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Aliahan is a kingdom found in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

Located on a small continent in the southeastern ocean, Aliahan is the land from which the Hero ventures forth into the wider world to save it from the fiend Baramos. It's kingdom includes the castle town of the same name near the southern bay, and the smaller town of Reeve in the northwest.

Interestingly, the continent serves as an excellent tutorial for new players to the series as it features a castle, two towns, two distinct dungeons, a tower, and enemies that provide different types of threats.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

It is said that Aliahan once ruled over the whole world several centuries ago, but war broke out and the country's territory was reduced to the island continent seen in the game. In modern times Aliahan maintains peaceful relations with other nations under its wise king, but the teleportal to the mainland was sealed off. The player must break the seal with the Wrecking ball to reach Romaria and begin the adventure in earnest.

As the birthplace of Ortega, Aliahan has garnered a reputation as the home of heroes. The legacy of the incredible man has spread to nearly every corner of the world, and with it the reputation of Aliahan.

The Hero's home[edit]

The party can stay for free at the Hero's home at the behest of their mother. This room and board lasts until the death of Baramos.

Patty's Party Planning Place[edit]

Patty will give the player the ability to customize their party as they see fit at her bar in the northwestern section of the town. Pre-designed characters are ready for recruitment on the first floor, and further options can be requested on the second floor. Additionally, the bar is the location any victim of the Blasto spell is spirited away to.

Medal king[edit]

In the remakes of III, there is a shack at the bottom of the castle town's well where the medal king lives. He serves the same purpose as his contemporaries in other titles do, and his system uses the accumulation method of issuing rewards rather than using the medals as a currency to purchase items with.


In the NES version, the party had limited item slots due to hardware restraints and could store additional items here for a small fee upon retrieval. Gold could also be stored in 1,000 piece increments.

In the Super Famicom version onwards, the vault became only a gold bank, since the item storage was no longer necessary with the addition of the bag.

Shops & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally.
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison from one party member.
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20Wards off weaker monsters.
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25Can be used to return to previously visited locations.
ICON-Pot lid.png Pot lid50Defence +2
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cypress stick.png Cypress stick5Attack +2
ICON-Oaken club.png Oaken club30Attack +7
ICON-Copper sword.png Copper sword100Attack +12
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Plain clothes.png Plain clothes10Defence +4
ICON-Wayfarer's clothes.png Wayfarer's clothes70Defence +8
ICON-Leather armour.png Leather armour150Defence +12
ICON-Leather shield.png Leather shield90Defence +4


NES version[edit]

(Magic key required for access)

16-bit remake[edit]

(Magic key required for access)

(Ultimate key required for access)

Nearby monsters[edit]

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Shops & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb III HD.png Medicinal herb8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally
ICON-Antidotal herb III HD.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison from one party member
ICON-Holy water III HD.png Holy water20Wards off weaker monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing III HD.png Chimaera wing25Can be used to return to previously visited locations
ICON-Cypress stick III HD.png Cypress stick8Attack +2
ICON-Plain clothes III HD.png Plain clothes10Defence+5
ICON-Wayfarer’s clothes III HD.png Wayfarer's clothes70Defence +9
ICON-Pot lid III HD.png Pot lid40Defence +3
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon & armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Oaken club III HD.png Oaken club60Attack +6
ICON-Bronze knife III HD.png Bronze knife80Attack +8
ICON-Copper sword III HD.png Copper sword180Attack +10
ICON-Leather armour III HD.png Leather armour180Defence +12
ICON-Leather shield III HD.png Leather shield120Defence +4


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The Hero can visit Aliahan through the Echo Chamber. He is taken to a time just before the marriage of Ortega and his fiance, and sees that several villagers have gathered in the woman's house to prevent the union. As it turns out, this is the work of a monster that was trying to prevent a legendary hero from being born and the party makes quick work of the nuisance. Additionally, the Luminary can get a Personality-altering book from Ortega's father, which can be used to alter Jessica Albert's mind at Chateau Felix.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Majellan and Mindini find themselves in Aliahan at the end of Chapter 1, Episode 1 of the game's Dragon Quest III event. The duo encounter Patty, who is shocked to encounter friendly monsters, but she warms up to them quickly and invites them to her pub. Afterwards, she encourages them to speak to the townspeople to find a way for them to return to Orchesterra.


Although most regions in the world of Dragon Quest III mimic real world locations, the continent of Aliahan does not. Its position in the ocean would approximate Australia, but this is already occupied by Lanson, and the shape of Aliahan's landmass does not resemble the continent as well as the former. Due to Aliahan's history as a world-encompassing empire that has since fallen, a closer comparison would be the lost continent of Mu, which is said to have be a colossal landmass in the south Pacific ocean.


See also[edit]