Seed of wisdom

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A Seed of wisdom (previously called INTSeed) is an item that permanently raises wisdom score of whoever eats it, typically by 4~6 points. Seeds of wisdom can be found in treasure chests, pots, drawers, or some enemies may drop them. They cannot be bought at shops.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Seeds of wisdom are dropped by the Beakon at a rate of 164, found easily in the Tower of Transcendence. The Grillerpillar and Bullmustiff also carry seeds, but at a lesser rate of 1128.

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

In the original version of this game for the NES, the item was removed, possibly because the Seed of magic (which was first introduced in this game) was intended to replace it. It returned in the remakes.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

The seeds are found in Port Prospect pot, a treasure chest in the Maella abbey area, a pot in Pickham, another pot in Baccarat, a chest in Western Argonia, and in a treasure chest in Savella cathedral. Additionally, they can be dropped/stolen from the Mimic King in the Black Citadel (1/256;1/512), and by the Blue Fang in the Dragon Graveyard (1/256;1/512). The item only increases wisdom by 1~3 points in this installment.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

As the wisdom stat has been split into Magical Might and Mending, the seeds have now spit into Seeds of Sorcery and Seeds of Thereapeusis.

S.O.S' may be dropped/stolen by Cumulus Vex (0.39%), and S.O.T's from the Wight king (0.39%). Make sure you have your best deftness-augmenting equipment on when trying to snatch the plants. They can be sold for 10 Gold Coins.


See Also