Hunter's bow
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Revision as of 16:22, 10 September 2017 by (talk)
The Hunter's Bow is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series.
Dragon Quest IV
The Hunter's bow has an attack bonus of +18. It can be purchased at Pickham for 350 gold coins, and sold for 262 gold.
The weapon appears in the Sony PlayStation and Nintendo DS Version in place of the Boomerang which was in the Nintendo Version.
Dragon Quest VIII
The Hunter's bow has an attack bonus of +30. They can be bought for 1,700 gold and sold for 850 gold. Only Angelo can equip it.
Dragon Quest IX
The Hunter's bow can be bought for 4,900 gold in Batsureg and sold for 2,450 gold. It has an attack bonus of +57 and a one star rarity. It can be created using the alchemy recipe of Longbow x1 + Chain whip x1. Hunter mechs will drop them on rare occasions.
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Key Terms
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