Hero (Dragon Quest XI)

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Revision as of 10:36, 9 October 2024 by (talk) (→‎Event abilities: Grammar)
Dragon Quest XI
DQXI Hero art.png
Sprite(s) Hero XI sprite walk.gif
Japanese name 勇者
Romaji Yuusha
Title Luminary
Class Hero
Race Human
Age 16
Family King Irwin (father)
Queen Eleanor (biological mother)
Amber (adoptive mother)
Chalky (adoptive grandfather)
Rab (grandfather)
Erdwin (ancestor)
Gemma (potential wife)
Jade (potential wife)
Serena (potential wife)
Veronica (potential wife)
Voice actor Rasmus Hardiker (English)
Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese, XI S, Super Smash Bros.)

The Hero of Dragon Quest XI, known as the Luminary within his story, is a young man from the sleepy village of Cobblestone. After participating in a coming-of-age ceremony, he finds out he is the reincarnation of an ancient Hero who once saved the world. On his 16th birthday, he sets out on his journey in order to fulfill his destiny.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Luminary has been given the default name Eleven (イレブン) in order to differentiate him from the other three Heroes appearing in the game, following the naming convention seen in the promotional material of other games.

Appearance and Personality

He is a young man with blue eyes and dirty blond chin-length hair in a bob cut. On his left hand, he bears a mysterious mark that has appeared since the day he was born. The mark glows when the Luminary is in danger. He wears a long, sleeveless brown and purple leather tunic over a black long-sleeved shirt, brown trousers, and tan leather boots. Around his waist, he wears a leather belt with a small bag attached and he carries a scabbard across his back. The Luminary's good looks and hair are commented on by various characters.

Like the heroes before him, the Luminary is a silent protagonist. However, several different characters say various things that seem to acknowledge or imply a few personality traits. Like a handful of other heroes in the series, he seems to have a tendency to sleep in, which various party members will comment on. A mischievous streak is also acknowledged, as two flashbacks mention pranks that he played during his childhood. He is also implied to have a more serious and grown-up demeanor during the events of the second act. Last but not least, in many lines of Party Chat dialogue and even one or two cutscenes, Erik makes comments about the Hero that seem to imply quite a few different personality traits the latter may have.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

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Base stats & pep bonus

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats Skills
Level 1 99 -
HP 22 750 +20
MP 0 460 +20
Strength 8 380 +75
Agility 6 350 +10
Resilience 6 220 +10
Magical Might 5 350 +55
Magical Mending 3 330 +50
Deftness 5 200 +10
Charm 4 250 +40
Initial gear Cobblestone sword, Plain clothes
Cobblestone greatsword (in inventory)
Pep boost Strength +20% (40%), resilience +20% (40%)
Critical rate up (critical rate further increased)
Parenthesis accounts for pep-up power-up bonuses.
  • The Luminary also possesses a minor resistance to being cursed.


Name Level MP Target Description
Frizz 2 2 One enemy Up to 34~38 fire damage at 150 magical might
Heal 5 3 One ally Restores at least 25 HP to a single ally.
Sizz 8 3 Enemy group Up to 28~36 fire damage at 132 magical might
Evac 9 0 All allies Allows the caster to return instantly to the start of a dungeon, cave, or tower.
Bang 15 6 All enemies Up to 44~52 light damage at 195 magical might
Snooze 16 3 One enemy Puts a single enemy to sleep.
Midheal 19 6 One ally Restores at least 65 HP to a single ally.
Sizzle 23 7 Enemy group Up to 82~90 fire damage at 227 magical might
Frizzle 25 8 One enemy Up to 106~122 fire damage at 287 magical might
Zing 28 12 One ally Resurrects a fallen ally with a 50% success rate.
Moreheal 30 12 One ally Restores at least 164 HP to a single ally.
Boom 31 12 All enemies Up to 140~148 light damage at 304 magical might
Kasnooze 35 8 Enemy group Puts all enemies to sleep.
Kasizz 40 16 Enemy group Up to 216~232 fire damage at 362 magical might
Kafrizz 56 21 One enemy Up to 307~331 fire damage at 344 magical might
Kazing 62 24 One ally Resurrects a fallen ally with a 100% success rate.
Zoom Event 0 All allies Allows the caster to return instantly to certain places they have visited before.

Event abilities

Name MP Target Description
Quadraslash 24 All Enemies Up to 330~390 non-elemental damage
Blightsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 darkness damage
Brightsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 light damage
Earthsplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 earth damage
Flamesplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 fire damage
Seasplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 ice damage
Skysplitter 16 All enemies Up to 210~250 wind damage
  • NOTE: the Luminary must be equipped with the Sword of Light or one of its reforged forms to use the 'splitter skills. Completing quest #60 raises the base damage to 200~240 and the maximum to 400~440.

Character builder

Name Skill points MP Target Pep Oomph Info
Flame Slash 3 2 One enemy Yes Yes 120% (plus 5) fire damage
Attack Power When Wielding +3 4 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +3 when equipped with a sword
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +2% 6 -- -- -- -- Increases chance to land a Critical Hit +2% when equipped with a sword
Sword Stance 7 2 -- -- -- Increases parrying chance by 33% for four turns
Attack Power When Wielding +6 10 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +6 when equipped with a sword
Dragon Slash 10 2 One enemy Yes Yes 200% (plus 10) damage to dragon-family monsters
Attack Power When Wielding +10 12 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +10 when equipped with a sword
Dual-Wielding 12 -- -- -- -- Lets you dual wield a weapon on the left hand. Hits twice with sword abilities, but not animated.
Metal Slash 12 2 One enemy Yes Yes 1~2 damage to metal slimes, cannot miss
Miracle Slash 16 4 One enemy Yes Yes Restores at least 20 HP
Name Skill points MP Target Pep Oomph Info
Greatsword Guard 3 2 -- -- -- Increases parrying chance by 33% for four turns
Attack Power When Wielding +5 4 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +5 when equipped with a greatsword
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +2% 6 -- -- -- -- Increases chance to land a Critical Hit +2% when equipped with a greatsword
Helichopter 7 4 One group Yes First hit Full damage to a group of enemies
Attack Power When Wielding +15 12 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +15 when equipped with a greatsword
Frost Fangs 12 10 One group Yes First hit Up to 130~140 ice damage to a group of enemies, 25% chance to stun each, stun rate is dependent on enemy resistance
Cutting Edge 10 8 One Yes Yes 157%~225% damage to a single enemy, cannot critical hit
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +3% 12 -- -- -- -- Increases chance to land a Critical Hit +3% when equipped with a sword
Unbridled Blade 16 16 One enemy Yes Yes 290%~310% damage to a single enemy, cannot critical hit
Attack Power When Wielding +10 10 -- -- -- -- Increase attack +10 when equipped with a greatsword
Name Skill points MP Target Pep Oomph Info
Counter When Blocking/Parrying 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Strength +25 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Critical Hit Chance +3% 16 -- -- -- -- N/A
Falcon Slash 16 4 One enemy Yes All hits Attacks one enemy twice, each hit does full damage.
Sword Dance 16 8 One group Yes All hits Randomly slashes four enemies for 75% damage per hit
Gigaslash 25 16 All enemies Yes No Up to 210~250 lightning damage. Must be equipped with a sword to use.
Gigasmash 25 16 One group Yes No Up to 250~270 lightning damage. Must be equipped with a greatsword to use.
Blade of Ultimate Power 36 48 One enemy Yes No Up to 680~720 non-elemental damage to one enemy
Gigacrash 36 32 One group Yes No Up to 440~460 lightning damage. Must be equipped with a greatsword to use.
Gigagash 36 32 All enemies Yes No Up to 390~430 lightning damage. Must be equipped with a sword to use.
Name Skill points MP Target Pep Oomph Info
Agility +10 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Deftness +10 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Holy Protection 8 2 -- -- -- Keeps monsters at bay for 30 seconds
Pep Chance +5% 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Poof 8 2 All enemies -- -- Attempts to expel enemies
Resilience +10 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Strength +10 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Zap 8 8 One group No -- Up to 131~141 lightning damage at 161 magical might
Charm +40 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Fullheal 12 24 One ally No -- Fully heal a single party member.
Kaclang 12 8 One ally No -- Turns one party member to metal. They are immune to damage, but cannot act for 2-4 turns.
Magical Might +5 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Maximum MP +20 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Strength +15 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Zapple 12 22 One group No -- Up to 314~344 lightning damage at 244 magical might
Magical Mending +50 14 -- -- -- -- N/A
Magical Might +50 14 -- -- -- -- N/A
Maximum HP +20 14 -- -- -- -- N/A
Big Banga 16 24 One group No -- Up to 330~385 fire damage to a group of enemies.
Kazap 16 48 One group No -- Up to 695~745 lightning damage to a group of enemies at 350 magical might
Omniheal 16 64 All allies No -- Fully restores all party members' HP.
Pep Chance +10% 20 -- -- -- -- N/A
Pep-Up Power-Up 20 -- -- -- -- Increases the boost given during Pep-Up
Pep Up 25 25 -- -- -- Automatically enter a pepped up state that lasts only 4~6 turns instead of the standard 6~8


Dragon Quest XI (S: Deffinitive Edition) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Cypress stick Attack +7
Cobblestone sword Attack +8
Soldier's sword Attack +9
Cobblestone greatsword Attack +12
Copper sword Attack +13
Copper chopper Attack +15
Bronze sword Attack +16
Broad sword Attack +20
Iron broadsword Attack +20
Rapier Attack +24
Cast-iron claymore Attack +28
Bandit blade Attack +30
Silver rapier Attack +32
Steel broadsword Attack +35
Cautery sword Attack +42
Broader sword Attack +43
Falcon blade Attack +45
Black blade Attack +49
Zombiesbane Attack +54
Platinum sword Attack +60
Bastard sword Attack +61
Heliodorian sword Attack +61
Zombie slayer Attack +65
Aurora blade Attack +70
Dragonsbane Attack +72
Carbon steel claymore Attack +78
Fizzle foil Attack +80
Miracle sword Attack +80
Metal slime sword Attack +84
Fire blade Attack +87
Banishing blade Attack +91
Hendrik's greatsword Attack +91
Liquid metal sword Attack +93
Razer-wing Attack +93
Über falcon blade Attack +94
Dragon slayer Attack +96
Stardust sword Attack +96
Platinum powersword Attack +108
Sword of light Attack +109
Inferno blade Attack +111
Thunderstorm sword Attack +111
Nightcleaver Attack +115
Sword of Kings Attack +120
Nebula sword Attack +123
Demonsbane Attack +124
Wyrmfang Attack +131
Über miracle sword Attack +135
Lord's sword Attack +144
Brimstone blade Attack +145
Supernova sword Attack +147
Sword of judgement Attack +150
Metal gooreatsword Attack +151
Super sword of light Attack +151
Supreme sword of light Attack +151
Shamshir of light Attack +158
Metal king sword Attack +161
Liquid metal gooreatsword Attack +167
Hypernova sword Attack +182
Sword of shadows Attack +196
Skysteed sword Attack +199
Legate's blade Attack +243
Berserker's blade Attack +277
Metal king gooreatsword Attack +285
Brilliant blade Attack +327

Shypox dialogue

In battle:

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When speaking to townsfolk:

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Dragon Quest Rivals

The Luminary appears as a player avatar and is also featured on the artwork of several cards.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Hero of XI, under the name Eleven, appears as one of four Heroes, alongside the Heroes of III, IV, and VIII. He is the default Hero, and wields the Supreme Sword of Light and Erdwin's Shield.

While playing as the Hero in Classic Mode, Eleven appears as Round 2's opponent and is fought at Yggdrasil's Altar. He is allied with a tiny, female Robin wearing her red alternate costume, in reference to Veronica.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

As part of a collaborative series of events to commemorate Dragon Quest titles, the Luminary appeared as a summonable vision shortly after the international release of the game.


A luminary is a person of prominence or great achievement, and the word can also be used to refer to one of the celestial bodies that gives off visible light. Specifically, this latter definition is used for the moon and sun in most astronomical discourse and in the context of XI's story it refers to the populations' reverence of Erdwin's lantern.


  • The Luminary is the first protagonist to not be referred to as Yuusha (勇者) in promotional material nor the game itself. Instead, the title of Shujinkō (主人公) is used, which means protagonist in Japanese.
  • The Luminary has some similarities with some of the heroes from previous installments:
    • He comes from a lineage of previous heroes, much like the original Hero and the Prince of Midenhall.
    • He sets out on his journey on his 16th birthday, similar to Erdrick. As the story advances, he is able to wield the Sword of Light, also known as Erdrick's sword in other games.
    • He was born with the Mark of Light, a mark on his left hand with mysterious powers which glows in times of danger, much like Dai of Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (initially appears on his forehead before moving to his hand) and the Hero of Dragon Quest VII.
    • His inability to advance past the second tier of explosive spells is shared by Erdrick, Solo and Dai, who are also only able to learn up to Boom.
    • His family connections make him similar to both Erdrick and Eight, as well. The Luminary finds out that his father, Irwin, was a great warrior himself much like Ortega. He is also secretly a prince from the kingdom of Dundrasil as revealed by Rab, his maternal grandfather, much like Eight finding out about his royal lineage from his grandfather, Chen Mui.
    • His "-splitter" series of moves are animated with the signature motion of Dai's Avan Strash, and include three techniques (Earthsplitter, Seasplitter and Skysplitter) whose Japanese names are drawn from the basic moves of the Avan school. He and his party mage Veronica can also combine their powers to cast Frizz Cracker, a spell which originated as the signature move of Dai's party mage Popp.
  • In the international version of the game, there is a special costume that allows him to dress up like the Hero from VIII. The outfit was added for the S: Definitive Edition version of the game in all regions.
  • He is the first Hero in the main series to have a voice actor in the English version of the games. English actor Rasmus Hardiker provides his vocal grunts in various scenes and in battle.
  • In the international fan poll for Dragon Quest XI released by Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, the Luminary was voted the third most popular male character in the game and the fifth most popular character overall, with a total of 289 votes.
  • The Luminary has the same hairstyle as Android 17 of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball series, as well as a similar physique.
  • The Luminary and his companions each represent one of the classes in Dragon Quest III. The Luminary represents the Hero.
