The Vault is a special location which appears in Dragon Quest series. It is a place where the player can store gold and items to be retrieved at a later time. It was removed in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (and remakes of some of the older games) in favor of using a bank and the bag.
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]
The vault is located in the town of Aliahan in the same building as Patty's Party Planning Place. It charges a calculated amount of gold to retrieve other items which are stored there. This cost is based on item value. Rare items cost only one gold coin.
One particularly common item to be stored in the NES version is the Golden claws, as it causes repeated enemy encounters when in the possession of the Hero and party. However, it is quite expensive to retrieve after being stored.
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]
The vault is available only in Chapters 5 & 6. Torneko's wife, Tessie runs the vault in the town of Endor. While storing and retrieving items still costs gold, each item is stored for 10 gold coins only.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]
The vault is available only after the Hero becomes an adult. Vaults can be found in the towns of Fortuna and Lodestar Harbour.
- Auroral Armour
- Sphere of Light
- Black pepper
- Boatman's Bone
- Bottomless Pot
- Dreamstone
- Echo Flute
- Faerie Flute
- Healing Spring
- King's crown
- Locket of Love
- Lyre of Ire
- Magic Key
- Mini medal
- Mod Rod
- Monster Medal
- Mountaincleaver
- Orichalcum
- Ortega's Helm
- Ra's Mirror
- Rainbow Drop
- Ramia
- Hero
- Ragnar
- Alena
- Borya
- Kiryl
- Torneko
- Meena
- Maya
- Healie
- Laurel
- Hardie
- Oojam
- Hank Hoffman Jr.
- Tom Foolery
- Orifiela
- Sparkie
- Psaro the Manslayer
- Rose
- Mary Lou
- Tsar Stepan
- Oopsy and Daisy
- Tessie
- Tipper
- Regan
- Veronica
- Mahabala
- Eliza
- Bladud
- Conrad Hilton
- Angus and Aigneas
- Willy Wally
- Anya
- Fido
- Mercenary party
- Rowand
- Barbatos
- Pruslas
- Rashaverak
- Aamon
- Psaro's Pawn
- Master Kung
- Attila the Hunk
- Quick Draw McGore
- Prima Donna
- Samson Knight
- Abominable Showman
- Balzack
- Marquis de Léon
- Estark
- Kirk Buzzer
- Zenith Dragon
- Foo Yung
- Chow Mein
- Aubout du Monde
- Bath
- Ballymoral
- Burland
- Canalot
- Casabranca
- Desert Bazaar
- Dunplundrin
- El Forado
- Endor
- Femiscyra
- Havre Léon
- Heaven's Haven
- Hidden Valley
- House of Prophecy
- Minikin's Dominion
- Laissez Fayre
- Lakanaba
- Last Chance Saloon
- Mamon
- Mintos
- Palais de Léon
- Parthenia
- Pinnacle Chapel
- Pioneer Town
- Porthtrunnel
- Riverton
- Rosehill
- Shinnock
- Strathbaile
- Taborov
- The Azimuth
- Vrenor
- Woodcutter's cabin
- Zalenagrad
- Zamoksva
- Zamoksva/Endor Teleportal
- Zenithia
- Auld Well
- Baron's Folly
- Birdsong Tower
- Briny Lair
- Cascade Cave
- Castle Nadiria
- Cave of Safekeeping
- Colossus
- Con Cave
- Cove's Cove
- Diabolic Hall
- Doorway to Nadiria
- Estark's Crypt
- Four Dens of Nadiria
- Fungeon
- Gupta Gupha
- Imperial Pantry of Parthenia
- Loch Tur
- Mamon Mine
- Nadiria Watchtower
- Psaro's Peak
- Pharos Beacon
- Royal Crypt
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Strathbaile Burrow
- The Cistern Chapel
- Trans-Montane Tunnel
- Vault of Vrenor
- Yggdrasil
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Armlet of Transmutation
- Balloon
- Battle Records
- Birdsong nectar
- Casino
- Central Island
- Demon
- Evil Force
- Feverfew
- Flute of Revelation
- Gas canister
- Healing Spring
- Holy embers
- House of Prophecy
- Karstaway stone
- Magic Key
- Mod Rod
- Nadiria
- Night light
- Pandemonic Equipment
- Powder keg
- Prince's Letter
- Royal Scroll
- Sage's stone
- Sands of time
- Secret of Evolution
- Slimification
- Sphere of Silence
- Steel Strongbox
- Symbol of faith
- Talaria
- Teleportal
- Thief's Key
- Torneko's shop
- Tournament of Endor
- Treasure map
- Ultimate Key
- Wagon
- Yggdrasil flower
- Zenithian Equipment
- Archdemon
- Bad apple
- Barbatos
- Battle pip
- Beastmaster
- Blizzybody
- Bomboulder
- Brownie
- Chimaera
- Conkerer
- Conkjurer
- Conkuisitor
- Conkuistador
- Cross eye
- Cureslime
- Dracky
- Drag-goof
- Epipany
- Fandangow
- Fat rat
- Flamethrower
- Funghoul
- Ghost
- Gigantes
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Great dragon
- Grudgerigar
- Hades' helm
- Hawk man
- Healslime
- Hellion
- Hoodlum
- Hulagan
- Hyperanemon
- Jailcat
- Killing machine
- King cureslime
- King slime
- Liquid metal slime
- Magic marionette
- Man o' war
- Mandrake marshal
- Metal slime
- Minidemon
- Moosifer
- Mudraker
- Old man of the sea
- Orc king
- Pip fighter
- Pocus poppet
- Powie yowie
- Prestidigitator
- Restless armour
- Revaulting horse
- Rockbomb
- Rotten apple
- Samigina
- Slime
- Slime knight
- Small fry
- Snowbird
- Ticking timeburrm
- Walking corpse
- Warhog
- Wax murderer
- Wiz pip
- Auction Site
- Battenberg
- Coburg checkpoint
- Coburg
- Faerie Lea
- Faerie Palace
- Fortuna
- Gotha
- Hay
- Heaven's Above Abbey
- Helmunaptra
- King Dominicus's Dominion
- Knick-knackatory
- Knot Welcome Inne
- La Guardia
- Littlehaven
- Lodestar Harbour
- Lofty Peak
- Moot Point
- Mostroferrato
- Northminster
- Pontoon and Ventuno
- Porgie Estate
- Precaria
- Roundbeck
- Scuttlebutt
- Stockenbarrel
- The Oasis
- The Ocean
- The Pothold
- Whealbrook
- Zenithia
- Zoomingale
- Abovitall Tower
- Ancient Ruins
- Cataract Caves
- Crocodilopolis
- Diggery Pokery
- Dwarf's Den
- Estark's Labyrinth
- Estuary Sanctuary
- Gotha Path
- Knightmare Towers
- Mantleplace
- Mount Magmageddon
- Mt. Batten Pass
- Mt. Zugzwang
- Neverglade
- Riteof Passage
- Scary Lair
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Talon Tower
- Tunnel south of Zoomingale
- Uptaten Towers
- Whealbrook Adit
- Winter Palace
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Briscoletti family
- Bruise the Ooze
- Casino
- Circle of Fire
- Circle of Water
- Circle of Life
- Demon
- Dragon orb
- Flying Carpet
- Gold Orb
- Healing Spring
- Knick-knacks
- Monster recruitment
- Nadiria
- Order of Zugzwang
- Ra's Mirror
- Silver Orb
- Teleportal
- Time travel
- Torch
- T'n'T
- Tombola
- Wagon
- Zenithian Equipment
- Zenithian Tintinnabulum