Nera Briscoletti

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Nera Briscoletti
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
DQV DS Nera.png
Sprite(s) Flora.gifFlora-nera-spriteDS.png
Japanese name フローラ
Romaji Furōra
Title Wife
Well-Bred Bride (IX)
The Time-Delayed Lady (Heroes)
Prim and Proper Lady (Tact)
Class None
Priest (Theatrhythm)
Race Human
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descended from Zenithians
Age Assumed 8 (generation 1)
Assumed 18 (generation 2)
Assumed 26 to 28 (generation 3)
Family Rodrigo Briscoletti (father)
Romana Briscoletti (mother)
Debora Briscoletti (sister)
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The Hero (potential husband)
Prince of Gotha (potential son)
Princess of Gotha (potential daughter)
Pankraz (potential father-in-law)
Madalena (potential mother-in-law)
Voice actor Kikuko Inoue (CD Theater)
Kana Hanazawa (Heroes)
Polly Eachus (Heroes, English)
Haru (Your Story, Japanese)
Xanthe Huynh (Your Story, English)

"Wow! The dedication of these soldiers is so inspiring! It really gets me into it, too!"

—Nera, observing the soldiers training in the Gotha barracks in Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride.

Nera Briscoletti (Flora in Japanese, which is left unchanged in fan translations) is a character and possible party member in Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. She is a blue-haired maiden and Rodrigo Briscoletti's daughter. Starting with the DS remake, she has a sister named Debora. She is one of the player's choices to be The Hero's bride.

Appearance and Personality

Nera is a gentle and modest girl, a stark contrast to her rude and outspoken sister Debora. Her outfit is a bright white and pink affair, its intricacies reflecting the rich family she comes from. She has long flowing blue hair which is tied by a big pink ribbon. She also wears a golden choker, bracers, and earrings. She wears a toga-style white gown, which is worn over a longer pink dress, held together by an obi-sash with gold and jewels, once again showing her family's wealth.

Her outfit, like that of most characters, has been made more elaborate in the Heroes games. She wears a pair of white lace opera gloves with pearl bracelets and a large decorative white flower at the top of her left glove, as well as white pump heels instead of her usual black. Her dress also has more lace details and an intricate embroidered pattern on the skirt and her hair bow.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

The player will first meet Nera at the start of the game where she is still a child, seeing both her and her sister for a short time before moving on in the story. Nera will not be seen again until the second generation, where The Hero will catch her runaway dog Bingo shortly after entering Mostroferrato for the first time. Mr. Briscoletti is in possession of the Zenithian shield, and will only give it to the man who marries his daughter. Looking for a man worthy enough to be her groom, he tasks perspective bachelors with retrieving the Circle of Fire & Circle of Water.

When The Hero returns with both rings, Nera notices his friend Bianca Whitaker and wonders if he has feelings for her. Her father asks that he choose between Nera and Bianca, agreeing to finance the wedding either way. Before he can make a decision, her sister Debora emerges and offers herself as a last minute bachelorette. If the player chose Nera, the two marry and she will continue to travel with you as The Hero's wife. If the player does not marry her, Nera will marry her own childhood friend Crispin Burns and live with him in the Briscoletti's second home.

Upon reaching The Hero's homeland, the kingdom of Gotha, it is revealed that Nera is pregnant and she will stay in the castle to rest until it is time. After he returns from the Riteof Passage, she gives birth to twins: a boy and a girl. The Hero is coronated as the new King of Gotha - but after a night of celebrations, Nera is abducted by monsters while most of the castle inhabitants were passed out. While attempting to rescue her from Kon the Knight at his towers, it is learned that she has the blood of The Legendary Hero - and for this reason she and her husband are turned to stone by Bishop Ladja.

In the eight years that pass, Nera's petrified form ended up at the temple of Crocodilopolis. The Hero and the children are able to finally free her, who rejoins the party. Together, they travel to Nadiria to find The Hero's mother, Madeline, and defeat the Grandmaster of the Underworld.

Base stats

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 8 99
HP 85 490
MP 53 540 [450]
Strength 33 130 [220]
Agility 46 255
Resilience 42 170
Wisdom 44 255
Luck 23 255
Initial gear Morning star, Scale shield, Cloak of evasion, Silver tiara
Note: The stat values are taken from the Super Famicom Version, with changed final stats for the Nintendo DS version in brackets.

Level up restriction

In the Super Famicom version of the game, Nera could only make it to Level 10 in the second generation, as well as being uncontrollable. The PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS versions remove this limitation and allows her to be controlled as normal in the second generation.


Of the three brides for the Hero, Nera is the most able when it comes to magic and relies more on spell usage than Bianca Whitaker and Debora Briscoletti, having the most overall spells of the three. Additionally, she is the only bride candidate with the ability to heal in any way, starting with Midheal in most versions [or can learn it within a couple of levels from when she joins]. She is also the only bride with the explosive Boom family of spells.

Level Learned Original Japanese PT Translation DS Version MP Description
1 ベホイミ Behoimi Healmore Midheal 5 A stronger form of Heal.
11 ルカナン Rukanan Decrease Kasap 4 Reduce the enemy's defensive power.
12 マヌーサ Manuusa Surround Dazzle 4 [5] Creates mirror images of your party to encircle and confuse the enemy.
13 バイキルト Baikiruto Bikill Oomph 6 Doubles the attack power of an ally.
14 ラリホー Rarihoo Sleep Snooze 3 Cast to put the enemy to sleep.
15 トラマナ Toramana Stepguard Safe Passage 2 Walk safely over barriers.
16 ベギラマ Begirama Firebane Sizzle 6 This fire spell affects a group of enemies.
17 ラナルータ Ranaruuta Day-Night Tick-tock 4 [3] Changes day into night and night into day.
18 マホカンタ Mahokanta Bounce Bounce 4 Deflect spells back to the caster.
20 メラミ Merami Blazemore Frizzle 4 A medium strength fireball that affects one enemy.
23 ザラキ Zaraki Defeat Thwack 7 Affects a group of enemies; try to snuff out their life force.
27 ベギラゴン Begiragon Firevolt Kasizzle 10 The strongest enemy group fire spell.
33 メラゾマ Merazoma Blazemost Kafrizzle 10 The strongest single enemy fire spell.
37 イオナズン Ionazun Explodet Kaboom 15 The strongest explosion spell.
Note: The initial MP costs are taken from the Super Famicom version, with changed cost for the DS version in brackets.


Dragon Quest V (All) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Poison needle Attack +1
Paring knife Attack +5
Bronze knife Attack +12
Thorn whip Attack +18
Chain whip Attack +23
Poison moth knife Attack +24
Lightning staff Attack +27
Falcon knife earrings Attack +35
Staff of divine wrath Attack+35
Staff of antimagic Attack+40
Morning star Attack+45
Somatic staff Attack+55
Stolos' staff Attack+60
Magma staff Attack+63
Spiked steel whip Attack +65
Staff of resurrection Attack +66
Siren sword Attack +70
Faerie foil Attack +85
Gringham whip Attack +100

Dragon Quest V (All) 
Armor Modifier(s)
Plain clothes Defense+4
Handwoven cape Defense+6
Wayfarer's clothes Defense+7
Silk apron Defense+10
Leather armour Defense+11
Silk robe Defense+13
Leather dress Defense+17
Fur cape Defense+18
Dancer's costume Defense+20
Iron cuirass Defense+23
Cloak of evasion Defense+28
Robe of serenity Defense+33
Lacy bustier Defense+36
Glombolero Defense+40
Silver cuirass Defense+40
Shimmering dress Defense+45
Sage's robe Defense+50
Flowing dress Defense+55
Silk bustier Defense+60
Angel leotard Defense+70
Princess's robe Defense+80

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

Nera appears in the Nintendo DS and phone versions as a potential resident of Reaper's peak, residing in the version based on the far future of Dragon Quest V. She is having a picnic with her children in the open field of the village.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Nera appears as one of the special guests at the Quester's Rest in Stornway. This could be obtained when the DQVC was available using Nintendo's Wi-Fi Channel. When spoken to, Nera gives the player different pieces of her outfit for fulfilling certain conditions.

The player will receive the Accolade Well-Bred Bride when having acquired all pieces of her outfit. However, it is only possible for a female Hero to earn this accolade as certain parts of Nera's costume are female-exclusive.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

The Luminary can visit the Briscoletti mansion on the eve of the wedding via the Echo Chamber in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Due to the actions of a monster sealed away by her ancestor Rodolfo, Nera has been turned into an exact duplicate of her father on the eve of her wedding day. Thankfully, the groom is still away from the mansion and the monster has been located in Alltrades Abbey.

Nera is the most level-headed of the brides during the event, but still stresses that she does not want to look like her father no matter how much she loves him. When spoken to after the fiasco, the thanks the Luminary and wishes him good luck on his travels.

Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special

She is one of the three characters from V featured, alongside Bianca and The Hero. Nera's personality was changed considerably for the digital board game, playing the role of the stereotypical haughty rich woman instead of the picture of grace she is her other appearances. This has lead to much criticism from fans, who panned the development team for straying from the source material for the sake of making the character a cliché love rival to play off of Bianca. Ironically, Nera's reverse role would later inspire the creation of Debora, her sister from the DS remakes of V onwards.

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory

Nera can be summoned to perform a special attack. After leaping from the wagon, she pets a shellslime for a moment, and then raises her hands to the sky, using the Circle of Water to summon a tidal wave at the enemy party.

Dragon Quest Heroes and Dragon Quest Heroes II

Nera is one of the thirteen playable characters in the first game. She and Bianca Whitaker have been mysteriously transported to the land of Arba in the Dwarven settlement of Grannet on the night before one of them is about to get married. In order to differentiate her from other playable characters, Nera uses Wands as her weapon of choice in the game, and can cast both Bang and Oomph in battle. Her Coup de Grâce is Big Banga, where she raises her wand to the sky, twirling it around to gather magic, which she then flings forward as a giant bubble to create an incredible explosion a few yards ahead of her. Nera can also be played in co-op dungeons in Heroes II, but cannot be used in the regular story mode.

Theatrhythm Dragon Quest

Nera appears as one of the player characters in the game. Her initial vocation is Priest and she is seen wielding a Poison needle.

Dragon Quest Rivals

Nera appears on several ability cards and can be used as an avatar by the player.

Your Story

Nera appears as a side character in the game, playing the match maker by encouraging the Hero to pick Bianca as his bride after realizing the feelings he has for her.

Dragon Quest of the Stars

Nera appears as a side character in the second part of the Dragon Quest V story event. If players choose her, she will accompany the party in the Dragon Quest V quest, occasionally finding additional treasures. She will also appear in the multiplayer lobby, if the host chose her. Choosing her also gives players the option to obtain equipment based on her, as well as blue wigs based on Parry and Madchen; and the option to dress Nera up with any armor the player has -as long as it's equippable by female characters.

In the last Dragon Quest V event rerun before the Global version closed down, players could obtain a big, pink cosmetic bow like the one Nera wears and her earrings.

Dragon Quest Tact

Nera appears as an S-rank character of the Hero family as part of the limited Dragon Quest V event, appearing on her own banner along with Snowbird. The player can choose to have her join as a companion in the Circle of Water quest. She wields a Lightning staff in her model. Nera also appears as a boss in the special Zenithian Brides boss battle alongside Debora and Bianca.

Nera (フローラ Furōra)Tactlogo.png

DQT Nera.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Hero.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact MagicType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
120 856 493 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
301 351 322 412 60
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Moreheal Soothing Storm Magic Barrage
Talent Blossoming: Backburst
Coup de Grâce: Big Banga
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Spell Tricks / Stats Up Frizz Res +25 / Stats Up Magic Barrage Potency +5% / Stats Up
Big Banga Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Woosh Res +25 / Stats Up Magic Barrage Potency +5% / Stats Up
Big Banga Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Raises Bang-type spell potency of allies, including herself, by 20% in a 5x5 square around her.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Prim and Proper Lady: Restores MP at the start of 3rd and 5th turns. Max MP +15
WIS +15
Magic Barrage Potency +2%
Big Banga Potency +2%
Perk Details
Spell Tricks: Lowers spell ability MP cost, raises potency and effect.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Normal Very Weak Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Normal Very Weak Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Super Weak Immune Normal Normal

Dragon Quest Walk

Nera, along with Bianca and Debora, appears as part of the game's 2-year anniversary Dragon Quest V event. As in the original game, the player can choose Nera as a bride in Chapter 3 of the event's story. Each of the three has their own branching quests and the player cannot choose another after making their selection. Nera's route is entitled "Road to Happiness".


Knightmare Towers

"'Oh, <player>! I knew you'd come and rescue me! But... You really shouldn't have. The reason those monsters had the Chancellor kidnap me was so that you'd follow. It's the ringleader's plan to kill you and then become king in your place! Oh!"
"'Stop! Stop this at once, Kon!"
"'There you are, darling! Now's your chance!"


Nera's original Japanese name, Flora, is the name of the goddess of flowers in Roman mythology. She is also associated with springtime and fertility. Flora would lend her name to the English word, flora, which means plantlife of all kinds. The name Nera itself is a symbolic Hebrew name given to girls born on Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights and means "candle" or "Light". It is also the feminine form of nero, the Italian word for the color black; this serves to contrast Bianca, whose name means "white".
