Silver tiara
The Silver Tiara is a piece of headwear in the Dragon Quest series. It is designed for women.
Dragon Quest III
The Silver tiara can be bought for 760 gold and sold for 570 gold. It has a defense bonus of +20. The Hero, Warriors, Fighters, Mages, Clerics, Thieves, Dealers, Jesters, and Sages can equip it.
Dragon Quest V
The Silver tiara has a defence bonus of +14. It can be worn by female characters. It can be bought for 450 gold.
Dragon Quest VI
The Silver tiara can be bought for 450 gold in Aridea, Ghent, and Clearvale and sold for 337 gold. It has a defense bonus of +14 and a style bonus of +25. Only Milly and Ashlynn can equip it.
Dragon Quest VII
The Silver tiara has a defence bonus of +14 and an appearance bonus of +25. It can only be worn by Maribel and Aira. It can be bought for450 gold and sold for 225 gold.
Dragon Quest VIII
The Silver tiara has a defence bonus of +24. It can only be worn by Jessica. It can be bought in Argonia for 1,450 gold and sold for 725 gold. It can also be created using the alchemy recipe of Coral hairpin + Silver platter.
Dragon Quest IX
The Silver tiara can be bought for 670 gold in Porth Llaffan and sold for 335 gold. It has a defense bonus of +6, a magical mending bonus of +8, and a one star rarity. Its in game description is "A lavishly crafted adornment for ladies' locks."
- Auroral Armour
- Sphere of Light
- Black pepper
- Boatman's Bone
- Bottomless Pot
- Dreamstone
- Echo Flute
- Faerie Flute
- Healing Spring
- King's crown
- Locket of Love
- Lyre of Ire
- Magic Key
- Mini medal
- Mod Rod
- Monster Medal
- Mountaincleaver
- Orichalcum
- Ortega's Helm
- Ra's Mirror
- Rainbow Drop
- Ramia
- Archdemon
- Bad apple
- Barbatos
- Battle pip
- Beastmaster
- Blizzybody
- Bomboulder
- Brownie
- Chimaera
- Conkerer
- Conkjurer
- Conkuisitor
- Conkuistador
- Cross eye
- Cureslime
- Dracky
- Drag-goof
- Epipany
- Fandangow
- Fat rat
- Flamethrower
- Funghoul
- Ghost
- Gigantes
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Great dragon
- Grudgerigar
- Hades' helm
- Hawk man
- Healslime
- Hellion
- Hoodlum
- Hulagan
- Hyperanemon
- Jailcat
- Killing machine
- King cureslime
- King slime
- Liquid metal slime
- Magic marionette
- Man o' war
- Mandrake marshal
- Metal slime
- Minidemon
- Moosifer
- Mudraker
- Old man of the sea
- Orc king
- Pip fighter
- Pocus poppet
- Powie yowie
- Prestidigitator
- Restless armour
- Revaulting horse
- Rockbomb
- Rotten apple
- Samigina
- Slime
- Slime knight
- Small fry
- Snowbird
- Ticking timeburrm
- Walking corpse
- Warhog
- Wax murderer
- Wiz pip
- Auction Site
- Battenberg
- Coburg checkpoint
- Coburg
- Faerie Lea
- Faerie Palace
- Fortuna
- Gotha
- Hay
- Heaven's Above Abbey
- Helmunaptra
- King Dominicus's Dominion
- Knick-knackatory
- Knot Welcome Inne
- La Guardia
- Littlehaven
- Lodestar Harbour
- Lofty Peak
- Moot Point
- Mostroferrato
- Northminster
- Pontoon and Ventuno
- Porgie Estate
- Precaria
- Roundbeck
- Scuttlebutt
- Stockenbarrel
- The Oasis
- The Ocean
- The Pothold
- Whealbrook
- Zenithia
- Zoomingale
- Abovitall Tower
- Ancient Ruins
- Cataract Caves
- Crocodilopolis
- Diggery Pokery
- Dwarf's Den
- Estark's Labyrinth
- Estuary Sanctuary
- Gotha Path
- Knightmare Towers
- Mantleplace
- Mount Magmageddon
- Mt. Batten Pass
- Mt. Zugzwang
- Neverglade
- Riteof Passage
- Scary Lair
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Talon Tower
- Tunnel south of Zoomingale
- Uptaten Towers
- Whealbrook Adit
- Winter Palace
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Briscoletti family
- Bruise the Ooze
- Casino
- Circle of Fire
- Circle of Water
- Circle of Life
- Demon
- Dragon orb
- Flying Carpet
- Gold Orb
- Healing Spring
- Knick-knacks
- Monster recruitment
- Nadiria
- Order of Zugzwang
- Ra's Mirror
- Silver Orb
- Teleportal
- Time travel
- Torch
- T'n'T
- Tombola
- Wagon
- Zenithian Equipment
- Zenithian Tintinnabulum
(Super Famicom version only)
- Alltrades Abbey
- Amor
- Aridea
- Arkbolt
- Castle Graceskull
- Castle Swanstone
- Château de Sass
- Clearvale
- Cloudsgate Citadel
- Despairia
- Dullerton
- Fashion Forge
- Felonia
- Ghent
- Greedmore Valley
- Haggleton
- Houses North of Arkbolt
- Howcastle
- Howsworth
- Lotus Lagoon
- Madame Luca's House
- Medford's Manor
- Mermaids' Reef
- Mt. Snowhere
- Pescado
- Port Haven
- Poseidon's Palace
- Reaper's Peak
- Rubiss' Palace
- Scrimsley
- Seabed Vault
- Slimopolis
- Somnia
- Sorceria
- Suite Dreams
- Turnscote
- Underwater Inn
- Weaver's Peak
- Wellshire
- Well shop south of Alltrades Abbey
- Amor's Northern Cave
- Cavern Under the Lake
- Cryptic Catacombs
- Desert Underpass
- Destiny's Drop
- Everfrost Grotto
- Fungeon
- Gallows Moor
- Gardsbane Tower
- Hallowed Hollow
- Hazy Heights
- Isle o' Smiles
- Isle of Murdaw
- Lucid Grotto
- Mortamor's Dreadlair
- Moonmirror Tower
- Mountain Pass
- Murdaw's Keep
- Old Coal Mine
- Pillar of Pegasus
- Prison of Sorrow
- Seabed Shrine
- Somnia Well
- Sunken Ship
- Stormsgate Citadel
- The Spiegelspire
- Underkeep
- Underwater Tunnel
- Wayfarer's Pass
- Well south of Alltrades Abbey
- Anaïs
- Bulgio
- Cardinal Sin
- Carraway
- Cayenne
- Crispin
- Dermot the Hermit
- Dill
- King Donald
- Earth Spirit
- Queen Euphonia
- Eustace
- Fidelia
- Fingers
- Fire Spirit
- Florin
- Gracos
- Gracos V
- Hackrobat
- Hadid
- Hanlon
- Honoré
- Hybris
- Jacqueline
- Lala
- Lavender
- Princess Lisette
- Lukas
- Maeve
- King Maximo
- Nava
- Palmela
- Pearl
- Pike
- Pollock
- Pomposo
- Putric Stinkenheimer
- Sa'id
- Serafina
- Sharkeye
- Strom
- Thaddeus and Autonymus
- Professor Wade
- Water Spirit
- Wind Spirit
- The Woodcutter
- Zev
- Aeolus Vale
- Al-Balad
- Allblades Arena
- Alltrades Abbey
- Ballymolloy
- Buccanham
- Cathedral of Light
- Church Near Hardlypool
- Deja
- Dig Site
- Dinky Dell
- Divine Shrine
- El Ciclo
- El Magnífico Puente de Pomposo
- Emberdale
- Estard
- Faraday
- Grand Conjuratorium
- Greenthumb Gardens
- Gröndal
- Hardlypool
- Hubble
- Inn Near Gröndal
- L'Arca
- La Bravoure
- Likeness of the Great Spirit
- Mountain Pass Near Wilted Heart
- Mountain Mart
- Nottagen
- The Ocean
- Palazzo di Bulgio
- Pilchard Bay
- Pilgrim's Perdition
- Pilgrim's Rest
- Precipice Pass
- Providence
- Regenstein
- Regrette-Rien Convent
- Roamer Encampment
- Rucker
- Sea Dragon
- Shrine of Mysteries
- Spilton-on-Sea
- Temple Palace
- Vogograd
- Wetlock
- Wilted Heart
- Woodcutter's Hut
- Automaton Stronghold
- Bandits' Base
- The Beacon
- Burnmont
- Cathedral of Blight
- Cave to Another World
- Cave to Yet Another World
- Coral Cave
- Den of the Dwarves
- Dungeon of Descent
- Excavated Cave
- Falls Hollow
- Grody Grotto
- Grotta del Sigillo
- Hardlypool Tunnel
- Hidden Pyramid
- Highendreigh Tower
- Inside the Time Frame
- Likeness of the Great Evil
- Malign Shrine
- El Monumento de Pomposo
- Mount Gora
- Mountain Pass
- Mountaintop Tunnel
- Multipleximus Maximus
- Nottagen Cavern
- Pillar of Sulkk
- Poolside Cave
- Rainbow Mines
- Roots of Ygg
- Sanctum of the Cirrus
- Sullied Sanctum
- Sunken Citadel
- The Tallest Tower
- The Tower
- Tunnel to the Abbey
- Ventus Tower
- Western Cave
- Hero
- Yangus
- Jessica
- Angelo
- Red
- Morrie
- King Trode
- Princess Medea
- Marcello
- Dhoulmagus
- Rhapthorne
- Lorenzo
- Dodgy Dave
- King Pavan
- Princess Minnie
- Prince Charmles
- Ishmahri
- Rosalind
- Juggerwroth
- All versions
- Archer
- Archfiend
- Arges
- Big Al
- Bishop
- Bladewolf
- Blizag Jr
- Bones
- Brickman
- Brontes
- Bush-W
- Capers
- Clio
- Cowboy
- Curer
- Cybot
- Deadnoble
- Dolldrums
- Doug
- Dumbking
- Fat cat
- Faunus
- Flameman
- Fletch
- Foul fowl
- Frillsaur
- Goldman
- Gryphus
- Hackzilla
- Hazel
- Healer
- Hev
- Hoodwink
- Hori
- Hork
- Jack Frost
- Jewelbag
- Jockey
- Klub kong
- Lonely Joe
- McHammer
- Mechabubo
- Metabble
- Metaly
- Moppet
- Mornstar
- Nohi
- Nightwing
- Octurion
- Orcus
- Orrid
- Pa Troll
- Potbelly
- Roborg
- Robster
- Sagittari
- Salsa
- Scorpius
- Seasaw
- Sippy
- Skeledoid
- Slime Shady
- Slimehopper
- Slurpy
- Smiles
- Snap Case
- Spike
- Spot
- Squiggles
- Steropes
- Stoneman
- Sugi
- Talos
- Torchman
- Tori
- Trick Bag
- Twiggy
- Farebury Region
- Alexandria Region
- Maella Region
- Kingdom of Ascantha
- Pickham Region
- Wild Lands
- Kingdom of Trodain
- Land of the Moles
- The Ocean
- The Holy Isle of Neos
- Baccarat Region
- Northwest Isle
- Kingdom of Argonia
- Arcadia Region
- Blizzard Peaks
- Desert
- Savella Region
- Isolated Plateau
- World of Darkness
- World of Light
- Untrodden Groves
- Purgatory Island
- Unnamed Isles
- Farebury
- Farebury Woods
- Waterfall Shack
- Alexandria
- Port Prospect
- Peregrin Quay
- Maella Abbey
- Simpleton
- Riverside Hut
- Riverside Chapel
- Ascantha
- Lakeside Cabin
- Pickham
- Red's Den
- Hilltop Hut
- West Trodain Church
- Morrie's Place
- Princess Minnie's Castle
- Neos
- Seaview Church
- Baccarat
- Chateau Felix
- Peddler's Tent
- Seer's Retreat
- Argonia
- Le Club Puff-Puff
- Arcadia
- Chapel of Autumn
- Marta's Cottage
- Orkutsk
- Desert Chapel
- Empycchu
- Dark Empycchu
- Tryan Gully
- Savella Cathedral
- Accessories
- Accolades
- Alchemy Ingredients
- Alchemy Recipes
- Alchemy Recipe Books
- Armor
- Characters
- Enemies
- Erdrick Equipment
- Footwear
- Handwear
- Headwear
- Items
- Important items
- Leg Armor
- Party tricks
- Quests
- Regions
- Revocation Medals
- Shields
- Skills
- Spells
- Treasure maps
- Upgradable equipment
- Vocations
- Weapons