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Key Terms
Related products
Key Terms
Related products
Overworld Towns
Underworld Towns
Key Terms
- Auroral Armour
- Sphere of Light
- Black pepper
- Boatman's Bone
- Bottomless Pot
- Dreamstone
- Echo Flute
- Faerie Flute
- Healing Spring
- King's crown
- Locket of Love
- Lyre of Ire
- Magic Key
- Mini medal
- Mod Rod
- Monster Medal
- Mountaincleaver
- Orichalcum
- Ortega's Helm
- Ra's Mirror
- Rainbow Drop
- Ramia
- Hero
- Ragnar
- Alena
- Borya
- Kiryl
- Torneko
- Meena
- Maya
- Healie
- Laurel
- Hardie
- Oojam
- Hank Hoffman Jr.
- Tom Foolery
- Orifiela
- Sparkie
- Psaro the Manslayer
- Rose
- Mary Lou
- Tsar Stepan
- Oopsy and Daisy
- Tessie
- Tipper
- Regan
- Veronica
- Mahabala
- Eliza
- Bladud
- Conrad Hilton
- Angus and Aigneas
- Willy Wally
- Anya
- Fido
- Mercenary party
- Rowand
- Barbatos
- Pruslas
- Rashaverak
- Aamon
- Psaro's Pawn
- Master Kung
- Attila the Hunk
- Quick Draw McGore
- Prima Donna
- Samson Knight
- Abominable Showman
- Balzack
- Marquis de Léon
- Estark
- Kirk Buzzer
- Zenith Dragon
- Foo Yung
- Chow Mein
Towns and Castles
- Aubout du Monde
- Bath
- Ballymoral
- Burland
- Canalot
- Casabranca
- Desert Bazaar
- Dunplundrin
- El Forado
- Endor
- Femiscyra
- Havre Léon
- Heaven's Haven
- Hidden Valley
- House of Prophecy
- Minikin's Dominion
- Laissez Fayre
- Lakanaba
- Last Chance Saloon
- Mamon
- Mintos
- Palais de Léon
- Parthenia
- Pinnacle Chapel
- Pioneer Town
- Porthtrunnel
- Riverton
- Rosehill
- Shinnock
- Strathbaile
- Taborov
- The Azimuth
- Vrenor
- Woodcutter's cabin
- Zalenagrad
- Zamoksva
- Zamoksva/Endor Teleportal
- Zenithia
- Auld Well
- Baron's Folly
- Birdsong Tower
- Briny Lair
- Cascade Cave
- Castle Nadiria
- Cave of Safekeeping
- Colossus
- Con Cave
- Cove's Cove
- Diabolic Hall
- Doorway to Nadiria
- Estark's Crypt
- Four Dens of Nadiria
- Fungeon
- Gupta Gupha
- Imperial Pantry of Parthenia
- Loch Tur
- Mamon Mine
- Nadiria Watchtower
- Psaro's Peak
- Pharos Beacon
- Royal Crypt
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Strathbaile Burrow
- The Cistern Chapel
- Trans-Montane Tunnel
- Vault of Vrenor
- Yggdrasil
Key Terms
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Armlet of Transmutation
- Balloon
- Battle Records
- Birdsong nectar
- Casino
- Central Island
- Demon
- Evil Force
- Feverfew
- Flute of Revelation
- Gas canister
- Healing Spring
- Holy embers
- House of Prophecy
- Karstaway stone
- Magic Key
- Mod Rod
- Nadiria
- Night light
- Pandemonic Equipment
- Powder keg
- Prince's Letter
- Royal Scroll
- Sage's stone
- Sands of time
- Secret of Evolution
- Slimification
- Sphere of Silence
- Steel Strongbox
- Symbol of faith
- Talaria
- Teleportal
- Thief's Key
- Torneko's shop
- Tournament of Endor
- Treasure map
- Ultimate Key
- Wagon
- Yggdrasil flower
- Zenithian Equipment
Related products
Additional monster recruits
- Archdemon
- Bad apple
- Barbatos
- Battle pip
- Beastmaster
- Blizzybody
- Bomboulder
- Brownie
- Chimaera
- Conkerer
- Conkjurer
- Conkuisitor
- Conkuistador
- Cross eye
- Cureslime
- Dracky
- Drag-goof
- Epipany
- Fandangow
- Fat rat
- Flamethrower
- Funghoul
- Ghost
- Gigantes
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Great dragon
- Grudgerigar
- Hades' helm
- Hawk man
- Healslime
- Hellion
- Hoodlum
- Hulagan
- Hyperanemon
- Jailcat
- Killing machine
- King cureslime
- King slime
- Liquid metal slime
- Magic marionette
- Man o' war
- Mandrake marshal
- Metal slime
- Minidemon
- Moosifer
- Mudraker
- Old man of the sea
- Orc king
- Pip fighter
- Pocus poppet
- Powie yowie
- Prestidigitator
- Restless armour
- Revaulting horse
- Rockbomb
- Rotten apple
- Samigina
- Slime
- Slime knight
- Small fry
- Snowbird
- Ticking timeburrm
- Walking corpse
- Warhog
- Wax murderer
- Wiz pip
- Auction Site
- Battenberg
- Coburg checkpoint
- Coburg
- Faerie Lea
- Faerie Palace
- Fortuna
- Gotha
- Hay
- Heaven's Above Abbey
- Helmunaptra
- King Dominicus's Dominion
- Knick-knackatory
- Knot Welcome Inne
- La Guardia
- Littlehaven
- Lodestar Harbour
- Lofty Peak
- Moot Point
- Mostroferrato
- Northminster
- Pontoon and Ventuno
- Porgie Estate
- Precaria
- Roundbeck
- Scuttlebutt
- Stockenbarrel
- The Oasis
- The Ocean
- The Pothold
- Whealbrook
- Zenithia
- Zoomingale
- Abovitall Tower
- Ancient Ruins
- Cataract Caves
- Crocodilopolis
- Diggery Pokery
- Dwarf's Den
- Estark's Labyrinth
- Estuary Sanctuary
- Gotha Path
- Knightmare Towers
- Mantleplace
- Mount Magmageddon
- Mt. Batten Pass
- Mt. Zugzwang
- Neverglade
- Riteof Passage
- Scary Lair
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Talon Tower
- Tunnel south of Zoomingale
- Uptaten Towers
- Whealbrook Adit
- Winter Palace
Key Terms
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Briscoletti family
- Bruise the Ooze
- Casino
- Circle of Fire
- Circle of Water
- Circle of Life
- Demon
- Dragon orb
- Flying Carpet
- Gold Orb
- Healing Spring
- Knick-knacks
- Monster recruitment
- Nadiria
- Order of Zugzwang
- Ra's Mirror
- Silver Orb
- Teleportal
- Time travel
- Torch
- T'n'T
- Tombola
- Wagon
- Zenithian Equipment
- Zenithian Tintinnabulum
Related products
Additional monster recruits
(Super Famicom version only)
(Super Famicom version only)
Towns and Castles
- Alltrades Abbey
- Amor
- Aridea
- Arkbolt
- Castle Graceskull
- Castle Swanstone
- Château de Sass
- Clearvale
- Cloudsgate Citadel
- Despairia
- Dullerton
- Fashion Forge
- Felonia
- Ghent
- Greedmore Valley
- Haggleton
- Houses North of Arkbolt
- Howcastle
- Howsworth
- Lotus Lagoon
- Madame Luca's House
- Medford's Manor
- Mermaids' Reef
- Mt. Snowhere
- Pescado
- Port Haven
- Poseidon's Palace
- Reaper's Peak
- Rubiss' Palace
- Scrimsley
- Seabed Vault
- Slimopolis
- Somnia
- Sorceria
- Suite Dreams
- Turnscote
- Underwater Inn
- Weaver's Peak
- Wellshire
- Well shop south of Alltrades Abbey
- Amor's Northern Cave
- Cavern Under the Lake
- Cryptic Catacombs
- Desert Underpass
- Destiny's Drop
- Everfrost Grotto
- Fungeon
- Gallows Moor
- Gardsbane Tower
- Hallowed Hollow
- Hazy Heights
- Isle o' Smiles
- Isle of Murdaw
- Lucid Grotto
- Mortamor's Dreadlair
- Moonmirror Tower
- Mountain Pass
- Murdaw's Keep
- Old Coal Mine
- Pillar of Pegasus
- Prison of Sorrow
- Seabed Shrine
- Somnia Well
- Sunken Ship
- Stormsgate Citadel
- The Spiegelspire
- Underkeep
- Underwater Tunnel
- Wayfarer's Pass
- Well south of Alltrades Abbey
Key Terms
Related products
Main Characters
Minor Characters
- Anaïs
- Bulgio
- Cardinal Sin
- Carraway
- Cayenne
- Crispin
- Dermot the Hermit
- Dill
- King Donald
- Earth Spirit
- Queen Euphonia
- Eustace
- Fidelia
- Fingers
- Fire Spirit
- Florin
- Gracos
- Gracos V
- Hackrobat
- Hadid
- Hanlon
- Honoré
- Hybris
- Jacqueline
- Lala
- Lavender
- Princess Lisette
- Lukas
- Maeve
- King Maximo
- Nava
- Palmela
- Pearl
- Pike
- Pollock
- Pomposo
- Putric Stinkenheimer
- Sa'id
- Serafina
- Sharkeye
- Strom
- Thaddeus and Autonymus
- Professor Wade
- Water Spirit
- Wind Spirit
- The Woodcutter
- Zev
- Aeolus Vale
- Al-Balad
- Allblades Arena
- Alltrades Abbey
- Ballymolloy
- Buccanham
- Cathedral of Light
- Church Near Hardlypool
- Deja
- Dig Site
- Dinky Dell
- Divine Shrine
- El Ciclo
- El Magnífico Puente de Pomposo
- Emberdale
- Estard
- Faraday
- Grand Conjuratorium
- Greenthumb Gardens
- Gröndal
- Hardlypool
- Hubble
- Inn Near Gröndal
- L'Arca
- La Bravoure
- Likeness of the Great Spirit
- Mountain Pass Near Wilted Heart
- Mountain Mart
- Nottagen
- The Ocean
- Palazzo di Bulgio
- Pilchard Bay
- Pilgrim's Perdition
- Pilgrim's Rest
- Precipice Pass
- Providence
- Regenstein
- Regrette-Rien Convent
- Roamer Encampment
- Rucker
- Sea Dragon
- Shrine of Mysteries
- Spilton-on-Sea
- Temple Palace
- Vogograd
- Wetlock
- Wilted Heart
- Woodcutter's Hut
- Automaton Stronghold
- Bandits' Base
- The Beacon
- Burnmont
- Cathedral of Blight
- Cave to Another World
- Cave to Yet Another World
- Coral Cave
- Den of the Dwarves
- Dungeon of Descent
- Excavated Cave
- Falls Hollow
- Grody Grotto
- Grotta del Sigillo
- Hardlypool Tunnel
- Hidden Pyramid
- Highendreigh Tower
- Inside the Time Frame
- Likeness of the Great Evil
- Malign Shrine
- El Monumento de Pomposo
- Mount Gora
- Mountain Pass
- Mountaintop Tunnel
- Multipleximus Maximus
- Nottagen Cavern
- Pillar of Sulkk
- Poolside Cave
- Rainbow Mines
- Roots of Ygg
- Sanctum of the Cirrus
- Sullied Sanctum
- Sunken Citadel
- The Tallest Tower
- The Tower
- Tunnel to the Abbey
- Ventus Tower
- Western Cave
Key Terms
- Hero
- Yangus
- Jessica
- Angelo
- Red
- Morrie
- King Trode
- Princess Medea
- Marcello
- Dhoulmagus
- Rhapthorne
- Lorenzo
- Dodgy Dave
- King Pavan
- Princess Minnie
- Prince Charmles
- Ishmahri
- Rosalind
- Juggerwroth
- All versions
- Archer
- Archfiend
- Arges
- Big Al
- Bishop
- Bladewolf
- Blizag Jr
- Bones
- Brickman
- Brontes
- Bush-W
- Capers
- Clio
- Cowboy
- Curer
- Cybot
- Deadnoble
- Dolldrums
- Doug
- Dumbking
- Fat cat
- Faunus
- Flameman
- Fletch
- Foul fowl
- Frillsaur
- Goldman
- Gryphus
- Hackzilla
- Hazel
- Healer
- Hev
- Hoodwink
- Hori
- Hork
- Jack Frost
- Jewelbag
- Jockey
- Klub kong
- Lonely Joe
- McHammer
- Mechabubo
- Metabble
- Metaly
- Moppet
- Mornstar
- Nohi
- Nightwing
- Octurion
- Orcus
- Orrid
- Pa Troll
- Potbelly
- Roborg
- Robster
- Sagittari
- Salsa
- Scorpius
- Seasaw
- Sippy
- Skeledoid
- Slime Shady
- Slimehopper
- Slurpy
- Smiles
- Snap Case
- Spike
- Spot
- Squiggles
- Steropes
- Stoneman
- Sugi
- Talos
- Torchman
- Tori
- Trick Bag
- Twiggy
- Farebury Region
- Alexandria Region
- Maella Region
- Kingdom of Ascantha
- Pickham Region
- Wild Lands
- Kingdom of Trodain
- Land of the Moles
- The Ocean
- The Holy Isle of Neos
- Baccarat Region
- Northwest Isle
- Kingdom of Argonia
- Arcadia Region
- Blizzard Peaks
- Desert
- Savella Region
- Isolated Plateau
- World of Darkness
- World of Light
- Untrodden Groves
- Purgatory Island
- Unnamed Isles
- Farebury
- Farebury Woods
- Waterfall Shack
- Alexandria
- Port Prospect
- Peregrin Quay
- Maella Abbey
- Simpleton
- Riverside Hut
- Riverside Chapel
- Ascantha
- Lakeside Cabin
- Pickham
- Red's Den
- Hilltop Hut
- West Trodain Church
- Morrie's Place
- Princess Minnie's Castle
- Neos
- Seaview Church
- Baccarat
- Chateau Felix
- Peddler's Tent
- Seer's Retreat
- Argonia
- Le Club Puff-Puff
- Arcadia
- Chapel of Autumn
- Marta's Cottage
- Orkutsk
- Desert Chapel
- Empycchu
- Dark Empycchu
- Tryan Gully
- Savella Cathedral
Related products
- Accessories
- Accolades
- Alchemy Ingredients
- Alchemy Recipes
- Alchemy Recipe Books
- Armor
- Characters
- Enemies
- Erdrick Equipment
- Footwear
- Handwear
- Headwear
- Items
- Important items
- Leg Armor
- Party tricks
- Quests
- Regions
- Revocation Medals
- Shields
- Skills
- Spells
- Treasure maps
- Upgradable equipment
- Vocations
- Weapons
Key Terms
Story Bosses
Mirror Bosses
Key Terms
SFC/GBC/Mobile Vocations
HD-2D Vocations
Beginner Vocations
Advanced Vocation
Secret Vocations
Beginner Human Vocations
Intermediate Human Vocations
Beginner Monster Vocations
Intermediate Monster Vocations
Advanced Monster Vocations
Dragon Quest Monsters
Spin-Off Titles
Other Heroes
- Angel Falls
- Bloomingdale
- Coffinwell
- Cringle Coast
- Djust Desert
- Doomingale Forest
- Dourbridge
- Gittish Empire
- Hermany
- Iluugazar Plains
- Khaalag Coast
- Lonely Coast
- Lonely Plains
- Mt. Ulzuun
- Mt. Ulbaruun
- Newid Isle
- Ondor Cliffs
- Pluvi Isle
- Slurry Coast
- Snowberia
- Snowberian Coast
- Stornway
- Urdus Marshland
- Wormwood Canyon
- Wormwood Creek
- Wyrmneck
- Wyrmtail
- Wyrmwing
- Wyrmsmaw
- Zere
HD-2D Remakes
Mystery Dungeon series
Rocket Slime series
Battle Road series
Builders series
The Adventure of Dai series
Miscellaneous spin-offs