Zenithian Equipment

(Redirected from Zenithian sword)

The Zenithian Equipment (天空の装備, 伝説の武具) is a set of crucial items in Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VI. Only the legendary hero can equip them, and the story cannot advance until the entire set is obtained.

The Zenithian Equipment, as seen in Square Enix's Dragon Quest Legend Items Gallery merchandise series.

Each armament in the fourth and fifth game carry the Zenithian descriptor as part of their name, but in the sixth game each piece has its own distinct title.

Zenithian armourEdit

The Zenithian armour

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

The Zenithian armour (てんくうのよろい) is likely the first piece to be acquired by players. It is found in Briny Lair, the cave north of the Medal King's Palace. In the original NES version it reduces breath attacks and spell damage by 13, while in the remakes it raises resistance to instant death while reducing only spell damage (save for Zap) by 13. In all versions it has a defence value of +70.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The Zenithian armour is stored in a side room in the entrance to Crocodilopolis, and the Ultimate Key is needed to retrieve it. When worn, it improves defence by 85 points, as well as reducing magic (save bang and zap) and breath damage by 30 points.

This armour will help reduce damage caused by magic.[1]
This gallant garb can impede the impact of magic and ice-based attacks.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Zenithian Armour is an S-rank piece of armour that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest IV event by clearing the Zenithian Armour stages in Test of Courage on any difficulty. It has a Defense bonus of +20, raises the Breath Res of Hero units by 2% and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Zenithian helmEdit

The Zenithian Helm

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

The Zenithian helm (てんくうのかぶと) is found in Canalot, in its king's possession. He holds a competition stipulating that anyone who can make him laugh will win the Helm. The party travels to Laissez Fayre to recruit comedian Tom Foolery to the cause, expecting him to unleash one of his funniest jokes on the king; instead, he delivers an impassioned speech about evil on the rise and then necessity of the Chosen to defeat it. The king is convinced and gives up the Helm. It increases the Hero's defence by 30 in all versions, and cuts the accuracy of Fuddle, Snooze, and Paralysis to 13 in the remakes. In the original, it grants no such protection.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The Zenithian helm is being kept in a vault at Helmunaptra by Queen Cleohatra, who is awaiting the arrival of the legendary hero. It improves defence by 50, but grants no resistance to status ailments.

This helm protects against Snooze, Fuddle and paralysis.[1]
None listed in game.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Zenithian Helm is an S-rank helmet that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest IV event by gathering migrants to The Haven through various challenges. It has a Defense bonus of +12, raises the physical potency of Hero units by 2% and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Zenithian shieldEdit

The Zenithian shield

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

On a tip from a poet in Canalot, the party heads to Burland, only to find that the king gave the Zenithian shield (てんくうのたて) away to the queen of Femiscyra (a beautiful woman) many years ago in an effort to woo her. The chosen travel to the small kingdom east of Burland, but after being accused of robbery they are tasked with finding the real criminal if they want to clear their names. They successfully track down the real robber, clear their names, and are rewarded with the shield for their hard work. The shield increases the Hero's defence by 55 and casts bounce when used as an item in battle. In the remakes, it reduces the power of breath attacks by 30 points.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The shield came into the possession of Rodrigo Briscoletti, who is willing to give it to any suitor that takes his daughter Nera's hand in marriage. Regardless of whom ends up being chosen as the bride, though, Mr. Brisccoletti gives the hero the shield after becoming impressed with the man's caliber. It improves defence by 60 this time, reduces breath damage by 15 points, and casts Bounce when used in battle.

Can also be used as an item during battle.[1]
Use during battle to cast Bounce on the user.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Zenithian Shield is an S-rank shield that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest IV event by clearing Mega Boss Battle: Psaro the Manslayer on level 11 or higher. It has a Defense bonus of +15, raises the spell resistance of Hero units by 5% and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Zenithian swordEdit

The Zenithian sword

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

After acquiring the balloon and traveling to the World Tree, they find a lost Zenithian named Orifiela, who points them to the Zenithian sword (てんくうのつるぎ). It has a base power of 65 when first acquired. After speaking with the Zenith Dragon, the ancient guardian will empower the sword to 110. Using it as an item in battle casts Disruptive Wave.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The sword was already located by Pankraz sometime before the start of the game. He left it in a cache in the Whealbrook Adit, which his son later recovered. The sword's power has not changed from the previous game, and it will still cast Disruptive Wave when used as an item.

A legendary sword, perhaps?.[2]
A legendary weapon, and a useful item during battle, too.[3]
Use during battle to neutralize all magic.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Zenithian Sword is an S-rank sword that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest IV event by being part of a guild that has cleared Mega Boss Battle: Psaro the Manslayer in a Guild Co-op Battle at least once. It has an HP bonus of +55, an Attack bonus of +25, raises the Physical potency of Hero units by 5% and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Zenithina TintinnabulumEdit

For more details, see the bell's page

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The Zenithina Tuntinnabulum (てんくうのベル) is an important item. This magical bell can be rang to summon the Zenith Dragon to carry the party across the world.

The peal of this bell carries all the way to Zenithia.

Armour of OrgoEdit

The Armour of Orgo

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

The Armour of Orgo (オルゴーのよろい) is found under the ruins of Castle Graceskull. When donned, it reduces frizz, sizz, bang, and fire breath by 35 points, restores 1HP for every 8 steps, and improves the hero's defence and style by +80 and +32. When reworked by the master at the Fashion Forge, the armour's defence and style are raised to +100 and +80, respectively.

Restores some of the wearer's HP with each and every step. One of the four pieces of Legendary Equipment. Offers some protection against fire and ice attacks.

Helm of SebathEdit

The helm of Sebath

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

The Helm of Sebath (セバスのかぶと) is bestowed to the party by the King of Somnia after his son reunites with his real world counterpart. It adds +45 defence and +24 style when first obtained, and +50 and +45 after visiting the Fashion Forge. In both cases it bestows high resistance to whack and other instant death attacks.

One of the four pieces of Legendary Equipment. Increases resistance to sudden death spells and abilities, among others.

Shield of ValoraEdit

The Shield of Valora

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

The Shield of Valora (スフィーダのたて) is found in the Cryptic Catacombs, which must be entered through an undersea grotto. When equipped, the shield reduces crack and freezing breath weapons by 30 points, casts Bound when used as an item, increases the hero's defence by +65, and improves his style by +35.

One of the four pieces of Legendary Equipment. Use during battle to put a shield in front of the user. This shield will deflect on spells before going away. Some protection against magic and ice-based attacks.

Sword of RamiasEdit

The Sword of Ramias

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

The Sword of Ramias (ラミアスのつるぎ) is found in Everfrost, but it has long since rusted. To restore it to its former glory, the party must enlist the help of Welda in Turnscote. When rusted the sword adds +63 to the Hero's attack stat and +12 to his style, and +130 and +32 after Welda restores it. The sword can be further improved by visiting the Fashion Forge beneath the waves, which can raise the strength and style to +135 and +52 after the first reforging, and +145 and +70 after the final improvement. After being restored, the sword will deal bonus Zap damage after each attack, totaling to 50% of the damage deal before magic resistance is applied, as well as being able to cast Oomph when used in battle.

One of the four pieces of Legendary Equipment. Take this to the Fashion Forge to improve it's attack. Use in battle to cast the Oomph spell on a party member.

Other AppearancesEdit

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten PastEdit

In the 3DS version, the wolf that Ruff rides will be wearing a Zenithian helm if he is currently in the Hero vocation.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

Several pieces of "Zenithian" gear exist as rewards from legacy bosses, however these are costumes of both the male and female versions of the Chosen Hero of Dragon Quest IV, and are appropriately gender restricted (except for the helm and gauntlets, which are unisex):

   Zenithian boots  (DS)
Defence +19
Found Rarely stolen from Psaro at levels 1-15.
Commonly dropped by Psaro at levels 1-15.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text Boots once worn by the brave hero of Zenithia.

   Zenithian gauntlets  (DS)
Deftness +68
Found Rarely stolen from Estark at levels 1-15.
Commonly dropped by Estark at levels 1-15.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text Wondrous handwear worn by the hero of Zenithia.

   Zenithian helm  (DS)
Defence +31
Found Commonly dropped by Dhoulmagus at levels 57-68.
Rarely stolen from Dhoulmagus at levels 57-68.
Commonly dropped by Estark at levels 57-68.
Rarely stolen from Estark at levels 57-68.
Commonly dropped by Nokturnus at levels 41-56.
Rarely stolen from Nokturnus at levels 41-56.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text A hip helmet that a Zenithian hero would happily have on.

   Zenithian leggings  (DS)
Defence +18
Found Rarely stolen from Estark at levels 16-56.
Commonly dropped by Estark at levels 16-56.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text Warming legwear once worn by a heroine of Zenithia.
Notes Exclusive for women.

   Zenithian leotard  (DS)
Defence +53
Found Rarely stolen from Estark at levels 69-99.
Commonly dropped by Estark at levels 69-99.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text A body-hugging one-piece worn by a heroine of Zenithia.
Notes Exclusive for women.

   Zenithian clothes  (DS)
Defence +54
Found Rarely stolen from Dhoulmagus at levels 69-99.
Commonly dropped by Rhapthorne at levels 69-99.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text An unadorned outfit worn by a Hero of Zenithia.
Notes Exclusive for men.

   Zenithian trousers  (DS)
Defence +19
Found Rarely stolen from Dhoulmagus at levels 16-56.
Commonly dropped by Dhoulmagus at levels 16-56.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 5,000
Flavor text A pair of unpretentious trousers worn by a hero of Zenithia.

Super Smash Bros. UltimateEdit

The Hero of Dragon Quest IV wields Zenithian sword and shield in this game. He also wears the Zenithian helm.

Dragon Quest of the StarsEdit

The two sets of Legendary Equipment appear in Dragon Quest of the Stars as gacha equipment. The DQIV and DQV set is divided into: Zenithian Sword, Zenithian Helm, Zenithian Armour Top, Zenithian Armour Bottom, and Zenithian Shield; while the DQVI equipment set is composed of: Sword of Ramias, Helm of Sebath, Armour of Orgo Top, Armour of Orgo Bottom, and Sufida's Shield. Each piece is alchemizable, and the alchemized version of the Zenithian Sword can be awakened.

Zenithian SwordEdit

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Zenithian Sword (天空の剣) 
Basic information
Type Rarity Strong against
Attack Attack at +25 Attack at +50 Secondary stat
85 130 175 None
Main Skill 1 Main Skill 2 Sub Skill 1 Sub Skill 2
Gigasword None Zenithian Wave None
Base 1* 2* 3* Max
Subslot 1          
Subslot 2          
Subslot 3          
Subslot 4 N/A        
Other details
Alchemy Awakening Set Obtention
Zenithian Sword ★ N/A Zenithian Equipment Limited gacha
Flavor text

Zenithian Sword ★Edit

The Alchemized version of the sword.

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Zenithian Sword ★ (天空の剣 ★) 
Basic information
Type Rarity Strong against
Attack Attack at +25 Attack at +50 Secondary stat
92 137 182 None
Main Skill 1 Main Skill 2 Sub Skill 1 Sub Skill 2
Golden Dragon Cometh Gigasword None None
Base 1* 2* 3* Max
Subslot 1          
Subslot 2          
Subslot 3          
Subslot 4          
Other details
Alchemy Awakening Set Obtention
N/A Zenithian Sword + Zenithian Equipment Alchemize Zenithian Sword
Flavor text

Zenithian Sword +Edit

The Awakened Zenithian Sword. It gets access to the transcendant skill Gigacross.

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Zenithian Sword + (天空の剣 +) 
Basic information
Type Rarity Strong against
Attack Attack at +25 Attack at +50 Secondary stat
110 ? 200 None
Main Skill 1 Main Skill 2 Sub Skill 1 Sub Skill 2
Golden Dragon Cometh Gigacross None None
Base 1* 2* 3* Max
Subslot 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Subslot 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Subslot 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Subslot 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Other details
Alchemy Awakening Set Obtention
N/A N/A Zenithian Equipment Awaken Zenithian Sword ★
Flavor text

Sword of RamiasEdit

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Sword of Ramias (ラミアスの剣) 
Basic information
Type Rarity Strong against
Attack Attack at +25 Attack at +50 Secondary stat
80 121 165 None
Does a second Zap attack when auto-attacking.
Main Skill 1 Main Skill 2 Sub Skill 1 Sub Skill 2
Big Banga None Oomphle None
Base 1* 2* 3* Max
Subslot 1          
Subslot 2          
Subslot 3          
Subslot 4 N/A        
Other details
Alchemy Awakening Set Obtention
Sword of Ramias ★ N/A Orgo Equipment Limited gacha
Flavor text
A legendary lightning-engraved sword that follows up standard attacks with lightning.

Sword of Ramias ★Edit

The Alchemized version of the sword.

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Sword of Ramias ★ (ラミアスの剣★) 
Basic information
Type Rarity Strong against
Attack Attack at +25 Attack at +50 Secondary stat
87 128 172 Magic Healing +28
Does a second Zap attack when auto-attacking.
Main Skill 1 Main Skill 2 Sub Skill 1 Sub Skill 2
Super Big Banga None None None
Base 1* 2* 3* Max
Subslot 1          
Subslot 2          
Subslot 3          
Subslot 4 N/A        
Other details
Alchemy Awakening Set Obtention
N/A N/A Orgo Equipment Alchemize Sword of Ramias
Flavor text
A weapon transformed by alchemy that adds lightning to standard attacks.


  • Some versions of the Zenithian sword and shield have Anglo-Saxon runes inscribed on them.
    • The runes on the sword (around the gold sphere on the hilt) read "mitibikaresi mono", which is an approximate romanization of "導かれし者 michibikareshi mono", meaning "the guided one". This also resembles the Japanese subtitle for Dragon Quest IV, "導かれし者たち michibikareshi monotachi", literally "the people who are shown the way".
    • The runes on the shield (around the two gold spheres) are difficult to translate, as they only appear in early low-resolution concept art, and later interpretations of the shield omit these runes entirely.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 From the remakes
  2. From the remakes after the Sword is found
  3. From the remakes after the Sword is restored by the Zenith Dragon