nice walk in the trees is being the perfect way to say bye-bye to stresses and strains!

Maya: In fact, I am almost forgetting that there are monsters in this area! Hee hee!

Torneko: This tree's so big, ye could hollow it out an' live inside it, so ye could!

Torneko: I s'pose ye could be sayin' the same thing about me though, eh? Heh!

Alena: Have you attempted to bungee jump? Is thrill I very much desire to experience!

Alena: Top of Yggdrasil is perfect spot for this, nyet? Yoy... Just imagine how much fun...

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: Ground is...so much...far... I-I miss...it...terribly...

Borya: Yggdrasil is unique. There is not other Yggdrasil anywhere in entire world...

Borya: Still, no one is knowing for why World Tree is existing in first place. That is great mystery, beyond understanding of all humans...

Ragnar: Just imagine hoo much firewood a great lump of a tree like this could provide ye with...

Ragnar: Och, dinnae fret! I'm no plannin' on cuttin' it doon! It was just a thought, that's all...

Meena: Yggdrasil is possessing great power, but it is also being very warm and soft. It is feeling very kindly, no?

Maya: I am feeling like I have never been so close to the sun before. Do you know what I am meaning, sis? I am worrying that I might get burnt!

Torneko: I'm just after rememberin' that the Zenithian Sword is the reason I set out on this journey in the first place! Sure it feels like an age ago, so it does...

Alena: I feel that if I jump high as I am capable, I will reach to heaven!

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: I, I am incapable to go on... I c-cannot... (gulp)

Borya: Ho ho! View is unparalleled! All houses below are seeming as insignificant specks from such great height!

Meena: I hear it... It is calling me... Come... We must go to the altar...

Meena: Arey? What was I just saying, please? I feel...strange...

Meena: So who is opening the hole in the altar, please? Perhaps it was the volcano...

Maya: There is something strange about this place, no? It is very very unusual for us all to be so quiet...

Maya: I would never have guessed that this place was being the gateway to an eggstradimensional plane! Hahaha! Geddit? Arey, I am so so funny!

Torneko: Sure, there's a whiff o' sometin' mighty interestin' comin' from the depths o' this here town...

Torneko: Ye'd do well to be trustin' me instincts this time, Hero. Come on, let's go and investigate!

Torneko: Janey Mac, what I wouldn't give fer a nice omelette right now!

Alena: All I am wishing is for presence of strong enemies for to combat with and grow stronger.

Alena: If such enemies are present, I care not if we journey to World of Darkness or to Zenithia or to anywhere.

Alena: Foo Yung and Chow Mein put up superlative fight! Is being so much long time since I was enjoying battle this intensely!

Kiryl: There is curious new presence in this town, I mind. Power that is not darkness nor light...

Kiryl: Mighty Goddess, please bestow your protection upon local populace...

Kiryl: If we are to go to beneath of altar once again, we must to ensure we are adequately prepared beforehand...

Borya: Ach, it is just one thing after the other! It is too much for old man to be taking!

Ragnar: Aye, I'm a simple man! If a pathway opens up, I'll travel doon it wi'oot a second thought!

Ragnar: Och, a spot o' trainin's no bad thing, but let's no be forgettin' that we're tryin' tae save the world here, eh?

Meena: Arey, this is being a sign... We are being...summoned...

Maya: Accha! I had been planning to use the altar as a stage for a super smashing dance performance!

Maya: Which silly-billy is making a mess of it like this, please?

Torneko: I was thinkin' this place was lackin' anytin' to recommend it, but now I'm after hearin' that, I reckon it might be ripe for a bit o' tourism!

Alena: Well, da! If path is not treacherous, is not fun!

Alena: I am not understanding why priests are saying so much stupid things sometimes...

Alena: I am wondering how was intention of Goddess when she steered us to realm of chickens and eggs...

Kiryl: Priest speaks truth. We must to follow light of Goddess and not give in, even on treacherous path...

Kiryl: Da! Let us depart! Light of hope is dim, but is not yet extinguished!

Borya: He is calling me sheep...? He is correct in certain sense, I mind...

Borya: Compared with might of Almighty Goddess, I am merely beast of field...

Meena: The prophecy is proving entirely correct so far. We are having no reason for doubting that what she is saying is true...

Torneko: Yer wan there has a lovely, kindly face, but the stuff that comes out o' her mouth is pure terrifyin', so it is!

Psaro: Estark reborn? No. I am my own man. Estark has nothing to do with this.

Maya: I remember the night of the full moon... I was sleeping in the inn, and awoke with a start to see an awful-awful sight!

Maya: It was Meena, grinning like a crazy person, and trying to dance! She was being supernaturally bad! Hee hee!

Meena: Accha! Do not be making up lies now please, sis!

Maya: M-Meena, you were hearing that!? Hee hee! Only joking, sis!

Kiryl: I heard words that monsters are most strongest when moon is full. Timing of incident suggests perhaps trickery of fiends...

Ragnar: Och, it doesnae matter if it's the work o' gods or monsters - settin' folks frettin' like this is no on, no matter who y'are!

Torneko: Yerra, what a lily-livered coward! I'd drag him up to the altar fer a look meself, like, but he'd probably pass out halfway there!

Alena: Pathetic! If he is real man, he is leaping up stairs for to peruse altar!

Ragnar: Och, these religious types are pathetic! At the first sign o' trouble, they all set tae whimperin' like wee bairns!

Ragnar: Wi' the honourable exception o' Kiryl, that is...

Maya: The people in this town are strange, no? Even when something awful-awful is happening, they are still wearing calm expressions...

Borya: Aga, "terrible, terrible, terrible"! All is terrible! I am tired to hear this word so much often!

Maya: We must not be forgetting that Psaro was once in love. And that his beloved is not being with us any more... Accha...

Maya: Arey, how I am wishing that I am having someone who is showing me so so much love!

Alena: When I am hearing things such as this, I am starting to feel sorry about Psaro...

Alena: However, having sad story is not excuse of attempting to destroy all humans. I am incapable to forgive him so easily!

Kiryl: If I lose one true love, possibly I too would put curse on whole world...

Kiryl: But this is mistaken way to think. Past is incapable to be undone. Extinct people are incapable to be returned to life. Still, I feel for pain of Psaro...

Kiryl: If I lose one true love, possibly I too would put curse on whole world...

Kiryl: Is scanty consolation, but at least Rose did not to die in vain. Of this there is no doubting...

Psaro: Hmph. This woman is talking nonsense. I have half a mind to shut her up...

Meena: My ears are being open... And I can hear it... A voice is calling to me from beneath the altar...

Maya: He should be going to investigate for himself instead of standing here wringing his hands, no?

Maya: Never am I seeing such a great big scaredy-cat before!

Maya: I am not believing a single word of this until we are investigating this path for ourselves!

Torneko: By the hokey I'm achin' fer a fried egg right now! Me stomach's rumblin' sometin' awful, so it is!

Borya: Zenith Dragon...? He is meaning Dragon God, da?

Borya: Oya! So he is speaking directly with this god!? Is unprecedented...

Ragnar: Hoots, whit a stubborn auld nyaff! I hope I dinnae turn oot like him when I'm older...

Torneko: Sure, she should mention that Zenithians and monsters are allowed to bring guests. That'd be a lot more helpful altogether...

Alena: Does unceasing frowning not tire this miserable woman?

Maya: Waah! She is leaving already!? What a big-big shame. I was feeling fond of her...

Torneko: Yer man there doesn't sound like he really believes a castle in the sky could exist. I haven't the heart to tell him any different, like...

Meena: There are being many many places in this world that are beyond the understanding of most people...

Meena: And this is being one of them!

Maya: Accha... It is looking like there is a long way to go, but I am already so so tired...

Maya: We are going back down into this cave, please!?

Maya: Arey, I will be getting tired in there... Can I stay in the wagon instead? No?

Torneko: Ho ho! I can smell treasure in here, so I can! 'Tis just a little bit further inside...

Torneko: By the hokey! We aren't after leavin' any treasure behind now, are we...?

Alena: Oya, I am feeling so much exciting now! I mind that all-new adventure is beginning!

Alena: Again we are going to meet them?

Alena: Yahoy! Monsters on route are so much powerful, they are very good practice for me!

Kiryl: Hmm... I sense presence of great evil... You are certain is good idea to enter this place?

Borya: This place is...very much curious...

Ragnar: Jings! I didnae think there'd be anythin' like this at the bottom o' that hole!

Psaro: Why have you brought me here? What exactly have you got in mind?

Meena: Bobbing along on the surface of the water really is helping to make you calm...

Meena: I am supposing this is because it is being the source of all life...

Torneko: Yerra... Sure, we're just after passin' through this place, aren't we? Or was that another place altogether...?

Alena: Using raft is quite nice idea, I mind. It makes things to feel fresh and exciting.

Kiryl: Oplyaaa...! P-Please to not be causing raft to wobble!

Borya: Raft creates less necessity to walk. Is capital conveyance!

Ragnar: Hoots... I wasnae expectin' tae be ridin' a raft doon here...

Psaro: It's a cave full of water. Very impressive. I'm sorry, but what do you want me to say?

Meena: We are having been on this journey for a long-long, long-long time...

Meena: But one day, maybe not so far away, I suppose it must all be ending... (sigh) Arey, sorry to be miserable. Come on, let us be going. Chop chop!

Maya: We are having a long way to go yet. If you are thinking about turning back, I am suggesting we do it now, please.

Maya: We are going back down into this cave, please!?

Maya: Arey, I will be getting tired in there... Can I stay in the wagon instead? No?

Torneko: Janey Mac, 'tis hot in here.! I'm sweatin' buckets, so I am!

Alena: Oya! This place, the further in we go, the bigger it is becoming! Come, let us to keep going!

Alena: Again we are going to meet them?

Alena: Yahoy! Monsters on route are so much powerful, they are very good practice for me!

Kiryl: Hmm... I must to confess, I am not knowing which way to proceed...

Kiryl: Fact that we are visiting this cave before is not signifying that we are capable to become complacent.

Kiryl: If you are receiving injury, you must to say me immediately!

Borya: Ach, I am exhausted... At least we could to walk little bit slower, nyet...?

Ragnar: This place is a wee bit more bonnie than I was expectin'... Let's make sure we dinnae get lost!

Psaro: .........

Psaro: .........

Psaro: Hm? Did you say something? I wasn't listening. I had more important things on my mind.

Meena: This is being a very very curious place... But not in a bad way. I am not sensing any malice in here at all.

Maya: Arey! I am...floating!?

Maya: This really is a freaky-freaky cave...

Torneko: I don't think it can hold me weight, like. I'd better hang back here, so I had...

Torneko: Janey Mac, I'm only gassin' with ye! Don't be takin' me so seriously now!

Alena: I am not requiring bridge! I am capable to leap across to other side from platform! Such activity will also improve power of my kicking, I mind!

Kiryl: Uf... We are underground! For why are there existing floating platforms here!?

Kiryl: P-Please, everybody - we must to be careful we do not fall.

Borya: Ho ho! A further mysterious underground chamber! This place is very much curious indeed!

Ragnar: Och, ye cannae even see the bottom!

Ragnar: I dinnae think there'd be much hope for ye if ye fell doon there...

Psaro: Hm? Did someone ask me something?

Psaro: Look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I have no intention of becoming your friend. Do me a favour and leave me in peace, please.

Meena: Accha! A house!? All the way down here, please!?

Meena: I am sensing something strange about it, though...

Meena: I know we are coming here before, but a house in the middle of a cave is not becoming any more normal!

Maya: Accha, my entire body feeling is so so exhausted from walking so far!

Maya: Let us take a quick rest over there, please!

Torneko: Sure, it'd be a nightmare tryin' to run a commercial operation down here...

Torneko: But on the plus side, ye could charge yer customers whatever ye fancied!

Alena: If they are living amongst powerful monsters such as these, they must to be powerful warriors themselves, nyet?

Alena: Ach, I cannot to wait for meeting them in combat!

Alena: This place was uninhabited last time we are here as well, da? There is really no one living here?

Kiryl: It is hard to believe there is house inside cave such as this...

Kiryl: Ach, but when you have witnessed a castle floating in the sky, nothing is that much hard to believe!

Borya: House is existing in place like this...?

Borya: Hmm... Is not appearing inhabited, however...

Ragnar: It looks just like an ordinary wee hoos...

Ragnar: Still, I cannae see anywhere else tae go - shall we pop inside for a look-see?

Psaro: What are we wasting time for? Let's push on.

Meena: This furniture is so so big...

Meena: Actually, it is quite smashing fun to pretend you are a tiny-tiny person!

Maya: The furniture here is being so so big, but the entrance is only normal-sized...

Maya: Arey, how are they getting it into the house, please?

Torneko: By the hokey, look at that furniture! I've never seen the like! I don't think ye'd sell many o' these unless ye had a giant or two livin' nearby..

Alena: Big furniture indicates big inhabitants, I mind...

Alena: Yoy, I am getting more and more exciting for prospect of meeting them!

Kiryl: Oplya! I-Is this...!?

Kiryl: But is appearing as merely ordinary house from outside...

Borya: Hmm... This furniture, it is large enough for small people to dwell inside, I mind...

Ragnar: Hoots mon! I'm shrinkin'! Ma body's shrinkin'!

Ragnar: ...Och, no. It's just these furnishings bein' a wee bit bigger than usual, that's all...

Ragnar: Sorry aboot that, folks. Old Ragnar had a wee wobble there!

Psaro: Ugh, how tiresome...

Meena: Is this...? Arey, no. This is being a different place to where we were before...

Meena: I know we are coming here before, but a house in the middle of a cave is not becoming any more normal!

Maya: Hmm? Is this being the same place we are just passing through?

Torneko: Yerra, looks like there's someone here this time around...

Torneko: Sure, there's somebody in the house there, so there is...

Alena: Old man is much powerful fighter...?

Alena: He is not looking even slightly so...

Kiryl: This old man is possessing so much curious aura...

Borya: There is something strange with this old man...

Borya: Ach, but anyone who is living in place like this must to become small bit eccentric, I mind...

Ragnar: Jings, look at that - it's a funny wee old man!

Ragnar: I've a strange feelin' he's got somethin' important tae tell us... We should gae an' hae a word wi' him!

Meena: Where are the proprietors of this hotel getting ingredients for making meals from, please?

Meena: And how are they preparing them? Surely they are not having a cooking pot the same size as the furniture!?

Maya: Are people really sleeping in that bed?

Maya: Imagine if you are falling out - you would be landing with an awful-awful bump, innit!

Torneko: Ahh, an inn in a place like this is a grand idea altogether!

Torneko: Sure, the proprietors know exactly what they're doin', so they do...

Alena: Upon spying so much big furniture, I considered this was home of giant. Sadly, inhabitants are merely normal-sized.

Alena: ...Still, perhaps this normal people is also powerful fighter?

Alena: We should to go and meet with them for to discover this!

Kiryl: There is still far to journey for us.

Kiryl: We should to have rest while we are able.

Kiryl: Places for resting will not be existing up ahead, I mind.

Kiryl: We should to have rest while we are able.

Borya: Merchant is trading even in place such as this?

Borya: Yoy, such courage is impressing... Nyet, not merely impressing - incredible!

Ragnar: Jings! There's someone in here too!

Ragnar: It cannae be very convenient though, eh? Livin' wi' this furniture, I mean...

Psaro: You want to take a rest? Typical... Fine, do as you please.

Meena: Waah... It is being a little bit clammy-clammy in here...

Maya: Accha! It is stinking so so badly of mould here!

Maya: Let us get out of this place chop-chop, please!

Alena: Abundance of walls hinders progress greatly in this place...

Alena: Oplya! I have idea! I could to kick through walls and make path for us, nyet?

Ragnar: I'll be honest wi' ye, I think I'm gonnae get lost in here...

Meena: A house right beside a peaceful, pitch-black cave...

Meena: Living there would not be so so bad, I am thinking...

Maya: Another cave, please!?

Maya: Accha, I am supposing it is being all one big cave, actually...

Alena: Yoy... We are progressing yet further below ground...

Alena: I am intriguing to discover where we are ending up!

Kiryl: It is much more easier for me to be under ground than above clouds.

Kiryl: But if we are going too much more deeper, perhaps I may alter my mind...

Maya: Waah! This is nasty-nasty! I am sweating so much, my clothes are all sticking to my skin!

Maya: Arey, I wish you could have told me, then I could have been bringing some spares!

Torneko: Sure, I'm sweatin' sometin' awful... Janey Mac, I'm soaked through, so I am!

Alena: Oya! Is so much hot in here! Is ponderous for me to inhale...

Ragnar: Looks like lava doon below. Watch yer step, eh...

Psaro: You want to waste your breath talking in this heat?

Psaro: I didn't think even you were that stupid...

Maya: Are we really being underground now? Really?

Maya: If this is true, then why am I seeing a tall-tall tower, please?

Torneko: First lava, then an underground tower...

Torneko: I've not the foggiest what the craic is with this place...

Borya: Tower? Located underground...?

Borya: Truly, this place is very much mysterious...

Meena: Arey! The surface of the water was glowing just now! Yes, it was being all shiny-shiny!

Maya: Arey, seeing something but not being able to go and get it is being the most frustrating thing in the world!

Torneko: Sure, if they've gone to all the trouble o' puttin' a treasure chest way over there, there must be sometin' inside worth havin', so there must!

Alena: How can we to reach this treasure chest, I wonder...?

Kiryl: Is arrangement of these waterways with some form of meaning...?

Borya: Hmm... Observe this pillar...

Borya: Is not standing without reason, I mind...

Ragnar: Hmm... Is there no some switch or somethin' that'll make a wee flight o' stairs pop oot?

Psaro: Hmm, so that's what they've done... Clever...

Meena: It is not seeming as though we will be facing monster attacks in this area...

Maya: Waah! We did it! We are finally coming outside again!

Maya: ...And even now we are not reaching the end!? What is going on here, please?

Alena: Oya! We are outside now!?

Alena: This is not end, da? This would be too much disappointing...

Kiryl: That house... It is church, nyet?

Kiryl: There is a church existing here.

Kiryl: We should not to overlook opportunity. Come, let us to pay visit there.

Psaro: What do you want me to tell you? If we don't need to be here, we should leave.

Meena: This is being a very holy-holy place, I am thinking...

Maya: What is happening here, please? I am simply having no idea any more!

Torneko: This place doesn't feel much like an ordinary church... 'Tis quare altogether...

Alena: Oplya... We have visited here before, nyet? ...Nyet? Hmm... Perhaps is merely my imagining...

Kiryl: We are coming to church, so we must to pray. Mighty Goddess, please to bestow your protections on us all!

Borya: Hmm... I am grateful for presence of church...

Borya: But who in name of Goddess would build one here? And with what purpose...?

Ragnar: Och, I never expected that... It's a wee bit bigger than it looks from the ootside, eh?

Psaro: Are we finished here? Then let's move on.

Psaro: I'm not a big fan of these places.

Meena: It seems we are not finished with the caves yet!

Meena: But there are being so so many fun things underground here: houses, forests... I cannot wait to see what is next!

Maya: Seriously? More caves? Arey, if I see one more dark and dingy cavern such as this, I will scream!

Borya: Aga... How far is this cave continuing for...?

Ragnar: We're pretty deep doon noo, there's no doubt aboot that...

Ragnar: But if ye ever feel in danger, just say the word, and we'll head back tae the surface.

Meena: This is a very very dark and quiet place...

Meena: Hee hee! I would love to try living here one day. This is probably being the dream home for me, no?

Maya: Accha...! Still we are not reaching the end!?

Torneko: Yerra... This looks like the kind o' place ye'd find a gaggle o' bandits hidin' out, waitin' to rob all yer belongings...

Alena: It would be so much enjoyable to build dwelling down here! Castle would be even more funner, I mind!

Kiryl: How are they thinking? We must to build houses in places with much sunlight, nyet?

Kiryl: People who are building this house are crazy, I mind!

Borya: Aga.. Dwelling down in damp place such as this would make havoc with my joints...

Ragnar: This looks like some kind o' secret hideout tae me. I dinnae think it belongs tae a human, though...

Psaro: What is this place...?

Meena: The atmosphere in this cave is changing now...

Maya: Accha, that's it! No more please! I have reached my limit! I want to go back to the nice, dry, sunny surface right now!

Alena: Layout of this place is so much convoluted...

Kiryl: Is difficult to see paths we are required to take...

Kiryl: And is troublesome if we are mistaking. Let us to carefully think before we are proceeding.

Maya: Accha, that's it! No more please! I have reached my limit! I want to go back to the nice, dry, sunny surface right now!

Torneko: Sure, this passageway's a tight squeeze, so it is...

Maya: Oh dear... What is this dreary-dreary place we are ending up in now, please?

Torneko: I've been all over the world, so I have, but I've never seen anywhere close to as quare as this...

Torneko: Sure, I can't wait to tell little Tipper all about it!

Kiryl: Is not so much nice feeling, ascending ladder to height from which ground beneath is invisible...

Kiryl: Aga... How are such heights occurring inside cave...? I prayed to avoid them here...

Borya: (pant) Yoy... (pant)

Borya: Up and down, and up and down again... Is playing havoc for my aged legs!

Ragnar: Hoots mon, this cliff wouldnae be outtae place in the highlands o' bonnie Burland!

Ragnar: Ye'd never think ye were doon in an underground cave, eh?

Psaro: My word... I don't know who's responsible for this, but I can't help but admire how much trouble they've gone to...

Meena: I am sensing that the end is being close at hand...

Maya: I give up! I am not caring what we are doing any more! Accha...

Torneko: Haa... Haa... Yerra... We've more...climbin' to do...?

Torneko: Still... Haa... I s'pose it must be helpin' me shed a few... pounds, like...

Alena: Even I am feeling little bit fatigued now...

Alena: I hope we are nearing destination...

Kiryl: It appears complicated, but only one correct path exists.

Kiryl: Let us ensure we are taking it. Excessive climbing of ladders is very much draining, I mind...

Borya: Oplya! More steps!?

Borya: Caves are truly not suitable places for people with my age...

Psaro: I can hear a voice.

Psaro: No, voices... The voices of two men.

Psaro: Don't worry, I'm sure your unevolved ears will pick them up sooner or later...

Meena: I am sensing something...

Meena: Something is waiting for us up ahead, something that is being beyond good and evil... We must investigate...

Maya: I knew it! I was so so certain that the end was close!

Maya: I should never have been questioning my instincts!

Maya: Up ahead is where we are meeting those two crazy-crazy men, no?

Maya: You are a funny one, Hero, wanting to come and see such silly-billies again...

Torneko: Janey Mac...

Alena: We are almost arrived, I mind...

Alena: Dwelling place of two...gentlemen is merely short distance ahead, nyet?

Alena: Dwelling place of two...gentlemen is merely short distance ahead, nyet?

Alena: Come! We can to do this!

Borya: Aga, we are making it this far, so we are not possessing choice - we must to jump through hole!

Ragnar: Jings, it's a teleportal! Looks like oor journey's no quite finished yet!

Psaro: So it seems it's finally time for me to save your skins.

Psaro: Goddess knows what kind of opponents you have lined up here...

Psaro: Not that it matters. I'll make light work of them, no matter who they are.

Meena: There are being some people over there having an argument...

Meena: Can anybody tell me what they are quarrelling about, please?

Maya: Are they... Arey! They look almost like... A chicken and an egg!

Maya: What in the world are they doing here, please? And who are they?

Maya: They are still quarrelling?

Maya: Surely the answer is not being even slightly important? Such silly-billies...

Torneko: What's the paintin' over there all about, then? It's got an altogether quare air about it, so it has...

Alena: Two men appear flippant to first glance, but I sense in them superlative formidability.

Alena: I feel itching to do combat with them, but now is not appropriate timing...

Alena: We have journeyed lengthily to arrive at this place, nyet? To not combat with these men after such troubles would be very much amiss, I mind...

Kiryl: This place...what is it...?


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Kiryl: I did not anticipate for such arduous journey to culminate in realm of chickens and eggs...

Borya: What manner of pair are these two?

Borya: Dressing up in so much silly costume like this...

Borya: Is superlatively undignified!

Borya: Hmm... Chicken or egg... Egg or chicken...?

Borya: I had not anticipated such profound philosophical enquiry from such profound nincompoops.

Ragnar: Och, will ye just look at this place! I thought I'd seen it all - I have noo!

Psaro: What are you talking to me for? You're here to see these two, aren't you?

Psaro: Then leave me alone and get on with it, will you?

Meena: Arey... I am sensing something very very curious... Something different to before...

Meena: Somewhere in this world there is something waiting for us. I am not knowing where...

Maya: Arey, it is so so good to be above the ground again! Nadiria is being dark and dingy, and stinking most awfully of monsters!

Torneko: Janey Mac, if I spend much more time away from home, little Tipper's goin' to forget who his Da is!

Torneko: World peace comes first, o' course, but I still worry about the little fella...

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Alena: I am certain there is monster somewhere that is relishing challenge of fighting against me. Come, let us to search for it!

Borya: Castle of Zenithia is...acceptable, but Zamoksva castle is remaining most paramount castle of the world, I mind.

Borya: ...Nyet? You do not concur?

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: A warrior who saw both heaven an' hell, an' lived tae tell the tale... Hoots, even Bladud himself would be proud o' that epitaph!

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...

Meena: Perhaps it was the Zenith Dragon who has been guiding us all this time...

Meena: Accha, it is not mattering who it is. We should be expressing gratitude all the same.

Meena: After all, we are being so so lucky to meet Hero and everyone, no?

Maya: The girls of Zenithia are not making the best of themselves! They are being very beautiful, but they could be wearing a little make-up, no?

Torneko: What a view! Sure I'd love to bring Tipper here one day - the little fella loves high places, so he does!

Alena: It is too much peaceful around here. I am getting boring! Come, let us go to place containing monsters to combat!

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: ............

Kiryl: (sniff) Yoy, more tears... I am sorry, but unmasterable terror consumes me whenever I glance downward...

Borya: In mind and in body, I am considering myself to be equal or even more superior to Zenithian man!

Meena: Nadiria is filled to the brim with gloom and sadness...

Meena: Let's go now, please. We must be putting a stop to Psaro the Manslayer...

Maya: We are coming this far, the only choice we are having is to prepare to fight! Come on, please! We can do this!

Torneko: ...I don't suppose there's any chance o' me cheerin' ye on from the wagon now, is there?

Alena: Come! Bystro! Is time of final showdown with Psaro the Manslayer!

Kiryl: Beloved Goddess, if you are capable to hear my voice, humbly we beseech your blessings...

Kiryl: And we request for your most potent protections to be bestowed upon Tsarevna Alena...

Borya: Aga! Swarms of monsters beset us from all directions. Is so much irritating!

Ragnar: Dinnae fret - ye can always hide behind me if ye're feelin' a wee bit anxious!


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Meena: The air is feeling different...

Meena: Something is happening to the Great World Tree... Something very important, I am thinking...

Maya: This must be the tree that the stupid-stupid chicken man was talking about, no?

Maya: Those two had better not be lying to us, or they will be in big-big trouble!

Torneko: So the tree in the picture was the Great World Tree, was it now? Yerra, this is goin' to be great craic, so it is!

Alena: You wish my answer for question of chicken and egg, da?

Alena: Very well. I favour eggs fried until yolk is hard. Chicken, I enjoy roasted, so middle is nice and juicy!

Kiryl: I had hoped we would be capable to avoid to return to this place... Aga, never mind. We are here now...

Borya: Hmm? Resident holy power of Yggdrasil is somehow becoming stronger, nyet?

Borya: We must to immediately ascend tree and investigate!

Ragnar: I'm no sure how much we can trust the word o' those weirdoes...

Ragnar: Still, we've nothin' tae lose. We might as well head for Yggdrasil an' see whit we can find.

Maya: What adorable cloth she is wearing! Perhaps I will base my next stage outfit on this!

Kiryl: Elves, they are so much mysterious creatures. For why they are avoiding to show themselves to humans...?

Maya: Arey! He is right! I can smell it too! It is having a most wondrous aroma! Come, we must be climbing the tree, chop-chop!

Alena: Smell? I smell nothing, but let us to investigate....

Kiryl: We do not require to ascend tree to discover source of aroma - is Yggdrasil flower, I am certain. Therefore no climbing, da? ...Da?

Meena: I am getting the impression that this kitty-cat is liking dark places... Just like me! Hee hee!

Borya: When I was child, Yggdrasil was mere sapling...

Borya: I joke! Why must you perpetually take me so much seriously!? You are humourless!

Meena: We must be restoring peace, chop-chop! We have to be doing it for the people of this village!

Torneko: Sure, if there's a monster infestation in a village, one thing's fer certain - someone's gonna make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons and armour!

Alena: Monsters will soon become extinct when we are restoring peace to world. I am hopeful there will be something else for me to fight instead...

Meena: Do you think that perhaps at the top of Yggdrasil there could be... Yes! Arey, come, we must be hurrying to the top of the tree!

Torneko: Sure, I'd love to get a look at an Yggdrasil flower, so I would... Wh-! No! I don't want to sell it, I'm just curious! ...Honest!

Torneko: Who wouldn't be - 'tis the rockin'-horse-rare flower o' the finest, most mystical tree in all the world!

Borya: Miracles... Hmm... Is intriguing talk, no?

Maya: If these flowers are only blossoming once every thousand years, they should be having a party to celebrate, no? Waah, I want to party right now!

Alena: You wish to see flower? I also do! Come, let us ascend!

Alena: Is chance for plentiful combat with monsters, my most favoured activity in life!

Ragnar: Och, if they only blossom once every thousand years, it'd be a shameful waste tae no go and hae a look-see, eh?

Meena: If we can obtain an Yggdrasil flower, we will be able to bring somebody back who we couldn't save, no?

Meena: If we are getting one, we will need to be very careful to use it on someone deserving...

Borya: Only we of the Chosen are capable to be restored from extinction with churches and spells. But this flower enables revival of unchosen one...

Borya: Is momentous choice. Flower only blooms once for each millenium. Careless use cannot be undone...

Meena: I am sensing it... The sacred power... The sweet-sweet aroma... What miracles have occurred atop the Great World Tree...?

Maya: I was so so good at climbing trees when I was little. But you were just awful, sis!

Torneko: Sure, just imagine me Tessie's face if I went an' gave her an Yggdrasil flower... Yerra, don't look at me like that! I'm only daydreamin', so...

Alena: Flower that blossoms only once in each millennium is wondrous, nyet? We are so much lucky! Too much, almost!

Kiryl: My presence is not so much required here, I mind. It would be better if I am staying in wagon...

Kiryl: Still, if you are insistent, let us go. Even I am little bit curious for seeing Yggdrasil flower... (sigh)

Borya: Ahh, to climb in trees and towers is so much preferable to creeping and crawling amongst caves and dungeons, nyet?

Ragnar: Och, the only flower I could describe tae ye is a tulip. An' a thistle, o' course...

Ragnar: I dinnae imagine this Yggdrasil flower'll look much like either o' those, though...

Meena: So if we are getting the chance, whose life will we be saving with the Yggdrasil flower? It is a thorny-thorny question, no?

Maya: What a smashing smell! It is making the odour of Endor's finest perfumes seem like dirty dishwater in comparison!

Maya: If its fragrance is being this lovely, the flower must be super-super pretty too! Come, we must be going to see it, chop-chop!

Torneko: Sure, people say a flower like this is priceless, but I know a fella who'd pay a rake o' gold for it...

Torneko: Not that we're sellin', o' course! Sure, we're using this blessed bloom to save a human life, so we are!

Alena: There is no way we are returning without observing Yggdrasil flower after we are coming so much far!

Kiryl: .........

Kiryl: Ground is...so much...far... I-I miss...it...terribly...

Borya: Yggdrasil flower is maximally precious object. If one is acquired, we must to consider very thoughtfully before employing it...

Ragnar: D'ye no think Yggdrasil's bein' a wee bit stingy? Surely it wouldnae hurt tae gie us more than just the one flower every millennium!

Meena: I can hear it... The Yggdrasil flower, it is speaking to me... It wants us to use it for the good of the world...

Maya: Waah! Never before am I seeing such a beautiful flower, actually!

Maya: Simply looking at it is making me feel so joyful-joyful!

Torneko: Janey Mac! 'Tis a flower an' a half, eh? I've never been much of a one fer gardenin', but I know a prize-winnin' bloom when I see one!

Torneko: It looks grand, it smells grand, an' as if all that wasn't enough, it's got miraculous powers to boot! What a find!

Alena: Flower of Yggdrasil is less sizeable than anticipated.

Alena: But is beautiful, I suppose... Da. Is acceptable.

Kiryl: Da. Good. Yggdrasil flower is obtained. Now, quickly--let us to return to ground beneath!

Borya: This flower is possessing extraordinary holy powers, I mind...

Borya: Question is being, how can we make best use of this power? Hmm...

Ragnar: Och, the Yggdrasil flower looks just like I expected! Not that I can put into words exactly whit it was I was expectin'...

Meena: Yggdrasil is being a very unusual tree, no? Simply standing near it is helping to calm me, actually...

Maya: Accha! We should not be doing so much climbing up and down, please! I will be having legs like a lady strongman if I am not careful!

Torneko: By the hokey am I starvin'! Sure, even these leaves are startin' to look tasty!

Alena: Soon I will be too strong for enemies of this area, and there will be no meaning in to fight against them. Come, let us to head for different location!

Kiryl: ............

Kiryl: Uf... I am missing presence of solid ground underneath me... (gulp)

Borya: I am wondering, what is source of power for Great World Tree...? Ach, but this is eternal question, I mind...

Ragnar: It's hard tae get worked up aboot the little worries o' life when ye're in the presence of Yggdrasil, eh?

Psaro: Hmph... I can't believe they assumed I would be happy to follow them to a place like this...

Psaro: Still, they did bring Rose back to me. It's only right that I do something to show my gratitude.

Rose: I don't know why, but I am filled with a sense of relief whenever I am in the presence of Yggdrasil. It is as though I have returned home...

Rose: You used the Yggdrasil flower to... To help me...? How can I ever thank you...?

Meena: The beauty of the Yggdrasil flower is being a miracle in its own right, I am thinking...

Maya: Come on sis, tell me - which is being more beautiful, the Yggdrasil flower, or your beloved sister Maya?

Maya: Arey, wait! You do not need to respond - I am already knowing the answer!

Torneko: Sure, I'd love to have a branch o' me weapon shop empire in this village. An' one day I will, so I will, just you wait an' see!

Alena: I observe unusual sights, and combat with unusual monsters. This is my most favourite type of journey!

Kiryl: We should to keep secretive all the information we are knowing about Yggdrasil, I mind...

Kiryl: If avaricious persons are comprehending powers of wondrous tree, Goddess knows what could to happen...

Borya: Yggdrasil is ancient and steady presence, yet still it is having capacity for miracles...

Borya: This is reminding you for someone, nyet...?

Ragnar: Hoots, that is some fresh, fresh air! Spendin' a wee bit o' time in this village is a fine way o' puttin' a spring in yer step!

Psaro: I did not come to Rose's aid because she was an elf...

Psaro: Hm? Oh. Ignore me. I'm talking to myself.

Rose: Oh my! This village is full of elves like me! What a happy sight!

Maya: What adorable cloth she is wearing! Perhaps I will base my next stage outfit on this!

Kiryl: Elves, they are so much mysterious creatures. For why they are avoiding to show themselves to humans...?

Rose: It has been so long since I met a fellow elf. It is so nice to be reminded of our old ways!

Maya: Imagine the shock he would be having if we are showing him the Yggdrasil flower now, please!

Alena: Fox capable to speak with humans is great rarity, nyet? I had not considered this previously...

Alena: Perhaps I will make him official pet of Tsarevna...

Borya: Oplya! That was close! Nearly I was trampling on bushy tail of this poor fox!

Rose: We elves are capable of conversing with animals and monsters alike.

Rose: That's why the animals of this village can speak your human language - we taught them!

Meena: I am getting the impression that this kitty-cat is liking dark places... Just like me! Hee hee!

Borya: When I was child, Yggdrasil was mere sapling...

Borya: I joke! Why must you perpetually take me so much seriously!? You are humourless!

Meena: We must be restoring peace, chop-chop! We have to be doing it for the people of this village!

Torneko: Sure, if there's a monster infestation in a village, one thing's fer certain - someone's gonna make a rake o' gold sellin' weapons and armour!

Alena: Monsters will soon become extinct when we are restoring peace to world. I am hopeful there will be something else for me to fight instead...

Rose: But not all monsters are evil! People have to understand that! Sorry. Forget I said anything...

Meena: Are the elves protecting the Great World Tree...? Or is the Great World Tree protecting the elves...? Which one is it, please?

Meena: Arey, I am supposing it is of no consequence. Everyone is looking happy-happy, and that is being the most important thing!

Kiryl: Goddess is also capable of working miracles on anyone, I mind.

Kiryl: Still, is good to know that Yggdrasil is existing for benefit of all creatures in world.

Borya: Miracles are working on elves too? Hmm, interesting... Truly, Goddess is working in mysterious ways.

Psaro: Once, I intended to raze the Great World Tree to the ground... But now I learn it was responsible for bringing Rose back to me...

Psaro: What a bitter irony it would have been had I gone through with my original plan...

Rose: Yggdrasil flowers blossom only once every thousand years...and you used one of them for my sake? Thank you. I cannot tell you how grateful I am...

Maya: Bad luck! Even if this elf is climbing Yggdrasil now, he will not be finding a flower there!

Maya: Arey, now I am starting to feel a little bit guilty...

Alena: People of this place's ability to wait one thousand years merely to observe tree's flower evidences superlative calm and patience...

Ragnar: Aye, I'll not disagree wi' that - Yggdrasil flowers are the bonniest blooms in all the wide world!

Meena: When I am standing close to Yggdrasil, I can hear its spirit speaking. It is being very very kindly, actually.

Meena: In fact, I am thinking it is the kindness of the Great World Tree that is allowing the people in this village to be having such relaxed expressions all the time!

Torneko: Leaves, flowers, dew... Sure, there's a use fer every bit of ole Yggdrasil!

Torneko: Janey Mac, imagine the rake o' gold I'd make if I had sometin' like that in me shop!

Rose: We live in the forest, and we die in the forest. Trees are like parents to us elves.

Rose: Yggdrasil, on the other hand... It is like a parent to every living thing in creation...

Maya: The picture we are seeing in the chicken and egg people's place is of Yggdrasil, no? We should be going to investigate it, chop-chop!

Alena: Battle against Foo Yung and Chow Mein was so much enjoyable! We can to go and fight against them again sometime, nyet?

Kiryl: If your intention is for climbing to top of Great World Tree, I will to stay in wagon, I mind...

Ragnar: Did that eggy fella no mention extraordinary things happenin'? I'm no seein' any signs o' anythin' special right noo, I must say...

Ragnar: Still, we should heed that paintin' and head for the the Great World Tree, eh...

Meena: The flower of Yggdrasil can bring anyone back to life. Anyone at all...

Meena: We will need to be thinking very very carefully before using it, no?

Torneko: Sure, it's been an absolute pleasure journeyin' with youse all, and seein' such rare and unusual treasures...

Torneko: And now, to cap it all off, an Yggdrasil flower! By the hokey, 'tis beautiful, so it is!

Kiryl: Flower is with power to bring extinct persons back to life... Power comparable to that of Goddess Herself...

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...

Maya: I cannot believe that Rose is being brought back to life! Arey, we are seeing some crazy-crazy things on this journey...

Torneko: Janey Mac...

Kiryl: It is so much great honour to witness such miracle! I am absolutely overwhelming!

Rose: I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Rose: But further pleasantries will have to wait. We must hurry...

Meena: Perhaps bringing Rose back to life is redeeming humans a teeny-weeny bit after what those terrible people are doing to her...

Meena: But there is still so so much we must be doing, please!

Meena: I am wondering if the dwarfs are realising that humans are not being all so so bad now...

Borya: It would be pleasant to idle in this village to content of our hearts, but sadly, we must to move on...

Ragnar: Aye, we should do as Rose says - we need tae hurry an' find Psaro the Manslayer...

Sparkie: Grrrooo... Grooo...

Alena: Where is location of Psaro the Manslayer...?

Alena: Oya! I have it! I am knowing where is he! You are knowing it too, nyet, Hero?

Meena: Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh!

Meena: Waah! I cannot stop making this sound now, please! Uwaaargh...

Maya: I am feeling sure that Rose will explain that we are not meaning her any harm...

Rose: Oh! Please ignore our canine friend. He doesn't mean it, I assure you.

Rose: Everyone appears to be under the mistaken impression that elves and humans cannot be friends.

Rose: They need to realise that friendship is not about what kind of creature you are...

Meena: I am wondering why a monster is wanting to help the humans snatch Rose away, please?

Maya: So the evil-evil brains behind this operation was actually a monster!? Arey...

Maya: This is being a little bit of a relief, if I am speaking truthfully...

Kiryl: Does this signify that humans who abducted Rose were acting on orders of another...!?

Kiryl: Yoy! This is very much important information, I mind. We should not to forget it...

Torneko: R-Reborn...? What's the craic with that, then? I don't like the sound of it, I must say...

Alena: Naturally, I am loving to fight...

Alena: But if there is method of solving this matter without need of battle, I am thinking this is more better option...

Rose: This is terrible. Please, we must hurry...

Rose: Life is such a precious gift...

Rose: How lucky we are to be able to be with those we love... To not be alone...

Meena: I am sensing a strange power here in this town. And it is especially strong near to the inn...

Maya: Arey, this is a boring-boring town. I don't like little places with nothing going on.

Torneko: Comin' to a place like this makes me feel like I've travelled to the end o' the earth, so it does.

Torneko: But lookin' at the map, it's not all that far from me old home in Lakanaba. 'Tis a quare feelin' alright...

Alena: So this is town where children are previously stolen?

Alena: I am not forgiving perpetrators. If I am encountering them, I will greet with repeated fist to face!

Kiryl: Town has appearance of peace and stability.

Kiryl: Proximity to military base in Burland is no doubt contributing to this.

Borya: So this town previously suffered vanishment of children...

Borya: And finally monsters were revealed to be perpetrators.

Borya: I am wondering if monsters too are responsible for disappearance of populace in Zamoksva...

Ragnar: Aye, this takes me back. I remember all those wee bairns disappearin'. A terrible business, it was...

Ragnar: Still, all's well that ends well - we solved the case, did we no? Aye, come tae think of it, that's hoo this whole adventure got started for me...

Meena: It was Rose's desire to save Psaro that was manifesting itself as a dream. That is what he is actually talking about, no?

Meena: Now Psaro is saved, that dream is no longer having a purpose.

Maya: Accha... Now it is not possible to be having this dream, suddenly I am becoming so so keen to experience it...

Alena: Curious dreams ceased being seen by people due to resurrection of Rose, da?

Ragnar: It seems that peace has returned tae Strathbaile at last, eh? Och, it's good tae see...

Ragnar: That laddie's a palace guard from back in bonnie Burland!

Ragnar: Seems he's been posted here tae keep the toon safe from monsters...

Meena: That dream was coming from Rose, but it was being quite scary-scary. It was a nightmare, in fact...

Meena: Is this old uncle understanding this, please?

Alena: To regret things not done is waste of life, I mind.

Alena: That is for why I am doings things such as making this journey, and entering tournament of Endor!

Kiryl: Regret for things not done... Mmm...

Kiryl: Da, I am capable to picture this.... If I did not elect to accompany Tsarevna on this journey, assuredly I would be superlatively regretful...

Ragnar: If he's really regrettin' no seein' the dream so much, maybe we should let him hae a quick word wi' Rose...?

Maya: Imagine if this little boy is really growing up to be a monster! His parents will be getting a big surprise!

Torneko: Sure, it's nice to be called brilliant every now an' then. This little fella talks a lot o' sense, so he does!

Alena: Small child is not requiring to become guard in order to fight monsters.

Alena: He is advisable to train as martial artist, and engage monsters in vigorous hand-to-hand combat.

Ragnar: Och, this wee laddie's got a bright future ahead of him as a palace guard, I can feel it in ma bones!

Maya: What a cheeky-cheeky chappie! Our journeys are being of no concern to him!

Torneko: .........

Torneko: ...Sorry, I was miles away, so I was. I was just thinkin' about me boy, Tipper.

Torneko: (sigh) I hope he's behavin' himself, an' not givin' his poor mother any trouble...

Ragnar: That wee laddie was one o' the bairns snatched by those mangy monsters.

Ragnar: Looks like it hasnae knocked him at all - he's just as full o' beans as he ever was!

Maya: Some people are always suffering awful-awful luck... We should not be getting too close to him, please. Bad fortune is contagious!

Torneko: Sure, ye never know what this ole world'll throw at ye next, so you don't...

Alena: People who are journeying to village solely to witness curious dream are with too much leisure time, I mind...

Borya: Rose would experience guilt if she is aware her dream causes troubles for innkeeper...

Borya: We should to keep this information for ourselves, I mind.

Ragnar: Sounds like business isnae too good at the moment... I feel sorry for this poor fella.

Meena: What was this minister-wallah planning to do after he is seeing the dream, please?

Meena: That dream was being a message straight from Rose's heart! It is not something for silly-billy thrillseekers to be watching out of curiosity!

Torneko: Sure, ye never know what this ole world'll throw at ye next, so you don't...

Alena: People who are journeying to village solely to witness curious dream are with too much leisure time, I mind...

Maya: I am feeling so so sorry for this man, working so very hard with no one to appreciate him!

Borya: Hmm... It is very much curious that everyone is forgetting contents of this dream...

Borya: Still, they are probably more happier if they are not remembering, I mind...

Ragnar: Och, dinnae talk tae me aboot forgettin' dreams!

Ragnar: I often wake up in the mornin' an' kick maself because I cannae for the life o' me remember whit I dreamed aboot the night before!

Alena: I too am wishing I had brother instead of being solitary child.

Kiryl: Tsarevna, I humbly request you lean against me as if I were actual brother.

Alena: Da, da, this is fine idea! In this case, I am no longer sole heir of Tsar and can avoid responsibilities and focus on combat training!

Kiryl: Nyet, this is not what I am intending!

Ragnar: It's good tae hear aboot wee bairns that are so eager tae be oot playin'!

Ragnar: When I was a laddie, I gave ma mother no end o' bother, runnin' off tae play with ma pals. But noo I've grown up tae be a fine upstanding palace guard!

Torneko: I hope me Tipper's not out playin' in any caves...

Torneko: I don't want him causin' his mother any worry, like.

Kiryl: Children must only play with supervision of adults. Otherwise they may encounter hostile monsters.

Kiryl: I am hoping parents of town are adequately controlling actions of offspring.

Ragnar: Aye, when I was a wee laddie, I used tae love playin' doon in the caves...

Meena: I am agreeing with her. People all over the world are always facing troubles.

Meena: Though I think I am facing ten times more troubles than everyone else thanks to you, sis!

Borya: She speaks accurately - people always are facing such concerns.

Borya: Though, thanks to Tsarevna Alena, I feel I am burdened with thrice times concerns of ordinary populace!

Ragnar: Och, there's always some nyaff frettin' and bletherin' aboot the state o' the world...

Ragnar: If everyone would just stay calm like me an' no start panickin', there'd be nothin' tae fret aboot, mon!

Maya: The number one way of forgetting your troubles is just to start dancing!

Maya: Come on please, Hero! Stop looking so serious, and let's have a little boogie-woogie!


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Maya: Arey, this place is falling apart, no?

Torneko: Takin' a quick break, are we? Sure, 'tis a fine idea!

Alena: This place is so much strange... I am feeling strength swelling up inside me...

Borya: Aura of this place, it is not so much dissimilar to aura of Zenithia itself...

Rose: We are getting closer and closer to Psaro... I can feel it...

Psaro: I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to be here...

Psaro: If there's something you need to do in this place, do it quickly, and let's take our leave.

Meena: I am sensing that this is being a safe place for us, Hero...

Maya: We are nearly being there now! Keep going, please! Chop-chop!

Torneko: I wonder how young Tipper's gettin' on back there in Endor...

Torneko: Yerra, I'm sorry, like... Sometin' must have reminded me of the little fella...

Alena: I am suddenly reminding of so many places we have visited in our journeys...

Alena: Oplya! Now is not time for becoming mired in remembrances!

Kiryl: If we are successful in saving world from destruction, perhaps then Tsarevna and I can...

Kiryl: Oplya! N-Nyet, I must not to allow myself such thoughts!

Alena: Kiryl, you are becoming red, nyet? You are blushing? For why? Please tell!

Rose: Psaro is up ahead! I am certain of it!

Torneko: Sure, me journey should have ended back when ye got yer hands on the Zenithian Sword, Hero...

Torneko: But I'm glad I kept goin', so I am. I'd hate to think I wasn't there fer youse all at a time like this...

Kiryl: We must to ensure that we are ready for monster attack at any moment...

Ragnar: Even the gnarly auld monsters in this place are no causin' us any problems these days...

Rose: Psaro...

Meena: The Secret of Evolution is supposed to be allowing all the creatures in the world to live happily together. That is what Father wanted all along.

Meena: It was later he was realising that humans should not dabble in such fields.

Meena: This is why he sealed it away, no? That is what I am thinking, at any rate...

Maya: Arey...? What is this place, please? There is nothing here at all...

Meena: Accha... The wind in this room is blowing in a different way to wind in the other rooms, I am feeling certain of it...

Kiryl: Hmm... What sensation is this...? I mind we should to very carefully investigate this room...

Maya: Rooms like this are being easy-peasy to overlook if we are not paying attention, no?

Borya: Hmm... Layout of this location is decidedly complex...

Alena: I am trying so much hard to concentrate, but I have strong feeling I will become lost at any moment...

Maya: Come on, people! We need to be preparing ourselves for one more push, no? Arey, let's go!

Torneko: I don't think it matters how tough we are. If we'd turned up here without a wagon to speak of, I'd be feelin' terribly uneasy altogether...

Kiryl: Truly, I am incapable to imagine what will occur when we encounter finally Psaro the Manslayer...

Rose: I can sense Psaro's presence... It is stronger than ever before...

Psaro: The irony of wandering around this place with a group of humans is not lost on me...

Rose: You know the path we took to get here? Psaro and I used to walk together along that path...

Rose: Truly, I cannot express how grateful I am to you for everything you have done...

Meena: Father... Please watch over us...

Meena: Who would ever have been thinking that ruby tears could reverse evolution...

Meena: Certainly, Father was not knowing this...

Maya: Finally, we are arriving here. Psaro the Manslayer is awaiting for us...

Maya: Is there something we are forgetting to do here?

Torneko: By the hokey, what's goin' on!? I've a quare feelin' in me belly, so I have...

Torneko: I'm tellin' ye, I'm goin' to start cryin' if we stay in here, like... Yerra, there ye go! (sniff) It's started already! (sob)

Alena: We must to not let our guards down now - we are incapable to know what might occur!

Alena: Come, friends! Now we must seek new foe! Still my desire to combat is not extinguished!

Kiryl: I am capable to understand fully strength of desire possessed by Rose...

Kiryl: If I am with firm belief... If I am trusting my love... One day, my desires also are being fulfilled... Perhaps...

Borya: Soon it will be time of Rose's fearsome task, nyet?

Borya: We are without reason for being in this place now...

Ragnar: It's nearly time, eh?

Ragnar: So Psaro thinks there's a new threat tae the peace of oor world oot there, does he?

Ragnar: Whit in the name o' the Goddess could it be? I cannae even begin tae imagine...

Psaro: How much time are you intending to waste in here?

Psaro: It's almost as though you don't know where you should be going next...

Rose: Psaro...

Rose: If Psaro does not intend to return to Rosehill any time soon...

Rose: Then perhaps you will permit me to travel with you a little longer.

Meena: Who would ever have been thinking that ruby tears could reverse evolution...

Meena: Certainly, Father was not knowing this...

Maya: So... Where should we be going now, please?

Torneko: (sob) I c-can't believe it! It's a miracle, so it is! (sniff) Yerra, I can't stop c-cryin'...

Alena: Oplya! Newest member of party is not having been granted permission to climb aboard wagon, I mind...

Alena: Or perhaps he is... No matter.

Alena: Da! Love! Power of love is capable to overcome anything!

Alena: Hmm? For why you are looking so delirious, Kiryl?

Borya: Mmm... Some of our new companions have little bit unexpected identity, I mind...

Ragnar: Jings! Psaro's even more powerful than the rumours were sayin'!

Ragnar: It's no wonder he managed tae earn the respect of all of monsterkind...

Psaro: I don't think humans are anything special, you know. I just wanted to make that clear...

Psaro: Right, let's go, shall we?

Rose: Thank you, Hero.

Rose: If it wasn't for you and your friends, I don't know what would have become of us... (sniff)

Meena: If we are going to face Psaro the Manslayer now, we should be remaining vigilant, please...

Torneko: I'll tell ye what, there was a tear or two in me eye when we brought yer wan Rose back to life, so there was...

Torneko: I can't wait till I'm back home an' tellin' wee Tipper and me Tessie all about it!

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Alena: Great World Tree is so much amazing, nyet?

Alena: I am almost incapable to comprehend that next flower will not blossom until one thousand years from now...

Kiryl: Truly, love conquers all... Yoy... (sigh)

Borya: Fate, it is always making so much interesting twists...

Borya: Who would have considered that human and elf would be capable to one day walk together hand-in-the-hand towards same destination...?

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: Och, it's nice tae ken there's no rush tae go an' take care o' Psaro the Manslayer

Ragnar: It's been a wee while since I could take a breath an' think aboot whit was gonnae happen next!

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...

Meena: It is being a little bit chilly all the way up here...

Maya: Waah! What a smashing view!

Maya: Always I am liking high places such as this, ever since I was a little girl!

Torneko: Sure, I could make a rake o' gold bringin' people from down below on trips up here, like.

Torneko: Ah, but it'd be easier said than done, so it would...

Alena: If I am kicking this cloud very hard, I mind I am capable to make a hole in it!

Kiryl: Please consider this fact - I am merely humble priest of Zamoksva castle...

Kiryl: Truly, is nothing short of miracle that I am visiting to place such as this!

Borya: Hmm? We will leaping down from Zenithia into place where Psaro the Manslayer lurks, da?

Borya: There is no alternative method, I mind...

Ragnar: I dinnae care how many times we come here, I'll never get used tae this place...


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Meena: Psaro the Manslayer is being nearby. Let us be careful, please!

Maya: This place is being perfect for a cave-lover like you, sis. Normal people are probably hating it, though...

Meena: That is a nonsense! Normal people are loving caves! If you are hating them, then you are being the strange one, innit!?

Torneko: Ye'll be careful now, won't ye? There's poison all over the place, so there is! YERRA! I'm just after nearly steppin' in some meself!

Alena: Psaro the Manslayer is close to hand at last!

Kiryl: I will g-go to depths of Underworld if it is necessary for p-protecting Tsarevna Alena...! (gulp)

Borya: Fu... Is surpassingly tropical in here... This is source of all heat in world, I mind...

Ragnar: It's a wee bit strange, but I cannae stop relivin' oor journey so far, o'er an' o'er again in ma head...

Torneko: Comin' to this village just reminds me of how we brought yer wan Rose back to life...

Torneko: Janey Mac, I'm wellin' up at the thought of it, so I am!

Kiryl: Seeds of destruction are present in this village? I am unable to observe any evidence of such things...

Borya: Let us hope to be able to glean useful information from people of this village.

Alena: Say me, Hero, is there ever time when you are not knowing to where you should journey next?

Ragnar: Och, if ye'd told me that one day we'd be comin' tae this village with Psaro the Manslayer in tow, I wouldnae have believed a word of it!

Psaro: Do we have any need to be in this village?

Psaro: If coming here is your way of showing pity towards me, I'm afraid you're wasting your energy.

Rose: Everyone in the village is delighted to hear that Psaro has returned!

Rose: (sigh) Oh, I can't wait to introduce everyone in the village to Psaro...

Rose: Sorry. I know there is no time for such things. I was just daydreaming. Forgive me.

Maya: Arey, who would ever have thought we would be meeting people who were glad to see Psaro?

Psaro: Everyone in the village is doing well, it seems...

Psaro: It is indeed a miracle that a group of humans saw fit to bring Rose back to life...

Meena: Uwaaargh! Uwaaargh!

Meena: Waah! I cannot stop making this sound now, please! Uwaaargh...

Maya: I am feeling sure that Rose will explain that we are not meaning her any harm...

Psaro: I will have to explain to him later that he cannot blindly trust all humans simply because he has encountered some who are not cruel...

Rose: Oh! Please ignore our canine friend. He doesn't mean it, I assure you.

Rose: Everyone appears to be under the mistaken impression that elves and humans cannot be friends.

Rose: They need to realise that friendship is not about what kind of creature you are...

Maya: Is Psaro not saying anything in response to this nun-wallah?

Maya: Is he trying to look cool, please!? If so, he is failing most spectacularly!

Borya: Young monster...? Mmm... In that case, we are knowing where we must to go, da?

Psaro: Hm. It seems that things are just as I thought...

Psaro: Well, you heard what the man said. You know where you need to go next, I'm sure...

Meena: I am wondering why a monster is wanting to help the humans snatch Rose away, please?

Maya: So the evil-evil brains behind this operation was actually a monster!? Arey...

Maya: This is being a little bit of a relief, if I am speaking truthfully...

Kiryl: Does this signify that humans who abducted Rose were acting on orders of another...!?

Kiryl: Yoy! This is very much important information, I mind. We should not to forget it...

Kiryl: Yoy... Psaro's face is with dark cloud...

Rose: Oh, the poor thing would simply light up if we were to bring Psaro to meet him!

Rose: Life is such a precious gift...

Rose: How lucky we are to be able to be with those we love... To not be alone...

Maya: So that we could talk with the monsters in here, we had to be becoming monsters ourselves.

Maya: But now that Psaro is accompanying us, perhaps that is not being necessary any more?

Torneko: Sure, I've grown a good bit stronger over the course o' this journey meself.

Torneko: I don't bat an eyelid at the sort o' monsters you get in this place any more, like!

Borya: If monsters assault us now, we are surely doomed.

Borya: If we are with business here, let us conclude it swiftly.

Ragnar: Och, the monsters are makin' a right stramash aboot somethin' or other...

Psaro: Perhaps it would be better not to unmask the traitor... It could be very embarrassing for me...

Psaro: Hm? You were listening!? Can't I have a few words with myself in peace?

Borya: Tsarevna is wishing to escape from castle, while monster is desiring to be king...

Borya: Yoy, this world, it is full of most bitter ironies!

Ragnar: Jings! Everyone here seems tae think Psaro's kicked the bucket!

Psaro: "Ashtaroth"...

Psaro: So that is the name of the fool who dares to stand against me...

Alena: Yoy... It seems not even monsters are free from tiresomenesses of political intriguings...

Ragnar: Jings! Everyone here seems tae think Psaro's kicked the bucket!

Psaro: Those who betrayed me will know that they have done wrong. I will make sure of that.

Psaro: Your fate is sealed, Ashtaroth...

Maya: Accha, that monster will be getting a rude awakening one of these days!

Kiryl: Is he not capable to observe that his master is with us? Insolent fiend...

Maya: Arey, it is so so nice to be meeting someone cheerful for once. So what if he is being a monster? Better a grinning beast than a sulky-sulky human!

Meena: Humans making meals for monsters? This is very very odd...

Borya: Ho ho! You act so much heroic, Hero, but I observe you are not averse to occasionally making fun, da?

Kiryl: Fact that human is keeping watch over prisoners is clear sign that this castle in in chaos, I mind...

Ragnar: Eh? Whit is he bletherin' on aboot- Jings! I'd clean forgotten we still look like beasties!

Borya: We should all to take inspiration from loyalty this monster is showing for Psaro...

Meena: Again we are coming up against the Secret of Evolution...?

Psaro: He speaks the truth. Even the likes of Ashtaroth should not be underestimated...

Psaro: We would do well to heed this monster's advice.

Meena: Ugh, I can only imagine what kind of horrible-horrible form a filthy beast like that would be evolving into...

Psaro: He is correct. Ashtaroth is no match for me.

Psaro: Feel free to speak to more of his underlings if you wish, but I am ready to confront him at any time.

Maya: We should be doing battle against this Ashtaroth right away, before our determination is beginning to wane!

Alena: He dubs himself new Master of Monsterkind?

Alena: If he is incapable to perceive that we are not truly monsters, he is not deserving such title, I mind...

Ragnar: Och, he doesnae seem all that tough tae me...

Ragnar: Still, we'd better no go gettin' complacent. We dinnae ken whit tricks he's got up his sleeve...

Meena: This foolish fellow is having no understanding of the situation at all! I am almost feeling sorry for him...

Meena: Arey, I would love to be seeing his face if we are bringing Psaro here with us!

Torneko: Sure, ye'd be better off bringin' yer man Psaro in here than me...

Torneko: I'd be happy to wait in the wagon, so I would. No? Suit yerself. I think it'd be a grand idea altogether...

Kiryl: I am with impression that he wishes us to combat against Psaro...

Kiryl: I am thinking we should to show him that things will not to turn out as he is expecting!

Maya: Actually, I am feeling so so free now... I am not feeling this way for a long-long time!

Maya: It is as if the burden of destiny is being lifted from my shoulders!

Alena: I am wondering if populace of Zamoksva are safely returned to castle now...

Ragnar: Now that we've done away wi' the Secret of Evolution, folk willnae have tae fear the Lord o' the Underworld any longer! This calls for a celebration!

Alena: So Hero is choosing to not remain in Zenithia, but rather to accompany us back to down below?

Ragnar: It's great that ye're comin' back down below wi' us, Hero, but whit aboot yer hometown an' all yer kinfolk?

Ragnar: I just want ye tae know that ye're welcome tae come wi' me tae bonnie Burland. If ye fancy it, jus' say the word!

Ragnar: Och, I dinnae ken hoo ye can keep yerself from blushin' when people are speakin' tae ye like that, Hero!

Maya: What fickle little so-and-sos! Those two are not giving me a very good impression of elves...

Alena: Finally! Elf is realising existence of good humans! Hooray!

Maya: Arey! Are you thinking they will mention me by name, Hero?

Alena: If our deeds are to be recorded, is proof that we are achieving something truly magnificent, da?

Ragnar: Folk 'round these parts are gonnae be talkin' aboot whit we did for centuries tae come, Hero!

Maya: This is being a nice thing for Orifiela to say, no? And I can tell she is really really meaning it too!

Ragnar: I've a feeling we'll no be able tae come an' see Orifiela like this any more noo that oor adventure's at an end. More's the pity...

Maya: I am thinking the final battle would have been a close-close call if it was not for my presence, innit, Hero?

Alena: Aga! I wish fervently that all persons of world had been capable to witness our final combat against Lord of Underworld!

Ragnar: Och, the only reason we were able tae fight that final battle an' live tae tell the tale was because we all stuck taegether!

Maya: Hero may be half-Zenithian, but he is raised down below, and his true friends are all being there also! I am speaking of us, of course!

Alena: I look forward immensely for inviting you to castle of Zamoksva, Hero!

Alena: After all, we are becoming so much close friends over course of this journey!

Ragnar: D'ye no think that lassie looks a wee bit like yerself, Hero? Och no, it's probably just ma imagination...

Maya: Arey, this is almost certainly being our last chance for looking at the view from up here...

Maya: The only reason we were being allowed to enter this place was to carry out our mission to defeat the reborn Lord of the Underworld, innit.

Alena: Is probable we will never to return to this place. I must imprint beautiful view into memory...

Ragnar: Look at me, eh - a simple soldier, an' yet here I am, standin' in a floatin' castle!

Ragnar: Och, the thought alone is makin' ma chest swell up wi' pride! An' ma eyes well up too, aye, I'm no scared tae admit it...

Alena: Hero is without wings. To return to land of non-flying peoples below with us is best choice, I mind...

Ragnar: It's only right that they see ye as one o' their own after all ye've done, Hero...

Meena: I am feeling a teeny-weeny bit jealous of Rose...

Meena: Ahh, if only I could have such a love one day... Arey! Now is not the time for having such silly-billy thoughts!

Maya: Arey, there is not being a single place in this whole wide world that we don't know about!

Maya: Waah, thinking of such a thing is making me feel so so big and clever!

Torneko: There's nuttin' in particular we need to be doin' right now, is there?

Torneko: See, I was just after thinkin' how yer man Hank Hoffman Jr. was gettin' on, like...

Torneko: Me goal was always to collect all the Zenithian equipment, so it was.

Torneko: But now that we're after doin' just that, I think I'll be takin' me leave and headin' back to the wagon... Yerra! Calm down! I'm only havin' a bit o' gas with ye!

Alena: Walking around like this, it is feeling exactly same as it was feeling before...

Alena: Surely there is enemy somewhere in world that we are required to fight against!

Kiryl: Our journey is over when all populace are returned to Zamoksva...

Kiryl: Until this time, we must to continue with our adventure, no matter what is occurring!

Borya: At times such as this, it is not such terrible idea to revisit to locations we have already been.

Borya: If we do so, we will find where we are needing to go next, I mind...

Borya: We have walked greatly excessive distances in our travels... Surely now we are covering every blade of grass in this world, nyet?

Ragnar: Jings... Looks like we've nowhere in particular tae be off tae...

Ragnar: Och, after all that stramash, we've finally got all the Zenithian equipment together, an' it turns oot I cannae equip any of it! Just ma luck!

Psaro: Why do you always feel the need to try and talk to me?

Psaro: Why don't you keep quiet for a few minutes, and just let me know when we've reached wherever it is we're heading?

Meena: Now you are having the Zenithian equipment, Hero, there are all sorts of new opportunities becoming available for us!

Maya: I am certain they will be accepting you as a real Zenithian when you are equipping the sword and all of the Zenithian armour, Hero...

Alena: You are fortunate, Hero - you possess Zenithian sword and armour.

Alena: I fervently wish for existence of Zenithian Claws for me to use, but alas...

Kiryl: When Hero is wearing Zenithian equipment, he has appearance of true Zenithian, even considering his lack of wings...


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Meena: It is being a little bit chilly all the way up here...

Maya: Waah! What a smashing view!

Maya: Always I am liking high places such as this, ever since I was a little girl!

Torneko: Sure, I could make a rake o' gold bringin' people from down below on trips up here, like.

Torneko: Ah, but it'd be easier said than done, so it would...

Alena: Is perhaps new threat of which Psaro spoke present here in Zenithia? Nyet. Surely this is not possible...

Kiryl: Please consider this fact - I am merely humble priest of Zamoksva castle...

Kiryl: Truly, is nothing short of miracle that I am visiting to place such as this!

Borya: Psaro is Master of Monsterkind. He does not belong in place like this, I mind...

Ragnar: I dinnae care how many times we come here, I'll never get used tae this place...

Psaro: Why have you brought me here?

Psaro: Let me be clear about one thing - I am not coming with you into Zenithia.

Meena: There is being nothing more for us down here...

Maya: Who was predicting that such a development is awaiting us, please?

Maya: I am thinking this journey is becoming more and more enjoyable for me!

Torneko: Comin' to this place reminds me o' the deep an' abidin' love that Rose and Psaro had fer one another...

Torneko: By the hokey I wish I was back with me Tessie, so I do...

Alena: Aga, I am so much delighted that our journeys together are not yet concluded!

Kiryl: To where will we journey next?

Kiryl: A return to firm, solid, safe, friendly ground below is good beginning, nyet? Nyet?

Borya: Even as we embrace former enemies, new enemies emerge to challenge us...

Borya: Is game of swings and roundabouts, nyet?

Ragnar: If we take care o' the new threat that Psaro's talkin' aboot...

Ragnar: Then we can say oor journey's finally at an end!

Psaro: There is no reason for us to be here...


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(Character) reads the sign.

"The desert bazaar done finished an' moved on. We traders would like to thank y'all for yer patronage."

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Howdy, Hero, ol' pal! It's been a while, huh? It's me, Hank Hoffman Jr., remember?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I done finished my apprenticeship with ol' Ilton, an' now I'm a-settin' up by myself.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I figured I might as well follow in the ol' coot's footsteps and set me up a boom town like dear ol' Mintos.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But I cain't very well jes' make a town out in this here wilderness all on my lonesome now, can I?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Which is why I thought I might ask you globe-trottin' varmints a little favour.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Can y'all git out there and find some folks with itchy feet, and tell 'em about the newest town in town?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I seem to recall hearin' about someone who was jes' itchin' fer a new life hangin' around in the church down there in little ol' Laissez Fayre.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If we can git us together a sizeable crowd on this here prairie, we'll be able to build us a mighty fine metropolis in no time flat.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I need me a couple o' helpin' hands to git this here town o' mine started.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I seem to recall hearin' about someone who was jes' itchin' fer a new life hangin' around in the church down there in little ol' Laissez Fayre.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If y'all come across anyone like that, you'll tell 'em all about my little frontier town here, won't you now?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If we can git us together a sizeable crowd on this here prairie, we'll be able to build us a mighty fine metropolis in no time flat.

(*): Peace be with you. I am an itinerant nun. I set out from my motherland to aid those in need in any way I could.

(*): If I could find myself a fledgling settlement somewhere, I am sure I could be of great use to its inhabitants.

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): So this Mr. Hoffman is establishing a town of his own?

(*): My humblest thanks! I shall make my way there forthwith.

(*): Farewell, travellers. I pray that you settle in your promised land.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Seems I owe y'all a debt o' thanks, Hero, ol' pal! Folks've finally started flockin' to this little ol' prairie town o' mine!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Now, I can't rightly say it pleases me a whole heck of a lot to presume upon on yer goodwill again like this, but...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: There's some folks I'm jes' itchin' to bring on down here to join the party. Whaddya say, pardner? Will ya look 'em up fer me?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Aww, c'mon now, don't be a stubborn ol' sourpuss! You'll help ol' Hank, won'tcha?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, thank you!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: These good people done helped me out a bunch back when I was studyin' the ways o' the wise over there in Mintos. I figured they might help us some here too.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But what with bein' busy buildin' this here town an' all, I can't rightly go chasin' after the varmints my own self...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Whaddya say, good buddy? I know it's a lot to ask, but could ya pass on word o' what we're doin' here?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: They're in the hotel business. Newlyweds, just startin' out in the innkeepin' trade.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: An' if y'all could see yer way to tellin' ol' Conrad 'Ilton hisself that Hank's busy buildin' the future out here while yer there, then all the better!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Much obliged! Y'all take care out there, now, y'hear?

(*): Was a guy, Hoffman, studied over at 'Ilton's place back a-ways. Used to be he stayed here all the time.

(*): Crazy dreamer was always talkin' about settin' up a town all his own.

(*): But I ain't heard nuttin' from him in who knows how long. Sure hope he's doin' okay...

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): Say what? You know the guy? Well I'll be!

(*): Thanks for lettin' me know he's doin' good, pal. Sounds like he's got a good thing goin' over there. I'm Rocky, by the way.

Rocky: Y'know, I figure I might head over there myself. Ain't no time like the present, huh?

Rocky: Wait, what am I, stoopid? I gotta check wid Adrian first!

Rocky: That's my lady, see? She's over at the church just now.

Rocky: What kinda knucklehead runs off widout his beautiful new wife, huh? They oughta put me in the nuthouse!

(*): Hang on in there, Hoffman, old pal... Wherever you are...

(*): Dear Goddess in heaven... Please, watch over my Rocky... Don't let him get hurt out there... (whisper)

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Adrian: Huh!? You're tellin' me my Rocky's fixin' to head out wherever that daydreamer Hank Hoffman's set down his ten-gallon hat now?

Adrian: It's nice o' him to look out for his friends and all, but would it kill the guy to talk wid me about it first, huh?

Adrian: And him only just now gettin' used to this new line o' work...

Adrian: But if it's what my Rocky wants, who am I to stand in his way?

Adrian: It's Hero, right? Thanks for lettin' me know. Maybe we'll see you over there in whatever prairie outpost old Hoffman's put together, huh?

(*): Mutter... Mumble...

Conrad 'Ilton: You wot? So old 'Offman's gone and set 'imself up in business wiv a town of 'is own, eh?

Conrad 'Ilton: Well, 'e may 'ave 'is spot picked out, but is anyone in the market for wot 'e's sellin', I wonder? Can't 'ave a town wivout people now, can ya?

Conrad 'Ilton: Mind you, we got a few more freshly trained top-tier salesmen round 'ere than I'm completely comfortable wiv, if I'm honest.

Conrad 'Ilton: If I send 'em 'is way, they won't be round 'ere to bovver me no more... It'll give the lad a chance to get 'is town goin', an' all...

Conrad 'Ilton: Heh, listen to me, gettin' soft in me old age! Don't tell 'im I said that last bit, will ya? Heh heh!

Conrad 'Ilton: 'E's listened to more than enough of my old claptrap anyway. Ain't nuffink more I can teach 'im. Let's see 'ow the lad stands on 'is own two feet...

Conrad 'Ilton: So the punters've started flockin' to old 'Offman's outback outpost, 'ave they?

Conrad 'Ilton: 'E's not as green as 'e's cabbage-lookin', that one. 'E might just end up bein' mayor of a sizeable settlement after all!

(*): Hey, have you heard?

(*): No you haven't. Stop messing around.

(*): Well, they're saying someone's built a new town over near Zamoksva somewhere.

(*): I reckon I might take my trade over that way and see how I do. There's too many merchants in this place already.

(*): I haven't got the foggiest who runs the place or what it's like, but it's worth a try, right? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and all that.

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): What's that? You know the man who founded the place? And he did his training here in Mintos?

(*): Well, that's great news. You've put my mind completely at ease. I'll set off right away!

(*): Wish me luck on the new frontier!

(*): But can I really take the risk...? It's a big move, after all...

Rocky: Say, if it ain't my old buddy Hero!

Rocky: Seems I got you to thank for talkin' Adrian round, huh? I owe ya.

Rocky: We'd never 'a come here widout you gave her that little pep talk.

Rocky: But now we made it all the way out here, I can't figure out is she happy, or is it the dumbest thing I ever did?

Rocky: I mean, ain't much here to speak of...

Adrian: (sigh) It's kinda...barren out here, huh...?

Adrian: But that don't matter none. Wid my Rocky by my side, I got all the clutter I need!

(*): Hey, have you heard?

(*): Yeah., that makes sense, I suppose. You're a traveller after all...

(*): Well, they say there was a great big bazaar being held here until only recently.

(*): Seems like that might have been a better time to set up shop...

(*): But I shouldn't complain. I'm one of the first to establish themselves in a brand new market. I'm perfectly placed to make a killing!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Seems it's y'all I gotta thank for all the Mintosian merchants headin' out to these parts lately.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Say, if y'all are ever back over that way, you think you might tell the couple workin' over there at the inn about this little ol' place too?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Them folks sure did treat me good back in my trainin' days. I'd dearly love to be able to repay the courtesy they done did me...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Seems it's y'all I gotta thank for my good friends Rocky 'n' Adrian makin' the trip all the way out here, huh?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Say, did that old coot Conrad 'Ilton have anythin' to say for his sly old devil self?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It's been a good ol' while now since I heard from the fella. I surely do hope all's well...

(*): Peace be with you. I am the itinerant nun with whom you met previously. I thank you wholeheartedly for teaching me of this place.

(*): I am consulting with Mr. Hoffman on how I might best be able to aid the citizens of this fledgling parish.

This must be Rocky's wife, Adrian...

(Character) reads the sign.

"This here town o' pioneers done gone and

got itself started up real good! Yeehaw!"

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Sorry, pardner, I done got this ol' house up an' built at last, but things is hardly in what you might call apple-pie order jes' yet...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why don'tcha have %D120%Xyourself/yourselves) a stroll around town there, 'til such time as I'm fully prepared?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I seen me a mighty strange frog down by the pond there.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I guess an oasis way out in a desert such as this'll bring all manner o' critters out to play, even froggies.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: And dunk me in a gully if it don't fit the place like a rootin'-tootin' glove! Yeehaw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But hold yer horses there, Hank... Ain't but the start o' this here venture... It's a tad bit soon to start a-whoopin' an' a hollerin'...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, we got us an inn now, an' more 'n' more folks're comin' here every day.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It's mighty lucky I done stayed back here to keep an eye on things - I been busier'n a coal miner's wife on washday! Y'all keep up the good work, now!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, howdy, Hero! Did y'all hear the news? We done gone an' started buildin' us a gosh-durned Pioneeratorium! Yeehaw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, don't that just beat all! (Pioneer Town)'s gotten so gosh-durned big, I can't barely believe it!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: An' it's all thanks to y'all. Why, I don't rightly know what to say. But there's still room for the ol' girl to grow, you know!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Howdy y'all! Welcome back!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Whaddya make o' the ol' place now, huh? A castle! I had me some high hopes for this town, but a castle? Why, I never expected that!

(*): The beauty of this garden sets my mind at peace. I pray that I can be of use to you in some way.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, if it ain't my good buddy Hero! I jes' done got finished gittin' everythin' ready, an' I'm all set to put this show on the road at last!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Say, yer a reg'lar brainbox - how's about you help me give the place the kinda name'll git folks flockin' here like flies on fertilizer?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I done thunk me up a doozie or three, but I can't fer the life o' me pick between 'em.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all've been helpin' me git the place together an' all. Seems only right you should have a say in what folks wind up callin' this one-horse town.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I'll rattle off a coupla ideas, an' y'all can tell me yer favourite. Here goes:

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Okay, well first off, I thought about "Herotown". It's a mighty purdy name, ain't it?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, I jes' knew it! Ain't that swell! Herotown it is, then! Yeehaw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, I guess it ain't the excitinest I ever did hear. Okay, try this next one for size:

Hank Hoffman Jr.: How's about "Herosville"? It's named fer yourself there, Hero. How about it?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, I jes' knew it! Ain't that swell! Herosville it is, then! Yeehaw!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, I thought as much. I knew you wouldn't be none too keen on that one, so I saved the best 'til the very last:

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Here goes... How's about..."St. Herosburg"? Not bad, huh? I'm mighty proud o' that one!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You're kiddin'! Y'all actually like St. Herosburg? I never thought that'd be the one'd take yer fancy! Still, much obliged.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Aww, shucks. Seems I ain't cut out fer the town namin' game.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Then there ain't nothin' for it but to let you decide, Hero, ol' pal.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Come on now an' gimme a name'll git 'em cheerin' fit to beat the band. I mean a real humdinger!

Sorry, but you can't have that name.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: What the!? After all yer dilly-dallyin', y'up an' went fer one o' my names anyways?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well gee, I guess they was some mighty fine ideas an' all. I can't rightly blame y'all for pickin' one!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: (Pioneer Town), y'say? Why, that's a purdy name! I coulda never 'a thought o' somethin' so grand!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Alright then, we'll name our little ol' township (Pioneer Town), agreed?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Alrighty! We done got ourselves a name!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: A purdy name's nice an' all, but it ain't nearly enough... The real hard work starts right about now...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: And it starts with gittin' the word out so's folks'll be flockin' here like ministers to moonshine!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Reckon I'll stick around these parts. Ain't no knowin' how busy things'll git once y'all start workin' yer posse-musterin' magic.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, alright then, I guess we better go back and start over.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Other 'n that, ain't been a whole lot for me to help folks with since they all got done settlin' in...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But I'll be durned if I ain't gittin' ahead o' my ol' fool self - why, this town don't even got itself a name to speak of!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I'll be here to show new folks the ropes an' git 'em settled in. Keep the town tickin' over, if y'all git my meanin'.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...What's that, now? Mayor? Me?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: It's mighty nice o' y'all to say so, but I ain't the type to hang my hat on the highest peg in the house jes' cos' I was first through the door...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I figure if this place ever grows big enough that there's mayorin' fixin' to git done, the good people of the town'll make a mayor for their own selves.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Naw, I'm more of a backroom boy. I'll jes' park my wagon here in this ol' shackle an' knuckle down to some good, honest labour.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all be careful out there now, y'hear?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: An' be sure to come by an' visit every once in a while.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ol' Hank ain't goin' nowhere!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Whaddya say, Hero, ol' pardner? I can count on you, can't I?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: If y'all come across a body pinin' for pastures new, jes' go on ahead an' sing this place's praises, y'hear?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Except for... Aw, shoot! I clean forgot about that little ol' froggy frog! The hoppity varmint asked me if I couldn't maybe see my way to helpin' him out some...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Guess this ain't such an easy place for a critter no bigger 'n a can o' beans to make a home, seein' as how it done got so busy an' all...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Say, while y'all are here... You recall the froggy frog I told y'all about last time around? I can't sit still for tryin' to figure the slippery little varmint out...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Critter's been here since even before I done rolled my one-horse wagon into town...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: An' I ain't never heard of a frog could talk jes' like a human bean before...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But we got ourselves a talkin' horse in town now too, so maybe it's jes' me don't know about such things...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: And if that ain't queer enough for y'all, that little froggy frog done turned out to be the king o' the whole durned place!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Why, I sure am glad I came all the way out here to found this crazy town...


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Hank Hoffman Jr.: Howdy there! I been waitin' for y'all to come on by!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I jes' been shootin' the breeze with them there folks y'all done sent on down here.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Looks like this ol' place is finally startin' to git a-hustlin' an' a-bustlin'!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But it still ain't nothin' much more 'n a cowshed an' an outhouse right about now.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: You jes' gotta help me keep on bringin' the folks a-flockin' into town, Hero!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: By the by, there's a little somethin' I was fixin' to ask y'all...

Hank Hoffman Jr.: But I cain't very well stand 'round out here shootin' the breeze all day long. Drop on by my little house on the prairie when you git yourself a minute.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I done built me a little place jes' nearby. Y'all come on down there an we'll have us a talk all about it.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I only jes' got done though, so it ain't exactly purdy yet. Tell you whut - take a mosey round town first, gimme a chance to git 'er cleaned up, y'hear?

(*): You there! Have you heard?

(*): But I haven't even told you anything yet. Fine, whatever.

(*): This is a new town, founded by a visionary fellow by the name of Hoffman.

(*): Anyway, it's brilliant here. I've only been in town five minutes, but they weren't bothered in the slightest about me setting up a little shop.

Frog: (yawn) Goodness me. I know it is said that the sleepy fox seldom has feathered breakfasts, but is it not also true that one slumber invites another?

Frog: I feel as if I have awoken from a slumber of one thousand and one years...

Frog: Oh, good day. And who might you be?

Frog: Hero (and esteemed companions), I am most honoured to make your acquaintance.

Frog: I am...but a simple frog, who has by chance learned the language of humankind.

Frog: Were you aware of the rumour that a magnificent castle once stood upon this very spot?

Frog: Indeed, in ancient times, this was a thriving bazaar, alive with nomadic peoples.

Frog: Oh yes, this surely was once a kingdom whose fortune was built on trade with distant lands.

Frog: But now it is no more than the arid expanse you see before you.

Frog: But you youngsters are aiding in the efforts to restore this humble hamlet to its former magnificence, are you not?

Frog: I do little but while away my days in idleness here by this pond. Pray, come and speak to me again when the town is further restored. Rrrribbit!

Frog: But I must detain you no longer. Mr. Hoffman awaits you in his dwelling-place, does he not?

Frog: He spoke of the necessity of your cooperation in the further development of this humble settlement.

Frog: I shall sit here and await the town's rising from the desert sands with patient anticipation. Rrrribbit!

Rocky: Well, if it ain't old Hero!

It's me, Rocky! How ya doin', huh?

Rocky: All's I gotta do now is work hard, an' all our dreams'll come true. All I want is for Adrian to be happy.

Adrian: I swear - guy loves his work more than he loves me! From mornin' 'til night he's out in them fields slavin' away!

Adrian: Here we are nooly married, and we're straight into the hard life. I guess it's in his nature. He always was a fighter. (sigh)

Hank Hoffman Jr.: See y'all in a little while.

(*): Peace be with you. I am a wandering nun. My heartfelt thanks go to you for teaching me of this place.

(*): I have consulted with Mr. Hoffman, and he agrees that I should help you to the best of my ability.

(*): I believe I can be of most use to you at Mr. Hoffman's home, so I shall retire there and await your orders.

(*): Please, take your time to relax and enjoy yourselves. Goddess go with you.

(*): Arrr, you there! Ye be a traveller unless I'm much mistaken. So have ye heard tell of this fabulous new city of plunder and wonder?

(*): I've been itchin' to weigh anchor and set sail for new shores, so I have.

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): Arrr! Ye're yankin' me anchor! Such a place really does exist? Then I'll set me a course for that there town right away!

(*): But shiver me timbers, I'm forgettin' I've a shipmate in tow!

(*): The lubber should be down there in the inn. Be a mate an' pass on the glad tidings.

(*): O' course such a fabulous land don't really exist. Arr well.

Prelvis Esley: Howdy there, hound dog. I'm Prelvis Esley, an' I've been travellin' this little ol' world with a companion o' mine.

Prelvis Esley: But lately I been gettin' tired of this ol' travellin' game. I'm hankerin' for a little less navigation, little less action.

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Prelvis Esley: (Pioneer Town), huh? You know, they say anyplace is paradise, but that sounds mighty fine to me.

Prelvis Esley: I'll grab my travellin' buddy an' head on down there. Thank you very much!

Prelvis Esley: Aw shucks. When will I ever find my promised land?

Rocky: Say, did you meet that noo merchant in town? Guy told me a little somethin' the other day...

Rocky: Word is, there's some wiseguy sits around in the church down there in Burland talkin' about how he wants to start himself a noo life someplace else...

(*): ...Oh, but I don't need to tell you that - you're the one who introduced me to the place! Tsk! You could have told me it was you and saved me the trouble!

Rocky: We done met up wid my old pal Hank, and he's doin' real good. We settled in pretty nice too.

Adrian: Hero! Honey! Well, ain't that somethin'! How ya been, huh? Better than my Rocky, I'll betcha!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I should be right about done once y'all've got yerselves an eyeful o' jes' how dandy this little town's a-lookin' lately!

Prelvis Esley: Howdy there, hound dog. Remember me? Uh-huh-huh! The name's Prelvis Esley, and I'm much obliged to y'all for tellin' me o' this here carny town.

Prelvis Esley: Seems they only just got started puttin' the place together though, huh? There's a whole lotta buildin' goin' on!

Prelvis Esley: But it don't matter none. Bein' here from day one'll give me time aplenty to sing the place's praises!

(*): Arr, so this be the fabled town o' (Pioneer Town), be it, shipmate? Ain't much to speak of yet, is she?

(*): But this here'd be a bonny spot to build a tavern, eh? Entertain a trav'ller or two... Sink a cup o' grog... Yaharr!

(*): Seems to me I met a lass keen to start herself out in the innkeeping trade, now ye mention it... Arr, 'twas in a fair city of canals, so it was!

(*): Howdy there! Y'all are wanderin' folks now, aren't you? Will you hear a fellow traveller's tale?

(*): I've been everywhere I could think of lookin' to set me up a nice old inn, but ain't nowhere good enough showed up yet. This place least of all...

(*): Why, I can't think for all the water flowin' every which-way! What'll I do - ask my guests to sleep on blessed rafts?

(*): Y'all ain't happened across a nice little town where a girl might set herself in business now, have you?

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): Well now, how did I never hear of such a place? I'll pack my bags and head along there right away!

(*): ...Oh, but I can't very well leave town without my beloved pooch Bobby now, can I?

(*): Most days, we're inseparable, but we got all muddled up in this crazy maze of waterways, and now I don't know where the little dear has gotten to...

(*): I'd go look for him myself, but I do declare, I am just shattered! Would you be an absolute doll and find him for me?

(*): Oh, you are a dear!

(*): Well now, that is a shame. I thought bein' the travellin' type, y'all mighta heard o' someplace...

(*): Arf! Arf! Aooo!

Do you want to reunite him with his owner?

(*): Rrrruff!

(*): Oh, would you look at that! You found my Bobby! Why, you are just the sweetest!

(*): Now, dearie - you said the place was called (Pioneer Town), didn't you? Do come visit once my inn's up and runnin'!

(*): C'mon now, Bobby, dear!

(*): Rrrarrf...

(*): Well, I do declare! If it ain't my old travellin' friend! I'd like a word with you!

(*): Y'all told me to come down here and start my little inn, but there ain't so much as an outhouse to speak of! What kind of a town do y'all call this?

(*): (sigh) Ahh well, I'd best roll up my sleeves, hadn't I? If it's an inn I want, it's an inn I'll have to build!

(*): Now, where has my Bobby gotten to?

(*): Little darlin' does so love to dig for buried treasures.

(*): If y'all see him out there rootin' in the dirt, you could do worse than take a look-see at what he's uncovered...

(*): (whine) Aooo!

Prelvis Esley: Uh-huh-hm? Where might you find my pal, you say? Why, cryin' in the chapel, o' course!

Frog: I hear tell of your having blessed this place with a new name, friend. Pray, what name did you choose? ...(Pioneer Town)? Hmm...

Frog: Yes, this will work well... It is a name with... room for growth...

Frog: I shall sit here and await the town's rising from the desert sands with patient anticipation. Rrrribbit!

(*): What's that ye say, shipmate? Ye've spoken with the scurvy dog a'ready?

(*): Arr, ye're a goodun'! A thousand thanks! Seems there ain't nothin' left to do but set sail for the promised land! Anchors aweigh!

This must be Bobby, the dog the old lady was looking for.

(*): You there! Have you heard?

(*): But I haven't even told you anything yet. Fine, whatever.

(*): I moved from my previous kingdom to this land of the free - free trade, that is!

(*): I hope one of the surrounding countries finds oil or some other resource we need, so we can go inva- er, I mean, democratise them too.

Frog: That most terrifying-looking gentleman who arrived in town recently almost trod upon me mere moments ago!

Frog: This is only the second time I have endured such a hair-raising brush with death.

Frog: The first time was when I became accidentally entombed at the bottom of a well.

Frog: It was necessary to hibernate for a considerable period after undergoing such a harrowing ordeal.

Frog: I wonder how long I slept for altogether... Rrrrrribbit!

Frog: Great merchants once sold a veritable treasure trove of rare artefacts at the castle that stood in this place.

Frog: And not only that, envoys from distant lands also brought great offerings to present to the castle's inhabitants.

Frog: If this town were to develop into a mighty castle also, wondrous shops and splendid treasures too might appear.

Frog: I look forward to such a felicitous day. Rrrribbit!

Prelvis Esley: Howdy there, hound dog. I'm Prelvis Esley, an' I spend my days travellin' this little ol' world an' spreadin' the joy o' song.

Prelvis Esley: This here's the finest little boom town in all the world. Viva Las (Pioneer Town)!

Prelvis Esley: There ain't no suspicious minds round these parts, just proud pioneers makin' an honest livin'. It fair fills my heart with song just to be here!

(*): Arr, I was a rash one in me younger days an' no mistake. A real loose cannon.

(*): I plundered a crown o' gold...why, I even did me a little kidnappin'...

(*): But then I met me a fellow, greater even than the greatest sea cap'n, who set me on the right course, an' now I'm a changed man.

(*): I been performin' good works, buildin' a church to stand like a beacon for travellers who've strayed off-course an' such.

(*): 'Course, me faith is still tested once in a while. Why, only today I had to stop meself dancin' a hornpipe on a poor little froggy's head.

(*): By the by, I heard tell of a great city once stood on this spot, name o' Pioniria.

(*): But that great castle town was sunk beneath the sandy waves o' the desert by an evil sorcerer, and its king cursed to take a strange new form.

(*): (whine) Arf!

(*): Ruff!

Rocky: I can't figure out why, but lately Adrian don't seem too good.

Rocky: I sure hope I ain't done nuttin' to upset her.

Adrian: I told ya I don't wanna talk to you right now! (sob)

Adrian: Huh? Oh, sorry. I thought you were Rocky.

Adrian: Guys just don't get it, do they? (sob)

There's a book called "Chronicles of Pioniria". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads an excerpt.

"When the town once more becomes a castle, his body shall rise again from the pot in the south-western room.

"Then, from the depths of the castle, from deep within a treasure chest filled with pain, his heart also shall rise.

"And finally, the Sultana of Pioniria's most treasured possession...in a treasure chest locked in a cell...the gift of her beloved king."

Prelvis Esley: Howdy there, hound dog. I'm Prelvis Esley, an' I spend my days travellin' this little ol' world an' spreadin' the joy o' song.

Prelvis Esley: I heard tell that some hard-headed woman an' her big hunk o' love went in search o' pirate treasure in a big ol' cave somewhere.

Prelvis Esley: If they done had a dream, an' they wanted to follow that dream, they coulda done worse than invest their hopes in this here beautiful boom town.

(*): Oh me oh my, I'm tired of the wanderin' life.

(*): My husband brought me here, said he wanted to try and find the pirates' treasure.

(*): Ain't there a town somewhere I can settle down and live the simple life?

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): (Pioneer Town)? If it's a town that's on the up-and-up, maybe I could open up a shop there...

(*): But what would my husband say? He went down into the depths there to see what he could find.

(*): I wonder where he's gone and got himself to now.

Streo Louse: Howdy, I'm Streo Louse. I been sittin' down here in the sound o' this here waterfall an' havin' me a good ol' think.

Streo Louse: I been thinkin' on what them pirates must see when they finally git their hands on a treasure they done set out to look for.

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Streo Louse: Hmm. (Pioneer Town), you say? Well, we visited a few places on our travels, but we ain't fetched up there yet.

Streo Louse: Thank you kindly, traveller. We'll head off right away.

Streo Louse: My poor wife. All she wants is to find a town somewhere she can set up a little shop. If only I could give her what she wants...

Streo Louse: I jes' don't know the answer. Guess it's 'cause I ain't a pirate myself.

Streo Louse: Anyhow, I also been wonderin' if there ain't somewhere me and my lady wife can settle down. I been draggin' her every which way, poor thing.

(*): Hey, you're the one told us all about this place, huh?

(*): Dreamer that I am, I thought I'd be able to just show up and set me up a shop right away, but it seems it ain't quite that simple.

(*): I need to do me a little research first. Mayhap I'll ask that there item shop feller for a tip or two...

Streo Louse: Howdy, I'm Streo Louse. I been thinkin' on the history o' this here boom town.

Streo Louse: History's kinda like a piece o' woven cloth - yer warp is yer people, and yer weft is yer place, if y'all git my meanin'.

Streo Louse: Or is it t'other way around? Shucks, now I done got myself all mixed up.

Streo Louse: Speakin' o' warps and wefts an' all...

Streo Louse: I done heard tell of a ornery ol' weaver lives in a village by the side of a big ol' river someplace.

Streo Louse: Reckon I might be able to figure out my theory a little better if I could speak with someone knew the trade purdy good.

Streo Louse: I done asked all the tailors an' such in town a'ready, but ain't a one of 'em been able to help me none.

(*): How do? Zack's the name. Lately master weaver o' this here town. You got business with me, young 'un?

Zack: Good. Then listen up - I got me a problem. Y'all wanna hear it?

Zack: It's like this, see: I can't for the life o' me decide where to spend my twilight years.

Zack: I done wound up a long life o' weavin' for the folks o' this ol' place, an' now I'm lookin' to git me to pastures new.

Zack: Y'all don't happen to know of anyplace an ol' coot might spend his dotage?

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Zack: Hmm, that don't sound half bad... Reckon I might git me some peace at last, someplace where I don't know nobody...

Zack: Much obliged, young 'un. I'll pack my bags and light out right away.

Zack: Naw? Then I don't got no need o' y'all. Go on, git!

Zack: Then I don't got no need o' y'all. Go on, git!

Zack: Then I don't got no need o' y'all. Go on, git!

Zack: Gah, what is it now? You got business with me, young 'un?

Zack: Zack's the name. I done moved to this ol' place to see out my twilight years. You got business with me, young 'un?

Zack: Well, I don't got no business with y'all, neither.

Zack: I done moved here to retire, but there ain't even so much as a hogshed to lay my head in!

Zack: Guess I don't got no choice but to sit tight 'til such time as somethin' I like the look of gits built. An' I don't need no company while I wait, so git! Go on, now!

Zack: Hey, wait just a minute. I didn't recognise y'all. I got a little somethin' for ya first...

Zack: Word is, there's a feller down in some dwarf town someplace wants into the priesthood, and's seekin' hisself a church to run.

Zack: They only just done got started with the chapel here. Reckon this town might be in the market for a minister, if y'all catch my meanin'...

(*): Hmm... What am I to do...?

(*): Having devoted myself to the service of the Goddess for some years, I returned here to Rosehill with a view to spreading Her word to my own people.

(*): But it seems that foreign missionaries have taken it upon themselves to establish a church in my absence.

(*): A sister of the faith even tends to the needs of the animals within the tower...

(*): Her work is being more than amply done here...

(*): Does a town somewhere lack a priest? Have you perhaps heard tell of such a place, wanderer?

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): Can it truly be? A new town, and a new church besides? This is divine providence indeed...

(*): You have my thanks, wanderer. I shall journey there forthwith, and offer my priestly services to this place of pioneers.

(*): But of course you have not. The Goddess does not offer Her guidance quite so easilly...

(*): Well met, old friend. As you can see, the people of this town accepted me as their priest. And all is thanks to you.

(*): Now, to business...


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(*): You there! Have you heard?

(*): But I haven't even told you anything yet. Fine, whatever.

(*): Some varmint's had the gall to open an item shop near the entrance to town!

(*): I tried to give her some advice, from the voice of experience, y'know, but the owner's a real hard-headed businesswoman.

Frog: Ah-phew, ah-phew...

Frog: ...Hmm? Oh, greetings, Hero, I trust you are well?

Frog: If (Pioneer Town) can come this far, it is certainly no fantasy to think that it could one day regain its former palatial form.

Frog: And I shall certainly do my utmost to help make the citizens' lives easier in any way that I am able.

Frog: Oh, incidentally, have you investigated the bookshelf in the house in the north-east of the town?

Frog: I have heard tell that there is a book there which details the legend of the mighty city that once stood on this very spot.

Frog: Hmm. A ring found in the fields, you say?

Frog: Well, it is most certainly possible that such treasures would be unearthed if a great city truly did once stand here.

Frog: Why, it could even be the ring that Sultan Farog, the young and handsome ruler of Pioniria, is rumoured to have bestowed upon his beloved.

Frog: If it has fallen into the hands of young newly-weds, I am sure the Sultan would be more than pleased at such a propitious occurrence.

Prelvis Esley: This here's the finest little boom town in all the world. Viva Las (Pioneer Town)!

Prelvis Esley: It's a mighty special place. There's all kinds o' tales in the air an' in the ground, an' it's just all shook up with mem'ries an' such.

Prelvis Esley: You wanna hear one o' the stories? This one come up from way down, but it's a mighty fine fable. Whaddya say?

Prelvis Esley: Well that's alright then. Here goes nothin':

"Once upon a time, a troupe of wandering minstrels came to the great and illustrious city of Pioniria.

"The moment the young sultan of Pioniria set eyes upon one of the young maidens of the troupe, he fell deeply in love with her.

"The young Sultan Farog's viziers were strongly opposed to his marrying beneath him.

"But his father, the previous sultan, approved the match, and the wedding went ahead.

"A marriage between two people of such different backgrounds inspired the citizens of Pioniria, and the city grew mighty and prosperous."

Prelvis Esley: Well alright, then, baby, I don't care. You come by now any time you change your mind.

(*): Arrr, the folks be flockin' to the town now, so we're buildin' us a bootyful Pioneeratorium.

(*): The bigger the old place grows, the more voyagers'll make port here, see.

(*): A Pioneeratorium's a place for such wanderers to rest their weary bones.

(*): (whine) Arf!

(*): Ruff!

Streo Louse: Howdy, I'm Streo Louse. I been sittin' here havin' me a good ol' think about mirages an' such.

Streo Louse: I reckon maybe the difference in atmospheric temperature might be what makes it so's we can see that crazy otherworldy stuff.

Streo Louse: 'Course, them other worlds is only visions an' all, but there's plenty crazy things in this ol' world of ours too...

Streo Louse: Why, who's to say we ain't just a mirage or a vision or suchlike for people from another world ourselves?

No answer...

It looks like they're in a world of their own.

Rocky: Hey, sorry, man. I didn't see you there.

Rocky: I gave Adrian this ring I found, and she's been givin' me the eye o' the tiger ever since!

Rocky: I found it out in the fields when I was workin'.

No answer...

It looks like they're in a world of their own.

Adrian: Rocky gave me this ring. Ain't it a beauty? Ahh, what a guy! Tee hee hee.

There's a book called "Chronicles of Pioniria". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads an excerpt.

"When the town once more becomes a castle, his body shall rise again from the pot in the south-western room.

"Then, from the depths of the castle, from deep within a treasure chest filled with pain, his heart also shall rise.

"And finally, the Sultana of Pioniria's most treasured possession...in a treasure chest locked in a cell...the gift of her beloved king."

Zack: Howdy. I'm Zack, an' I done retired to this here town to git me some peace. You got business with me, young 'un?

Zack: Sorry, but even if you have, I ain't got no business with you.

Zack: Didn't think so. Now git gone!

Zack: Howdy. I'm Zack, an' I done retired to this here town to git me some peace. You got business with me, young 'un?

Zack: Hm. So you done heard the rumours too, huh?

Zack: I cain't rightly say if it's true, but I heard tell o' some critter with a whole bunch o' legs down there in the jailhouse in Strathbaile.

Zack: Didn't think so. Now git gone!

Mary Curey: (rumble) Burp!

Mary Curey: Goo day. I'm Mary Curey. I'm looking for my friend Healie.

Mary Curey: (rumble) Burp!

Mary Curey: I didn't mean to goo it, it was just on the spur of the moment. I promise I'll never eat and run again. I've served my slime, just let me out. (burp)

Mary Curey: (rumble) BURRRP! My gooness! Is it a dream? Flantastic! The door's open!

Mary Curey: Did you goo this? I don't know how to thank goo. But...I'm a criminal...

Mary Curey: Oh, if only there was somewhere a poor injured slime like me could start a goo life and live in peace! But why goo this to myself? There's no such place...

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Mary Curey: That sounds gooreat! I could goo to a place like that and start a new life because nobody would know what a bad slime I've been.

Mary Curey: Thank goo very much. I'll try not to goo anything bad again. See you next slime! Burp!

(*): Fancy that, pretendin' ye're wantin' tae go off and start a new life, just so's ye can get oot o' jail and go off on another crime spree. Hmph.

(*): Och, but there's no such thing as a victimless slime, ye ken. Ah'll be in all kinds of trouble for this.

(*): They're slippery customers, though. This has happened slime after slime. Mebbe they're helping each other oot, ye ken, like organised slime.

Mary Curey: Well, I suppose I'll just have to stay here and goo on eating the horrible food they give me until such slime as they choose to let me out. Brrrrrp...

(*): That one in the cell? She may seem sweet an' innocent enough tae yerself, but the crime o' eatin' and runnin's no looked on too kindly 'round here.

(*): An' dinnae go openin' that door tae let her oot, no matter whit sob stories she tries tae tug at yer heartstrings wi'.

(*): Och, I dinnae blame youse for openin' the door tae let young Mary escape, or migrate, or whatever ye want tae call it.

(*): Well, it doesnae matter anyhoo. The poor wee thing seemed sorry enough for whit she'd done. I was goin' tae let her oot as it was.

(*): I'm what they call an archaeologist. Y'know, diggin' up the odd artefact, castin' me expert eye over the occasional treasure, that sorta thing.

(*): I was passin' by on me travels and spotted this place. Coulda sworn it wasn't here five minutes ago. D'ye know anythin' about it?

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): (Pioneer Town), ye say? If they're still puttin' the place together, there'll be a bit o' diggin' o' foundations an' such goin' on, eh?

(*): Then they'll need a pair of expert eyes to see if they've not unearthed a treasure or two while they're at it.

(*): Thanks, ye're a pal. This is just the sorta gig makes me my bread and butter. I'm Archie, by the way. Archie O'Logist.

Archie O'Logist: I'd just as well stick around a while an' see if I can't do some diggin' into the local history too while I'm here.

Archie O'Logist: By the way, I was in this place with a massive great big casino the other day, and I met a right quare lassie.

Archie O'Logist: 'Twas a princess or some such noble sort. Doin' her damnedest to give some scholarly ole so-and-so the slip, she was.

Archie O'Logist: I'll bet she's still down there gamblin' the family fortune down the drain...

(*): Ye've no idea either? That's weird, eh. Wonder where it sprang from all of a sudden...

(*): Lost again? What rotten luck! Well, that's rather unfortunate - I appear to have squandered every last penny I brought with me.

(*): And there I was thinking I was free of the rotten old, boring old palace at last. Whatever am I to do now?

(*): I simply cannot bear to go back and be lectured by that frightful old bore. If only there were somewhere I might escape to...

Do you want to tell her about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): A new town, you say? Now that is intriguing. One might reinvent oneself entirely as a prim and proper princess in such a place.

(*): It's in the desert near Zamoksva, you say? I shall make my way there immediately.

(*): I am Princess Pam, by the way. You have my thanks, wanderer. Do come and visit me in my new home. Toodle-oo!

(*): (sigh) Is there nothing I might do to avoid being made to go back to that awful, awful place...?

Mary Curey: (rumble) Burp!

Mary Curey: I heard this place was slop bang in the middle of the desert, so I was worried I was gooing to completely dry out on my way here.

Mary Curey: But now I've arrived, I'm having an absolutely flantastic slime bathing in the oasis! It's googeous!

Mary Curey: You should try it for yourself. You won't regooret it!

Princess Pam: Oh, how lovely to see you! It's me, Princess Pam! We met in the casino in Endor, if you recall.

Princess Pam: There may not be much excitement to speak of here, but it really is just blissfully peaceful without that dreadful old bore going on at me all the time.

Princess Pam: I really rather think I might grow to quite like it here.


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(*): You there! Have you heard?

(*): Ha! That's just what I thought you'd say. Anyway...

(*): I heard somewhere that the moon only exists when you're looking at it.

(*): But I think that kind of thing is just people getting their minds in a muddle. Anyway...

Prelvis Esley: This here's the finest little boom town in all the world. Viva Las (Pioneer Town)!

Prelvis Esley: She's gone from a couple o' shacks to a serious settlement in no time flat. Ain't nobody livin' in the ghetto in this city o' dreams!

Prelvis Esley: By the way, I ain't seen hide nor hair o' that little hound frog used to hang out by the pond there for a while now. I wonder where's he's got to...

(*): Arrr. This 'ere be the Pioneeratorium. 'Twas built to welcome weary pioneers like a port at the end of a long and perilous voyage.

(*): Sail on in an' have yourself a look, me hearty!

(*): (whine) Arf!

(*): Ruff!

Streo Louse: Howdy, I'm Streo Louse. I been sittin' here havin' me a good ol' think about this crazy, mixed-up world we're livin' in.

Streo Louse: What if you an' the varmint next to you seemed like you was livin' in the same world, but in fact, it weren't the same place at all?

Streo Louse: Or what if the world as you see it turned out to be entirely different to how others see it?

Streo Louse: Sheesh! Once I start thinkin' like that, the more I ponder it, the less I seem to understand...

Mr. Ned: Why howdy there, I'm Mr. Ned, the talkin' horse.

Mr. Ned: How on earth did I come to be here? An' how comes I kin talk like a human bean? Why, I don't remember nothin'. But at least I'm here, that's the mane thing.

Mr. Ned: I got me a fuzzy memory of a mighty purdy castle, an' a whole herd o' people...

Mr. Ned: I guess if I seen that castle again, I could maybe remember me a little mare- uh, a little more, I mean.

Rocky: I went down to the pond to catch that freakin' frog, but I guess I just missed the little guy.

Rocky: I just can't do no work if my Adrian ain't feelin' good. I can't keep my mind on nothin' else.

Adrian: I wanted to make my Rocky a beautiful froggy fricassée for his dinner...

Adrian: ...but I couldn't find the freakin' fricassée's fundamental fixin': a frog! Oh, I'm a failure! Waaah! (sob)

There's a book called "Chronicles of Pioniria". Hero takes it from the shelf and reads an excerpt.

"When the town once more becomes a castle, his body shall rise again from the pot in the south-western room.

"Then, from the depths of the castle, from deep within a treasure chest filled with pain, his heart also shall rise.

"And finally, the Sultana of Pioniria's most treasured possession...in a treasure chest locked in a cell...the gift of her beloved king."

Archie O'Logist: Hero! How've ye been'? It's me - Archie O'Logist! I came to this fine ole town to do me some diggin' fer ancient treasures, remember?

Archie O'Logist: While I'm here, are ye wantin' to hear the tale of ole Pioniria, the town that stood here many moons ago? I put the tale together meself based on me research...

Archie O'Logist: The sultans of the city o' Pioniria had a most holy an' magical pot that was passed from one generation to the next.

Archie O'Logist: But it seems the pot was afflicted by some sort o' terrible curse, so it was.

Archie O'Logist: Now, one day, Farog, the young sultan o' Pioniria, an' his lady wife went an' opened that pot, not knowin', o' course, o' the curse it contained.

Archie O'Logist: No sooner did they pop it open than a most horrible genie appeared, an' summoned up a swirlin' great sandstorm.

Archie O'Logist: The storm raged an' rumbled an' swallowed up the city o' Pioniria, buryin' it deep beneath the desert sands.

Archie O'Logist: An' the gallant Farog, who tried his best to stand up to the genie an' protect his beloved kingdom, was cursed to take on a terrible new form.

Archie O'Logist: Not interested, eh? Fair enough. Maybe another time, eh?

Princess Pam: Why, hello there, old friend! Thanks awfully for telling me about this place. I would have been so dreadfully bored if I hadn't found it.

Princess Pam: It's so peaceful without that old fool prattling on at me all the time. I rather think I could live here forever.

Prelvis Esley: This here's the finest little boom town in all the world. And boy howdy is she boomin'! Viva Las (Pioneer Town)!

Prelvis Esley: By the way, I ain't seen hide nor hair o' that little hound frog used to hang out by the pond there for a while now. I wonder where's he's got to...

Prelvis Esley: What? He was bein' all shook up by some kind o' monster down underground there?

Prelvis Esley: Aw shucks! You mean little ol' Mary Curey? I was surprised myself when that little sister came to town, but I knew it was her, soon as I seen 'er.

Streo Louse: But I guess that's one o' the things makes this ol' life a challenge an' a pleasure all at once.

Rocky: I went down to the pond to catch that freakin' frog, but I guess I just missed the little guy.

Rocky: Hey, by the way, I been hearin' about a guy in some bar in Havre Léon, talkin' about wantin' to be a king or somethin'.

Rocky: This town's gone from nuttin' to bein' a real contender. I figure we get us a king now, and the castle won't be too long followin'.

Princess Pam: Why, hello there, old friend! Thanks awfully for telling me about this place. I would have been so dreadfully bored if I hadn't found it.

Princess Pam: It's so peaceful without that old fool prattling on at me all the time. I rather think I could live here forever.

Princess Pam: But if one is to live here for good, it would be preferable to have a well-appointed palatial bedchamber, and perhaps some guards also.

Princess Pam: Speaking of which, when I was passing through Laissez Fayre, I did chance across a young man who was training as a guardsman.

Zack: Mighty sorry, I ain't quite done it jes' yet.

Zack: If you'll gimme jes' a little more time, I'll have it done real soon!

Zack: An' I- Hey! It's you!

Zack: Oh, uh, it was nothin'. Never you mind. Jes' thought you was someone else, that's all.

Frog: Hero, you are truly a saver of lives!

Frog: I had stepped out for a hop around town to look at the magnificent developments that have occurred, and then...

Frog: To think, I was mere moments from being eaten up, and my bones scattered to the four winds!

Mary Curey: (rumble) Burp! Ooh, that frog looks so tasty! I just want to globble him up- Oh! Um, hello...

Mary Curey: It's, er...yes, the town is, um...yes, it's a lovely place...I was just, er...

Mary Curey: Yes, I was just saying hello to my new neighbour, Mr. Frog there. Isn't he delici- I mean, um...delightful? (slurp) (rumble)

Mary Curey: (rumble) Burp? Me? Eat lovely Mr. Froggy?

Mary Curey: Don't be silly! You really shouldn't goo around listening to the terrible things people say all the slime.

Mary Curey: You know very well I came here to start a new life away from the terrible slimes of my past.

(*): It must be ten years now since I decided to become a king.

(*): I've travelled all over the world, but I never found a kingdom yet that would let me rule over it.

(*): There must be a settlement somewhere in need of a new monarch...

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

(*): (Pioneer Town), eh? An up-and-coming town like that is sure to need a king. Or a democratically-elected president!

(*): Thank you so much! I'll make my way there straight away.

(*): (sigh) Sometimes I wish I'd never decided to become a king in the first place. When will I ever find my kingdom?

Partz: Greetings, (Sir/Ma'am)! Partz, Private, First Class, reporting for duty, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: My body is a weapon primed for use in service of its country, (Sir/Ma'am)! I just haven't managed to identify which country yet, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Do you want to tell him about Hank Hoffman Jr.'s frontier town?

Partz: (Pioneer Town), (Sir/Ma'am)! Understood, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: Partz, Private, First Class, requesting permission to move out, (Sir/Ma'am)! Thank you, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: Partz, Private, First Class, standing easy until such time as a suitable destination is identified, (Sir/Ma'am)! Thank you, (Sir/Ma'am)!

(*): Hello there! It's me! I'm the king you met in the pub in Havre Léon. You told me about (Pioneer Town)!

(*): Great news - I spoke to that nice Mr. Hoffman, and he said it was fine for me to try being king!

(*): The only thing is, there doesn't seem to be a castle in town yet, let alone a throneroom.

(*): So you couldn't call me a real king yet, really. More of a king in waiting.

(*): But if there's one thing I'm good at, it's waiting. You'll see - I'll be sitting atop a throne before you can say "monarchotheism"!

Partz: Halt! Who goes there?

Partz: ...Oh, it's you, (Sir/Ma'am)! Why didn't you say so, (Sir/Ma'am)? Welcome to (Pioneer Town), (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: I'm much obliged to you for telling me about this place back in Laissez Fayre, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: Mr. Hoffman very kindly asked me if I wouldn't mind becoming captain of the town guard, (Sir/Ma'am), and I accepted, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: Now all we need's a king and a castle,(Sir/Ma'am), and all my dreams will have come true at last!

♪ Ohhh, the buttons of unlocking are as round as the sun, and-

(*): Oh, hello. Are you a traveller too? I'm Destiny, princess of pop!

(*): I've been travelling the world to find a venue worthy of my vocal skills, and I happened across this place. Isn't it lovely?

(*): If only there was a stage somewhere for me to perform on, I think I could settle down here, you know...

Snowy: Well now, let's see... If I set aside jes' about this much fer playin' cards, then that leaves...

Snowy: Hey, whaddya think yer doin'?

Snowy: Cain't y'all see I'm busy here tryin' to figure if I got enough dinero in the ol' purse to stick around here for good?

(*): Arf! Woof woof!

Streo Louse: Howdy, I'm Streo Louse. I been sittin' here havin' me a good ol' think about them there chance encounters.

Streo Louse: There's as many people in this world as there are stars in that big ol' sky, but you'll only ever come across a few.

Streo Louse: Seems you gotta make the most o' them encounters when they happen.

Mr. Ned: Why howdy there, I'm Mr. Ned, the talkin' horse.

Mr. Ned: Hey, guess what? I done remembered how I come to be here, an' how comes I kin talk like a human bean! It all come gallopin' back to me!

Partz: Greetings, (Sir/Ma'am), and welcome to (Pioneer Town) Castle. (Sir, welcome, Sir/Ma'am, welcome, Ma'am)!

Partz: (Sir/Ma'am), the King will see you now, (Sir/Ma'am)!

Partz: Aww, man, I always wanted to say that!

(*): You there! Have you heard?

(*): Oh, did I tell you already? Hahaha, oh, I don't know, I'm just so happy! Anyway...

(*): To commemorate the city becoming a magnificent castle, I decided to give my shop a fittingly celebratory name.

(*): I called it..."War-Mart"! What do you think? Pretty good, eh? Anyway...

Rocky: We been through all kinds o' problems, but I'm glad we moved out here.

Rocky: Seems Adrian's kinda used to it now, too, an' we got a baby comin' soon. Man, I feel like the heavyweight champion o' the freakin' world!

Adrian: Ya know, I guess I'm pretty happy with my life right now.

Adrian: I just hope I can spend the rest o' my days like this with my Rocky. He's my hero!

(*): Hello there! It's me! I'm the king you told about (Pioneer Town) in the pub in Havre Léon.

(*): I'm so glad I came here. I've been so happy since I became king!

Snowy: Well now, let's see...if the odds for that race are gonna be...

Snowy: Hey, whaddya think you're doin'? Can't you see I'm busy? Talk to me later.

Princess Pam: Good day to you, I am Princess Pam. It's so lovely to come from one palace to another! And I have such a gorgeous room!

Princess Pam: If only there was a handsome prince as well, everything would be perfect...

Prelvis Esley: I can't believe I been lucky enough to be here right from when this place started way down as a little village to now, when it's a bona fide boom city!

Prelvis Esley: I guess if one night I happen across a real nice spot, I might build a town o' my own, an' do it my way!

(*): Hi, I'm Hannibal. I used to be the leader of a crack Pionirian commando unit.

Hannibal: By rights, I should've been swallowed down with the castle when that sandstorm happened.

Hannibal: Anyway, I'm back now, and I just can't wait to knuckle down, break the rest of my unit out of their maximum security stockade, and get to work.

(*): Arr, I've washed me hands of the gamblin' game, so I have, along with all me sinnin' ways.

(*): But I was a fine gambler in me day, an' no mistake. Why, once I won me 838861 casino tokens off just 4 gold coins... Arr, them were the days.

(*): Hello there. Shall I tell you a little about the slot machines?

(*): The slot machines offer big prizes, but only every once in a while. You'll lose a lot, but when you do win, you'll win big.

(*): Each machine has its own peculiarities too, so machine selection is as important a skill as any other.

(*): ♪ Oh with a meteorite bracer up your sleeve, you'll be sped up like you would never believe! ♪

(*): Howdy, honey. I'm Dolly, princess o' song. I'm jes' dressed like this right now for a little bit o' fun.

(*): What can I do for you, honey?

A love song, maybe?

(*): Or maybe you're after somethin' you can dance to. How's about this little number?

(*): Howdy. I'm Zack, an' I done retired to this here town to git me some peace.

Zack: I thought I'd be retirin' here an' then livin' a few years before makin' my peace an' passin' on quietly.

Zack: If you'd've ever told me I'd live to see the day the castle came back from from under that there desert, I'd've called you crazy!

Mr. Ned: I used to work here, in the castle o' the greatest city in all the world: Pioniria!

Mr. Ned: An' this castle we got here now is jes' the spit o' the one we had in them days. They couldn't be mare alike!

Mr. Ned: Anyways, I knowed about that there cursed pot, so I done trotted up to try an' tell Sultan Farog, but that evil sorcerer caught me on the hoof, an'...

Mr. Ned: Well, that's when I got turned into a horse. But hay, I kin talk now, an' I kinda like livin' stallion style.

Mr. Ned: Why howdy there, I'm Mr. Ned, the talkin' horse.

Mr. Ned: I'm jes' geed up to be able to watch over the ol' castle again.

Psaro, Queen of the Desert (*): Hello there, lovie. I'm Psaro, Queen of the Desert, and I've come all the way down from dear old Femiscyra.

Psaro, Queen of the Desert: What's that? Do you know me from somewhere? Ooh, cheeky! You're very forward, aren't you, love?

Archie O'Logist: How d'ye do? I'm Archie O'Logist. Are ye wantin' to hear the tale of ole Pioniria, the town that stood here so many moons ago?

Archie O'Logist: The sultans of the city o' Pioniria had a most holy an' magical pot that was passed from one generation to the next.

Archie O'Logist: But it seems the pot was afflicted by some sort o' terrible curse, so it was.

Archie O'Logist: Now, one day, Farog, the young sultan o' Pioniria, an' his lady wife were after openin' that pot, not knowin' o' course o' the curse it contained.

Archie O'Logist: No sooner did they pop it open than a most horrible genie appeared, an' summoned up a swirlin' great sandstorm.

Archie O'Logist: The storm raged an' rumbled an' swallowed up the city o' Pioniria, buryin' it deep beneath the desert sands.

Archie O'Logist: An' the gallant Farog, who tried his best to stand up to the genie an' protect his beloved kingdom, was cursed to take on a terrible new form.

Archie O'Logist: Not interested, eh? Fair enough. Maybe another time, eh?

Princess Pam: Sultan Farog's a handsome man, isn't he? And very young, too. I absolutely must make him mine!

Hannibal: You're telling me that frog that was there was actually Sultan Farog?

Hannibal: I guess we owe you one, soldier!

Hannibal: Me and my unit, the H-Team, will attach ourselves to Sultan Farog's outfit immediately, and assist in guarding (Pioneer Town).

Zack: Oh, by the by, you heard what it says in that there book with the legend about this ol' town? Well, I'll tell y'all...

"When the town once more becomes a castle, his body shall rise again from the pot in the south-western room.

"Then, from the depths of the castle, from deep within a treasure chest filled with pain, his heart also shall rise.

"And finally, the Sultana of Pioniria's most treasured possession...in a treasure chest locked in a cell...the gift of her beloved king."

Zack: Yessiree, that's what it says.

Mary Curey: What's going on? Where did my favourite damp spot goo?

Mary Curey: Ohhhh... Buuuurrrrrp...

Frog: Greetings, Hero! You have finally brought the city from its humble origins to this most stately and palatial form.

Frog: It is the very image of the castle that once stood on this spot in the days of Pioniria.

Frog: Perhaps that which was stolen from me by the monsters can be located somewhere in the depths of this castle also.

Frog: I can tell you no more at the moment, but I believe most fervently that you can help me.

Sultan Farog: Greetings, Hero! I am very pleased to meet you for this, the...ah, first time. I am Sultan Farog.

Sultan Farog: I once ruled over this castle, but in my foolishness, I lost the woman I loved, and my home was swallowed by the sands of the desert.

Sultan Farog: But this new life you have given to me, Hero - this I shall not waste.

Sultan Farog: I shall help the most excellent townsfolk of (Pioneer Town) to protect and serve their humble homeland.

Sultan Farog: Had (Pioneer Town) never been established, the chance encounter that led to our meeting would never have occurred.

Sultan Farog: Fate is truly a fickle mistress. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done.

Sultan Farog: I only wish I could bestow upon you a fitting token of my gratitude, but I am afraid this is all I have.

Sultan Farog: I chanced upon it in the pond when I was in my froggy form. It is a mere trifle, but please accept it.

Sultan Farog takes a brightly shining medal from his pocket. On closer inspection, it turns out to be a mini medal!

Sultan Farog: I shall offer a thousand prayers for your well-being on the road to adventure, old friend.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, if it ain't ol' Hero(! Howdy, pardner!/

and comp'ny! Howdy, y'all!)

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I came a-runnin' on up here soon as I seen what was happenin' to my dear ol' town.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I wanted it to grow into the mightiest city the world ever saw. Instead, it done gone and turned into a big ol' castle!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: ...Well, ain't much I can do about that now, huh? (sigh)

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Alright then, I'm off back to my little ol' shack.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Y'all be sure an' come on by an' see me once in a while, y'hear? Don't be (a stranger/strangers) now. So long, (pardner/pardners)!

(Character) opens the treasure chest.

A bright light shines forth from the depths of the chest.

(Character) releases Sultan Farog's heart from its prison!

A bright light shines forth from the depths of the pot.

(Character) releases Sultan Farog's body from its prison!

Once his body is released also, the Sultan can finally return.

Once his heart is released also, the Sultan can finally return.

(Character) is treated to a great big lick on the face!


Warning: Spoilers!
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(Character) appears!

(Character) appear!

But (Character) doesn't notice ((Character)/the party)'s presence!

But (Character) don't notice ((Character)/the party)'s presence!

But the enemy don't notice ((Character)/the party)'s presence!

But (Character) is too stunned to move!

But (Character) are too stunned to move!

But the enemy are too stunned to move!

(Character) suddenly attacks!

(Character) suddenly attack!

The enemy suddenly attack!

(Character) makes the first strike before (Hero has/the party have) time to prepare!

(Character) make the first strike before (Hero has/the party have) time to prepare!

The enemy make the first strike before (Hero has/the party have) time to prepare!

(Character) is asleep!

(Character) are asleep!

The enemy are all asleep!

(Character) is confused!

(Character) are confused!

The enemy are all confused!

(Character) is paralysed!

(Character) are paralysed!

The enemy are all paralysed!

(Character) attacks!

Critical hit!

(Character) makes a desperate attack!

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character).

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character). (Character) is defeated.

(Character) takes # (point/points) of damage!

(Character) takes # (point/points) of damage! (Character) dies!

Miss! Does no damage to (Character)!

Miss! (Character) takes no damage!

(Character) smoothly dodges the attack!

Yikes! (Character) replicates (himself/herself/itself)!

So close! (Character) narrowly avoids taking damage.

Miss! (Character)'s feathers deflect the attack!

(Character) is nothing but an illusion!

(Character) casts (Spell)!

But (Character)'s spell is neutralised!

But (Character) is prevented from casting spells!

But the spell evaporates before reaching (Character).

The wall of light deflects the spell!

The spell is deflected by the wall of light!

The members of the party join forces to cast Kazapple!

The members of the party join forces in an attempt to cast Kazapple!

But the attempt fails.

The party cannot cast this spell at the moment.

(Character) musters (his/her/its) strength.

(Character) takes a deep breath.

(Character) begins to meditate.

(Character)'s wounds heal rapidly!

(Character) does a weird dance!

(Character)'s MP decreases by #!

(Character) does the Fuddle Dance!

(Character) spews forth %a00040!

(Character) falls asleep!

(Character) dodges the cloud of breath!

(Character) exhales a mysterious mist.

(Character)'s entire body flashes brightly!

(Character) is dazzled!

(Character) closes (his/her/its) eyes and avoids the attack.

(Character) lets out an intimidating scream!

(Character) is frozen with fear!

(Character) is frozen with fear!

(Character) shoots a disruptive wave of energy from (his/her/its) fingertip.

A bright light shines on (Character)!

A bright light shines on (Character)!

A bright light shines on the enemy!

A bright light shines on %a02120!

A bright light shines on the party!

All magical effects cast on (Character) are removed!

(Character) calls forth terrible lightning!

(Character) strikes with a Wind Sickle attack!

(Character) launches a Thin Air attack!

(Character) coughs up a fireball!

(Character) burps up hot gas!

(Character) belches out blistering flames!

(Character) spews forth blazing fire!

(Character) exhales a cool breath!

(Character) exhales a chilly breath!

(Character) exhales a cold breath!

(Character)'s whole body shakes as (he/she/it) exhales a f-f-frightfully c-c-cold breath!

(Character) creates a tidal wave!

But (Character) rides out the surf!

(Character) stomps on the ground!

(Character) manages to stand firm and avoid taking any damage.

(Character) tosses a boulder!

(Character) deftly dodges the boulder.

(Character) releases all (his/her/its) magic power at once!

(Character) calls forth bolts from the blue!

(Character) slams (his/her/its) body into (Character)!

(Character) delivers a series of blows!

(Character) hacks away like a demon!

(Character) jumps high into the air!

(Character) goes into a spin and slams (his/her/its) body repeatedly into the enemy!

(Character) uses (Ability)!

(Character) crouches and thrusts at the enemy!

Miss! (Character) dodges the knuckle sandwich.

(Character) is assessing the situation.

(Character) cannot make up (his/her/its) mind.

(Character) just stares blankly into space.

The slimes appear to be fusing together!?!

(Character) cackles insanely and launches an attack!

(Character) puffs up and smothers (Character)!

(Character) stamps on (Character) with (his/her/its) giant foot!

(Character) is blown away!

(Character) dies.

(Character) calls for backup!

(Character) shows up!

But nobody shows up.

(Character) defends.

(Character) comes to (Character)'s aid!

(Character)'s complexion changes!

(Character) gets serious!

(Character) turns pale with desperation!

(Character)'s eyes gleam eerily.

(Character) sinks (his/her/its) talons into (Character).

(Character) closes (his/her/its) eyes and begins to say a prayer!

A malevolent energy fills the air!

(Character) rapidly recovers (his/her/its) magic power!

(Character) ferociously bites again and again.

(Character) slashes with (his/her/its) claws!

Chow Mein shakes his body, sending up a cloud of feathers!

(Character) gnashes with (his/her/its) enormous fangs!

Quick Draw McGore fires his crossbow!

(Character) uses (Item)!

(Character) wields (Item)!

(Character) doesn't have any items or equipment.

(Character) starts fortune-telling with the silver tarot cards.

(Character) foretells that (he/she/it) does not know how to tell fortunes.

Meena draws (Card).

Uh-oh! Meena foolishly draws (Card)!

Everyone in the party feels a chill run down their spine.

(Character) puts on the prayer ring and prays...

The ring disintegrates.

(Character) sprinkles holy water on (Character).

Time flows backwards!

(Character) peers into Ra's mirror...

(Character) sees an image of %a04020 in place of (Character)'s reflection.

(Character) sees a reflection of (Character) in the mirror.

(Character) merely sees a lump of metal reflected in the mirror...

(Character) mashes up the Yggdrasil leaf and administers it to (himself/herself/itself).

(Character) administers the Yggdrasil dew to (himself/herself/itself/the party).

(Character) holds on tightly to the mini medal so as not to drop it.

(Character) holds the sphere of silence up to the heavens!

(Item) emits an eerie glow!

(Item) explodes into a thousand fragments!

(Item) cannot be equipped.

(Character) cannot equip (Item).

(Item) is cursed and cannot be removed!

(Item) is cursed!

(Character) defends.

(Character) flees!

The party flees!

But the enemy blocks the way!

(Character) flees!

(Character) is ready to take on any attack!

(Character) creates doppelgangers of (himself/herself/itself)!

(Character) isn't affected!

But nothing happens!

But (Character) isn't affected!

(Character) is killed!

(Character) dies!

(Character) vanishes in a flash of light!

(Character) explodes into a thousand fragments!

(Character) is put to sleep!

(Character) falls asleep!

(Character) doesn't fall asleep!

(Character) is poisoned!

(Character) is paralysed!

(Character) becomes confused!

(Character)'s mind is confused!

(Character) grows more confused!

(Character) is unable to cast spells!

(Character) is prevented from casting spells!

(Character) starts to hallucinate!

Absorbs # MP from (Character)!

(Character) has # (point/points) of MP drained from (him/her/it)!

A shining wall of light appears before (Character)!

Lowers (Character)'s defence by #!

(Character)'s defence decreases by #!

(Character)'s defence increases by #!

(Character) is enveloped in a soft light!

The party is enveloped in a soft light!

(Character)'s attack power is doubled!

(Character) is already under the influence of Oomph!

(Character) transforms (himself/herself/itself) into the spitting image of (Character)!

(Character) transforms (himself/herself/itself) into a giant dragon!

(Character)'s body hardens into a lump of steel.

The party members' bodies harden into lumps of steel.

(Character)'s body hardens into a lump of steel.

(Character)'s steely body is unaffected.

(Character) recovers HP!

(Character) recovers # (point/points) of MP!

(Character) returns to life!

(Character) remains lifeless!

(Character) is enveloped in a purple mist!

(Character)'s agility increases by #!

(Character) smiles happily.

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by #!

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by # (point/points)!

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by # (point/points)!

A huge herd of horses appears!

But the bugle's call falls on deaf (horses') ears.

A strange scent wafts out of the pouch.

(Character) absorbs # (point/points) of MP!

(Character) takes a critical hit from (Item)!

(Character) is asleep!

(Character) tosses and turns violently in (his/her/its) sleep.

Estark's body emits an eerie light.

(Character) is paralysed and cannot move.

(Character)'s body is like a lump of steel.

(Character) is frozen with fear.

(Character) smiles happily.

(Character) struggles to escape from the pit trap.

(Character) can't figure out what to do.

The party can't figure out what to do.

(Character) can't figure out what to do.

(Character) can't figure out what to do.

The enemy can't figure out what to do.

(Character) is knocked down, and struggles to stand up.

(Character) falls about laughing.

(Character) is confused.

Hero heroically trips over, landing flat on (his/her) face.

Fortunately nothing was hurt...apart from (his/her) pride.

Hero heroically holds up (his/her) %a00200!

But nothing heroic happens.

Hero: Look at me! I'm a slime! (slurp)

(Character) tries to attack...

Ragnar waves his weapon about wildly.

But the old fool doesn't know his own strength and tumbles over.

Does # (point/points) of damage to himself!

Ragnar inexplicably begins to cheer (Character) on...

Ragnar: Och! Gae, (Character), gae!

Torneko suddenly dives inside the wagon!

Torneko suddenly comes out with his best sales blarney!

Torneko: How about (Item), then? I can offer ye a fair discount, so I can.

Torneko throws his lucky returning gold coin at the enemy!

Torneko begins to count out (his/the party's) money.

Torneko: Well! (I've/We've) # gold coin(s) in all, so (I/we) have.

Alena does super-tsarevna-crazy-wall-breaking-attack!

Yoy! Alena begins to cry for no reason at all.

Alena: (sniff sniff) Sadness is me! (sniff)

Alena grabs hold of (Character) and hurls (him/her/it) to the ground.

Alena: Hiyaaa!

Alena begins to break rocks with her bare hands as a show of strength.

Kiryl starts to stone the enemy.

Out of the blue, Kiryl begins a sermon.

Kiryl: In beginning, Goddess is creating heavens and earth...

Kiryl: I beg for your pardons, but can you inform me of direction to Amarillo?

(Character) doesn't know how to respond.

Borya decides to dig a pit trap.

(Character) is caught in the pit trap!

Borya casts Kab...

Oplya! Borya forgets what spell he was about to cast.

Borya: Aga! For what I am doing here? And for why!?

Meena tears off her (Item).

(Character) stares at her, absolutely enthralled!

All of a sudden Meena lets out a scream.

Meena: Oh, foe! Stop it! Stop it, please, right now!

Meena: What am I being? A-And who am I doing?

Meena begins to tell people's fortunes.

Meena: So...tell me please your birthday and favourite animal.

But nobody dares to answer her.

Maya: Hey, %A180%XMister )%B180%XMissis )%C180%Xyaar, )(Character)-jee! Gimme some tokens, yeah?

Maya: Oof! This is not a casino?

Maya grabs hold of (Character) while shouting "Hiiiyaaa!"

But Maya is the one who gets thrown to the ground instead.

Maya jumps in front of everyone and starts to dance rather unprovocatively.

Maya blows a kiss at (Character).

But (Character) doesn't know how to react to the gesture.

(Character) cowers in fear.

(Character) begins to howl in a rather disturbing way.

(Character) calls for backup!

(Character) shakes (his/her/its) body.

(Character) has a sudden panic attack.

(Character) attempts to slam (his/her/its) body into (Character)!

(Character) flees the scene.

(Character) accidentally summons something seriously scary.

(Character) becomes frozen with fear.

The party are frozen with fear.

(Character) flees!

(Character) flee!

The enemy flee!

(Character)'s body becomes filled with a strange power.

Time grinds to a halt!

Time starts flowing again.

A blood-curdling shriek suddenly comes out of nowhere!

(Character) is too stunned to move!

The party are too stunned to move!

(Character) is too stunned to move!

(Character) are too stunned to move!

The enemy are too stunned to move!

(Character) loses all of (his/her/its) MP!

(Character)'s voice echoes, growing louder and louder the more it reverberates.

"Hocus Pocus! Hocus Pocus!! Hocus Po-"


Uh-oh. Sounds like something was broken somewhere.


The ground shakes so violently, it's impossible to stay standing!

Huge fissures open up in the earth!

A genie the size of a mountain appears, bellowing with terrifying laughter!

The genie attacks!

(Character) turns into a metal slime!

(Character) turn into metal slimes!

The enemy all turn into metal slimes!

A pure white lux dragon appears in a flash of blinding light.

The lux dragon leaves, taking (Character) with it.

The lux dragon leaves, taking (Character) with it.

The lux dragon leaves, taking all of the enemies with it.

A magical mist forms around (Character).

A magical mist forms around (Character).

A magical mist forms around the enemy.

Rays of blindingly bright light shine down on (Character).

(Character) transforms into a pure white lux dragon!

Torneko: There, there. Don't be gettin' all worked up over nuttin' now.

After being calmed by Torneko, (Character) peacefully leaves the battlefield.

After being calmed by Torneko, (Character) peacefully leave the battlefield.

After being calmed by Torneko, the enemy peacefully leave the battlefield.

(Character) grows ever more angry!

(Character) grow ever more angry!

The enemy grow ever more angry!

Torneko catches (Character) off guard and steals (his/her/its) treasure chest.

Torneko trips over, landing flat on his face.

As he falls, his weapon hits (Character), catching (him/her/it) off guard.

Torneko twirls his finger around and around...

(Character)'s eyes start to spin!

(Character) wasn't looking.

Torneko attempts a leg sweep!

(Character) is knocked down!

Torneko tells a naff gag.

(Character) falls about laughing.

(Character) doesn't get the joke.

Torneko bellows loudly!

Torneko starts to sing a lullaby.

Torneko kicks up a cloud of sand!

(Character)'s eyes are blinded by the sand!

Torneko calls for backup!

A crowd of travelling merchants appears from nowhere!

The "Merchant Army" attacks!

(Character) tries to cast (Spell)... But Torneko covers (his/her/its) mouth before (he/she/it) can say the magic words!

(Character) attacks (Character)...

But Torneko acts as a human shield to protect (Character)!

A cloud of devilish smoke pours out of the card and envelops the enemy!

The bright light of justice shines down on the enemy!

A towering god of thunder attacks the enemy in a flash!

(Character) reads in the stars that the party will earn twice the normal amount of gold for this battle.

(Character)'s body becomes filled with power.

Moonlight envelops the enemy!

Sunlight shines down upon ((Character)/the party)!

A deathly chill comes over (Character)!

The effect of (Character)'s %a00250 wears off.

(Character) wakes up.

(Character) is no longer poisoned.

(Character) is no longer paralysed.

(Character) returns to (his/her/its) senses.

(Character)'s defence returns to normal.

(Character)'s agility returns to normal.

(Character) changes back to (his/her/its) original form.

(Character)'s vision returns to normal.

(Character) jumps out of the wagon.

(Character) dies!

The party is wiped out!

A voice is heard coming out of nowhere...

(*): It is not yet time for you to die.

(*): I shall bestow the gift of life upon you again. Now awaken and go forth!

(Character) is defeated.

(Character) are defeated.

The enemy are defeated.

(Character) disappears.

(Character) disappear.

The enemy disappear.

(Character) flees.

(Character) flee.

The enemy flee.

((Character)/Each party member) receives # experience points(s)!

(Character)'s level increases to Lv. #!

Maximum HP increase by #!

Maximum MP increase by #!

(Character)'s attributes improve!

Strength +# Agility +# Resilience +# Wisdom +# Luck +#

(Character) learns a new spell: (Spell)!

(Character) learns a new ability: (Ability)!

((Character)/The party) obtains # gold coin(s)!

(Character) drops a treasure chest!

(Character) opens it up.

It contains (Item)!

(Character) takes (Item).

(Character) puts (Item) into the bag.

(Character) hurls a handful of stones!

But (Character) dodges the rocks!

(Character) stamps on (Character) with (his/her/its) giant foot!

(Character) musters (his/her/its) strength.

You don't have enough party members to change your line-up.

(Character) doesn't have enough MP!

Not enough MP!

(Character) hasn't learnt any spells or abilities for battle!

(Character) draws near!

(Character) draw near!

(Character) uses the sands of time!

(Character) falls into an even deeper sleep.

(Character) wakes up.

(Character) is no longer poisoned.

(Character) is no longer paralysed.

(Character) returns to (his/her/its) senses.

(Character) changes back to (his/her/its) original form.

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character), so it does!

Oplya! Does no damage to (Character)!

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character).

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character).

But nobody shows up.

But nothing happens.

But (Character) smoothly dodges the attack!

(Character) flies past (Character) and crashes to earth some distance away.

(Character) is swallowed up by a crack in the ground!

The genie leaves, laughing all the way.

Hero heroically holds aloft (his/her) hand!

But nothing heroic happens.

(Character)'s wounds heal!

(Character) transforms into an enormous dragon!

The travelling merchants go back from whence they came.

But his body can't keep up and (he/she/it) staggers about like an old fool.

The pebbles hit (Character) hard.

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character).

Does # (point/points) of damage to (Character). (Character) is defeated.

(Character) takes # (point/points) of damage!

(Character) takes # (point/points) of damage! (Character) dies!

(Character) falls into a deep sleep!

(Character) looks happy.

The mist envelops the area.

(Character) is slammed to the ground!

Aye, not a bad sum.

(Character) is enveloped in a soft light!

(Character) are enveloped in a soft light!

The enemy are enveloped in a soft light!

The party's bodies are filled with a strange power.

(Character) is asleep!


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(Character) casts (Spell)!

(Character) hasn't learnt any non-battle spells or abilities.

(Character) has fallen in battle and can't use any spells or abilities.

(Character) casts (his/her/its) keen eyes over the surrounding area.

It looks like there's something # step(s) to the east and # step(s) to the north.

But (he/she/it) can't get a good view.

(Character) has a nose around for treasure.

There (is/are) (sniff, sniff) # more treasure(s) on this level.

No... (sniff, sniff) There doesn't appear to be any more treasure on this level.

((Character) starts to sneak around as stealthily as a thief/The party start to sneak around as stealthily as thieves).

(Character) whistles.

(Character) uses (Item).

(Character) tries to use (Item) as a tool...

(Character) throws (Item) into the air!

((Character) bangs (his/her/its) head/The party bang their heads) on the ceiling!

Yum-yum! (Character) gets stuck into the packed lunch.

(Character) sprinkles the holy water on (himself/herself/itself).

(Character) puts on the prayer ring and prays...

The ring disintegrates.

(Character) mashes up the Yggdrasil leaf and administers it to (himself/herself/itself).

(Character) administers the Yggdrasil dew to (himself/herself/itself/the party).

((Character)/Everyone) is miraculously healed!

(Character) flicks the mini medal into the air.

(Character): Argh!

(Character): Ouch!

The mini medal hits (Character) (where it hurts/on the head/on the head)!

(Character) picks it up again, feeling slightly embarrassed!

(Character) puts on the talaria... and soars high into the air!

(Character) opens (Item).

Unfortunately, ((Character)/the party)'s current location doesn't seem to be on the map.

(Character) blows (Item).

(Character) ignites the night light...

(Character) takes (Item) in (his/her/its) hand.

Just being in possession of the right key is enough to open any door locked with it.

(Character) hands (Item) to (Character).

(Character) takes (Item) from (Character).

(Character) puts (Item) in (Character)'s coffin.

(Character) takes (Item) from (Character)'s coffin and puts (them/it) in (Character)'s.

(Character)'s (Item) is exchanged for (Character)'s (Item).

(Character) exchanges (Character)'s (Item) and (Character)'s (Item).

(Character) puts (Item) in the bag.

(Character) takes (Character)'s (Item) and puts (them/it) in the bag.

(Character) takes (Item) out of the bag.

(Character) takes (Item) out of the bag and puts (them/it) into (Character)'s coffin.

(Character) exchanges (his/her/its) (Item) for (Item) in the bag.

(Character) exchanges (Character)'s (Item) with (Item) in the bag.

(Character) puts (his/her/its) (Item) in a different place.

(Character) rearranges what (Character) is carrying.

(Character) puts (Item) in a different place in the bag.

(Character) equips (Item).

(Character) equips (Character) with (Item).

(Item) cannot be equipped.

(Character) cannot equip (Item).

Discard (Item)?

(Item) discarded.

If you discard (those/that) (Item) now, you might not be able to obtain (them/it) again. Are you sure?

You can't possibly discard that! It's far too important!

There are currently no party members whose tactics can be changed.

You can't change the party's line-up at the moment.

Place all non-essential items in the bag?

All non-essential items are placed in the bag.

Sort contents of bag by type?

The bag's contents are now sorted.

Sort contents of bag alphabetically?

The bag is currently empty.

But nothing happens.

But nothing happens here.

But the spell fails.

(Character)'s wounds heal!

(Character) recovers # MP.

(Character) recovers # MP.

(Character) returns to life!

(Character) does not return to life.

(Character) is no longer poisoned.

All trace of monsters in this area seems to have disappeared.

A bluish light shines from inside the chest.

The chest is empty.

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by #!

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by # (point/points)!

(Character)'s (Attribute) increases by # (point/points)!

Phew! A strange scent wafts out of the pouch.

(Item) is cursed!

(Item) is cursed and cannot be removed!

The effect of (Item) wears off.

The holy protection effect wears off!

The padfoot effect wears off!

You don't have any fellow party members to talk to at the moment.

You can't talk to any of your fellow party members at the moment.

Extraordinary! Every page of 'The Big Book of Beasts' has been filled!

Hero receives 300000 casino tokens!

(Character) isn't one of the Chosen and doesn't really know what to do!

Try altering the party's line-up.

(Character)'s level increases to Lv. #!

Maximum HP increases by #!

Maximum MP increases by #!

(Character)'s attributes improve!

Strength +# Agility +# Resilience +# Wisdom +# Luck +#

A bluish light shines from inside the pot.

The pot is empty.

It looks like there's something # step(s) to the east and # step(s) to the south.

It looks like there's something # step(s) to the west and # step(s) to the north.

It looks like there's something # step(s) to the west and # step(s) to the south.

(Character) learns a new ability: (Ability)!

A reddish light shines from inside the chest.

A yellowish light shines from inside the chest.

A reddish light shines from inside the pot.

A yellowish light shines from inside the pot.

Equip this now?

(Character) equips (Item).

(Character) equips (Character) with (Item).

(Character) is still looking at the map!

But (Character) has fallen in battle, so it has no effect.

The balloon can't land here.

(Character) has fallen in battle, and cannot use (Item).

(Character): ...

(Character) crams the packed lunch into (Character)'s mouth!

Coffins can't just walk around by themselves you know!

Try changing the party's line-up to include some living members.

(Character) learns a new spell: (Spell)!

(Character) spreads out the treasure map and studies it carefully.

Close inspection of the map reveals a secret location, which is marked on the world map.

(Character) grips the boarding pass tightly - so tightly that it crumples a little.

It would probably be better to try and open 'The Big Book of Beasts' somewhere out in the wild.

But nothing happens for the moment.

But (he/she/it) doesn't know how to use it.

Your new team member's possessions are placed in the bag.

There's nobody there to talk to.


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(Character) examines the area around (his/her) feet.

(Character) examines the treasure chest.

(Character) peeks inside the pot.

(Character) peeks inside the barrel.

(Character) takes a look down the well.

(Character) strains (his/her) eyes and looks out over the water.

(Character) leans over the side of the balloon and peers down on the world below.

But (he/she)'s too high up to make anything out!

But there's nothing there.

There's nothing special there.

But the chest is empty.

Uh-oh! The treasure chest is actually (Character)!

Uh-oh! (Character) appears from down the well!

What luck! (Item)!

(Character) obtains (Item).

(Character) puts (Item) into the bag.

(Character) takes a quick look inside the bag hanging on the wall.

(Character) examines the wall.

There's a brand-new towel hanging up.

(Character) examines the wall.

There's a worn-out towel hanging up. It feels damp to the touch.

It's an old, but well-maintained organ. It's clearly been lovingly cared for.

It's a statue of the Goddess with a benevolent smile on her face.

There's a weapon on the wall.

There are some spears leaning up against the wall.

There's a shield on display.

There's some armour on display.

There is a sword on display.

It's a gold statue of a dragon guarding the throne.

It's a gleaming gold statue of a dragon.

(Character) examines the wall.

There's an enormous carving of a lion's face.

It's a statue of a sage with a rather majestic expression on his face.

It's a sinister-looking statue of a demon.

(Character) takes a look at the map.

It seems to show the lie of the land around here.

There's a picture on the wall.

There's a beautifully-painted landscape scene on the wall.

(Character) examines the gravestone.

There doesn't seem to be anything of note.

It's a fishing boat.

Some farming implements have been left here.

The writing can't be read from this direction.

(Character) tries to look inside the chest of drawers.

But (he/she) soon realises you can't open drawers from the back!

The door is locked.

The door is locked. Only the right key will open it.

(Character) obtains # gold coin(s).

(Character) examines the grave.

There doesn't seem to be anything of note.

There are various drinks lined up on display.

(Character) searches around in front of (him/her).

Mini medals do not appear in your normal inventory.

If you want to see how many mini medals you've collected, open the Attributes menu and tap the wagon symbol.


Warning: Spoilers!
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(Character) looks at the bookshelves.

There's a book called "A History of Bonnie Burland". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads an excerpt.
"Roburt the Burruce, founder of Burland, protected his domain from monsters when it was little more than a wee hamlet.
"It's said that he was invincible tae any attack because of a special shield bestowed upon him from on high."
The account book of the household is on one of them. A quick peek inside shows the people here are very poor.

There's a headmasters's diary slotted between a couple of the books. (Character) reads a small section.
"These kiddies don't listen to a word I say. The wee rascals are forever sneaking out of the village and getting up to mischief."

There's a book on theology entitled "Faith and Prayer". Something seems to be hidden between the pages.
It's a secretly-drawn picture of Alena!

Books such as "Discipline in Education", "Royal Traditions" and "Learning the Laid-Back Way" are lined up neatly.

There's a book entitled "Travelling the Curious Wonders of the World". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"There are all sorts of intriguing things scattered about the world that everyone should see if they have the chance.
"A giant holy statue, a tree reaching to the heavens, folk who live aboard boats, and countless towns that never appear on maps.
"If that all sounds too far-fetched to be true, then you should go and see it with your own eyes.
"Seeing is believing! So pack your bags now, because a fascinating world awaits you..."

Among a collection of high-brow publications is one book entitled "The Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Casanova in Seven Days".

There's a letter in between the pages of one of the books. (Character) reads it.
"How are things going, Dad?
I hope you'll shut up shop soon and come to live with us.
"You're not getting any younger, you know.
I'm worried about you being on your own. From your loving daughter, Mona"

There's a book entitled "Diary of Secret Communications". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"My dearest Ronnie,
I've already thought of you at least four dozen times today, and it's not yet elevenses.
"My fried eggs at breakfast, the castle pillars, a cat in the grounds, fish in the pond, the tiles on the roof... I saw your face in all of them.
"This beautiful world is full of your image. Three cheers for my dear Princess Veronica!
"Yours, with love... P.S. I'll send this diary to Endor via the usual secret channels. I hope it reaches you."

There's a book entitled "Celebrating the Colosseum". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"The Colosseum of Endor was built by our present king.
"It's become a great hit far and wide for the many fun events His Majesty conceives of, particularly the grand Endor Tourney.
"Blood-curdling fights, plays filled with dreams and romance... It's all here at the Endor Colosseum!"

There's a children's drawing book. Every page is filled with pictures of cute animals.

There's a book entitled "The Scariest True Stories Ever!". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"One dark night, a peddler found himself lost in the woods where he came upon a village he'd never seen before.
"The people of the village were exceptionally friendly and, although he was a perfect stranger to them, they invited him to stay.
"With great relief, the peddler accepted their hospitality and spent the night there in the village.
"Then morning came, and the peddler awoke to find nothing but wasteland. The village had disappeared without a trace."

There's a collection of history and imperial studies books neatly lined up.

There's a volume entitled "Dancing Girl Fanzine". (Character) takes it from the shelf and examines it more closely.
It looks to be a publication about famous dancers through the ages.
The next edition promises the intriguing article, "Maya: Up Close and Personal with a Superstar!".

There's a book entitled "Creatures of Our World". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"The world we live in is full of all sorts of creatures, not just us humans.
"Some of them don't seem at all inclined to get along with us, but there are plenty of others who basically mean us no harm.
"So if you happen upon a dwarf or an elf on your travels, be sure not to do them a mischief."

There's a book entitled "Mining Songs: The Full Lyric Collection". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads.
"We dig, we dig, and then we dig some more ♪ We really dig our diggin' ♪ Oh yeah, that's for sure ♪"
But (Character) doesn't know how the tune goes, so (he/she/it) can't sing along.

There are lots of nautical charts. The corners of them are bent and creased as if they've been very well-used.

There's a book entitled "A Pun-Filled Life is a Fun-Filled Life!". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"Hey! The secret to health, happiness, a successful marriage and a booming business is simple. All you need is puns!
"No more trotting out boring old "Good morning" and "Goodnight".
"When you greet people, do it with a smile and a bit of horseplay. Try a "Good marening" or a "Goodneight" !
"Before long, you'll be the most popular punner in town, neigh, the world!
"Remember: you'll be galloping your way towards happiness with laughter as your steed."

There's a book entitled "One Hundred Handy Hints to a Healthy Piggy Bank". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"Try to look down when you're out walking. If you spot some money, put it in your pocket. Sell any lost property you find back to the shops.
"Never lend money to other people. Money lent is money spent. You'll never get it back. You should be the one doing the borrowing.
"Barter as much as you can when shopping. Reduce the shopkeeper to tears or tantrums if you must.
"Anything to get your item at half price."

There's a book entitled "My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter One". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"My name is Rowand. People call me Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. I'm a magician from Lakanaba.
"Not that I live there any more, of course.
No, I left my hometown some time ago.
I serve the royal family of Zamoksva nowadays.
"These memoirs are a personal account of my hunt for a magical staff, something I've been ordered to find by the Tsar.
"In fact, this is such a personal account of my experiences that I must be careful not to let anyone from Zamoksva lay eyes upon it."

There's a book entitled "My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter Two". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"I am Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. By the Tsar of Zamoksva's orders, I'm travelling the world in search of a magical staff.
"You may well ask why I'm doing such a thing. The short answer is that it seems to be a favourite hobby of the Tsar's.
"I don't mean to badmouth him, of course. I just can't help worrying that a leader is so absorbed in such frivolity, peacetime or not.
"But it isn't my place to question him. Duty is duty, and now I must travel west of my hometown to follow up a possible lead.
"It's been a fruitless search so far. I can only hope that this time I'll find the magical staff I've been charged with locating."

There's a brand new ship's logbook that hasn't been written in yet.

There's a book entitled "My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter Three". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"I am Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. I now find myself in a town rumoured to have links to the magical staff I'm searching for.
"I asked around the moment I arrived to see if the townsfolk knew where I could find it. Unfortunately my journey isn't over yet.
"It seems that the object of my quest isn't here in town after all. No, apparently it's hidden in a cave nearby.
"I ask you! Whatever is the world coming to? Whyever do people insist on hiding such precious things in caves of all places!?
"Now I'm in a real fix. There's nothing I loathe and detest more than caves, and that's a fact."

There's a book entitled "My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter Four". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"I am Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. I'm not happy about it in the slightest, but work is work and so I must venture to that cave.
"It seems that, in order to find the magical staff, I must locate the treasure chest in the deepest part of the cave and examine the bottom of it.
"Of all the places! The deepest part of the cave, I ask you! Somebody up there must really hate me.
"Oh dear. I'm getting quite agitated by the whole thing. Once I find this magical staff, I think it might be time for a career change.
"Maybe I'll go back to my hometown and use what little savings I have to start some kind of business.
"It's about time I did what I wanted for a change."

There's a book called "The Tale of the Winged Man". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"I once saw a man washed up on the beach with the most terrible wounds on his back. I helped the poor fellow back to my house.
"Thankfully, I was able to nurse him back to health, and his back healed nicely.
"Then, one evening, right before my eyes, two white wings appeared from where his wounds had been!
"The man explained that he had come from a floating castle.
"With that, he flew off into the night sky, leaving behind a gleaming white helmet."

There's a book entitled "My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter Five". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"After all that, I didn't manage to find the magical staff. I did find a hidden staircase and a treasure chest in the cave, mind you.
"But the chest was on the other side of some bars. It was right before my eyes, and yet impossible to reach.
"I've no choice but to give up on that chest now, and set off again in search of a different magical staff.
"I wonder if I'll ever be able to give up this job and do something else. What I'd give for a bowl of my old ma's stew.
"I am Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. By the Tsar of Zamoksva's orders, I'm travelling the world in search of a magical staff."

There's a small sign which reads, "Reading while standing up is prohibited".

There's a book entitled "Kirk Buzzer's Diary: Keep Out!". (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"Day 3, Month of the Dragon The time's finally come for me to get me 'ands dirty at Femisky...Femisigh...er, Femiscyra.
"Wot I'm after is that Zenithian Shield they reckon they've got 'idden somewhere in the castle.
"If I manage to get me mitts on that, I'll be like the legend'ry bandit 'imself, Robbin' Hood. Cor blimey, that'll be the day!"
"Day 5, Month of the Dragon I snuck meself into Femiscyra Castle, but that Zenithian Shield weren't nowhere to be seen.
"The only thing I managed to swipe was some measly rosary. That ain't a good day's loot in no one's book!
"I can't 'elp wonderin' about them bars, mind... Huh! I've 'ad enough o' this for one day. Time for some shut-eye."

There's a curious-looking book without a title. (Character) takes it from the shelf and reads it.
"I try to run away, but feel my clothes being torn at. I'm pulled back sharply and I fall to the ground.
"Once more I try to escape. But those arms like tree trunks engulf me and steal away my freedom.
"I cry out in agony, "Forgive me, Barbara! I promise I'll never be unfaithful again!"
"But she just squeezes those arms tighter around me, unforgiving, relentless.
"And as my consciousness fades, I make the decision to break up with her once and for all..."

There's a large collection of books on holy teaching, prophecy and mythology.

There are lots of dictionaries neatly lined up.

There's a diary there written by a Zenithian. It's penned in characters (Character) can understand.
"It is my belief that the Zenith Dragon shall not forgive she who sinned and went to the world below, no matter how much time doth pass.
"The Almighty Zenith Dragon will surely admonish her in the cruellest of fashions, and divest her of her happiness.
"I must do my utmost to bring her back into the fold lest tragedy occur. I care not what judgement I shall face."

There's an old journal there on dragon-rearing. It's written in characters Hero can understand.
"Today marks the anniversary of the birth of Sparkie. Orifiela and Sparkie came into this world in the same year, now eight years agone.
"Yet Sparkie would appear considerably more mature. It seemeth dragons conclude their journey to adulthood faster than Zenithians."

The books are filled with words in a script (Character) has never seen before.

There don't seem to be any particularly interesting books.

(Character) looks at the bookshelves.
Oops! (he/she) was looking at the back of them!


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(Character) reads the sign.

"If you spot any suspicious bodies lurking about, bring them to the castle at once!

King Burnard of Burland"

(Character) reads the sign.

"No playing in the woods!"

(Character) reads the sign.

"To east is located village of Taborov."

(Character) reads the sign.

"The bridge is here for everyone's benefit.

Please take care not to destroy it."

(Character) reads the sign.

"To the north is Aubout du Monde."

The slimes merge into an enormous king slime!

The party return to their fleshy forms!

Torneko's appraisals

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Torneko takes (Item) and examines (them/it) closely.

Cypress stick

Torneko: Ah, 'tis a weapon, so it is, but nuttin' more than a stick, if I'm honest.

Torneko: I s'pose it might give ye some peace o' mind if ye're desperate, but that's about all it's good fer.

Oaken club

Torneko: 'Twas a proper crafty craftsman that made this primitive weapon. He's made fine use o' the knot o' the wood, so he has.

Torneko: 'Tis better than a kick in the teeth while ye can't afford nuttin' better, like.

Copper sword

Torneko: There's not a traveller in the land that doesn't know what one o' these is. 'Tis a sword made o' copper.

Torneko: But only bein' made o' copper, ye can't go expectin' miracles, like.

Iron claw

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a weapon fer yer more darin' fighters. The kind that don't use swords.

Torneko: Armed with sometin' like this, one o' those fellas'd be as powerful as a normal soldier, like.

Chain sickle

Torneko: Well, this is no ordinary, run o' the mill weapon.

Torneko: The sickle on the end o' the chain would do a rake o' damage, so it would.

Iron lance

Torneko: 'Tis a spear made of iron. Like the ones you see castle guardsmen with, y'know.

Steel broadsword

Torneko: There's a smith somewhere that's put his heart an' soul into the makin' o' this fine blade.

Torneko: Any feen wieldin' one o' these will look like a quare old pro, to be sure.


Torneko: Now let me be takin' a look at this. Hmm... 'Tis an axe fer the usin' of in battle.

Torneko: Sure, 'tis grand fer attackin', but it's a right pig to handle. Not one fer everyone, this.

Silver tarot cards

Torneko: Well this is a fine example of a mystery, if ever I saw one.

Torneko: 'Tis basically a deck o' cards that ye'd usually use fer fortune-tellin'.

Torneko: But that's not the all of it. 'Tis a fine weapon too, so it is.

Torneko: But it's only Meena that can equip herself with it. Ya know, bein' a fortune-teller, an' all.

Torneko: An' I can't tell ya much more than that, I'm afraid. 'Tis worth hangin' on to, though.

Torneko: I absolutely wouldn't be sellin' it if I were you.

Divine dagger

Torneko: 'Tisn't like yer bigger blades, this. Ye use it up close an' personal, like.

Torneko: An' it's sharp, too. It'll do more damage than ye might think, so it will.

Holy lance

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a special kind o' silver that's been used to make this spear, so it is.

Torneko: 'Tis a good bit lighter to bear than a sword or the like, so even weaker feens'll be right with it.

Hunter's bow

Torneko: Ye'll hit the mark with this bow, even from a quare way off.

Torneko: That's me best bit o' sales blarney, by the way. Never fails.

Astraea's abacus

Torneko: Now here's a mighty weapon for ya! 'Tis what we traders call an Astraea's abacus.

Torneko: It helps ya get yer figures straight in battle. So there's no confusion, like.

Torneko: I don't need to tell ya that this one's fer me now, do I?

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Iron fan

Torneko: Aye, 'tis a fan, just as I thought. But it's made of iron, so it is.

Torneko: Now, ye're probably thinkin' that fans are fer makin' a draught, like. An' mostly ye'd be right there.

Torneko: But this one's designed as a weapon. It'll turn up the heat in battle, not the other way 'round.

Liquid metal sword

Torneko: Janey Mac, if this isn't a liquid metal sword! 'Tis every adventurer's dream to find one o' these.

Torneko: 'Tis the finest sword there is.
Even a sap should do just grand with one o' these.

Torneko: No one knows what goes into the makin' of 'em. It's all proper hush-hush, like.

Torneko: But some folk say the basic ingredient's liquid metal itself...

Torneko: (Character) can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And I can use it an' all. 'Tis not a weapon ye'll be wantin' to part with.

Poison needle

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a weapon made of iron, and the tip's nicely laced with poison, so it is.

Torneko: Whoever ye're fightin' will think ye're unarmed, an' then ye can stab 'em when they're least expectin' it.

Torneko: If ye can hit them in just the right spot, ye'll down most any monster ye find in a single blow.

Somatic staff

Torneko: Ah, there's a fair bit ye could say about this staff, so there is.

Torneko: It turns magic power into physical power, see.

Torneko: 'Tis a grand tool if yer magic's been sealed by a monster or suchlike.

Lightning staff

Torneko: A lightning staff! Everyone's heard about these now, haven't they?

Torneko: Ye can use 'em as items in battle, rather than equippin' yerself with 'em. That's when they're most handy.

Hela hammer

Torneko: Jaykers, that's got some weight to it!

Torneko: 'Tis finely made, to be sure, and a grand weapon, I'll grant ya.

Torneko: But it'd be murder to use. Only the greatest o' warriors'd get any accuracy out of it at all at all.

Double-edged sword

Torneko: Now there's a corker of a blade for ye! I can hardly tear me eyes away from it.

Torneko: But it has as much bite with it as it does beauty, so be careful with it now.


Torneko: Aye, this is a prize sword if ever I saw one.

Torneko: It'll make short work of any foe, but it's especially hungry against dragons.

Torneko: That's why folk be callin' it a dragonsbane, ye see. 'Tis a bane in the backside fer any dragon, so it is.

Falcon knife earrings

Torneko: If I wasn't lookin' right, I'd say these were just a bit o' glitter fer the ladies. But they're a kind o' weapon, so they are.

Torneko: Take one earrin' in each hand, and ye can have a stab at yer man there twice every round.

Torneko: But they're still earrings. No fellas can use them, only the ladies.

Torneko: (Character) can be equipped with it.

Torneko: What? Meself now? Do I look like the kind o' feen who wears earrings now, do I?

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Staff of divine wrath

Torneko: Now here's a sound stick.

Torneko: I'm told it has some intriguing effects when ye use it like an item in battle.

Dream blade

Torneko: Hm... Aye... This is...em... Aaah...

Torneko: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...
...Huh!? Was I away with the fairies, was I?

Torneko: Well I wonder what brought that on, then? So anyway... This sword. Aye, 'tis very nice.

Poison moth knife

Torneko: The blade here's doused in poison, like.

Torneko: If ye can strike yer opponent with it, it'll keep 'em from movin' fer a while, I would think.

Fire claw

Torneko: This is no ordinary claw, to be sure.

Torneko: It responds to the spirit of its wearer, and can do a rake o' damage, so it can.

Icicle dirk

Torneko: Would ya look at that? Is there anytin' quite as beautiful as that clear blade there?

Torneko: It makes fer a fierce attack, so it does. An' it packs a fair punch when ye use it as an item, too.

Miracle sword

Torneko: I've heard folk talkin' about this here miracle sword.

Torneko: There's a quare few famous blades in the world, but ya don't clap eyes on the likes o' this very often.

Torneko: It only heals yerself as ye do damage to yer opponent, so it does. What a handy weapon!

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: Sure, ya might be able to sell it in a shop, but it'd be a cryin' shame, so it would.

Staff of antimagic

Torneko: 'Tis a staff that can seal away the magic of yer opponents when ye use it as an item in battle.

Torneko: But that's not all it does.

Torneko: If y'attack with it, I've heard it can restore yer magic power, too.

Magma staff

Torneko: Yerra, it's a special kind o' staff, this one.

Torneko: If ya use it like an item, it'll spit balls o' magma out of its one end.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: But it doesn't look like I can.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Massacre sword

Torneko: By the holies! Just holdin' this weapon gives me the shivers.

Torneko: Sure, it deals out the damage, like, but it's a devil of a sword altogether, so it is.

Staff of salvation

Torneko: Aye, well, this is a queer stick, to be sure.

Torneko: It can bring yer lads back to life if ye use it as an item in battle.

Zenithian sword

Torneko: Is- Is this the legendary sword I've been lookin' for!? Get away outta that!

Torneko: Y'know, ya nearly had me goin' there, but I've gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed.

Torneko: It's not a bad sword, I'll grant ya. It's just that I was expectin' sometin' else.

Torneko: It goes without sayin' I s'pose, that only (a great (hero/heroine) such as yerself/the great (hero/heroine), Hero,) can use it as a weapon.

Torneko: An' I know I said I was disappointed before, but ye can't go sellin' this now. D'ye hear me?

Zenithian sword (upgraded)

Torneko: Japers and begorrah! It's the real article! The sword I've been lookin' for all these years.

Torneko: Would ye just look at it!? Gleamin' brighter than a leprechaun's gold, so it is!

Torneko: It goes without sayin' I s'pose, that only (a great (hero/heroine) such as yerself/the great (hero/heroine), Hero,) can use it as a weapon.

Torneko: An' ye can't be thinkin' o' sellin' it, neither. Ye've gotta look after it, so ye have.

Torneko: When the world's put to rights, an' ye've no use fer it any more, I'll gladly take it off yer hands.

Thalian staff

Torneko: Hm... Hmm... Hma ha ha ha hah!

Torneko: Sorry. It's this staff. It just makes me want to laugh.

Cautery sword

Torneko: Ah, this old tool!

Torneko: Sorry. I've a bit of a taste fer this kind o' sword, see.

Torneko: It won't let ye down. 'Tis a handy weapon an' a grand friend.

Falcon blade

Torneko: Japers! A falcon blade! Have y'any idea what a treasure this is, have ye?

Torneko: Armed with this gem, a master o' swords could strike twice in every turn.

Demon spear

Torneko: What a corker of a lance this is! A fine construction and a shine that'd light up a black eye.

Torneko: An' it's covered in poison, too.

Torneko: Hit yer opponent in the right place with it, and ye'll leave 'em in flitters with just a single blow.

Gringham whip

Torneko: A Gring- A Gringham whip! Ah, this is a fierce menacin' weapon, to be sure.

Torneko: As if it didn't do enough damage to start with, it'll hit a whole group of enemies at once, y'know.

Torneko: Fair play, ye've a fine weapon here, so ye have. Be sure to look after it, like.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: But it doesn't look like I can.

Torneko: Sure, ye could sell it if ye wanted, but it'd be an awful shame, so it would.

Flail of destruction

Torneko: Huuu...urgh! Phew! Light as a feather, so it is. Ha ha ha!

Torneko: With a weapon like this, ye'll do a fair bit of damage to any monster that happens to be about.

Torneko: But it's as heavy as a lead balloon. 'Tis not everyone that'll be able to lift it.

Torneko: (Character) can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: Sure, ye could sell it if ye wanted, but it'd be an awful shame, so it would.

Cobra claw

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a proper chancer, this one. Ye'd be takin' a quare risk in usin' it.

Torneko: But it's a decent weapon, to be sure. Even takin' the risk into account, like.

Pandemonic sword

Torneko: Janey Mac! I never thought I'd see the day!

Torneko: Just castin' me eyes over this makes me feel like me soul's bein' swallowed up, so it does.

Torneko: I'd be wary o' this one. It makes folk crazy, so it does.

Torneko: I'd bet me life that no human could handle such a beast of a sword.

Torneko: Aye, 'tis one of a kind, to be sure. Ye won't find another like it.

Torneko: You look after it now. Only a proper eejit would sell this.

Plain clothes

Torneko: There's nuttin' special about these. Just yer bog standard gear.

Torneko: I s'pose it beats bein' in the nip, but they won't do much fer yer defence.

Wayfarer's clothes

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some good, strong gear, this.

Torneko: It won't tear in a hurry, but ye wouldn't say it's fightin' garb, like.

Leather armour

Torneko: Aye, this armour's made from animal hide, to be sure.

Torneko: There's not much I can tell ye. It's armour, like. It'll jack up yer defence, an' that's that.

Chain mail

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a kind of armour made from fine loops o' wire.

Torneko: Nice an' light, and easy to move about in. An' it'll do a fair bit fer yer defence, too.

Iron armour

Torneko: Hm... This armour's made o' good, sturdy iron, so it is.

Torneko: It'll do a fair job o' defendin' y'against a direct hit from yer enemy.

Torneko: But it has no mystical powers at all at all. It won't do nuttin' against magic attacks.

Iron apron

Torneko: Ah, an apron made of iron, I see. Looks like sometin' ya might wear in the kitchen.

Torneko: Every travellin' salesman worth his salt knows the value o' one o' these, so he does.

Torneko: Aye, 'tis the kind o' thing meself can equip with.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Full plate armour

Torneko: Aye, this armour's been forged from fine steel.

Torneko: Sure, it's handy fer defence, so it is, but it's fierce heavy with it.

Silk robe

Torneko: What an elegant robe! Woven from the highest quality silk, by the looks of it.

Torneko: It's lightweight, but good, tough gear. And gorgeous, so it is. Aye, it'd look grand on a lady.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: No, I'd... I'd better not. 'Tis not the kind o' gear a fella should be wearin'.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Dancer's costume

Torneko: Janey Mac, what would me mam say!? I never saw anytin' so titillatin'.

Torneko: It won't do much to protect y'in an attack, but folk pay a fair price fer gear like this.

Torneko: It's fer yer young dancin' wan, Maya, this one. An' maybe Meena, too.

Torneko: 'Course, it'd be no good fer a big fella like me. I couldn't wear it.

Torneko: But I might get meself one if they were sellin' at the right price, like...

Torneko: I mean, fer herself at home, o' course. Not fer me. No, I'm no cross-dresser. Not at all. At all.

Bronze armour

Torneko: 'Tis an interestin' construction, this.

Torneko: Layer upon layer o' thin bronze sheets.

Torneko: Aye, it's a fair bit o' kit, so it is. Not too pricey, and not bad fer yer defence.

Liquid metal armour

Torneko: Get up the yard with ya! This is only liquid metal armour, so it is!

Torneko: A marvellous defence against magic and direct physical attacks.

Torneko: Ya don't find many o' these, I can tell ya. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: Sure, ye could sell it if ye wanted, but it'd be an awful shame, so it would.

Fur coat

Torneko: 'Tis a fine lookin' piece o' gear this, if ever I saw one.

Torneko: The animal it came from must've had a gorgeous coat on it.

Torneko: An' it's lighter than it looks, so it'd be easy to move about in durin' battle, like.

Leather dress

Torneko: Ah, a nice leather dress. I've a little tale to tell about this one, so I have.

Torneko: A certain weapon shop owner's wife designed it with a view to improvin' the social standin' o' women.

Torneko: Now they can look grand on the battlefield, too. 'Tis the epitome o' female rights, so they tell me.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: 'Course, I can't equip meself with it.
It's not my thing, like.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Pink leotard

Torneko: Phew! Is it gettin' hot, or is it just me? Would ye look at...

Torneko: Ahem! Sorry about that. Got a bit flustered, so I did. 'Tis a bit of armour fer the ladies, this.

Torneko: Despite the obvious lack of, em...substance, as it were, it's a handy item. An' a bit racy, if I'm honest.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: Me? Are ye wise? 'Tisn't fer a fella. Ask stupid questions like that, and I might, though. So mind yerself!

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Dragon mail

Torneko: Hm... This armour's made from the skin and scales of a dragon.

Torneko: It can stand up to wild changes in temperature, so it'll save y'against fire or ice attacks, fer example.

Cloak of evasion

Torneko: Would ye look at that? It's that light, I can hardly feel that I'm holdin' it.

Torneko: With sometin' this lightweight on, ye'd be able to move like the clappers in battle.

Magic vestment

Torneko: Ah, 'tis an item o' clothin' with the blessin' o' the saints.

Torneko: Aye, with this on, fire or ice magic attacks won't feel so harsh.

Torneko: And it'll do a fair bit to protect ya from physical attacks, too.

Flowing dress

Torneko: This flowin' dress is a fine defence against fire an' ice. It goes all the way back to the time o' the faeries, so it does.

Torneko: 'Tis spun on a holy loom with threads of rain and dew, so it is.

Torneko: And ye can't see through it, neither, even though it's made o' water. So there's no concern fer the ladies there.


Torneko: Hm... Looks like a dear piece o' gear, this bolero does.

Torneko: And there's an unusual power in it, too.

Torneko: When ye're wearin' it and someone casts a spell on ye, ye'll get the same amount o' magic restored to yerself.

Zenithian armour

Torneko: I'm sure I don't need to tell ya what this is. 'Tis part o' the legendary Zenithian kit.

Torneko: The more I look at it, the more amazin' it seems.

Torneko: It saves yer man from physical damage and spells alike.

Torneko: It goes without sayin' I s'pose, that only %O960%Xa great (hero/heroine) such as yerself/the great (hero/heroine), Hero,) can use it as a weapon.

Torneko: And I'm guessin' it'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Spiked armour

Torneko: Ow! Bejappers! Ow!

Torneko: Hm... I can sorely report that there are spikes all over this gear. Ya coulda warned me!

Torneko: If yer enemies get too close to ya, they'll banjax 'emselves fer sure.

Spangled dress

Torneko: Ah, what a dazzlin' dress, all covered in spangles, like.

Torneko: Look at all the little sequins shimmerin' away as they catch the light.

Torneko: Aye, if I could have me own way, I'd like to see it on a young wan, so I would.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: 'Course, I can't equip meself with it. It's not my thing, like.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Angel leotard

Torneko: What a crackin' bit o' gear this is!

Torneko: It's not just sometin' nice fer the fellas to look at. It's a handy tool as well.

Torneko: Obviously it gives some protection against direct physical attacks, but also against certain types o' magic, too.

Magical skirt

Torneko: I'm not officially an expert, but this is a fine-lookin' skirt if y'ask me.

Torneko: Ye wouldn't know it to look at it, but it's designed fer members o' the clergy.

Torneko: But that shouldn't stop a fashionable young wan havin' a bash at wearin' it.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: I s'pose I could just about get into it if I tri- What? Ye'll have nightmares? Well I'm sorry about that.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Robe of serenity

Torneko: Aye, 'tis a robe fer people o' the church, so it is.

Torneko: It'll give a fair bit o' protection from attacks when ye've been put to sleep or are otherwise defenceless.

Zombie mail

Torneko: Begorrah! It's put the fear o' the Goddess in me, so it has. As soon as it touched me hands.

Torneko: 'Tis a tough piece of equipment, sure it is.
But it makes me feel more than a bit uneasy...

Shimmering dress

Torneko: What a glimmerin', shimmerin', sparklin' piece o' cloth!

Torneko: Every now an' then, a dress as gleamin' as this is sure to reflect a magic attack.

Torneko: It might even reflect healin' magic though, too, so you'd best mind yerself with that.

Hela's armour

Torneko: Wh-What in the name of... I've a bad feelin' about this armour...

Torneko: To be honest with ya, I wouldn't want to be holdin' on to it fer too long meself.

Torneko: Though sure as eggs is eggs, it's mighty in the defence department.

Boxer shorts

Torneko: Well if ye really want to know, they're made of a very fine bit o' fabric, so they are.

Torneko: They look like they breathe nicely. Ye don't want to get too hot now, do ya?

Torneko: But they're not exactly designed for battle...

Pandemonic armour

Torneko: Strike me down, that's a rare piece of armour, so it is!

Torneko: But there's mischief seepin' out of ev'ry pore...almost like it's alive.

Torneko: I'd bet me life that no human can wear it, though.

Torneko: And I'd bet me life again that ye won't find another piece like it.

Torneko: You look after it now. Only a proper eejit would sell this.

Leather shield

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis nuttin' more than a shield made from animal hide.

Scale shield

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a leather shield clad in hard scales, so it is.

Torneko: 'Tis good an' light, so it should be nice an' easy to use.

Iron shield

Torneko: Aye, 'tis made of iron, to be sure.

Torneko: 'Tis a wee bit heavy, though, so ye'll need some meat on ya to use it.

Power shield

Torneko: Now this is a grand ole shield.

Torneko: 'Tis fine fer defence, o' course, but ye can use it as an item in battle as well.

Mirror shield

Torneko: Hm... Would ye look at that? I only missed a patch when I was shavin' this mornin'.

Torneko: ...Sorry. I just caught a look at meself in the mirror on this shield.

Torneko: But it's more than a vanity mirror. It looks like ye can reflect yer opponents' spells with it, too.

Tempest shield

Torneko: Well now, that's a grand auld shield you're holdin' on to there!

Torneko: Ye can use it like an item in battle and bring a devil of a wind to bear on yer enemies.

Torneko: An' just equippin' yerself with it'll improve yer defence no end.

Dragon shield

Torneko: Hmm... 'Tis a shield made from the skin and scales of a dragon.

Torneko: It can stand up to wild changes in temperature, so it'll save y'against fire or ice attacks, fer example.

Zenithian shield

Torneko: Ah! Part o' the legendary Zenithian Equipment, so it is.

Torneko: Aye, this shield'll give ya protection from all manner o' calamities.

Torneko: It goes without sayin' I s'pose, that only (a great (hero/heroine) such as yerself/the great (hero/heroine), Hero,) can use it as a weapon.

Torneko: And I'm guessin' it'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Liquid metal shield

Torneko: A liquid metal shield!?

Torneko: If defence is yer game, ya won't do better than this shield.

Torneko: Some say it's really made from liquid metal, but I don't know the truth of it.

Torneko: Others say it was just named after bein' so hard like it is.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: But it doesn't look like I can use it meself. Just my luck! Anyway, be sure to look after it, won't ye?

Pandemonic shield

Torneko: Where the devil did this shield come from!?

Torneko: It's a mind of its own, so it does. Like it wants to overpower its bearer.

Torneko: Aye, this isn't the kind of item ye'll find on every street corner in Ballymoral.

Torneko: An' I'd bet me life that there's no human that can use it.

Torneko: Nor will y'ever find another like it.

Torneko: You look after it now. Only a proper eejit would sell this.

Leather hat

Torneko: Hm... 'Tisn't a bad piece o' gear to protect yer noggin. A sturdy cap made of animal hide.


Torneko: Aye, this is one of them yokes fer protectin' yer noggin.

Torneko: It'd look grand on the ladies, so it would.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.
I'd- No, I'd rather not put it on. Not in front of everyone, like.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Hardwood headwear

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a hollowed out piece o' wood that's been fashioned into a hat.

Torneko: Aye, 'tis yer bog standard gear fer travellin' salesmen an' that.

Torneko: Just a shame it makes ya look like such a gobdaw...

Iron helmet

Torneko: Hm...a helmet worked from iron.

Torneko: A grand choice fer a seasoned adventurer, in my opinion.

Iron mask

Torneko: Hmm... Ye'd save yer head and face a bit wearin' one o' these.

Torneko: 'Tisn't the prettiest bit o' gear goin', but fair's fair, it does its job, like.

Feathered cap

Torneko: Ah, 'tis a cracker of a cap, so it is.

Torneko: Ladies' wear, I'd say, if I had to make a distinction.

Zenithian helm

Torneko: Gorgeous! Part o' the legendary Zenithian Equipment, o' course.

Torneko: It hardly looks like it covers yer head at all, but there's no need to bother yerself.

Torneko: The divine power of Zenithia will protect ye from any an' every attack, like.

Torneko: It goes without sayin' I s'pose, that only %O960%Xa great (hero/heroine) such as yerself/the great (hero/heroine), Hero,) can use it as a weapon.

Torneko: And no trader would give y'a price fer it. It's far too rare, like.

Death mask

Torneko: Now where have I seen this mask before...?

Torneko: Ah! Of course! It's what they use in those funny heretical ceremonies, so it is.

Torneko: I'd think twice before I put it on, if I were you.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: I can't see many traders bein' interested in a dodgy item like this. It won't fetch much.

Golden tiara

Torneko: What a funny little hat!

Torneko: And it doesn't just protect y'against attacks, it wards off confusion magic, too.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: I s'pose I could just about get into it if I tri- What? Ye'll have nightmares? Well I'm sorry about that.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Happy hat

Torneko: What a funny little hat!

Torneko: Just havin' it on yer head and walkin' about the place helps ya recover yer magic power.

Torneko: So it'd go nicely on a magic user, I s'pose.

Liquid metal helm

Torneko: Bless me Lakanaba breeches, it's a liquid metal helm!

Torneko: And I'd heard talk that there were none left in existence, so I had!

Torneko: With this on yer noggin, ye could drop a Hela hammer on yer head without a care in the world.

Torneko: (Character) can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: And I'm guessin' it'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Pandemonic helm

Torneko: Dear Goddess, this is no ordinary helm, so it isn't.

Torneko: Just holdin' it in me hands like this gives me a bother in me heart.

Torneko: I'm afraid I can't tell ye much about it.

Torneko: Other than that I'm fair sure no human would be able to handle it.

Torneko: And that ye'll almost certainly never come across another like it.

Torneko: You look after it now. Only a proper eejit would sell this.

Meteorite bracer

Torneko: Get away outta that! A meteorite bracer? ...Right then, time fer a sing-song.

Torneko: Oh, canny boy ♪ The me-te-or-ite bra-ace-er ♪

Torneko: What? Ye've heard enough already? I was only celebratin' such a fine item, like.

Torneko: Well, any of youse can wear it. Includin' me, o' course.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Lucida shard

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: It seems to have some talisman-like properties with it.

Torneko: If ya use it like an item in battle, it'll have some special effects, too.

Torneko: And ye can use it as many times as ya like.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Kamikazee bracer

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: When you breathe yer last wearin' this, the Kamikazee magic in it takes all yer enemies with ya.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once, an' then it's gone, like.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Kerplunk bracer

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: When ye breathe yer last wearin' this, the Kerplunk magic comes out of it an' revives all yer friends.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once, an' then it's gone, like.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Gold bracer

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: I was about to say it's a ladies' item, but I reckon a fella'd look grand with it on, too.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Fishnet stockings

Torneko: Oo, my- That's a pair of-

Torneko: Well, these are a very...grown up item now, aren't they just?

Torneko: I'm sure I don't need to tell ya that these are fer the ladies now, do I?

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: Me? Get away with ya! I'm a fella. Ask stupid questions like that, and I might do stupid things, though. So be warned!

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Ruby of protection

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: Wearin' this'll raise yer defence above what it is normally, like.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Prayer ring

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: It only seems to afford a tiny amount o' protection when ye're wearin' it.

Torneko: And yet if ya use it like an item, it works to restore yer magic powers.

Torneko: But mind ye don't use it too much, or ye'll go banjaxin' it, so ye will.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Goddess ring

Torneko: Ah, this is a mighty fine accessory, so it is.

Torneko: When ya walk about as ye're wearin' it, it only recovers yer magic power, like.

Torneko: An' not only that. It also makes y'a harder target fer yer enemies' spells, too.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: But it doesn't look like I can.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Gospel ring

Torneko: What the devil is this? I... I'm sorry, I've altogether no idea.

Torneko: It looks like it'd be fer protection o' some sort, like.

Torneko: Anyway, any one of us could wear it. Meself included.

Torneko: As fer sellin' it, I don't imagine anyone would buy it off ya, bein' such an unknown as it is.

Elevating shoes

Torneko: Ah, a pair of elevatin' shoes. What an upliftin' experience!

Torneko: Wear these where ya might be findin' monsters, and ye'll gain experience just by walkin' about, like.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: And I'm guessin' it'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Recovery ring

Torneko: Oh, 'tis a fine item, so it is.

Torneko: It boosts yer defence when ye're wearin' it, but that's not all...

Torneko: If ye keep it on and walk about, it restores yer health, too.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Strength ring

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: Just wearin' it's enough to make y'a quare bit stronger.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Bunny tail

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: 'Tis supposed to protect ya, like, but if the truth be told, it's nuttin' more than a decoration.

Torneko: Ah, y'could slip it on if ye were wantin' to try sometin' a bit different, I s'pose.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Mercury's bandana

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis some kind of accessory...

Torneko: Equip yerself with this to lighten yer load and speed yerself up.

Torneko: Aye, anyone could wear this, even me.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Mighty armlet

Torneko: Ah, this is a grand ole item ye've found fer yerself here.

Torneko: Wearin' this'll make ye hard as nails, like. It boosts yer strength sometin' fierce.

Torneko: An' anyone can use it, includin' yours truly here.

Torneko: The question is, do ya give to a wee sap of a fighter, or make a stronger fella even stronger?

Torneko: Sure an' there's more than one way to use it, so there is.

Medicinal herb

Torneko: 'Tis a handy item fer gettin' one of yer lads back in shape. Eatin' it helps get yer strength back a little.

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Antidotal herb

Torneko: 'Tis a handy item fer curin' poison.
Ye can use it on anyone in yer party.

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Holy water

Torneko: Sure, 'tis an interestin' one, this. It'll ward off enemies that are weaker than yerself fer a while.

Torneko: There's only enough in each phial to use it the one time, though.

Torneko: It might come in handy if ye're goin' back into a cave ye've already been through once before, like.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Chimaera wing

Torneko: Hmm... 'Tis an item that can take ye back to a place ye've been to already.
A cute adventurer is sure to be carryin' at least one all the time. Just in case, like.

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Moonwort bulb

Torneko: Ah, 'tis the bulb o' the mysterious moonwort, that only flowers when there's a full moon.

Torneko: It can cure yer friends of paralysis, so it can. An' it takes effect right away.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once. After that, ye'll have to find yerself another one.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.


Torneko: Hm...? Japers, that smells worse than me socks, so it does.

Torneko: Usin' this is like flyin' a flag that says would ye come an' claim me like, monsters!

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Seed of strength

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis one o' those curious seeds, so it is.

Torneko: It'll make ya stronger if y'eat it. Only a bit, but fair's fair, it's better than nuttin'.

Torneko: 'Course, they're fierce bitter, but ye can get used to anytin' after a while.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Seed of agility

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis one o' those curious seeds, so it is.

Torneko: Eat it fer a wee boost o' speed, like.

Torneko: They go down a treat, so they do, even if they are a bit spicy.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Seed of wisdom

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis one o' those curious seeds, so it is.

Torneko: Ev'ry time you pop one o' these in yer gob, ye wise up.

Torneko: I'd love to take a sackful back fer young Tipper, so I would.
If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Seed of resilience

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis one o' those curious seeds, so it is.

Torneko: It sounds like a bit of a horse's hoof, but they say eatin' these seeds can make yer body a bit tougher.

Torneko: Only, the seeds are pretty tough themselves, so they do take a bit of chewin'.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Seed of life

Torneko: Ah, 'tis one o' these, is it? Eatin' a seed o' life gives ye a greater capacity fer health.

Torneko: They don't really taste like nuttin' else, but just think of Lakanaba an' swig it down, I always say.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Seed of magic

Torneko: Ah, 'tis one o' those seeds that boosts yer capacity fer magic, so it is.

Torneko: They taste worse than manure, but it's fer a good cause, like.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off eatin' it instead.

Thief's key

Torneko: Ah, 'tis the thief's key, so it is!

Torneko: Aye, ye can get through many a locked door with this little lad.

Torneko: I wouldn't go flashin' it about in shops an' the like though, if I were you.

Magic key

Torneko: Hmm... I've heard a fair few tales about this key. 'Tis known as the magic key.

Torneko: Ye can see just by lookin' that it's made o' sometin' mighty strange.

Torneko: Aye, ye can get through many a locked door with this little lad.

Torneko: I wouldn't go flashin' it about in shops an' the like though, if I were you.

Ultimate key

Torneko: This key here's what folks call the ultimate key.

Torneko: Ye can open pretty much anytin' with it. Even jail cells, like.

Torneko: I wouldn't go flashin' it about in shops an' the like though, if I were you.

Magic water

Torneko: Hm... Aye, 'tis blessed, so it is, this water.

Torneko: Drink it when yer magic's a bit low, and it'll go some way to restorin' it.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once. After that, ye'll have to find yerself another one.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Ra's mirror

Torneko: Ah, 'tis a mirror of Ra, so it is.

Torneko: 'Tis supposed to reflect the true nature o' things, so they say...

Torneko: Like, if I was to look in it now, ye'd see a fine, handsome, young... Ha ha! Sure an' I was only lettin' on a bit, like.

Torneko: In a shop? I don't think so. There's no traders that'd be able to put a price on it.

Packed lunch

Torneko: Ah, 'tis a hearty-lookin' meal altogether, so it is.

Torneko: Aye, there's none makes a lunch like my Tess. Y'eat that, an' it'll give ye plenty o' strength.

Torneko: Ye can't be thinkin' o' sellin' it, surely now? I mean, herself went to all that trouble.

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Horse manure

Torneko: Fer the love o'- What are y'at, stickin' that in me face!?

Torneko: 'Tis about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Now get up the yard with it!

Yggdrasil leaf

Torneko: Ah, a leaf o' the old Yggdrasil tree, so it is.

Torneko: A miracle cure that can bring one of yer party back to life in battle.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once. After that, ye'll have to find yerself another one.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Yggdrasil dew

Torneko: Ah, what a fresh-smellin' drop o' dew ye have here...

Torneko: When youse are all gettin' a bit jaded in battle, ye can drink this to get back on form.

Torneko: But ye can only use it once. After that, ye'll have to find yerself another one.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Mini medal

Torneko: Hm... 'Tis a curious little medal, so it is.

Torneko: I can't imagine there'd be many traders wantin' one o' these.

Torneko: But I've a feelin' I've heard of a fella that collects them somewhere...

Flute of Revelation

Torneko: Hmm... 'Tis not like any flute I've ever seen before...

Torneko: But I s'pose it must be good fer a tune if ya blow it, or it wouldn't be called a flute now, would it?

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Steel Strongbox

Torneko: Ah! A steel strongbox! 'Tis every travellin' salesman's dream to have his own one o' these.

Torneko: If ye're lucky enough to have one, ya won't lose gold, even if ye're wiped out in battle.

Torneko: Ye'd have to be gone in the head to sell this, so ya would.

Prince's letter

Torneko: Japers! 'Tis worse than me da's handwritin', an' that's the truth.

Torneko: I can just about make out what it says, but... Phew, 'tis a touch steamy!

Royal scroll

Torneko: Hm... The content's sound enough, but the handwritin's desperate altogether, so it is.

Torneko: I can just about make out what it says, but... Phew, 'tis a touch steamy!

Silver Goddess statue

Torneko: Aye, 'tis a sight fer sore eyes, so it is. Ye can never tire o' lookin' at it.

Torneko: I've a little ambition to decorate me house with one o' these. But it's only a dream at the moment, like.

Torneko: And I'm guessin' it'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Night light

Torneko: Hm... There's a good dose o' the leprechaun magic in this one, if y'ask me.

Torneko: They've a flowery way o' sayin' what it does. They say it makes night dawn, so they do.

Torneko: Ye'll suss it out soon enough if ya just give it a try.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Sphere of Silence

Torneko: 'Tis said ye can use this to seal away a monster's magic, like.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Powder keg

Torneko: Hm... Aye, I know what this is. 'Tis a keg o' gunpowder like what they use down the mines.

Torneko: But it's banjaxed, so it is. It's gotten damp now, an' it's useless altogether.

Torneko: But I've a feelin' I've heard of a fella that collects them somewhere...

Treasure Map

Torneko: Janey Mac! 'Tis only the map that shows the location o' the legendary treasure, so it is!

Torneko: But still an' all, ye won't be able to find a trader that'll offer to buy it from ye. They don't know what it's worth.

Feverfew seed

Torneko: Hm... These aren't the same as them curious seeds that ya sometimes find about the place.

Torneko: To be sure, they're full to the brim wi' vitality and life, but ye mustn't go eatin 'em as they are.

Ye've to scatter 'em somewhere an' let 'em grow. Now, if ye're talkin' about somewhere with the kind o' soil that'd be good fer growin' feverfew...

Feverfew root

Torneko: I've heard folk talk about this. 'Tis the root o' the legendary feverfew plant.

Torneko: 'Tis the first time I've laid eyes on one, so it is. But I can see right away that it'd be a grand remedy.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Karstaway stone

Torneko: Hm... To be honest, all I'm seein' here is a lump o' stone.

Torneko: But I've a strange sort o' feelin' that there's a rare power in it.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Sands of time

Torneko: 'Tis no ordinary sand, this.

Torneko: Ye can use it in battle to turn back the hands o' time.

Torneko: So if ye're in a pinch, ye can start over with the battle ye're fightin' and try again with a new strategy, like.

Torneko: And ye can use it as many times as ye like without it wearing out. It's dead handy.

Mod rod

Torneko: Hmm... 'Tis a staff, sure it is, but not one ye can kit yerself out with in battle.

Torneko: I could tell ye what it does, but it'd be far easier if ye just gave it a try yerself.

Torneko: Ye'll most likely get carried away and be usin' it all the time.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll be wantin' to sell, this. And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Sage's stone

Torneko: Dear Goddess! Do y'know what this is!?

Torneko: 'Tis the sage's stone, bestowed with the divine powers of an ancient sage.
Aye, the sage's protection comes to the aid o' whoever's holdin' the stone.

Torneko: Ye don't want to let this one go. To be sure ye don't.

Torneko: And besides, no trader would know what it's worth, so they wouldn't buy it anyway.

Gas canister

Torneko: Hmm... And what are we lookin' at here, then?

Torneko: Urghem! Well ye don't want to be holdin' on to this fer too long. It'll gas ya, so it will.

Torneko: I can't say fer sure, but I don't think anyone would give y'any gold fer this.

Baron's bugle

Torneko: Well! A quare example of craftsmanship at its very best!

Torneko: Wherever y'are, when Mary Lou hears this horn, she'll come runnin' to ye with the wagon.

Torneko: An' she's not the only horse ye can call with it.

Torneko: I'd be willin' to bet ye'll be gobsmacked if ye use the horn in battle.

Torneko: 'Tis not an item ye'll want to sell.
And ye couldn't get a price fer it if ye did.

Yggdrasil flower

Torneko: Would ye look at that!? 'Tis only the flower o' the legendary Yggdrasil tree!

Torneko: Just havin' it in me hands like this gives me a nice, warm glow inside.

'The Big Book of Beasts'

Torneko: Now here's an interestin' book, aye.

Torneko: Ya can read all about the monsters ye've been fightin' up to now in these pages right here.

Torneko: If it was my book, I wouldn't be able to keep meself still until I'd filled the whole thing up.

Torneko: There's bound to be sometin' grand that happens when ye've every monster in it, don't ye think?

Steel strongbox (broken)

Torneko: Ah! A steel strongbox! 'Tis every travellin' salesman's dream to have his own one o' these.

Torneko: If ye're lucky enough to have one, ya won't lose gold, even if ye're wiped out in battle.

Torneko: Only...it seems to be banjaxed, so it does.

Torneko: (Character) can be equipped with it.

Torneko: And it looks like this is sometin' I can equip meself with, too.

Torneko: Doesn't look as if I can use it meself, sadly...

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Torneko: %0Torneko is dead! Appraising (Item) would be a bit tricky from inside a coffin!

Torneko: Janey Mac, that's a robe an' a half, so it is! Just beautiful... Look at the workmanship on it...

Torneko: An' it's not just nice to look at, it's useful too - the defence on this thing is through the roof!

Torneko: As ye might expect though, 'tis only fer the ladies...

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: 'Course, I can't equip it meself. It's not my thing, like.

Torneko: An' I wouldn't go tryin' to sell it either, if I was you...

Torneko: Well now, there's a thing... A robe blessed by dragons, no less...

Torneko: It can stand up to wild changes in temperature, so it'll save y'against fire or ice attacks, fer example.

Torneko: Well, as ye've probably guessed, 'tis a shield. What ye might not have guessed, though, is that it's more magical than Mikey O'Magic's Magic Machine!

Torneko: So it won't just stop a blow with a blunt instrument, it'll beat back a spell or two, an' all!

Torneko: An' as if that wasn't enough, 'tis also light enough that even the wimpiest o' weaklings can strap the thing on! Talk about a winner!

Torneko: Get a load o' the sheen on that! 'Tis blindin', so it is!

Torneko: Hmm... Yep, it's not lackin' at all in the defence department, an' it'll bounce the odd spell back in yer enemy's face to boot.

Torneko: An' what with it bein' light as a feather into the bargain, any Tom, Dick or Harry can strap it on too. Deadly!

Torneko: Sure, at first glance it might look like no more than a frilly brolly, but don't let looks deceive ye - this yoke yer holdin' here's a defensive powerhouse!

Torneko: An' because ye can close it when ye're not usin' it, yer fisticuff-favourin' feens can make good use of it too.

Torneko: Any lady with one o' these over her shoulder'll look pretty as a picture, so ye'll be wantin' to give it a girlie girl, so ye will.

Torneko: Japers... It's not exactly a work o' fine art, is it now?

Torneko: But it's big, so it is, an' that size'll see ye right in the face o' fire an' ice attacks. All in all, a useful yoke altogether.

Torneko: Well now, if it ain't the type o' topper the toffs o' the towns take a right ole fancy to!

Torneko: Ye'll be wantin' one o' these if ye get yerself invited to a garden party or some such high-class do.

Torneko: An' it may be just a hat, but it's stiff as a board, so it'll fend off more damage than ye'd credit it with at first glance.

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: I can equip it too meself, o' course.

Torneko: An' these things are made to measure, so ye won't be findin' one down yer local shop, that's fer certain.

Torneko: Crikey! Now here's a helm that's no less horrendously heavy than it looks!

Torneko: Defence-wise, I don't think ye'll be surprised to learn that it could stop a troll at full tilt.

Torneko: But if ye don't have the muscle to bear the weight, ye'll have trouble even puttin' it on...

Torneko: J-Janey-!? Bejeez- I, I mean...

Torneko: Well now, this is a lovely article altogether...

Torneko: See that big jewel in the middle there? 'Tis enchanted with a protective charm, so it'll do a lot more fer yer defence than ye'd think.

Torneko: What with it bein' a tiara an' all though, it's better if the wans among ye are wearin' it, so...

Torneko: (Character)can be equipped with it.

Torneko: But I can't. More's the pity...

Torneko: An' it's way too valuable fer yer average shop to even think about buyin', so don't even bother tryin' to hawk it for a spot o' gold.

Torneko: Hmm... I think... Yeah... It's a kind o' medicine.

Torneko: If ye guzzle it down, yer attack power'll be doubled then and there, so it will.

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: An' ye shouldn't go relyin' on these - there's no substitute for hard work an' healthy livin', as me ma always used to say.

Torneko: If ye're thinkin' o' sellin' it, I wouldn't bother. Ye'd be better off drinkin' it instead.

Torneko: By the hokey, this water's purer than pure!

Torneko: I reckon a drink o' this'd cure yer ills, an' then some!

Torneko: Use it once, and it's gone forevermore, though.

Torneko: Amor's the name of a town in an ancient an' faraway land famed for the purity of its waters, by the way.

Torneko: But don't worry - this ain't that red stuff they had over there for a while, this is the real McCoy!

Torneko: It'd fetch about # gold coin(s) if ya sold it in a shop.

Torneko: I'm guessin' this'd be far too dear fer a normal shop to trade in.

Meena's Fortune Telling

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Meena: Oh, goody! I will be reading the cards and telling you what will be your fortune for today, then.

Meena takes the silver tarot deck and begins to shuffle the cards slowly.

Meena: ...

Meena closes her eyes, then draws a card!

Meena: Your key is being the first card of the major arcana, The Fool, in its normal position.

Meena: Do not be tricked by common senses, and follow your heart only. This will be opening the way forward for you.

Meena: Your lucky number is being zero, and your lucky colour is being white. Treat your superiors with respect.

Meena: Your key is being the first card of the major arcana, The Fool, reversed. You must avoid all of your impulsive actions.

Meena: If you are too much cocky, you will only make people around you funny with you. And for today, you will be very very gullible.

Meena: Your lucky number is being three, and your lucky colour is being white. Be careful where are you treading.

Meena: Your key is being the second card of the major arcana, The Magician, in its normal position.

Meena: Your mental capacities will be sizzling today. You can be able to do almost anything. The perfect time to be starting something new.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being orange. Exercising your brain is the key to good fortune for you today.

Meena: Your key is being the second card of the major arcana, The Magician, reversed.

Meena: Your lies will be found out, and you cannot be able to concentrate on anything. Oh, you must be careful-careful, please.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being gold. Try not to be speaking too much.

Meena: Your key is being the third card of the major arcana, The High Priestess, in its normal position.

Meena: Your intelligence will be going through the roof today! It is a day for relying on magic in battle.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being silver. The moon is watching over you.

Meena: Your key is being the third card of the major arcana, The High Priestess, reversed.

Meena: Oof, you will be in a foul mood today, and you will be taking it out on everyone. You will also be doing many errors.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being sky blue. It is wise time for levelling up now.

Meena: Your key is being the fourth card of the major arcana, The Empress, in its normal position. Waah! What a lucky-lucky day is it for you!

Meena: Love, health and wealth. Everything will be how are you wanting it to be. A smile will bring you great happiness.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being yellow. Keep a happy expression on your face at all times.

Meena: Your key is being the fourth card of the major arcana, The Empress, reversed.

Meena: You will be wasting everything today. And you will be so lazy-wazy. You must be very careful.

Meena: Your lucky number is being six, and your lucky colour is being yellow. Good intentions will be taken in a negative way today.

Meena: Your key is being the fifth card of the major arcana, The Emperor, in its normal position.

Meena: Leadership is important today. You must take that bull by the horns. Act first in everything that you are doing.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being red. Act tough, and you will be killing!

Meena: Your key is being the fifth card of the major arcana, The Emperor, reversed.

Meena: Selfishness and overconfidence will spell disaster for you today. Keep your head down and don't be making waves.

Meena: Your lucky number is being eight, and your lucky colour is being red. Now it is a time for reflection about your good self, please.

Meena: Your key is being the sixth card of the major arcana, The Hierophant, in its normal position.

Meena: Today you will be helped by someone who is older than you. Listen to all the advice you are given.

Meena: Your lucky number is being nine, and your lucky colour is being deep blue. Do not forget your gratitude.

Meena: Your key is being the sixth card of the major arcana, The Hierophant, reversed. Oof, this is bad-bad news.

Meena: You must be avoiding over-dependence. No matter how many efforts you are making, they will come to nothing today.

Meena: Your lucky number is being nine, and your lucky colour is being purple. Be patient and wait for this troublesome time to pass.

Meena: Your key is being the seventh card of the major arcana, The Lovers, in its normal position. Waah, what a romantic time for you!

Meena: Maybe you will be meeting a would-be today, no? And this is a fine day for making important decisions, too.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being orange. Arey, the angels are watching over you only!

Meena: Your key is being the seventh card of the major arcana, The Lovers, reversed.

Meena: This means you are going to lose your way. You cannot be able to make decisions, and you will be suffering from confusions.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being green. Don't be testing your luck at the casino today, ah!

Meena: Your key is being the eighth card of the major arcana, The Chariot, in its normal position.

Meena: Brave actions are what are you needing today. Challenge yourself and don't give in. You will definitely succeed.

Meena: Your lucky number is being eight, and your lucky colour is being red. Don't be shy. Take the challenge!

Meena: Your key is being the eighth card of the major arcana, The Chariot, reversed.

Meena: Rough behaviour will not be going down well today. You should be avoiding any kind of competition today.

Meena: Your lucky number is being eight, and your lucky colour is being red. Be careful that you are not breaking any bones.

Meena: Your key is being the ninth card of the major arcana, Strength, in its normal position.

Meena: Today is a perfect day for training. And passion should be playing a big part in your love life.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being brown. Being easy-going is the key to good fortune for you.

Meena: Your key is being the ninth card of the major arcana, Strength, reversed.

Meena: Arey, you will be hot-headed and doing so much of nonsense if you are not careful today. You will be showing yourself up, too.

Meena: Your lucky number is being eight, and your lucky colour is being gold. Be careful where are you treading.

Meena: Your key is being the tenth card of the major arcana, The Hermit, in its normal position.

Meena: You must be doing things for yourself, and not be calling on others. Your mind will be clear, so this is a good time for studies.

Meena: Your lucky number is being seven, and your lucky colour is being purple. You must be placing value on time to your good self.

Meena: Your key is being the tenth card of the major arcana, The Hermit, reversed.

Meena: Your friends will be giving you the cold shoulder today.
And if you are pretending to know something that you don't, everyone will know about it.

Meena: Your lucky number is being seven, and your lucky colour is being deep blue. You must be careful not to be stubborn now.

Meena: Your key is being the eleventh card of the major arcana, Wheel of Fortune, in its normal position. Waah, this is lucky-lucky day for you.

Meena: You will be blessed with many many chances today. Oh so many things will be going your way.
Maybe you will even be making a lovely acquaintance, no?

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being blue. Go to the casino! You can't lose!

Meena: Your key is being the eleventh card of the major arcana, Wheel of Fortune, reversed. Oh, foe... Well, here is the thing...

Meena: Everything will be backfiring on you today. You will be stuck in a rut, and all you can do is to wait.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being blue. Don't be swayed by bad company.

Meena: Your key is being the twelfth card of the major arcana, Justice, in its normal position.

Meena: There will be retributions for bad behaviour, and rewards for good ones. Be mindful of your words and actions.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being white. Avoid making promises that you cannot be keeping.

Meena: Your key is being the twelfth card of the major arcana, Justice, reversed.

Meena: You will be making yourself ill if you lead an irregular lifestyle. And maybe you will be falsely accused of a wrongful deed.

Meena: Your lucky number is being six, and your lucky colour is being green. You must be avoiding nervous jitterings like the plague.

Meena: Your key is being the thirteenth card of the major arcana, The Hanged Man, in its normal position.

Meena: You will be rewarded in the end if you are helping others. Don't give up, even if times are tough.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being brown. The Goddess is seeing all the good things that you are doing.

Meena: Your key is being the thirteenth card of the major arcana, The Hanged Man, reversed. Oof... This is not a good sign.

Meena: Whatever goodnesses are you doing, no one will see you. These will be difficult times for you.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being brown. Life can be so lonely-lonely sometimes.

Meena: Your key is being the fourteenth card of the major arcana, Death, in its normal position.

Meena: Now would be a good time for throwing all caution to the wind and taking a great chance in life.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being purple. A wavering attitude will only bring misfortune upon your good self.

Meena: Your key is being- Oh, dear Goddess! It is Death, reversed...

Meena: You will be losing money. You will be losing battles. You will be having things stolen.
You will be suffering many injuries. Oof, calamity will seek you out.

Meena: Your lucky number is being eight, and your lucky colour is being purple. Be very very careful until this unhappy day has passed.

Meena: Your key is being the fifteenth card of the major arcana, Temperance, in its normal position.

Meena: Honour and respect your friends and family, and good fortune will smile upon you. Be moderate in everything that you are doing.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being silver. Today will be a day of tranquillity.

Meena: Your key is being the fifteenth card of the major arcana, Temperance, reversed.

Meena: Oof, you will be a worry-worry-wallah this today. A relationship with someone who are you meeting today will only be a bit of fun.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being green. Be careful that you are not wasteful.

Meena: Your key is being the sixteenth card of the major arcana, The Devil, in its normal position.

Meena: You will be realising your mistakes, and losing your self-confidence. Be careful to avoid being selfish-hellfish.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being dark red. You must be turning down invitations today.

Meena: Your key is being the- Accha, the sixteenth card of the major arcana, The Devil, reversed! This is very unfortunate.

Meena: Vanity is leading to ridicule, and tricks are leading to you being tricked. You have so much to lose today.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being dark red. If you are arguing with someone, oof! It will be very very ugly.

Meena: Your key is being the-
Oh, the seventeenth card of the major arcana, The Tower, in its normal position!
This is very tricky...

Meena: You will be losing everything. But from within this great misfortune, you will actually find hope in the end.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being red. Do not be worrying yourself please, about the things you are losing.

Meena: Your key is being the- Oof, the seventeenth card of the major arcana, The Tower, reversed! You must be very careful.

Meena: Things are seemingly going very well for you. But this is just on the surfaces. You are heading for an unavoidable calamity.

Meena: Your lucky number is being five, and your lucky colour is being red. No more lies now. It is time for being true.

Meena: Your key is being the eighteenth card of the major arcana, The Star, in its normal position. Waah, this is super lucky for you!

Meena: Let your intuition guide you. The Goddess of Fortune is smiling upon you, and a new path will unfold in front of you.

Meena: Your lucky number is being seven, and your lucky colour is being deep blue. A new start will be most refreshing.

Meena: Your key is being the eighteenth card of the major arcana, The Star, reversed.

Meena: Wild fantasies will end in disappointment. And opportunities will not show themselves to you.

Meena: Your lucky number is being seven, and your lucky colour is being deep blue. You must be focusing on reality now.

Meena: Your key is being the nineteenth card of the major arcana, The Moon, in its normal position.

Meena: Kindness and calmness will bring with them many good fortunes. Try to be looking at things from the other side today.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being silver. Actions are better than words now.

Meena: Your key is being the nineteenth card of the major arcana, The Moon, reversed.

Meena: Today you can be tricked so so easily. And you will be worrying all the time. Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Meena: Your lucky number is being two, and your lucky colour is being sky blue. Watch out for careless mistakes.

Meena: Your key is being- Waah, the twentieth card of the major arcana, The Sun, in its normal position!
This is a lovely-lovely card!

Meena: Everything you are doing will go well. Believe in yourself and go for it! Love and success are there for your taking.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being orange. Strong leadership is the key to success for you.

Meena: Your key is being the twentieth card of the major arcana, The Sun, reversed.

Meena: Showy-showy actions and words will get you nowhere. And you must be careful now of your health.

Meena: Your lucky number is being one, and your lucky colour is being orange. Don't be too much full of yourself, or people will be despising you.

Meena: Your key is being the twenty-first card of the major arcana, Judgement, in its normal position. This will be a day of clarity for you.

Meena: Something that you had given up on will suddenly be working out for you. And you find something that you thought you had lost.

Meena: Your lucky number is being three, and your lucky colour is being a yellowish green. It is a time now for a new perspective.

Meena: Your key is being the twenty-first card of the major arcana, Judgement, reversed.

Meena: Something you were doing wrong in the past will be catching up with you now. Oof, I don't think this is a happy-clappy time for you.

Meena: Your lucky number is being three, and your lucky colour is being a yellowish green. I believe you should be sitting this one out, no?

Meena: Your key is being- Unbelievable! The final card of the major arcana, The World, in its normal position!
This is the very best card you can draw.

Meena: Arey, the thing you have been wishing for all this time will finally come true. Happiness is all around!

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being blue. Everything will be going your way.

Meena: Your key is being the final card of the major arcana, The World, reversed.

Meena: Everything will be going wrong for you, just when are you thinking it is going well.

Meena: Your lucky number is being four, and your lucky colour is being green. Be careful that you are not getting sick.

Meena: Your key is being...one I do not know. The Night Emperor, in its normal position. What is the meaning of this I do not know.

Meena: You...will be lucky if you go on an adventure at night. And...spending the night at an inn will bring you good fortune.

Meena: You are not having a lucky number, and your lucky colour is being black. It is all about the night now.

Meena: Your key is being the Night Emperor, reversed. Arey, this is aces!

Meena: Someone who washes your sheets will be making you a tasty-tasty supper. And you must try to find a cat that is doing a handstand.

Meena: Your lucky number is being twenty five, and your lucky colour is being red. Advice you will be hearing today only in riddles.

Meena: Your key is being the- Aaah! The Walking Corpse, in its normal position! This is a stinker!

Meena: Something you are looking for will show up when you are having a nap, but it will be all decaying and rotten.

And you will be tricked by the pills of wool on your pullover.

Meena: Your lucky number is being nine hundred and thirty one, and your lucky colour is being a kind of maroon.

Fear of danger is worse than the danger itself.

Meena: Your key is being the Walking Corpse, reversed. Hm... This is a very nasty reading.

Meena: Soon you will run into money, but you will be having your eyes shut.

Meena: The chance of a lifetime will be right there for you, but you will pass it by.

Meena: But do not worry. You won't even know what you are missing.

Meena: You are very lucky, no?

Meena: Fortune-telling only illuminates one of the many paths before us.
It is your actions and desires that will be steering you between fortune and misfortune.

Meena: So let us be continuing on our way now.

Meena cannot perform the fortune-telling now.

Meena: Fortune-telling is holy-holy. You cannot be doing it more than one time in each day.

Meena: If you are wanting me to read the tarot for you again, you must be staying the night at an inn first, okay?

Mod Rod Dialogue

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(*): Argh! A monster! Get away from me!

(*): Waah! Don't come any closer. Don't come any closer, I say!

(*): You no-good monster! You won't be getting out of here alive!

(*): Argh! It seems my time has come to ascend to the arms of the Goddess.

(*): Yikes! A monster! Help!

(*): Gargh! Go away!

(*): Gargh! Go away!

(*): I'm not scared of monsters! Ha!

(*): Oh dearie, dearie me...

(*): Oh no! A monster in town! The end of the world is upon us!

(*): You've got some nerve coming near me, monster! Let's fight!

(*): Argh! A monster!

(*): Goodness! A monster! Somebody help me!

(*): Oh, dear Goddess. I beg you to enlighten this monster with your divine wisdom.

(*): Urgh! Monsters smell. Leave me alone!

(*): Wargh! If it's money you want, then take it. Please don't kill me!

(*): I wouldn't get any closer if I were you. Not if you don't want to die a painful death!

(*): Grrrrr!

(*): Sssss!

(*): Eeeeep!

(*): G-Get away from me, you monster!

(*): Oh dear! A monster! I must escape...

(*): Dear Goddess. Please have mercy on this wayward sheep.

(*): Uh-oh!

(*): Mummy! Help me! This monster's trying to gobble me up!

(*): Mooooo!

King Minikin: Hm? I say! A despicable monster in my dominion! I'll defend my lovely mini medals with my life, I tell you!

(*): Cluck cluck!

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Aargh! Go on now, git! Gosh-durned varmint!

Tom Foolery: By the Goddess! Did ye have a rough time of it last night, did ye?

Tom Foolery: 'Cause ye look woeful monstrous, so ye do! Ba-boom! Ha ha hah!

Tessie: Sweet Jinksters, a monster! Heeelp!

Tipper: I'm in charge o' lookin' after Ma an' the shop while Da's away. So ye've got Tipper Taloon to answer to now, monster!

(*): Grrr-ruff! Ruff, ruff!

(*): Squee! Squee!

Shops and Services


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(*): Welcome to the item shop.

How can I serve you?

(*): What would you like to buy?

(*): Sorry, but you don't seem to have enough money with you.

(*): (Item)? Your custom's most appreciated.

(*): # (Item))? Thank you very much.

(*): You might want to try using (them/it)/one of them) as an item during battle!

(*): Who's going to carry the goods?

(*): You can't carry any more items, (Character). Would you like me to reorganise what you've got?

(*): All done. I've sorted things out for you!

(*): Unfortunately, you're carrying a lot of important items, (Character). I can't mess with them!

(*): Can someone else carry the goods?

(*): Well, there's always room in your bag!

(*): You can't equip this particular item, (Character). Do you still want it?

(*): Would you like to equip (them/it) right away?

(Character) is equipped with (Item).

(*): What's this? Your (Item) can't be removed! (They're/It's) cursed!

(*): I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. I'll put what you bought into your bag instead.

(*): Here you are, (Character)!

(*): I'll just place the goods in (Character)'s coffin.

(*): Okay. I'll make sure the goods get to (Character) in the wagon, then.

(*): I'll put the remaining item(s) in your bag, then.

(*): Can I help you with anything else?

(*): Who has something to sell?

(*): Excuse me? But you aren't carrying anything, (Character)!

(*): There doesn't seem to be anything in your bag!

(*): I'm sorry, but I don't deal in that kind of item.

(*): If you sell (those/that), you might never be able to get (them/it) back. Are you sure you want to do this?

(*): I'll take (those/that) (Item) off your hands for %a00620 gold coin(s). Okay?

(*): That's a shame...

(*): It amazes me to say this, but you can't carry any more gold!

(*): Why don't you buy something from me first?

(*): Thank you!

(*): Hm? That item appears to be cursed! Such a pity.

(*): Would you like to sell anything else?

(*): Is there anything else I can help you with?

(*): Come again any time!

(*): How many would you like to sell?

(*): So you want to sell me (# (Item)/# (Item)(s))? I'll take (it/them) off your hands for %a00620 gold coin(s). Okay?


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(*): Welcome to the weapon shop.

What can I do for you?

(*): What do you need?

(*): Sorry, you don't seem to have enough money for that.

(*): (Item), is it? Thank you very much.

(*): # (Item)?

Thank you very much.

(*): Have a go at using (((them/it) as an item in battle.)/((They/It)/one of them) as an item in battle.)) They can be quite effective.

(*): Who's going to carry the goods?

(*): You can't carry any more, (Character). Would you like me to reorganise your items?

(*): Okay! I've sorted things out for you.

(*): Seems you're carrying a lot of important items, (Character). It wouldn't be right for me to organise them!

(*): Can someone else carry the goods?

(*): Well then, I'll put the goods in your bag.

(*): You can't equip this particular item, (Character). Do you still want it?

(*): Do you want to equip (them/it) now?

(Character) is equipped with (Item).

(*): Whoa! Your (Item) can't be removed! (They're/It's) cursed!

(*): Can't be helped, I suppose. I'll put what you bought in your bag instead.

(*): Here you go, (Character)!

(*): I'll just place the goods in (Character)'s coffin, then.

(*): Okay. I'll make sure the goods get to (Character) in the wagon, then.

(*): I'll put the remaining item(s) in your bag, then.

(*): Can I help you with anything else?

(*): Who wants to sell something?

(*): Really? But you're not carrying anything, (Character)!

(*): But your bag's empty!

(*): Sorry, I'm not interested in things like that.

(*): A word of warning: if you sell that, you might never be able to get it back. Is that okay?

(*): (Item)? I'll give you # gold coin(s) for it. Okay?

(*): Oh well, that's a shame.

(*): It amazes me to say this, but you can't carry any more gold!

(*): Why don't you buy something from me first?

(*): Pleasure doing business with you!

(*): I'd love to buy that, but I'm afraid I can't! It's cursed and won't come off!

(*): Would you like to sell anything else?

(*): Anything else I can help you with?

(*): Come again!

(*): How many do you want to sell?

(*): # (Item)? I'll give you # gold coin(s) for them. Okay?


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(*): Welcome to the armour shop.

How can I serve you?

(*): What would you like to buy?

(*): Sorry, but you don't seem to have enough money with you.

(*): (Item)?

Very well.

(*): # (Item)(s)? Thank you very much.

(*): You might want to try using (them/it/one of them) as an item during battle!

(*): Who's going to carry the goods?

(*): You can't carry any more, (Character). Would you like me to reorganise your items?

(*): All done. I've sorted things out for you.

(*): Unfortunately, you have a lot of important items, (Character). I can't mess with them.

(*): Can someone else carry the goods?

(*): Well, there's always room in your bag!

(*): You can't equip this particular item, (Character). Do you still want it?

(*): Would you like to equip (them/it) now?

(Character) is equipped with (Item).

(*): What's this? Your (Item) can't be removed! It's cursed!

(*): Well, it looks like you can't equip (them/it) now, but do you still want to buy (them/it)?

(*): Here you are, (Character)!

(*): I'll just place the goods in (Character)'s coffin.

(*): Okay. I'll make sure the goods get to (Character) in the wagon, then.

(*): I'll put the remaining item(s) in your bag, then.

(*): Can I help you with anything else?

(*): Who has something to sell?

(*): Excuse me? But you aren't carrying anything, (Character)!

(*): There doesn't seem to be anything in your bag!

(*): I'm sorry, but I don't deal in that kind of item.

(*): You should take good care of it. I imagine it's rather valuable.

(*): If you sell that, you might never be able to get it back. Are you sure you want to do this?

(*): I'll take (those/that) (Item) off your hands for %a00620 gold coin(s). Okay?

(*): That's a shame...

(*): It amazes me to say this, but you can't carry any more gold!

(*): Why don't you buy something from me first?

(*): Thank you!

(*): Hm? That item appears to be cursed! Such a pity.

(*): Would you like to sell anything else?

(*): Is there anything else I can help you with?

(*): Come again any time!

(*): How many do you wish to sell?

(*): So, you wish to sell me %a00840 (Item)? I'll give you %a00620 gold coin(s) for them. Is that alright?


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(*}: Welcome to our inn, weary (traveller/travellers)!

(*): Welcome to our inn, weary (traveller/travellers)! You must be exhausted at this late hour.

(*): Our rate is # gold coins per night. Will you be staying?

(*): Please enjoy your stay!

(*): Good morning! I trust you had a restful sleep? Do come again!

(*): I'm terribly sorry, but you don't appear to have enough money.

(*): Farewell, intrepid (traveller/travellers). Come again any time.


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(*): Welcome to Rainbow's End Gold Bank, protectin' yer hard earned gold from the likes of monsters and criminals.

(*): Here at Rainbow's End we only deal in units of a thousand gold coins. That goes for deposits an' withdrawals alike.

(*): So, (Character)... What can we be doin' fer ye?

(*): I'm terribly sorry, (sir/ma'am), but it seems the vault's full already. We can't be acceptin' any more deposits, like.

(*): Sure an' we'd be happy to accept yer gold. But we only deal in units of a thousand coins. So... How much would ye be leavin' with us today?

(*): I don't mean to be rude or nuttin', but ye don't have that much on ye, so ye don't.

(*): I'm sorry, but there's barely any space left in the vault at the moment. The most we can accept is # gold coins.

(*): # gold coins, is it? Right, we'll lock it up in the vault straight away. Ye've no need to worry.

(*): I-I'm sorry, (sir/ma'am), but ye don't appear to have even one gold coin deposited with us at the moment.

(*): Yer current balance is # gold coins. So how much will ye be lookin' to withdraw today, (sir/ma'am)?

(*): Sure an' that'd be a fine sum, so it would! But ye don't have that much in the bank, y'eej- Ahem! I mean, (sir/ma'am)...

(*): I'm afraid that's more gold than a (feen/wan) can carry.

(*): So it'll be #, will it? Aye, well. Here y'are...

(*): Ye've changed yer mind, have ye?

Not to worry. Rainbow's End Gold Bank'll be here fer ye when ye need it.

(*): At the moment, ye've %a00480 gold coins safely tucked away in our vault. Thank you very much.

(*): We're not keepin' any gold fer yerself at the moment, (Character). But we look forward to servin' ye again in the future.

(*): Welcome to Rainbow's End Gold Bank.

(*): Yer current balance with us is # gold coins, (Character). And how can we be helpin' ye today, then?

(*): We don't have any gold of yerself's in the vault at the moment, (Character). But can we be helpin' ye still an' all, perhaps?

(*): And we don't even charge ye any fees!


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(*): Faithful servant of the Goddess, how may our church assist you?

(*): What brings you to our church in the dead of night, child?

(*): Confess all that you have done before the almighty Goddess, child.

(*): And would you permit me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): Into which adventure log do you wish me to record this?

(*): In that case, I must overwrite

"Hero: Hero #".

Do you wish me to proceed, my child?

The adventure log could not be saved.

(*): I have successfully recorded your adventure log. Do you intend to continue on your adventure at this point, my child?

(*): You would prefer not to record your adventure? Well, that is your decision.

(*): Do you intend to continue on your adventure at this point, my child?

(*): By the Goddess! You intend to rest from your adventures without recording what you have done in an adventure log?

(*): You would have to restart your adventure from the time of your last confession. Are you sure this is what you want?

(*): O great and compassionate Goddess, please grant this child a peaceful respite!

Bless you, my child.

Please turn the power OFF.

(*): The great and benevolent Goddess offers her wisdom...

(*): Faithful servant, (Character)! You appear to be strong enough as you are!

(*): It appears (Character) has had an

elevating experience!

(*): I have no doubt you will reap the benefits of this experience after your next battle.

(*): (Character), my child! You require # experience point%H080%X/s) to reach the next level.

(*): Whom do you wish brought back to the world of the living?

(*): In order to carry out this task, I shall require a small contribution of # gold coins. Will you oblige, my child?

(*): O great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): If it is your will, please bring our beloved (Character) back to this world!

(Character) is resurrected!

(*): It seems that you cannot afford to make this humble donation.

(*): Forgive me for requesting too much from your faithful servants, O great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): Donations to the church are an expression of gratitude to the great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): To neglect this expression of faith is most lamentable.

(*): Surely you jest? (Character) looks very much alive to me!

(*): Whom shall I treat for poison?

(*): In order to carry out this task, I shall require a small contribution of %a00640 gold coins. Will you oblige, my child?

(*): O great and benevolent Goddess! Please purge the poison from your faithful servant, (Character)!

(*): It seems that you cannot afford to make this humble donation.

(*): Forgive me for requesting too much from your faithful servants, O great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): Donations to the church are an expression of gratitude to the great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): To neglect this expression of faith is most lamentable.

(*): Why, there doesn't seem to be a trace of poison in (Character)'s system!

(*): From whom do you wish to lift a curse?

(*): In order to carry out this task, I shall require a small contribution of # gold coins. Will you oblige, my child?

(*): O great and benevolent Goddess, lend us your almighty power! Remove the infernal curse afflicting (Character)!

(*): It seems that you cannot afford to make this humble donation.

(*): Forgive me for requesting too much from your faithful servants, O great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): Donations to the church are an expression of gratitude to the great and benevolent Goddess!

(*): To neglect this expression of faith is most lamentable.

(*): Pardon me, but (Character) does not seem to be cursed, child.

(*): Is there any other way we can be of assistance?

(*): Please take care, my child, and may the Goddess watch over thee.

(*): Indeed? Very well. The choice is yours.

May the Goddess smile upon thee.

(*): Welcome back, Hero! I trust you had a peaceful respite?

(*): Great Goddess, may you watch over and protect this poor child! Amen!

Saving adventure log.

Do not turn the power off.

The adventure log could not be accessed. Please return to the home screen and restart the game.


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(*): Wayward sheep of the great shepherdess, welcome to this house of the Goddess. How may we help you?

(*): Welcome to this house of the Goddess. How may I assist you at such a late hour?

(*): Please declare both your sins and high achievements before the great and benevolent Goddess.

(*): Would you allow me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): Into which adventure log do you wish me to record this?

(*): In that case, I must overwrite

"Hero: Hero #".

Do you wish me to proceed, o faithful one?

The adventure log could not be saved.

(*): I successfully recorded your adventure log. Do you plan to continue on your adventure at this point?

(*): You would prefer not to make a record of your adventure? Then so be it. You are free to do as you please.

(*): Do you plan on continuing your adventure at this point?

(*): You intend to rest from your adventures without recording your deeds in an adventure log?

(*): This will mean you will restart your adventure from the point of your last confession. Are you sure this is what you want?

(*): O great shepherdess, please allow this faithful lamb to rest in peace for a while!

Bless you, my poor lost sheep.

Please turn the power OFF.

(*): The Goddess gives me insight...

(*): The Goddess smiles upon you, (Character)! You appear to be as strong as you can possibly be!

(*): It appears (Character) has had an elevating experience!

(*): I have no doubt you will enjoy the benefits of that experience after your next battle.

(*): Faithful servant (Character).

The almighty one declares you need # experience point%H080%X/s) to reach the next level.

(*): Whom shall we ask the Goddess to return to the world of the living?

(*): If I may... In order to perform this task, I shall require a small contribution of # gold coins. Can you oblige me?

(*): O Goddess of light! Our great and benevolent shepherdess!

(*): If it is your will, please bring your faithful servant, (Character), back to this world!

(Character) is resurrected!

(*): I'm afraid I seem to have asked for more than you can part with.

(*): Forgive me, O Goddess, for asking too much of (this/these) poor lost sheep!

(*): I will not linger over the matter. Just remember, the Goddess smiles upon those who give of themselves.

(*): You must be mistaken. (Character) seems rather too lively to be dead!

(*): Whom shall I treat for poison?

(*): If I may... In order to perform this task, I shall require a small contribution of %a00640 gold coins. Can you oblige me?

(*): O great and benevolent Goddess, lend us your awesome power! Please purge the poison from your faithful servant, (Character)!

(*): I'm afraid I seem to have asked for more than you can part with.

(*): Forgive me, O Goddess, for asking too much of (this/these) poor lost sheep!

(*): I will not linger over the matter.

Just remember, the Goddess smiles upon those who give of themselves.

(*): But (Character) does not seem to be poisoned!

(*): From whom do you wish to lift a curse?

(*): If I may... In order to perform this task, I shall require a small contribution of # gold coins. Can you oblige me?

(*): O omnipotent Goddess, reveal your heavenly might! Remove the unholy curse that torments poor (Character)!

(*): I'm afraid I seem to have asked for more than you can part with.

(*): Forgive me, O Goddess, for asking too much of (this/these) poor lost sheep!

(*): I will not linger over the matter.

Just remember, the Goddess smiles upon those who give of themselves.

(*): You must be mistaken, my lost sheep. (Character) does not seem to be cursed.

(*): Is there anything else I can help you with?

(*): May the Goddess be with you. I hope to see you in our church again soon.

(*): I see. As you wish. May the Goddess smile upon thee.

(*): My prayers have been answered! You have joined us again, Hero! May the great shepherdess continue to watch over you!

(*): O Goddess, our great and benevolent shepherdess! Please protect this poor lost sheep!

Saving adventure log.

Do not turn the power off.

The adventure log could not be accessed.

Please return to the home screen and restart the game.


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King Minikin:Welcome to my dominion! I'm a collector of mini medals, which are said to be scattered all over the world.

King Minikin: I administer rewards to people for presenting mini medals to me, don't you know.

King Minikin: Goodness! It seems you have some with you as we speak. Let me be examining them, (my friend/my friends).

King Minikin: Splendid! That's # mini medal(s) you've given me so far, my little (minikin/minikins).

King Minikin: Congratulations! You've given me # mini medals, which means I can administer (Item) as a reward!

(Character) receives (Item)!

King Minikin: It seems I currently have # mini medal(s) from you in my dominion, (Character).

King Minikin: Goodness! Fancy going to such an effort to bring me more mini medals. It's reminiscent of myself, going to such lengths for the delightful little things.

King Minikin: I'm afraid to have to tell you, though, that I have nothing to give you in reward. Not even a miniscule thing.

King Minikin: Still, I hope that the rewards I've administered thus far are helping to minimise the troubles you encounter on your travels.

King Minikin: I hope your continued efforts for our world and humankind will be...at their maximum! Ha ha ha!

King Minikin: Once you have brought me a total of # mini medal(s), I'll be able to reward you with (Item).

King Minikin: Welcome to my dominion! I'm a collector of mini medals, which are said to be scattered all over the world.

King Minikin: Splendid! I see you have some mini medals with you. Let me be examining them, (my friend/my friends).

King Minikin: That takes the number of mini medals you've given me to #, (Character).


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(*): Welcome to the casino token vending area.

(*): I'm afraid you're already carrying the maximum permissible number of tokens, (sir/miss).

(*): Have a pleasant day!

(*): You currently have # token(s), Hero.

(*): Each casino token costs # gold coins. How many would you like to purchase?

(*): I'm afraid you don't seem to have enough money.

(*): # token(s)?

(*): That will be # gold coin(s). Is that okay?

(*): I'm afraid that you can only carry # more token(s), (sir/miss).

(*): # token(s)? That will be # gold coin(s). Is that okay?

(*): Thank you, and have a lucky day!

(*): Thank you and good luck!


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(*): You can trade in your casino tokens here for all sorts of exciting things.

(*): You currently have...

(*): Oh dear! It looks like you don't have any tokens at all.

(*): Come back again when you've got some.

(*): You currently have # token(s). Would you like to exchange them for a prize?

(*): I'm afraid you don't have enough tokens for (Item).

(*): (Item)? Is that what you'd like?

(*): Which of you will be carrying it?

(*): I'll put it in that bag you've got there.

(*): Oops! It looks like (Character)'s hands are already full!

(*): Shall I give it to somebody else?

(*): Oops! It looks like (Character) can't equip this item. Is that okay?

(Character) equips (Item)!

(*): That's odd! I can't seem to remove %a02070 for you. Is there a chance it might be cursed?

(*): Do you want to take (Item) regardless?

(*): There you are, (Character).

(*): No problem. I'll place it inside (Character)'s coffin.

(*): I'll hang on to your remaining tokens for you when you leave the casino and keep them safe. Come back again soon!

(*): Which prize do you want?

(*): Would you like to equip it right away?


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(*): Welcome to the Monster Arena, where monsters from far and wide gather together to pit their skills against each other!

(*): Can you predict who'll win? Put your money where your mouth is, and you could be in for some monstrously big winnings!

(*): Here's the line-up for the next fight. Which monster do you want to back?

(*): Oh dear! It looks like you don't have any tokens. Be sure to come back again when you've bought some.

(*): You can't cancel the match now. Which monster are you going to back?

(*): It's one token per ticket, and you can buy up to fifty of them. How many do you want?

(*): You want to buy # ticket(s) for #? All righty! Enjoy the show!

(Character) comes out on top!

(*): Congratulations! You won # token(s)!

(*): You've won more than 10000 tickets! That's the end of the Monster Arena for you.

(*): You can bet the token(s) you just won on the next fight if you like. What do you say?

(*): The next fight will be starting soon. Do you want to place another bet?

(Character) loses the match.

(*): Oh well! You win some, you lose some.

(*): Wait a minute! If you go now, you'll lose (the ticket/all the tickets) you bought. Are you sure you want to leave?

(*): Then we'll call an end to the fight here.

(*): Hope to see you back again soon.

(*): Then sit back and enjoy the rest of the fight!

(*): I have an announcement.

(*): Seeing as the battle's been going on for so long now, we've decided to call it a draw.

(*): We'll return the tickets you bet so you can use them on the next match.

(*): I'm afraid you backed the wrong monster this time, so I don't have any winnings to give you.

(*): Better luck next time!

(*): You've had enough for now? Okay. Hope to see you back again soon!

(Character) receives # point(s) of damage! (Character)is defeated.

(Character) receives # point(s) of damage! (Character) is defeated.


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(*): Welcome to the poker table! Care to try your luck at a hand or two?

(*): As you wish. Come back again any time if you change your mind.

It looks like you don't have any casino tokens. Come back again when you've bought some!

How much do you want to put down? You can bet up to ten tokens.

Decide which cards you want to hang on to, and then select "Deal".

Congratulations! You won # token(s)!

You can play Double or Nothing to try and increase that to #! Are you ready for round number %a00460 of Double or Nothing?

Try to pick a card higher than this one from the four lying face down.

You've now won more than 10000 tokens! That's the end of Double or Nothing.

You're now on your twelfth round! After this is over, that'll be the end of Double or Nothing.

It's the same value as the last card! Draw another one...

Congratulations! You won # token(s)!

Bad luck!

Do you want to try another hand of poker?


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It's a slot machine. Do you want to give it a spin?

It looks like you don't have any casino tokens. Come back again when you've bought some!

Use the up and down buttons to choose how many tokens to put in, then tap "Spin" to set the wheels in motion.

Well done! You've just won yourself # tokens.

Bad luck!

How about another go?

The management might not be too happy if they catch someone fiddling around in the back of one of their machines!


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Restores at least 30 HP

to a single ally.

Restores at least 75 HP

to a single ally.

Restores all HP to a

single ally.

Restores at least 75 HP

to all party members.

Resurrects a fallen ally

with half HP restored.

Resurrects a fallen ally

to full health.

Cures a single ally of

the effects of poison.

Exit instantly from

dungeons, caves, etc.

Return to previously

visited locations.

Reveals the nature of

the treasure in a chest.

A holy aura that keeps

weaker monsters away.

Pass unscathed over

harmful ground.

Turns night to day,

and day to night.

Locates hidden


Lowers the risk of being

detected by monsters.

Locates nearby


Reports the number of

nearby treasures.

Summons monsters

with a whistle.

Singes a single enemy

with a small fireball.

Burns a single enemy

with a large fireball.

Engulfs a single enemy

in an enormous fireball.

Singes a group of

enemies with blazing fire.

Burns a group of

enemies with fierce fire.

Sears a group of enemies

with scorching hellfire.

Damages all enemies

with a small explosion.

Engulfs all enemies in

a large explosion.

Blasts all enemies with

a blistering explosion.

Pierces a single enemy

with razor-sharp icicles.

Rains razor-sharp icicles

on a group of enemies.

Ravages all enemies with

razor-sharp icicles.

Slams a group of enemies

with slicing icicles.

A whirlwind that whips

a group of enemies.

A whirlwind that wallops

a group of enemies.

A twister that terrorises

a group of enemies.

Calls down lightning on

a single enemy.

Rains down thunderbolts

on all enemies.

The powers of the entire

party pummel an enemy.

A sword of lightning

slices a single enemy.

A cursed incantation that

strikes down a single foe.

A curse that can kill an

entire group of enemies.

A curse that can send all

enemies to the hereafter.

Can make a group of

enemies vanish in a flash.

Puts a group of

enemies to sleep.

Puts a single enemy to

sleep...most of the time.

Can stymie the spells of

a group of enemies.

Envelops a group of

enemies in illusions.

Sends a single enemy

into a state of confusion.

Steals MP from a

single enemy.

Envelops an ally in a

magic-neutralising mist.

Builds a barrier that

reflects all spells.

Reduces the defence

of a single enemy.

Reduces the defence of

a group of enemies.

Raises the defence of

a single party member.

Raises the defence of

all party members.

Raises the agility of

all party members.

Protects the party from

fire and ice attacks.

Doubles a single party

member's attack power.

Turns the party to steel.

Take the form of a

selected opponent.

Transform into a

fire-breathing dragon.

Restores all HP to

all party members.

Cures all party members

of the effects of paralysis.

Cures all party members

of the effects of sleep.

Sacrifice your life to

resurrect your party.

Take a chance with

Lady Luck!

An erratic attack that

can land a critical hit.

An attack that can pierce

even dragon's scales.

An attack that can carve

through metal enemies.

Launch into a whirling

attack against all enemies.

A vacuum vortex that

eviscerates all enemies.

Eliminates magical

effects from all enemies.

Strikes down all enemies

with mighty thunderbolts.

Unleashes all remaining

MP in a huge explosion.


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Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This pack of cards can also be used for


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Can also be used as an item during


Doesn't appear to have any special


Inflicts greater-than-average damage on

metal monsters.

If aimed well, this venomous barb can

inflict a critical hit.

This staff draws on its bearer's MP

when used to attack.

Can also be used as an item during


Hard to aim, but this hammer really

hurts when it connects.

Watch out! There's more to this sword

than meets the eye.

This blade inflicts increased damage on


Equip these knife-like earrings to strike

twice in a single turn.

Can also be used as an item during


This sword may send its target to sleep

from time to time.

This knife may paralyse its target from

time to time.

Can also be used as an item during


Can also be used as an item during


Replenishes its bearer's HP with each


Can also be used as an item during


Can also be used as an item during


Watch out! There's more to this sword

than meets the eye.

This staff replenishes HP when used as

an item during battle.

A legendary sword, perhaps?

A legendary weapon, and a useful item

during battle, too.

Can also be used as an item during


Can also be used as an item during


This lightning-fast sword can strike

twice in a single turn.

If aimed well, this spear can inflict a

critical hit.

This deadly whip can attack a whole

group of enemies at once.

This fearsome flail can be used to

attack all enemies at once.

This claw's toxic talons may end up

leaving its target poisoned.

This sword replenishes its bearer's HP

with each attack.

Don't appear to have any special


Don't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This armour will help to reduce

damage caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This armour will reduce damage from

fire- and ice-based attacks.

The wearer may at times escape an

enemy's attack altogether.

This clothing will help to reduce

damage caused by magic.

Reduces damage from fire- and

ice-based magic attacks.

This curious garment sometimes

absorbs MP from enemy spells.

This armour will help to reduce damage

caused by magic.

This armour may hold a spiky surprise

for the unwary attacker.

Doesn't appear to have any special


Reduces damage from fire- and

ice-based magic attacks.

This clothing will help to reduce

damage caused by magic.

Protects the wearer when asleep or


Watch out! There's more to this

armour than meets the eye.

This diaphanous dress may reflect

magic back at the caster.

Watch out! There's more to this

armour than meets the eye.

Don't appear to have any special


This armour will help to reduce damage

caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This shield can reduce damage from

fire- and ice-based attacks.

Can also be used as an item during


This shiny shield reflects spell damage

back at the caster.

Can also be used as an item during


This shield can reduce damage from

fire- and ice-based attacks.

Can also be used as an item during


Can also be used as an item during


This shield can reduce damage from fire-

and ice-based attacks.

Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This helm protects against Snooze,

Fuddle and paralysis.

Watch out! There's more to this mask

than meets the eye.

This precious tiara protects against


Recovers some of the wearer's MP with

each and every step.

This helm protects against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.

This hellish helm protects against

Snooze, Whack and paralysis.

This breathtaking bracer increases the

wearer's agility twofold!

Can also be used as an item during


Rousing wristwear that may just save

the day in times of need!

Rousing wristwear that may just save

the day in times of need!

Boosts defence when worn.

The ultimate in sexy legwear!

Boosts defence when worn.

This religious ring recovers some MP

whenever it's used.

Recovers some of the wearer's MP with

each and every step.

Wards off all wandering monsters when


Footwear that enhances experience with

every single step.

Restores some of the wearer's HP with

each and every step.

Supplements the strength of whoever

should happen to slip it on.

It makes whoever's wearing it luckier...

Or is that just a tale?

Gives its wearer increased agility.

Supplements the strength of whoever

should happen to slip it on.

This healing herb restores a little of one

party member's HP.

This healing herb can cure a party

member of poison.

This wondrous water wards off weaker

enemies for a wee while.

Can be used to return to any

previously visited location.

This lunar root can cure a party

member of paralysis.

Its scent will attract monsters for a

while until it runs out.

Any party member can eat this to

increase strength.

Any party member can eat this to

increase agility.

Any party member can eat this to

increase wisdom.

Any party member can eat this to

increase resilience.

Any party member can eat this to

increase maximum HP.

Any party member can eat this to

increase maximum MP.

The holder of this key can open simple


The holder of this key can open

complicated locks.

The holder of this key can open all locks.

Recovers a little of one party member's MP.

This legendary looking glass always reflects the truth.

A delicious way to restore some HP.

Pooey! That stinks!

A magical leaf that can resurrect a party member.

A dainty dew that will fully restore all party members' HP.

Apparently, someone actually collects these...

These strange shoes have wings


The light dances off this mysterious

golden armband.

Its silky texture makes for a beautiful

singing voice.

An instrument harbouring rare magical


It safeguards the party's gold, even if

they're wiped out.

A letter written in Prince Regan's hand.

Correspondence from King Norman

of Endor.

A burnished silver statue of the Goddess.

A lamp that summons nightfall when lit.

This sneaky sphere can seal an enemy's

spells during battle.

A container packed with gunpowder.

A ticket valid for one trip to Endor.

This strange jewel can open anyone's


They glow with a divine power.

It shows the location of some legendary


A seed full of vitality.

This root has a mysterious power and

cures many ills.

A curious rock that can absorb a huge

volume of water.

In battle, they can reverse time itself.

This staff can change the party's

appearance for a short while.

This rock restores some of each party

member's HP in battle.

A large vessel containing gas.

Blow it before the final battle to bring

your wagon before you.

The rarest of flowers that blooms but

once every millennium.

An illustrated guide to monsters.

It used to safeguard the party's gold,

even if they were wiped out.

DEBUG ONLY. Spare item 1.

DEBUG ONLY. Wipes out enemy.

DEBUG ONLY. Wipes out party.

DEBUG ONLY. Spare item 2.

Will be consumed

after a single use.

Can be used as many times as you like.

Tap to transfer the item here.

Tap to exchange with this item.

Use this item when the time is right.

Just carrying the strongbox

is enough to benefit from

its effects.

Just carrying the strongbox

was once enough to benefit

from its effects.

This graceful garment can reduce damage

from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Reduces damage from fire- and ice-based

magic attacks.

Helps to reduce damage caused by magic.

Helps to reduce damage caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special


This shield can reduce damage from fire-

and ice-based attacks.

Doesn't appear to have any special


Doesn't appear to have any special


This precious piece of headwear protects

against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.

This powerful pick-me-up will double a

party member's strength.

Restores a party member's HP.


Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

Hero gazes into the mirror...

...to check underneath (his/her) eyes for bags.

...but it looks just like any old mirror.

...and notices that it has been polished to a beautiful sheen.

...to check that everything is in its proper place.

...and gets the uneasy feeling for a moment that (his/her) reflection is laughing at (him/her).

...and carefully puts (his/her) appearance in order.

...and sees a very tired reflection looking back at (him/her).

...and makes a funny face.

Nobody is watching...

...but (he/she) still ends up feeling a bit stupid.

...and ends up staring for so long that (his/her) eyes begin to hurt.

...and, looking at (his/her) reflection, is reminded of when Eliza used Morph to turn herself into the likeness of (him/her).

...and notices that (his/her) fringe is hanging over (his/her) eyes.

Looks like it's time for a haircut!

...and takes a long, hard look at his face.

He suddenly gets the feeling that there's not really any family resemblance between him and his parents.

...and carefully checks his face for pimples.

...and notices that his eyes are going red from lack of sleep.

...and notices that his eyebrows are different lengths!

...and sees a fresh-faced young man, bright with resolve, looking back at him.

...and carefully checks the state of her curls.

...and starts to gently massage her weary face.

...and stares into her eyes, trying to recall her mother's face. But, try as she might, she can't.

...and sees make-up lined up in front of it.

She starts thinking that maybe it would be nice to be able to make herself look pretty once in a while.

...and sees a fresh-faced young woman, bright with resolve, looking back at her.

Ragnar: Ach, it's no suprisin' the lassies dinnae come a runnin' wi' a face as dour as this!

Ragnar: Right, that's ma beard aw trimmed an' proper, let's get gaein'!

...and makes a very serious, stern face!

...and finds a scratch on the end of his nose.

Ragnar: Och no! Hoo'd I manage tae get scrabbed right on the end o' ma couter?

Ragnar: I'll have tae watch oot for maself a wee bit closer fae now on.

Ragnar: Well I've a certain lairdly air aboot ma person these days, even if I do say so maself.

Ragnar: But what I wouldnae give tae be a raw recruit once more.

Alena: It would be of enormous interest to for once try fighting my mirrored self.

Alena: Thusly could I gauge the true extension of my mettle.

Alena: It is often being said of me that I am in close resemblance of my dear extinct mother.

Alena: Was she truly possessing such a face as mine?

Alena: Hmph. I cannot make recollection of her, I shall never know.

Alena: Oh, for a mirror of excellent enough proportions to reflect the entirety of my person!

Alena: Such reflections could provide much data for the studying of combative means.

Alena: I am finding jewels and cosmetics and such trinkets obstructive to my combative wishes.

Alena: But Borya is always entreating me to make at smallest the effort of make-up application.

...and gives it her most winning smile.

Alena: In previous life, I would sometimes make such a face for the accompaniment of my father's kingly duties.

Alena: I find it very much tiresome to smile so for such extended times.

...and goes through a range of weird and wonderful facial expressions.

Kiryl: Manly face of Tsarevna's liking must of course be this one...

Kiryl: ...No! It must instead be this!

...and brushes the dust off his clothes.

Kiryl: One must make imperative care to put forward a pristine appearance when making perambulations with Tsarevna.

Kiryl: Yoy! How can a remnant of shaving make appearance in such a prominent position?

Kiryl: I must make haste to reshave!

Kiryl: It is surely as they say, that beauty opens the door, but only virtue makes entrance...

Kiryl: ...but one must enhance exhaustively one's door-opening handsomeness to make best chance of having entrance to Tsarevna.

Kiryl: Perhaps it would be expedient to periodically make adjustments to one's coiffe.

Kiryl: One's body is, after all, vessel of almighty Goddess, and to neglect such a vessel is to make blasphemy.

Borya: Ach, my hair has made further retreat to the back of my head.

Borya: This is certainly the work of Tsarevna's manufacturement of enormous stress for myself.

Borya: Oplya! Who can be this paragon of sagacity and grace who stares with such pulchritude from within the mirror?

Borya: Now I am coming to think, even within castle, I do not have strong memories of Tsarevna's preening and pouting before mirrors.

Borya: Perhaps to make Tsarevna increased in such ladylike activities should be attempted upon the settlement of our affairs.

...and then steps back to gaze at himself from afar.

Borya: It is as I feared: my age advances without cessation...

...and notices a smudge.

He carefully wipes it away.

...and plasters a twinkly-eyed grin across his face.
Torneko: The secret o' sales success is always to be grinnin' fit to burst, so.

Torneko: "Tis a merchant's duty to put in as much practise as he can in front o' the ole lookin' glass.

Torneko: Jaypers, could ye not have told me I've crumbs in me bleedin' beard?

Torneko frantically wipes his chin.

Torneko: Well, well...

Torneko: The grain o' the wood there is of a fine ole quality, and the inlayin' is just superb...

Torneko: Aye, 'tis a quare piece of craftsmanship, so it is.

Torneko: I'll have to take ole Tessie back a decent-sized mirror one o' these days. She loves a good preen, so she does.

...and drifts off into a trance calculating how much profit he could make if he sold it in his very own shop.

...and sets about carefully arranging her hair.

Meena: Perhaps I too should be applying a little make-up...

Meena: O mirror, mirror, on the wall,
which is the fairest path of all...?

But nothing appears in the mirror.

Meena: My sister and I are in appearance like two peas in a pod.

Meena: But one must never judge a book by its cover - we could not be more different on the inside.

Meena: Arey! A split end!
This is just awful-awful!

Meena takes out a pair of scissors and cuts out the split end.

Maya: Ugh, freckles!
This is just awful-awful!

Maya: It is so very difficult to take care of one's skin when travelling all the time.

Maya: Goodness! I never cease to be entirely surprised by my outstanding beauty!

Maya: I am tiring already of my current make-up.

Maya: Perhaps a new eyeshadow would enhance this particular ensemble...

Maya: My sister and I are indeed like two peas in a pod.

Maya: Were we to swap our clothes, no one would be any the wiser as to which of us was whom.

Maya: Arey! This is a new make of rouge!

Maya: I'm sure its owner won't mind if I borrow just a little...

Psaro: ...

It looks as if he is checking to see if there are any remaining signs of the effects of the Secret of Evolution.

Psaro: Hmph. It seems as if humans are cursed to spend the entirety of their pitiful existences preening and fawning over themselves.

...and pushes a stray lock of hair back behind his ear.

...and throws his head back in defiant laughter.

Psaro: Very good. I have made myself presentable, now let us continue.

Healie: (slurp) I can't wait to see what I look like when I get rid of this boring old face and become a gooman!

Healie: Apparently, I have a very gallant and gooracious face for a healslime, you know, Ragnar.

Healie: But I bet you can't tell one slime from another, can you?

...and rubs his hand over the top of his head.
Healie: I'm practising brushing my hair for when I become a gooman. (slurp)

...and spins swiftly around several times.

It looks as if he's trying to get a look at his back side!

Healie: Why don't you wear that make-up goo too, Ragnar?

Healie: What? Make-up's only for lassies?
What's a lassie?

Healie: Oh, I see. Well, you learn something new every day, don't you, eh? (slurp)

...and carefully checks his face for dirt.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Ya gots to cut a swell, else folks ain't never gonna trust ya.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I jes' cain't look in a mirror sometimes without I git a little spooked.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I mean, is that varmint starin' back outta there really me?

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Well, it's been a mighty long time since I had a good ol' stare at maself in a mirror.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I guess it's on account o' how I wasn't none too pleased with the fella used to stare back out at me.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: I been walkin' 'round lookin' sour as a sow's behind for too darned long.

Hank Hoffman Jr.: Seems I can't barely remember how to crack a smile.

...and notices that his hat is askew.
He hurriedly straightens it up.

Tom Foolery: Ah, puts me in a reflective mood, so it does.

Tom Foolery: Hey, that was a good 'un.
Don't you go lookin' glassy, now!

Tom Foolery: Did ye know yer ma can make anytin' laugh, even a mirror?

Tom Foolery: Ye see, every time she even looks at one...

Tom Foolery: ...IT CRACKS UP!
Ahh, that's a beauty, that one!

Tom Foolery: Not to yer likin', eh?
I'll try sometin' else next time.

Tom Foolery: Did I tell y'I fell headfirst into me lookin' glass the other day, an' it didn't even break?

Tom Foolery: Aye, 'twas a MIRRORcle, so it was.

Tom Foolery: Ah, come on now, have ye no sense o' humour?

...and drifts off trying to think of hilarious jokes.
Unfortunately, it looks as if he can't come up with anything funny.

...and starts doing some vocal exercises.
Tom Foolery: A comedian's voice is his livelihood, so. If I didn't do me practice, I'd be out o' work quicker than a cow wit' no udders.

Orifiela: The earth-dwellers gaze upon my countenance with such fixed attention, I fear that I must be blemished or sullied in some manner.

Orifiela: But verily, no detritus appears to be adhering to my person.

Orifiela: I do not understand...

Orifiela: This looking glass is larger than any I have heretofore encountered.

Orifiela: There are none of comparable size in Zenithia.

Orifiela: The realm of the earth-dwellers is truly a wondrous place.

Orifiela: You would know of the fashions that hold sway over the inhabitants of Zenithia?

Orifiela: I do not trouble myself with such trivialities. You must ask another.

Orifiela: What form wouldst the world within the mirror take, I wonder?

Orifiela: Would all within it appear in reverse?

Orifiela: Hero, I cannot escape the feeling that we are acquainted from some other place.

Orifiela: Alas, I cannot recall from whence.

Sparkie: Grrr? Grrroooooo!
It looks as if he's trying to make friends with his reflection!

Sparkie: Gr-groo! Grrroooooo!
It looks as if he's trying to talk to his reflection!

Sparkie: Grrrooooooooo!
It looks as if he's decided that his reflection is a rival dragon!

Sparkie: Groo? Gr-grooo?
It looks as if he's puzzled by the fact that his reflection is matching all his movements.

Sparkie: Gr-grooo grrrrooooo!
It looks as if he's grooming himself.

...only to realise (he's/she's) looking into the wrong side!


Warning: Spoilers!
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Create a new adventure log?

Delete this adventure log and create a new one in its place?

Sorry, but that name cannot be used.

Creating adventure log...

Do not turn the power off.

The adventure log could not be created. Please return to the home screen and restart the game.

Delete "Hero: Hero Chapter # %a00950 #"?

Delete "Hero: Hero Chapter # Level # %a00950 #"?

Deleting adventure log...

Do not turn the power off.

Adventure log deleted.

The adventure log could not be deleted. Please return to the home screen and restart the game.

The adventure log could not be accessed. Please return to the home screen and restart the game.

A corrupted adventure log was found, and has been deleted.

Are you sure you want to delete

"Hero: Hero #"?

Are you sure you want to delete

"Hero: Hero %a00370 %a00950 #"?

Are you sure you want to delete "Hero: Hero LV # %a00370 %a00950 #"?

Not enough space.

Please delete some data and try again.


Please wait.

Connection failed. Please check your signal and try again.

Synchronise save data with the cloud?

Save data synchronisation complete.

Cloud authentication failed.

Synchronising save data... Please wait.

In order to upload your data to Google Drive, you will need to install the Google Play Services app.

Your cloud save data is corrupted.

An internal error occurred.

Data necessary in order to run the

application will be downloaded.

210MB of free space is required.

Begin download?

Please wait. Downloading data...

Unable to connect to the network.

Please check your signal and try again.


Data download complete.

Initialising application...

Not enough space.

Please delete some data and try again.

The save data on the device is the most recent version. Upload this data to the cloud?

The save data in the cloud is the most recent version. Download this data to the device?

No save data found.

Please wait. Checking save data on the

device and in the cloud...

No SD card detected. An SD card is required in order to save data necessary for this application.

Download failed.

This data is corrupted.

Try again?

Restarting application...


Warning: Spoilers!
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Would you like to save the story so far in your adventure log?

Are you sure you want to move on to the next chapter without saving your progress?

This will require overwriting

"Hero: Hero #".


Saving adventure log.

Do not return to the home

screen or turn the power off.

Adventure log Hero saved.

The adventure log could not

be saved.

(*): Shall I take your confession before you go? Would you like me to record your works in an adventure log?

(*): Unto which adventure log shall I record your works?

(*): In that case, I must overwrite "Hero: Hero #". Do you wish me to proceed, chosen (one/ones)?

Saving adventure log.

Do not return to the home

screen or turn the power off.

(*): I successfully recorded your adventure log.

(*): Very well. Goddesspeed!

The adventure log could not

be saved.

Do you want to save a record of your battles up to now?

Are you sure you don't want to

save your progress?

This will require overwriting

"Hero: Hero #".


Saving adventure log.

Do not return to the home

screen or turn the power off.

Adventure log Hero saved.

The adventure log could not

be saved.

The adventure log could not

be accessed.

Do you want to make a quick save log and suspend your game for the moment? Bear in mind that this will overwrite any previous quick save log.

Recording quick save log.

Do not quit the app or

turn the power off.

Quick save log successfully created. Do you wish to continue your adventure?

Thank you for playing.

Returning to title screen...

The quick save log could not be saved.

The quick save log could not be

accessed. Please return to the home

screen and restart the game.

You can't make a quick save log here.

You must either leave the dungeon and create a quick save log, or return to the home screen.

You can't make a quick save log here. Please either save in a church, or leave town and quick save there.

If you need to take a break right now, you can do so by returning to the home screen.

You can't make a quick save log here.

If you need to take a break right now, you can do so by returning to the home screen.

You will be able to continue your adventure simply by opening your Nintendo DS again, but be careful not to run out of batteries in the meantime.

Returning to title screen. Your adventure will not be saved, and any progress will be lost. Are you sure?

Are you sure you wish to terminate the application?

b0835000 (Special Effects List)

Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This pack of cards can also be used for fortune-telling.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Inflicts greater-than-average damage on metal monsters.

If aimed well, this venomous barb can inflict a critical hit.

This staff draws on its bearer's MP when used to attack.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Hard to aim, but this hammer really hurts when it connects.

Watch out! There's more to this sword than meets the eye.

This blade inflicts increased damage on dragons.

Equip these knife-like earrings to strike twice in a single turn.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

This sword may send its target to sleep from time to time.

This knife may paralyse its target from time to time.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Replenishes its bearer's HP with each attack...miraculously!

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Watch out! There's more to this sword than meets the eye.

This staff replenishes HP when used as an item during battle.

A legendary sword, perhaps?

A legendary weapon, and useful when used as an item, too.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

This lightning-fast sword can strike twice in a single turn.

If aimed well, this spear can inflict a critical hit.

This deadly whip can attack a whole group of enemies at once.

This fearsome flail can be used to attack all enemies at once.

This claw's toxic talons may end up leaving its target poisoned.

This sword replenishes its bearer's HP with each attack.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This armour will help to reduce damage caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This armour will reduce damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

The wearer may at times escape an enemy's attack altogether.

This clothing will help to reduce damage caused by magic.

Reduces damage from fire- and ice- based magic attacks.

This curious garment sometimes absorbs MP from enemy spells.

This armour will help to reduce damage caused by magic.

This armour may hold a spiky surprise for the unwary attacker.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Reduces damage from fire- and ice- based magic attacks.

This clothing will help to reduce damage caused by magic.

Protects the wearer when asleep or paralysed.

Watch out! There's more to this armour than meets the eye.

This diaphanous dress may reflect magic back at the caster.

Watch out! There's more to this armour than meets the eye.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This armour will help to reduce damage caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This shield can reduce damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

This shiny shield reflects spell damage back at the caster.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

This shield can reduce damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Can also be used as an item during battle.

This shield can reduce damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This helm protects against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.

Watch out! There's more to this mask than meets the eye.

This precious tiara protects against Fuddle.

Recovers some of the wearer's MP with each and every step.

This helm protects against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.

This hellish helm protects against Snooze, Whack and paralysis.

This breathtaking bracer increases the wearer's agility twofold!

Can also be used as an item during battle.

Rousing wristwear that may just save the day in times of need!

Rousing wristwear that may just save the day in times of need!

Boosts defence when worn.

The ultimate in sexy legwear!

Boosts defence when worn.

This religious ring recovers some MP whenever it's used.

Recovers some of the wearer's MP with each and every step.

Wards off all wandering monsters when worn.

Footwear that enhances experience with every single step.

Restores some of the wearer's HP with each and every step.

Supplements the strength of whoever should happen to slip it on.

It makes whoever's wearing it luckier... Or is that just a tale?

Gives its wearer increased agility.

Supplements the strength of whoever should happen to slip it on.

This healing herb restores a little of one party member's HP.

This healing herb can cure a party member of poison.

This wondrous water wards off weaker enemies for a wee while.

Can be used to return to any previously visited location.

This lunar root can cure a party member of paralysis.

Its scent will attract monsters for a while until it runs out.

Any party member can eat this to increase strength.

Any party member can eat this to increase agility.

Any party member can eat this to increase wisdom.

Any party member can eat this to increase resilience.

Any party member can eat this to increase maximum HP.

Any party member can eat this to increase maximum MP.

The holder of this key can open simple locks.

The holder of this key can open complicated locks.

The holder of this key can open all locks.

Recovers a little of one party member's MP.

This legendary looking glass always reflects the truth.

A delicious way to restore some HP.

Pooey! That stinks!

A magical leaf that can resurrect a party member.

A dainty dew that will fully restore all party members' HP.

Apparently, someone actually collects these...

These strange shoes have wings attached!

The light dances off this mysterious golden armband.

Its silky texture makes for a beautiful singing voice.

An instrument harbouring rare magical properties.

It safeguards the party's gold, even if they're wiped out.

A letter written in Prince Regan's florid hand.

Correspondence from King Norman of Endor.

A burnished silver statue of the Goddess.

A lamp that summons nightfall when lit.

This sneaky sphere can seal an enemy's spells during battle.

A container packed with gunpowder.

A ticket valid for one trip to Endor.

This strange jewel can open anyone's heart.

They glow with a divine power.

It shows the location of some legendary treasure.

A seed full of vitality.

This root has a mysterious power and cures many ills.

A curious rock that can absorb a huge volume of water.

In battle, they can reverse time itself.

This staff can change the party's appearance for a short while.

This rock restores some of each party member's HP in battle.

A large vessel containing gas.

Blow it before the final battle to bring your wagon before you.

The rarest of flowers that blooms but once every millennium.

An illustrated guide to monsters.

It used to safeguard the party's gold, even if they were wiped out.

DEBUG ONLY. Spare item 1.

DEBUG ONLY. Wipes out enemy.

DEBUG ONLY. Wipes out party.

DEBUG ONLY. Spare item 2.

Will be consumed after a single use.

Can be used as many times as you like.

Tap to transfer the item here.

Tap to exchange with this item.

Use this item when the time is right.

Just carrying this item is enough for it to work.

Just carrying this item was enough for it to work.

Reduces damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Reduces damage from fire- and ice-based magic attacks.

Helps to reduce damage caused by magic.

Helps to reduce damage caused by magic.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

This shield can reduce damage from fire- and ice-based attacks.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Protects against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.

This powerful pick-me-up will double a party member's strength.

Restores a party member's HP.


Warning: Spoilers!
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(*): Have you heard about that cosmopolitan town full of people from all different parts of the world?

(*): I bet you could find some rare and sought-after items there, eh?

(*): Ho ho ho! I'm surprised to see folk all the way out here.

(*): How's about I give you a piece of advice? Have yourself a look at the bottom of the well.

(*): Oh! You beat me to it! I suppose you must have some nous about you to get this far. Good luck from here on in!