
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 11:46, 10 May 2015 by (talk) (added dq9 info and removed stub tag)

The Glombolero (Originally Mysterious bolero) is a recurring armor in the Dragon Quest franchise. It sometimes absorbs MP from incoming spells.


Dragon Quest IV

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +47 (+37 in the NES Version). It can be worn by Borya, Kiryl, Maya, and Meena.

Dragon Quest V

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +37. Bianca, Nera, and the Hero's Daughter can equip it.

Dragon Quest IX

The glombolero is found in grotto rank four chests one percent of the time. It can be sold for 3,300 gold. It has a defense bonus of +20, a magical might bonus of +16, and a two star rarity. Its in game description is "Curious clothing that absorbs the power of magic cast on it."

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